4 #ifndef ROOT_TRootSnifferStore
5 #define ROOT_TRootSnifferStore
A TFolder object is a collection of objects and folders.
virtual Bool_t IsXml() const
All ROOT classes may have RTTI (run time type identification) support added.
Storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer in JSON format.
Bool_t fCompact
output buffer
TDataMember * GetResMember() const
virtual Bool_t IsXml() const
virtual void CreateNode(Int_t lvl, const char *nodename)
TDataMember * fResMember
class of found item
virtual void BeforeNextChild(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t)
Int_t fResRestrict
count of found childs, -1 by default
Int_t fResNumChilds
datamember pointer of found item
Abstract interface for storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer.
virtual void BeforeNextChild(Int_t lvl, Int_t nchld, Int_t nfld)
called before next child node created
virtual void CloseNode(Int_t lvl, Int_t numchilds)
called when node should be closed depending from number of childs different xml format is applied ...
virtual ~TRootSnifferStoreXml()
virtual ~TRootSnifferStore()
restriction for result, 0-default, 1-readonly, 2-full
#define ClassDef(name, id)
virtual void CloseNode(Int_t lvl, Int_t numchilds)
called when node should be closed depending from number of childs different xml format is applied ...
Int_t GetResRestrict() const
TRootSnifferStoreJson(TString &_buf, Bool_t _compact=kFALSE)
produce compact json code
virtual void SetField(Int_t lvl, const char *field, const char *value, Bool_t with_quotes)
set field (json field) in current node
Storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer in XML format.
TRootSnifferStoreXml(TString &_buf, Bool_t _compact=kFALSE)
produce compact xml code
Bool_t fCompact
output buffer
virtual ~TRootSnifferStoreJson()
void SetResult(void *_res, TClass *_rescl, TDataMember *_resmemb, Int_t _res_chld, Int_t restr=0)
set pointer on found element, class and number of childs
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
virtual void BeforeNextChild(Int_t lvl, Int_t nchld, Int_t)
called before next child node created
virtual void CreateNode(Int_t lvl, const char *nodename)
TClass * fResClass
pointer on found item
virtual void CreateNode(Int_t, const char *)
Mother of all ROOT objects.
virtual void SetField(Int_t, const char *, const char *, Bool_t)
virtual void CloseNode(Int_t, Int_t)
Int_t GetResNumChilds() const
virtual void SetField(Int_t lvl, const char *field, const char *value, Bool_t)
set field (xml attribute) in current node
TClass * GetResClass() const