ROOT  6.07/01
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1 // @(#)root/gui:$Id$
2 // Author: Brett Viren 04/15/2001
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 2001, Brett Viren *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
11 /**************************************************************************
13  This source is based on Xclass95, a Win95-looking GUI toolkit.
14  Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 David Barth, Ricky Ralston, Hector Peraza.
16  Xclass95 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
17  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
18  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
19  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
21 **************************************************************************/
22 /**************************************************************************
24  The Layout algorithm was largely translated from GTK's gtktable.c
25  source. That source is also distributed under LGPL.
27 **************************************************************************/
29 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 // //
31 // TGTableLayout //
32 // //
33 // A layout manager, which places child frames in a table arranged in //
34 // rows and columns, making it easy to align many widgets next each to //
35 // other horizontally and vertivally. It uses TGTableLayoutHints //
36 // (not TGLayoutHints!!!) and works like TGMatrixLayout with the //
37 // addition that: //
38 // - Child frames can span more than one column/row. //
39 // - Child frames can resize with the frame. //
40 // - Column and row sizes are not fixed nor (optionally) homogeneous. //
41 // - The number of columns and rows must be fully specified in the //
42 // constructor. //
43 // The gaps between all rows or columns can be specified by 'sep' //
44 // parameter in the constructor. All rows and columns will have the //
45 // same size (set by widest and the highest child frame) if the //
46 // parameter 'homogeneous' is set to kTRUE. //
47 // //
48 // //
49 // TGTableLayoutHints //
50 // //
51 // This class describes layout hints used by the TGTableLayout class. //
52 // It specifies the column/row division number on which to attach the //
53 // child frame. This number starts from 0 and goes to #_columns/#_rows //
54 // respectively (0 indicates the first row/column). //
55 // //
56 // Below are described all parameters of TGTableLayoutHints constructor //
57 // attach_left - the column to the left of the widget; //
58 // attach_right - the column to the right of the widget; //
59 // attach_top - the row above the widget; //
60 // attach_bottom - the row below the widget; //
61 // //
62 // hints - layout hints (combination of ELayoutHints) //
63 // //
64 // The next parameters determine the extra padding added around the //
65 // child frame. By default these are 0. //
66 // padleft - determines the extra padding added on the left //
67 // padright - determines the extra padding added on the right //
68 // padtop - determines the extra padding added on the top //
69 // padbottom - determines the extra padding added on the bottom //
70 // //
71 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
74 #include "TGTableLayout.h"
75 #include "TGFrame.h"
76 #include "TList.h"
77 #include "Rtypes.h"
78 #include "Riostream.h"
84 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
85 /// TGTableLayout constructor.
86 /// Note:
87 /// - Number of rows first, number of Columns second
88 /// - homogeneous == true means all table cells are the same size,
89 /// set by the widest and the highest child frame.
90 /// - s gives the amount of separation in pixels between cells
91 /// - h are the hints, see TGTableLayoutHints.
94  Bool_t homogeneous, Int_t sep, Int_t hints)
95 {
96  fMain = main;
97  fList = fMain->GetList();
98  fSep = sep;
99  fHints = hints;
100  fNrows = nrows;
101  fNcols = ncols;
102  fRow = 0;
103  fCol = 0;
104  fHomogeneous = homogeneous;
105 }
107 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
108 /// TGTableLayout constructor.
111 {
112  if (fRow) delete [] fRow;
113  if (fCol) delete [] fCol;
114 }
116 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117 /// Find the sizes of rows and columns needed to statisfy
118 /// children's layout policies.
121 {
122  // This is equiv to GTK's requisition stage
129 }
131 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
132 /// Initialize values needed to determine the size of rows and columns.
135 {
136  if (fRow) delete [] fRow;
137  if (fCol) delete [] fCol;
138  fRow = new TableData_t[fNrows];
139  fCol = new TableData_t[fNcols];
141  // Find max of each row and column
143  UInt_t i;
144  for (i = 0; i < fNrows; ++i) fRow[i].fDefSize = 0;
145  for (i = 0; i < fNcols; ++i) fCol[i].fDefSize = 0;
146 }
148 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
149 /// Determine the size of rows/cols needed for singly attached children.
152 {
153  TIter next(fList);
154  TGFrameElement *ptr;
156  while ((ptr = (TGFrameElement *) next())) {
157  if (ptr->fState == 0) continue;
158  TGTableLayoutHints *layout =
159  dynamic_cast<TGTableLayoutHints*>(ptr->fLayout);
160  if (!layout) {
161  Error("FindRowColSizesSinglyAttached", "didn't get TGTableLayoutHints from %s, layout = 0x%lx",
162  ptr->fFrame->GetName(), (ULong_t)ptr->fLayout);
163  return;
164  }
165  UInt_t col = layout->GetAttachLeft();
166  if (col == (layout->GetAttachRight() - 1))
167  fCol[col].fDefSize = TMath::Max(fCol[col].fDefSize,
168  ptr->fFrame->GetDefaultWidth() +
169  layout->GetPadLeft() +
170  layout->GetPadRight());
172  UInt_t row = layout->GetAttachTop();
173  if (row == (layout->GetAttachBottom() - 1))
174  fRow[row].fDefSize = TMath::Max(fRow[row].fDefSize,
175  ptr->fFrame->GetDefaultHeight() +
176  layout->GetPadTop() +
177  layout->GetPadBottom());
178  }
179 }
181 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
182 /// If the table is homogeneous make sure all col/rows are same
183 /// size as biggest col/row.
186 {
187  if (!fHomogeneous) return;
189  UInt_t max_width = 0, max_height = 0, col, row;
191  // find max
192  for (col = 0; col < fNcols; ++col)
193  max_width = TMath::Max(max_width,fCol[col].fDefSize);
195  for (row = 0; row < fNrows; ++row)
196  max_height = TMath::Max(max_height,fRow[row].fDefSize);
198  // set max
199  for (col = 0; col < fNcols; ++col) fCol[col].fDefSize = max_width;
200  for (row = 0; row < fNrows; ++row) fRow[row].fDefSize = max_height;
201 }
203 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
204 /// Checks any children which span multiple col/rows.
207 {
208  TIter next(fList);
209  TGFrameElement *ptr;
211  while ((ptr = (TGFrameElement *) next())) {
212  if (ptr->fState == 0) continue;
213  TGTableLayoutHints *layout =
214  dynamic_cast<TGTableLayoutHints*>(ptr->fLayout);
215  if (!layout) {
216  Error("FindRowColSizesMultiplyAttached", "didn't get TGTableLayoutHints");
217  return;
218  }
219  UInt_t left = layout->GetAttachLeft();
220  UInt_t right = layout->GetAttachRight();
221  if (left != right-1) { // child spans multi-columns
222  UInt_t width = 0, col;
223  for (col = left; col < right; ++col) width += fCol[col].fDefSize;
225  // If more space needed, divide space evenly among the columns
226  UInt_t child_width = ptr->fFrame->GetDefaultWidth() +
227  layout->GetPadLeft() + layout->GetPadRight();
229  if (width < child_width) {
230  width = child_width - width;
231  for (col = left; col < right; ++col) {
232  UInt_t extra = width / (right - col);
233  fCol[col].fDefSize += extra;
234  width -= extra;
235  }
236  }
237  }
238  UInt_t top = layout->GetAttachTop();
239  UInt_t bottom = layout->GetAttachBottom();
240  if (top != bottom-1) { // child spans multi-rows
241  UInt_t height = 0, row;
242  for (row = top; row < bottom; ++row) height += fRow[row].fDefSize;
244  // If more space needed, divide space evenly among the rows
245  UInt_t child_height = ptr->fFrame->GetDefaultHeight() +
246  layout->GetPadTop() + layout->GetPadBottom();
248  if (height < child_height) {
249  height = child_height - height;
250  for (row = top; row < bottom; ++row) {
251  UInt_t extra = height / (bottom - row);
252  fRow[row].fDefSize += extra;
253  height -= extra;
254  }
255  }
256  }
257  }
258 }
260 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
261 /// If main frame is bigger or smaller than all children,
262 /// expand/shrink to fill. This is symmetric under row<-->col
263 /// switching so it is abstracted out to a normal function to save typing.
266  TableData_t *thing, Bool_t homogeneous)
267 {
268  if (homogeneous) {
269  UInt_t ind, nshrink=0, nexpand=0, cur_size=0;
271  for (ind = 0; ind < nthings; ++ind)
272  cur_size += thing[ind].fDefSize;
274  if (cur_size < real_size) {
275  for (ind = 0; ind < nthings; ++ind)
276  if (thing[ind].fExpand) { ++ nexpand; break; }
277  if (nexpand > 0) {
278  UInt_t size = real_size;
279  for (ind = 0; ind < nthings; ++ ind) {
280  UInt_t extra = size / (nthings - ind);
281  thing[ind].fRealSize = TMath::Max(1U, extra);
282  size -= extra;
283  }
284  }
285  }
286  if (cur_size > real_size) {
287  for (ind = 0; ind < nthings; ++ind)
288  if (thing[ind].fShrink) { ++ nshrink; break; }
289  if (nshrink > 0) {
290  UInt_t size = real_size;
291  for (ind = 0; ind < nthings; ++ ind) {
292  UInt_t extra = size / (nthings - ind);
293  thing[ind].fRealSize = TMath::Max(1U, extra);
294  size -= extra;
295  }
296  }
297  }
298  } else {
299  UInt_t ind, nshrink=0, nexpand=0, size=0;
300  for (ind = 0; ind < nthings; ++ind) {
301  size += thing[ind].fDefSize;
302  if (thing[ind].fExpand) ++ nexpand;
303  if (thing[ind].fShrink) ++ nshrink;
304  }
306  // Did main frame expand?
307  if ((size < real_size) && (nexpand >= 1)) {
308  size = real_size - size;
309  for (ind = 0; ind < nthings; ++ind) {
310  if (thing[ind].fExpand) {
311  UInt_t extra = size / nexpand;
312  thing[ind].fRealSize += extra;
313  size -= extra;
314  --nexpand;
315  }
316  }
317  }
319  // Did main frame shrink?
320  if (size > real_size) {
321  UInt_t total_nshrink = nshrink;
322  UInt_t extra = size - real_size;
323  while (total_nshrink > 0 && extra > 0) {
324  nshrink = total_nshrink;
325  for (ind = 0; ind < nthings; ++ind)
326  if (thing[ind].fShrink) {
327  UInt_t size2 = thing[ind].fRealSize;
328  thing[ind].fRealSize = TMath::Max(1U,thing[ind].fRealSize - extra / nshrink);
329  extra -= size2 - thing[ind].fRealSize;
330  --nshrink;
331  if (thing[ind].fRealSize < 2) {
332  total_nshrink -= 1;
333  thing[ind].fShrink = kFALSE;
334  }
335  }
336  }
337  }
338  } // not homogeneous
339 }
341 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
342 /// This gets the new sizes needed to fit the table to the parent
343 /// frame. To be called after FindRowColSizes.
346 {
348  UInt_t border_width = fMain->GetBorderWidth();
350  SetRowColResize(fMain->GetWidth() - (fNcols-1)*fSep - 2*border_width,
352  SetRowColResize(fMain->GetHeight() - (fNrows-1)*fSep - 2*border_width,
354 }
356 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
357 /// Initialize rows/cols. By default they do not expand and they
358 /// do shrink. What the children want determine what the rows/cols do.
361 {
362  UInt_t col;
363  for (col = 0; col < fNcols; ++col) {
364  fCol[col].fRealSize = fCol[col].fDefSize;
365  fCol[col].fNeedExpand = kFALSE;
366  fCol[col].fNeedShrink = kTRUE;
367  fCol[col].fExpand = kFALSE;
368  fCol[col].fShrink = kTRUE;
369  fCol[col].fEmpty = kTRUE;
370  }
371  UInt_t row;
372  for (row = 0; row < fNrows; ++row) {
376  fRow[row].fExpand = kFALSE;
377  fRow[row].fShrink = kTRUE;
378  fRow[row].fEmpty = kTRUE;
379  }
381  // Check single row/col children for expand/shrink-ability
382  TIter next(fList);
383  TGFrameElement *ptr;
384  while ((ptr = (TGFrameElement*) next())) {
385  TGTableLayoutHints *layout =
386  dynamic_cast<TGTableLayoutHints*>(ptr->fLayout);
387  if (!layout) {
388  Error("SetRowColSizesInit", "didn't get TGTableLayoutHints");
389  return;
390  }
391  ULong_t hints = layout->GetLayoutHints();
393  // columns
394  if (layout->GetAttachLeft() == layout->GetAttachRight()-1) {
395  if (hints & kLHintsExpandX)
396  fCol[layout->GetAttachLeft()].fExpand = kTRUE;
397  if (!(hints & kLHintsShrinkX))
398  fCol[layout->GetAttachLeft()].fShrink = kFALSE;
399  fCol[layout->GetAttachLeft()].fEmpty = kFALSE;
400  }
401  // rows
402  if (layout->GetAttachTop() == layout->GetAttachBottom()-1) {
403  if (hints & kLHintsExpandY)
404  fRow[layout->GetAttachTop()].fExpand = kTRUE;
405  if (!(hints & kLHintsShrinkY))
406  fRow[layout->GetAttachTop()].fShrink = kFALSE;
407  fRow[layout->GetAttachTop()].fEmpty = kFALSE;
408  }
409  }
411  // Do same for children of spanning multiple col/rows
412  next.Reset();
413  while ((ptr = (TGFrameElement*) next())) {
414  TGTableLayoutHints *layout =
415  dynamic_cast<TGTableLayoutHints*>(ptr->fLayout);
416  if (!layout) {
417  Error("SetRowColSizesInit", "didn't get TGTableLayoutHints");
418  return;
419  }
420  ULong_t hints = layout->GetLayoutHints();
422  // columns
423  UInt_t left = layout->GetAttachLeft();
424  UInt_t right = layout->GetAttachRight();
425  if (left != right - 1) {
426  for (col = left; col < right; ++col) fCol[col].fEmpty = kFALSE;
427  Bool_t has_expand=kFALSE, has_shrink=kTRUE;
428  if (hints & kLHintsExpandX) {
429  for (col = left; col < right; ++col)
430  if (fCol[col].fExpand) { has_expand = kTRUE; break; }
431  if (!has_expand)
432  for (col = left; col < right; ++col)
433  fCol[col].fNeedExpand = kTRUE;
434  }
435  if (!(hints & kLHintsShrinkX)) {
436  for (col = left; col < right; ++col)
437  if (!fCol[col].fShrink) { has_shrink = kFALSE; break;}
438  if (has_shrink)
439  for (col = left; col < right; ++col)
440  fCol[col].fNeedShrink = kFALSE;
441  }
442  }
444  // rows
445  UInt_t top = layout->GetAttachTop();
446  UInt_t bottom = layout->GetAttachBottom();
447  if (top != bottom - 1) {
448  for (row = top; row < bottom; ++row) fRow[row].fEmpty = kFALSE;
449  Bool_t has_expand=kFALSE, has_shrink=kTRUE;
450  if (hints & kLHintsExpandY) {
451  for (row = top; row < bottom; ++row)
452  if (fRow[row].fExpand) { has_expand = kTRUE; break; }
453  if (!has_expand)
454  for (row = top; row < bottom; ++row)
455  fRow[row].fNeedExpand = kTRUE;
456  }
457  if (!(hints & kLHintsShrinkY)) {
458  for (row = top; row < bottom; ++row)
459  if (!fRow[row].fShrink) { has_shrink = kFALSE; break;}
460  if (has_shrink)
461  for (row = top; row < bottom; ++row)
462  fRow[row].fNeedShrink = kFALSE;
463  }
464  }
465  }
467  // Set expand/shrink flags
468  for (col = 0; col < fNcols; ++col) {
469  if (fCol[col].fEmpty) {
470  fCol[col].fExpand = kFALSE;
471  fCol[col].fShrink = kFALSE;
472  } else {
473  if (fCol[col].fNeedExpand) fCol[col].fExpand = kTRUE;
474  if (!fCol[col].fNeedShrink) fCol[col].fShrink = kFALSE;
475  }
476  }
477  for (row = 0; row < fNrows; ++row) {
478  if (fRow[row].fEmpty) {
479  fRow[row].fExpand = kFALSE;
480  fRow[row].fShrink = kFALSE;
481  } else {
482  if (fRow[row].fNeedExpand) fRow[row].fExpand = kTRUE;
483  if (!fRow[row].fNeedShrink) fRow[row].fShrink = kFALSE;
484  }
485  }
486 }
488 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
489 /// Sanity check various values.
492 {
493  TIter next(fList);
494  TGFrameElement *ptr;
495  UInt_t nerrors = 0;
496  while ((ptr = (TGFrameElement*) next())) {
497  TGTableLayoutHints *layout =
498  dynamic_cast<TGTableLayoutHints*>(ptr->fLayout);
499  if (!layout) {
500  Error("CheckSanity", "didn't get TGTableLayoutHints");
501  return;
502  }
504  UInt_t right = layout->GetAttachRight();
505  UInt_t left = layout->GetAttachLeft();
506  UInt_t top = layout->GetAttachTop();
507  UInt_t bottom = layout->GetAttachBottom();
509  if (left == right) {
510  ++nerrors;
511  Error("CheckSanity", "AttachLeft == AttachRight");
512  }
513  if (left > right) {
514  ++nerrors;
515  Error("CheckSanity", "AttachLeft > AttachRight");
516  }
517  if (left > fNcols-1) {
518  ++nerrors;
519  Error("CheckSanity", "AttachLeft illegal value: %u", left);
520  }
521  if (right < 1 || right > fNcols) {
522  ++nerrors;
523  Error("CheckSanity", "AttachRight illegal value: %u", right);
524  }
526  if (top == bottom) {
527  ++nerrors;
528  Error("CheckSanity", "AttachTop == AttachBottom");
529  }
530  if (top > bottom) {
531  ++nerrors;
532  Error("CheckSanity", "AttachTop > AttachBottom");
533  }
534  if (top > fNrows-1) {
535  ++nerrors;
536  Error("CheckSanity", "AttachTop illegal value: %u", top);
537  }
538  if (bottom < 1 || bottom > fNrows) {
539  ++nerrors;
540  Error("CheckSanity", "AttachBottom illegal value: %u", bottom);
541  }
543  }
544  if (nerrors) {
545  Error("CheckSanity", "errors in %u x %u table", fNcols, fNrows);
546  }
547 }
549 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
550 /// Make a table layout of all frames in the list.
553 {
554  CheckSanity();
556  FindRowColSizes();
558  SetRowColSizes();
560  // Do the layout
561  TIter next(fList);
562  TGFrameElement *ptr;
563  UInt_t border_width = fMain->GetBorderWidth();
564  while ((ptr = (TGFrameElement*) next())) {
565  TGTableLayoutHints *layout =
566  dynamic_cast<TGTableLayoutHints*>(ptr->fLayout);
567  if (!layout) {
568  Error("TGTableLayout::Layout", "didn't get TGTableLayoutHints");
569  return;
570  }
571  ULong_t hints = layout->GetLayoutHints();
572  TGDimension size = ptr->fFrame->GetDefaultSize();
574  UInt_t right = layout->GetAttachRight();
575  UInt_t left = layout->GetAttachLeft();
576  UInt_t top = layout->GetAttachTop();
577  UInt_t bottom = layout->GetAttachBottom();
579  // Find location and size of cell in which to fit the child frame.
580  UInt_t col, cell_x = border_width + left*fSep;
581  for (col = 0; col < left; ++col) cell_x += fCol[col].fRealSize;
583  UInt_t row, cell_y = border_width + top*fSep;
584  for (row = 0; row < top; ++row) cell_y += fRow[row].fRealSize;
586  UInt_t cell_width = (right-left-1)*fSep;
587  for (col=left; col < right; ++col)
588  cell_width += fCol[col].fRealSize;
590  UInt_t cell_height = (bottom-top-1)*fSep;
591  for (row=top; row < bottom; ++row)
592  cell_height += fRow[row].fRealSize;
594  UInt_t pad_left = layout->GetPadLeft();
595  UInt_t pad_right = layout->GetPadRight();
596  UInt_t pad_bottom = layout->GetPadBottom();
597  UInt_t pad_top = layout->GetPadTop();
599  // find size of child frame
600  UInt_t ww,hh;
601  if (hints & kLHintsFillX)
602  ww = cell_width - pad_left - pad_right;
603  else
604  ww = size.fWidth;
605  if (hints & kLHintsFillY)
606  hh = cell_height - pad_top - pad_bottom;
607  else
608  hh = size.fHeight;
610  // Find location of child frame
611  UInt_t xx;
612  if (hints & kLHintsFillX) // Fill beats right/center/left hints
613  xx = cell_x + pad_left;
614  else if (hints & kLHintsRight)
615  xx = cell_x + cell_width - pad_right - ww;
616  else if (hints & kLHintsCenterX)
617  xx = cell_x + cell_width/2 - ww/2; // padding?
618  else // defaults to kLHintsLeft
619  xx = cell_x + pad_left;
621  UInt_t yy;
622  if (hints & kLHintsFillY) // Fill beats top/center/bottom hings
623  yy = cell_y + pad_top;
624  else if (hints & kLHintsBottom)
625  yy = cell_y + cell_height - pad_bottom - hh;
626  else if (hints & kLHintsCenterY)
627  yy = cell_y + cell_height/2 - hh/2; // padding?
628  else // defaults to kLHintsTop
629  yy = cell_y + pad_top;
631  ptr->fFrame->MoveResize(xx,yy,ww,hh);
632  ptr->fFrame->Layout();
634  }
635 }
637 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
638 /// Return default dimension of the table layout.
641 {
642  TGDimension msize = fMain->GetSize();
643  UInt_t options = fMain->GetOptions();
645  if ((options & kFixedWidth) && (options & kFixedHeight))
646  return msize;
648  Int_t border_width = fMain->GetBorderWidth();
650  TGDimension size(2*border_width + (fNcols-1)*fSep,
651  2*border_width + (fNrows-1)*fSep);
653  UInt_t col, row;
654  if (fCol)
655  for (col = 0; col < fNcols; ++col) size.fWidth += fCol[col].fDefSize;
656  if (fRow)
657  for (row = 0; row < fNrows; ++row) size.fHeight += fRow[row].fDefSize;
659  if (options & kFixedWidth) size.fWidth = msize.fWidth;
660  if (options & kFixedHeight) size.fHeight = msize.fHeight;
661  return size;
662 }
664 // ________________________________________________________________________
665 void TGTableLayoutHints::SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * /*= ""*/)
666 {
668  // Save table layout hints as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out.
670  TString hints;
673  if (!GetLayoutHints()) return;
675  if ((fLayoutHints == kLHintsNormal) && (pad == 0)) return;
677  if (fLayoutHints & kLHintsLeft) {
678  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsLeft";
679  else hints += " | kLHintsLeft";
680  }
682  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsCenterX";
683  else hints += " | kLHintsCenterX";
684  }
685  if (fLayoutHints & kLHintsRight) {
686  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsRight";
687  else hints += " | kLHintsRight";
688  }
689  if (fLayoutHints & kLHintsTop) {
690  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsTop";
691  else hints += " | kLHintsTop";
692  }
694  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsCenterY";
695  else hints += " | kLHintsCenterY";
696  }
697  if (fLayoutHints & kLHintsBottom) {
698  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsBottom";
699  else hints += " | kLHintsBottom";
700  }
702  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsExpandX";
703  else hints += " | kLHintsExpandX";
704  }
706  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsExpandY";
707  else hints += " | kLHintsExpandY";
708  }
710  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsShrinkX";
711  else hints += " | kLHintsShrinkX";
712  }
714  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsShrinkY";
715  else hints += " | kLHintsShrinkY";
716  }
717  if (fLayoutHints & kLHintsFillX) {
718  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsFillX";
719  else hints += " | kLHintsFillX";
720  }
721  if (fLayoutHints & kLHintsFillY) {
722  if (hints.Length() == 0) hints = "kLHintsFillY";
723  else hints += " | kLHintsFillY";
724  }
725  out << ", new TGTableLayoutHints(" << GetAttachLeft() << "," << GetAttachRight()
726  << "," << GetAttachTop() << "," << GetAttachBottom()
727  << "," << hints;
729  if (pad) {
730  out << "," << GetPadLeft() << "," << GetPadRight()
731  << "," << GetPadTop() << "," << GetPadBottom();
732  }
733  out << ")";
734 }
736 // __________________________________________________________________________
737 void TGTableLayout::SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * /*= ""*/)
738 {
740  // Save table layout as a C++ statement(s) on output stream.
742  out << " new TGTableLayout(" << fMain->GetName() << "," << fNrows << "," << fNcols;
744  if (fSep) {
745  if (fHomogeneous == kTRUE)
746  out << ", kTRUE";
747  else
748  out << ", kFALSE";
749  out << fSep;
750  }
751  out << ")";
752  // hints parameter is not used/saved currently
754 }
Int_t GetPadTop() const
Definition: TGLayout.h:96
tuple row
virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *="")
Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out".
TGuiBldHintsEditor * fHints
virtual const char * GetName() const
Return unique name, used in SavePrimitive methods.
Definition: TGWindow.cxx:221
virtual void MoveResize(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
Move and/or resize the frame.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:611
ClassImp(TSeqCollection) Int_t TSeqCollection TIter next(this)
Return index of object in collection.
Ssiz_t Length() const
Definition: TString.h:390
UInt_t GetAttachRight() const
Definition: TGTableLayout.h:63
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
Int_t GetPadRight() const
Definition: TGLayout.h:99
UInt_t GetWidth() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:287
Bool_t fHomogeneous
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
void FindRowColSizesHomogeneous()
If the table is homogeneous make sure all col/rows are same size as biggest col/row.
UInt_t GetHeight() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:288
Int_t GetPadLeft() const
Definition: TGLayout.h:98
Int_t fState
Definition: TGLayout.h:126
void Reset()
Definition: TCollection.h:161
ULong_t fLayoutHints
Definition: TGLayout.h:75
ClassImp(TGTableLayout) ClassImp(TGTableLayoutHints) TGTableLayout
TGTableLayout constructor.
TGLayoutHints * fLayout
Definition: TGLayout.h:127
TGCompositeFrame * fMain
virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const
std::cout << fWidth << "x" << fHeight << std::endl;
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:566
virtual UInt_t GetOptions() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:260
TableData_t * fRow
UInt_t GetAttachTop() const
Definition: TGTableLayout.h:64
if(pyself &&pyself!=Py_None)
virtual void Layout()
Definition: TGFrame.h:262
virtual void Layout()
Make a table layout of all frames in the list.
void SetRowColSizesInit()
Initialize rows/cols.
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:918
UInt_t fHeight
Definition: TGDimension.h:32
virtual UInt_t GetDefaultWidth() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:253
ULong_t GetLayoutHints() const
Definition: TGLayout.h:95
char * out
Definition: TBase64.cxx:29
void FindRowColSizesSinglyAttached()
Determine the size of rows/cols needed for singly attached children.
UInt_t fWidth
Definition: TGDimension.h:31
TableData_t * fCol
TList * fList
Definition: TGFrame.h:367
void FindRowColSizesMultiplyAttached()
Checks any children which span multiple col/rows.
tuple main
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
void CheckSanity()
Sanity check various values.
TGFrame * fFrame
Definition: TGLayout.h:125
static void SetRowColResize(UInt_t real_size, UInt_t nthings, TableData_t *thing, Bool_t homogeneous)
If main frame is bigger or smaller than all children, expand/shrink to fill.
tuple pad
UInt_t GetAttachBottom() const
Definition: TGTableLayout.h:65
Int_t GetPadBottom() const
Definition: TGLayout.h:97
void SetRowColSizes()
This gets the new sizes needed to fit the table to the parent frame.
void FindRowColSizes()
Find the sizes of rows and columns needed to statisfy children's layout policies. ...
virtual ~TGTableLayout()
TGTableLayout constructor.
UInt_t GetAttachLeft() const
Definition: TGTableLayout.h:62
virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const
Return default dimension of the table layout.
TGDimension GetSize() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:293
unsigned long ULong_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:51
virtual UInt_t GetDefaultHeight() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:254
Int_t GetBorderWidth() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:296
Short_t Max(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:202
void FindRowColSizesInit()
Initialize values needed to determine the size of rows and columns.
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *="")
Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out".