ROOT  6.07/01
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ROOT Namespace Reference

Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions. More...


 Namespace for the fitting classes.
 namespace associated R package for ROOT.


class  RootNameCompleter
class  _Configuration
 configuration ------------------------------------------------------------— More...
class  _ExpandMacroFunction
 put std namespace directly onto ROOT ----------------------------------—— More...
class  ModuleFacade
 allow loading ROOT classes as attributes ---------------------------------— More...
class  TSeq
 A pseudo container class which is a generator of indices. More...
class  TGenericClassInfo
class  TSchemaRule


typedef void *(* NewFunc_t )(void *)
typedef void *(* NewArrFunc_t )(Long_t size, void *arena)
typedef void(* DelFunc_t )(void *)
typedef void(* DelArrFunc_t )(void *)
typedef void(* DesFunc_t )(void *)
typedef void(* DirAutoAdd_t )(void *, TDirectory *)
typedef Long64_t(* MergeFunc_t )(void *, TCollection *, TFileMergeInfo *)
typedef void(* ResetAfterMergeFunc_t )(void *, TFileMergeInfo *)
using TSeqI = TSeq< int >
using TSeqU = TSeq< unsigned int >
using TSeqL = TSeq< long >
using TSeqUL = TSeq< unsigned long >
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::list< SchemaRuleMap_t > > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
typedef std::list< std::pair
< ROOT::Internal::TSchemaType,
std::string > > 


enum  EThreadSlotReservation {
  kMaxUserThreadSlot = 20, kPadThreadSlot = 20, kClassThreadSlot = 21, kDirectoryThreadSlot = 22,
  kFileThreadSlot = 23, kPerfStatsThreadSlot = 24, kMaxThreadSlot = 25
enum  EFunctionMatchMode { kExactMatch = 0, kConversionMatch = 1 }
enum  ESTLType {
  kNotSTL = 0, kSTLvector = 1, kSTLlist = 2, kSTLdeque = 3,
  kSTLmap = 4, kSTLmultimap = 5, kSTLset = 6, kSTLmultiset = 7,
  kSTLbitset = 8, kSTLforwardlist = 9, kSTLunorderedset = 10, kSTLunorderedmultiset = 11,
  kSTLunorderedmap = 12, kSTLunorderedmultimap = 13, kSTLend = 14, kSTLany = 300,
  kSTLstring = 365


def isfunction
def ismethod
def split
 helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------— More...
def _TTree__iter__
def _excepthook
 RINT command emulation ---------------------------------------------------—. More...
def _displayhook
def _importhook
def _processRootEvents
 helper to prevent GUIs from starving More...
def cleanup
template<class RootClass >
Short_t SetClassVersion (RootClass *)
TClassCreateClass (const char *cname, Version_t id, const type_info &info, TVirtualIsAProxy *isa, const char *dfil, const char *ifil, Int_t dl, Int_t il)
 Global function called by a class' static Dictionary() method (see the ClassDef macro). More...
void AddClass (const char *cname, Version_t id, const type_info &info, DictFuncPtr_t dict, Int_t pragmabits)
 Global function called by the ctor of a class's init class (see the ClassImp macro). More...
void RemoveClass (const char *cname)
 Global function called by the dtor of a class's init class (see the ClassImp macro). More...
void ResetClassVersion (TClass *, const char *, Short_t)
 Global function to update the version number. More...
void AddClassAlternate (const char *normName, const char *alternate)
 Global function called by GenerateInitInstance. More...
TNamedRegisterClassTemplate (const char *name, const char *file, Int_t line)
 Global function to register the implementation file and line of a class template (i.e. More...
void Class_ShowMembers (TClass *cl, const void *obj, TMemberInspector &)
 Indirect call to the implementation of ShowMember allowing [forward] declaration with out a full definition of the TClass class. More...
void EnableThreadSafety ()
 Enables the global mutex to make ROOT thread safe/aware. More...
void EnableImplicitMT (UInt_t numthreads)
 Globally enables the implicit multi-threading in ROOT, activating the parallel execution of those methods in ROOT that provide an internal parallelisation. More...
void DisableImplicitMT ()
 Disables the implicit multi-threading in ROOT. More...
Bool_t IsImplicitMTEnabled ()
 Returns true if the implicit multi-threading in ROOT is enabled. More...
TStringGetMacroPath ()
template<class T >
TSeq< TMakeSeq (T end)
template<class T >
TSeq< TMakeSeq (T begin, T end, T step=1)
void AddClass (const char *cname, Version_t id, DictFuncPtr_t dict, Int_t pragmabits)
template<typename T >
TClassGetClass (T *)
template<typename T >
TClassGetClass (const T *)
template<typename T >
TClassGetClass (T **)
template<typename T >
TClassGetClass (const T **)
template<typename T >
TClassGetClass (const T *const *)
TClassCreateClass (const char *cname, Version_t id, const char *dfil, const char *ifil, Int_t dl, Int_t il)
 Global function called by a class' static Dictionary() method (see the ClassDef macro). More...
bool HasValidDataMembers (SchemaRuleMap_t &rule, MembersTypeMap_t &members)
 Check if given rule contains references to valid data members. More...
void WriteReadRuleFunc (SchemaRuleMap_t &rule, int index, std::string &mappedName, MembersTypeMap_t &members, std::ostream &output)
 Write the conversion function for Read rule, the function name is being written to rule["funcname"]. More...
void WriteReadRawRuleFunc (SchemaRuleMap_t &rule, int index, std::string &mappedName, MembersTypeMap_t &members, std::ostream &output)
 Write the conversion function for ReadRaw rule, the function name is being written to rule["funcname"]. More...
void WriteSchemaList (std::list< SchemaRuleMap_t > &rules, const std::string &listName, std::ostream &output)
 Write schema rules. More...
void GetRuleIncludes (std::list< std::string > &result)
 Get the list of includes specified in the shema rules. More...
bool ParseRule (std::string rule, MembersMap_t &result, std::string &error_string)
 Parse the schema rule as specified in the LinkDef file. More...
void ProcessReadPragma (const char *args)
 I am being called when a read pragma is encountered. More...
void ProcessReadRawPragma (const char *args)
 I am being called then a readraw pragma is encountered. More...
static Bool_t ValidateRule (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rule, std::string &error_string)
 Validate if the user specified rules are correct. More...
static std::string::size_type FindEndSymbol (std::string &command)
Bool_t ParseRule (std::string command, std::map< std::string, std::string > &result, std::string &error_string)
 Parse the schema rule as specified in the LinkDef file. More...
static void WriteAutoVariables (const std::list< std::string > &target, const SourceTypeList_t &source, MembersTypeMap_t &members, std::string &className, std::string &mappedName, std::ostream &output)

Write down the sources

static void StrReplace (std::string &proc, const std::string &pat, const std::string &tr)
 Replace all accurances of given string with other string. More...
void SrvSetSocket (TSocket *Socket)
 Fill socket parameters. More...
static int Recvn (int sock, void *buffer, int length)
 Receive exactly length bytes into buffer. More...
void NetClose ()
 Empty call, for consistency. More...
int NetGetSockFd ()
 return open socket descriptor More...
int NetParOpen (int port, int size)
 Empty call, for consistency. More...
int NetRecv (char *msg, int max)
 Receive a string of maximum length max. More...
int NetRecv (char *msg, int len, EMessageTypes &kind)
 Receive a string of maximum len length. More...
int NetRecv (void *&buf, int &len, EMessageTypes &kind)
 Receive a buffer. More...
int NetRecvRaw (void *buf, int len)
 Receive a buffer of maximum len bytes. More...
int NetRecvRaw (int sock, void *buf, int len)
 Receive a buffer of maximum len bytes from generic socket sock. More...
int NetSend (int code, EMessageTypes kind)
 Send integer. Message will be of type "kind". More...
int NetSend (const char *msg, EMessageTypes kind)
 Send a string. Message will be of type "kind". More...
int NetSend (const void *buf, int len, EMessageTypes kind)
 Send buffer of len bytes. Message will be of type "kind". More...
int NetSendAck ()
 Send acknowledge code. More...
int NetSendError (ERootdErrors err)
 Send error code. More...
int NetSendRaw (const void *buf, int len)
 Send buffer of len bytes. More...
void NetGetRemoteHost (std::string &openhost)
 Return name of connected host. More...
int GetErrno ()
 return errno More...
void ResetErrno ()
 reset errno More...
void Perror (char *buf, int size)
 Return in buf the message belonging to errno. More...
void ErrorInfo (const char *va_(fmt),...)
 Formats a string in a circular formatting buffer and prints the string. More...
void Error (ErrorHandler_t func, int code, const char *va_(fmt),...)
 Write error message and call a handler, if required. More...
void ErrorInit (const char *ident)
void ErrorInfo (const char *fmt,...)
void Error (ErrorHandler_t ErrHand, int code, const char *fmt,...)
void RpdAuthCleanup (const char *sstr, int opt)
int RpdCleanupAuthTab (const char *crypttoken)
int RpdGenRSAKeys (int)
void RpdSetErrorHandler (ErrorHandler_t Err, ErrorHandler_t Sys, ErrorHandler_t Fatal)
void RpdSetMethInitFlag (int methinit)
int RpdInitSession (int, std::string &, int &, int &, int &, std::string &)
void RpdInit (EService serv, int pid, int sproto, unsigned int opts, int rumsk, int sshp, const char *tmpd, const char *asrpp, int login=0)


string __version__ = '8.0.0'
string __author__ = 'Wim Lavrijsen ('
string message = 'class \S* already in TClassTable$'
 _root = cppyy._backend
 load PyROOT C++ extension module, special case for linux and Sun ---------— More...
tuple PyConfig = _Configuration()
list __pseudo__all__
 choose interactive-favored policies -----------------------------------—— More...
list __all__ = []
 _orig_ehook = sys.excepthook
list _memPolicyAPI = [ 'SetMemoryPolicy', 'SetOwnership', 'kMemoryHeuristics', 'kMemoryStrict' ]
 for setting memory and speed policies; not exported More...
list _sigPolicyAPI = [ 'SetSignalPolicy', 'kSignalFast', 'kSignalSafe' ]
 _orig_dhook = sys.displayhook
 call EndOfLineAction after each interactive command (to update display etc.) More...
 _orig_ihook = __builtin__.__import__
tuple pre_execute_callbacks = get_ipython()
string zmqIshellName = 'ZMQInteractiveShell'
SchemaRuleClassMap_t gReadRules
SchemaRuleClassMap_t gReadRawRules
static int gSockFd = -1
ErrorHandler_t gErrSys
ErrorHandler_t gErrFatal
ErrorHandler_t gErr

Detailed Description

Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* ROOT.DelArrFunc_t)(void *)

Definition at line 150 of file Rtypes.h.

typedef void(* ROOT.DelFunc_t)(void *)

Definition at line 149 of file Rtypes.h.

typedef void(* ROOT.DesFunc_t)(void *)

Definition at line 151 of file Rtypes.h.

typedef void(* ROOT.DirAutoAdd_t)(void *, TDirectory *)

Definition at line 152 of file Rtypes.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ROOT.MembersMap_t

Definition at line 39 of file RConversionRuleParser.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, ROOT::Internal::TSchemaType> ROOT.MembersTypeMap_t

Definition at line 38 of file RConversionRuleParser.h.

typedef Long64_t(* ROOT.MergeFunc_t)(void *, TCollection *, TFileMergeInfo *)

Definition at line 153 of file Rtypes.h.

typedef void*(* ROOT.NewArrFunc_t)(Long_t size, void *arena)

Definition at line 148 of file Rtypes.h.

typedef void*(* ROOT.NewFunc_t)(void *)

Definition at line 147 of file Rtypes.h.

typedef void(* ROOT.ResetAfterMergeFunc_t)(void *, TFileMergeInfo *)

Definition at line 154 of file Rtypes.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, std::list<SchemaRuleMap_t> > ROOT.SchemaRuleClassMap_t

Definition at line 34 of file RConversionRuleParser.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ROOT.SchemaRuleMap_t

Definition at line 33 of file RConversionRuleParser.h.

typedef std::list<std::pair<ROOT::Internal::TSchemaType,std::string> > ROOT.SourceTypeList_t

Definition at line 38 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

using ROOT.TSeqI = typedef TSeq<int>

Definition at line 147 of file TSeq.h.

using ROOT.TSeqL = typedef TSeq<long>

Definition at line 149 of file TSeq.h.

using ROOT.TSeqU = typedef TSeq<unsigned int>

Definition at line 148 of file TSeq.h.

using ROOT.TSeqUL = typedef TSeq<unsigned long>

Definition at line 150 of file TSeq.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 155 of file TDictionary.h.


Definition at line 28 of file ESTLType.h.


Definition at line 21 of file TThreadSlots.h.

Function Documentation

def ROOT._displayhook (   v)

Definition at line 284 of file

def ROOT._excepthook (   exctype,

RINT command emulation ---------------------------------------------------—.

Definition at line 227 of file

def ROOT._importhook (   name,

Definition at line 295 of file

def ROOT._processRootEvents (   controller)

helper to prevent GUIs from starving

Definition at line 307 of file

def ROOT._TTree__iter__ (   self)

Definition at line 212 of file

void ROOT::AddClass ( const char *  cname,
Version_t  id,
DictFuncPtr_t  dict,
Int_t  pragmabits 
void ROOT::AddClass ( const char *  cname,
Version_t  id,
const type_info &  info,
DictFuncPtr_t  dict,
Int_t  pragmabits 

Global function called by the ctor of a class's init class (see the ClassImp macro).

Definition at line 707 of file TClassTable.cxx.

Referenced by TMVA::DataSetInfo::AddCut(), ROOT::Internal::TDefaultInitBehavior::Register(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetCut(), and TMVA::DataSetInfo::SetWeightExpression().

void ROOT::AddClassAlternate ( const char *  normName,
const char *  alternate 

Global function called by GenerateInitInstance.

(see the ClassImp macro).

Definition at line 719 of file TClassTable.cxx.

void ROOT::Class_ShowMembers ( TClass cl,
const void obj,
TMemberInspector insp 

Indirect call to the implementation of ShowMember allowing [forward] declaration with out a full definition of the TClass class.

Definition at line 498 of file TClass.cxx.

def ROOT.cleanup ( )
TClass * ROOT::CreateClass ( const char *  cname,
Version_t  id,
const type_info &  info,
TVirtualIsAProxy isa,
const char *  dfil,
const char *  ifil,
Int_t  dl,
Int_t  il 

Global function called by a class' static Dictionary() method (see the ClassDef macro).

Definition at line 5393 of file TClass.cxx.

Referenced by ClassImp(), and ROOT::Internal::TDefaultInitBehavior::CreateClass().

TClass * ROOT::CreateClass ( const char *  cname,
Version_t  id,
const char *  dfil,
const char *  ifil,
Int_t  dl,
Int_t  il 

Global function called by a class' static Dictionary() method (see the ClassDef macro).

Definition at line 5408 of file TClass.cxx.

void ROOT::DisableImplicitMT ( )

Disables the implicit multi-threading in ROOT.

Definition at line 428 of file TROOT.cxx.

void ROOT::EnableImplicitMT ( UInt_t  numthreads)

Globally enables the implicit multi-threading in ROOT, activating the parallel execution of those methods in ROOT that provide an internal parallelisation.

The 'numthreads' parameter allows to control the number of threads to be used by the implicit multi-threading. However, this parameter is just a hint for ROOT, which will try to satisfy the request if the execution scenario allows it. For example, if ROOT is configured to use an external scheduler, setting a value for 'numthreads' might not have any effect.

[in]numthreadsNumber of threads to use. If not specified or set to zero, the number of threads is automatically decided by the implementation. Any other value is used as a hint.

Definition at line 419 of file TROOT.cxx.

void ROOT::EnableThreadSafety ( )

Enables the global mutex to make ROOT thread safe/aware.

Definition at line 399 of file TROOT.cxx.

Referenced by TROOT::InitThreads(), and TGeoManager::SetMaxThreads().

void ROOT::Error ( ErrorHandler_t  ErrHand,
int  code,
const char *  fmt,
void ROOT::Error ( ErrorHandler_t  func,
int  code,
const char *  va_fmt,

Write error message and call a handler, if required.

Definition at line 577 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by ROOT::Internal::TTreeProxyGenerator::AnalyzeBranches(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderGenerator::AnalyzeBranches(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeProxyGenerator::AnalyzeElement(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeProxyGenerator::AnalyzeOldLeaf(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderGenerator::AnalyzeOldLeaf(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeProxyGenerator::AnalyzeTree(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderGenerator::AnalyzeTree(), ClassImp(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderValueBase::CreateProxy(), ROOT::Quartz::DrawPolygonWithGradientFill(), ROOT::Quartz::DrawTextLineNoKerning(), TClingCallFunc::EvaluateArgList(), TClingCallFunc::exec(), TClingCallFunc::Exec(), TClingCallFunc::exec_with_valref_return(), TClingCallFunc::ExecDefaultConstructor(), TClingCallFunc::ExecDestructor(), TClingCallFunc::ExecT(), TClingCallFunc::ExecWithArgsAndReturn(), TClingCallFunc::ExecWithReturn(), ROOT::Fit::FillData(), ROOT::TreeUtils::FillNtupleFromStream(), ROOT::CocoaTutorials::FindFreeCustomColorIndex(), ROOT::GLTutorials::FindFreeCustomColorIndex(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderValueBase::GetAddress(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderArrayBase::GetBranchContentDataType(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderValueBase::GetBranchDataType(), ROOT::Fit::GetConfidenceIntervals(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeGeneratorBase::GetContainedClassName(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderValueBase::GetLeaf(), TClingCallFunc::IFacePtr(), ROOT::TF1Helper::IntegralError(), line3Dfit(), ROOT::MacOSX::Details::FontCache::ListFonts(), ROOT::MacOSX::Details::FontCache::LoadFont(), ROOT::MacOSX::X11::ColorParser::LookupColorByName(), main(), TClingCallFunc::make_ctor_wrapper(), TClingCallFunc::make_dtor_wrapper(), TClingCallFunc::make_wrapper(), ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer::Minimize(), NetRecvRaw(), parallelcoordtrans(), ROOT::MacOSX::X11::ColorParser::ParseRGBTriplet(), ROOT::MacOSX::X11::ParseXLFDName(), ROOT::Detail::TBranchProxy::Read(), ROOT::Detail::TBranchProxy::ReadEntries(), Recvn(), ResetClassVersion(), ROOT::MacOSX::Details::FontCache::SelectFont(), ROOT::MacOSX::Details::FontCache::SelectSymbolFont(), ROOT::Quartz::SetFillAreaParameters(), ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer::SetFixedVariable(), TClingCallFunc::SetFunc(), TClingCallFunc::SetFuncProto(), ROOT::Detail::TBranchProxy::Setup(), ROOT::Internal::TTreeProxyGenerator::WriteProxy(), and ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderGenerator::WriteSelector().

void ROOT::ErrorInfo ( const char *  fmt,
void ROOT::ErrorInfo ( const char *  va_fmt,

Formats a string in a circular formatting buffer and prints the string.

Appends a newline. Cut & Paste from Printf in base/src/TString.cxx

Definition at line 563 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by main(), ProofdExec(), ProofdTerm(), RpdProofGetAuthSetup(), SrvAuthImpl(), and SrvClupImpl().

void ROOT::ErrorInit ( const char *  ident)

Referenced by main().

static std::string::size_type ROOT::FindEndSymbol ( std::string &  command)

Definition at line 49 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by ParseRule().

template<typename T >
TClass* ROOT::GetClass ( T )
template<typename T >
TClass* ROOT::GetClass ( const T )

Definition at line 555 of file TClass.h.

template<typename T >
TClass* ROOT::GetClass ( T **  )

Definition at line 560 of file TClass.h.

template<typename T >
TClass * ROOT::GetClass ( const T **  )

Definition at line 561 of file TClass.h.

template<typename T >
TClass* ROOT::GetClass ( const T *const *  )

Definition at line 563 of file TClass.h.

int ROOT::GetErrno ( )

return errno

Definition at line 523 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by NetRecvRaw(), Perror(), ProofdExec(), and Recvn().

TString& ROOT::GetMacroPath ( )

Definition at line 392 of file TROOT.cxx.

Referenced by TROOT::GetMacroPath(), and TROOT::SetMacroPath().

void ROOT::GetRuleIncludes ( std::list< std::string > &  result)

Get the list of includes specified in the shema rules.

Definition at line 830 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

bool ROOT::HasValidDataMembers ( SchemaRuleMap_t &  rule,
MembersTypeMap_t &  members 

Check if given rule contains references to valid data members.

Definition at line 435 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by ROOT::TMetaUtils::WriteClassInit().

def ROOT.isfunction (   object)

Definition at line 109 of file

Bool_t ROOT::IsImplicitMTEnabled ( )

Returns true if the implicit multi-threading in ROOT is enabled.

Definition at line 437 of file TROOT.cxx.

def ROOT.ismethod (   object)

Definition at line 116 of file

template<class T >
TSeq<T> ROOT::MakeSeq ( T  end)

Definition at line 153 of file TSeq.h.

template<class T >
TSeq<T> ROOT::MakeSeq ( T  begin,
T  end,
T  step = 1 

Definition at line 159 of file TSeq.h.

void ROOT::NetClose ( )

Empty call, for consistency.

Definition at line 361 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by main(), and ProofdTerm().

void ROOT::NetGetRemoteHost ( std::string &  openhost)

Return name of connected host.

Definition at line 514 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by ProofdExec().

int ROOT::NetGetSockFd ( )

return open socket descriptor

Definition at line 369 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by ProofdExec().

int ROOT::NetParOpen ( int  port,
int  size 

Empty call, for consistency.

Definition at line 377 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

int ROOT::NetRecv ( char *  msg,
int  max 

Receive a string of maximum length max.

Definition at line 388 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by RpdProofGetAuthSetup().

int ROOT::NetRecv ( char *  msg,
int  len,
EMessageTypes kind 

Receive a string of maximum len length.

Returns message type in kind. Return value is msg length.

Definition at line 397 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

int ROOT::NetRecv ( void *&  buf,
int &  len,
EMessageTypes kind 

Receive a buffer.

Returns the newly allocated buffer, the length of the buffer and message type in kind.

Definition at line 409 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

int ROOT::NetRecvRaw ( void buf,
int  len 

Receive a buffer of maximum len bytes.

Definition at line 430 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by RpdProofGetAuthSetup().

int ROOT::NetRecvRaw ( int  sock,
void buf,
int  len 

Receive a buffer of maximum len bytes from generic socket sock.

Definition at line 438 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by NetRecv().

int ROOT::NetSend ( int  code,
EMessageTypes  kind 

Send integer. Message will be of type "kind".

Definition at line 453 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by Err(), ErrFatal(), and ProofdExec().

int ROOT::NetSend ( const char *  msg,
EMessageTypes  kind 

Send a string. Message will be of type "kind".

Definition at line 467 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

int ROOT::NetSend ( const void buf,
int  len,
EMessageTypes  kind 

Send buffer of len bytes. Message will be of type "kind".

Definition at line 475 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by Err(), ErrFatal(), NetSendAck(), and NetSendError().

int ROOT::NetSendAck ( )

Send acknowledge code.

Definition at line 490 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

int ROOT::NetSendError ( ERootdErrors  err)

Send error code.

Definition at line 498 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

int ROOT::NetSendRaw ( const void buf,
int  len 

Send buffer of len bytes.

Definition at line 506 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

bool ROOT::ParseRule ( std::string  rule,
MembersMap_t &  result,
std::string &  error_string 

Parse the schema rule as specified in the LinkDef file.

Definition at line 90 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by ProcessReadPragma(), ProcessReadRawPragma(), and ROOT::TSchemaRule::SetFromRule().

Bool_t ROOT::ParseRule ( std::string  command,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  result,
std::string &  error_string 

Parse the schema rule as specified in the LinkDef file.

Definition at line 90 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by ProcessReadPragma(), ProcessReadRawPragma(), and ROOT::TSchemaRule::SetFromRule().

void ROOT::Perror ( char *  buf,
int  size 

Return in buf the message belonging to errno.

Definition at line 546 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by Err(), ErrFatal(), and ErrSys().

void ROOT::ProcessReadPragma ( const char *  args)

I am being called when a read pragma is encountered.

Definition at line 874 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by XMLReader::Parse().

void ROOT::ProcessReadRawPragma ( const char *  args)

I am being called then a readraw pragma is encountered.

Definition at line 908 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by XMLReader::Parse().

static int ROOT::Recvn ( int  sock,
void buffer,
int  length 

Receive exactly length bytes into buffer.

Returns number of bytes received. Returns -1 in case of error.

Definition at line 336 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by NetRecvRaw().

TNamed * ROOT::RegisterClassTemplate ( const char *  name,
const char *  file,
Int_t  line 

Global function to register the implementation file and line of a class template (i.e.

NOT a concrete class).

Definition at line 795 of file TClassTable.cxx.

Referenced by ROOT::TGenericClassInfo::SetFromTemplate().

void ROOT::RemoveClass ( const char *  cname)

Global function called by the dtor of a class's init class (see the ClassImp macro).

Definition at line 770 of file TClassTable.cxx.

Referenced by ROOT::Internal::TDefaultInitBehavior::Unregister().

void ROOT::ResetClassVersion ( TClass cl,
const char *  cname,
Short_t  newid 

Global function to update the version number.

This is called via the RootClassVersion macro.

if cl!=0 and cname==-1, set the new class version if and only is greater than the existing one and greater or equal to 2; and also ignore the request if fVersionUsed is true.

Note on class version number:

  • If no class has been specified, TClass::GetVersion will return -1
  • The Class Version 0 request the whole object to be transient
  • The Class Version 1, unless specify via ClassDef indicates that the I/O should use the TClass checksum to distinguish the layout of the class

Definition at line 738 of file TClassTable.cxx.

Referenced by TStreamerInfo::BuildCheck(), and ROOT::TGenericClassInfo::SetVersion().

void ROOT::ResetErrno ( )

reset errno

Definition at line 534 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by ProofdExec(), and Recvn().

void ROOT::RpdAuthCleanup ( const char *  sstr,
int  opt 

Referenced by ProofdTerm().

int ROOT::RpdCleanupAuthTab ( const char *  crypttoken)

Referenced by SrvClupImpl().

int ROOT::RpdGenRSAKeys ( int  )

Referenced by main(), and SrvAuthImpl().

void ROOT::RpdInit ( EService  serv,
int  pid,
int  sproto,
unsigned int  opts,
int  rumsk,
int  sshp,
const char *  tmpd,
const char *  asrpp,
int  login = 0 

Referenced by main(), and SrvAuthImpl().

int ROOT::RpdInitSession ( int  ,
std::string &  ,
int &  ,
int &  ,
int &  ,
std::string &   

Referenced by main(), and SrvAuthImpl().

void ROOT::RpdSetErrorHandler ( ErrorHandler_t  Err,
ErrorHandler_t  Sys,
ErrorHandler_t  Fatal 

Referenced by main(), and SrvAuthImpl().

void ROOT::RpdSetMethInitFlag ( int  methinit)

Referenced by SrvAuthImpl().

template<class RootClass >
Short_t ROOT::SetClassVersion ( RootClass *  )
def ROOT.split (   str)

helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------—

Definition at line 168 of file

Referenced by _excepthook(), and ROOT::Internal::TTreeGeneratorBase.AddHeader().

void ROOT::SrvSetSocket ( TSocket Socket)

Fill socket parameters.

Definition at line 326 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by SrvAuthImpl().

static void ROOT::StrReplace ( std::string &  proc,
const std::string &  pat,
const std::string &  tr 

Replace all accurances of given string with other string.

Definition at line 732 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by WriteSchemaList().

static Bool_t ROOT::ValidateRule ( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  rule,
std::string &  error_string 

Validate if the user specified rules are correct.

Definition at line 264 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by ParseRule().

static void ROOT::WriteAutoVariables ( const std::list< std::string > &  target,
const SourceTypeList_t &  source,
MembersTypeMap_t &  members,
std::string &  className,
std::string &  mappedName,
std::ostream &  output 

Write down the sources

Definition at line 465 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by WriteReadRawRuleFunc(), and WriteReadRuleFunc().

void ROOT::WriteReadRawRuleFunc ( SchemaRuleMap_t &  rule,
int  index,
std::string &  mappedName,
MembersTypeMap_t &  members,
std::ostream &  output 

Write the conversion function for ReadRaw rule, the function name is being written to rule["funcname"].

Definition at line 683 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by ROOT::TMetaUtils::WriteClassInit().

void ROOT::WriteReadRuleFunc ( SchemaRuleMap_t &  rule,
int  index,
std::string &  mappedName,
MembersTypeMap_t &  members,
std::ostream &  output 

Write the conversion function for Read rule, the function name is being written to rule["funcname"].

Definition at line 630 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by ROOT::TMetaUtils::WriteClassInit().

void ROOT::WriteSchemaList ( std::list< SchemaRuleMap_t > &  rules,
const std::string &  listName,
std::ostream &  output 

Write schema rules.

Definition at line 754 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.

Referenced by ROOT::TMetaUtils::WriteClassInit().

Variable Documentation

list ROOT.__all__ = []

Definition at line 158 of file

string ROOT.__author__ = 'Wim Lavrijsen ('

Definition at line 19 of file

list ROOT.__pseudo__all__
Initial value:
1 = [ 'gROOT', 'gSystem', 'gInterpreter',
2  'AddressOf', 'MakeNullPointer', 'Template', 'std' ]

choose interactive-favored policies -----------------------------------——

data ________________________________________________________________________

Definition at line 156 of file

string ROOT.__version__ = '8.0.0'

Definition at line 18 of file

list ROOT._memPolicyAPI = [ 'SetMemoryPolicy', 'SetOwnership', 'kMemoryHeuristics', 'kMemoryStrict' ]

for setting memory and speed policies; not exported

Definition at line 163 of file

ROOT._orig_dhook = sys.displayhook

call EndOfLineAction after each interactive command (to update display etc.)

Definition at line 283 of file

Referenced by _displayhook().

ROOT._orig_ehook = sys.excepthook

Definition at line 160 of file

Referenced by _excepthook().

ROOT._orig_ihook = __builtin__.__import__

Definition at line 294 of file

Referenced by _importhook().

ROOT._root = cppyy._backend

load PyROOT C++ extension module, special case for linux and Sun ---------—

Definition at line 97 of file

list ROOT._sigPolicyAPI = [ 'SetSignalPolicy', 'kSignalFast', 'kSignalSafe' ]

Definition at line 164 of file

ErrorHandler_t ROOT.gErr
ErrorHandler_t ROOT.gErrFatal

Referenced by NetRecvRaw(), and Recvn().

ErrorHandler_t ROOT.gErrSys
SchemaRuleClassMap_t ROOT::gReadRawRules
SchemaRuleClassMap_t ROOT::gReadRules
int ROOT.gSockFd = -1

Definition at line 321 of file DaemonUtils.cxx.

Referenced by NetGetSockFd(), and SrvSetSocket().

string ROOT.message = 'class \S* already in TClassTable$'
tuple ROOT.pre_execute_callbacks = get_ipython()

Definition at line 570 of file

tuple ROOT.PyConfig = _Configuration()

Definition at line 146 of file

string ROOT.zmqIshellName = 'ZMQInteractiveShell'

Definition at line 571 of file