ROOT  6.07/01
Reference Guide
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1 // @(#)root/g3d:$Id$
2 // Author: Rene Brun 22/09/95
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 #include "TROOT.h"
13 #include "THashList.h"
14 #include "TObjArray.h"
15 #include "TGeometry.h"
16 #include "TNode.h"
17 #include "TMaterial.h"
18 #include "TBrowser.h"
19 #include "TClass.h"
21 TGeometry *gGeometry = 0;
25 /** \class TGeometry
26 \ingroup g3d
27 TGeometry description.
29 The Geometry class describes the geometry of a detector.
30 The current implementation supports the GEANT3 style description.
31 A special program provided in the ROOT utilities (toroot) can be used
32 to automatically translate a GEANT detector geometry into a ROOT geometry.
34 a Geometry object is entered into the list of geometries into the
35 ROOT main object (see TROOT description) when the TGeometry
36 constructor is invoked.
37 Several geometries may coexist in memory.
38 /
39 A Geometry object consist of the following linked lists:
41  - the TMaterial list (material definition only).
42  - the TRotmatrix list (Rotation matrices definition only).
43  - the TShape list (volume definition only).
44  - the TNode list assembling all detector elements.
46 Only the Build and Draw functions for a geometry are currently supported.
48 The conversion program from Geant to Root has been added in the list
49 of utilities in utils directory.(see g2root)
50 The executable module of g2root can be found in $ROOTSYS/bin/g2root.
52 To use this conversion program, type the shell command:
54 ~~~ {.cpp}
55  g2root geant_rzfile macro_name
56 ~~~
58 for example
60 ~~~ {.cpp}
61  g2root na49.geom na49.C
62 ~~~
64 will convert the GEANT RZ file na49.geom into a ROOT macro na49.C
66 To generate the Geometry structure within Root, do:
68 ~~~ {.cpp}
69  Root > .x na49.C
70  Root > na49.Draw()
71  Root > wh.x3d() (this invokes the 3-d Root viewer)
72  Root > TFile gna49("na49.root","NEW") //open a new root file
73  Root > na49.Write() //Write the na49 geometry structure
74  Root > gna49.Write() //Write all keys (in this case only one)
75 ~~~
77 Note: all keys are also written on closing of the file, gna49.Close or
78 when the program exits, Root closes all open files correctly.
79 Once this file has been written, in a subsequent session, simply do:
81 ~~~ {.cpp}
82  Root > TFile gna49("na49.root")
83  Root > na49.Draw()
84 ~~~
86 The figure below shows the geometry above using the x3d viewer.
87 This x3d viewer is invoked by selecting "View x3d" in the View menu
88 of a canvas (See example of this tool bar in TCanvas).
90 \image html g3d_na49.png
91 */
93 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
94 /// Geometry default constructor.
97 {
98  fMaterials = new THashList(100,3);
99  fMatrices = new THashList(100,3);
100  fShapes = new THashList(500,3);
101  fNodes = new TList;
102  fCurrentNode = 0;
103  fMaterialPointer = 0;
104  fMatrixPointer = 0;
105  fShapePointer = 0;
106  gGeometry = this;
107  fBomb = 1;
108  fMatrix = 0;
109  fX=fY=fZ =0.0;
110  fGeomLevel =0;
111  fIsReflection[fGeomLevel] = kFALSE;
112 }
114 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
115 /// Geometry normal constructor.
117 TGeometry::TGeometry(const char *name,const char *title ) : TNamed (name, title)
118 {
119  fMaterials = new THashList(1000,3);
120  fMatrices = new THashList(1000,3);
121  fShapes = new THashList(5000,3);
122  fNodes = new TList;
123  fCurrentNode = 0;
124  fMaterialPointer = 0;
125  fMatrixPointer = 0;
126  fShapePointer = 0;
127  gGeometry = this;
128  fBomb = 1;
129  fMatrix = 0;
130  fX=fY=fZ =0.0;
131  gROOT->GetListOfGeometries()->Add(this);
132  fGeomLevel =0;
134 }
136 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
137 /// copy constructor
140  TNamed(geo),
141  fMaterials(geo.fMaterials),
142  fMatrices(geo.fMatrices),
143  fShapes(geo.fShapes),
144  fNodes(geo.fNodes),
145  fMatrix(geo.fMatrix),
146  fCurrentNode(geo.fCurrentNode),
147  fMaterialPointer(geo.fMaterialPointer),
148  fMatrixPointer(geo.fMatrixPointer),
149  fShapePointer(geo.fShapePointer),
150  fBomb(geo.fBomb),
151  fGeomLevel(geo.fGeomLevel),
152  fX(geo.fX),
153  fY(geo.fY),
154  fZ(geo.fZ)
155 {
156  for(Int_t i=0; i<kMAXLEVELS; i++) {
157  for(Int_t j=0; j<kVectorSize; j++)
158  fTranslation[i][j]=geo.fTranslation[i][j];
159  for(Int_t j=0; j<kMatrixSize; j++)
160  fRotMatrix[i][j]=geo.fRotMatrix[i][j];
161  fIsReflection[i]=geo.fIsReflection[i];
162  }
163 }
165 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
166 /// assignment operator
169 {
170  if(this!=&geo) {
171  TNamed::operator=(geo);
173  fMatrices=geo.fMatrices;
174  fShapes=geo.fShapes;
175  fNodes=geo.fNodes;
176  fMatrix=geo.fMatrix;
181  fBomb=geo.fBomb;
183  fX=geo.fX;
184  fY=geo.fY;
185  fZ=geo.fZ;
186  for(Int_t i=0; i<kMAXLEVELS; i++) {
187  for(Int_t j=0; j<kVectorSize; j++)
188  fTranslation[i][j]=geo.fTranslation[i][j];
189  for(Int_t j=0; j<kMatrixSize; j++)
190  fRotMatrix[i][j]=geo.fRotMatrix[i][j];
191  fIsReflection[i]=geo.fIsReflection[i];
192  }
193  }
194  return *this;
195 }
197 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
198 /// Geometry default destructor.
201 {
202  if (!fMaterials) return;
203  fMaterials->Delete();
204  fMatrices->Delete();
205  fShapes->Delete();
206  fNodes->Delete();
207  delete fMaterials;
208  delete fMatrices;
209  delete fShapes;
210  delete fNodes;
211  delete [] fMaterialPointer;
212  delete [] fMatrixPointer;
213  delete [] fShapePointer;
214  fMaterials = 0;
215  fMatrices = 0;
216  fShapes = 0;
217  fNodes = 0;
218  fMaterialPointer = 0;
219  fMatrixPointer = 0;
220  fShapePointer = 0;
222  if (gGeometry == this) {
223  gGeometry = (TGeometry*) gROOT->GetListOfGeometries()->First();
224  if (gGeometry == this)
225  gGeometry = (TGeometry*) gROOT->GetListOfGeometries()->After(gGeometry);
226  }
227  gROOT->GetListOfGeometries()->Remove(this);
228 }
230 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
231 /// Browse.
234 {
235  if( b ) {
236  b->Add( fMaterials, "Materials" );
237  b->Add( fMatrices, "Rotation Matrices" );
238  b->Add( fShapes, "Shapes" );
239  b->Add( fNodes, "Nodes" );
240  }
241 }
243 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
244 /// Change Current Geometry to this.
246 void TGeometry::cd(const char *)
247 {
248  gGeometry = this;
249 }
251 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
252 /// Draw this Geometry.
255 {
256  TNode *node1 = (TNode*)fNodes->First();
257  if (node1) node1->Draw(option);
259 }
261 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
262 /// Find object in a geometry node, material, etc
265 {
266  Error("FindObject","Not yet implemented");
267  return 0;
268 }
270 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
271 /// Search object identified by name in the geometry tree
273 TObject *TGeometry::FindObject(const char *name) const
274 {
275  TObjArray *loc = TGeometry::Get(name);
276  if (loc) return loc->At(0);
277  return 0;
278 }
280 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
281 /// Static function called by TROOT to search name in the geometry.
282 /// Returns a TObjArray containing a pointer to the found object
283 /// and a pointer to the container where the object was found.
286 {
287  static TObjArray *locs = 0;
288  if (!locs) locs = new TObjArray(2);
289  TObjArray &loc = *locs;
290  loc[0] = 0;
291  loc[1] = 0;
293  if (!gGeometry) return &loc;
295  TObject *temp;
296  TObject *where;
298  temp = gGeometry->GetListOfMaterials()->FindObject(name);
299  where = gGeometry->GetListOfMaterials();
301  if (!temp) {
302  temp = gGeometry->GetListOfShapes()->FindObject(name);
303  where = gGeometry->GetListOfShapes();
304  }
305  if (!temp) {
306  temp = gGeometry->GetListOfMatrices()->FindObject(name);
307  where = gGeometry->GetListOfMatrices();
308  }
309  if (!temp) {
310  temp = gGeometry->GetNode(name);
311  where = gGeometry;
312  }
313  loc[0] = temp;
314  loc[1] = where;
316  return &loc;
317 }
319 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
320 /// Return pointer to Material with name.
323 {
324  return (TMaterial*)fMaterials->FindObject(name);
325 }
327 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
328 /// Return pointer to Material with number.
331 {
332  TMaterial *mat;
333  if (number < 0 || number >= fMaterials->GetSize()) return 0;
334  if (fMaterialPointer) return fMaterialPointer[number];
336  while ((mat = (TMaterial*) next())) {
337  if (mat->GetNumber() == number) return mat;
338  }
339  return 0;
340 }
342 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
343 /// Return pointer to node with name in the geometry tree.
345 TNode *TGeometry::GetNode(const char *name) const
346 {
347  TNode *node= (TNode*)GetListOfNodes()->First();
348  if (!node) return 0;
349  if (node->TestBit(kNotDeleted)) return node->GetNode(name);
350  return 0;
351 }
353 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
354 /// Return pointer to RotMatrix with name.
357 {
358  return (TRotMatrix*)fMatrices->FindObject(name);
359 }
361 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
362 /// Return pointer to RotMatrix with number.
365 {
366  TRotMatrix *matrix;
367  if (number < 0 || number >= fMatrices->GetSize()) return 0;
368  if (fMatrixPointer) return fMatrixPointer[number];
370  while ((matrix = (TRotMatrix*) next())) {
371  if (matrix->GetNumber() == number) return matrix;
372  }
373  return 0;
374 }
376 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
377 /// Return pointer to Shape with name.
379 TShape *TGeometry::GetShape(const char *name) const
380 {
381  return (TShape*)fShapes->FindObject(name);
382 }
384 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
385 /// Return pointer to Shape with number.
388 {
389  TShape *shape;
390  if (number < 0 || number >= fShapes->GetSize()) return 0;
391  if (fShapePointer) return fShapePointer[number];
392  TIter next(fShapes);
393  while ((shape = (TShape*) next())) {
394  if (shape->GetNumber() == number) return shape;
395  }
396  return 0;
397 }
399 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
400 /// Convert one point from local system to master reference system.
401 ///
402 /// Note that before invoking this function, the global rotation matrix
403 /// and translation vector for this node must have been computed.
404 /// This is automatically done by the Paint functions.
405 /// Otherwise TNode::UpdateMatrix should be called before.
408 {
409  if (GeomLevel()) {
410  Double_t x,y,z;
411  Double_t bomb = GetBomb();
412  Double_t *matrix = &fRotMatrix[GeomLevel()][0];
413  x = bomb*fX
414  + local[0]*matrix[0]
415  + local[1]*matrix[3]
416  + local[2]*matrix[6];
418  y = bomb*fY
419  + local[0]*matrix[1]
420  + local[1]*matrix[4]
421  + local[2]*matrix[7];
423  z = bomb*fZ
424  + local[0]*matrix[2]
425  + local[1]*matrix[5]
426  + local[2]*matrix[8];
427  master[0] = x; master[1] = y; master[2] = z;
428  }
429  else
430  for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) master[i] = local[i];
431 }
433 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
434 /// Convert one point from local system to master reference system.
435 ///
436 /// Note that before invoking this function, the global rotation matrix
437 /// and translation vector for this node must have been computed.
438 /// This is automatically done by the Paint functions.
439 /// Otherwise TNode::UpdateMatrix should be called before.
442 {
443  if (GeomLevel()) {
444  Float_t x,y,z;
445  Float_t bomb = GetBomb();
447  Double_t *matrix = &fRotMatrix[GeomLevel()][0];
449  x = bomb*fX
450  + local[0]*matrix[0]
451  + local[1]*matrix[3]
452  + local[2]*matrix[6];
454  y = bomb*fY
455  + local[0]*matrix[1]
456  + local[1]*matrix[4]
457  + local[2]*matrix[7];
459  z = bomb*fZ
460  + local[0]*matrix[2]
461  + local[1]*matrix[5]
462  + local[2]*matrix[8];
464  master[0] = x; master[1] = y; master[2] = z;
465  }
466  else
467  for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) master[i] = local[i];
468 }
470 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
471 /// List this geometry.
473 void TGeometry::ls(Option_t *option) const
474 {
475  TString opt = option;
476  opt.ToLower();
477  if (opt.Contains("m")) {
478  Printf("=================List of Materials================");
479  fMaterials->ls(option);
480  }
481  if (opt.Contains("r")) {
482  Printf("=================List of RotationMatrices================");
483  fMatrices->ls(option);
484  }
485  if (opt.Contains("s")) {
486  Printf("=================List of Shapes==========================");
487  fShapes->ls(option);
488  }
489  if (opt.Contains("n")) {
490  Printf("=================List of Nodes===========================");
491  fNodes->ls(option);
492  }
493 }
495 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
496 /// Convert one point from master system to local reference system.
497 ///
498 /// Note that before invoking this function, the global rotation matrix
499 /// and translation vector for this node must have been computed.
500 /// This is automatically done by the Paint functions.
501 /// Otherwise TNode::UpdateMatrix should be called before.
504 {
505  if (GeomLevel()) {
506  Double_t x,y,z;
507  Double_t bomb = GetBomb();
508  Double_t *matrix = &fRotMatrix[GeomLevel()][0];
510  Double_t xms = master[0] - bomb*fX;
511  Double_t yms = master[1] - bomb*fY;
512  Double_t zms = master[2] - bomb*fZ;
514  x = xms*matrix[0] + yms*matrix[1] + zms*matrix[2];
515  y = xms*matrix[3] + yms*matrix[4] + zms*matrix[5];
516  z = xms*matrix[6] + yms*matrix[7] + zms*matrix[8];
518  local[0] = x; local[1] = y; local[2] = z;
519  }
520  else
521  memcpy(local,master,sizeof(Double_t)* kVectorSize);
522 }
524 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
525 /// Convert one point from master system to local reference system.
526 ///
527 /// Note that before invoking this function, the global rotation matrix
528 /// and translation vector for this node must have been computed.
529 /// This is automatically done by the Paint functions.
530 /// Otherwise TNode::UpdateMatrix should be called before.
533 {
534  if (GeomLevel()) {
535  Float_t x,y,z;
536  Float_t bomb = GetBomb();
538  Double_t *matrix = &fRotMatrix[GeomLevel()][0];
540  Double_t xms = master[0] - bomb*fX;
541  Double_t yms = master[1] - bomb*fY;
542  Double_t zms = master[2] - bomb*fZ;
544  x = xms*matrix[0] + yms*matrix[1] + zms*matrix[2];
545  y = xms*matrix[3] + yms*matrix[4] + zms*matrix[5];
546  z = xms*matrix[6] + yms*matrix[7] + zms*matrix[8];
548  local[0] = x; local[1] = y; local[2] = z;
549  }
550  else
551  memcpy(local,master,sizeof(Float_t)* kVectorSize);
552 }
554 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
555 /// Add a node to the current node in this geometry.
557 void TGeometry::Node(const char *name, const char *title, const char *shapename, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, const char *matrixname, Option_t *option)
558 {
559  new TNode(name,title,shapename,x,y,z,matrixname,option);
560 }
562 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
563 /// Recursively remove object from a Geometry list.
566 {
567  if (fNodes) fNodes->RecursiveRemove(obj);
568 }
570 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
571 /// Stream a class object.
573 void TGeometry::Streamer(TBuffer &b)
574 {
575  if (b.IsReading()) {
576  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
577  Version_t R__v = b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
578  if (R__v > 1) {
579  b.ReadClassBuffer(TGeometry::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
580  } else {
581  //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
582  TNamed::Streamer(b);
583  fMaterials->Streamer(b);
584  fMatrices->Streamer(b);
585  fShapes->Streamer(b);
586  fNodes->Streamer(b);
587  b >> fBomb;
588  b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TGeometry::IsA());
589  //====end of old versions
590  }
591  // Build direct access pointers to individual materials,matrices and shapes
592  Int_t i;
593  TMaterial *onemat;
594  TRotMatrix *onematrix;
595  TShape *oneshape;
596  Int_t nmat = fMaterials->GetSize();
597  if (nmat) fMaterialPointer = new TMaterial* [nmat];
598  TIter nextmat(fMaterials);
599  i = 0;
600  while ((onemat = (TMaterial*) nextmat())) {
601  fMaterialPointer[i] = onemat;
602  i++;
603  }
605  Int_t nrot = fMatrices->GetSize();
606  if (nrot) fMatrixPointer = new TRotMatrix* [nrot];
607  TIter nextmatrix(fMatrices);
608  i = 0;
609  while ((onematrix = (TRotMatrix*) nextmatrix())) {
610  fMatrixPointer[i] = onematrix;
611  i++;
612  }
614  Int_t nsha = fShapes->GetSize();
615  if (nsha) fShapePointer = new TShape* [nsha];
616  TIter nextshape(fShapes);
617  i = 0;
618  while ((oneshape = (TShape*) nextshape())) {
619  fShapePointer[i] = oneshape;
620  i++;
621  }
623  gROOT->GetListOfGeometries()->Add(this);
626  } else {
628  }
629 }
631 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
632 /// Update global rotation matrix/translation vector for this node
633 /// this function must be called before invoking Local2Master
636 {
637  TNode *nodes[kMAXLEVELS];
638  for (Int_t i=0;i<kVectorSize;i++) fTranslation[0][i] = 0;
639  for (Int_t i=0;i<kMatrixSize;i++) fRotMatrix[0][i] = 0;
640  fRotMatrix[0][0] = 1; fRotMatrix[0][4] = 1; fRotMatrix[0][8] = 1;
642  fGeomLevel = 0;
643  //build array of parent nodes
644  while (node) {
645  nodes[fGeomLevel] = node;
646  node = node->GetParent();
647  fGeomLevel++;
648  }
649  fGeomLevel--;
650  Int_t saveGeomLevel = fGeomLevel;
651  //Update matrices in the hierarchy
652  for (fGeomLevel=1;fGeomLevel<=saveGeomLevel;fGeomLevel++) {
653  node = nodes[fGeomLevel-1];
654  UpdateTempMatrix(node->GetX(),node->GetY(),node->GetZ(),node->GetMatrix());
655  }
656 }
658 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
659 /// Update temp matrix.
662 {
663  Double_t *matrix = 0;
664  Bool_t isReflection = kFALSE;
665  if (rotMatrix && rotMatrix->GetType()) {
666  matrix = rotMatrix->GetMatrix();
667  isReflection = rotMatrix->IsReflection();
668  }
669  UpdateTempMatrix( x,y,z, matrix,isReflection);
670 }
672 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
673 /// Update temp matrix.
676 {
677  Int_t i=GeomLevel();
678  if (i) {
679  if(matrix) {
680  UpdateTempMatrix(&(fTranslation[i-1][0]),&fRotMatrix[i-1][0]
681  ,x,y,z,matrix
682  ,&fTranslation[i][0],&fRotMatrix[i][0]);
683  fX = fTranslation[i][0];
684  fY = fTranslation[i][1];
685  fZ = fTranslation[i][2];
686  fIsReflection[i] = fIsReflection[i-1] ^ isReflection;
687  } else {
688  fX = fTranslation[i][0] = fTranslation[i-1][0] + x;
689  fY = fTranslation[i][1] = fTranslation[i-1][1] + y;
690  fZ = fTranslation[i][2] = fTranslation[i-1][2] + z;
691  }
692  } else {
693  fX=fY=fZ=0;
694  fIsReflection[0] = kFALSE;
695  for (i=0;i<kVectorSize;i++) fTranslation[0][i] = 0;
696  for (i=0;i<kMatrixSize;i++) fRotMatrix[0][i] = 0;
697  fRotMatrix[0][0] = 1; fRotMatrix[0][4] = 1; fRotMatrix[0][8] = 1;
698  }
699 }
701 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
702 /// Compute new translation vector and global matrix.
703 ///
704 /// - dx old translation vector
705 /// - rmat old global matrix
706 /// - x,y,z offset of new local system with respect to mother
707 /// - dxnew new translation vector
708 /// - rmatnew new global rotation matrix
711  , Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t *matrix
712  , Double_t *dxnew, Double_t *rmatnew)
713 {
714  dxnew[0] = dx[0] + x*rmat[0] + y*rmat[3] + z*rmat[6];
715  dxnew[1] = dx[1] + x*rmat[1] + y*rmat[4] + z*rmat[7];
716  dxnew[2] = dx[2] + x*rmat[2] + y*rmat[5] + z*rmat[8];
718  rmatnew[0] = rmat[0]*matrix[0] + rmat[3]*matrix[1] + rmat[6]*matrix[2];
719  rmatnew[1] = rmat[1]*matrix[0] + rmat[4]*matrix[1] + rmat[7]*matrix[2];
720  rmatnew[2] = rmat[2]*matrix[0] + rmat[5]*matrix[1] + rmat[8]*matrix[2];
721  rmatnew[3] = rmat[0]*matrix[3] + rmat[3]*matrix[4] + rmat[6]*matrix[5];
722  rmatnew[4] = rmat[1]*matrix[3] + rmat[4]*matrix[4] + rmat[7]*matrix[5];
723  rmatnew[5] = rmat[2]*matrix[3] + rmat[5]*matrix[4] + rmat[8]*matrix[5];
724  rmatnew[6] = rmat[0]*matrix[6] + rmat[3]*matrix[7] + rmat[6]*matrix[8];
725  rmatnew[7] = rmat[1]*matrix[6] + rmat[4]*matrix[7] + rmat[7]*matrix[8];
726  rmatnew[8] = rmat[2]*matrix[6] + rmat[5]*matrix[7] + rmat[8]*matrix[8];
727 }
void Add(TObject *obj, const char *name=0, Int_t check=-1)
Add object with name to browser.
Definition: TBrowser.cxx:259
THashList * GetListOfMatrices() const
Definition: TGeometry.h:82
TList * GetListOfNodes() const
Definition: TGeometry.h:80
virtual Double_t * GetMatrix()
Definition: TRotMatrix.h:56
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw Referenced node with current parameters.
Definition: TNode.cxx:323
virtual Double_t GetY() const
Definition: TNode.h:84
virtual Int_t GetNumber() const
Definition: TShape.h:69
virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b)
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:233
An array of TObjects.
Definition: TObjArray.h:39
virtual Int_t WriteClassBuffer(const TClass *cl, void *pointer)=0
virtual void Delete(Option_t *option="")
Remove all objects from the list AND delete all heap based objects.
Definition: TList.cxx:405
Bool_t IsReading() const
Definition: TBuffer.h:83
THashList * fShapes
Definition: TGeometry.h:48
short Version_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:61
ClassImp(TSeqCollection) Int_t TSeqCollection TIter next(this)
Return index of object in collection.
TRotMatrix * GetRotMatrixByNumber(Int_t number) const
Return pointer to RotMatrix with number.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:364
float Float_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:53
virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const
List (ls) all objects in this collection.
Double_t fZ
The global translation of the current node.
Definition: TGeometry.h:59
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
THashList * GetListOfShapes() const
Definition: TGeometry.h:79
TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const
Find object using its name.
Definition: THashList.cxx:213
THashList * fMaterials
Definition: TGeometry.h:46
Double_t fY
Definition: TGeometry.h:58
TMaterial ** fMaterialPointer
Pointer to current node.
Definition: TGeometry.h:52
const Int_t kMAXLEVELS
Definition: TGeometry.h:31
Buffer base class used for serializing objects.
Definition: TBuffer.h:42
TNode description.
Definition: TNode.h:43
Double_t fRotMatrix[kMAXLEVELS][kMatrixSize]
Definition: TGeometry.h:61
void Delete(Option_t *option="")
Remove all objects from the list AND delete all heap based objects.
Definition: THashList.cxx:184
virtual Int_t CheckByteCount(UInt_t startpos, UInt_t bcnt, const TClass *clss)=0
#define gROOT
Definition: TROOT.h:344
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
TNode * GetNode(const char *name) const
Return pointer to node with name in the geometry tree.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:345
void ToLower()
Change string to lower-case.
Definition: TString.cxx:1075
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: Rtypes.h:92
virtual TNode * GetNode(const char *name) const
Return pointer to node with name in the node tree.
Definition: TNode.cxx:378
virtual Int_t GetNumber() const
Definition: TMaterial.h:46
virtual void ls(Option_t *option="rsn2") const
List this geometry.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:473
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
virtual ~TGeometry()
Geometry default destructor.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:200
const Int_t kVectorSize
Definition: TGeometry.h:32
THashList implements a hybrid collection class consisting of a hash table and a list to store TObject...
Definition: THashList.h:36
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Definition: TNamed.h:33
TRotMatrix * GetRotMatrix(const char *name) const
Return pointer to RotMatrix with name.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:356
void Class()
Definition: Class.C:29
TShape * GetShape(const char *name) const
Return pointer to Shape with name.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:379
virtual Int_t GetNumber() const
Definition: TRotMatrix.h:57
virtual void Local2Master(Double_t *local, Double_t *master)
Convert one point from local system to master reference system.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:407
virtual void Node(const char *name, const char *title, const char *shapename, Double_t x=0, Double_t y=0, Double_t z=0, const char *matrixname="", Option_t *option="")
Add a node to the current node in this geometry.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:557
virtual TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const
Search object identified by name in the geometry tree.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:273
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:918
Float_t z[5]
Definition: Ifit.C:16
Bool_t fIsReflection[kMAXLEVELS]
Definition: TGeometry.h:62
Manages a detector material.
Definition: TMaterial.h:32
TNode * fCurrentNode
Pointers to current rotation matrices.
Definition: TGeometry.h:51
Int_t fGeomLevel
Definition: TGeometry.h:56
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:47
virtual Double_t GetX() const
Definition: TNode.h:83
TGeometry description.
Definition: TGeometry.h:43
Double_t fX
Definition: TGeometry.h:57
virtual void UpdateMatrix(TNode *node)
Update global rotation matrix/translation vector for this node this function must be called before in...
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:635
TList * fNodes
Definition: TGeometry.h:49
Using a TBrowser one can browse all ROOT objects.
Definition: TBrowser.h:41
TGeometry & operator=(const TGeometry &)
assignment operator
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:168
THashList * GetListOfMaterials() const
Definition: TGeometry.h:81
This is the base class for all geometry shapes.
Definition: TShape.h:47
TNamed & operator=(const TNamed &rhs)
TNamed assignment operator.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:40
Manages a detector rotation matrix.
Definition: TRotMatrix.h:30
TPaveLabel title(3, 27.1, 15, 28.7,"ROOT Environment and Tools")
TMaterial * GetMaterial(const char *name) const
Return pointer to Material with name.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:322
virtual Double_t GetZ() const
Definition: TNode.h:85
TClass * IsA() const
Float_t fBomb
Pointers to shapes.
Definition: TGeometry.h:55
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
Bool_t TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Definition: TObject.h:173
TShape * GetShapeByNumber(Int_t number) const
Return pointer to Shape with number.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:387
TShape ** fShapePointer
Pointers to rotation matrices.
Definition: TGeometry.h:54
tuple node1
TRotMatrix ** fMatrixPointer
Pointers to materials.
Definition: TGeometry.h:53
#define Printf
Definition: TGeoToOCC.h:18
Int_t GeomLevel() const
Definition: TGeometry.h:78
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw this Geometry.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:254
virtual Int_t ReadClassBuffer(const TClass *cl, void *pointer, const TClass *onfile_class=0)=0
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
Definition: TCollection.h:95
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:279
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
const Int_t kMatrixSize
Definition: TGeometry.h:33
Double_t fTranslation[kMAXLEVELS][kVectorSize]
Definition: TGeometry.h:60
#define name(a, b)
Definition: linkTestLib0.cpp:5
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:58
virtual TObject * First() const
Return the first object in the list. Returns 0 when list is empty.
Definition: TList.cxx:557
virtual void UpdateTempMatrix(Double_t x=0, Double_t y=0, Double_t z=0, TRotMatrix *matrix=0)
Update temp matrix.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:661
THashList * fMatrices
Definition: TGeometry.h:47
virtual TRotMatrix * GetMatrix() const
Definition: TNode.h:76
static TObjArray * Get(const char *name)
Static function called by TROOT to search name in the geometry.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:285
virtual void cd(const char *path=0)
Change Current Geometry to this.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:246
virtual void RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj)
Remove object from this collection and recursively remove the object from all other objects (and coll...
Definition: TList.cxx:635
virtual void Master2Local(Double_t *master, Double_t *local)
Convert one point from master system to local reference system.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:503
Bool_t Contains(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Definition: TString.h:567
virtual Int_t GetType() const
Definition: TRotMatrix.h:58
TGeometry * gGeometry
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:21
TGMatrixLayout * fMatrix
virtual TNode * GetParent() const
Definition: TNode.h:80
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
Definition: TObjArray.h:167
TObject * obj
TMaterial * GetMaterialByNumber(Int_t number) const
Return pointer to Material with number.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:330
virtual Bool_t IsReflection() const
Definition: TRotMatrix.h:63
TRotMatrix * fMatrix
Definition: TGeometry.h:50
virtual Version_t ReadVersion(UInt_t *start=0, UInt_t *bcnt=0, const TClass *cl=0)=0
virtual void RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj)
Recursively remove object from a Geometry list.
Definition: TGeometry.cxx:565
Float_t GetBomb() const
Definition: TGeometry.h:77