bindings | |
pyroot | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TPyArg.h | |
TPyDispatcher.h | |
TPyException.h | |
TPyFitFunction.h | |
TPyReturn.h | |
TPyROOTApplication.h | |
TPySelector.h | |
TPython.h | |
JupyROOT | |
html | | | | | |
kernel | |
magics | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
magics | | | | | | | | | | | |
src | |
Converters.cxx | |
Converters.h | |
Cppyy.cxx | |
Cppyy.h | |
Executors.cxx | |
Executors.h | |
MethodProxy.cxx | |
MethodProxy.h | |
ObjectProxy.cxx | |
ObjectProxy.h | |
PropertyProxy.cxx | |
PropertyProxy.h | |
PyCallable.h | |
PyROOT.h | |
PyRootType.cxx | |
PyRootType.h | |
PyStrings.cxx | |
PyStrings.h | |
python64.c | |
Pythonize.cxx | |
Pythonize.h | |
RootModule.cxx | |
RootWrapper.cxx | |
RootWrapper.h | |
TCallContext.cxx | |
TCallContext.h | |
TClassMethodHolder.cxx | |
TClassMethodHolder.h | |
TConstructorHolder.cxx | |
TConstructorHolder.h | |
TCustomPyTypes.cxx | |
TCustomPyTypes.h | |
TemplateProxy.cxx | |
TemplateProxy.h | |
TFunctionHolder.cxx | |
TFunctionHolder.h | |
TMemoryRegulator.cxx | |
TMemoryRegulator.h | |
TMethodHolder.cxx | |
TMethodHolder.h | |
TPyArg.cxx | |
TPyBufferFactory.cxx | |
TPyBufferFactory.h | |
TPyClassGenerator.cxx | |
TPyClassGenerator.h | |
TPyDispatcher.cxx | |
TPyException.cxx | |
TPyFitFunction.cxx | |
TPyReturn.cxx | |
TPyROOTApplication.cxx | |
TPySelector.cxx | |
TPython.cxx | |
TSetItemHolder.cxx | |
TSetItemHolder.h | |
TTupleOfInstances.cxx | |
TTupleOfInstances.h | |
Utility.cxx | |
Utility.h | | | | | | | |
r | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
RExports.h | |
TRDataFrame.h | |
TRDataFrame__ctors.h | |
TRFunctionExport.h | |
TRFunctionImport.h | |
TRFunctionImport__oprtr.h | |
TRInterface.h | |
TRInterface_Binding.h | |
TRInternalFunction.h | |
TRInternalFunction__ctors.h | |
TRObject.h | |
pkg | |
ROOT | |
src | |
Core.cxx | |
Graf.cxx | |
Hist.cxx | |
Rint.cxx | |
RIO.cxx | |
src | |
RExports.cxx | |
TRCompletion.cxx | |
TRCompletion.h | |
TRDataFrame.cxx | |
TRFunctionExport.cxx | |
TRFunctionImport.cxx | |
TRInterface.cxx | |
TRObject.cxx | |
tests | |
Binding.C | |
Class.C | |
DataFrame.C | |
Exception.C | |
ExpClass.C | |
Functions.C | |
Functor.C | |
FunModule.C | |
Object.C | |
Proxy.C | |
ruby | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TRuby.h | |
src | |
drr.cxx | |
rrcommon.h | |
rrenums.h | |
ruby64.c | |
TRuby.cxx | |
core | |
base | |
doc | |
macros | |
fillpatterns.C | |
fonts.C | |
textalign.C | |
textangle.C | |
inc | |
Bswapcpy.h | |
Buttons.h | |
Bytes.h | |
Byteswap.h | |
config.h | |
DllImport.h | |
GLConstants.h | |
Gtypes.h | |
GuiTypes.h | |
Htypes.h | |
KeySymbols.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDef1.h | |
LinkDef2.h | |
LinkDef3.h | |
Match.h | |
MessageTypes.h | |
RConfig.h | |
Riosfwd.h | |
Riostream.h | |
Rpair.h | |
RStipples.h | |
Rstrstream.h | |
Rtypeinfo.h | |
Rtypes.h | |
RtypesCore.h | |
RtypesImp.h | |
RVersion.h | |
Strlen.h | |
TApplication.h | |
TApplicationImp.h | |
TAtt3D.h | |
TAttAxis.h | |
TAttBBox.h | |
TAttBBox2D.h | |
TAttFill.h | |
TAttLine.h | |
TAttMarker.h | |
TAttPad.h | |
TAttText.h | |
TBase64.h | |
TBenchmark.h | |
TBrowser.h | |
TBrowserImp.h | |
TBuffer.h | |
TBuffer3D.h | |
TBuffer3DTypes.h | |
TCanvasImp.h | |
TColor.h | |
TColorGradient.h | |
TContextMenu.h | |
TContextMenuImp.h | |
TControlBarImp.h | |
TDatime.h | |
TDirectory.h | |
TEnv.h | |
TError.h | |
TException.h | |
TExec.h | |
TFileCollection.h | |
TFileInfo.h | |
TFolder.h | |
TGuiFactory.h | |
TInetAddress.h | |
TInspectorImp.h | |
TMacro.h | |
TMathBase.h | |
TMD5.h | |
TMemberInspector.h | |
TMessageHandler.h | |
TNamed.h | |
TObject.h | |
TObjectSpy.h | |
TObjString.h | |
TParameter.h | |
TPluginManager.h | |
TPoint.h | |
TPRegexp.h | |
TProcessID.h | |
TProcessUUID.h | |
TQClass.h | |
TQCommand.h | |
TQConnection.h | |
TQObject.h | |
TQObjectEmitVA.h | |
TRedirectOutputGuard.h | |
TRef.h | |
TRefCnt.h | |
TRegexp.h | |
TRemoteObject.h | |
TROOT.h | |
TRootIOCtor.h | |
TStopwatch.h | |
TStorage.h | |
TString.h | |
TStringLong.h | |
TStyle.h | |
TSysEvtHandler.h | |
TSystem.h | |
TSystemDirectory.h | |
TSystemFile.h | |
TTask.h | |
TThreadSlots.h | |
TTime.h | |
TTimer.h | |
TTimeStamp.h | |
TUri.h | |
TUrl.h | |
TUUID.h | |
TVersionCheck.h | |
TVirtualAuth.h | |
TVirtualFFT.h | |
TVirtualGL.h | |
TVirtualMonitoring.h | |
TVirtualMutex.h | |
TVirtualPad.h | |
TVirtualPadEditor.h | |
TVirtualPadPainter.h | |
TVirtualPerfStats.h | |
TVirtualPS.h | |
TVirtualTableInterface.h | |
TVirtualViewer3D.h | |
TVirtualX.h | |
Varargs.h | |
Windows4Root.h | |
src | |
InitGui.cxx | |
Match.cxx | |
RGitCommit.h | |
roota.cxx | |
String.cxx | |
Stringio.cxx | |
TApplication.cxx | |
TApplicationImp.cxx | |
TAtt3D.cxx | |
TAttAxis.cxx | |
TAttBBox.cxx | |
TAttBBox2D.cxx | |
TAttFill.cxx | |
TAttLine.cxx | |
TAttMarker.cxx | |
TAttPad.cxx | |
TAttText.cxx | |
TBase64.cxx | |
TBenchmark.cxx | |
TBrowser.cxx | |
TBrowserImp.cxx | |
TBuffer.cxx | |
TBuffer3D.cxx | |
TCanvasImp.cxx | |
TColor.cxx | |
TColorGradient.cxx | |
TContextMenu.cxx | |
TContextMenuImp.cxx | |
TControlBarImp.cxx | |
TDatime.cxx | |
TDirectory.cxx | |
TEnv.cxx | |
TError.cxx | |
TException.cxx | |
TExec.cxx | |
TFileCollection.cxx | |
TFileInfo.cxx | |
TFolder.cxx | |
TGuiFactory.cxx | |
TInetAddress.cxx | |
TInspectorImp.cxx | |
TListOfTypes.cxx | |
TListOfTypes.h | |
TMacro.cxx | |
TMathBase.cxx | |
TMD5.cxx | |
TMemberInspector.cxx | |
TMessageHandler.cxx | |
TNamed.cxx | |
TObject.cxx | |
TObjectSpy.cxx | |
TObjString.cxx | |
TParameter.cxx | |
TPluginManager.cxx | |
TPRegexp.cxx | |
TProcessID.cxx | |
TProcessUUID.cxx | |
TQCommand.cxx | |
TQConnection.cxx | |
TQObject.cxx | |
TRef.cxx | |
TRefCnt.cxx | |
TRegexp.cxx | |
TRemoteObject.cxx | |
TROOT.cxx | |
TStopwatch.cxx | |
TStorage.cxx | |
TString.cxx | |
TStringLong.cxx | |
TStyle.cxx | |
TSysEvtHandler.cxx | |
TSystem.cxx | |
TSystemDirectory.cxx | |
TSystemFile.cxx | |
TTask.cxx | |
TTime.cxx | |
TTimer.cxx | |
TTimeStamp.cxx | |
TUri.cxx | |
TUrl.cxx | |
TUUID.cxx | |
TVirtualFFT.cxx | |
TVirtualGL.cxx | |
TVirtualMonitoring.cxx | |
TVirtualMutex.cxx | |
TVirtualPad.cxx | |
TVirtualPadEditor.cxx | |
TVirtualPadPainter.cxx | |
TVirtualPerfStats.cxx | |
TVirtualPS.cxx | |
TVirtualViewer3D.cxx | |
TVirtualX.cxx | |
cont | |
inc | |
ROOT | |
TSeq.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TArray.h | |
TArrayC.h | |
TArrayD.h | |
TArrayF.h | |
TArrayI.h | |
TArrayL.h | |
TArrayL64.h | |
TArrayS.h | |
TBits.h | |
TBtree.h | |
TClassTable.h | |
TClonesArray.h | |
TCollection.h | |
TCollectionProxyInfo.h | |
TExMap.h | |
THashList.h | |
THashTable.h | |
TIterator.h | |
TList.h | |
TMap.h | |
TObjArray.h | |
TObjectTable.h | |
TOrdCollection.h | |
TRefArray.h | |
TRefTable.h | |
TSeqCollection.h | |
TSortedList.h | |
TVirtualCollectionProxy.h | |
src | |
TArray.cxx | |
TArrayC.cxx | |
TArrayD.cxx | |
TArrayF.cxx | |
TArrayI.cxx | |
TArrayL.cxx | |
TArrayL64.cxx | |
TArrayS.cxx | |
TBits.cxx | |
TBtree.cxx | |
TClassTable.cxx | |
TClonesArray.cxx | |
TCollection.cxx | |
TExMap.cxx | |
THashList.cxx | |
THashTable.cxx | |
TIterator.cxx | |
TList.cxx | |
TMap.cxx | |
TObjArray.cxx | |
TObjectTable.cxx | |
TOrdCollection.cxx | |
TRefArray.cxx | |
TRefTable.cxx | |
TSeqCollection.cxx | |
TSortedList.cxx | |
macosx | |
inc | |
CocoaUtils.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TMacOSXSystem.h | |
src | | | | | |
meta | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDefCling.h | |
RootMetaSelection.h | |
TBaseClass.h | |
TClass.h | |
TClassGenerator.h | |
TClassMenuItem.h | |
TClassRef.h | |
TClassStreamer.h | |
TDataMember.h | |
TDataType.h | |
TDictAttributeMap.h | |
TDictionary.h | |
TEnum.h | |
TEnumConstant.h | |
TFileMergeInfo.h | |
TFunction.h | |
TFunctionTemplate.h | |
TGenericClassInfo.h | |
TGlobal.h | |
TInterpreter.h | |
TInterpreterValue.h | |
TIsAProxy.h | |
TListOfDataMembers.h | |
TListOfEnums.h | |
TListOfEnumsWithLock.h | |
TListOfFunctions.h | |
TListOfFunctionTemplates.h | |
TMemberStreamer.h | |
TMethod.h | |
TMethodArg.h | |
TMethodCall.h | |
TProtoClass.h | |
TRealData.h | |
TSchemaHelper.h | |
TSchemaRule.h | |
TSchemaRuleSet.h | |
TStreamer.h | |
TStreamerElement.h | |
TToggle.h | |
TToggleGroup.h | |
TVirtualIsAProxy.h | |
TVirtualRefProxy.h | |
TVirtualStreamerInfo.h | |
src | |
TBaseClass.cxx | |
TClass.cxx | |
TClassGenerator.cxx | |
TClassMenuItem.cxx | |
TClassRef.cxx | |
TCling.cxx | |
TCling.h | |
TClingBaseClassInfo.cxx | |
TClingBaseClassInfo.h | |
TClingCallbacks.cxx | |
TClingCallbacks.h | |
TClingCallFunc.cxx | |
TClingCallFunc.h | |
TClingClassInfo.cxx | |
TClingClassInfo.h | |
TClingDataMemberInfo.cxx | |
TClingDataMemberInfo.h | |
TClingMethodArgInfo.cxx | |
TClingMethodArgInfo.h | |
TClingMethodInfo.cxx | |
TClingMethodInfo.h | |
TClingTypedefInfo.cxx | |
TClingTypedefInfo.h | |
TClingTypeInfo.cxx | |
TClingTypeInfo.h | |
TClingValue.cxx | |
TClingValue.h | |
TDataMember.cxx | |
TDataType.cxx | |
TDictAttributeMap.cxx | |
TDictionary.cxx | |
TEnum.cxx | |
TEnumConstant.cxx | |
TFunction.cxx | |
TFunctionTemplate.cxx | |
TGenericClassInfo.cxx | |
TGlobal.cxx | |
TInterpreter.cxx | |
TIsAProxy.cxx | |
TListOfDataMembers.cxx | |
TListOfEnums.cxx | |
TListOfEnumsWithLock.cxx | |
TListOfFunctions.cxx | |
TListOfFunctionTemplates.cxx | |
TMethod.cxx | |
TMethodArg.cxx | |
TMethodCall.cxx | |
TProtoClass.cxx | |
TRealData.cxx | |
TSchemaRule.cxx | |
TSchemaRuleSet.cxx | |
TStreamerElement.cxx | |
TToggle.cxx | |
TToggleGroup.cxx | |
TViewPubDataMembers.cxx | |
TViewPubDataMembers.h | |
TViewPubFunctions.cxx | |
TViewPubFunctions.h | |
TVirtualStreamerInfo.cxx | |
metautils | |
inc | |
ESTLType.h | |
libcpp_string_view.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
RConversionRuleParser.h | |
root_std_complex.h | |
RStringView.h | |
RWrap_libcpp_string_view.h | |
TClassEdit.h | |
TClingRuntime.h | |
TMetaUtils.h | |
TSchemaRuleProcessor.h | |
TSchemaType.h | |
src | |
BaseSelectionRule.cxx | |
BaseSelectionRule.h | |
ClassSelectionRule.cxx | |
ClassSelectionRule.h | |
complexLinkdef.h | |
dequeLinkdef.h | |
forward_listLinkdef.h | |
listLinkdef.h | |
map2Linkdef.h | |
mapLinkdef.h | |
multimap2Linkdef.h | |
multimapLinkdef.h | |
multisetLinkdef.h | |
RConversionRuleParser.cxx | |
RStl.cxx | |
RStl.h | |
Scanner.cxx | |
Scanner.h | |
SelectionRules.cxx | |
SelectionRules.h | |
setLinkdef.h | | | |
TClassEdit.cxx | |
TMetaUtils.cxx | |
unordered_mapLinkdef.h | |
unordered_multimapLinkdef.h | |
unordered_multisetLinkdef.h | |
unordered_setLinkdef.h | |
valarrayLinkdef.h | |
VariableSelectionRule.cxx | |
VariableSelectionRule.h | |
vectorLinkdef.h | |
XMLReader.cxx | |
XMLReader.h | |
multiproc | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
MPCode.h | |
MPSendRecv.h | |
PoolUtils.h | |
TMPClient.h | |
TMPWorker.h | |
TPoolProcessor.h | |
TPoolWorker.h | |
TProcPool.h | |
src | |
MPSendRecv.cxx | |
PoolUtils.cxx | |
TMPClient.cxx | |
TMPWorker.cxx | |
TPoolProcessor.cxx | |
TPoolWorker.cxx | |
TProcPool.cxx | |
rint | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TRint.h | |
TTabCom.h | |
src | |
TRint.cxx | |
TTabCom.cxx | |
thread | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
PosixThreadInc.h | |
TAtomicCount.h | |
TAtomicCountGcc.h | |
TAtomicCountPthread.h | |
TAtomicCountWin32.h | |
TCondition.h | |
TConditionImp.h | |
ThreadLocalStorage.h | |
TMutex.h | |
TMutexImp.h | |
TPosixCondition.h | |
TPosixMutex.h | |
TPosixThread.h | |
TPosixThreadFactory.h | |
TRWLock.h | |
TSemaphore.h | |
TThread.h | |
TThreadFactory.h | |
TThreadImp.h | |
TThreadPool.h | |
TWin32Condition.h | |
TWin32Mutex.h | |
TWin32Thread.h | |
TWin32ThreadFactory.h | |
src | |
TCondition.cxx | |
TConditionImp.cxx | |
TImplicitMT.cxx | |
TMutex.cxx | |
TMutexImp.cxx | |
TPosixCondition.cxx | |
TPosixMutex.cxx | |
TPosixThread.cxx | |
TPosixThreadFactory.cxx | |
TRWLock.cxx | |
TSemaphore.cxx | |
TThread.cxx | |
TThreadFactory.cxx | |
TThreadImp.cxx | |
TWin32Condition.cxx | |
TWin32Mutex.cxx | |
TWin32Thread.cxx | |
TWin32ThreadFactory.cxx | |
unix | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TUnixSystem.h | |
src | |
TUnixSystem.cxx | |
winnt | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TWin32SplashThread.h | |
TWinNTSystem.h | |
Win32Constants.h | |
src | |
TWin32SplashThread.cxx | |
TWinNTSystem.cxx | |
Win32Splash.cxx | |
documentation | |
doxygen | |
TDocParser_002.C | |
THtml_001.C | |
geom | |
gdml | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGDMLParse.h | |
TGDMLWrite.h | |
src | |
TGDMLParse.cxx | |
TGDMLWrite.cxx | | | | | |
geocad | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGeoToOCC.h | |
TGeoToStep.h | |
TOCCToStep.h | |
src | |
TGeoToOCC.cxx | |
TGeoToStep.cxx | |
TOCCToStep.cxx | |
geom | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDef1.h | |
LinkDef2.h | |
TGeoArb8.h | |
TGeoAtt.h | |
TGeoBBox.h | |
TGeoBoolNode.h | |
TGeoBranchArray.h | |
TGeoBuilder.h | |
TGeoCache.h | |
TGeoCompositeShape.h | |
TGeoCone.h | |
TGeoElement.h | |
TGeoEltu.h | |
TGeoExtension.h | |
TGeoGlobalMagField.h | |
TGeoHalfSpace.h | |
TGeoHelix.h | |
TGeoHype.h | |
TGeoManager.h | |
TGeoMaterial.h | |
TGeoMatrix.h | |
TGeoMedium.h | |
TGeoNavigator.h | |
TGeoNode.h | |
TGeoPara.h | |
TGeoParaboloid.h | |
TGeoParallelWorld.h | |
TGeoPatternFinder.h | |
TGeoPcon.h | |
TGeoPgon.h | |
TGeoPhysicalNode.h | |
TGeoPolygon.h | |
TGeoRCPtr.h | |
TGeoScaledShape.h | |
TGeoShape.h | |
TGeoShapeAssembly.h | |
TGeoSphere.h | |
TGeoStateInfo.h | |
TGeoTorus.h | |
TGeoTrd1.h | |
TGeoTrd2.h | |
TGeoTube.h | |
TGeoUniformMagField.h | |
TGeoVolume.h | |
TGeoVoxelFinder.h | |
TGeoXtru.h | |
TVirtualGeoPainter.h | |
TVirtualGeoTrack.h | |
TVirtualMagField.h | |
src | |
TGeoArb8.cxx | |
TGeoAtt.cxx | |
TGeoBBox.cxx | |
TGeoBoolNode.cxx | |
TGeoBranchArray.cxx | |
TGeoBuilder.cxx | |
TGeoCache.cxx | |
TGeoCompositeShape.cxx | |
TGeoCone.cxx | |
TGeoElement.cxx | |
TGeoEltu.cxx | |
TGeoExtension.cxx | |
TGeoGlobalMagField.cxx | |
TGeoHalfSpace.cxx | |
TGeoHelix.cxx | |
TGeoHype.cxx | |
TGeoManager.cxx | |
TGeoMaterial.cxx | |
TGeoMatrix.cxx | |
TGeoMedium.cxx | |
TGeoNavigator.cxx | |
TGeoNode.cxx | |
TGeoPara.cxx | |
TGeoParaboloid.cxx | |
TGeoParallelWorld.cxx | |
TGeoPatternFinder.cxx | |
TGeoPcon.cxx | |
TGeoPgon.cxx | |
TGeoPhysicalNode.cxx | |
TGeoPolygon.cxx | |
TGeoScaledShape.cxx | |
TGeoShape.cxx | |
TGeoShapeAssembly.cxx | |
TGeoSphere.cxx | |
TGeoStateInfo.cxx | |
TGeoTorus.cxx | |
TGeoTrd1.cxx | |
TGeoTrd2.cxx | |
TGeoTube.cxx | |
TGeoVolume.cxx | |
TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx | |
TGeoXtru.cxx | |
TVirtualGeoPainter.cxx | |
TVirtualGeoTrack.cxx | |
TVirtualMagField.cxx | |
geombuilder | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGeoBBoxEditor.h | |
TGeoConeEditor.h | |
TGeoEltuEditor.h | |
TGeoGedFrame.h | |
TGeoHypeEditor.h | |
TGeoManagerEditor.h | |
TGeoMaterialEditor.h | |
TGeoMatrixEditor.h | |
TGeoMediumEditor.h | |
TGeoNodeEditor.h | |
TGeoParaEditor.h | |
TGeoPconEditor.h | |
TGeoPgonEditor.h | |
TGeoSphereEditor.h | |
TGeoTabManager.h | |
TGeoTorusEditor.h | |
TGeoTrapEditor.h | |
TGeoTrd1Editor.h | |
TGeoTrd2Editor.h | |
TGeoTubeEditor.h | |
TGeoVolumeEditor.h | |
src | |
TGeoBBoxEditor.cxx | |
TGeoConeEditor.cxx | |
TGeoEltuEditor.cxx | |
TGeoGedFrame.cxx | |
TGeoHypeEditor.cxx | |
TGeoManagerEditor.cxx | |
TGeoMaterialEditor.cxx | |
TGeoMatrixEditor.cxx | |
TGeoMediumEditor.cxx | |
TGeoNodeEditor.cxx | |
TGeoParaEditor.cxx | |
TGeoPconEditor.cxx | |
TGeoPgonEditor.cxx | |
TGeoSphereEditor.cxx | |
TGeoTabManager.cxx | |
TGeoTorusEditor.cxx | |
TGeoTrapEditor.cxx | |
TGeoTrd1Editor.cxx | |
TGeoTrd2Editor.cxx | |
TGeoTubeEditor.cxx | |
TGeoVolumeEditor.cxx | |
geompainter | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGeoChecker.h | |
TGeoOverlap.h | |
TGeoPainter.h | |
TGeoTrack.h | |
src | |
TGeoChecker.cxx | |
TGeoOverlap.cxx | |
TGeoPainter.cxx | |
TGeoTrack.cxx | |
graf2d | |
asimage | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDefGui.h | |
TASImage.h | |
TASImagePlugin.h | |
TASPaletteEditor.h | |
TASPluginGS.h | |
src | |
TASImage.cxx | |
TASPaletteEditor.cxx | |
TASPluginGS.cxx | |
TASPolyUtils.c | |
cocoa | |
inc | |
CocoaGuiTypes.h | |
FontCache.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
MenuLoader.h | |
QuartzPixmap.h | |
QuartzWindow.h | |
ROOTApplicationDelegate.h | |
ROOTOpenGLView.h | |
TGCocoa.h | |
TGQuartz.h | |
X11Atoms.h | |
X11Buffer.h | |
X11Colors.h | |
X11Drawable.h | |
X11Events.h | |
XLFDParser.h | |
src | | | |
CocoaPrivate.h | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
fitsio | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TFITS.h | |
src | |
TFITS.cxx | |
gpad | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TAttCanvas.h | |
TButton.h | |
TCanvas.h | |
TClassTree.h | |
TColorWheel.h | |
TControlBar.h | |
TControlBarButton.h | |
TCreatePrimitives.h | |
TDialogCanvas.h | |
TGroupButton.h | |
TInspectCanvas.h | |
TPad.h | |
TPadPainter.h | |
TPaveClass.h | |
TSlider.h | |
TSliderBox.h | |
TView.h | |
TViewer3DPad.h | |
src | |
TAttCanvas.cxx | |
TButton.cxx | |
TCanvas.cxx | |
TClassTree.cxx | |
TColorWheel.cxx | |
TControlBar.cxx | |
TControlBarButton.cxx | |
TCreatePrimitives.cxx | |
TDialogCanvas.cxx | |
TGroupButton.cxx | |
TInspectCanvas.cxx | |
TPad.cxx | |
TPadPainter.cxx | |
TPaveClass.cxx | |
TSlider.cxx | |
TSliderBox.cxx | |
TView.cxx | |
TViewer3DPad.cxx | |
graf | |
doc | |
macros | |
accents.C | |
alignment.C | |
bars.C | |
fractions.C | |
greekletters.C | |
itbold.C | |
kerning.C | |
legend1.C | |
legend2.C | |
legend3.C | |
mathsymbols.C | |
polyline.C | |
roots.C | |
slash.C | |
splitline.C | |
style.C | |
subsupscript.C | |
subsupscript2.C | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TArc.h | |
TArrow.h | |
TAttImage.h | |
TBox.h | |
TCrown.h | |
TCurlyArc.h | |
TCurlyLine.h | |
TCutG.h | |
TDiamond.h | |
TEllipse.h | |
TFrame.h | |
TGaxis.h | |
TGraphPolar.h | |
TGraphPolargram.h | |
TGraphQQ.h | |
TImage.h | |
TImagePlugin.h | |
TLatex.h | |
TLegend.h | |
TLegendEntry.h | |
TLine.h | |
TLink.h | |
TMarker.h | |
TMathText.h | |
TPave.h | |
TPaveLabel.h | |
TPaveStats.h | |
TPavesText.h | |
TPaveText.h | |
TPie.h | |
TPieSlice.h | |
TPoints.h | |
TPolyLine.h | |
TText.h | |
TTF.h | |
TWbox.h | |
src | |
TArc.cxx | |
TArrow.cxx | |
TAttImage.cxx | |
TBox.cxx | |
TCrown.cxx | |
TCurlyArc.cxx | |
TCurlyLine.cxx | |
TCutG.cxx | |
TDiamond.cxx | |
TEllipse.cxx | |
TFrame.cxx | |
TGaxis.cxx | |
TGraphPolar.cxx | |
TGraphPolargram.cxx | |
TGraphQQ.cxx | |
TImage.cxx | |
TLatex.cxx | |
TLegend.cxx | |
TLegendEntry.cxx | |
TLine.cxx | |
TLink.cxx | |
TMarker.cxx | |
TMathText.cxx | |
TPave.cxx | |
TPaveLabel.cxx | |
TPaveStats.cxx | |
TPavesText.cxx | |
TPaveText.cxx | |
TPie.cxx | |
TPieSlice.cxx | |
TPoints.cxx | |
TPolyLine.cxx | |
TText.cxx | |
TTF.cxx | |
TWbox.cxx | |
gviz | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGraphEdge.h | |
TGraphNode.h | |
TGraphStruct.h | |
src | |
TGraphEdge.cxx | |
TGraphNode.cxx | |
TGraphStruct.cxx | |
postscript | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TImageDump.h | |
TPDF.h | |
TPostScript.h | |
TSVG.h | |
TTeXDump.h | |
src | |
AdobeGlyphList.h | |
TImageDump.cxx | |
TPDF.cxx | |
TPostScript.cxx | |
TSVG.cxx | |
TTeXDump.cxx | |
quartz | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
QuartzFillArea.h | |
QuartzLine.h | |
QuartzMarker.h | |
QuartzText.h | |
QuartzUtils.h | |
src | | | | | | | | | | | |
win32gdk | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGWin32.h | |
TGWin32GL.h | |
TGWin32InterpreterProxy.h | |
TGWin32ProxyBase.h | |
TGWin32ProxyDefs.h | |
TGWin32VirtualGLProxy.h | |
TGWin32VirtualXProxy.h | |
xatom.h | |
src | |
gifdecode.c | |
gifencode.c | |
gifquantize.c | |
TGWin32.cxx | |
TGWin32GL.cxx | |
TGWin32InterpreterProxy.cxx | |
TGWin32ProxyBase.cxx | |
TGWin32VirtualGLProxy.cxx | |
TGWin32VirtualXProxy.cxx | |
x11 | |
inc | |
X11 | |
extensions | |
render.h | |
shape.h | |
shapeconst.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGX11.h | |
src | |
gifdecode.c | |
gifencode.c | |
gifquantize.c | |
GX11Gui.cxx | |
Rotated.cxx | |
TGX11.cxx | |
x11ttf | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGX11TTF.h | |
src | |
TGX11TTF.cxx | |
graf3d | |
eve | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDef1.h | |
LinkDef2.h | |
TEveArrow.h | |
TEveArrowEditor.h | |
TEveArrowGL.h | |
TEveBox.h | |
TEveBoxGL.h | |
TEveBoxSet.h | |
TEveBoxSetGL.h | |
TEveBrowser.h | |
TEveCalo.h | |
TEveCalo2DGL.h | |
TEveCalo3DGL.h | |
TEveCaloData.h | |
TEveCaloLegoEditor.h | |
TEveCaloLegoGL.h | |
TEveCaloLegoOverlay.h | |
TEveCaloVizEditor.h | |
TEveChunkManager.h | |
TEveCompound.h | |
TEveDigitSet.h | |
TEveDigitSetEditor.h | |
TEveDigitSetGL.h | |
TEveElement.h | |
TEveElementEditor.h | |
TEveEventManager.h | |
TEveFrameBox.h | |
TEveFrameBoxGL.h | |
TEveGedEditor.h | |
TEveGeoNode.h | |
TEveGeoNodeEditor.h | |
TEveGeoPolyShape.h | |
TEveGeoShape.h | |
TEveGeoShapeExtract.h | |
TEveGridStepper.h | |
TEveGridStepperEditor.h | |
TEveGValuators.h | |
TEveJetCone.h | |
TEveJetConeEditor.h | |
TEveJetConeGL.h | |
TEveLegoEventHandler.h | |
TEveLine.h | |
TEveLineEditor.h | |
TEveLineGL.h | |
TEveMacro.h | |
TEveManager.h | |
TEvePad.h | |
TEveParamList.h | |
TEvePathMark.h | |
TEvePlot3D.h | |
TEvePlot3DGL.h | |
TEvePointSet.h | |
TEvePointSetArrayEditor.h | |
TEvePolygonSetProjected.h | |
TEvePolygonSetProjectedGL.h | |
TEveProjectionAxes.h | |
TEveProjectionAxesEditor.h | |
TEveProjectionAxesGL.h | |
TEveProjectionBases.h | |
TEveProjectionManager.h | |
TEveProjectionManagerEditor.h | |
TEveProjections.h | |
TEveQuadSet.h | |
TEveQuadSetGL.h | |
TEveRGBAPalette.h | |
TEveRGBAPaletteEditor.h | |
TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay.h | |
TEveScalableStraightLineSet.h | |
TEveScene.h | |
TEveSceneInfo.h | |
TEveSecondarySelectable.h | |
TEveSelection.h | |
TEveShape.h | |
TEveShapeEditor.h | |
TEveStraightLineSet.h | |
TEveStraightLineSetEditor.h | |
TEveStraightLineSetGL.h | |
TEveText.h | |
TEveTextEditor.h | |
TEveTextGL.h | |
TEveTrack.h | |
TEveTrackEditor.h | |
TEveTrackGL.h | |
TEveTrackProjected.h | |
TEveTrackProjectedGL.h | |
TEveTrackPropagator.h | |
TEveTrackPropagatorEditor.h | |
TEveTrans.h | |
TEveTransEditor.h | |
TEveTreeTools.h | |
TEveTriangleSet.h | |
TEveTriangleSetEditor.h | |
TEveTriangleSetGL.h | |
TEveUtil.h | |
TEveVector.h | |
TEveViewer.h | |
TEveViewerListEditor.h | |
TEveVSD.h | |
TEveVSDStructs.h | |
TEveWindow.h | |
TEveWindowEditor.h | |
TEveWindowManager.h | |
src | |
TEveArrow.cxx | |
TEveArrowEditor.cxx | |
TEveArrowGL.cxx | |
TEveBox.cxx | |
TEveBoxGL.cxx | |
TEveBoxSet.cxx | |
TEveBoxSetGL.cxx | |
TEveBrowser.cxx | |
TEveCalo.cxx | |
TEveCalo2DGL.cxx | |
TEveCalo3DGL.cxx | |
TEveCaloData.cxx | |
TEveCaloLegoEditor.cxx | |
TEveCaloLegoGL.cxx | |
TEveCaloLegoOverlay.cxx | |
TEveCaloVizEditor.cxx | |
TEveChunkManager.cxx | |
TEveCompound.cxx | |
TEveDigitSet.cxx | |
TEveDigitSetEditor.cxx | |
TEveDigitSetGL.cxx | |
TEveElement.cxx | |
TEveElementEditor.cxx | |
TEveEventManager.cxx | |
TEveFrameBox.cxx | |
TEveFrameBoxGL.cxx | |
TEveGedEditor.cxx | |
TEveGeoNode.cxx | |
TEveGeoNodeEditor.cxx | |
TEveGeoPolyShape.cxx | |
TEveGeoShape.cxx | |
TEveGeoShapeExtract.cxx | |
TEveGridStepper.cxx | |
TEveGridStepperEditor.cxx | |
TEveGValuators.cxx | |
TEveJetCone.cxx | |
TEveJetConeEditor.cxx | |
TEveJetConeGL.cxx | |
TEveLegoEventHandler.cxx | |
TEveLine.cxx | |
TEveLineEditor.cxx | |
TEveLineGL.cxx | |
TEveMacro.cxx | |
TEveManager.cxx | |
TEvePad.cxx | |
TEveParamList.cxx | |
TEvePathMark.cxx | |
TEvePlot3D.cxx | |
TEvePlot3DGL.cxx | |
TEvePointSet.cxx | |
TEvePointSetArrayEditor.cxx | |
TEvePolygonSetProjected.cxx | |
TEvePolygonSetProjectedGL.cxx | |
TEveProjectionAxes.cxx | |
TEveProjectionAxesEditor.cxx | |
TEveProjectionAxesGL.cxx | |
TEveProjectionBases.cxx | |
TEveProjectionManager.cxx | |
TEveProjectionManagerEditor.cxx | |
TEveProjections.cxx | |
TEveQuadSet.cxx | |
TEveQuadSetGL.cxx | |
TEveRGBAPalette.cxx | |
TEveRGBAPaletteEditor.cxx | |
TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay.cxx | |
TEveScalableStraightLineSet.cxx | |
TEveScene.cxx | |
TEveSceneInfo.cxx | |
TEveSecondarySelectable.cxx | |
TEveSelection.cxx | |
TEveShape.cxx | |
TEveShapeEditor.cxx | |
TEveStraightLineSet.cxx | |
TEveStraightLineSetEditor.cxx | |
TEveStraightLineSetGL.cxx | |
TEveText.cxx | |
TEveTextEditor.cxx | |
TEveTextGL.cxx | |
TEveTrack.cxx | |
TEveTrackEditor.cxx | |
TEveTrackGL.cxx | |
TEveTrackProjected.cxx | |
TEveTrackProjectedGL.cxx | |
TEveTrackPropagator.cxx | |
TEveTrackPropagatorEditor.cxx | |
TEveTrans.cxx | |
TEveTransEditor.cxx | |
TEveTreeTools.cxx | |
TEveTriangleSet.cxx | |
TEveTriangleSetEditor.cxx | |
TEveTriangleSetGL.cxx | |
TEveUtil.cxx | |
TEveVector.cxx | |
TEveViewer.cxx | |
TEveViewerListEditor.cxx | |
TEveVSD.cxx | |
TEveVSDStructs.cxx | |
TEveWindow.cxx | |
TEveWindowEditor.cxx | |
TEveWindowManager.cxx | |
g3d | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TAxis3D.h | |
TBRIK.h | |
TCONE.h | |
TCONS.h | |
TCTUB.h | |
TELTU.h | |
TGeometry.h | |
TGTRA.h | |
THelix.h | |
THYPE.h | |
TMarker3DBox.h | |
TMaterial.h | |
TMixture.h | |
TNode.h | |
TNodeDiv.h | |
TPARA.h | |
TPCON.h | |
TPGON.h | |
TPoints3DABC.h | |
TPointSet3D.h | |
TPolyLine3D.h | |
TPolyMarker3D.h | |
TRotMatrix.h | |
TShape.h | |
TSPHE.h | |
TTRAP.h | |
TTRD1.h | |
TTRD2.h | |
TTUBE.h | |
TTUBS.h | |
TView3D.h | |
TXTRU.h | |
X3DBuffer.h | |
src | |
TAxis3D.cxx | |
TBRIK.cxx | |
TCONE.cxx | |
TCONS.cxx | |
TCTUB.cxx | |
TELTU.cxx | |
TGeometry.cxx | |
TGTRA.cxx | |
THelix.cxx | |
THYPE.cxx | |
TMarker3DBox.cxx | |
TMaterial.cxx | |
TMixture.cxx | |
TNode.cxx | |
TNodeDiv.cxx | |
TPARA.cxx | |
TPCON.cxx | |
TPGON.cxx | |
TPoints3DABC.cxx | |
TPointSet3D.cxx | |
TPolyLine3D.cxx | |
TPolyMarker3D.cxx | |
TRotMatrix.cxx | |
TShape.cxx | |
TSPHE.cxx | |
TTRAP.cxx | |
TTRD1.cxx | |
TTRD2.cxx | |
TTUBE.cxx | |
TTUBS.cxx | |
TView3D.cxx | |
TXTRU.cxx | |
X3DBuffer.c | |
gl | |
inc | |
CsgOps.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TArcBall.h | |
TF2GL.h | |
TGL5D.h | |
TGL5DDataSetEditor.h | |
TGL5DPainter.h | |
TGLAdapter.h | |
TGLAnnotation.h | |
TGLAutoRotator.h | |
TGLAxis.h | |
TGLAxisPainter.h | |
TGLBoundingBox.h | |
TGLBoxPainter.h | |
TGLCamera.h | |
TGLCameraGuide.h | |
TGLCameraOverlay.h | |
TGLClip.h | |
TGLClipSetEditor.h | |
TGLContext.h | |
TGLCylinder.h | |
TGLEmbeddedViewer.h | |
TGLEventHandler.h | |
TGLFaceSet.h | |
TGLFBO.h | |
TGLFontManager.h | |
TGLFormat.h | |
TGLH2PolyPainter.h | |
TGLHistPainter.h | |
TGLIncludes.h | |
TGLIsoMesh.h | |
TGLLegoPainter.h | |
TGLLightSet.h | |
TGLLightSetEditor.h | |
TGLLockable.h | |
TGLLogicalShape.h | |
TGLManip.h | |
TGLManipSet.h | |
TGLMarchingCubes.h | |
TGLObject.h | |
TGLOrthoCamera.h | |
TGLOutput.h | |
TGLOverlay.h | |
TGLOverlayButton.h | |
TGLPadPainter.h | |
TGLPadUtils.h | |
TGLParametric.h | |
TGLParametricEquationGL.h | |
TGLPerspectiveCamera.h | |
TGLPhysicalShape.h | |
TGLPlot3D.h | |
TGLPlotBox.h | |
TGLPlotCamera.h | |
TGLPlotPainter.h | |
TGLPolyLine.h | |
TGLPolyMarker.h | |
TGLPShapeObj.h | |
TGLPShapeObjEditor.h | |
TGLPShapeRef.h | |
TGLQuadric.h | |
TGLRnrCtx.h | |
TGLRotateManip.h | |
TGLSAFrame.h | |
TGLSAViewer.h | |
TGLScaleManip.h | |
TGLScene.h | |
TGLSceneBase.h | |
TGLSceneInfo.h | |
TGLScenePad.h | |
TGLSelectBuffer.h | |
TGLSelectRecord.h | |
TGLSphere.h | |
TGLStopwatch.h | |
TGLSurfacePainter.h | |
TGLText.h | |
TGLTF3Painter.h | |
TGLTH3Composition.h | |
TGLTransManip.h | |
TGLUtil.h | |
TGLViewer.h | |
TGLViewerBase.h | |
TGLViewerEditor.h | |
TGLVoxelPainter.h | |
TGLWidget.h | |
TGLWSIncludes.h | |
TH2GL.h | |
TH3GL.h | |
TKDEAdapter.h | |
TPointSet3DGL.h | |
TX11GL.h | |
src | |
CsgOps.cxx | |
gl2ps.cxx | |
gl2ps.h | |
TArcBall.cxx | |
TF2GL.cxx | |
TGL5D.cxx | |
TGL5DDataSetEditor.cxx | |
TGL5DPainter.cxx | |
TGLAdapter.cxx | |
TGLAnnotation.cxx | |
TGLAutoRotator.cxx | |
TGLAxis.cxx | |
TGLAxisPainter.cxx | |
TGLBoundingBox.cxx | |
TGLBoxPainter.cxx | |
TGLCamera.cxx | |
TGLCameraGuide.cxx | |
TGLCameraOverlay.cxx | |
TGLClip.cxx | |
TGLClipSetEditor.cxx | |
TGLContext.cxx | |
TGLContextPrivate.cxx | |
TGLContextPrivate.h | |
TGLCylinder.cxx | |
TGLEmbeddedViewer.cxx | |
TGLEventHandler.cxx | |
TGLFaceSet.cxx | |
TGLFBO.cxx | |
TGLFontManager.cxx | |
TGLFormat.cxx | |
TGLH2PolyPainter.cxx | |
TGLHistPainter.cxx | |
TGLIsoMesh.cxx | |
TGLLegoPainter.cxx | |
TGLLightSet.cxx | |
TGLLightSetEditor.cxx | |
TGLLockable.cxx | |
TGLLogicalShape.cxx | |
TGLManip.cxx | |
TGLManipSet.cxx | |
TGLMarchingCubes.cxx | |
TGLObject.cxx | |
TGLOrthoCamera.cxx | |
TGLOutput.cxx | |
TGLOverlay.cxx | |
TGLOverlayButton.cxx | |
TGLPadPainter.cxx | |
TGLPadUtils.cxx | |
TGLParametric.cxx | |
TGLParametricEquationGL.cxx | |
TGLPerspectiveCamera.cxx | |
TGLPhysicalShape.cxx | |
TGLPlot3D.cxx | |
TGLPlotBox.cxx | |
TGLPlotCamera.cxx | |
TGLPlotPainter.cxx | |
TGLPolyLine.cxx | |
TGLPolyMarker.cxx | |
TGLPShapeObj.cxx | |
TGLPShapeObjEditor.cxx | |
TGLPShapeRef.cxx | |
TGLQuadric.cxx | |
TGLRnrCtx.cxx | |
TGLRotateManip.cxx | |
TGLSAFrame.cxx | |
TGLSAViewer.cxx | |
TGLScaleManip.cxx | |
TGLScene.cxx | |
TGLSceneBase.cxx | |
TGLSceneInfo.cxx | |
TGLScenePad.cxx | |
TGLSelectBuffer.cxx | |
TGLSelectRecord.cxx | |
TGLSphere.cxx | |
TGLStopwatch.cxx | |
TGLSurfacePainter.cxx | |
TGLText.cxx | |
TGLTF3Painter.cxx | |
TGLTH3Composition.cxx | |
TGLTransManip.cxx | |
TGLUtil.cxx | |
TGLViewer.cxx | |
TGLViewerBase.cxx | |
TGLViewerEditor.cxx | |
TGLVoxelPainter.cxx | |
TGLWidget.cxx | |
TH2GL.cxx | |
TH3GL.cxx | |
TKDEAdapter.cxx | |
TKDEFGT.cxx | |
TPointSet3DGL.cxx | |
TX11GL.cxx | |
gviz3d | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TStructNode.h | |
TStructNodeEditor.h | |
TStructNodeProperty.h | |
TStructViewer.h | |
TStructViewerGUI.h | |
src | |
TStructNode.cxx | |
TStructNodeEditor.cxx | |
TStructNodeProperty.cxx | |
TStructViewer.cxx | |
TStructViewerGUI.cxx | |
gui | |
fitpanel | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TAdvancedGraphicsDialog.h | |
TFitEditor.h | |
TFitParametersDialog.h | |
TTreeInput.h | |
src | |
CommonDefs.h | |
TAdvancedGraphicsDialog.cxx | |
TFitEditor.cxx | |
TFitParametersDialog.cxx | |
TTreeInput.cxx | |
test | |
UnitTesting.cxx | |
ged | |
inc | |
HelpSMText.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TArrowEditor.h | |
TAttFillEditor.h | |
TAttLineEditor.h | |
TAttMarkerEditor.h | |
TAttTextEditor.h | |
TAxisEditor.h | |
TCurlyArcEditor.h | |
TCurlyLineEditor.h | |
TF1Editor.h | |
TFrameEditor.h | |
TFunctionParametersDialog.h | |
TGedEditor.h | |
TGedFrame.h | |
TGedMarkerSelect.h | |
TGedPatternSelect.h | |
TGraphEditor.h | |
TH1Editor.h | |
TH2Editor.h | |
TLineEditor.h | |
TPadEditor.h | |
TPaveStatsEditor.h | |
TPieEditor.h | |
TPieSliceEditor.h | |
TStyleDialog.h | |
TStyleManager.h | |
TStylePreview.h | |
TTextEditor.h | |
src | |
HelpSMText.cxx | |
TArrowEditor.cxx | |
TAttFillEditor.cxx | |
TAttLineEditor.cxx | |
TAttMarkerEditor.cxx | |
TAttTextEditor.cxx | |
TAxisEditor.cxx | |
TCurlyArcEditor.cxx | |
TCurlyLineEditor.cxx | |
TF1Editor.cxx | |
TFrameEditor.cxx | |
TFunctionParametersDialog.cxx | |
TGedEditor.cxx | |
TGedFrame.cxx | |
TGedMarkerSelect.cxx | |
TGedPatternSelect.cxx | |
TGraphEditor.cxx | |
TH1Editor.cxx | |
TH2Editor.cxx | |
TLineEditor.cxx | |
TPadEditor.cxx | |
TPaveStatsEditor.cxx | |
TPieEditor.cxx | |
TPieSliceEditor.cxx | |
TStyleDialog.cxx | |
TStyleManager.cxx | |
TStylePreview.cxx | |
TTextEditor.cxx | |
gui | |
inc | |
HelpText.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDef1.h | |
LinkDef2.h | |
LinkDef3.h | |
TG3DLine.h | |
TGApplication.h | |
TGButton.h | |
TGButtonGroup.h | |
TGCanvas.h | |
TGClient.h | |
TGColorDialog.h | |
TGColorSelect.h | |
TGComboBox.h | |
TGCommandPlugin.h | |
TGDimension.h | |
TGDNDManager.h | |
TGDockableFrame.h | |
TGDoubleSlider.h | |
TGEventHandler.h | |
TGFileBrowser.h | |
TGFileDialog.h | |
TGFont.h | |
TGFontDialog.h | |
TGFrame.h | |
TGFSComboBox.h | |
TGFSContainer.h | |
TGGC.h | |
TGIcon.h | |
TGIdleHandler.h | |
TGImageMap.h | |
TGInputDialog.h | |
TGLabel.h | |
TGLayout.h | |
TGListBox.h | |
TGListTree.h | |
TGListView.h | |
TGMdi.h | |
TGMdiDecorFrame.h | |
TGMdiFrame.h | |
TGMdiMainFrame.h | |
TGMdiMenu.h | |
TGMenu.h | |
TGMimeTypes.h | |
TGMsgBox.h | |
TGNumberEntry.h | |
TGObject.h | |
TGPack.h | |
TGPasswdDialog.h | |
TGPicture.h | |
TGProgressBar.h | |
TGRedirectOutputGuard.h | |
TGResourcePool.h | |
TGScrollBar.h | |
TGShapedFrame.h | |
TGShutter.h | |
TGSimpleTable.h | |
TGSimpleTableInterface.h | |
TGSlider.h | |
TGSpeedo.h | |
TGSplitFrame.h | |
TGSplitter.h | |
TGStatusBar.h | |
TGString.h | |
TGTab.h | |
TGTable.h | |
TGTableCell.h | |
TGTableContainer.h | |
TGTableHeader.h | |
TGTableLayout.h | |
TGText.h | |
TGTextBuffer.h | |
TGTextEdit.h | |
TGTextEditDialogs.h | |
TGTextEditor.h | |
TGTextEntry.h | |
TGTextView.h | |
TGTextViewStream.h | |
TGToolBar.h | |
TGToolTip.h | |
TGTripleSlider.h | |
TGuiBuilder.h | |
TGView.h | |
TGWidget.h | |
TGWindow.h | |
TGXYLayout.h | |
TRootApplication.h | |
TRootBrowser.h | |
TRootBrowserLite.h | |
TRootCanvas.h | |
TRootContextMenu.h | |
TRootControlBar.h | |
TRootDialog.h | |
TRootEmbeddedCanvas.h | |
TRootGuiFactory.h | |
TRootHelpDialog.h | |
TVirtualDragManager.h | |
WidgetMessageTypes.h | |
src | |
HelpText.cxx | |
TG3DLine.cxx | |
TGApplication.cxx | |
TGButton.cxx | |
TGButtonGroup.cxx | |
TGCanvas.cxx | |
TGClient.cxx | |
TGColorDialog.cxx | |
TGColorSelect.cxx | |
TGComboBox.cxx | |
TGCommandPlugin.cxx | |
TGDimension.cxx | |
TGDNDManager.cxx | |
TGDockableFrame.cxx | |
TGDoubleSlider.cxx | |
TGEventHandler.cxx | |
TGFileBrowser.cxx | |
TGFileDialog.cxx | |
TGFont.cxx | |
TGFontDialog.cxx | |
TGFrame.cxx | |
TGFSComboBox.cxx | |
TGFSContainer.cxx | |
TGGC.cxx | |
TGIcon.cxx | |
TGIdleHandler.cxx | |
TGImageMap.cxx | |
TGInputDialog.cxx | |
TGLabel.cxx | |
TGLayout.cxx | |
TGListBox.cxx | |
TGListTree.cxx | |
TGListView.cxx | |
TGMdiDecorFrame.cxx | |
TGMdiFrame.cxx | |
TGMdiMainFrame.cxx | |
TGMdiMenu.cxx | |
TGMenu.cxx | |
TGMimeTypes.cxx | |
TGMsgBox.cxx | |
TGNumberEntry.cxx | |
TGObject.cxx | |
TGPack.cxx | |
TGPasswdDialog.cxx | |
TGPicture.cxx | |
TGProgressBar.cxx | |
TGRedirectOutputGuard.cxx | |
TGResourcePool.cxx | |
TGScrollBar.cxx | |
TGShapedFrame.cxx | |
TGShutter.cxx | |
TGSimpleTable.cxx | |
TGSimpleTableInterface.cxx | |
TGSlider.cxx | |
TGSpeedo.cxx | |
TGSplitFrame.cxx | |
TGSplitter.cxx | |
TGStatusBar.cxx | |
TGString.cxx | |
TGTab.cxx | |
TGTable.cxx | |
TGTableCell.cxx | |
TGTableContainer.cxx | |
TGTableHeader.cxx | |
TGTableLayout.cxx | |
TGText.cxx | |
TGTextBuffer.cxx | |
TGTextEdit.cxx | |
TGTextEditDialogs.cxx | |
TGTextEditor.cxx | |
TGTextEntry.cxx | |
TGTextView.cxx | |
TGTextViewStream.cxx | |
TGToolBar.cxx | |
TGToolTip.cxx | |
TGTripleSlider.cxx | |
TGuiBuilder.cxx | |
TGView.cxx | |
TGWidget.cxx | |
TGWindow.cxx | |
TGXYLayout.cxx | |
TRootApplication.cxx | |
TRootBrowser.cxx | |
TRootBrowserLite.cxx | |
TRootCanvas.cxx | |
TRootContextMenu.cxx | |
TRootControlBar.cxx | |
TRootDialog.cxx | |
TRootEmbeddedCanvas.cxx | |
TRootGuiFactory.cxx | |
TRootHelpDialog.cxx | |
TVirtualDragManager.cxx | |
guibuilder | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGuiBldDragManager.h | |
TGuiBldEditor.h | |
TGuiBldGeometryFrame.h | |
TGuiBldHintsButton.h | |
TGuiBldHintsEditor.h | |
TGuiBldNameFrame.h | |
TRootGuiBuilder.h | |
src | |
TGuiBldDragManager.cxx | |
TGuiBldEditor.cxx | |
TGuiBldGeometryFrame.cxx | |
TGuiBldHintsButton.cxx | |
TGuiBldHintsEditor.cxx | |
TGuiBldNameFrame.cxx | |
TRootGuiBuilder.cxx | |
guihtml | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGHtml.h | |
TGHtmlBrowser.h | |
TGHtmlTokens.h | |
TGHtmlUri.h | |
src | |
TGHtml.cxx | |
TGHtmlBrowser.cxx | |
TGHtmlDraw.cxx | |
TGHtmlElement.cxx | |
TGHtmlForm.cxx | |
TGHtmlImage.cxx | |
TGHtmlIndex.cxx | |
TGHtmlLayout.cxx | |
TGHtmlParse.cxx | |
TGHtmlSizer.cxx | |
TGHtmlTable.cxx | |
TGHtmlTokenMap.cxx | |
TGHtmlUri.cxx | |
qtgsi | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TQApplication.h | |
TQCanvasImp.h | |
TQCanvasMenu.h | |
TQRootApplication.h | |
TQRootCanvas.h | |
TQRootDialog.h | |
TQRootGuiFactory.h | |
src | |
moc_TQCanvasMenu.cxx | |
moc_TQRootApplication.cxx | |
moc_TQRootCanvas.cxx | |
moc_TQRootDialog.cxx | |
TQApplication.cxx | |
TQCanvasImp.cxx | |
TQCanvasMenu.cxx | |
TQRootApplication.cxx | |
TQRootCanvas.cxx | |
TQRootDialog.cxx | |
TQRootGuiFactory.cxx | |
test | |
example1 | |
guitest.cpp | |
guitest.h | |
main.cpp | |
qtroot.cpp | |
qtroot.h | |
example2 | |
main.cpp | |
qtrootexample1.ui.h | |
qtroot | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TQtRootGuiFactory.h | |
src | |
TQtRootGuiFactory.cxx | |
recorder | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TRecorder.h | |
src | |
TRecorder.cxx | |
sessionviewer | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TProofProgressDialog.h | |
TProofProgressLog.h | |
TProofProgressMemoryPlot.h | |
TSessionDialogs.h | |
TSessionLogView.h | |
TSessionViewer.h | |
src | |
TProofProgressDialog.cxx | |
TProofProgressLog.cxx | |
TProofProgressMemoryPlot.cxx | |
TSessionDialogs.cxx | |
TSessionLogView.cxx | |
TSessionViewer.cxx | |
hist | |
hbook | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
THbookBranch.h | |
THbookFile.h | |
THbookKey.h | |
THbookTree.h | |
src | |
THbookBranch.cxx | |
THbookFile.cxx | |
THbookKey.cxx | |
THbookTree.cxx | |
hist | |
inc | |
Math | |
WrappedMultiTF1.h | |
WrappedTF1.h | |
v5 | |
TF1Data.h | |
TFormula.h | |
TFormulaPrimitive.h | |
Foption.h | |
HFitInterface.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TAxis.h | |
TBackCompFitter.h | |
TBinomialEfficiencyFitter.h | |
TConfidenceLevel.h | |
TEfficiency.h | |
TF1.h | |
TF12.h | |
TF1Convolution.h | |
TF1NormSum.h | |
TF2.h | |
TF3.h | |
TFitResult.h | |
TFitResultPtr.h | |
TFormula.h | |
TFractionFitter.h | |
TGraph.h | |
TGraph2D.h | |
TGraph2DErrors.h | |
TGraphAsymmErrors.h | |
TGraphBentErrors.h | |
TGraphDelaunay.h | |
TGraphDelaunay2D.h | |
TGraphErrors.h | |
TGraphSmooth.h | |
TGraphTime.h | |
TH1.h | |
TH1C.h | |
TH1D.h | |
TH1F.h | |
TH1I.h | |
TH1K.h | |
TH1S.h | |
TH2.h | |
TH2C.h | |
TH2D.h | |
TH2F.h | |
TH2I.h | |
TH2Poly.h | |
TH2S.h | |
TH3.h | |
TH3C.h | |
TH3D.h | |
TH3F.h | |
TH3I.h | |
TH3S.h | |
THLimitsFinder.h | |
THn.h | |
THnBase.h | |
THnSparse.h | |
THnSparse_Internal.h | |
THStack.h | |
TKDE.h | |
TLimit.h | |
TLimitDataSource.h | |
TMultiDimFit.h | |
TMultiGraph.h | |
TNDArray.h | |
TPolyMarker.h | |
TPrincipal.h | |
TProfile.h | |
TProfile2D.h | |
TProfile3D.h | |
TSpline.h | |
TSVDUnfold.h | |
TUnfold.h | |
TUnfoldBinning.h | |
TUnfoldDensity.h | |
TUnfoldSys.h | |
TVirtualFitter.h | |
TVirtualGraphPainter.h | |
TVirtualHistPainter.h | |
src | |
AnalyticalIntegrals.cxx | |
AnalyticalIntegrals.h | |
Haxis.cxx | |
HFitImpl.cxx | |
HFitInterface.cxx | |
TAxis.cxx | |
TBackCompFitter.cxx | |
TBinomialEfficiencyFitter.cxx | |
TConfidenceLevel.cxx | |
TEfficiency.cxx | |
TEfficiencyHelper.h | |
TF1.cxx | |
TF12.cxx | |
TF1Convolution.cxx | |
TF1Data_v5.cxx | |
TF1Helper.cxx | |
TF1Helper.h | |
TF1NormSum.cxx | |
TF2.cxx | |
TF3.cxx | |
TFitResult.cxx | |
TFitResultPtr.cxx | |
TFormula.cxx | |
TFormula_v5.cxx | |
TFormulaMathInterface.cxx | |
TFormulaPrimitive_v5.cxx | |
TFractionFitter.cxx | |
TGraph.cxx | |
TGraph2D.cxx | |
TGraph2DErrors.cxx | |
TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx | |
TGraphBentErrors.cxx | |
TGraphDelaunay.cxx | |
TGraphDelaunay2D.cxx | |
TGraphErrors.cxx | |
TGraphSmooth.cxx | |
TGraphTime.cxx | |
TH1.cxx | |
TH1K.cxx | |
TH2.cxx | |
TH2Poly.cxx | |
TH3.cxx | |
THLimitsFinder.cxx | |
THn.cxx | |
THnBase.cxx | |
THnSparse.cxx | |
THStack.cxx | |
TKDE.cxx | |
TLimit.cxx | |
TLimitDataSource.cxx | |
TMultiDimFit.cxx | |
TMultiGraph.cxx | |
TPolyMarker.cxx | |
TPrincipal.cxx | |
TProfile.cxx | |
TProfile2D.cxx | |
TProfile3D.cxx | |
TProfileHelper.h | |
TSpline.cxx | |
TSVDUnfold.cxx | |
TUnfold.cxx | |
TUnfoldBinning.cxx | |
TUnfoldDensity.cxx | |
TUnfoldSys.cxx | |
TVirtualFitter.cxx | |
TVirtualGraphPainter.cxx | |
TVirtualHistPainter.cxx | |
WrappedTF1.cxx | |
histpainter | |
inc | |
Hoption.h | |
Hparam.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGraph2DPainter.h | |
TGraphPainter.h | |
THistPainter.h | |
TLego.h | |
TPainter3dAlgorithms.h | |
TPaletteAxis.h | |
src | |
TGraph2DPainter.cxx | |
TGraphPainter.cxx | |
THistPainter.cxx | |
TPainter3dAlgorithms.cxx | |
TPaletteAxis.cxx | |
spectrum | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TSpectrum.h | |
TSpectrum2.h | |
TSpectrum2Fit.h | |
TSpectrum2Transform.h | |
TSpectrum3.h | |
TSpectrumFit.h | |
TSpectrumTransform.h | |
src | |
TSpectrum.cxx | |
TSpectrum2.cxx | |
TSpectrum2Fit.cxx | |
TSpectrum2Transform.cxx | |
TSpectrum3.cxx | |
TSpectrumFit.cxx | |
TSpectrumTransform.cxx | |
spectrumpainter | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TSpectrum2Painter.h | |
src | |
TSpectrum2Painter.cxx | |
html | |
doc | |
macros | |
testmacro.C | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TClassDocOutput.h | |
TDocDirective.h | |
TDocInfo.h | |
TDocOutput.h | |
TDocParser.h | |
THtml.h | |
src | |
TClassDocOutput.cxx | |
TDocDirective.cxx | |
TDocInfo.cxx | |
TDocOutput.cxx | |
TDocParser.cxx | |
THtml.cxx | |
io | |
castor | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TCastorFile.h | |
src | |
TCastorFile.cxx | |
chirp | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TChirpFile.h | |
src | |
TChirpFile.cxx | |
dcache | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TDCacheFile.h | |
src | |
TDCacheFile.cxx | |
gfal | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGFALFile.h | |
src | |
TGFALFile.cxx | |
hdfs | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
THDFSFile.h | |
src | |
THDFSFile.cxx | |
io | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TArchiveFile.h | |
TBufferFile.h | |
TCollectionProxyFactory.h | |
TContainerConverters.h | |
TDirectoryFile.h | |
TEmulatedCollectionProxy.h | |
TEmulatedMapProxy.h | |
TFile.h | |
TFileCacheRead.h | |
TFileCacheWrite.h | |
TFileMerger.h | |
TFilePrefetch.h | |
TFPBlock.h | |
TFree.h | |
TGenCollectionProxy.h | |
TGenCollectionStreamer.h | |
TKey.h | |
TKeyMapFile.h | |
TLockFile.h | |
TMakeProject.h | |
TMapFile.h | |
TMemFile.h | |
TStreamerInfo.h | |
TStreamerInfoActions.h | |
TVirtualArray.h | |
TVirtualCollectionIterators.h | |
TVirtualObject.h | |
TZIPFile.h | |
src | |
TArchiveFile.cxx | |
TBufferFile.cxx | |
TCollectionProxyFactory.cxx | |
TContainerConverters.cxx | |
TDirectoryFile.cxx | |
TEmulatedCollectionProxy.cxx | |
TEmulatedMapProxy.cxx | |
TFile.cxx | |
TFileCacheRead.cxx | |
TFileCacheWrite.cxx | |
TFileMerger.cxx | |
TFilePrefetch.cxx | |
TFPBlock.cxx | |
TFree.cxx | |
TGenCollectionProxy.cxx | |
TGenCollectionStreamer.cxx | |
TKey.cxx | |
TKeyMapFile.cxx | |
TLockFile.cxx | |
TMakeProject.cxx | |
TMapFile.cxx | |
TMemFile.cxx | |
TStreamerInfo.cxx | |
TStreamerInfoActions.cxx | |
TStreamerInfoReadBuffer.cxx | |
TStreamerInfoWriteBuffer.cxx | |
TZIPFile.cxx | |
rfio | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TRFIOFile.h | |
src | |
TRFIOFile.cxx | |
sql | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TBufferSQL2.h | |
TKeySQL.h | |
TSQLClassInfo.h | |
TSQLFile.h | |
TSQLObjectData.h | |
TSQLStructure.h | |
src | |
TBufferSQL2.cxx | |
TKeySQL.cxx | |
TSQLClassInfo.cxx | |
TSQLFile.cxx | |
TSQLObjectData.cxx | |
TSQLStructure.cxx | |
xml | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TBufferXML.h | |
TKeyXML.h | |
TXMLEngine.h | |
TXMLFile.h | |
TXMLPlayer.h | |
TXMLSetup.h | |
src | |
TBufferXML.cxx | |
TKeyXML.cxx | |
TXMLEngine.cxx | |
TXMLFile.cxx | |
TXMLPlayer.cxx | |
TXMLSetup.cxx | |
xmlparser | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TDOMParser.h | |
TSAXParser.h | |
TXMLAttr.h | |
TXMLDocument.h | |
TXMLNode.h | |
TXMLParser.h | |
src | |
TDOMParser.cxx | |
TSAXParser.cxx | |
TXMLAttr.cxx | |
TXMLDocument.cxx | |
TXMLNode.cxx | |
TXMLParser.cxx | |
math | |
fftw | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TFFTComplex.h | |
TFFTComplexReal.h | |
TFFTReal.h | |
TFFTRealComplex.h | |
src | |
TFFTComplex.cxx | |
TFFTComplexReal.cxx | |
TFFTReal.cxx | |
TFFTRealComplex.cxx | |
foam | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TFoam.h | |
TFoamCell.h | |
TFoamIntegrand.h | |
TFoamMaxwt.h | |
TFoamSampler.h | |
TFoamVect.h | |
src | |
TFoam.cxx | |
TFoamCell.cxx | |
TFoamIntegrand.cxx | |
TFoamMaxwt.cxx | |
TFoamSampler.cxx | |
TFoamVect.cxx | |
fumili | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TFumili.h | |
TFumiliMinimizer.h | |
src | |
TFumili.cxx | |
TFumiliMinimizer.cxx | |
genetic | |
inc | |
Math | |
GeneticMinimizer.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
src | |
GeneticMinimizer.cxx | |
test | |
GAMinTutorial.cxx | |
testGAMinimizer.cxx | |
timeGA.cxx | |
genvector | |
inc | |
Math | |
GenVector | |
3DConversions.h | |
3DDistances.h | |
AxisAngle.h | |
AxisAnglefwd.h | |
BitReproducible.h | |
Boost.h | |
Boostfwd.h | |
BoostX.h | |
BoostXfwd.h | |
BoostY.h | |
BoostYfwd.h | |
BoostZ.h | |
BoostZfwd.h | |
Cartesian2D.h | |
Cartesian2Dfwd.h | |
Cartesian3D.h | |
Cartesian3Dfwd.h | |
CoordinateSystemTags.h | |
Cylindrical3D.h | |
Cylindrical3Dfwd.h | |
CylindricalEta3D.h | |
CylindricalEta3Dfwd.h | |
DisplacementVector2D.h | |
DisplacementVector2Dfwd.h | |
DisplacementVector3D.h | |
DisplacementVector3Dfwd.h | |
eta.h | |
etaMax.h | |
EulerAngles.h | |
EulerAnglesfwd.h | |
GenVector_exception.h | |
GenVectorIO.h | |
LorentzRotation.h | |
LorentzRotationfwd.h | |
LorentzVector.h | |
LorentzVectorfwd.h | |
Plane3D.h | |
Polar2D.h | |
Polar2Dfwd.h | |
Polar3D.h | |
Polar3Dfwd.h | |
PositionVector2D.h | |
PositionVector2Dfwd.h | |
PositionVector3D.h | |
PositionVector3Dfwd.h | |
PtEtaPhiE4D.h | |
PtEtaPhiE4Dfwd.h | |
PtEtaPhiM4D.h | |
PtEtaPhiM4Dfwd.h | |
PxPyPzE4D.h | |
PxPyPzE4Dfwd.h | |
PxPyPzM4D.h | |
PxPyPzM4Dfwd.h | |
Quaternion.h | |
Quaternionfwd.h | |
Rotation3D.h | |
Rotation3Dfwd.h | |
RotationX.h | |
RotationXfwd.h | |
RotationY.h | |
RotationYfwd.h | |
RotationZ.h | |
RotationZfwd.h | |
RotationZYX.h | |
RotationZYXfwd.h | |
Transform3D.h | |
Translation3D.h | |
VectorUtil.h | |
AxisAngle.h | |
Boost.h | |
BoostX.h | |
BoostY.h | |
BoostZ.h | |
Cartesian2D.h | |
Cartesian3D.h | |
Cylindrical3D.h | |
CylindricalEta3D.h | |
DisplacementVector2D.h | |
DisplacementVector3D.h | |
EulerAngles.h | |
LinkDef_GenVector.h | |
LinkDef_GenVector2.h | |
LinkDef_GenVector32.h | |
LinkDef_GenVectorAll.h | |
LinkDef_Point3D.h | |
LinkDef_Rotation.h | |
LinkDef_Vector3D.h | |
LinkDef_Vector4D.h | |
LorentzRotation.h | |
LorentzVector.h | |
Plane3D.h | |
Point2D.h | |
Point2Dfwd.h | |
Point3D.h | |
Point3Dfwd.h | |
Polar2D.h | |
Polar3D.h | |
PositionVector2D.h | |
PositionVector3D.h | |
PtEtaPhiE4D.h | |
PtEtaPhiM4D.h | |
PxPyPzE4D.h | |
PxPyPzM4D.h | |
Quaternion.h | |
Rotation3D.h | |
RotationX.h | |
RotationY.h | |
RotationZ.h | |
RotationZYX.h | |
Transform3D.h | |
Translation3D.h | |
Vector2D.h | |
Vector2Dfwd.h | |
Vector3D.h | |
Vector3Dfwd.h | |
Vector4D.h | |
Vector4Dfwd.h | |
VectorUtil.h | |
src | |
3DConversions.cxx | |
3DDistances.cxx | |
AxisAngle.cxx | |
AxisAngleXother.cxx | |
BitReproducible.cxx | |
Boost.cxx | |
BoostX.cxx | |
BoostY.cxx | |
BoostZ.cxx | |
EulerAngles.cxx | |
GenVector_exception.cxx | |
LorentzRotation.cxx | |
Plane3D.cxx | |
Quaternion.cxx | |
QuaternionXaxial.cxx | |
Rotation3D.cxx | |
Rotation3DxAxial.cxx | |
RotationZYX.cxx | |
Transform3D.cxx | |
Translation3D.cxx | |
VectorUtil.cxx | |
test | |
coordinates3D.cxx | |
coordinates4D.cxx | |
CoordinateTraits.h | |
rotationApplication.cxx | |
RotationTraits.h | |
stress2D.cxx | |
stress3D.cxx | |
testBoost.cxx | |
testGenVector.cxx | |
testIterator.cxx | |
testVectorIO.cxx | |
Track.h | |
TrackLinkDef.h | |
vectorOperation.cxx | |
mathcore | |
inc | |
Fit | |
BasicFCN.h | |
BinData.h | |
BinPoint.h | |
Chi2FCN.h | |
DataOptions.h | |
DataRange.h | |
DataVector.h | |
DataVectorfwd.h | |
FcnAdapter.h | |
FitConfig.h | |
FitResult.h | |
Fitter.h | |
FitUtil.h | |
FitUtilParallel.h | |
LogLikelihoodFCN.h | |
ParameterSettings.h | |
PoissonLikelihoodFCN.h | |
SparseData.h | |
UnBinData.h | |
Math | |
AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim.h | |
AllIntegrationTypes.h | |
BasicMinimizer.h | |
BrentMethods.h | |
BrentMinimizer1D.h | |
BrentRootFinder.h | |
ChebyshevPol.h | |
Delaunay2D.h | |
DistFunc.h | |
DistFuncMathCore.h | |
DistSampler.h | |
DistSamplerOptions.h | |
Error.h | |
Factory.h | |
FitMethodFunction.h | |
Functor.h | |
GaussIntegrator.h | |
GaussLegendreIntegrator.h | |
GenAlgoOptions.h | |
GoFTest.h | |
IFunction.h | |
IFunctionfwd.h | |
IMinimizer1D.h | |
Integrator.h | |
IntegratorMultiDim.h | |
IntegratorOptions.h | |
IOptions.h | |
IParamFunction.h | |
IParamFunctionfwd.h | |
IRootFinderMethod.h | |
KDTree.h | |
KDTree.icc | |
Math.h | |
MersenneTwisterEngine.h | |
Minimizer.h | |
MinimizerOptions.h | |
MinimizerVariableTransformation.h | |
MinimTransformFunction.h | |
MinimTransformVariable.h | |
MixMaxEngine.h | |
MultiDimParamFunctionAdapter.h | |
OneDimFunctionAdapter.h | |
ParamFunctor.h | |
PdfFunc.h | |
PdfFuncMathCore.h | |
ProbFunc.h | |
ProbFuncMathCore.h | |
QuantFunc.h | |
QuantFuncMathCore.h | |
Random.h | |
RandomFunctions.h | |
RichardsonDerivator.h | |
RootFinder.h | |
SpecFunc.h | |
SpecFuncMathCore.h | |
StdRandomEngines.h | |
TDataPoint.h | |
TDataPoint.icc | |
TDataPointN.h | |
TDataPointN.icc | |
TRandomEngine.h | |
Util.h | |
VirtualIntegrator.h | |
WrappedFunction.h | |
WrappedParamFunction.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDef1.h | |
LinkDef2.h | |
LinkDef3.h | |
LinkDef_Func.h | |
TComplex.h | |
TKDTree.h | |
TKDTreeBinning.h | |
TMath.h | |
TRandom.h | |
TRandom1.h | |
TRandom2.h | |
TRandom3.h | |
TStatistic.h | |
src | |
AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim.cxx | |
BasicMinimizer.cxx | |
BinData.cxx | |
BinPoint.cxx | |
BrentMethods.cxx | |
BrentMinimizer1D.cxx | |
BrentRootFinder.cxx | |
ChebyshevPol.cxx | |
DataRange.cxx | |
DataVector.cxx | |
Delaunay2D.cxx | |
DistSampler.cxx | |
DistSamplerOptions.cxx | |
Factory.cxx | |
FitConfig.cxx | |
FitResult.cxx | |
Fitter.cxx | |
FitUtil.cxx | |
FitUtilParallel.cxx | |
GaussIntegrator.cxx | |
GaussLegendreIntegrator.cxx | |
GenAlgoOptions.cxx | |
GoFTest.cxx | |
Integrator.cxx | |
IntegratorOptions.cxx | |
MersenneTwisterEngine.cxx | |
MinimizerOptions.cxx | |
MinimizerVariableTransformation.cxx | |
MinimTransformFunction.cxx | |
mixmax.cxx | |
mixmax.h | |
mixmax_skip_N256.icc | |
MixMaxEngine.cxx | |
ParameterSettings.cxx | |
PdfFuncMathCore.cxx | |
ProbFuncMathCore.cxx | |
QuantFuncMathCore.cxx | |
RandomFunctions.cxx | |
RichardsonDerivator.cxx | |
RootFinder.cxx | |
SparseData.cxx | |
SpecFuncCephes.cxx | |
SpecFuncCephes.h | |
SpecFuncCephesInv.cxx | |
SpecFuncMathCore.cxx | |
TComplex.cxx | |
TDataPointN.cxx | |
TKDTree.cxx | |
TKDTreeBinning.cxx | |
TMath.cxx | |
TRandom.cxx | |
TRandom1.cxx | |
TRandom2.cxx | |
TRandom3.cxx | |
triangle.c | |
triangle.h | |
TStatistic.cxx | |
UnBinData.cxx | |
test | |
fit | |
GaussFunction.h | |
MinimizerTypes.h | |
SparseDataComparer.cxx | |
SparseFit3.cxx | |
SparseFit4.cxx | |
testFit.cxx | |
testFitPerf.cxx | |
testGraphFit.cxx | |
testMinim.cxx | |
testRooFit.cxx | |
WrapperRooPdf.h | |
binarySearchTime.cxx | |
kDTreeTest.cxx | |
newKDTreeTest.cxx | |
stdsort.cxx | |
stressGoFTest.cxx | |
stressTF1.cxx | |
stressTMath.cxx | |
testAnalyticalIntegrals.cxx | |
testBinarySearch.cxx | |
testDistSampler.cxx | |
testIntegration.cxx | |
testIntegrationMultiDim.cxx | |
testkdTreeBinning.cxx | |
testRootFinder.cxx | |
testSampleQuantiles.cxx | |
testSortOrder.cxx | |
testSpecFuncBeta.cxx | |
testSpecFuncBetaI.cxx | |
testSpecFuncErf.cxx | |
testSpecFuncGamma.cxx | |
testSpecFuncSiCi.cxx | |
testTMath.cxx | |
testTStatistic.cxx | |
mathmore | |
inc | |
Math | |
ChebyshevApprox.h | |
Derivator.h | |
DistFuncMathMore.h | |
GSLFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLIntegrator.h | |
GSLMCIntegrator.h | |
GSLMinimizer.h | |
GSLMinimizer1D.h | |
GSLMultiRootFinder.h | |
GSLNLSMinimizer.h | |
GSLQuasiRandom.h | |
GSLRandom.h | |
GSLRandomFunctions.h | |
GSLRndmEngines.h | |
GSLRootFinder.h | |
GSLRootFinderDeriv.h | |
GSLRootHelper.h | |
GSLSimAnMinimizer.h | |
GSLSimAnnealing.h | |
IntegrationTypes.h | |
InterpolationTypes.h | |
Interpolator.h | |
KelvinFunctions.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDef_Func.h | |
LinkDef_RootFinding.h | |
MCIntegrationTypes.h | |
MCParameters.h | |
MultiNumGradFunction.h | |
MultiRootFinder.h | |
ParamFunction.h | |
PdfFuncMathMore.h | |
Polynomial.h | |
QuantFuncMathMore.h | |
QuasiRandom.h | |
RootFinderAlgorithms.h | |
SpecFuncMathMore.h | |
Vavilov.h | |
VavilovAccurate.h | |
VavilovAccurateCdf.h | |
VavilovAccuratePdf.h | |
VavilovAccurateQuantile.h | |
VavilovFast.h | |
src | |
cblas.cxx | |
ChebyshevApprox.cxx | |
complex_quartic.h | |
Derivator.cxx | |
GSL1DMinimizerWrapper.h | |
GSLChebSeries.h | |
GSLDerivator.cxx | |
GSLDerivator.h | |
GSLError.h | |
GSLFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLIntegrationWorkspace.h | |
GSLIntegrator.cxx | |
GSLInterpolator.cxx | |
GSLInterpolator.h | |
GSLMCIntegrationWorkspace.h | |
GSLMCIntegrator.cxx | |
GSLMinimizer.cxx | |
GSLMinimizer1D.cxx | |
GSLMonteFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLMonteFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLMultiFit.h | |
GSLMultiFitFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLMultiFitFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLMultiMinFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLMultiMinimizer.h | |
GSLMultiRootFinder.cxx | |
GSLMultiRootFunctionAdapter.h | |
GSLMultiRootFunctionWrapper.h | |
GSLMultiRootSolver.h | |
GSLNLSMinimizer.cxx | |
GSLQRngWrapper.h | |
GSLQuasiRandom.cxx | |
GSLRndmEngines.cxx | |
GSLRngWrapper.h | |
GSLRootFdFSolver.h | |
GSLRootFinder.cxx | |
GSLRootFinderDeriv.cxx | |
GSLRootFSolver.h | |
GSLRootHelper.cxx | |
GSLSimAnMinimizer.cxx | |
GSLSimAnnealing.cxx | |
Interpolator.cxx | |
KelvinFunctions.cxx | |
MCParameters.cxx | |
MultiNumGradFunction.cxx | |
PdfFuncMathMore.cxx | |
Polynomial.cxx | |
QuantFuncMathMore.cxx | |
RootFinderAlgorithms.cxx | |
SpecFuncMathMore.cxx | |
Vavilov.cxx | |
VavilovAccurate.cxx | |
VavilovAccurateCdf.cxx | |
VavilovAccuratePdf.cxx | |
VavilovAccurateQuantile.cxx | |
VavilovFast.cxx | |
zsolve_cubic.cxx | |
test | |
piRandom.C | |
pirndm.C | |
simanTSP.cxx | |
testChebyshev.cxx | |
testDerivation.cxx | |
testFunctor.cxx | |
testGSLIntegration.cxx | |
testGSLRootFinder.cxx | |
testInterpolation.cxx | |
testMCIntegration.cxx | |
testMinimization1D.cxx | |
testMultiRootFinder.cxx | |
testPermute.cxx | |
testQuasiRandom.cxx | |
testRandom.cxx | |
testRandomDist.cxx | |
testSpecFunc.cxx | |
testStatFunc.cxx | |
testVavilov.cxx | |
UnuRanDist.h | |
VavilovTest.cxx | |
VavilovTest.h | |
matrix | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TDecompBase.h | |
TDecompBK.h | |
TDecompChol.h | |
TDecompLU.h | |
TDecompQRH.h | |
TDecompSparse.h | |
TDecompSVD.h | |
TMatrix.h | |
TMatrixD.h | |
TMatrixDBase.h | |
TMatrixDBasefwd.h | |
TMatrixDEigen.h | |
TMatrixDfwd.h | |
TMatrixDLazy.h | |
TMatrixDSparse.h | |
TMatrixDSparsefwd.h | |
TMatrixDSym.h | |
TMatrixDSymEigen.h | |
TMatrixDSymfwd.h | |
TMatrixDUtils.h | |
TMatrixDUtilsfwd.h | |
TMatrixF.h | |
TMatrixFBase.h | |
TMatrixFBasefwd.h | |
TMatrixFfwd.h | |
TMatrixFLazy.h | |
TMatrixFSparse.h | |
TMatrixFSparsefwd.h | |
TMatrixFSym.h | |
TMatrixFSymfwd.h | |
TMatrixFUtils.h | |
TMatrixFUtilsfwd.h | |
TMatrixT.h | |
TMatrixTBase.h | |
TMatrixTCramerInv.h | |
TMatrixTLazy.h | |
TMatrixTSparse.h | |
TMatrixTSym.h | |
TMatrixTSymCramerInv.h | |
TMatrixTUtils.h | |
TVector.h | |
TVectorD.h | |
TVectorDfwd.h | |
TVectorF.h | |
TVectorFfwd.h | |
TVectorfwd.h | |
TVectorT.h | |
src | |
TDecompBase.cxx | |
TDecompBK.cxx | |
TDecompChol.cxx | |
TDecompLU.cxx | |
TDecompQRH.cxx | |
TDecompSparse.cxx | |
TDecompSVD.cxx | |
TMatrixDEigen.cxx | |
TMatrixDSymEigen.cxx | |
TMatrixT.cxx | |
TMatrixTBase.cxx | |
TMatrixTCramerInv.cxx | |
TMatrixTLazy.cxx | |
TMatrixTSparse.cxx | |
TMatrixTSym.cxx | |
TMatrixTSymCramerInv.cxx | |
TMatrixTUtils.cxx | |
TVectorT.cxx | |
minuit | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TFitter.h | |
TLinearFitter.h | |
TLinearMinimizer.h | |
TMinuit.h | |
TMinuitMinimizer.h | |
src | |
TFitter.cxx | |
TLinearFitter.cxx | |
TLinearMinimizer.cxx | |
TMinuit.cxx | |
TMinuitMinimizer.cxx | |
minuit2 | |
inc | |
Minuit2 | |
ABObj.h | |
ABProd.h | |
ABSum.h | |
ABTypes.h | |
AnalyticalGradientCalculator.h | |
BasicFunctionGradient.h | |
BasicFunctionMinimum.h | |
BasicMinimumError.h | |
BasicMinimumParameters.h | |
BasicMinimumSeed.h | |
BasicMinimumState.h | |
CombinedMinimizer.h | |
CombinedMinimumBuilder.h | |
ContoursError.h | |
DavidonErrorUpdator.h | |
FCNAdapter.h | |
FCNBase.h | |
FCNGradAdapter.h | |
FCNGradientBase.h | |
FumiliBuilder.h | |
FumiliChi2FCN.h | |
FumiliErrorUpdator.h | |
FumiliFCNAdapter.h | |
FumiliFCNBase.h | |
FumiliGradientCalculator.h | |
FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h | |
FumiliMinimizer.h | |
FumiliStandardChi2FCN.h | |
FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN.h | |
FunctionGradient.h | |
FunctionMinimizer.h | |
FunctionMinimum.h | |
GenericFunction.h | |
GradientCalculator.h | |
HessianGradientCalculator.h | |
InitialGradientCalculator.h | |
LaInverse.h | |
LaOuterProduct.h | |
LaProd.h | |
LaSum.h | |
LASymMatrix.h | |
LAVector.h | |
MatrixInverse.h | |
MinimumBuilder.h | |
MinimumError.h | |
MinimumErrorUpdator.h | |
MinimumParameters.h | |
MinimumSeed.h | |
MinimumSeedGenerator.h | |
MinimumState.h | |
MinosError.h | |
Minuit2Minimizer.h | |
MinuitParameter.h | |
MnApplication.h | |
MnConfig.h | |
MnContours.h | |
MnCovarianceSqueeze.h | |
MnCross.h | |
MnEigen.h | |
MnFcn.h | |
MnFumiliMinimize.h | |
MnFunctionCross.h | |
MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff.h | |
MnHesse.h | |
MnLineSearch.h | |
MnMachinePrecision.h | |
MnMatrix.h | |
MnMigrad.h | |
MnMinimize.h | |
MnMinos.h | |
MnParabola.h | |
MnParabolaFactory.h | |
MnParabolaPoint.h | |
MnParameterScan.h | |
MnPlot.h | |
MnPosDef.h | |
MnPrint.h | |
MnRefCountedPointer.h | |
MnReferenceCounter.h | |
MnScan.h | |
MnSeedGenerator.h | |
MnSimplex.h | |
MnStrategy.h | |
MnTiny.h | |
MnTraceObject.h | |
MnUserCovariance.h | |
MnUserFcn.h | |
MnUserParameters.h | |
MnUserParameterState.h | |
MnUserTransformation.h | |
MnVectorTransform.h | |
ModularFunctionMinimizer.h | |
MPIProcess.h | |
NegativeG2LineSearch.h | |
Numerical2PGradientCalculator.h | |
ParametricFunction.h | |
ScanBuilder.h | |
ScanMinimizer.h | |
SimplexBuilder.h | |
SimplexMinimizer.h | |
SimplexParameters.h | |
SimplexSeedGenerator.h | |
SinParameterTransformation.h | |
SqrtLowParameterTransformation.h | |
SqrtUpParameterTransformation.h | |
StackAllocator.h | |
VariableMetricBuilder.h | |
VariableMetricEDMEstimator.h | |
VariableMetricMinimizer.h | |
VectorOuterProduct.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TMinuit2TraceObject.h | |
src | |
AnalyticalGradientCalculator.cxx | |
BasicMinimumError.cxx | |
CombinedMinimumBuilder.cxx | |
DavidonErrorUpdator.cxx | |
FitterUtil.h | |
FumiliBuilder.cxx | |
FumiliErrorUpdator.cxx | |
FumiliGradientCalculator.cxx | |
FumiliMinimizer.cxx | |
FumiliStandardChi2FCN.cxx | |
FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN.cxx | |
HessianGradientCalculator.cxx | |
InitialGradientCalculator.cxx | |
LaEigenValues.cxx | |
LaInnerProduct.cxx | |
LaInverse.cxx | |
LaOuterProduct.cxx | |
LaSumOfElements.cxx | |
LaVtMVSimilarity.cxx | |
MinimumBuilder.cxx | |
Minuit2Minimizer.cxx | |
MnApplication.cxx | |
mnbins.cxx | |
MnContours.cxx | |
MnCovarianceSqueeze.cxx | |
mndasum.cxx | |
mndaxpy.cxx | |
mnddot.cxx | |
mndscal.cxx | |
mndspmv.cxx | |
mndspr.cxx | |
MnEigen.cxx | |
MnFcn.cxx | |
MnFumiliMinimize.cxx | |
MnFunctionCross.cxx | |
MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff.cxx | |
MnHesse.cxx | |
MnLineSearch.cxx | |
mnlsame.cxx | |
MnMachinePrecision.cxx | |
MnMinos.cxx | |
MnParabolaFactory.cxx | |
MnParameterScan.cxx | |
MnPlot.cxx | |
MnPosDef.cxx | |
MnPrint.cxx | |
MnScan.cxx | |
MnSeedGenerator.cxx | |
MnStrategy.cxx | |
mnteigen.cxx | |
MnTiny.cxx | |
mntplot.cxx | |
MnTraceObject.cxx | |
MnUserFcn.cxx | |
MnUserParameters.cxx | |
MnUserParameterState.cxx | |
MnUserTransformation.cxx | |
mnvert.cxx | |
mnxerbla.cxx | |
ModularFunctionMinimizer.cxx | |
MPIProcess.cxx | |
NegativeG2LineSearch.cxx | |
Numerical2PGradientCalculator.cxx | |
ParametricFunction.cxx | |
ScanBuilder.cxx | |
SimplexBuilder.cxx | |
SimplexParameters.cxx | |
SimplexSeedGenerator.cxx | |
SinParameterTransformation.cxx | |
SqrtLowParameterTransformation.cxx | |
SqrtUpParameterTransformation.cxx | |
TMinuit2TraceObject.cxx | |
VariableMetricBuilder.cxx | |
VariableMetricEDMEstimator.cxx | |
test | |
MnSim | |
DemoFumili.cxx | |
DemoGaussSim.cxx | |
demoMinimizer.cxx | |
FlatRandomGen.h | |
GaussDataGen.cxx | |
GaussDataGen.h | |
GaussFcn.cxx | |
GaussFcn.h | |
GaussFcn2.cxx | |
GaussFcn2.h | |
GaussFunction.h | |
GaussianModelFunction.h | |
GaussRandomGen.h | |
ParallelTest.cxx | |
PaulTest.cxx | |
PaulTest2.cxx | |
PaulTest3.cxx | |
PaulTest4.cxx | |
ReneTest.cxx | |
MnTutorial | |
Quad12F.h | |
Quad12FMain.cxx | |
Quad1F.h | |
Quad1FMain.cxx | |
Quad4F.h | |
Quad4FMain.cxx | |
Quad8F.h | |
Quad8FMain.cxx | |
testMinimizer.cxx | |
testNdimFit.cxx | |
testUnbinGausFit.cxx | |
testUserFunc.cxx | |
mlp | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TMLPAnalyzer.h | |
TMultiLayerPerceptron.h | |
TNeuron.h | |
TSynapse.h | |
src | |
TMLPAnalyzer.cxx | |
TMultiLayerPerceptron.cxx | |
TNeuron.cxx | |
TSynapse.cxx | |
physics | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TFeldmanCousins.h | |
TGenPhaseSpace.h | |
TLorentzRotation.h | |
TLorentzVector.h | |
TQuaternion.h | |
TRobustEstimator.h | |
TRolke.h | |
TRotation.h | |
TVector2.h | |
TVector3.h | |
src | |
TFeldmanCousins.cxx | |
TGenPhaseSpace.cxx | |
TLorentzRotation.cxx | |
TLorentzVector.cxx | |
TQuaternion.cxx | |
TRobustEstimator.cxx | |
TRolke.cxx | |
TRotation.cxx | |
TVector2.cxx | |
TVector3.cxx | |
quadp | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGondzioSolver.h | |
TMehrotraSolver.h | |
TQpDataBase.h | |
TQpDataDens.h | |
TQpDataSparse.h | |
TQpLinSolverBase.h | |
TQpLinSolverDens.h | |
TQpLinSolverSparse.h | |
TQpProbBase.h | |
TQpProbDens.h | |
TQpProbSparse.h | |
TQpResidual.h | |
TQpSolverBase.h | |
TQpVar.h | |
src | |
TGondzioSolver.cxx | |
TMehrotraSolver.cxx | |
TQpDataBase.cxx | |
TQpDataDens.cxx | |
TQpDataSparse.cxx | |
TQpLinSolverBase.cxx | |
TQpLinSolverDens.cxx | |
TQpLinSolverSparse.cxx | |
TQpProbBase.cxx | |
TQpProbDens.cxx | |
TQpProbSparse.cxx | |
TQpResidual.cxx | |
TQpSolverBase.cxx | |
TQpVar.cxx | |
rtools | |
inc | |
Math | |
RMinimizer.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
src | |
RMinimizer.cxx | |
smatrix | |
inc | |
Math | |
BinaryOperators.h | |
BinaryOpPolicy.h | |
CholeskyDecomp.h | Header file containing the templated implementation of matrix inversion routines for use with ROOT's SMatrix classes (symmetric positive definite case) |
CramerInversion.icc | |
CramerInversionSym.icc | |
Dfact.h | |
Dfactir.h | |
Dfinv.h | |
Dinv.h | |
Dsfact.h | |
Dsinv.h | |
Expression.h | |
Functions.h | |
HelperOps.h | |
MatrixFunctions.h | |
MatrixInversion.icc | |
MatrixRepresentationsStatic.h | |
MConfig.h | |
SMatrix.h | |
SMatrix.icc | |
SMatrixDfwd.h | |
SMatrixFfwd.h | |
StaticCheck.h | |
SVector.h | |
SVector.icc | |
UnaryOperators.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDefAll.h | |
LinkDefD32.h | |
src | |
Dict.h | |
test | |
kalman.C | |
matrix_op.h | |
matrix_util.h | |
matrixOperations.C | |
stressKalman.cxx | |
stressOperations.cxx | |
testInversion.cxx | |
testIO.cxx | |
testKalman.cxx | |
testOperations.cxx | |
testSMatrix.cxx | |
TestTimer.h | |
Track.h | |
TrackLinkDef.h | |
splot | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TSPlot.h | |
src | |
TSPlot.cxx | |
unuran | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TUnuran.h | |
TUnuranBaseDist.h | |
TUnuranContDist.h | |
TUnuranDiscrDist.h | |
TUnuranEmpDist.h | |
TUnuranMultiContDist.h | |
TUnuranSampler.h | |
src | |
TUnuran.cxx | |
TUnuranContDist.cxx | |
TUnuranDiscrDist.cxx | |
TUnuranEmpDist.cxx | |
TUnuranMultiContDist.cxx | |
TUnuranSampler.cxx | |
UnuranDistr.h | |
UnuranDistrAdapter.h | |
UnuranRng.h | |
test | |
unuranDiscrete.cxx | |
unuranDistr.cxx | |
unuranHist.cxx | |
unuranMulti2D.cxx | |
unuranMultiDim.cxx | |
unuranSimple.cxx | |
vc | |
examples | |
buddhabrot | |
main.cpp | |
main.h | |
finitediff | |
main.cpp | |
fit | |
GaussFunction.h | |
MinimizerTypes.h | |
testFitPerf.cxx | |
genvector | |
vectorOperation.cxx | |
mandelbrot | |
main.cpp | |
main.h | |
mandel.cpp | |
mandel.h | |
matrix | |
main.cpp | |
polarcoord | |
main.cpp | |
smatrix | |
matrix_op_vec.h | |
matrix_util.h | |
testKalman.cxx | |
testOperations.cxx | |
TestTimer.h | |
tsc.h | |
include | |
Vc | |
avx | |
casts.h | |
const.h | |
const_data.h | |
debug.h | |
helperimpl.h | |
intrinsics.h | |
limits.h | |
macros.h | |
mask.h | |
math.h | |
shuffle.h | |
sorthelper.h | |
types.h | |
undomacros.h | |
vector.h | |
vectorhelper.h | |
writemaskedvector.h | |
common | |
aliasingentryhelper.h | |
bitscanintrinsics.h | |
deinterleave.h | |
exponential.h | |
fix_clang_emmintrin.h | |
iif.h | |
interleavedmemory.h | |
logarithm.h | |
macros.h | |
memory.h | |
memorybase.h | |
memoryfwd.h | |
operand.h | |
operators.h | |
storage.h | |
support.h | |
trigonometric.h | |
types.h | |
undomacros.h | |
vectortuple.h | |
windows_fix_intrin.h | |
internal | |
namespace.h | |
scalar | |
helperimpl.h | |
limits.h | |
macros.h | |
mask.h | |
math.h | |
types.h | |
undomacros.h | |
vector.h | |
writemaskedvector.h | |
sse | |
casts.h | |
const.h | |
const_data.h | |
debug.h | |
helperimpl.h | |
intrinsics.h | |
limits.h | |
macros.h | |
mask.h | |
math.h | |
shuffle.h | |
types.h | |
undomacros.h | |
vector.h | |
vectorhelper.h | |
cpuid.h | |
global.h | |
support.h | |
vector.h | |
version.h | |
src | |
avx_sorthelper.cpp | |
const.cpp | |
cpuid.cpp | |
support.cpp | |
trigonometric.cpp | |
tests | |
arithmetics.cpp | |
casts.cpp | |
const.h | |
convert-sincos-reference.cpp | |
deinterleave.cpp | |
expandandmerge.cpp | |
gather.cpp | |
implicit_type_conversion.cpp | |
implicit_type_conversion_failures.cpp | |
linkTest0.cpp | |
linkTest1.cpp | |
linkTestLib0.cpp | |
linkTestLib1.cpp | |
linkTestLib2.cpp | |
linkTestLib3.cpp | |
load.cpp | |
mask.cpp | |
math.cpp | |
memory.cpp | |
scalaraccess.cpp | |
scatter.cpp | |
sse_blend.cpp | |
stlcontainer.cpp | |
store.cpp | |
supportfunctions.cpp | |
swizzles.cpp | |
ulp.h | |
unittest.h | |
utils.cpp | |
vectormemoryhelper.h | | | |
vdt | |
include | |
vdt | |
asin.h | |
atan.h | |
atan2.h | |
cos.h | |
exp.h | |
inv.h | |
log.h | |
sin.h | |
sincos.h | |
sqrt.h | |
tan.h | |
vdtcore_common.h | |
vdtMath.h | |
tests | |
stressVdt.cxx | |
misc | |
memstat | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TMemStat.h | |
TMemStatBacktrace.h | |
TMemStatDef.h | |
TMemStatHelpers.h | |
TMemStatHook.h | |
TMemStatMng.h | |
src | |
TMemStat.cxx | |
TMemStatBacktrace.cxx | |
TMemStatHelpers.cxx | |
TMemStatHook.cxx | |
TMemStatMng.cxx | |
test | |
leak_test.C | |
run.C | |
table | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
tableDescriptor.h | |
TCernLib.h | |
TChair.h | |
TColumnView.h | |
TDataSet.h | |
TDataSetIter.h | |
TDsKey.h | |
TFileIter.h | |
TFileSet.h | |
TGenericTable.h | |
TIndexTable.h | |
TObjectSet.h | |
TPoints3D.h | |
TPointsArray3D.h | |
TPolyLineShape.h | |
TResponseTable.h | |
TTable.h | |
TTable3Points.h | |
TTableDescriptor.h | |
TTableIter.h | |
TTableMap.h | |
TTablePadView3D.h | |
TTablePoints.h | |
TTableSorter.h | |
Ttypes.h | |
TVolume.h | |
TVolumePosition.h | |
TVolumeView.h | |
TVolumeViewIter.h | |
src | |
TCernLib.cxx | |
TChair.cxx | |
TColumnView.cxx | |
TDataSet.cxx | |
TDataSetIter.cxx | |
TDsKey.cxx | |
TFileIter.cxx | |
TFileSet.cxx | |
TGenericTable.cxx | |
TIndexTable.cxx | |
TObjectSet.cxx | |
TPoints3D.cxx | |
TPointsArray3D.cxx | |
TPolyLineShape.cxx | |
TResponseTable.cxx | |
TTable.cxx | |
TTable3Points.cxx | |
TTableDescriptor.cxx | |
TTableIter.cxx | |
TTableMap.cxx | |
TTablePadView3D.cxx | |
TTablePoints.cxx | |
TTableSorter.cxx | |
TVolume.cxx | |
TVolumePosition.cxx | |
TVolumeView.cxx | |
TVolumeViewIter.cxx | |
montecarlo | |
eg | |
inc | |
cfortran.h | |
Hepevt.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TAttParticle.h | |
TDatabasePDG.h | |
TDecayChannel.h | |
TGenerator.h | |
TParticle.h | |
TParticleClassPDG.h | |
TParticlePDG.h | |
TPrimary.h | |
TVirtualMCDecayer.h | |
src | |
TAttParticle.cxx | |
TDatabasePDG.cxx | |
TDecayChannel.cxx | |
TGenerator.cxx | |
TParticle.cxx | |
TParticleClassPDG.cxx | |
TParticlePDG.cxx | |
TPrimary.cxx | |
TVirtualMCDecayer.cxx | |
pythia6 | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TMCParticle.h | |
TPythia6.h | |
TPythia6Calls.h | |
TPythia6Decayer.h | |
src | |
TMCParticle.cxx | |
TPythia6.cxx | |
TPythia6Decayer.cxx | |
pythia8 | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TPythia8.h | |
TPythia8Decayer.h | |
src | |
TPythia8.cxx | |
TPythia8Decayer.cxx | |
vmc | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGeoMCGeometry.h | |
TMCOptical.h | |
TMCParticleType.h | |
TMCProcess.h | |
TMCtls.h | |
TMCVerbose.h | |
TPDGCode.h | |
TVirtualMC.h | |
TVirtualMCApplication.h | |
TVirtualMCGeometry.h | |
TVirtualMCStack.h | |
src | |
TGeoMCGeometry.cxx | |
TMCVerbose.cxx | |
TVirtualMC.cxx | |
TVirtualMCApplication.cxx | |
TVirtualMCGeometry.cxx | |
TVirtualMCStack.cxx | |
net | |
alien | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TAlien.h | |
TAlienCollection.h | |
TAlienDirectory.h | |
TAlienFile.h | |
TAlienJDL.h | |
TAlienJob.h | |
TAlienJobStatus.h | |
TAlienJobStatusList.h | |
TAlienMasterJob.h | |
TAlienMasterJobStatus.h | |
TAlienPackage.h | |
TAlienResult.h | |
TAlienSystem.h | |
src | |
TAlien.cxx | |
TAlienCollection.cxx | |
TAlienDirectory.cxx | |
TAlienFile.cxx | |
TAlienJDL.cxx | |
TAlienJob.cxx | |
TAlienJobStatus.cxx | |
TAlienJobStatusList.cxx | |
TAlienMasterJob.cxx | |
TAlienMasterJobStatus.cxx | |
TAlienPackage.cxx | |
TAlienResult.cxx | |
TAlienSystem.cxx | |
auth | |
inc | |
AFSAuth.h | |
AFSAuthTypes.h | |
AuthConst.h | |
LinkDefAFS.h | |
LinkDefRoot.h | |
rsaaux.h | |
rsadef.h | |
rsafun.h | |
rsalib.h | |
TAFS.h | |
TAuthenticate.h | |
THostAuth.h | |
TRootAuth.h | |
TRootSecContext.h | |
src | |
AFSAuth.cxx | |
DaemonUtils.cxx | |
DaemonUtils.h | |
rsaaux.cxx | |
rsafun.cxx | |
rsalib.cxx | |
TAFS.cxx | |
TAuthenticate.cxx | |
THostAuth.cxx | |
TRootAuth.cxx | |
TRootSecContext.cxx | |
bonjour | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TBonjourBrowser.h | |
TBonjourRecord.h | |
TBonjourRegistrar.h | |
TBonjourResolver.h | |
src | |
TBonjourBrowser.cxx | |
TBonjourRecord.cxx | |
TBonjourRegistrar.cxx | |
TBonjourResolver.cxx | |
davix | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TDavixFile.h | |
TDavixFileInternal.h | |
TDavixSystem.h | |
src | |
TDavixFile.cxx | |
TDavixSystem.cxx | |
glite | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TGLite.h | Interface of the class which defines interface to gLite GRID services |
TGLiteJob.h | GLite implementation of TGridJob |
TGLiteJobStatus.h | GLite implementation of TGridJobStatus |
TGLiteResult.h | |
src | |
TGLite.cxx | Implementation of the class which defines interface to gLite GRID services |
TGLiteJob.cxx | GLite implementation of TGridJob |
TGLiteJobStatus.cxx | |
TGLiteResult.cxx | |
http | |
civetweb | |
civetweb.c | |
civetweb.h | |
md5.inl | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TBufferJSON.h | |
TCivetweb.h | |
TFastCgi.h | |
THttpCallArg.h | |
THttpEngine.h | |
THttpServer.h | |
TRootSniffer.h | |
TRootSnifferStore.h | |
src | |
TBufferJSON.cxx | |
TCivetweb.cxx | |
TFastCgi.cxx | |
THttpCallArg.cxx | |
THttpEngine.cxx | |
THttpServer.cxx | |
TRootSniffer.cxx | |
TRootSnifferStore.cxx | |
krb5auth | |
inc | |
Krb5Auth.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TKSocket.h | |
src | |
Krb5Auth.cxx | |
TKSocket.cxx | |
ldap | |
inc | |
CintLDAP.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
TLDAPAttribute.h | |
TLDAPEntry.h | |
TLDAPResult.h | |
TLDAPServer.h | |
src | |
TLDAPAttribute.cxx | |
TLDAPEntry.cxx | |
TLDAPResult.cxx | |
TLDAPServer.cxx | |
monalisa | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TMonaLisaWriter.h | |
src | |
TMonaLisaWriter.cxx | |
net | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
NetErrors.h | |
RRemoteProtocol.h | |
TApplicationRemote.h | |
TApplicationServer.h | |
TFileStager.h | |
TFTP.h | |
TGrid.h | |
TGridCollection.h | |
TGridJDL.h | |
TGridJob.h | |
TGridJobStatus.h | |
TGridJobStatusList.h | |
TGridResult.h | |
TMessage.h | |
TMonitor.h | |
TNetFile.h | |
TNetFileStager.h | |
TParallelMergingFile.h | |
TPServerSocket.h | |
TPSocket.h | |
TS3HTTPRequest.h | |
TS3WebFile.h | |
TSecContext.h | |
TServerSocket.h | |
TSocket.h | |
TSQLColumnInfo.h | |
TSQLMonitoring.h | |
TSQLResult.h | |
TSQLRow.h | |
TSQLServer.h | |
TSQLStatement.h | |
TSQLTableInfo.h | |
TSSLSocket.h | |
TUDPSocket.h | |
TWebFile.h | |
src | |
NetErrors.cxx | |
TApplicationRemote.cxx | |
TApplicationServer.cxx | |
TFileStager.cxx | |
TFTP.cxx | |
TGrid.cxx | |
TGridJDL.cxx | |
TGridJob.cxx | |
TGridJobStatus.cxx | |
TGridJobStatusList.cxx | |
TGridResult.cxx | |
TMessage.cxx | |
TMonitor.cxx | |
TNetFile.cxx | |
TNetFileStager.cxx | |
TParallelMergingFile.cxx | |
TPServerSocket.cxx | |
TPSocket.cxx | |
TS3HTTPRequest.cxx | |
TS3WebFile.cxx | |
TSecContext.cxx | |
TServerSocket.cxx | |
TSocket.cxx | |
TSQLColumnInfo.cxx | |
TSQLMonitoring.cxx | |
TSQLResult.cxx | |
TSQLRow.cxx | |
TSQLServer.cxx | |
TSQLStatement.cxx | |
TSQLTableInfo.cxx | |
TSSLSocket.cxx | |
TUDPSocket.cxx | |
TWebFile.cxx | |
netx | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TXNetFile.h | |
TXNetFileStager.h | |
TXNetSystem.h | |
src | |
TXNetFile.cxx | |
TXNetFileStager.cxx | |
TXNetSystem.cxx | |
netxng | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TNetXNGFile.h | |
TNetXNGFileStager.h | |
TNetXNGSystem.h | |
src | |
TNetXNGFile.cxx | |
TNetXNGFileStager.cxx | |
TNetXNGSystem.cxx | |
proof | |
pq2 | |
inc | |
pq2actions.h | |
pq2ping.h | |
pq2wrappers.h | |
redirguard.h | |
src | |
pq2actions.cxx | |
pq2main.cxx | |
pq2ping.cxx | |
pq2wrappers.cxx | |
redirguard.cxx | |
proof | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TCondor.h | |
TDataSetManager.h | |
TDataSetManagerAliEn.h | |
TDataSetManagerFile.h | |
TDSet.h | |
TDSetProxy.h | |
TProof.h | |
TProofChain.h | |
TProofCondor.h | |
TProofDebug.h | |
TProofLite.h | |
TProofLog.h | |
TProofMgr.h | |
TProofMgrLite.h | |
TProofNodeInfo.h | |
TProofOutputFile.h | |
TProofOutputList.h | |
TProofProgressStatus.h | |
TProofQueryResult.h | |
TProofResources.h | |
TProofResourcesStatic.h | |
TProofServ.h | |
TProofServLite.h | |
TProofSuperMaster.h | |
TQueryResultManager.h | |
TSelVerifyDataSet.h | |
TSlave.h | |
TSlaveLite.h | |
TVirtualProofPlayer.h | |
src | |
TCondor.cxx | |
TDataSetManager.cxx | |
TDataSetManagerAliEn.cxx | |
TDataSetManagerFile.cxx | |
TDSet.cxx | |
TDSetProxy.cxx | |
TProof.cxx | |
TProofChain.cxx | |
TProofCondor.cxx | |
TProofDebug.cxx | |
TProofLite.cxx | |
TProofLog.cxx | |
TProofMgr.cxx | |
TProofMgrLite.cxx | |
TProofNodeInfo.cxx | |
TProofOutputFile.cxx | |
TProofOutputList.cxx | |
TProofProgressStatus.cxx | |
TProofQueryResult.cxx | |
TProofResourcesStatic.cxx | |
TProofServ.cxx | |
TProofServLite.cxx | |
TProofSuperMaster.cxx | |
TQueryResultManager.cxx | |
TSelVerifyDataSet.cxx | |
TSlave.cxx | |
TSlaveLite.cxx | |
TVirtualProofPlayer.cxx | |
proofbench | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TProofBench.h | |
TProofBenchDataSet.h | |
TProofBenchRun.h | |
TProofBenchRunCPU.h | |
TProofBenchRunDataRead.h | |
TProofBenchTypes.h | |
TProofNodes.h | |
TProofPerfAnalysis.h | |
TSelEvent.h | |
TSelEventGen.h | |
TSelHandleDataSet.h | |
TSelHist.h | |
src | |
TProofBench.cxx | |
TProofBenchDataSet.cxx | |
TProofBenchRun.cxx | |
TProofBenchRunCPU.cxx | |
TProofBenchRunDataRead.cxx | |
TProofNodes.cxx | |
TProofPerfAnalysis.cxx | |
TSelEvent.cxx | |
TSelEventGen.cxx | |
TSelHandleDataSet.cxx | |
TSelHist.cxx | |
proofd | |
inc | |
proofdp.h | |
XpdObject.h | |
XpdSysDNS.h | |
XpdSysError.h | |
XpdSysLogger.h | |
XpdSysPlugin.h | |
XpdSysPthread.h | |
XpdSysSemWait.h | |
XpdSysTimer.h | |
XProofProtocol.h | |
XProofProtUtils.h | |
XrdProofConn.h | |
XrdProofdAdmin.h | |
XrdProofdAux.h | |
XrdProofdClient.h | |
XrdProofdClientMgr.h | |
XrdProofdConfig.h | |
XrdProofdManager.h | |
XrdProofdNetMgr.h | |
XrdProofdPlatform.h | |
XrdProofdPriorityMgr.h | |
XrdProofdProofServ.h | |
XrdProofdProofServMgr.h | |
XrdProofdProtocol.h | |
XrdProofdResponse.h | |
XrdProofdSandbox.h | |
XrdProofdTrace.h | |
XrdProofdXrdVers.h | |
XrdProofGroup.h | |
XrdProofPhyConn.h | |
XrdProofSched.h | |
XrdProofWorker.h | |
XrdROOT.h | |
XrdSysToOuc.h | |
src | |
proofd.cxx | |
proofexecv.cxx | |
XpdObject.cxx | |
XProofProtUtils.cxx | |
XrdProofConn.cxx | |
XrdProofdAdmin.cxx | |
XrdProofdAux.cxx | |
XrdProofdClient.cxx | |
XrdProofdClientMgr.cxx | |
XrdProofdConfig.cxx | |
XrdProofdManager.cxx | |
XrdProofdNetMgr.cxx | |
XrdProofdPriorityMgr.cxx | |
XrdProofdProofServ.cxx | |
XrdProofdProofServMgr.cxx | |
XrdProofdProtocol.cxx | |
XrdProofdResponse.cxx | |
XrdProofdSandbox.cxx | |
XrdProofGroup.cxx | |
XrdProofPhyConn.cxx | |
XrdProofSched.cxx | |
XrdProofWorker.cxx | |
XrdROOT.cxx | |
proofplayer | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDefDraw.h | |
TDrawFeedback.h | |
TEventIter.h | |
TOutputListSelectorDataMap.h | |
TPacketizer.h | |
TPacketizerAdaptive.h | |
TPacketizerFile.h | |
TPacketizerMulti.h | |
TPacketizerUnit.h | |
TPerfStats.h | |
TProofDraw.h | |
TProofLimitsFinder.h | |
TProofMonSender.h | |
TProofMonSenderML.h | |
TProofMonSenderSQL.h | |
TProofPlayer.h | |
TProofPlayerLite.h | |
TStatsFeedback.h | |
TStatus.h | |
TVirtualPacketizer.h | |
src | |
TDrawFeedback.cxx | |
TEventIter.cxx | |
TOutputListSelectorDataMap.cxx | |
TPacketizer.cxx | |
TPacketizerAdaptive.cxx | |
TPacketizerFile.cxx | |
TPacketizerMulti.cxx | |
TPacketizerUnit.cxx | |
TPerfStats.cxx | |
TProofDraw.cxx | |
TProofLimitsFinder.cxx | |
TProofMonSender.cxx | |
TProofMonSenderML.cxx | |
TProofMonSenderSQL.cxx | |
TProofPlayer.cxx | |
TProofPlayerLite.cxx | |
TStatsFeedback.cxx | |
TStatus.cxx | |
TVirtualPacketizer.cxx | |
proofx | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TXHandler.h | |
TXProofMgr.h | |
TXProofServ.h | |
TXSlave.h | |
TXSocket.h | |
TXSocketHandler.h | |
TXUnixSocket.h | |
src | |
TXHandler.cxx | |
TXProofMgr.cxx | |
TXProofServ.cxx | |
TXSlave.cxx | |
TXSocket.cxx | |
TXSocketHandler.cxx | |
TXUnixSocket.cxx | |
xrdinc | |
Xrd | |
XrdPoll.hh | |
XrdClient | |
XrdClientConn.hh | |
XrdClientConnMgr.hh | |
XrdClientInputBuffer.hh | |
XrdClientLogConnection.hh | |
XrdClientMessage.hh | |
XrdClientPhyConnection.hh | |
XrdClientReadCache.hh | |
XrdClientSock.hh | |
XrdSys | |
XrdSysPriv.hh | |
roofit | |
histfactory | |
inc | |
RooStats | |
HistFactory | |
Asimov.h | |
Channel.h | |
ConfigParser.h | |
Data.h | |
EstimateSummary.h | |
FlexibleInterpVar.h | |
HistFactoryException.h | |
HistFactoryModelUtils.h | |
HistFactoryNavigation.h | |
HistFactorySimultaneous.h | |
HistoToWorkspaceFactory.h | |
HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast.h | |
HistRef.h | |
LinInterpVar.h | |
MakeModelAndMeasurementsFast.h | |
Measurement.h | |
ParamHistFunc.h | |
PiecewiseInterpolation.h | |
PreprocessFunction.h | |
RooBarlowBeestonLL.h | |
Sample.h | |
Systematics.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
src | |
Asimov.cxx | |
Channel.cxx | |
ConfigParser.cxx | |
Data.cxx | |
EstimateSummary.cxx | |
FlexibleInterpVar.cxx | |
Helper.cxx | |
Helper.h | |
hist2workspace.cxx | |
HistFactoryModelUtils.cxx | |
HistFactoryNavigation.cxx | |
HistFactorySimultaneous.cxx | |
HistoToWorkspaceFactory.cxx | |
HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast.cxx | |
HistRef.cxx | |
LinInterpVar.cxx | |
MakeModelAndMeasurements.cxx | |
MakeModelAndMeasurementsFast.cxx | |
Measurement.cxx | |
ParamHistFunc.cxx | |
PiecewiseInterpolation.cxx | |
PreprocessFunction.cxx | |
RooBarlowBeestonLL.cxx | |
Sample.cxx | |
Systematics.cxx | |
roofit | |
inc | |
LinkDef1.h | |
Roo1DMomentMorphFunction.h | |
Roo2DKeysPdf.h | |
Roo2DMomentMorphFunction.h | |
RooArgusBG.h | |
RooBCPEffDecay.h | |
RooBCPGenDecay.h | |
RooBDecay.h | |
RooBernstein.h | |
RooBifurGauss.h | |
RooBlindTools.h | |
RooBMixDecay.h | |
RooBreitWigner.h | |
RooBukinPdf.h | |
RooCBShape.h | |
RooCFunction1Binding.h | |
RooCFunction2Binding.h | |
RooCFunction3Binding.h | |
RooCFunction4Binding.h | |
RooChebychev.h | |
RooChi2MCSModule.h | |
RooChiSquarePdf.h | |
RooDecay.h | |
RooDstD0BG.h | |
RooExponential.h | |
RooFunctor1DBinding.h | |
RooFunctorBinding.h | |
RooGamma.h | |
RooGaussian.h | |
RooGaussModel.h | |
RooGExpModel.h | |
RooHistConstraint.h | |
RooIntegralMorph.h | |
RooJeffreysPrior.h | |
RooKeysPdf.h | |
RooLandau.h | |
RooLegendre.h | |
RooLognormal.h | |
RooMathCoreReg.h | |
RooMathMoreReg.h | |
RooMomentMorph.h | |
RooMultiBinomial.h | |
RooNDKeysPdf.h | |
RooNonCentralChiSquare.h | |
RooNonCPEigenDecay.h | |
RooNovosibirsk.h | |
RooParametricStepFunction.h | |
RooParamHistFunc.h | |
RooPoisson.h | |
RooPolynomial.h | |
RooSpHarmonic.h | |
RooStepFunction.h | |
RooTFnBinding.h | |
RooTFnPdfBinding.h | |
RooTMathReg.h | |
RooUnblindCPAsymVar.h | |
RooUnblindOffset.h | |
RooUnblindPrecision.h | |
RooUnblindUniform.h | |
RooUniform.h | |
RooVoigtian.h | |
src | |
Roo1DMomentMorphFunction.cxx | |
Roo2DKeysPdf.cxx | |
Roo2DMomentMorphFunction.cxx | |
RooArgusBG.cxx | |
RooBCPEffDecay.cxx | |
RooBCPGenDecay.cxx | |
RooBDecay.cxx | |
RooBernstein.cxx | |
RooBifurGauss.cxx | |
RooBlindTools.cxx | |
RooBMixDecay.cxx | |
RooBreitWigner.cxx | |
RooBukinPdf.cxx | |
RooCBShape.cxx | |
RooCFunction1Binding.cxx | |
RooCFunction2Binding.cxx | |
RooCFunction3Binding.cxx | |
RooCFunction4Binding.cxx | |
RooChebychev.cxx | |
RooChi2MCSModule.cxx | |
RooChiSquarePdf.cxx | |
RooDecay.cxx | |
RooDstD0BG.cxx | |
RooExponential.cxx | |
RooFunctor1DBinding.cxx | |
RooFunctorBinding.cxx | |
RooGamma.cxx | |
RooGaussian.cxx | |
RooGaussModel.cxx | |
RooGExpModel.cxx | |
RooHistConstraint.cxx | |
RooIntegralMorph.cxx | |
RooJeffreysPrior.cxx | |
RooKeysPdf.cxx | |
RooLandau.cxx | |
RooLegendre.cxx | |
RooLognormal.cxx | |
RooMathCoreReg.cxx | |
RooMathMoreReg.cxx | |
RooMomentMorph.cxx | |
RooMultiBinomial.cxx | |
RooNDKeysPdf.cxx | |
RooNonCentralChiSquare.cxx | |
RooNonCPEigenDecay.cxx | |
RooNovosibirsk.cxx | |
RooParametricStepFunction.cxx | |
RooParamHistFunc.cxx | |
RooPoisson.cxx | |
RooPolynomial.cxx | |
RooSpHarmonic.cxx | |
RooStepFunction.cxx | |
RooTFnBinding.cxx | |
RooTFnPdfBinding.cxx | |
RooTMathReg.cxx | |
RooUnblindCPAsymVar.cxx | |
RooUnblindOffset.cxx | |
RooUnblindPrecision.cxx | |
RooUnblindUniform.cxx | |
RooUniform.cxx | |
RooVoigtian.cxx | |
roofitcore | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDef1.h | |
LinkDef2.h | |
LinkDef3.h | |
LinkDef4.h | |
Roo1DTable.h | |
RooAbsAnaConvPdf.h | |
RooAbsArg.h | |
RooAbsBinning.h | |
RooAbsCache.h | |
RooAbsCachedPdf.h | |
RooAbsCachedReal.h | |
RooAbsCacheElement.h | |
RooAbsCategory.h | |
RooAbsCategoryLValue.h | |
RooAbsCollection.h | |
RooAbsData.h | |
RooAbsDataStore.h | |
RooAbsFunc.h | |
RooAbsGenContext.h | |
RooAbsHiddenReal.h | |
RooAbsIntegrator.h | |
RooAbsLValue.h | |
RooAbsMCStudyModule.h | |
RooAbsMoment.h | |
RooAbsNumGenerator.h | |
RooAbsOptTestStatistic.h | |
RooAbsPdf.h | |
RooAbsProxy.h | |
RooAbsReal.h | |
RooAbsRealLValue.h | |
RooAbsRootFinder.h | |
RooAbsSelfCachedPdf.h | |
RooAbsSelfCachedReal.h | |
RooAbsString.h | |
RooAbsStudy.h | |
RooAbsTestStatistic.h | |
RooAcceptReject.h | |
RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D.h | |
RooAdaptiveIntegratorND.h | |
RooAddGenContext.h | |
RooAddition.h | |
RooAddModel.h | |
RooAddPdf.h | |
RooAICRegistry.h | |
RooArgList.h | |
RooArgProxy.h | |
RooArgSet.h | |
RooBanner.h | |
RooBinIntegrator.h | |
RooBinnedGenContext.h | |
RooBinning.h | |
RooBinningCategory.h | |
RooBrentRootFinder.h | |
RooCachedPdf.h | |
RooCachedReal.h | |
RooCacheManager.h | |
RooCategory.h | |
RooCategoryProxy.h | |
RooCategorySharedProperties.h | |
RooCatType.h | |
RooChangeTracker.h | |
RooChi2Var.h | |
RooCintUtils.h | |
RooClassFactory.h | |
RooCmdArg.h | |
RooCmdConfig.h | |
RooComplex.h | |
RooCompositeDataStore.h | |
RooConstraintSum.h | |
RooConstVar.h | |
RooConvCoefVar.h | |
RooConvGenContext.h | |
RooConvIntegrandBinding.h | |
RooCurve.h | |
RooCustomizer.h | |
RooDataHist.h | |
RooDataHistSliceIter.h | |
RooDataProjBinding.h | |
RooDataSet.h | |
RooDataWeightedAverage.h | |
RooDerivative.h | |
RooDirItem.h | |
RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule.h | |
RooDouble.h | |
RooEffGenContext.h | |
RooEfficiency.h | |
RooEffProd.h | |
RooEllipse.h | |
RooErrorHandler.h | |
RooErrorVar.h | |
RooExpensiveObjectCache.h | |
RooExtendedBinding.h | |
RooExtendedTerm.h | |
RooExtendPdf.h | |
RooFactoryWSTool.h | |
RooFFTConvPdf.h | |
RooFirstMoment.h | |
RooFit.h | |
RooFitCore_LinkDef.h | |
RooFitResult.h | |
RooFoamGenerator.h | |
RooFormula.h | |
RooFormulaVar.h | |
RooFracRemainder.h | |
RooFunctor.h | |
RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D.h | |
RooGenContext.h | |
RooGenericPdf.h | |
RooGenFitStudy.h | |
RooGenFunction.h | |
RooGenProdProj.h | |
RooGlobalFunc.h | |
RooGrid.h | |
RooHashTable.h | |
RooHist.h | |
RooHistError.h | |
RooHistFunc.h | |
RooHistPdf.h | |
RooImproperIntegrator1D.h | |
RooInt.h | |
RooIntegrator1D.h | |
RooIntegrator2D.h | |
RooIntegratorBinding.h | |
RooInvTransform.h | |
RooLinearVar.h | |
RooLinkedList.h | |
RooLinkedListElem.h | |
RooLinkedListIter.h | |
RooLinTransBinning.h | |
RooList.h | |
RooListProxy.h | |
RooMapCatEntry.h | |
RooMappedCategory.h | |
RooMath.h | |
RooMCIntegrator.h | |
RooMCStudy.h | |
RooMinimizer.h | |
RooMinimizerFcn.h | |
RooMinuit.h | |
RooMoment.h | |
RooMPSentinel.h | |
RooMsgService.h | |
RooMultiCategory.h | |
RooMultiCatIter.h | |
RooMultiGenFunction.h | |
RooMultiVarGaussian.h | |
RooNameReg.h | |
RooNameSet.h | |
RooNLLVar.h | |
RooNormSetCache.h | |
RooNumber.h | |
RooNumCdf.h | |
RooNumConvolution.h | |
RooNumConvPdf.h | |
RooNumGenConfig.h | |
RooNumGenFactory.h | |
RooNumIntConfig.h | |
RooNumIntFactory.h | |
RooNumRunningInt.h | |
RooObjCacheManager.h | |
RooParamBinning.h | |
RooPlot.h | |
RooPlotable.h | |
RooPolyVar.h | |
RooPrintable.h | |
RooProdGenContext.h | |
RooProdPdf.h | |
RooProduct.h | |
RooProfileLL.h | |
RooProjectedPdf.h | |
RooProofDriverSelector.h | |
RooPullVar.h | |
RooQuasiRandomGenerator.h | |
RooRandom.h | |
RooRandomizeParamMCSModule.h | |
RooRangeBinning.h | |
RooRangeBoolean.h | |
RooRealAnalytic.h | |
RooRealBinding.h | |
RooRealConstant.h | |
RooRealIntegral.h | |
RooRealMPFE.h | |
RooRealProxy.h | |
RooRealSumPdf.h | |
RooRealVar.h | |
RooRealVarSharedProperties.h | |
RooRecursiveFraction.h | |
RooRefCountList.h | |
RooResolutionModel.h | |
RooScaledFunc.h | |
RooSecondMoment.h | |
RooSegmentedIntegrator1D.h | |
RooSegmentedIntegrator2D.h | |
RooSentinel.h | |
RooSetPair.h | |
RooSetProxy.h | |
RooSharedProperties.h | |
RooSharedPropertiesList.h | |
RooSimGenContext.h | |
RooSimPdfBuilder.h | |
RooSimSplitGenContext.h | |
RooSimultaneous.h | |
RooSimWSTool.h | |
RooStreamParser.h | |
RooStringVar.h | |
RooStudyManager.h | |
RooStudyPackage.h | |
RooSuperCategory.h | |
RooTable.h | |
RooTFoamBinding.h | |
RooThreshEntry.h | |
RooThresholdCategory.h | |
RooTObjWrap.h | |
RooTrace.h | |
RooTreeData.h | |
RooTreeDataStore.h | |
RooTruthModel.h | |
RooUniformBinning.h | |
RooUnitTest.h | |
RooVectorDataStore.h | |
RooWorkspace.h | |
RooXYChi2Var.h | |
src | |
BidirMMapPipe.cxx | Implementation of BidirMMapPipe, a class which forks off a child process and serves as communications channel between parent and child |
BidirMMapPipe.h | Header file for BidirMMapPipe, a class which forks off a child process and serves as communications channel between parent and child |
Roo1DTable.cxx | |
RooAbsAnaConvPdf.cxx | |
RooAbsArg.cxx | |
RooAbsBinning.cxx | |
RooAbsCache.cxx | |
RooAbsCachedPdf.cxx | |
RooAbsCachedReal.cxx | |
RooAbsCacheElement.cxx | |
RooAbsCategory.cxx | |
RooAbsCategoryLValue.cxx | |
RooAbsCollection.cxx | |
RooAbsData.cxx | |
RooAbsDataStore.cxx | |
RooAbsFunc.cxx | |
RooAbsGenContext.cxx | |
RooAbsHiddenReal.cxx | |
RooAbsIntegrator.cxx | |
RooAbsLValue.cxx | |
RooAbsMCStudyModule.cxx | |
RooAbsMoment.cxx | |
RooAbsNumGenerator.cxx | |
RooAbsOptTestStatistic.cxx | |
RooAbsPdf.cxx | |
RooAbsProxy.cxx | |
RooAbsReal.cxx | |
RooAbsRealLValue.cxx | |
RooAbsRootFinder.cxx | |
RooAbsSelfCachedPdf.cxx | |
RooAbsSelfCachedReal.cxx | |
RooAbsString.cxx | |
RooAbsStudy.cxx | |
RooAbsTestStatistic.cxx | |
RooAcceptReject.cxx | |
RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D.cxx | |
RooAdaptiveIntegratorND.cxx | |
RooAddGenContext.cxx | |
RooAddition.cxx | |
RooAddModel.cxx | |
RooAddPdf.cxx | |
RooAICRegistry.cxx | |
RooArgList.cxx | |
RooArgProxy.cxx | |
RooArgSet.cxx | |
RooBanner.cxx | |
RooBinIntegrator.cxx | |
RooBinnedGenContext.cxx | |
RooBinning.cxx | |
RooBinningCategory.cxx | |
RooBrentRootFinder.cxx | |
RooCachedPdf.cxx | |
RooCachedReal.cxx | |
RooCacheManager.cxx | |
RooCategory.cxx | |
RooCategoryProxy.cxx | |
RooCategorySharedProperties.cxx | |
RooCatType.cxx | |
RooChangeTracker.cxx | |
RooChi2Var.cxx | |
RooCintUtils.cxx | |
RooClassFactory.cxx | |
RooCmdArg.cxx | |
RooCmdConfig.cxx | |
RooComplex.cxx | |
RooCompositeDataStore.cxx | |
RooConstraintSum.cxx | |
RooConstVar.cxx | |
RooConvCoefVar.cxx | |
RooConvGenContext.cxx | |
RooConvIntegrandBinding.cxx | |
RooCurve.cxx | |
RooCustomizer.cxx | |
RooDataHist.cxx | |
RooDataHistSliceIter.cxx | |
RooDataProjBinding.cxx | |
RooDataSet.cxx | |
RooDataWeightedAverage.cxx | |
RooDerivative.cxx | |
RooDirItem.cxx | |
RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule.cxx | |
RooDouble.cxx | |
RooEffGenContext.cxx | |
RooEfficiency.cxx | |
RooEffProd.cxx | |
RooEllipse.cxx | |
RooErrorVar.cxx | |
RooExpensiveObjectCache.cxx | |
RooExtendedBinding.cxx | |
RooExtendedTerm.cxx | |
RooExtendPdf.cxx | |
RooFactoryWSTool.cxx | |
RooFFTConvPdf.cxx | |
RooFirstMoment.cxx | |
RooFitResult.cxx | |
RooFoamGenerator.cxx | |
RooFormula.cxx | |
RooFormulaVar.cxx | |
RooFracRemainder.cxx | |
RooFunctor.cxx | |
RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D.cxx | |
RooGenContext.cxx | |
RooGenericPdf.cxx | |
RooGenFitStudy.cxx | |
RooGenFunction.cxx | |
RooGenProdProj.cxx | |
RooGlobalFunc.cxx | |
RooGrid.cxx | |
RooHashTable.cxx | |
RooHist.cxx | |
RooHistError.cxx | |
RooHistFunc.cxx | |
RooHistPdf.cxx | |
RooImproperIntegrator1D.cxx | |
RooInt.cxx | |
RooIntegrator1D.cxx | |
RooIntegrator2D.cxx | |
RooIntegratorBinding.cxx | |
RooInvTransform.cxx | |
RooLinearVar.cxx | |
RooLinkedList.cxx | |
RooLinkedListElem.cxx | |
RooLinkedListIter.cxx | |
RooLinTransBinning.cxx | |
RooList.cxx | |
RooListProxy.cxx | |
RooMapCatEntry.cxx | |
RooMappedCategory.cxx | |
RooMath.cxx | |
RooMCIntegrator.cxx | |
RooMCStudy.cxx | |
RooMinimizer.cxx | |
RooMinimizerFcn.cxx | |
RooMinuit.cxx | |
RooMoment.cxx | |
RooMPSentinel.cxx | |
RooMsgService.cxx | |
RooMultiCategory.cxx | |
RooMultiCatIter.cxx | |
RooMultiGenFunction.cxx | |
RooMultiVarGaussian.cxx | |
RooNameReg.cxx | |
RooNameSet.cxx | |
RooNLLVar.cxx | |
RooNormSetCache.cxx | |
RooNumber.cxx | |
RooNumCdf.cxx | |
RooNumConvolution.cxx | |
RooNumConvPdf.cxx | |
RooNumGenConfig.cxx | |
RooNumGenFactory.cxx | |
RooNumIntConfig.cxx | |
RooNumIntFactory.cxx | |
RooNumRunningInt.cxx | |
RooObjCacheManager.cxx | |
RooParamBinning.cxx | |
RooPlot.cxx | |
RooPlotable.cxx | |
RooPolyVar.cxx | |
RooPrintable.cxx | |
RooProdGenContext.cxx | |
RooProdPdf.cxx | |
RooProduct.cxx | |
RooProfileLL.cxx | |
RooProjectedPdf.cxx | |
RooProofDriverSelector.cxx | |
RooPullVar.cxx | |
RooQuasiRandomGenerator.cxx | |
RooRandom.cxx | |
RooRandomizeParamMCSModule.cxx | |
RooRangeBinning.cxx | |
RooRangeBoolean.cxx | |
RooRealAnalytic.cxx | |
RooRealBinding.cxx | |
RooRealConstant.cxx | |
RooRealIntegral.cxx | |
RooRealMPFE.cxx | |
RooRealProxy.cxx | |
RooRealSumPdf.cxx | |
RooRealVar.cxx | |
RooRealVarSharedProperties.cxx | |
RooRecursiveFraction.cxx | |
RooRefCountList.cxx | |
RooResolutionModel.cxx | |
RooScaledFunc.cxx | |
RooSecondMoment.cxx | |
RooSegmentedIntegrator1D.cxx | |
RooSegmentedIntegrator2D.cxx | |
RooSentinel.cxx | |
RooSetPair.cxx | |
RooSetProxy.cxx | |
RooSharedProperties.cxx | |
RooSharedPropertiesList.cxx | |
RooSimGenContext.cxx | |
RooSimPdfBuilder.cxx | |
RooSimSplitGenContext.cxx | |
RooSimultaneous.cxx | |
RooSimWSTool.cxx | |
RooStreamParser.cxx | |
RooStringVar.cxx | |
RooStudyManager.cxx | |
RooStudyPackage.cxx | |
RooSuperCategory.cxx | |
RooTable.cxx | |
RooTFoamBinding.cxx | |
RooThreshEntry.cxx | |
RooThresholdCategory.cxx | |
RooTObjWrap.cxx | |
RooTrace.cxx | |
RooTreeData.cxx | |
RooTreeDataStore.cxx | |
RooTruthModel.cxx | |
RooUniformBinning.cxx | |
RooUnitTest.cxx | |
RooVectorDataStore.cxx | |
RooWorkspace.cxx | |
RooXYChi2Var.cxx | |
test | |
rf101_basics.cxx | |
rf102_dataimport.cxx | |
rf103_interprfuncs.cxx | |
rf105_funcbinding.cxx | |
rf108_plotbinning.cxx | |
rf109_chi2residpull.cxx | |
rf110_normintegration.cxx | |
rf111_numintconfig.cxx | |
rf201_composite.cxx | |
rf202_extendedmlfit.cxx | |
rf203_ranges.cxx | |
rf204_extrangefit.cxx | |
rf205_compplot.cxx | |
rf208_convolution.cxx | |
rf209_anaconv.cxx | |
rf301_composition.cxx | |
rf302_utilfuncs.cxx | |
rf303_conditional.cxx | |
rf304_uncorrprod.cxx | |
rf305_condcorrprod.cxx | |
rf306_condpereventerrors.cxx | |
rf307_fullpereventerrors.cxx | |
rf308_normintegration2d.cxx | |
rf310_sliceplot.cxx | |
rf311_rangeplot.cxx | |
rf312_multirangefit.cxx | |
rf313_paramranges.cxx | |
rf314_paramfitrange.cxx | |
rf316_llratioplot.cxx | |
rf402_datahandling.cxx | |
rf403_weightedevts.cxx | |
rf404_categories.cxx | |
rf405_realtocatfuncs.cxx | |
rf406_cattocatfuncs.cxx | |
rf501_simultaneouspdf.cxx | |
rf599_wspacepersist.cxx | |
rf601_intminuit.cxx | |
rf602_chi2fit.cxx | |
rf604_constraints.cxx | |
rf605_profilell.cxx | |
rf606_nllerrorhandling.cxx | |
rf607_fitresult.cxx | |
rf701_efficiencyfit.cxx | |
rf702_efficiencyfit_2D.cxx | |
rf703_effpdfprod.cxx | |
rf704_amplitudefit.cxx | |
rf705_linearmorph.cxx | |
rf706_histpdf.cxx | |
rf707_kernelestimation.cxx | |
rf708_bphysics.cxx | |
rf801_mcstudy.cxx | |
rf802_mcstudy_addons.cxx | |
rf803_mcstudy_addons2.cxx | |
rf804_mcstudy_constr.cxx | |
roostats | |
inc | |
RooStats | |
AsymptoticCalculator.h | |
BayesianCalculator.h | |
BernsteinCorrection.h | |
CombinedCalculator.h | |
ConfidenceBelt.h | |
ConfInterval.h | |
DebuggingSampler.h | |
DebuggingTestStat.h | |
DetailedOutputAggregator.h | |
FeldmanCousins.h | |
FrequentistCalculator.h | |
Heaviside.h | |
HLFactory.h | |
HybridCalculator.h | |
HybridCalculatorOriginal.h | |
HybridPlot.h | |
HybridResult.h | |
HypoTestCalculator.h | |
HypoTestCalculatorGeneric.h | |
HypoTestInverter.h | |
HypoTestInverterOriginal.h | |
HypoTestInverterPlot.h | |
HypoTestInverterResult.h | |
HypoTestPlot.h | |
HypoTestResult.h | |
IntervalCalculator.h | |
LikelihoodInterval.h | |
LikelihoodIntervalPlot.h | |
MarkovChain.h | |
MaxLikelihoodEstimateTestStat.h | |
MCMCCalculator.h | |
MCMCInterval.h | |
MCMCIntervalPlot.h | |
MetropolisHastings.h | |
MinNLLTestStat.h | |
ModelConfig.h | |
NeymanConstruction.h | |
NumberCountingPdfFactory.h | |
NumberCountingUtils.h | |
NumEventsTestStat.h | |
PdfProposal.h | |
PointSetInterval.h | |
ProfileInspector.h | |
ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.h | |
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat.h | |
ProofConfig.h | |
ProposalFunction.h | |
ProposalHelper.h | |
RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat.h | |
RooStatsUtils.h | |
SamplingDistPlot.h | |
SamplingDistribution.h | |
SequentialProposal.h | |
SimpleInterval.h | |
SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat.h | |
SPlot.h | |
TestStatistic.h | |
TestStatSampler.h | |
ToyMCImportanceSampler.h | |
ToyMCSampler.h | |
ToyMCStudy.h | |
UniformProposal.h | |
UpperLimitMCSModule.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
src | |
AsymptoticCalculator.cxx | |
BayesianCalculator.cxx | |
BernsteinCorrection.cxx | |
ConfidenceBelt.cxx | |
DetailedOutputAggregator.cxx | |
FeldmanCousins.cxx | |
FrequentistCalculator.cxx | |
Heaviside.cxx | |
HLFactory.cxx | |
HybridCalculator.cxx | |
HybridCalculatorOriginal.cxx | |
HybridPlot.cxx | |
HybridResult.cxx | |
HypoTestCalculatorGeneric.cxx | |
HypoTestInverter.cxx | |
HypoTestInverterOriginal.cxx | |
HypoTestInverterPlot.cxx | |
HypoTestInverterResult.cxx | |
HypoTestPlot.cxx | |
HypoTestResult.cxx | |
LikelihoodInterval.cxx | |
LikelihoodIntervalPlot.cxx | |
MarkovChain.cxx | |
MCMCCalculator.cxx | |
MCMCInterval.cxx | |
MCMCIntervalPlot.cxx | |
MetropolisHastings.cxx | |
ModelConfig.cxx | |
NeymanConstruction.cxx | |
NumberCountingPdfFactory.cxx | |
NumberCountingUtils.cxx | |
PdfProposal.cxx | |
PointSetInterval.cxx | |
ProfileInspector.cxx | |
ProfileLikelihoodCalculator.cxx | |
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat.cxx | |
ProposalHelper.cxx | |
RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat.cxx | |
RooStatsUtils.cxx | |
SamplingDistPlot.cxx | |
SamplingDistribution.cxx | |
SequentialProposal.cxx | |
SimpleInterval.cxx | |
SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat.cxx | |
SPlot.cxx | |
ToyMCImportanceSampler.cxx | |
ToyMCSampler.cxx | |
ToyMCStudy.cxx | |
UniformProposal.cxx | |
UpperLimitMCSModule.cxx | |
sql | |
mysql | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TMySQLResult.h | |
TMySQLRow.h | |
TMySQLServer.h | |
TMySQLStatement.h | |
src | |
TMySQLResult.cxx | |
TMySQLRow.cxx | |
TMySQLServer.cxx | |
TMySQLStatement.cxx | |
odbc | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TODBCResult.h | |
TODBCRow.h | |
TODBCServer.h | |
TODBCStatement.h | |
src | |
TODBCResult.cxx | |
TODBCRow.cxx | |
TODBCServer.cxx | |
TODBCStatement.cxx | |
oracle | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TOracleResult.h | |
TOracleRow.h | |
TOracleServer.h | |
TOracleStatement.h | |
src | |
TOracleResult.cxx | |
TOracleRow.cxx | |
TOracleServer.cxx | |
TOracleStatement.cxx | |
pgsql | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TPgSQLResult.h | |
TPgSQLRow.h | |
TPgSQLServer.h | |
TPgSQLStatement.h | |
src | |
TPgSQLResult.cxx | |
TPgSQLRow.cxx | |
TPgSQLServer.cxx | |
TPgSQLStatement.cxx | |
sapdb | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TSapDBResult.h | |
TSapDBRow.h | |
TSapDBServer.h | |
src | |
TSapDBResult.cxx | |
TSapDBRow.cxx | |
TSapDBServer.cxx | |
sqlite | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TSQLiteResult.h | |
TSQLiteRow.h | |
TSQLiteServer.h | |
TSQLiteStatement.h | |
src | |
TSQLiteResult.cxx | |
TSQLiteRow.cxx | |
TSQLiteServer.cxx | |
TSQLiteStatement.cxx | |
tmva | |
pymva | |
inc | |
TMVA | |
MethodPyAdaBoost.h | |
MethodPyGTB.h | |
MethodPyRandomForest.h | |
PyMethodBase.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
src | |
MethodPyAdaBoost.cxx | |
MethodPyGTB.cxx | |
MethodPyRandomForest.cxx | |
PyMethodBase.cxx | |
test | |
Classification.C | |
rmva | |
inc | |
TMVA | |
MethodC50.h | |
MethodRSNNS.h | |
MethodRSVM.h | |
MethodRXGB.h | |
RMethodBase.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
src | |
MethodC50.cxx | |
MethodRSNNS.cxx | |
MethodRSVM.cxx | |
MethodRXGB.cxx | |
RMethodBase.cxx | |
test | |
Classification.C | |
tmva | |
inc | |
TMVA | |
BDTEventWrapper.h | |
BinarySearchTree.h | |
BinarySearchTreeNode.h | |
BinaryTree.h | |
CCPruner.h | |
CCTreeWrapper.h | |
ClassifierFactory.h | |
ClassInfo.h | |
Config.h | |
Configurable.h | |
ConvergenceTest.h | |
CostComplexityPruneTool.h | |
CrossEntropy.h | |
DataInputHandler.h | |
DataSet.h | |
DataSetFactory.h | |
DataSetInfo.h | |
DataSetManager.h | |
DecisionTree.h | |
DecisionTreeNode.h | |
Event.h | |
ExpectedErrorPruneTool.h | |
Factory.h | |
FitterBase.h | |
GeneticAlgorithm.h | |
GeneticFitter.h | |
GeneticGenes.h | |
GeneticPopulation.h | |
GeneticRange.h | |
GiniIndex.h | |
GiniIndexWithLaplace.h | |
IFitterTarget.h | |
IMethod.h | |
Interval.h | |
IPruneTool.h | |
KDEKernel.h | |
LDA.h | |
LogInterval.h | |
MCFitter.h | |
MethodANNBase.h | |
MethodBase.h | |
MethodBayesClassifier.h | |
MethodBDT.h | |
MethodBoost.h | |
MethodCategory.h | |
MethodCFMlpANN.h | |
MethodCFMlpANN_def.h | |
MethodCFMlpANN_Utils.h | |
MethodCompositeBase.h | |
MethodCuts.h | |
MethodDT.h | |
MethodFDA.h | |
MethodFisher.h | |
MethodHMatrix.h | |
MethodKNN.h | |
MethodLD.h | |
MethodLikelihood.h | |
MethodMLP.h | |
MethodPDEFoam.h | |
MethodPDERS.h | |
MethodRuleFit.h | |
MethodSVM.h | |
MethodTMlpANN.h | |
MinuitFitter.h | |
MinuitWrapper.h | |
MisClassificationError.h | |
ModulekNN.h | |
MsgLogger.h | |
Node.h | |
NodekNN.h | |
OptimizeConfigParameters.h | |
Option.h | |
PDEFoam.h | |
PDEFoamCell.h | |
PDEFoamDecisionTree.h | |
PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity.h | |
PDEFoamDensityBase.h | |
PDEFoamDiscriminant.h | |
PDEFoamDiscriminantDensity.h | |
PDEFoamEvent.h | |
PDEFoamEventDensity.h | |
PDEFoamKernelBase.h | |
PDEFoamKernelGauss.h | |
PDEFoamKernelLinN.h | |
PDEFoamKernelTrivial.h | |
PDEFoamMultiTarget.h | |
PDEFoamTarget.h | |
PDEFoamTargetDensity.h | |
PDEFoamVect.h | |
PDF.h | |
QuickMVAProbEstimator.h | |
Ranking.h | |
Reader.h | |
RegressionVariance.h | |
Results.h | |
ResultsClassification.h | |
ResultsMulticlass.h | |
ResultsRegression.h | |
ROCCalc.h | |
RootFinder.h | |
Rule.h | |
RuleCut.h | |
RuleEnsemble.h | |
RuleFit.h | |
RuleFitAPI.h | |
RuleFitParams.h | |
SdivSqrtSplusB.h | |
SeparationBase.h | |
SimulatedAnnealing.h | |
SimulatedAnnealingFitter.h | |
SVEvent.h | |
SVKernelFunction.h | |
SVKernelMatrix.h | |
SVWorkingSet.h | |
TActivation.h | |
TActivationChooser.h | |
TActivationIdentity.h | |
TActivationRadial.h | |
TActivationReLU.h | |
TActivationSigmoid.h | |
TActivationTanh.h | |
Timer.h | |
TNeuron.h | |
TNeuronInput.h | |
TNeuronInputAbs.h | |
TNeuronInputChooser.h | |
TNeuronInputSqSum.h | |
TNeuronInputSum.h | |
Tools.h | |
TransformationHandler.h | |
TSpline1.h | |
TSpline2.h | |
TSynapse.h | |
Types.h | |
VariableDecorrTransform.h | |
VariableGaussTransform.h | |
VariableIdentityTransform.h | |
VariableInfo.h | |
VariableNormalizeTransform.h | |
VariablePCATransform.h | |
VariableRearrangeTransform.h | |
VariableTransformBase.h | |
Version.h | |
Volume.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDef1.h | |
LinkDef2.h | |
LinkDef3.h | |
LinkDef4.h | |
LinkDef5.h | |
src | |
BDTEventWrapper.cxx | |
BinarySearchTree.cxx | |
BinarySearchTreeNode.cxx | |
BinaryTree.cxx | |
CCPruner.cxx | |
CCTreeWrapper.cxx | |
ClassifierFactory.cxx | |
ClassInfo.cxx | |
Config.cxx | |
Configurable.cxx | |
ConvergenceTest.cxx | |
CostComplexityPruneTool.cxx | |
CrossEntropy.cxx | |
DataInputHandler.cxx | |
DataSet.cxx | |
DataSetFactory.cxx | |
DataSetInfo.cxx | |
DataSetManager.cxx | |
DecisionTree.cxx | |
DecisionTreeNode.cxx | |
Event.cxx | |
ExpectedErrorPruneTool.cxx | |
Factory.cxx | |
FitterBase.cxx | |
GeneticAlgorithm.cxx | |
GeneticFitter.cxx | |
GeneticGenes.cxx | |
GeneticPopulation.cxx | |
GeneticRange.cxx | |
GiniIndex.cxx | |
GiniIndexWithLaplace.cxx | |
IFitterTarget.cxx | |
IMethod.cxx | |
Interval.cxx | |
KDEKernel.cxx | |
LDA.cxx | |
LogInterval.cxx | |
MCFitter.cxx | |
MethodANNBase.cxx | |
MethodBase.cxx | |
MethodBayesClassifier.cxx | |
MethodBDT.cxx | |
MethodBoost.cxx | |
MethodCategory.cxx | |
MethodCFMlpANN.cxx | |
MethodCFMlpANN_Utils.cxx | |
MethodCompositeBase.cxx | |
MethodCuts.cxx | |
MethodDT.cxx | |
MethodFDA.cxx | |
MethodFisher.cxx | |
MethodHMatrix.cxx | |
MethodKNN.cxx | |
MethodLD.cxx | |
MethodLikelihood.cxx | |
MethodMLP.cxx | |
MethodPDEFoam.cxx | |
MethodPDERS.cxx | |
MethodPlugins.cxx | |
MethodRuleFit.cxx | |
MethodSVM.cxx | |
MethodTMlpANN.cxx | |
MinuitFitter.cxx | |
MinuitWrapper.cxx | |
MisClassificationError.cxx | |
ModulekNN.cxx | |
MsgLogger.cxx | |
Node.cxx | |
OptimizeConfigParameters.cxx | |
Option.cxx | |
PDEFoam.cxx | |
PDEFoamCell.cxx | |
PDEFoamDecisionTree.cxx | |
PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity.cxx | |
PDEFoamDensityBase.cxx | |
PDEFoamDiscriminant.cxx | |
PDEFoamDiscriminantDensity.cxx | |
PDEFoamEvent.cxx | |
PDEFoamEventDensity.cxx | |
PDEFoamKernelBase.cxx | |
PDEFoamKernelGauss.cxx | |
PDEFoamKernelLinN.cxx | |
PDEFoamKernelTrivial.cxx | |
PDEFoamMultiTarget.cxx | |
PDEFoamTarget.cxx | |
PDEFoamTargetDensity.cxx | |
PDEFoamVect.cxx | |
PDF.cxx | |
QuickMVAProbEstimator.cxx | |
Ranking.cxx | |
Reader.cxx | |
RegressionVariance.cxx | |
Results.cxx | |
ResultsClassification.cxx | |
ResultsMulticlass.cxx | |
ResultsRegression.cxx | |
ROCCalc.cxx | |
RootFinder.cxx | |
Rule.cxx | |
RuleCut.cxx | |
RuleEnsemble.cxx | |
RuleFit.cxx | |
RuleFitAPI.cxx | |
RuleFitParams.cxx | |
SdivSqrtSplusB.cxx | |
SeparationBase.cxx | |
SimulatedAnnealing.cxx | |
SimulatedAnnealingFitter.cxx | |
SVEvent.cxx | |
SVKernelFunction.cxx | |
SVKernelMatrix.cxx | |
SVWorkingSet.cxx | |
TActivation.cxx | |
TActivationChooser.cxx | |
TActivationIdentity.cxx | |
TActivationRadial.cxx | |
TActivationReLU.cxx | |
TActivationSigmoid.cxx | |
TActivationTanh.cxx | |
Timer.cxx | |
TNeuron.cxx | |
TNeuronInput.cxx | |
TNeuronInputAbs.cxx | |
TNeuronInputChooser.cxx | |
TNeuronInputSqSum.cxx | |
TNeuronInputSum.cxx | |
Tools.cxx | |
TransformationHandler.cxx | |
TSpline1.cxx | |
TSpline2.cxx | |
TSynapse.cxx | |
Types.cxx | |
VariableDecorrTransform.cxx | |
VariableGaussTransform.cxx | |
VariableIdentityTransform.cxx | |
VariableInfo.cxx | |
VariableNormalizeTransform.cxx | |
VariablePCATransform.cxx | |
VariableRearrangeTransform.cxx | |
VariableTransformBase.cxx | |
Volume.cxx | |
tmvagui | |
inc | |
TMVA | |
annconvergencetest.h | |
BDT.h | |
BDT_Reg.h | |
BDTControlPlots.h | |
BoostControlPlots.h | |
compareanapp.h | |
correlations.h | |
correlationscatters.h | |
correlationscattersMultiClass.h | |
correlationsMultiClass.h | |
CorrGui.h | |
CorrGuiMultiClass.h | |
deviations.h | |
efficiencies.h | |
likelihoodrefs.h | |
MovieMaker.h | |
mvaeffs.h | |
mvas.h | |
mvasMulticlass.h | |
mvaweights.h | |
network.h | |
paracoor.h | |
PlotFoams.h | |
probas.h | |
regression_averagedevs.h | |
rulevis.h | |
rulevisCorr.h | |
rulevisHists.h | |
tmvaglob.h | |
TMVAGui.h | |
TMVAMultiClassGui.h | |
TMVARegGui.h | |
variables.h | |
variablesMultiClass.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
src | |
annconvergencetest.cxx | |
BDT.cxx | |
BDT_Reg.cxx | |
BDTControlPlots.cxx | |
BoostControlPlots.cxx | |
compareanapp.cxx | |
correlations.cxx | |
correlationscatters.cxx | |
correlationscattersMultiClass.cxx | |
correlationsMultiClass.cxx | |
CorrGui.cxx | |
CorrGuiMultiClass.cxx | |
deviations.cxx | |
efficiencies.cxx | |
likelihoodrefs.cxx | |
MovieMaker.cxx | |
mvaeffs.cxx | |
mvas.cxx | |
mvasMulticlass.cxx | |
mvaweights.cxx | |
network.cxx | |
paracoor.cxx | |
PlotFoams.cxx | |
probas.cxx | |
regression_averagedevs.cxx | |
rulevis.cxx | |
rulevisCorr.cxx | |
rulevisHists.cxx | |
tmvaglob.cxx | |
TMVAGui.cxx | |
TMVAMultiClassGui.cxx | |
TMVARegGui.cxx | |
variables.cxx | |
variablesMultiClass.cxx | |
tree | |
tree | |
doc | |
macros | |
entrylist_figure1.C | |
entrylist_figure2.C | |
entrylistblock_figure1.C | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TBasket.h | |
TBasketSQL.h | |
TBranch.h | |
TBranchBrowsable.h | |
TBranchClones.h | |
TBranchElement.h | |
TBranchObject.h | |
TBranchRef.h | |
TBranchSTL.h | |
TBufferSQL.h | |
TChain.h | |
TChainElement.h | |
TCut.h | |
TEntryList.h | |
TEntryListArray.h | |
TEntryListBlock.h | |
TEntryListFromFile.h | |
TEventList.h | |
TFriendElement.h | |
TIndArray.h | |
TLeaf.h | |
TLeafB.h | |
TLeafC.h | |
TLeafD.h | |
TLeafElement.h | |
TLeafF.h | |
TLeafI.h | |
TLeafL.h | |
TLeafO.h | |
TLeafObject.h | |
TLeafS.h | |
TNtuple.h | |
TNtupleD.h | |
TQueryResult.h | |
TreeUtils.h | |
TSelector.h | |
TSelectorCint.h | |
TSelectorList.h | |
TSelectorScalar.h | |
TTree.h | |
TTreeCache.h | |
TTreeCacheUnzip.h | |
TTreeCloner.h | |
TTreeResult.h | |
TTreeRow.h | |
TTreeSQL.h | |
TVirtualIndex.h | |
TVirtualTreePlayer.h | |
src | |
TBasket.cxx | |
TBasketSQL.cxx | |
TBranch.cxx | |
TBranchBrowsable.cxx | |
TBranchClones.cxx | |
TBranchElement.cxx | |
TBranchObject.cxx | |
TBranchRef.cxx | |
TBranchSTL.cxx | |
TBufferSQL.cxx | |
TChain.cxx | |
TChainElement.cxx | |
TCut.cxx | |
TEntryList.cxx | |
TEntryListArray.cxx | |
TEntryListBlock.cxx | |
TEntryListFromFile.cxx | |
TEventList.cxx | |
TFriendElement.cxx | |
TLeaf.cxx | |
TLeafB.cxx | |
TLeafC.cxx | |
TLeafD.cxx | |
TLeafElement.cxx | |
TLeafF.cxx | |
TLeafI.cxx | |
TLeafL.cxx | |
TLeafO.cxx | |
TLeafObject.cxx | |
TLeafS.cxx | |
TNtuple.cxx | |
TNtupleD.cxx | |
TQueryResult.cxx | |
TreeUtils.cxx | |
TSelector.cxx | |
TSelectorCint.cxx | |
TSelectorList.cxx | |
TSelectorScalar.cxx | |
TTree.cxx | |
TTreeCache.cxx | |
TTreeCacheUnzip.cxx | |
TTreeCloner.cxx | |
TTreeResult.cxx | |
TTreeRow.cxx | |
TTreeSQL.cxx | |
TVirtualIndex.cxx | |
TVirtualTreePlayer.cxx | |
treeplayer | |
inc | |
LinkDef.h | |
TBranchProxy.h | |
TBranchProxyClassDescriptor.h | |
TBranchProxyDescriptor.h | |
TBranchProxyDirector.h | |
TBranchProxyTemplate.h | |
TChainIndex.h | |
TFileDrawMap.h | |
TFormLeafInfo.h | |
TFormLeafInfoReference.h | |
TFriendProxy.h | |
TFriendProxyDescriptor.h | |
TRefArrayProxy.h | |
TRefProxy.h | |
TSelectorDraw.h | |
TSelectorEntries.h | |
TTreeDrawArgsParser.h | |
TTreeFormula.h | |
TTreeFormulaManager.h | |
TTreeGeneratorBase.h | |
TTreeIndex.h | |
TTreePerfStats.h | |
TTreePlayer.h | |
TTreeProxyGenerator.h | |
TTreeReader.h | |
TTreeReaderArray.h | |
TTreeReaderGenerator.h | |
TTreeReaderUtils.h | |
TTreeReaderValue.h | |
TTreeTableInterface.h | |
src | |
TBranchProxy.cxx | |
TBranchProxyClassDescriptor.cxx | |
TBranchProxyDescriptor.cxx | |
TBranchProxyDirector.cxx | |
TChainIndex.cxx | |
TFileDrawMap.cxx | |
TFormLeafInfo.cxx | |
TFormLeafInfoReference.cxx | |
TFriendProxy.cxx | |
TFriendProxyDescriptor.cxx | |
TRefArrayProxy.cxx | |
TRefProxy.cxx | |
TSelectorDraw.cxx | |
TSelectorEntries.cxx | |
TTreeDrawArgsParser.cxx | |
TTreeFormula.cxx | |
TTreeFormulaManager.cxx | |
TTreeGeneratorBase.cxx | |
TTreeIndex.cxx | |
TTreePerfStats.cxx | |
TTreePlayer.cxx | |
TTreeProxyGenerator.cxx | |
TTreeReader.cxx | |
TTreeReaderArray.cxx | |
TTreeReaderGenerator.cxx | |
TTreeReaderValue.cxx | |
TTreeTableInterface.cxx | |
treeviewer | |
inc | |
HelpTextTV.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
LinkDefWin32.h | |
TGTreeTable.h | |
TMemStatShow.h | |
TParallelCoord.h | |
TParallelCoordEditor.h | |
TParallelCoordRange.h | |
TParallelCoordVar.h | |
TSpider.h | |
TSpiderEditor.h | |
TTreeViewer.h | |
TTVLVContainer.h | |
TTVSession.h | |
src | |
HelpTextTV.cxx | |
TGTreeTable.cxx | |
TMemStatShow.cxx | |
TParallelCoord.cxx | |
TParallelCoordEditor.cxx | |
TParallelCoordRange.cxx | |
TParallelCoordVar.cxx | |
TSpider.cxx | |
TSpiderEditor.cxx | |
TTreeViewer.cxx | |
TTVLVContainer.cxx | |
TTVSession.cxx | |
tutorials | |
cocoa | |
customcolor.h | |
flower.C | |
grad.C | |
grad2.C | |
gradients.C | |
parallelcoordtrans.C | |
radialgradients.C | |
transp.C | |
transp_text.C | |
transparentpad.C | |
cont | |
cnt001_basictseq.C | Example showing possible usages of the TSeq class |
TListAndSTL.C | This is an example of using TList with STL algoritms in CINT |
eve | |
alice_esd.C | Complex example showing ALICE ESD track visualization |
alice_esd_html_summary.C | Html table and event summary for alice_esd.C |
alice_esd_split.C | Complex example showing ALICE ESD visualization in several views |
alice_vsd.C | Complex example showing ALICE VSD visualization |
annotation.C | Demonstrates usage of TGLAnnotation class |
arrow.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveArrow class |
arrow_standalone.C | How to use EVE without the standard window |
assembly.C | Geometry detector assembly example Author: Andrei Gheata |
box.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveBox class |
boxset.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveBoxSet class |
boxset_cones.C | Demonstrates usage of 'cone' mode in TEveBoxSet class |
calo_detail.C | Calorimeter detailed view by using TEveCaloDataVec as data-source |
calorimeters.C | Demonstrates usage of EVE calorimetry classes |
camera_restore.C | |
compound.C | Demonstrates usage of EVE compound objects - class TEveCompound |
csgdemo.C | Combinatorial Solid Geometry example |
geom_alias.C | Demonstates usage of geometry aliases - merge ALICE ITS with ATLAS MUON |
geom_alice_its.C | Shows geometry of ALICE ITS |
geom_alice_tpc.C | Shows geometry of ALICE TPC |
geom_atlas.C | Shows ATLAS geometry |
geom_atlas_playback.C | Plays back event-recording of a root session running geom_atlas.C tutorial |
geom_cms.C | Shows CMS geometry |
geom_cms_playback.C | Plays back event-recording of a root session running geom_cms.C tutorial |
geom_cms_stereo.C | Shows CMS geometry in stereo mode |
geom_default.C | Demonstrates usage of "Default" geometry alias |
geom_lhcb.C | Shows CMS geometry |
glplot.C | Preliminary demo for showing Timur's GL plots in EVE |
glplot_geom.C | Demonstrates how to combine Timur's GL plots with other scene elements |
hierarchical_scene.C | |
histobrowser.C | Demonstates how to use EVE as a histogram browser |
jetcone.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveJetCone class |
lineset.C | Demonstrates usage of class TEveStraightLineSet | | |
MultiView.C | Multi-view (3d, rphi, rhoz) service class using EVE Window Manager |
overlay_palette.C | |
pack.C | Demonstrates usage of class TGPack |
paramlist.C | Demonstrates usage of simple configuration via TEveParamList class |
pointset.C | Demonstrates usage of class TEvePointSet |
projection.C | Demonstates usage of automatic 2D projections - class TEveProjectionManager |
projection_prescale.C | Demonstates usage pre-scaling for automatic 2D projections |
pythia_display.C | Demo showing H -> ZZ -> 4 mu generated by Pythia |
quadset.C | Demonstates usage of 2D digit class TEveQuadSet |
quadset_callback.cxx | |
selection_sigs.C | Test signals from TEveSelection class |
show_extract.C | Helper script for showing of extracted / simplified geometries |
SplitGLView.C | Helper classes for the alice_esd_split.C demo |
text.C | Demonstrates usage of class TEveText - 2D & 3D text in GL |
track.C | Demonstrates usage of TEveTrackPRopagator with different magnetic field configurations |
triangleset.C | Demonstrates usage of class TEveTriangleSet |
view3ds.C | Loading and display of basic 3DS models |
window_manager.C | Demonstrates usage of EVE window-manager |
fft | |
FFT.C | |
fit | |
combinedFit.C | |
ConfidenceIntervals.C | |
ErrorIntegral.C | |
exampleFit3D.C | |
fit1.C | |
fit2.C | |
fit2a.C | |
fit2d.C | |
fit2dHist.C | |
fitCircle.C | |
fitcont.C | |
fitConvolution.C | |
fitEllipseTGraphDLSF.cxx | |
fitEllipseTGraphRMM.cxx | |
fitExclude.C | |
fithist.C | |
fitLinear.C | |
fitLinear2.C | |
fitLinearRobust.C | |
fitMultiGraph.C | |
fitNormSum.C | |
fitpanel_playback.C | |
fitslicesy.C | |
FittingDemo.C | |
graph2dfit.C | |
Ifit.C | |
langaus.C | |
line3Dfit.C | |
minuit2FitBench.C | |
minuit2FitBench2D.C | |
minuit2GausFit.C | |
multidimfit.C | |
multifit.C | |
myfit.C | |
NumericalMinimization.C | |
qa2.C | |
TestBinomial.C | |
TwoHistoFit2D.C | |
fitsio | |
FITS_tutorial1.C | |
FITS_tutorial2.C | |
FITS_tutorial3.C | |
FITS_tutorial4.C | |
FITS_tutorial5.C | |
FITS_tutorial6.C | |
foam | |
foam_demo.C | |
foam_demopers.C | |
foam_kanwa.C | |
geom | |
assembly.C | |
building.C | |
cheongwadae.C | |
csgdemo.C | |
geodemo.C | |
geomAlice.C | |
geomAlice_itsv.C | |
geomAtlas.C | |
geomBrahms.C | |
geomD0.C | |
geometry.C | |
iterplugin.cxx | |
lego.C | |
mp3player.C | |
na49.C | |
na49geomfile.C | |
na49view.C | |
parallel_world.C | |
RadioNuclides.C | |
robot.C | |
rootgeom.C | |
runplugin.C | |
shapes.C | |
shapesAnim.C | |
south_gate.C | |
station1.C | |
station2.C | |
tank.C | |
xtruDraw.C | |
xtruSamples.C | |
gl | |
customcolorgl.h | |
glbox.C | |
gldemos.C | |
glh3c.C | |
glparametric.C | |
glrose.C | |
glsurfaces.C | |
gltf3.C | |
glViewerExercise.C | |
glViewerLOD.C | |
glvox1.C | |
glvox2.C | |
grad.C | |
grad2.C | |
gradients.C | |
gviz3d.C | |
nucleus.C | |
parallelcoordtrans.C | |
radialgradients.C | |
transp.C | |
transp_text.C | |
transparentpad.C | |
viewer3DLocal.C | |
viewer3DMaster.C | |
graphics | |
analyze.C | This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Analyze |
anim.C | Macro illustrating how to animate a picture using a Timer |
archi.C | This macro displays the ROOT architecture |
arrow.C | Draw arrows |
basic3d.C | Show 3-D polylines and markers |
canvas.C | Example of primitives in a canvas |
canvas2.C | Example of canvas partitioning |
compile.C | This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Compile |
crown.C | Draw crowns |
diamond.C | Draw a diamond |
earth.C | This tutorial illustrates the special contour options |
ellipse.C | Draw ellipses |
eval.C | This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Eval |
event.C | Illustrate some basic primitives |
feynman.C | Draw Feynman diagrams |
first.C | Show some basic primitives |
formula1.C | Display interpreted functions |
framework.C | An example with basic graphics illustrating the Object Oriented User Interface of ROOT |
gaxis.C | Simple example illustrating how to draw TGaxis objects in various formats |
gaxis2.C | Example illustrating how to draw TGaxis with labels defined by a function |
graph_edit_playback.C | This macro plays a recorded ROOT session showing how to perform various interactive graphical editing operations |
gtime.C | Example of a graph of data moving in time |
latex.C | This macro draws 5 Latex-style formula in a canvas and prints the canvas as a Postscript file |
latex2.C | This macro draws 4 Latex-style formula in a canvas and prints the canvas as a Postscript file |
latex3.C | Example illustrating a TPaveText with Latex inside |
latex4.C | Draw the Greek letters as a table and save the result as GIF, PS, PDF and SVG files |
latex5.C | This draws the Mathematical Symbols letters as a table and save the result as GIF, PS, PDF and SVG files |
mandelbrot.C | Using TExec to handle keyboard events and TComplex to draw the Mandelbrot set |
manyaxis.C | Show several TGaxis formats |
markerwarning.C | This script illustrates the danger of using asymmetric symbols |
mass_spectrum.C | This macro makes use of some basic graphics primitives such as line, arrow and text |
palettes.C | This macro draws all the high definition palettes available in ROOT |
pavetext.C | Draw a pave text |
piechart.C | Pie chart example |
polytest1.C | This macro is testing the "compacting" algorithm in TPadPainter |
polytest2.C | This macro is testing the "compacting" algorithm in TPadPainter |
pstable.C | Display all possible types of ROOT/Postscript characters |
psview.C | An example how to display PS, EPS, PDF files in canvas |
quarks.C | Example illustrating divided pads and Latex |
tmathtext.C | This macro draws various formula in a canvas |
tmathtext2.C | This macro draw all possible symbols provided by TMathtext |
tornado.C | Show 3-d polymarker |
triangles.C | Generate small triangles randomly in the canvas |
graphs | |
approx.C | Macro to test interpolation function Approx |
bent.C | Bent error bars |
exclusiongraph.C | Draw three graphs with an exclusion zone |
exclusiongraph2.C | Draw several graphs with an exclusion zones |
gerrors.C | Draw a graph with error bars |
gerrors2.C | Draw two graphs with error bars |
graph.C | Draw a simple graph |
graph2derrorsfit.C | Draw and fit a TGraph2DErrors |
graphApply.C | A macro to demonstrate the functionality of TGraph::Apply() method |
graphpolar.C | Create and draw a polar graph |
graphpolar2.C | Create and draw a polar graph with PI axis |
graphpolar3.C | Create and draw a polar graph with PI axis using a TF1 |
graphShade.C | Show how to shade an area between two graphs |
graphstruct.C | Draw a simple graph structure |
graphtext.C | Draw a graph with text attached to each point |
gtime.C | Example of TGraphTime |
gtime2.C | Example of TGraphTime showing how the class could be used to visualize a set of particles with their time stamp in a MonteCarlo program |
labels1.C | Setting alphanumeric labels in a 1-d histogram |
labels2.C | Setting alphanumeric labels |
motorcycle.C | Macro to test scatterplot smoothers: ksmooth, lowess, supsmu as described in: |
multigraph.C | Create and Draw a TMultiGraph |
multipalette.C | Draw color plots using different color palettes |
seism.C | Strip chart example |
splines_test.C | Examples of use of the spline classes |
surfaces.C | Draw 2-Dim functions |
timeonaxis.C | This macro illustrates the use of the time mode on the axis with different time intervals and time formats |
timeonaxis2.C | Define the time offset as 2003, January 1st |
timeonaxis3.C | This example compares what the system time function gmtime and localtime give with what gives TGaxis |
waves.C | Hint: Spherical waves |
zdemo.C | This macro is an example of graphs in log scales with annotations |
zones.C | Example of script showing how to divide a canvas into adjacent subpads + axis labels on the top and right side of the pads |
gui | |
buttonChangelabel.C | This macro gives an example for changing text button labels anytime the Start or Pause buttons are clicked |
buttongroupState.C | A simple example that shows the enabled and disabled state of a button group with radio and check buttons |
buttonsLayout.C | This macro gives an example of different buttons' layout |
buttonTest.C | This macro gives an example of how to set/change text button attributes |
calendar.C | This macro gives an example of how to use html widget to display tabular data |
CPUMeter.C | Simple macro showing capabilities of the TGSpeedo widget |
customContextMenu.C | Example showing how to add a function to the class context menu |
customTH1Fmenu.C | Example showing how to customize a context menu for a class |
drag_and_drop.C | This tutorial illustrates how to use drag and drop within ROOT |
exec3.C | Example of using signal/slot in TCanvas/TPad to get feedback about processed events |
exec_macro.C | This utility macro executes the macro "macro" given as first argument and save a capture in a png file |
games.C | This macro runs three "games" that each nicely illustrate the graphics capabilities of ROOT |
gtreeTableTest.C | This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGTreeTable |
guilabels.C | This macro gives an example of how to create different kind of labels and the possibility to enable/disable them |
guitest.C | Test program for ROOT native GUI classes Exactly like $ROOTSYS/test/guitest.cxx but using the new signal and slots communication mechanism |
guitest_playback.C | This macro plays a recorded ROOT session showing how to perform various interactive GUI operations with the guitest.C macro While replaying the session, several temporary macros (guitest0xx.C) macros will be saved |
guiWithCINT.C | A simple example of entering CINT commands and having the CINT output in a ROOT GUI application window |
iconAsXPMData.C | A simple example of creating icon image from XPM data, included into the code |
listBox.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a list box and how to set and use its multiple selection feature |
mditest.C | GUI MDI features |
ntupleTableTest.C | This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGTable with a TTreeTableInterface |
numberEntry.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a number entry and how to update a label according to the changed value of this number entry |
QtFileDialog.C | This is a small ROOT macro to use Qt 3.3 class: QFileDialog See: |
QtMultiFileDialog.C | This is a small ROOT macro to use Qt 3.3 class :QFileDialog See: |
QtPrintDialog.C | This is a small ROOT macro to use Qt 3.3 class: QPrinter to setup the printer via Qt "setup printer dialog" See: Printer setup dialog box and print out the ROOT TCanvas object either via the "can" pointer provided or the current one |
simpleTableTest.C | This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGSimpleTable that creates and owns it's own TGSimpleTableInterface |
Slider3Demo.C | Simple macro showing capabilities of triple slider |
splitbuttonTest.C | A simple example that shows the usage of a TGSplitButton |
splitterHorizontal.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a horizontal splitter |
splitterVertical.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a vertical splitter |
staffTableTest.C | This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGTable with a TTreeTableInterface |
statusBar.C | This macro gives an example of how to create a status bar related to an embedded canvas that shows the info of the selected object, exactly as the status bar of any canvas window |
textEntries.C | This macro gives an example of how to set/change text entry attributes |
textviewostream.C | This macro gives an example of how to use the TGTextViewostream widget |
WorldMap.C | This macro shows how to use a TGImageMap class |
hist | |
ContourList.C | Getting Contours From TH2D |
cumulative.C | Illustrate use of the TH1::GetCumulative method |
draw2dopt.C | Display the various 2-d drawing options |
DynamicSlice.C | Show the slice of a TH2 following the mouse position |
exec1.C | Echo object at mouse position |
exec2.C | Echo object at mouse position and show a graphics line |
fillrandom.C | Fill a 1-D histogram from a parametric function |
FirstContour.C | Make a contour plot and get the first contour in a TPolyMarker |
greyscale.C | Create grey scale of 200 x 200 boxes |
h1draw.C | 1-D histogram drawing options |
hbars.C | Example of bar charts with 1-d histograms |
hksimple.C | Illustrates the advantages of a TH1K histogram |
hlabels1.C | 1-D histograms with alphanumeric labels |
hlabels2.C | 2-D histograms with alphanumeric labels |
hstack.C | Example of stacked histograms: class THStack |
hsum.C | Histograms filled and drawn in a loop |
hsumTimer.C | Demo of Timers |
logscales.C | Draw parametric functions with log scales |
multicolor.C | Use a THStack to show a 2-D hist with cells with different colors |
ratioplot.C | Example displaying two histograms and their ratio |
rebin.C | Rebin a variable bin-width histogram |
reverseaxis.C | Example showing an histogram with reverse axis |
sparsehist.C | Evaluate the performance of THnSparse vs TH1/2/3/nF for different numbers of dimensions and bins per dimension |
statsEditing.C | Edit statistics box |
testSmooth.C | Histogram smoothing |
th2polyBoxes.C | This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal bins (TH2Poly) |
th2polyEurope.C | This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal bins (TH2Poly), fill it and draw it |
th2polyHoneycomb.C | This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with hexagonal bins (TH2Poly), fill it and draw it using GL |
th2polyUSA.C | This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal bins (TH2Poly), fill it and draw it using GL |
transpad.C | Example of a canvas showing two histograms with different scales |
twoscales.C | Example of macro illustrating how to superimpose two histograms with different scales in the "same" pad |
histfactory | |
example.C | | | |
makeExample.C | | | |
ModifyInterpolation.C | |
html | |
MakeTutorials.C | |
http | |
httpaccess.C | |
httpcontrol.C | |
httpserver.C | |
httptextlog.C | |
httptextlog.js | |
image | |
galaxy_image.C | Importing an image and manipulating it |
hist2image.C | Create an image from a 2-D histogram and manipulate it |
hsumanim.C | This script is a slightly modified version of hsum.C |
image2hist.C | Create a 2-D histogram from an image |
img2pad.C | Display image in canvas and pad |
imgconv.C | Open rose512.jpg and save it in the following formats: .png, .gif, .xpm and tiff |
pad2png.C | Create a canvas and save as png |
rose_image.C | Display image in a new canvas and pad |
trans_graph.C | Demonstrates how to access and manipulate ARGB pixel values of an image +.. |
io | |
copyFiles.C | Example of script showing how to copy all objects (including directories) from a source file |
dirs.C | This macro illustrates how to create a hierarchy of directories in a Root file |
double32.C | Tutorial illustrating use and precision of the Double32_t data type You must run this tutorial with ACLIC: a dictionary will be automatically created |
fildir.C | This macro displays the ROOT Directory data structure |
file.C | This macro displays the physical ROOT file structure |
hadd.C | Macro to add histogram files This macro is kept for didactical purposes only: use instead the executable $ROOTSYS/bin/hadd ! |
importCode.C | Example of script showing how to create a ROOT file with subdirectories |
loopdir.C | Example of script to loop on all the objects of a ROOT file directory and print on Postscript all TH1 derived objects |
mergeSelective.C | Merge only part of the content of a set of files |
readCode.C | Example of script showing how to navigate in a ROOT file with sub-directories and read the objects in each sub-directory |
testMergeCont.C | Macro demonstrating the merging of containers |
math | |
Bessel.C | Show the different kinds of Bessel functions available in ROOT To execute the macro type in: |
binomial.C | Tutorial illustrating the use of TMath::Binomial can be run with: |
ChebyshevPol.C | Example of Chebyshev polynomials using new TFormula pre-defined definitions of chebyshev polynomials |
chi2test.C | Example to use chi2 test for comparing two histograms One unweighted histogram is compared with a weighted histogram |
CrystalBall.C | Example of CrystalBall Function and its distribution (pdf and cdf) |
exampleFunctor.C | Tutorial illustrating how creating a TF1 class using functor or class member functions |
exampleMultiRoot.C | Example of using multiroot finder based on GSL algorithm |
exampleTKDE.C | Example of using the TKDE class (kernel density estimator) |
FeldmanCousins.C | Example macro of using the TFeldmanCousins class in root |
GammaFun.C | Example showing the usage of the major special math functions (gamma, beta, erf) in ROOT To execute the macro type in: |
goftest.C | GoFTest tutorial macro |
kdTreeBinning.C | KdTreeBinning tutorial: bin the data in cells of equal content using a kd-tree |
Legendre.C | Example of first few Legendre Polynomials |
LegendreAssoc.C | Example describing the usage of different kinds of Associate Legendre Polynomials To execute the macro type in: |
limit.C | This program demonstrates the computation of 95 % C.L |
mathBeta.C | Test the TMath::BetaDist and TMath::BetaDistI functions |
mathcoreCDF.C | Example describing how to use the different cumulative distribution functions in ROOT |
mathcoreGenVector.C | Example macro testing available methods and operation of the GenVector classes |
mathcoreSpecFunc.C | Example macro describing how to use the special mathematical functions taking full advantage of the precision and speed of the C99 compliant environments |
mathcoreStatFunc.C | Example macro showing some major probability density functions in ROOT |
mathcoreVectorCollection.C | Example showing how to write and read a std vector of ROOT::Math LorentzVector in a ROOT tree |
mathcoreVectorFloatIO.C | Macro illustrating automatic dictionary generation and I/O with Lorentz Vectors of floats The dictionary for LorentzVector of float is not in the libMathCore, therefore is generated when parsed the file with CINT |
mathcoreVectorIO.C | Example of I/O of a mathcore Lorentz Vectors in a Tree and comparison with a TLorentzVector A ROOT tree is written and read in both using either a XYZTVector or /// a TLorentzVector |
mathGammaNormal.C | Tutorial illustrating the use of TMath::GammaDist and TMath::LogNormal |
mathLaplace.C | Test the TMath::LaplaceDist and TMath::LaplaceDistI functions |
mathmoreIntegration.C | Example on the usage of the adaptive 1D integration algorithm of MathMore it calculates the numerically cumulative integral of a distribution (like in this case the BreitWigner) to execute the macro type it (you need to compile with AClic) |
mathStudent.C | Tutorial illustrating the use of the Student and F distributions |
multidimSampling.C | Example of sampling a multi-dim distribution using the DistSampler class NOTE: This tutorial must be run with ACLIC |
normalDist.C | Tutorial illustrating the new statistical distributions functions (pdf, cdf and quantile) |
permute.C | Tutorial illustrating the use of TMath::Permute can be run with: |
principal.C | Principal Components Analysis (PCA) example |
quantiles.C | Demo for quantiles |
quasirandom.C | Example of generating quasi-random numbers |
Rolke.C | Example of the usage of the TRolke class The TRolke class computes the profile likelihood confidence limits for 7 different model assumptions on systematic/statistical uncertainties |
testrandom.C | Performance test of all the ROOT random generator (TRandom, TRandom1, TRandom2 and TRandom3) Tests the generator TRandom3 against some ref values and creates a timing table against TRandom, TRandom1 and TRandom2 |
testUnfold1.C | Test program for the classes TUnfold and related |
testUnfold2.C | Test program as an example for a user specific regularisation scheme |
testUnfold3.C | Simple Test program for the class TUnfoldDensity |
testUnfold4.C | Test program for the class TUnfoldSys |
testUnfold5a.C | Version 17.0 example for multi-dimensional unfolding |
testUnfold5b.C | Version 17.0 example for multi-dimensional unfolding |
testUnfold5c.C | Version 17.0 example for multi-dimensional unfolding |
testUnfold5d.C | Version 17.0 example for multi-dimensional unfolding |
tStudent.C | Example macro describing the student t distribution |
TSVDUnfoldExample.C | Data unfolding using Singular Value Decomposition |
vavilov.C | Test of the TMath::Vavilov distribution |
matrix | |
invertMatrix.C | |
solveLinear.C | |
mc | |
CompareMasses.C | |
memstat | |
memstatExample.C | |
mlp | |
mlpHiggs.C | |
mlpRegression.C | |
multicore | |
mp001_fillHistos.C | Fill histograms in parallel and write them on file |
mp101_fillNtuples.C | Fill n-tuples in distinct workers |
mp102_readNtuplesFillHistosAndFit.C | Read n-tuples in distinct workers, fill histograms, merge them and fit |
mt001_fillHistos.C | Fill histograms in parallel and write them on file |
mt101_fillNtuples.C | Fill n-tuples in distinct workers |
mt102_readNtuplesFillHistosAndFit.C | Read n-tuples in distinct workers, fill histograms, merge them and fit |
net | |
alien.C | |
authclient.C | |
authserv.C | |
fastMergeServer.C | |
hclient.C | |
hclientbonj.C | |
hcons.C | |
hprod.C | |
hserv.C | |
hserv2.C | |
hserv2bonj.C | |
LDAPExample.C | |
parallelMergeClient.C | |
parallelMergeServer.C | |
parallelMergeTest.C | |
pclient.C | |
pserv.C | |
spy.C | |
spyserv.C | |
TestAuth.C | |
testTUDPSocket.C | |
treeClient.C | |
TUriTest.C | |
udpserver.c | |
physics | |
PhaseSpace.C | |
proof | |
EmptyInclude.h | Empty file to test TProof::Load in runProof.C and StressProof.cxx in conjunction with ProcFileElements and ProofEventProc |
finalizeProof.C | Macro to finalize queries run with the macro tutorials/runProof |
getProof.C | Attaches to a PROOF session, possibly at the indicated URL |
ProcFileElements.C | Class to hold information about the processed elements of a file |
ProcFileElements.h | Class to hold information about the processed elements of a file |
ProofAux.C | Selector used for auxiliary actions in the PROOF tutorials |
ProofAux.h | Selector used for auxiliary actions in the PROOF tutorials |
ProofEvent.C | Selector for generic processing with Event |
ProofEvent.h | Selector for generic processing with Event |
ProofEventProc.C | Selector to process trees containing Event structures |
ProofEventProc.h | Selector to process trees containing Event structures |
ProofFriends.C | Selector to process tree friends |
ProofFriends.h | Selector to process tree friends |
ProofNtuple.C | Selector to fill a simple ntuple |
ProofNtuple.h | Selector to fill a simple ntuple |
ProofPythia.C | Selector to generate Monte Carlo events with Pythia8 |
ProofPythia.h | Selector to generate Monte Carlo events with Pythia8 |
ProofSimple.C | Selector to fill a set of histograms |
ProofSimple.h | Selector to fill a set of histograms |
ProofSimpleFile.C | Selector to fill a set of histograms and merging via file |
ProofSimpleFile.h | Selector to fill a set of histograms and merging via file |
ProofStdVect.C | Selector for generic processing with stdlib collections |
ProofStdVect.h | Selector for generic processing with stdlib collections |
ProofTests.C | Auxilliary selector used to test PROOF functionality |
ProofTests.h | Auxilliary selector used to test PROOF functionality |
runProof.C | Macro to run examples of analysis on PROOF, corresponding to the TSelector implementations found under <ROOTSYS>/tutorials/proof |
pyroot | | | Run benchmarks macros | | To run, do an "execfile( '<path-to>/' )" or "python <path-to>/" | | Display demo help | | Example of function called when a mouse event occurs in a pad | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
pythia | |
pythia8.C | Pythia8 basic example |
pythiaExample.C | Using Pythia6 with ROOT |
quadp | |
portfolio.C | |
Quad.cxx | |
Quad.h | |
r | |
DataFrame.C | |
example.C | |
Function.C | |
Functor.C | |
GlobalMinimization.C | |
Integration.C | |
Interpolation.C | |
Minimization.C | |
SimpleFitting.C | |
roofit | |
rf101_basics.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #101 |
rf102_dataimport.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #102 |
rf103_interprfuncs.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #103 |
rf104_classfactory.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #104 |
rf105_funcbinding.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #105 |
rf106_plotdecoration.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #106 |
rf107_plotstyles.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #107 |
rf108_plotbinning.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #108 |
rf109_chi2residpull.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #109 |
rf110_normintegration.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #110 |
rf111_derivatives.C | 'BASIC FUNCTIONALITY' RooFit tutorial macro #111 |
rf201_composite.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #201 |
rf202_extendedmlfit.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #202 |
rf203_ranges.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #203 |
rf204_extrangefit.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #204 |
rf205_compplot.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #205 |
rf206_treevistools.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #206 |
rf207_comptools.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #207 |
rf208_convolution.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #208 |
rf209_anaconv.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #209 |
rf210_angularconv.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #210 |
rf211_paramconv.C | 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #211 |
rf301_composition.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #301 |
rf302_utilfuncs.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #302 |
rf303_conditional.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #303 |
rf304_uncorrprod.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #304 |
rf305_condcorrprod.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #305 |
rf306_condpereventerrors.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #306 |
rf307_fullpereventerrors.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #307 |
rf308_normintegration2d.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #308 |
rf309_ndimplot.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #308 |
rf310_sliceplot.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #309 |
rf311_rangeplot.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #310 |
rf312_multirangefit.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #312 |
rf313_paramranges.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #313 |
rf314_paramfitrange.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #314 |
rf315_projectpdf.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #315 |
rf316_llratioplot.C | 'MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS' RooFit tutorial macro #316 |
rf401_importttreethx.C | 'DATA AND CATEGORIES' RooFit tutorial macro #401 |
rf402_datahandling.C | 'DATA AND CATEGORIES' RooFit tutorial macro #402 |
rf403_weightedevts.C | 'DATA AND CATEGORIES' RooFit tutorial macro #403 |
rf404_categories.C | 'DATA AND CATEGORIES' RooFit tutorial macro #404 |
rf405_realtocatfuncs.C | 'DATA AND CATEGORIES' RooFit tutorial macro #405 |
rf406_cattocatfuncs.C | 'DATA AND CATEGORIES' RooFit tutorial macro #406 |
rf407_latextables.C | 'DATA AND CATEGORIES' RooFit tutorial macro #407 |
rf501_simultaneouspdf.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #501 |
rf502_wspacewrite.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #502 |
rf503_wspaceread.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #503 |
rf504_simwstool.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #504 |
rf505_asciicfg.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #505 |
rf506_msgservice.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #506 |
rf507_debugtools.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #507 |
rf508_listsetmanip.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #508 |
rf509_wsinteractive.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #509 |
rf510_wsnamedsets.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #510 |
rf511_wsfactory_basic.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #511 |
rf512_wsfactory_oper.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #512 |
rf513_wsfactory_tools.C | 'ORGANIZATION AND SIMULTANEOUS FITS' RooFit tutorial macro #513 |
rf601_intminuit.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #601 |
rf602_chi2fit.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #602 |
rf603_multicpu.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #603 |
rf604_constraints.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #604 |
rf605_profilell.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #605 |
rf606_nllerrorhandling.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #606 |
rf607_fitresult.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #607 |
rf608_fitresultaspdf.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #608 |
rf609_xychi2fit.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #609 |
rf610_visualerror.C | 'LIKELIHOOD AND MINIMIZATION' RooFit tutorial macro #610 |
rf701_efficiencyfit.C | 'SPECIAL PDFS' RooFit tutorial macro #701 |
rf702_efficiencyfit_2D.C | 'SPECIAL PDFS' RooFit tutorial macro #702 |
rf703_effpdfprod.C | 'SPECIAL PDFS' RooFit tutorial macro #703 |
rf704_amplitudefit.C | 'SPECIAL PDFS' RooFit tutorial macro #704 |
rf705_linearmorph.C | 'SPECIAL PDFS' RooFit tutorial macro #705 |
rf706_histpdf.C | 'SPECIAL PDFS' RooFit tutorial macro #706 |
rf707_kernelestimation.C | 'SPECIAL PDFS' RooFit tutorial macro #707 |
rf708_bphysics.C | 'SPECIAL PDFS' RooFit tutorial macro #708 |
rf801_mcstudy.C | 'VALIDATION AND MC STUDIES' RooFit tutorial macro #801 |
rf802_mcstudy_addons.C | 'VALIDATION AND MC STUDIES' RooFit tutorial macro #802 |
rf803_mcstudy_addons2.C | 'VALIDATION AND MC STUDIES' RooFit tutorial macro #803 |
rf804_mcstudy_constr.C | 'VALIDATION AND MC STUDIES' RooFit tutorial macro #804 |
rf901_numintconfig.C | 'NUMERIC ALGORITHM TUNING' RooFit tutorial macro #901 |
rf902_numgenconfig.C | 'NUMERIC ALGORITHM TUNING' RooFit tutorial macro #902 |
rf903_numintcache.C | 'NUMERIC ALGORITHM TUNING' RooFit tutorial macro #903 |
roostats | |
FourBinInstructional.C | |
HybridInstructional.C | |
HybridOriginalDemo.C | |
HybridStandardForm.C | |
IntervalExamples.C | |
JeffreysPriorDemo.C | |
ModelInspector.C | |
MultivariateGaussianTest.C | |
NuMuToNuE_Oscillation.cxx | |
NuMuToNuE_Oscillation.h | |
OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands.C | |
rs101_limitexample.C | |
rs102_hypotestwithshapes.C | |
rs301_splot.C | |
rs401c_FeldmanCousins.C | |
rs401d_FeldmanCousins.C | |
rs601_HLFactoryexample.C | |
rs602_HLFactoryCombinationexample.C | |
rs603_HLFactoryElaborateExample.C | |
rs701_BayesianCalculator.C | |
rs801_HypoTestInverterOriginal.C | |
rs_bernsteinCorrection.C | |
rs_numberCountingCombination.C | |
rs_numbercountingutils.C | |
StandardBayesianMCMCDemo.C | |
StandardBayesianNumericalDemo.C | |
StandardFeldmanCousinsDemo.C | |
StandardFrequentistDiscovery.C | |
StandardHistFactoryPlotsWithCategories.C | |
StandardHypoTestDemo.C | |
StandardHypoTestInvDemo.C | |
StandardProfileInspectorDemo.C | |
StandardProfileLikelihoodDemo.C | |
StandardTestStatDistributionDemo.C | |
TestNonCentral.C | |
TwoSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands.C | |
Zbi_Zgamma.C | |
spectrum | |
peaks.C | Getting Contours From TH2D |
peaks2.C | Example to illustrate the 2-d peak finder (class TSpectrum2) |
spectrumpainter.C | Examples showing how to use TSpectrum2Painter (the SPEC option) |
splot | |
TestSPlot.C | |
sql | |
sqlcanvas.C | |
sqlcreatedb.C | |
sqlfilldb.C | |
sqlselect.C | |
sqltables.C | |
thread | |
stressThreadPool.C | |
threadPool.C | |
threads.C | |
threadsh1.C | |
threadsh2.C | |
tmva | |
createData.C | |
TMVAClassification.C | |
TMVAClassificationApplication.C | |
TMVAClassificationCategory.C | |
TMVAClassificationCategoryApplication.C | |
TMVAGAexample.C | |
TMVAGAexample2.C | |
TMVAMulticlass.C | |
TMVAMulticlassApplication.C | |
TMVAMultipleBackgroundExample.C | |
TMVARegression.C | |
TMVARegressionApplication.C | |
tree | |
basic.C | Read data from an ascii file and create a root file with an histogram and an ntuple |
basic2.C | Create can ntuple reading data from an ascii file |
bill.C | Benchmark comparing row-wise and column-wise storage performance |
cernbuild.C | Read data (CERN staff) from an ascii file and create a root file with a Tree |
cernstaff.C | Playing with a Tree containing variables of type character |
circular.C | Example of a circular Tree |
clonesA_Event.C | Example to write & read a Tree built with a complex class inheritance tree |
clonesA_Event.cxx | |
clonesA_Event.h | |
copytree.C | Copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree |
copytree2.C | Copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree, one branch in a separate file |
copytree3.C | Example of Root macro to copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree, selecting entries |
drawsparse.C | Convert a THnSparse to a TTree using efficient iteration through the THnSparse and draw a THnSparse using TParallelCoord |
h1analysis.C | Example of analysis class for the H1 data |
h1analysis.h | |
h1analysisProxy.C | Example of analysis class for the H1 data using code generated by MakeProxy |
h1analysisProxy.h | |
h1analysisProxyCut.C | |
h1analysisTreeReader.C | |
h1analysisTreeReader.h | |
h1chain.C | |
hsimpleProxy.C | |
hsimpleProxyDriver.C | |
hsimpleReader.C | TTreeReader simplest example |
htest.C | Save histograms in Tree branches |
hvector.C | Write and read STL vectors in a tree |
JetEvent.cxx | |
JetEvent.h | |
jets.C | Usage of a Tree using the JetEvent class |
ntuple1.C | Simple tree analysis |
parallelcoord.C | |
parallelcoordtrans.C | Use of transparency with ||-Coord |
printSizes.C | This macro can be used to get aggregate information on the size take on disk or in memory by the various branches in a TTree |
run_h1analysis.C | |
spider.C | TSpider example |
staff.C | Create a plot of the data in cernstaff.root |
tcl.C | How to write a TClonesArray to a TTree |
tree.C | Display the Tree data structures |
tree0.C | |
tree1.C | This example is a variant of hsimple.C but using a TTree instead of a TNtuple |
tree2.C | This example illustrates how to make a Tree from variables or arrays in a C struct |
tree2a.C | This example is the same as tree2.C, but uses a class instead of a C-struct |
tree3.C | Example of a Tree where branches are variable length arrays A second Tree is created and filled in parallel |
tree4.C | This example writes a tree with objects of the class Event |
treefriend.C | Illustrates how to use Tree friends: |
tv3.C | |
tvdemo.C | |
unuran | |
unuranDemo.C | |
unuranFoamTest.C | |
xml | |
DOMParsePerson.C | |
DOMRecursive.C | |
SAXHandler.C | |
xmlnewfile.C | |
xmlreadfile.C | |
benchmarks.C | |
demos.C | |
demoshelp.C | |
geant3tasks.C | |
hsimple.C | |
htmlex.C | |
MyTasks.cxx | |
regexp.C | |
regexp_pme.C | |
rootalias.C | |
rootenv.C | |
rootlogoff.C | |
rootlogon.C | |
rootmarks.C | |
tasks.C | |