12 #ifndef ROOT_TRootGuiBuilder
13 #define ROOT_TRootGuiBuilder
25 #ifndef ROOT_TGuiBuilder
virtual void AddMacro(const char *macro, TImage *img)
Add macro to "User's Macros" section Input img must be static - do not delete it. ...
TGDockableFrame * GetToolDock() const
TGuiBldDragManager * fManager
TGuiBldEditor * GetEditor() const
TGDockableFrame * fToolDock
virtual void MaybeCloseWindow()
Handler before closing MDI frame.
static TGFrame * BuildHProgressBar()
Helper method to create TGHProgressBar.
static TGGC * GetBgndGC()
Return background GC.
static TGFrame * BuildListBox()
Helper method to create TGListBox widget.
static TGFrame * BuildV3DLine()
Helper method to create TGVertical3DLine widget.
static TGFrame * HSplitter()
Creates new horizontal splitter (TGHSplitter).
static ULong_t GetBgnd()
Return default background color.
virtual ~TRootGuiBuilder()
TGuiBldDragManager * GetManager() const
An abstract interface to image processing library.
static TGGC * fgBgndPopup
virtual TGFrame * ExecuteAction()
Execute an action.
virtual void HandleWindowClosed(Int_t id)
Handler for closed MDI frame.
virtual void HandleButtons()
Handle buttons in the GUI builder's widget palette.
static ULong_t GetPopupBgnd()
Return background color for popup menus.
#define ClassDef(name, id)
static TGFrame * VSplitter()
Create new vertical splitter (TGVSplitter).
static TGFrame * BuildCanvas()
Helper method used in guibuilding to create TGCanvas widget.
TRootGuiBuilder(const TGWindow *p=0)
Create GUI builder application.
static TGGC * fgBgndPopupHlght
virtual Bool_t IsGrabButtonDown() const
Return the status of the grab mode.
void EnableLassoButtons(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Enable toolbar buttons for alignment.
static ULong_t GetPopupHlght()
Return highlighted color for popup menu entry.
virtual void EraseStatusBar()
Clear information shown in the status bar.
static TGFrame * BuildComboBox()
Helper method to create TGComboBox widget.
virtual Bool_t SaveProject(Event_t *event=0)
Save selected project.
static TGGC * GetPopupBgndGC()
Return background GC for popup menus.
virtual void UpdateStatusBar(const char *text=0)
Update information shown on the status bar.
virtual void AddSection(const char *sect)
Add new shutter item.
static TGFrame * BuildHScrollBar()
Helper method to create TGHScrollBar.
static TGFrame * BuildTextEdit()
Helper method to create TGTextEdit widget.
void EnableSelectedButtons(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Enable/disable toolbar buttons according to the selected frame.
TGButton * FindActionButton(const char *name, const char *section)
Find action by name.
static TGFrame * BuildH3DLine()
Helper method to create TGHorizontal3DLine widget.
static TGFrame * BuildVProgressBar()
Helper method to create TGVProgressBar.
virtual void CloseWindow()
Close GUI builder via window manager "Close" button.
void InitMenu()
Inititiate GUI Builder menus.
TGPopupMenu * fMenuWindow
Handles synchronous and a-synchronous timer events.
void BindKeys()
Keyborad key binding.
virtual Bool_t IsSelectMode() const
Return the status of the selected mode.
void EnableEditButtons(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Enable/disable toolbar buttons according to the selected frame.
static void PropagateBgndColor(TGFrame *frame, Pixel_t color)
Set a background color to frame and all its subframes.
TGPictureButton * fStartButton
virtual Bool_t HandleKey(Event_t *event)
Handle keys.
virtual void AddAction(TGuiBldAction *act, const char *sect)
Add new action to widget palette.
static TGFrame * BuildTab()
Helper method to create TGTab widget.
virtual void Update()
Update gui builder.
TGDockableFrame * fShutterDock
virtual void HandleMenu(Int_t id)
Handle menu items.
TGMdiFrame * FindEditableMdiFrame(const TGWindow *win)
Find the editable frame.
virtual void SwitchToolbarButton()
Switch image of toolbar edit button according to the current state.
virtual void Hide()
Hide builder.
static TGFrame * BuildListTree()
Helper method used in guibuilding.
static TGFrame * BuildVScrollBar()
Helper method to create TGVScrollBar.
static TGPopupMenu * CreatePopup()
Return style popup menu.
TGMdiMainFrame * GetMdiMain() const
virtual Bool_t NewProject(TString type="")
Create a new project.
const TGPicture * fIconPic
virtual Bool_t OpenProject(Event_t *event=0)
Open new gui builder project.
TGMdiFrame * GetEditable() const
static TGGC * GetPopupHlghtGC()
Return background GC for highlighted popup menu entry.
static TGFrame * BuildShutter()
Helper method used in guibuilding to create TGShutter widget.
virtual void ChangeSelected(TGFrame *f)
Set selected frame.