ROOT  6.07/01
Reference Guide
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1 // @(#)root/gl:$Id$
2 // Author: Matevz and Alja Tadel 20/02/2009
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 #include "TGLAnnotation.h"
14 #include "TGLIncludes.h"
15 #include "TROOT.h"
16 #include "TColor.h"
17 #include "TGLUtil.h"
18 #include "TGLCamera.h"
19 #include "TGLRnrCtx.h"
20 #include "TGLSelectRecord.h"
21 #include "TGLViewerBase.h"
22 #include "TObjString.h"
23 #include "TGFrame.h"
24 #include "TGTextEdit.h"
25 #include "TGButton.h"
26 #include "TGLViewer.h"
28 #include "TMath.h"
30 #include <KeySymbols.h>
32 /** \class TGLAnnotation
33 \ingroup opengl
34 GL-overlay annotation.
35 */
42 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
44 TGLAnnotation::TGLAnnotation(TGLViewerBase *parent, const char *text, Float_t posx, Float_t posy) :
47  fPosX(posx), fPosY(posy),
48  fMouseX(0), fMouseY(0),
49  fDrag(kNone),
50  fDrawW(0), fDrawH(0), fTextSizeDrag(0),
51  fActive(kFALSE),
52  fMainFrame(0), fTextEdit(0),
54  fParent(0),
56  fText(text),
57  fTextSize(0.03),
58  fTextAlign(TGLFont::kLeft),
59  fBackColor(fgBackColor),
60  fTextColor(fgTextColor),
61  fTransparency(100),
62  fDrawRefLine(kFALSE),
63  fUseColorSet(kTRUE),
64  fAllowClose(kTRUE)
65 {
66  // Constructor.
67  // Create annotation as plain text
69  parent->AddOverlayElement(this);
70  fParent = (TGLViewer*)parent;
71 }
73 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 TGLAnnotation::TGLAnnotation(TGLViewerBase *parent, const char *text, Float_t posx, Float_t posy, TGLVector3 ref) :
77  fPosX(posx), fPosY(posy),
78  fMouseX(0), fMouseY(0),
79  fDrag(kNone),
80  fDrawW(0), fDrawH(0), fTextSizeDrag(0),
81  fActive(kFALSE),
82  fMainFrame(0), fTextEdit(0),
84  fParent(0),
86  fText(text),
87  fTextSize(0.03),
88  fTextAlign(TGLFont::kLeft),
89  fBackColor(fgBackColor),
90  fTextColor(fgTextColor),
91  fTransparency(40),
92  fDrawRefLine(kTRUE),
93  fUseColorSet(kTRUE),
94  fAllowClose(kTRUE)
95 {
96  // Constructor.
97  // Create annotation by picking an object.
99  fPointer = ref;
100  parent->AddOverlayElement(this);
101  fParent = (TGLViewer*)parent;
102 }
104 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
105 /// Destructor.
108 {
110  delete fMainFrame;
111 }
113 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
114 /// Handle overlay event.
115 /// Return TRUE if event was handled.
118  TGLOvlSelectRecord& selRec,
119  Event_t* event)
120 {
121  if (selRec.GetN() < 2) return kFALSE;
122  Int_t recID = selRec.GetItem(1);
123  switch (event->fType)
124  {
125  case kButtonPress:
126  {
127  fMouseX = event->fX;
128  fMouseY = event->fY;
129  fDrag = (recID == kResizeID) ? kResize : kMove;
131  return kTRUE;
132  }
133  case kButtonRelease:
134  {
135  fDrag = kNone;
136  if (recID == kDeleteID)
137  {
138  TGLViewer *v = fParent;
139  delete this;
140  v->RequestDraw(rnrCtx.ViewerLOD());
141  }
142  else if (recID == kEditID)
143  {
144  MakeEditor();
145  }
146  return kTRUE;
147  }
148  case kMotionNotify:
149  {
150  const TGLRect& vp = rnrCtx.RefCamera().RefViewport();
151  if (vp.Width() == 0 || vp.Height() == 0) return kFALSE;
153  if (fDrag == kMove)
154  {
155  fPosX += (Float_t)(event->fX - fMouseX) / vp.Width();
156  fPosY -= (Float_t)(event->fY - fMouseY) / vp.Height();
157  fMouseX = event->fX;
158  fMouseY = event->fY;
159  // Make sure we don't go offscreen (use fDraw variables set in draw)
160  if (fPosX < 0)
161  fPosX = 0;
162  else if (fPosX + fDrawW > 1.0f)
163  fPosX = 1.0f - fDrawW;
164  if (fPosY < fDrawH)
165  fPosY = fDrawH;
166  else if (fPosY > 1.0f)
167  fPosY = 1.0f;
168  }
169  else if (fDrag == kResize)
170  {
171  using namespace TMath;
172  Float_t oovpw = 1.0f / vp.Width(), oovph = 1.0f / vp.Height();
174  Float_t xw = oovpw * Min(Max(0, event->fX), vp.Width());
175  Float_t yw = oovph * Min(Max(0, vp.Height() - event->fY), vp.Height());
177  Float_t rx = Max((xw - fPosX) / (oovpw * fMouseX - fPosX), 0.0f);
178  Float_t ry = Max((yw - fPosY) / (oovph*(vp.Height() - fMouseY) - fPosY), 0.0f);
180  fTextSize = Max(fTextSizeDrag * Min(rx, ry), 0.01f);
181  }
182  return kTRUE;
183  }
184  default:
185  {
186  return kFALSE;
187  }
188  }
189 }
191 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
192 /// Mouse has entered overlay area.
195 {
196  fActive = kTRUE;
197  return kTRUE;
198 }
200 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
201 /// Mouse has left overlay area.
204 {
205  fActive = kFALSE;
206 }
208 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
209 /// Render the annotation.
212 {
213  const TGLRect& vp = rnrCtx.RefCamera().RefViewport();
214  if (vp.Width() == 0 && vp.Height() == 0)
215  return;
217  Float_t old_depth_range[2];
218  glGetFloatv(GL_DEPTH_RANGE, old_depth_range);
219  glDepthRange(0, 0.001);
223  TGLCapabilitySwitch lights_off(GL_LIGHTING, kFALSE);
224  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
225  glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
226  glEnable(GL_BLEND);
229  // prepare colors
230  Color_t bgCol = fBackColor;
231  Color_t fgCol = fTextColor;
233  if (fUseColorSet)
234  {
235  fgCol = rnrCtx.ColorSet().Markup().GetColorIndex();
237  TColor* c1 = gROOT->GetColor(rnrCtx.ColorSet().Markup().GetColorIndex());
238  TColor* c2 = gROOT->GetColor(rnrCtx.ColorSet().Background().GetColorIndex());
240  if (c1 && c2) {
241  Float_t f1 = 0.5, f2 = 0.5;
242  bgCol = TColor::GetColor(c1->GetRed() *f1 + c2->GetRed() *f2,
243  c1->GetGreen()*f1 + c2->GetGreen()*f2,
244  c1->GetBlue() *f1 + c2->GetBlue() *f2);
245  }
246  }
248  // reset matrix
251  glPushMatrix();
252  // set ortho camera to [0,1] [0.1]
253  glLoadIdentity();
254  glTranslatef(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
255  glScalef(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f);
258  glPolygonOffset(0.1f, 1.0f);
260  glPushMatrix();
262  TGLUtil::LineWidth(1.0f);
264  // move to pos
265  glTranslatef(fPosX, fPosY, 0.0f);
267  TObjArray *lines = fText.Tokenize("\n");
268  TIter line_iter(lines);
269  TObjString *osl;
271  Float_t widthTxt, heightTxt, sx, sy, descent, line_height;
272  {
273  // get unscaled text size
275  rnrCtx.RegisterFontNoScale(fs, "arial", TGLFont::kTexture, fFont);
276  descent = fFont.GetDescent();
277  line_height = fFont.GetLineHeight();
279  Float_t llx, lly, llz, urx, ury, urz;
280  widthTxt = heightTxt = 0;
281  while ((osl = (TObjString*) line_iter()) != 0)
282  {
283  fFont.BBox(osl->GetString().Data(), llx, lly, llz, urx, ury, urz);
284  widthTxt = TMath::Max(widthTxt, urx);
285  heightTxt += line_height;
286  }
287  widthTxt += 2.0f * descent;
288  heightTxt += 2.0f * descent;
290  // keep proportions
291  sy = fTextSize / (line_height + descent);
292  sx = sy / vp.Aspect();
293  fDrawW = sx*widthTxt;
294  fDrawH = sy*heightTxt;
295  }
296  glScalef(sx, sy, 1.0f);
298  glPushName(kMoveID);
300  Float_t x1, x2, y1, y2;
301  Float_t z3 = 0.0f; // main background
302  Float_t z2 = -0.01f; // outlines and text
303  Float_t z1 = -0.02f; // button on top of text
304  Float_t z0 = -0.03f; // button on top of text
306  // main background
307  glLoadName(kMoveID);
308  x1 = 0.0f;
309  x2 = widthTxt;
310  y1 = -heightTxt;
311  y2 = 0.0f;
313  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
314  glVertex3f(x1, y1, z3);
315  glVertex3f(x2, y1, z3);
316  glVertex3f(x2, y2, z3);
317  glVertex3f(x1, y2, z3);
318  glEnd();
319  // main polygon outline
321  glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
322  glVertex3f(x1, y1, z2);
323  glVertex3f(x2, y1, z2);
324  glVertex3f(x2, y2, z2);
325  glVertex3f(x1, y2, z2);
326  glEnd();
328  // annotation text
329  TGLUtil::Color(fgCol);
330  fFont.PreRender();
331  glPushMatrix();
332  Float_t tx = 0;
333  line_iter.Reset();
334  while ((osl = (TObjString*) line_iter()) != 0)
335  {
336  if (fTextAlign == TGLFont::kLeft) {
337  tx = 0;
338  }
339  else if (fTextAlign == TGLFont::kCenterH) {
340  tx = 0.5f * widthTxt - descent ;
341  }
342  else {
343  tx = widthTxt - 2.0f * descent;
344  }
345  glTranslatef(0.0f, -line_height, 0.0f);
346  fFont.Render(osl->GetString(), tx+descent, 0, z2, fTextAlign, TGLFont::kTop) ;
347  }
348  glPopMatrix();
349  fFont.PostRender();
351  delete lines;
353  // buttons
354  if (fActive)
355  {
356  Float_t bbox[6];
357  fFont.PreRender();
358  fFont.BBox("X", bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[4], bbox[5]);
359  glLoadName(kEditID);
360  fFont.Render("E", descent, descent, z2, fTextAlign, TGLFont::kTop);
361  x2 = bbox[3] + 2.0f * descent;
362  if (fAllowClose)
363  {
364  glLoadName(kDeleteID);
365  fFont.Render("X", x2 + descent, descent, z2, fTextAlign, TGLFont::kTop);
366  }
367  fFont.PostRender();
369  x1 = 0.0f;
370  y1 = 0.0f;
371  y2 = line_height + descent;
372  {
373  // edit button
374  glLoadName(kEditID);
375  // polygon
377  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
378  glVertex3f(x1, y1, z3);
379  glVertex3f(x2, y1, z3);
380  glVertex3f(x2, y2, z3);
381  glVertex3f(x1, y2, z3);
382  glEnd();
383  // outline
385  glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
386  glVertex3f(x1, y1, z0);
387  glVertex3f(x2, y1, z0);
388  glVertex3f(x2, y2, z0);
389  glVertex3f(x1, y2, z0);
390  glEnd();
391  }
392  x1 += x2;
393  x2 += x2;
394  if (fAllowClose)
395  {
396  // close button
397  glLoadName(kDeleteID);
398  // polygon
400  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
401  glVertex3f(x1, y1, z3);
402  glVertex3f(x2, y1, z3);
403  glVertex3f(x2, y2, z3);
404  glVertex3f(x1, y2, z3);
405  glEnd();
406  // outline
408  glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
409  glVertex3f(x1, y1, z0);
410  glVertex3f(x2, y1, z0);
411  glVertex3f(x2, y2, z0);
412  glVertex3f(x1, y2, z0);
413  glEnd();
414  }
415  {
416  // resize button
417  glLoadName(kResizeID);
418  // polygon
419  x1 = widthTxt - line_height;
420  x2 = widthTxt;
421  y1 = -heightTxt;
422  y2 = -heightTxt + line_height;
424  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
425  glVertex3f(x1, y1, z1);
426  glVertex3f(x2, y1, z1);
427  glVertex3f(x2, y2, z1);
428  glVertex3f(x1, y2, z1);
429  glEnd();
430  // draw resize corner lines
432  glBegin(GL_LINES);
433  Float_t aOff = 0.25*line_height;
434  glVertex3f(x1+aOff, y1+aOff, z0);
435  glVertex3f(x2-aOff, y1+aOff, z0);
436  glVertex3f(x2-aOff, y1+aOff, z0);
437  glVertex3f(x2-aOff, y2-aOff, z0);
438  glEnd();
439  }
440  }
442  glPopName();
444  glPopMatrix();
446  if (fDrawRefLine)
447  {
449  op[0] /= vp.Width(); op[1] /= vp.Height();
451  Float_t fx = op[0] < fPosX ? 0.0f : (op[0] > fPosX + fDrawW ? 1.0f : 0.5f);
452  Float_t fy = op[1] < fPosY-fDrawH ? 1.0f : (op[1] > fPosY ? 0.0f : 0.5f);
454  if (fx != 0.5f || fy != 0.5f)
455  {
458  glBegin(GL_LINES);
459  glVertex3f(fPosX + fx*fDrawW, fPosY - fy*fDrawH, z3);
460  glVertex3f(op[0], op[1], z3);
461  glEnd();
462  }
463  }
465  glPopMatrix();
466  rnrCtx.ProjectionMatrixPop();
468  glDepthRange(old_depth_range[0], old_depth_range[1]);
469  glPopAttrib();
470 }
472 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
473 /// Returns transparency of annotation outline.
474 /// If annotation is selected enforce visibility of outline.
477 {
478  if (fActive)
479  return TMath::Min(70, fTransparency);
480  else
481  return fTransparency;
482 }
484 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
485 /// Show the annotation editor.
488 {
489  if (fMainFrame == 0)
490  {
491  fMainFrame = new TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 1000, 1000);
492  fMainFrame->SetWindowName("Annotation Editor");
496  fTextEdit = new TGTextEdit(vf, 1000, 1000, kSunkenFrame);
499  TGHorizontalFrame* hf = new TGHorizontalFrame(vf);
501  TGTextButton* btt1 = new TGTextButton(hf, "OK");
502  hf->AddFrame(btt1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX, 2, 2, 2, 2));
504  TGTextButton* btt2 = new TGTextButton(hf, "Cancel");
505  hf->AddFrame(btt2, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX, 2, 2, 2, 2));
507  btt1->Connect("Clicked()", "TGLAnnotation", this, "UpdateText()");
508  btt2->Connect("Clicked()", "TGLAnnotation", this, "CloseEditor()");
510  vf->AddFrame(hf, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight | kLHintsExpandX, 2, 2, 5, 1));
515  }
517  TGText *tgt = new TGText();
518  tgt->LoadBuffer(fText.Data());
519  fTextEdit->SetText(tgt);
521  Int_t nrow = tgt->RowCount();
522  Int_t h = nrow*20;
524  fMainFrame->Resize(TMath::Max(100, w+30), TMath::Max(100, h+40));
526  fMainFrame->Layout();
528 }
530 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
531 /// Close the annotation editor.
534 {
536 }
538 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
539 /// Modify the annotation text from the text-edit widget.
542 {
545  fParent->RequestDraw();
546 }
virtual void Resize(UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
Resize the frame.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:587
TGLViewer * fParent
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:57
The TGLRnrCtx class aggregates data for a given redering context as needed by various parts of the RO...
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.h:40
An array of TObjects.
Definition: TObjArray.h:39
static void Color(const TGLColor &color)
Set color from TGLColor.
Definition: TGLUtil.cxx:1658
Int_t Width() const
Definition: TGLUtil.h:455
static void ColorTransparency(Color_t color_index, Char_t transparency=0)
Set color from color_index and ROOT-style transparency (default 0).
Definition: TGLUtil.cxx:1702
Float_t fDrawW
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:45
void ProjectionMatrixPushIdentity()
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.cxx:423
Collectable string class.
Definition: TObjString.h:32
float Float_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:53
Float_t fTextSizeDrag
width and height when drawing
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:46
Definition: TGText.h:71
TCanvas * c1
Definition: legend1.C:2
void SetWindowName(const char *name=0)
Set window name. This is typically done via the window manager.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:1746
GL-overlay annotation.
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:25
tuple f2
TH1 * h
Definition: legend2.C:5
void CloseEditor()
Close the annotation editor.
TGLCamera & RefCamera()
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.h:157
#define gROOT
Definition: TROOT.h:344
Int_t fY
Definition: GuiTypes.h:179
virtual Long_t ReturnLongestLineWidth()
Return width of longest line in widget.
Definition: TGTextEdit.cxx:365
#define gClient
Definition: TGClient.h:174
Short_t Min(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:170
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
Float_t GetGreen() const
Definition: TColor.h:86
Long_t RowCount() const
Definition: TGText.h:120
void RegisterFontNoScale(Int_t size, Int_t file, Int_t mode, TGLFont &out)
Get font in the GL rendering context.
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.cxx:367
TGLRect & RefViewport()
Definition: TGLCamera.h:128
TGLColor & Markup()
Definition: TGLUtil.h:856
virtual void MouseLeave()
Mouse has left overlay area.
tuple lines
Bool_t fDrawRefLine
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:69
TGText * GetText() const
Definition: TGTextView.h:130
virtual void Layout()
Layout the elements of the composite frame.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:1239
void Reset()
Definition: TCollection.h:161
TFile * f
An overlay element.
Definition: TGLOverlay.h:22
Bool_t LoadBuffer(const char *txtbuf)
Load a 0 terminated buffer. Lines will be split at ' '.
Definition: TGText.cxx:512
Base class for GL viewers.
Definition: TGLViewerBase.h:36
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:349
static const double x2[5]
void BBox(const char *txt, Float_t &llx, Float_t &lly, Float_t &llz, Float_t &urx, Float_t &ury, Float_t &urz) const
Get bounding box.
void Render(const char *txt, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t angle, Double_t mgn) const
TGMainFrame * fMainFrame
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:51
3 component (x/y/z) vertex class.
Definition: TGLUtil.h:86
TGLVertex3 WorldToViewport(const TGLVertex3 &worldVertex, TGLMatrix *modviewMat=0) const
Convert a 3D world vertex to '3D' viewport (screen) one.
Definition: TGLCamera.cxx:403
Float_t GetBlue() const
Definition: TColor.h:87
EDrag fDrag
last mouse position
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:44
Bool_t fUseColorSet
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:70
static Int_t GetFontSize(Int_t ds)
Get availabe font size.
Float_t GetLineHeight() const
Get font's line-height.
Viewport (pixel base) 2D rectangle class.
Definition: TGLUtil.h:426
Bool_t fAllowClose
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:71
3 component (x/y/z) vector class.
Definition: TGLUtil.h:250
void ProjectionMatrixPop()
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.cxx:438
virtual void RemoveOverlayElement(TGLOverlayElement *el)
Remove overlay element.
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:2276
Color_t fTextColor
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:66
Definition: Rtypes.h:62
short Color_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:79
virtual Bool_t Handle(TGLRnrCtx &rnrCtx, TGLOvlSelectRecord &selRec, Event_t *event)
Handle overlay event.
Short_t ViewerLOD() const
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.h:171
Bool_t Connect(const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot)
Non-static method is used to connect from the signal of this object to the receiver slot...
Definition: TQObject.cxx:1135
TGLAnnotation(const TGLAnnotation &)
void RequestDraw(Short_t LOD=TGLRnrCtx::kLODMed)
Post request for redraw of viewer at level of detail 'LOD' Request is directed via cross thread gVirt...
Definition: TGLViewer.cxx:436
static Color_t fgTextColor
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:55
TString GetString() const
Definition: TObjString.h:50
SVector< double, 2 > v
Definition: Dict.h:5
EGEventType fType
Definition: GuiTypes.h:176
Double_t Aspect() const
Definition: TGLUtil.h:505
const Handle_t kNone
Definition: GuiTypes.h:89
tuple w
virtual void PostRender() const
Reset GL state after FTFont rendering.
static Int_t GetColor(const char *hexcolor)
Static method returning color number for color specified by hex color string of form: "#rrggbb"...
Definition: TColor.cxx:1023
Float_t GetDescent() const
Get font's descent. The returned value is positive.
TGLVector3 fPointer
text-size at start of drag
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:48
Base GL viewer object - used by both standalone and embedded (in pad) GL.
Definition: TGLViewer.h:53
Char_t fTransparency
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:67
TObjArray * Tokenize(const TString &delim) const
This function is used to isolate sequential tokens in a TString.
Definition: TString.cxx:2227
Float_t fDrawH
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:45
virtual void AddOverlayElement(TGLOverlayElement *el)
Add overlay element.
return c2
Definition: legend2.C:14
static const double x1[5]
TGLFont::ETextAlignH_e fTextAlign
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:63
virtual void SetCleanup(Int_t mode=kLocalCleanup)
Turn on automatic cleanup of child frames in dtor.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:1054
TText * text
UInt_t GetItem(Int_t i) const
The color creation and management class.
Definition: TColor.h:47
Float_t GetRed() const
Definition: TColor.h:85
virtual void SetText(TGText *text)
Adopt a new text buffer. The text will be deleted by this object.
Definition: TGTextView.cxx:195
virtual void AddFrame(TGFrame *f, TGLayoutHints *l=0)
Add frame to the composite frame using the specified layout hints.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:1099
TGLColor & Background()
Definition: TGLUtil.h:853
virtual void MapSubwindows()
Map all sub windows that are part of the composite frame.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:1146
TString AsString()
Returns content as ROOT string.
Definition: TGText.cxx:1237
char Char_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:29
static Color_t fgBackColor
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:54
virtual void UnmapWindow()
Definition: TGFrame.h:269
Color_t GetColorIndex() const
Returns color-index representing the color.
Definition: TGLUtil.cxx:1240
virtual void MapWindow()
Definition: TGFrame.h:267
Short_t Max(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:202
Color_t fBackColor
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:65
TF1 * f1
Definition: legend1.C:11
Char_t GetLineTransparency() const
Returns transparency of annotation outline.
Int_t Height() const
Definition: TGLUtil.h:457
TGTextEdit * fTextEdit
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:52
virtual void PreRender(Bool_t autoLight=kTRUE, Bool_t lightOn=kFALSE) const
Set-up GL state before FTFont rendering.
void UpdateText()
Modify the annotation text from the text-edit widget.
virtual void Render(TGLRnrCtx &rnrCtx)
Render the annotation.
void MakeEditor()
Show the annotation editor.
virtual Bool_t MouseEnter(TGLOvlSelectRecord &selRec)
Mouse has entered overlay area.
static Float_t LineWidth()
Get the line-width, taking the global scaling into account.
Definition: TGLUtil.cxx:1904
A wrapper class for FTFont.
Selection record for overlay objects.
TGLColorSet & ColorSet()
Return reference to current color-set (top of the stack).
Definition: TGLRnrCtx.cxx:278
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
Float_t fTextSize
Definition: TGLAnnotation.h:60
Int_t Nint(T x)
Definition: TMath.h:480
Int_t fX
Definition: GuiTypes.h:179
Int_t GetN() const
Definition: Rtypes.h:62
virtual ~TGLAnnotation()