ROOT  6.06/09
Reference Guide
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1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * Project: RooFit *
3  * Package: RooFitCore *
4  * @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id$
5  * Authors: *
6  * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, *
7  * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, *
8  * *
9  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
10  * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
11  * *
12  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
13  * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
14  * listed in LICENSE ( *
15  *****************************************************************************/
17 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 //
20 // RooRealMPFE is the multi-processor front-end for parallel calculation
21 // of RooAbsReal objects. Each RooRealMPFE forks a process that calculates
22 // the value of the proxies RooAbsReal object. The (re)calculation of
23 // the proxied object is started asynchronously with the calculate() option.
24 // A subsequent call to getVal() will return the calculated value when available
25 // If the calculation is still in progress when getVal() is called it blocks
26 // the calling process until the calculation is done. The forked calculation process
27 // is terminated when the front-end object is deleted
28 // Simple use demonstration
29 //
30 // <pre>
31 // RooAbsReal* slowFunc ;
32 //
33 // Double_t val = slowFunc->getVal() // Evaluate slowFunc in current process
34 //
35 // RooRealMPFE mpfe("mpfe","frontend to slowFunc",*slowFunc) ;
36 // mpfe.calculate() ; // Start calculation of slow-func in remote process
37 // // .. do other stuff here ..
38 // Double_t val = mpfe.getVal() // Wait for remote calculation to finish and retrieve value
39 // </pre>
40 //
41 // END_HTML
42 //
44 #include "Riostream.h"
45 #include "RooFit.h"
47 #ifndef _WIN32
48 #include "BidirMMapPipe.h"
49 #endif
51 #include <cstdlib>
52 #include <sstream>
53 #include "RooRealMPFE.h"
54 #include "RooArgSet.h"
55 #include "RooAbsCategory.h"
56 #include "RooRealVar.h"
57 #include "RooCategory.h"
58 #include "RooMPSentinel.h"
59 #include "RooMsgService.h"
60 #include "RooNLLVar.h"
61 #include "RooTrace.h"
63 #include "TSystem.h"
67 using namespace std;
68 using namespace RooFit;
71  ;
74 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 /// Construct front-end object for object 'arg' whose evaluation will be calculated
76 /// asynchronously in a separate process. If calcInline is true the value of 'arg'
77 /// is calculate synchronously in the current process.
79 RooRealMPFE::RooRealMPFE(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal& arg, Bool_t calcInline) :
80  RooAbsReal(name,title),
81  _state(Initialize),
82  _arg("arg","arg",this,arg),
83  _vars("vars","vars",this),
84  _calcInProgress(kFALSE),
85  _verboseClient(kFALSE),
86  _verboseServer(kFALSE),
87  _inlineMode(calcInline),
88  _remoteEvalErrorLoggingState(RooAbsReal::PrintErrors),
89  _pipe(0),
90  _updateMaster(0),
91  _retrieveDispatched(kFALSE), _evalCarry(0.)
92 {
93 #ifdef _WIN32
95 #endif
96  initVars() ;
97  _sentinel.add(*this) ;
99 }
103 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
104 /// Copy constructor. Initializes in clean state so that upon eval
105 /// this instance will create its own server processes
107 RooRealMPFE::RooRealMPFE(const RooRealMPFE& other, const char* name) :
108  RooAbsReal(other, name),
109  _state(Initialize),
110  _arg("arg",this,other._arg),
111  _vars("vars",this,other._vars),
112  _calcInProgress(kFALSE),
113  _verboseClient(other._verboseClient),
114  _verboseServer(other._verboseServer),
115  _inlineMode(other._inlineMode),
116  _forceCalc(other._forceCalc),
117  _remoteEvalErrorLoggingState(other._remoteEvalErrorLoggingState),
118  _pipe(0),
119  _updateMaster(0),
120  _retrieveDispatched(kFALSE), _evalCarry(other._evalCarry)
121 {
122  initVars() ;
123  _sentinel.add(*this) ;
124 }
128 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 /// Destructor
132 {
133  if (_state==Client) standby();
134  _sentinel.remove(*this);
135 }
139 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
140 /// Initialize list of variables of front-end argument 'arg'
143 {
144  // Empty current lists
145  _vars.removeAll() ;
146  _saveVars.removeAll() ;
148  // Retrieve non-constant parameters
149  RooArgSet* vars = _arg.arg().getParameters(RooArgSet()) ;
150  //RooArgSet* ncVars = (RooArgSet*) vars->selectByAttrib("Constant",kFALSE) ;
151  RooArgList varList(*vars) ;
153  // Save in lists
154  _vars.add(varList) ;
155  _saveVars.addClone(varList) ;
156  _valueChanged.resize(_vars.getSize()) ;
157  _constChanged.resize(_vars.getSize()) ;
159  // Force next calculation
160  _forceCalc = kTRUE ;
162  delete vars ;
163  //delete ncVars ;
164 }
167 {
168  if (_inlineMode) {
169  RooAbsTestStatistic* tmp = dynamic_cast<RooAbsTestStatistic*>(_arg.absArg());
170  if (tmp) return tmp->getCarry();
171  else return 0.;
172  } else {
173  return _evalCarry;
174  }
175 }
177 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
178 /// Initialize the remote process and message passing
179 /// pipes between current process and remote process
182 {
183  // Trivial case: Inline mode
184  if (_inlineMode) {
185  _state = Inline ;
186  return ;
187  }
189 #ifndef _WIN32
190  // Clear eval error log prior to forking
191  // to avoid confusions...
193  // Fork server process and setup IPC
194  _pipe = new BidirMMapPipe();
196  if (_pipe->isChild()) {
197  // Start server loop
199  _state = Server ;
200  serverLoop();
202  // Kill server at end of service
203  if (_verboseServer) ccoutD(Minimization) << "RooRealMPFE::initialize(" <<
204  GetName() << ") server process terminating" << endl ;
206  delete _arg.absArg();
207  delete _pipe;
208  _exit(0) ;
209  } else {
210  // Client process - fork successul
211  if (_verboseClient) ccoutD(Minimization) << "RooRealMPFE::initialize(" <<
212  GetName() << ") successfully forked server process " <<
213  _pipe->pidOtherEnd() << endl ;
214  _state = Client ;
216  }
217 #endif // _WIN32
218 }
222 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
223 /// Server loop of remote processes. This function will return
224 /// only when an incoming TERMINATE message is received.
227 {
228 #ifndef _WIN32
229  int msg ;
231  Int_t idx, index, numErrors ;
232  Double_t value ;
233  Bool_t isConst ;
237  while(*_pipe && !_pipe->eof()) {
238  *_pipe >> msg;
239  if (Terminate == msg) {
240  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
241  << ") IPC fromClient> Terminate" << endl;
242  // send terminate acknowledged to client
243  *_pipe << msg << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
244  break;
245  }
247  switch (msg) {
248  case SendReal:
249  {
250  *_pipe >> idx >> value >> isConst;
251  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
252  << ") IPC fromClient> SendReal [" << idx << "]=" << value << endl ;
253  RooRealVar* rvar = (RooRealVar*) ;
254  rvar->setVal(value) ;
255  if (rvar->isConstant() != isConst) {
256  rvar->setConstant(isConst) ;
257  }
258  }
259  break ;
261  case SendCat:
262  {
263  *_pipe >> idx >> index;
264  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
265  << ") IPC fromClient> SendCat [" << idx << "]=" << index << endl ;
266  ((RooCategory*)>setIndex(index) ;
267  }
268  break ;
270  case Calculate:
271  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
272  << ") IPC fromClient> Calculate" << endl ;
273  _value = _arg ;
274  break ;
276  case CalculateNoOffset:
277  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
278  << ") IPC fromClient> Calculate" << endl ;
281  _value = _arg ;
283  break ;
285  case Retrieve:
286  {
287  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
288  << ") IPC fromClient> Retrieve" << endl ;
289  msg = ReturnValue;
290  numErrors = numEvalErrors();
291  *_pipe << msg << _value << getCarry() << numErrors;
293  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
294  << ") IPC toClient> ReturnValue " << _value << " NumError " << numErrors << endl ;
296  if (numErrors) {
297  // Loop over errors
298  std::string objidstr;
299  {
300  ostringstream oss2;
301  // Format string with object identity as this cannot be evaluated on the other side
302  oss2 << "PID" << gSystem->GetPid() << "/";
304  objidstr = oss2.str();
305  }
306  std::map<const RooAbsArg*,pair<string,list<EvalError> > >::const_iterator iter = evalErrorIter();
307  const RooAbsArg* ptr = 0;
308  for (int i = 0; i < numEvalErrorItems(); ++i) {
309  list<EvalError>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->second.second.begin();
310  for (; iter->second.second.end() != iter2; ++iter2) {
311  ptr = iter->first;
312  *_pipe << ptr << iter2->_msg << iter2->_srvval << objidstr;
313  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
314  << ") IPC toClient> sending error log Arg " << iter->first << " Msg " << iter2->_msg << endl ;
315  }
316  }
317  // let other end know that we're done with the list of errors
318  ptr = 0;
319  *_pipe << ptr;
320  // Clear error list on local side
322  }
324  }
325  break;
327  case ConstOpt:
328  {
329  Bool_t doTrack ;
330  int code;
331  *_pipe >> code >> doTrack;
332  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
333  << ") IPC fromClient> ConstOpt " << code << " doTrack = " << (doTrack?"T":"F") << endl ;
334  ((RooAbsReal&)_arg.arg()).constOptimizeTestStatistic(static_cast<RooAbsArg::ConstOpCode>(code),doTrack) ;
335  break ;
336  }
338  case Verbose:
339  {
340  Bool_t flag ;
341  *_pipe >> flag;
342  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
343  << ") IPC fromClient> Verbose " << (flag?1:0) << endl ;
344  _verboseServer = flag ;
345  }
346  break ;
349  case ApplyNLLW2:
350  {
351  Bool_t flag ;
352  *_pipe >> flag;
353  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
354  << ") IPC fromClient> ApplyNLLW2 " << (flag?1:0) << endl ;
356  // Do application of weight-squared here
357  doApplyNLLW2(flag) ;
358  }
359  break ;
361  case EnableOffset:
362  {
363  Bool_t flag ;
364  *_pipe >> flag;
365  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
366  << ") IPC fromClient> EnableOffset " << (flag?1:0) << endl ;
368  // Enable likelihoof offsetting here
369  ((RooAbsReal&)_arg.arg()).enableOffsetting(flag) ;
370  }
371  break ;
373  case LogEvalError:
374  {
375  int iflag2;
376  *_pipe >> iflag2;
377  RooAbsReal::ErrorLoggingMode flag2 = static_cast<RooAbsReal::ErrorLoggingMode>(iflag2);
379  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
380  << ") IPC fromClient> LogEvalError flag = " << flag2 << endl ;
381  }
382  break ;
385  default:
386  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::serverLoop(" << GetName()
387  << ") IPC fromClient> Unknown message (code = " << msg << ")" << endl ;
388  break ;
389  }
390  }
392 #endif // _WIN32
393 }
397 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
398 /// Client-side function that instructs server process to start
399 /// asynchronuous (re)calculation of function value. This function
400 /// returns immediately. The calculated value can be retrieved
401 /// using getVal()
404 {
406  // Start asynchronous calculation of arg value
407  if (_state==Initialize) {
408  // cout << "RooRealMPFE::calculate(" << GetName() << ") initializing" << endl ;
409  const_cast<RooRealMPFE*>(this)->initialize() ;
410  }
412  // Inline mode -- Calculate value now
413  if (_state==Inline) {
414  // cout << "RooRealMPFE::calculate(" << GetName() << ") performing Inline calculation NOW" << endl ;
415  _value = _arg ;
416  clearValueDirty() ;
417  }
419 #ifndef _WIN32
420  // Compare current value of variables with saved values and send changes to server
421  if (_state==Client) {
422  // cout << "RooRealMPFE::calculate(" << GetName() << ") state is Client trigger remote calculation" << endl ;
423  Int_t i(0) ;
424  RooFIter viter = _vars.fwdIterator() ;
425  RooFIter siter = _saveVars.fwdIterator() ;
427  //for (i=0 ; i<_vars.getSize() ; i++) {
428  RooAbsArg *var, *saveVar ;
429  while((var = {
430  saveVar = ;
432  //Bool_t valChanged = !(*var==*saveVar) ;
433  Bool_t valChanged,constChanged ;
434  if (!_updateMaster) {
435  valChanged = !var->isIdentical(*saveVar,kTRUE) ;
436  constChanged = (var->isConstant() != saveVar->isConstant()) ;
437  _valueChanged[i] = valChanged ;
438  _constChanged[i] = constChanged ;
439  } else {
440  valChanged = _updateMaster->_valueChanged[i] ;
441  constChanged = _updateMaster->_constChanged[i] ;
442  }
444  if ( valChanged || constChanged || _forceCalc) {
445  //cout << "RooRealMPFE::calculate(" << GetName() << " variable " << var->GetName() << " changed " << endl ;
446  if (_verboseClient) cout << "RooRealMPFE::calculate(" << GetName()
447  << ") variable " <<>GetName() << " changed" << endl ;
448  if (constChanged) {
449  ((RooRealVar*)saveVar)->setConstant(var->isConstant()) ;
450  }
451  saveVar->copyCache(var) ;
453  // send message to server
454  if (dynamic_cast<RooAbsReal*>(var)) {
455  int msg = SendReal ;
456  Double_t val = ((RooAbsReal*)var)->getVal() ;
457  Bool_t isC = var->isConstant() ;
458  *_pipe << msg << i << val << isC;
460  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::calculate(" << GetName()
461  << ") IPC toServer> SendReal [" << i << "]=" << val << (isC?" (Constant)":"") << endl ;
462  } else if (dynamic_cast<RooAbsCategory*>(var)) {
463  int msg = SendCat ;
464  UInt_t idx = ((RooAbsCategory*)var)->getIndex() ;
465  *_pipe << msg << i << idx;
466  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::calculate(" << GetName()
467  << ") IPC toServer> SendCat [" << i << "]=" << idx << endl ;
468  }
469  }
470  i++ ;
471  }
473  int msg = hideOffset() ? Calculate : CalculateNoOffset;
474  *_pipe << msg;
475  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::calculate(" << GetName()
476  << ") IPC toServer> Calculate " << endl ;
478  // Clear dirty state and mark that calculation request was dispatched
479  clearValueDirty() ;
481  _forceCalc = kFALSE ;
483  msg = Retrieve ;
484  *_pipe << msg << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
485  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::evaluate(" << GetName()
486  << ") IPC toServer> Retrieve " << endl ;
489  } else if (_state!=Inline) {
490  cout << "RooRealMPFE::calculate(" << GetName()
491  << ") ERROR not in Client or Inline mode" << endl ;
492  }
495 #endif // _WIN32
496 }
501 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
502 /// If value needs recalculation and calculation has not beed started
503 /// with a call to calculate() start it now. This function blocks
504 /// until remote process has finished calculation and returns
505 /// remote value
507 Double_t RooRealMPFE::getValV(const RooArgSet* /*nset*/) const
508 {
510  if (isValueDirty()) {
511  // Cache is dirty, no calculation has been started yet
512  //cout << "RooRealMPFE::getValF(" << GetName() << ") cache is dirty, caling calculate and evaluate" << endl ;
513  calculate() ;
514  _value = evaluate() ;
515  } else if (_calcInProgress) {
516  //cout << "RooRealMPFE::getValF(" << GetName() << ") calculation in progress, calling evaluate" << endl ;
517  // Cache is clean and calculation is in progress
518  _value = evaluate() ;
519  } else {
520  //cout << "RooRealMPFE::getValF(" << GetName() << ") cache is clean, doing nothing" << endl ;
521  // Cache is clean and calculated value is in cache
522  }
524 // cout << "RooRealMPFE::getValV(" << GetName() << ") value = " << Form("%5.10f",_value) << endl ;
525  return _value ;
526 }
530 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
531 /// Send message to server process to retrieve output value
532 /// If error were logged use logEvalError() on remote side
533 /// transfer those errors to the local eval error queue.
536 {
537  // Retrieve value of arg
538  Double_t return_value = 0;
539  if (_state==Inline) {
540  return_value = _arg ;
541  } else if (_state==Client) {
542 #ifndef _WIN32
543  bool needflush = false;
544  int msg;
545  Double_t value;
547  // If current error loggin state is not the same as remote state
548  // update the remote state
550  msg = LogEvalError ;
552  *_pipe << msg << flag;
553  needflush = true;
555  }
557  if (!_retrieveDispatched) {
558  msg = Retrieve ;
559  *_pipe << msg;
560  needflush = true;
561  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::evaluate(" << GetName()
562  << ") IPC toServer> Retrieve " << endl ;
563  }
564  if (needflush) *_pipe << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
568  Int_t numError;
570  *_pipe >> msg >> value >> _evalCarry >> numError;
572  if (msg!=ReturnValue) {
573  cout << "RooRealMPFE::evaluate(" << GetName()
574  << ") ERROR: unexpected message from server process: " << msg << endl ;
575  return 0 ;
576  }
577  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::evaluate(" << GetName()
578  << ") IPC fromServer> ReturnValue " << value << endl ;
580  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::evaluate(" << GetName()
581  << ") IPC fromServer> NumErrors " << numError << endl ;
582  if (numError) {
583  // Retrieve remote errors and feed into local error queue
584  char *msgbuf1 = 0, *msgbuf2 = 0, *msgbuf3 = 0;
585  RooAbsArg *ptr = 0;
586  while (true) {
587  *_pipe >> ptr;
588  if (!ptr) break;
589  *_pipe >> msgbuf1 >> msgbuf2 >> msgbuf3;
590  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::evaluate(" << GetName()
591  << ") IPC fromServer> retrieving error log Arg " << ptr << " Msg " << msgbuf1 << endl ;
593  logEvalError(reinterpret_cast<RooAbsReal*>(ptr),msgbuf3,msgbuf1,msgbuf2) ;
594  }
595  std::free(msgbuf1);
596  std::free(msgbuf2);
597  std::free(msgbuf3);
598  }
600  // Mark end of calculation in progress
602  return_value = value ;
603 #endif // _WIN32
604  }
606  return return_value;
607 }
611 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
612 /// Terminate remote server process and return front-end class
613 /// to standby mode. Calls to calculate() or evaluate() after
614 /// this call will automatically recreated the server process.
617 {
618 #ifndef _WIN32
619  if (_state==Client) {
620  if (_pipe->good()) {
621  // Terminate server process ;
622  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::standby(" << GetName()
623  << ") IPC toServer> Terminate " << endl;
624  int msg = Terminate;
625  *_pipe << msg << BidirMMapPipe::flush;
626  // read handshake
627  msg = 0;
628  *_pipe >> msg;
629  if (Terminate != msg || 0 != _pipe->close()) {
630  std::cerr << "In " << __func__ << "(" << __FILE__ ", " << __LINE__ <<
631  "): Server shutdown failed." << std::endl;
632  }
633  } else {
634  if (_verboseServer) {
635  std::cerr << "In " << __func__ << "(" << __FILE__ ", " <<
636  __LINE__ << "): Pipe has already shut down, not sending "
637  "Terminate to server." << std::endl;
638  }
639  }
640  // Close pipes
641  delete _pipe;
642  _pipe = 0;
644  // Revert to initialize state
645  _state = Initialize;
646  }
647 #endif // _WIN32
648 }
652 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
653 /// Intercept call to optimize constant term in test statistics
654 /// and forward it to object on server side.
657 {
658 #ifndef _WIN32
659  if (_state==Client) {
661  int msg = ConstOpt ;
662  int op = opcode;
663  *_pipe << msg << op << doAlsoTracking;
664  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::constOptimize(" << GetName()
665  << ") IPC toServer> ConstOpt " << opcode << endl ;
667  initVars() ;
668  }
669 #endif // _WIN32
671  if (_state==Inline) {
672  ((RooAbsReal&)_arg.arg()).constOptimizeTestStatistic(opcode,doAlsoTracking) ;
673  }
674 }
678 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
679 /// Control verbose messaging related to inter process communication
680 /// on both client and server side
682 void RooRealMPFE::setVerbose(Bool_t clientFlag, Bool_t serverFlag)
683 {
684 #ifndef _WIN32
685  if (_state==Client) {
686  int msg = Verbose ;
687  *_pipe << msg << serverFlag;
688  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::setVerbose(" << GetName()
689  << ") IPC toServer> Verbose " << (serverFlag?1:0) << endl ;
690  }
691 #endif // _WIN32
692  _verboseClient = clientFlag ; _verboseServer = serverFlag ;
693 }
696 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
697 /// Control verbose messaging related to inter process communication
698 /// on both client and server side
701 {
702 #ifndef _WIN32
703  if (_state==Client) {
704  int msg = ApplyNLLW2 ;
705  *_pipe << msg << flag;
706  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::applyNLLWeightSquared(" << GetName()
707  << ") IPC toServer> ApplyNLLW2 " << (flag?1:0) << endl ;
708  }
709 #endif // _WIN32
710  doApplyNLLW2(flag) ;
711 }
714 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
717 {
718  RooNLLVar* nll = dynamic_cast<RooNLLVar*>(_arg.absArg()) ;
719  if (nll) {
720  nll->applyWeightSquared(flag) ;
721  }
722 }
725 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
726 /// Control verbose messaging related to inter process communication
727 /// on both client and server side
730 {
731 #ifndef _WIN32
732  if (_state==Client) {
733  int msg = EnableOffset ;
734  *_pipe << msg << flag;
735  if (_verboseServer) cout << "RooRealMPFE::enableOffsetting(" << GetName()
736  << ") IPC toServer> EnableOffset " << (flag?1:0) << endl ;
737  }
738 #endif // _WIN32
739  ((RooAbsReal&)_arg.arg()).enableOffsetting(flag) ;
740 }
virtual int GetPid()
Get process id.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:711
void initVars()
Initialize list of variables of front-end argument 'arg'.
static EvalErrorIter evalErrorIter()
Definition: RooAbsReal.cxx:279
virtual RooAbsArg * addClone(const RooAbsArg &var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
Add a clone of the specified argument to list.
virtual void printStream(std::ostream &os, Int_t contents, StyleOption style, TString indent="") const
Print description of object on ostream, printing contents set by contents integer, which is interpreted as an OR of 'enum ContentsOptions' values and in the style given by 'enum StyleOption'.
header file for BidirMMapPipe, a class which forks off a child process and serves as communications c...
Double_t _evalCarry
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:86
State _state
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:59
RooFIter fwdIterator() const
Bool_t _verboseServer
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:75
static void callgrind_zero()
Utility function to trigger zeroing of callgrind counters.
Definition: RooTrace.cxx:297
static void clearEvalErrorLog()
Clear the stack of evaluation error messages.
static Int_t numEvalErrorItems()
Definition: RooAbsReal.cxx:271
void initialize()
Initialize the remote process and message passing pipes between current process and remote process...
RooRealMPFE * _updateMaster
Flags if variable needs update on server-side.
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:84
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
virtual Double_t getCarry() const
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
void applyNLLWeightSquared(Bool_t flag)
Control verbose messaging related to inter process communication on both client and server side...
STL namespace.
virtual Double_t evaluate() const
Send message to server process to retrieve output value If error were logged use logEvalError() on re...
static void setHideOffset(Bool_t flag)
Definition: RooAbsReal.cxx:118
RooRealProxy _arg
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:70
Bool_t _verboseClient
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:74
void applyWeightSquared(Bool_t flag)
Definition: RooNLLVar.cxx:215
const RooAbsReal & arg() const
Definition: RooRealProxy.h:43
Bool_t _calcInProgress
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:73
Bool_t _retrieveDispatched
Update master.
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:85
static void setEvalErrorLoggingMode(ErrorLoggingMode m)
Set evaluation error logging mode.
virtual Double_t getCarry() const
Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE void free(T *p)
Frees memory that was allocated with Vc::malloc.
Definition: memory.h:94
std::vector< Bool_t > _constChanged
Flags if variable needs update on server-side.
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:83
void flush()
flush buffers with unwritten data
virtual void removeAll()
Remove all arguments from our set, deleting them if we own them.
virtual ~RooRealMPFE()
std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator iter
Definition: TAlienJob.cxx:54
friend class RooArgSet
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:469
void serverLoop()
Server loop of remote processes.
virtual Bool_t isIdentical(const RooAbsArg &other, Bool_t assumeSameType=kFALSE)=0
virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsArg &var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
Reimplementation of standard RooArgList::add()
RooListProxy _vars
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:71
RooArgSet * getParameters(const RooAbsData *data, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
Create a list of leaf nodes in the arg tree starting with ourself as top node that don't match any of...
Definition: RooAbsArg.cxx:559
virtual void setVal(Double_t value)
Set value of variable to 'value'.
Definition: RooRealVar.cxx:202
void setVerbose(Bool_t clientFlag=kTRUE, Bool_t serverFlag=kTRUE)
Control verbose messaging related to inter process communication on both client and server side...
RooRealMPFE(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal &arg, Bool_t calcInline=kFALSE)
Construct front-end object for object 'arg' whose evaluation will be calculated asynchronously in a s...
Definition: RooRealMPFE.cxx:79
void Initialize(Bool_t useTMVAStyle=kTRUE)
Definition: tmvaglob.cxx:176
R__EXTERN TSystem * gSystem
Definition: TSystem.h:549
Definition: TBase64.cxx:62
static Int_t numEvalErrors()
Return the number of logged evaluation errors since the last clearing.
void setConstant(Bool_t value=kTRUE)
virtual void copyCache(const RooAbsArg *source, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE, Bool_t setValDirty=kTRUE)=0
void calculate() const
Client-side function that instructs server process to start asynchronuous (re)calculation of function...
RooArgList _saveVars
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:72
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
void standby()
Terminate remote server process and return front-end class to standby mode.
RooAbsArg * absArg() const
Definition: RooArgProxy.h:37
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:51
BidirMMapPipe creates a bidirectional channel between the current process and a child it forks...
static Bool_t hideOffset()
Definition: RooAbsReal.cxx:119
std::vector< Bool_t > _valueChanged
connection to child
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:82
Bool_t isConstant() const
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:266
RooAbsArg * next()
void enableOffsetting(Bool_t flag)
Control verbose messaging related to inter process communication on both client and server side...
void remove(RooRealMPFE &mpfe)
Remove given multi-processor front-end object from the sentinel.
virtual Double_t getValV(const RooArgSet *nset=0) const
If value needs recalculation and calculation has not beed started with a call to calculate() start it...
RooAbsArg * at(Int_t idx) const
Definition: RooArgList.h:84
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
RooAbsReal is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements f...
Definition: RooAbsReal.h:53
void add(RooRealMPFE &mpfe)
Register given multi-processor front-end object with the sentinel.
static ErrorLoggingMode evalErrorLoggingMode()
Return current evaluation error logging mode.
RooAbsReal::ErrorLoggingMode _remoteEvalErrorLoggingState
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:78
#define name(a, b)
Definition: linkTestLib0.cpp:5
Double_t _value
Definition: RooAbsReal.h:389
virtual void removeAll()
Reimplementation of standard RooArgList::removeAll()
Bool_t _forceCalc
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:77
Bool_t isValueDirty() const
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:336
void clearValueDirty() const
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:447
Int_t getSize() const
virtual void constOptimizeTestStatistic(ConstOpCode opcode, Bool_t doAlsoTracking=kTRUE)
Intercept call to optimize constant term in test statistics and forward it to object on server side...
void doApplyNLLW2(Bool_t flag)
RooAbsArg is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a value (of arbitrary type) an...
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:66
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
#define ccoutD(a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:38
void logEvalError(const char *message, const char *serverValueString=0) const
Log evaluation error message.
float value
Definition: math.cpp:443
RooFit::BidirMMapPipe * _pipe
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:80
Bool_t _inlineMode
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:76
static RooMPSentinel _sentinel
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:88