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BidirMMapPipe Class Reference

BidirMMapPipe creates a bidirectional channel between the current process and a child it forks.

Manuel Schiller manue.nosp@m.l.sc.nosp@m.hille.nosp@m.r@ni.nosp@m.khef..nosp@m.nl

This class creates a bidirectional channel between this process and a child it creates with fork().

The channel is comrised of a small shared pool of buffer memory mmapped into both process spaces, and two pipes to synchronise the exchange of data. The idea behind using the pipes at all is to have some primitive which we can block on without having to worry about atomic operations or polling, leaving these tasks to the OS. In case the anonymous mmap cannot be performed on the OS the code is running on (for whatever reason), the code falls back to mmapping /dev/zero, mmapping a temporary file, or (if those all fail), a dynamically allocated buffer which is then transmitted through the pipe(s), a slightly slower alternative (because the data is copied more often).

The channel supports five major operations: read(), write(), flush(), purge() and close(). Reading and writing may block until the required buffer space is available. Writes may queue up data to be sent to the other end until either enough pages are full, or the user calls flush which forces any unsent buffers to be sent to the other end. flush forces any data that is to be sent to be sent. purge discards any buffered data waiting to be read and/or sent. Closing the channel on the child returns zero, closing it on the parent returns the child's exit status.

The class also provides operator<< and operator>> for C++-style I/O for basic data types (bool, char, short, int, long, long long, float, double and their unsigned counterparts). Data is transmitted binary (i.e. no formatting to strings like std::cout does). There are also overloads to support C-style zero terminated strings and std::string. In terms of performance, the former is to be preferred.

If the caller needs to multiplex input and output to/from several pipes, the class provides the poll() method which allows to block until an event occurs on any of the polled pipes.

After the BidirMMapPipe is closed, no further operations may be performed on that object, save for the destructor which may still be called.

If the BidirMMapPipe has not properly been closed, the destructor will call close. However, the exit code of the child is lost in that case.

Closing the object causes the mmapped memory to be unmapped and the two pipes to be closed. We also install an atexit handler in the process of creating BidirMMapPipes. This ensures that when the current process terminates, a SIGTERM signal is sent to the child processes created for all unclosed pipes to avoid leaving zombie processes in the OS's process table.

BidirMMapPipe creation, closing and destruction are thread safe. If the BidirMMapPipe is used in more than one thread, the other operations have to be protected with a mutex (or something similar), though.

End of file (other end closed its pipe, or died) is indicated with the eof() method, serious I/O errors set a flags (bad(), fail()), and also throw exceptions. For normal read/write operations, they can be suppressed (i.e. error reporting only using flags) with a constructor argument.


Here is a trivial example of a parent and a child talking to each other over a BidirMMapPipe:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "BidirMMapPipe.h"
int simplechild(BidirMMapPipe& pipe)
// child does an echo loop
while (pipe.good() && !pipe.eof()) {
// read a string
std::string str;
pipe >> str;
if (!pipe) return -1;
if (pipe.eof()) break;
// check if parent wants us to shut down
if (!str.empty()) {
std::cout << "[CHILD] : read: " << str << std::endl;
str = "... early in the morning?";
pipe << str << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
if (str.empty()) break;
if (!pipe) return -1;
std::cout << "[CHILD] : wrote: " << str << std::endl;
// send shutdown request acknowledged
pipe << "" << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
return 0;
BidirMMapPipe* spawnChild(int (*childexec)(BidirMMapPipe&))
if (p->isChild()) {
int retVal = childexec(*p);
delete p;
return p;
int main()
std::cout << "[PARENT]: simple challenge-response test, one child:" <<
BidirMMapPipe* pipe = spawnChild(simplechild);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
std::string str("What shall we do with a drunken sailor...");
*pipe << str << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
if (!*pipe) return -1;
std::cout << "[PARENT]: wrote: " << str << std::endl;
*pipe >> str;
if (!*pipe) return -1;
std::cout << "[PARENT]: read: " << str << std::endl;
// ask child to shut down
pipe << "" << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
// wait for it to see the shutdown request
std::string s;
pipe >> s;
std::cout << "[PARENT]: exit status of child: " << pipe->close() <<
delete pipe;
return 0;

When designing your own protocols to use over the pipe, there are a few things to bear in mind:

Definition at line 376 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.


class  PollEntry
 for poll() interface More...

Public Types

enum  {
  eofbit = 1, failbit = 2, rderrbit = 4, wrerrbit = 8,
  badbit = rderrbit | wrerrbit, exceptionsbit = 16
 flag bits for partial C++ iostream compatibility More...
enum  PollFlags {
  None = 0, Readable = 1, Writable = 2, ReadError = 4,
  WriteError = 8, Error = ReadError | WriteError, ReadEndOfFile = 32, WriteEndOfFile = 64,
  EndOfFile = ReadEndOfFile | WriteEndOfFile, ReadInvalid = 64, WriteInvalid = 128, Invalid = ReadInvalid | WriteInvalid
 condition flags for poll More...
typedef std::size_t size_type
 type used to represent sizes More...
typedef BidirMMapPipe_impl::BidirMMapPipeException Exception
 convenience typedef for BidirMMapPipeException More...
typedef std::vector< PollEntryPollVector
 convenience typedef for poll() interface More...

Public Member Functions

 BidirMMapPipe (bool useExceptions=true, bool useSocketpair=false)
 constructor (forks!) More...
 ~BidirMMapPipe ()
 destructor More...
size_type read (void *addr, size_type sz)
 read from pipe More...
size_type write (const void *addr, size_type sz)
 wirte to pipe More...
void flush ()
 flush buffers with unwritten data More...
void purge ()
 purge buffered data waiting to be read and/or written More...
size_type bytesReadableNonBlocking ()
 number of bytes that can be read without blocking More...
size_type bytesWritableNonBlocking ()
 number of bytes that can be written without blocking More...
int close ()
 flush buffers, close pipe More...
pid_t pidOtherEnd () const
 return PID of the process on the other end of the pipe More...
bool isParent () const
 return if this end of the pipe is the parent end More...
bool isChild () const
 return if this end of the pipe is the child end More...
bool usesSocketpair () const
 if BidirMMapPipe uses a socketpair for communications More...
bool usesPipepair () const
 if BidirMMapPipe uses a pipe pair for communications More...
int rdstate () const
 return flags (end of file, BidirMMapPipe closed, ...) More...
bool eof () const
 true if end-of-file More...
bool fail () const
 logical failure (e.g. More...
bool bad () const
 true on I/O error More...
bool good () const
 status of stream is good More...
bool closed () const
 true if closed More...
 operator bool () const
 return true if not serious error (fail/bad) More...
bool operator! () const
 return true if serious error (fail/bad) More...
 STREAMOP (bool)
 C++ style stream operators for bool. More...
 STREAMOP (char)
 C++ style stream operators for char. More...
 STREAMOP (short)
 C++ style stream operators for short. More...
 C++ style stream operators for int. More...
 STREAMOP (long)
 C++ style stream operators for long. More...
 STREAMOP (long long)
 C++ style stream operators for long long. More...
 STREAMOP (unsigned char)
 C++ style stream operators for unsigned char. More...
 STREAMOP (unsigned short)
 C++ style stream operators for unsigned short. More...
 STREAMOP (unsigned int)
 C++ style stream operators for unsigned int. More...
 STREAMOP (unsigned long)
 C++ style stream operators for unsigned long. More...
 STREAMOP (unsigned long long)
 C++ style stream operators for unsigned long long. More...
 STREAMOP (float)
 C++ style stream operators for float. More...
 STREAMOP (double)
 C++ style stream operators for double. More...
BidirMMapPipeoperator<< (const char *str)
 write a C-style string More...
BidirMMapPipeoperator>> (char *(&str))
 read a C-style string More...
BidirMMapPipeoperator<< (const std::string &str)
 write a std::string object More...
BidirMMapPipeoperator>> (std::string &str)
 read a std::string object More...
template<class T >
BidirMMapPipeoperator<< (const T *tptr)
 write raw pointer to T to other side More...
template<class T >
BidirMMapPipeoperator>> (T *&tptr)
 read raw pointer to T from other side More...
BidirMMapPipeoperator<< (BidirMMapPipe &(*manip)(BidirMMapPipe &))
 I/O manipulator support. More...
BidirMMapPipeoperator>> (BidirMMapPipe &(*manip)(BidirMMapPipe &))
 I/O manipulator support. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static int debugflag ()
 return the current setting of the debug flag More...
static void setDebugflag (int flag)
 set the debug flags More...
static int poll (PollVector &pipes, int timeout)
 poll a set of pipes for events (ready to read from, ready to write to, error) More...
static BidirMMapPipeflush (BidirMMapPipe &pipe)
 for usage a la "pipe << flush;" More...
static BidirMMapPipepurge (BidirMMapPipe &pipe)
 for usage a la "pipe << purge;" More...

Private Types

enum  { TotPages = 16, PagesPerEnd = TotPages / 2, FlushThresh = (3 * PagesPerEnd) / 4 }
 tuning constants More...
typedef BidirMMapPipe_impl::Page Page
 convenience typedef for Page More...

Private Member Functions

 BidirMMapPipe (const BidirMMapPipe &)
 copy-construction forbidden More...
BidirMMapPipeoperator= (const BidirMMapPipe &)
 assignment forbidden More...
void feedPageLists (Page *plist)
 "feed" the busy and free lists with a list of pages More...
void markPageDirty (Page *p)
 put on dirty pages list More...
void sendpages (Page *plist)
 send page(s) to the other end (may block) More...
unsigned recvpages ()
 receive a pages from the other end (may block), queue them More...
unsigned recvpages_nonblock ()
 receive pages from other end (non-blocking) More...
Pagebusypage ()
 get a busy page to read data from (may block) More...
Pagedirtypage ()
 get a dirty page to write data to (may block) More...
int doClose (bool force, bool holdlock=false)
 close the pipe (no flush if forced) More...
void doFlush (bool forcePartialPages=true)
 perform the flush More...

Static Private Member Functions

static BidirMMapPipe_impl::PagePool & pagepool ()
 return page pool More...
static void teardownall (void)
 cleanup routine - at exit, we want our children to get a SIGTERM... More...
static unsigned lenPageList (const Page *list)
 return length of a page list More...
static size_type xferraw (int fd, void *addr, size_type len, ssize_t(*xferfn)(int, void *, std::size_t))
 transfer bytes through the pipe (reading, writing, may block) More...
static size_type xferraw (int fd, void *addr, const size_type len, ssize_t(*xferfn)(int, const void *, std::size_t))
 transfer bytes through the pipe (reading, writing, may block) More...

Private Attributes

BidirMMapPipe_impl::Pages m_pages
 mmapped pages More...
 linked list: busy pages (data to be read) More...
 linked list: free pages More...
 linked list: dirty pages (data to be sent) More...
int m_inpipe
 pipe end from which data may be
int m_outpipe
 pipe end to which data may be written More...
int m_flags
 flags (e.g. end of file) More...
pid_t m_childPid
 pid of the child (zero if we're child) More...
pid_t m_parentPid
 pid of the parent More...

Static Private Attributes

static pthread_mutex_t s_openpipesmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
 protects s_openpipes More...
static std::list< BidirMMapPipe * > s_openpipes
 list of open BidirMMapPipes More...
static BidirMMapPipe_impl::PagePool * s_pagepool = 0
 pool of mmapped pages More...
static unsigned s_pagepoolrefcnt = 0
 page pool reference counter More...
static int s_debugflag = 0
 debug flag More...


class BidirMMapPipe_impl::Page
 page is our friend More...

#include </mnt/vdb/lsf/workspace/root-makedoc-v606/rootspi/rdoc/src/v6-06-00-patches/roofit/roofitcore/src/BidirMMapPipe.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for BidirMMapPipe:

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef BidirMMapPipe_impl::BidirMMapPipeException BidirMMapPipe::Exception

convenience typedef for BidirMMapPipeException

Definition at line 382 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

typedef BidirMMapPipe_impl::Page BidirMMapPipe::Page

convenience typedef for Page

Definition at line 866 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

typedef std::vector<PollEntry> BidirMMapPipe::PollVector

convenience typedef for poll() interface

Definition at line 533 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

type used to represent sizes

Definition at line 380 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

flag bits for partial C++ iostream compatibility


end of file reached


logical failure (e.g. pipe closed)


read error


write error


general I/O error


error reporting with exceptions

Definition at line 384 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

anonymous enum

tuning constants


pages shared (child + parent)


pages per pipe end


flush threshold

Definition at line 869 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

condition flags for poll


nothing special on this pipe


pipe has data for reading


pipe can be written to


pipe error read end


pipe error Write end


pipe error


read pipe in end-of-file state


write pipe in end-of-file state


end of file


read end of pipe invalid


write end of pipe invalid


invalid pipe

Definition at line 504 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BidirMMapPipe::BidirMMapPipe ( bool  useExceptions = true,
bool  useSocketpair = false 

constructor (forks!)

Creates a bidirectional communications channel between this process and a child the constructor forks. On return from the constructor, isParent() and isChild() can be used to tell the parent end from the child end of the pipe. In the child, all other open BidirMMapPipes are closed.

useExceptionsread()/write() error reporting also done using exceptions
useSocketpairuse a socketpair instead of a pair or pipes

Normally, exceptions are thrown for all serious I/O errors (apart from end of file). Setting useExceptions to false will force the read() and write() methods to only report serious I/O errors using flags.

When useSocketpair is true, use a pair of Unix domain sockets created using socketpair instead a pair of pipes. The advantage is that only one pair of file descriptors is needed instead of two pairs which are needed for the pipe pair. Performance should very similar on most platforms, especially if mmap works, since only very little data is sent through the pipe(s)/socketpair.

Definition at line 721 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

BidirMMapPipe::~BidirMMapPipe ( )


closes this end of pipe

Definition at line 967 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

BidirMMapPipe::BidirMMapPipe ( const BidirMMapPipe )

copy-construction forbidden

Definition at line 710 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

bool BidirMMapPipe::bad ( ) const

true on I/O error

true on I/O error

Definition at line 721 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by operator bool(), operator!(), and poll().

BidirMMapPipe::Page * BidirMMapPipe::busypage ( )

get a busy page to read data from (may block)

Definition at line 1212 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by read().

BidirMMapPipe::size_type BidirMMapPipe::bytesReadableNonBlocking ( )

number of bytes that can be read without blocking

number of bytes that can be read without blocking

Definition at line 1277 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

BidirMMapPipe::size_type BidirMMapPipe::bytesWritableNonBlocking ( )

number of bytes that can be written without blocking

number of bytes that can be written without blocking

Definition at line 1288 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

int BidirMMapPipe::close ( )

flush buffers, close pipe

Flush buffers, discard unread data, closes the pipe. If the pipe is in the parent process, it waits for the child.

exit code of child process in parent, zero in child

Definition at line 881 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), and doClose().

bool BidirMMapPipe::closed ( ) const

true if closed

true if stream is closed

Definition at line 733 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by poll().

static int BidirMMapPipe::debugflag ( )

return the current setting of the debug flag

an integer with the debug Setting

Definition at line 429 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe_impl::PageChunk::dommap().

BidirMMapPipe::Page * BidirMMapPipe::dirtypage ( )

get a dirty page to write data to (may block)

Definition at line 1223 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by write().

int BidirMMapPipe::doClose ( bool  force,
bool  holdlock = false 

close the pipe (no flush if forced)

Definition at line 887 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), close(), teardownall(), and ~BidirMMapPipe().

void BidirMMapPipe::doFlush ( bool  forcePartialPages = true)

perform the flush

Definition at line 1241 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by flush(), and write().

bool BidirMMapPipe::eof ( ) const

true if end-of-file

true if end-of-file

Definition at line 709 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by operator>>(), and poll().

bool BidirMMapPipe::fail ( ) const

logical failure (e.g.

I/O on closed BidirMMapPipe)

true in case of grave logical error (I/O on closed pipe,...)

Definition at line 715 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by operator bool(), and operator!().

void BidirMMapPipe::feedPageLists ( Page plist)

"feed" the busy and free lists with a list of pages

plistlinked list of pages

goes through plist, puts free pages from plist onto the freelist (or sends them to the remote end if they belong there), and puts non-empty pages on plist onto the busy list

Definition at line 1102 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by purge(), read(), and recvpages().

void BidirMMapPipe::flush ( )

flush buffers with unwritten data

This forces unwritten data to be written to the other end. The call will block until this has been done (or the attempt failed with an error).

Definition at line 1238 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by RooRealMPFE::calculate(), doClose(), RooRealMPFE::evaluate(), flush(), RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(), and RooRealMPFE::standby().

static BidirMMapPipe& BidirMMapPipe::flush ( BidirMMapPipe pipe)

for usage a la "pipe << flush;"

Definition at line 853 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

bool BidirMMapPipe::good ( ) const

status of stream is good

true if pipe is good (no errors, eof, ...)

Definition at line 727 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by operator>>().

bool BidirMMapPipe::isChild ( ) const

return if this end of the pipe is the child end

true if child end of pipe

Definition at line 685 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by feedPageLists(), and pidOtherEnd().

bool BidirMMapPipe::isParent ( ) const

return if this end of the pipe is the parent end

true if parent end of pipe

Definition at line 679 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by doClose(), and feedPageLists().

unsigned BidirMMapPipe::lenPageList ( const Page list)

return length of a page list

Definition at line 1095 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by recvpages(), and write().

void BidirMMapPipe::markPageDirty ( Page p)

put on dirty pages list

Definition at line 1198 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by dirtypage().

BidirMMapPipe::operator bool ( ) const

return true if not serious error (fail/bad)

true if stream is does not have serious error (fail/bad)

(if EOF, this is still true)

Definition at line 741 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

bool BidirMMapPipe::operator! ( ) const

return true if serious error (fail/bad)

true if stream has a serious error (fail/bad)

Definition at line 747 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

BidirMMapPipe & BidirMMapPipe::operator<< ( const char *  str)

write a C-style string

strC-style string
pipe written to

Definition at line 1535 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

BidirMMapPipe & BidirMMapPipe::operator<< ( const std::string &  str)

write a std::string object

strstring to write
pipe written to

Definition at line 1556 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

template<class T >
BidirMMapPipe& BidirMMapPipe::operator<< ( const T *  tptr)

write raw pointer to T to other side

NOTE: This will not write the pointee! Only the value of the pointer is transferred.

tptrpointer to be written
pipe written to

Definition at line 812 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

BidirMMapPipe& BidirMMapPipe::operator<< ( BidirMMapPipe &(*)(BidirMMapPipe &)  manip)

I/O manipulator support.

pipe with manipulator applied


Definition at line 836 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

BidirMMapPipe& BidirMMapPipe::operator= ( const BidirMMapPipe )

assignment forbidden

Definition at line 861 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

BidirMMapPipe & BidirMMapPipe::operator>> ( char *&  str)

read a C-style string

strpointer to string (space allocated with malloc!)
pipe read from

since this is for C-style strings, we use malloc/realloc/free for strings. passing in a NULL pointer is valid here, and the routine will use realloc to allocate a chunk of memory of the right size.

Definition at line 1543 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

BidirMMapPipe & BidirMMapPipe::operator>> ( std::string &  str)

read a std::string object

strstring to be read
pipe read from

Definition at line 1564 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

template<class T >
BidirMMapPipe& BidirMMapPipe::operator>> ( T *&  tptr)

read raw pointer to T from other side

NOTE: This will not read the pointee! Only the value of the pointer is transferred.

tptrpointer to be read
pipe read from

Definition at line 823 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

BidirMMapPipe& BidirMMapPipe::operator>> ( BidirMMapPipe &(*)(BidirMMapPipe &)  manip)

I/O manipulator support.

pipe with manipulator applied


Definition at line 849 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

BidirMMapPipe_impl::PagePool & BidirMMapPipe::pagepool ( )

return page pool

Definition at line 690 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe().

pid_t BidirMMapPipe::pidOtherEnd ( ) const

return PID of the process on the other end of the pipe

PID of the process running on the remote end

Definition at line 500 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

int BidirMMapPipe::poll ( BidirMMapPipe::PollVector pipes,
int  timeout 

poll a set of pipes for events (ready to read from, ready to write to, error)

pipesset of pipes to check
timeouttimeout in milliseconds
positive number: number of pipes which have status changes, 0: timeout, or no pipes with status changed, -1 on error

Timeout can be zero (check for specified events, and return), finite (wait at most timeout milliseconds before returning), or -1 (infinite). The poll method returns when the timeout has elapsed, or if an event occurs on one of the pipes being polled, whichever happens earlier.

Pipes is a vector of one or more PollEntries, which each list a pipe and events to poll for. If events is left empty (zero), all conditions are polled for, otherwise only the indicated ones. On return, the revents fields contain the events that occurred for each pipe; error Error, EndOfFile or Invalid events are always set, regardless of wether they were in the set of requested events.

poll may block slightly longer than specified by timeout due to OS timer granularity and OS scheduling. Due to its implementation, the poll call can also return early if the remote end of the page sends a free page while polling (which is put on that pipe's freelist), while that pipe is polled for e.g Reading. The status of the pipe is indicated correctly in revents, and the caller can simply poll again. (The reason this is done this way is because it helps to replenish the pool of free pages and queue busy pages without blocking.)

Here's a piece of example code waiting on two pipes; if they become readable they are read:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "BidirMMapPipe.h"
// what to execute in the child
int randomchild(BidirMMapPipe& pipe)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
// sleep a random time between 0 and .9 seconds
::usleep(int(1e6 * ::drand48()));
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "child pid " << ::getpid() << " sends message " << i;
std::cout << "[CHILD] : " << buf.str() << std::endl;
pipe << buf.str() << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
if (!pipe) return -1;
if (pipe.eof()) break;
// tell parent we're done
pipe << "" << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
// wait for parent to acknowledge
std::string s;
pipe >> s;
return 0;
// function to spawn a child
BidirMMapPipe* spawnChild(int (*childexec)(BidirMMapPipe&))
if (p->isChild()) {
int retVal = childexec(*p);
delete p;
return p;
int main()
typedef BidirMMapPipe::PollEntry PollEntry;
// poll data structure
// spawn children
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// while at least some children alive
while (!pipes.empty()) {
// poll, wait until status change (infinite timeout)
int npipes = BidirMMapPipe::poll(pipes, -1);
// scan for pipes with changed status
for (std::vector<PollEntry>::iterator it = pipes.begin();
npipes && pipes.end() != it; ) {
if (!it->revents) {
// unchanged, next one
--npipes; // maybe we can stop early...
// read from pipes which are readable
if (it->revents & BidirMMapPipe::Readable) {
std::string s;
*(it->pipe) >> s;
if (!s.empty()) {
std::cout << "[PARENT]: Read from pipe " <<
it->pipe << ": " << s << std::endl;
} else {
// child is shutting down...
*(it->pipe) << "" << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
goto childcloses;
// retire pipes with error or end-of-file condition
if (it->revents & (BidirMMapPipe::Error |
std::cout << "[PARENT]: Error on pipe " <<
it->pipe << " revents " << it->revents <<
std::cout << "[PARENT]:\tchild exit status: " <<
it->pipe->close() << std::endl;
if (retVal) return retVal;
delete it->pipe;
it = pipes.erase(it);
return 0;

Definition at line 1405 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by bytesWritableNonBlocking(), doClose(), feedPageLists(), and recvpages_nonblock().

void BidirMMapPipe::purge ( )

purge buffered data waiting to be read and/or written

Discards all internal buffers.

Definition at line 1260 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by purge().

static BidirMMapPipe& BidirMMapPipe::purge ( BidirMMapPipe pipe)

for usage a la "pipe << purge;"

Definition at line 855 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

int BidirMMapPipe::rdstate ( ) const

return flags (end of file, BidirMMapPipe closed, ...)

flags (end of file, BidirMMapPipe closed, ...)

Definition at line 703 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

BidirMMapPipe::size_type BidirMMapPipe::read ( void addr,
size_type  sz 

read from pipe

addrwhere to put read data
szsize of data to read (in bytes)
size of data read, or 0 in case of end-of-file

read may block until data from other end is available. It will return 0 if the other end closed the pipe.

Definition at line 1334 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), doClose(), operator>>(), and recvpages().

unsigned BidirMMapPipe::recvpages ( )

receive a pages from the other end (may block), queue them

number of pages received

this is an application-level scatter read, which gets the list of pages to read from the pipe. if mmap works, it needs only one read call (to get the head of the list of pages transferred). if we need to copy pages through the pipe, we need to add one read for each empty page, and two reads for each non-empty page.

Definition at line 1037 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by busypage(), dirtypage(), feedPageLists(), poll(), and recvpages_nonblock().

unsigned BidirMMapPipe::recvpages_nonblock ( )

receive pages from other end (non-blocking)

number of pages received

like recvpages(), but does not block if nothing is available for reading

Definition at line 1070 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by busypage(), bytesReadableNonBlocking(), bytesWritableNonBlocking(), and dirtypage().

void BidirMMapPipe::sendpages ( Page plist)

send page(s) to the other end (may block)

plistlinked list of pages to send

the implementation gathers the different write(s) whereever possible; if mmap works, this results in a single write to transfer the list of pages sent, if we need to copy things through the pipe, we have one write to transfer which pages are sent, and then one write per page.

Definition at line 1015 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by doFlush(), and feedPageLists().

static void BidirMMapPipe::setDebugflag ( int  flag)

set the debug flags

flagdebug flags (if zero, no messages are printed)

Definition at line 435 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( bool  )

C++ style stream operators for bool.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( char  )

C++ style stream operators for char.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( short  )

C++ style stream operators for short.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( int  )

C++ style stream operators for int.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( long  )

C++ style stream operators for long.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( long  long)

C++ style stream operators for long long.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( unsigned  char)

C++ style stream operators for unsigned char.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( unsigned  short)

C++ style stream operators for unsigned short.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( unsigned  int)

C++ style stream operators for unsigned int.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( unsigned  long)

C++ style stream operators for unsigned long.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( unsigned long  long)

C++ style stream operators for unsigned long long.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( float  )

C++ style stream operators for float.

BidirMMapPipe::STREAMOP ( double  )

C++ style stream operators for double.

void BidirMMapPipe::teardownall ( void  )

cleanup routine - at exit, we want our children to get a SIGTERM...

Definition at line 697 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe().

bool BidirMMapPipe::usesPipepair ( ) const

if BidirMMapPipe uses a pipe pair for communications

true if BidirMMapPipe uses a pipe pair for communications

Definition at line 697 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

bool BidirMMapPipe::usesSocketpair ( ) const

if BidirMMapPipe uses a socketpair for communications

true if BidirMMapPipe uses a socketpair for communications

Definition at line 691 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

BidirMMapPipe::size_type BidirMMapPipe::write ( const void addr,
size_type  sz 

wirte to pipe

addrwhere to get data to write from
szsize of data to write (in bytes)
size of data written, or 0 in case of end-of-file

write may block until data can be written to other end (depends a bit on available buffer space). It will return 0 if the other end closed the pipe. The data is queued to be written on the next convenient occasion, or it can be forced out with flush().

Definition at line 1370 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), operator<<(), and sendpages().

BidirMMapPipe::size_type BidirMMapPipe::xferraw ( int  fd,
void addr,
size_type  len,
ssize_t(*)(int, void *, std::size_t xferfn 

transfer bytes through the pipe (reading, writing, may block)

Definition at line 970 of file BidirMMapPipe.cxx.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), recvpages(), sendpages(), and xferraw().

static size_type BidirMMapPipe::xferraw ( int  fd,
void addr,
const size_type  len,
ssize_t(*)(int, const void *, std::size_t xferfn 

transfer bytes through the pipe (reading, writing, may block)

Definition at line 930 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class BidirMMapPipe_impl::Page

page is our friend

Definition at line 864 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Member Data Documentation

Page* BidirMMapPipe::m_busylist

linked list: busy pages (data to be read)

Definition at line 898 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by busypage(), bytesReadableNonBlocking(), doClose(), feedPageLists(), poll(), purge(), and read().

pid_t BidirMMapPipe::m_childPid

pid of the child (zero if we're child)

Definition at line 904 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), doClose(), isChild(), isParent(), pidOtherEnd(), and teardownall().

Page* BidirMMapPipe::m_dirtylist

linked list: dirty pages (data to be sent)

Definition at line 900 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by bytesWritableNonBlocking(), dirtypage(), doClose(), doFlush(), feedPageLists(), markPageDirty(), poll(), purge(), and write().

int BidirMMapPipe::m_flags

flags (e.g. end of file)

Definition at line 903 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by bad(), BidirMMapPipe(), close(), closed(), doClose(), doFlush(), eof(), fail(), good(), purge(), rdstate(), read(), and write().

Page* BidirMMapPipe::m_freelist

linked list: free pages

Definition at line 899 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), bytesWritableNonBlocking(), dirtypage(), doClose(), feedPageLists(), markPageDirty(), and poll().

int BidirMMapPipe::m_inpipe

pipe end from which data may be read

Definition at line 901 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), doClose(), feedPageLists(), poll(), recvpages(), recvpages_nonblock(), usesPipepair(), and usesSocketpair().

int BidirMMapPipe::m_outpipe

pipe end to which data may be written

Definition at line 902 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), bytesWritableNonBlocking(), doClose(), feedPageLists(), poll(), sendpages(), usesPipepair(), and usesSocketpair().

BidirMMapPipe_impl::Pages BidirMMapPipe::m_pages

mmapped pages

Definition at line 897 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), doClose(), feedPageLists(), recvpages(), and sendpages().

pid_t BidirMMapPipe::m_parentPid

pid of the parent

Definition at line 905 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by pidOtherEnd().

int BidirMMapPipe::s_debugflag = 0

debug flag

Definition at line 891 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by debugflag(), and setDebugflag().

std::list< BidirMMapPipe * > BidirMMapPipe::s_openpipes

list of open BidirMMapPipes

Definition at line 885 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), doClose(), and teardownall().

pthread_mutex_t BidirMMapPipe::s_openpipesmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER

protects s_openpipes

Definition at line 883 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), doClose(), and teardownall().

BidirMMapPipe_impl::PagePool * BidirMMapPipe::s_pagepool = 0

pool of mmapped pages

Definition at line 887 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), doClose(), and pagepool().

unsigned BidirMMapPipe::s_pagepoolrefcnt = 0

page pool reference counter

Definition at line 889 of file BidirMMapPipe.h.

Referenced by BidirMMapPipe(), and doClose().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: