Reference Guide
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
c1 | Range (0,-0.25, 19, 29) |
title | SetFillColor (42) |
title | SetTextColor (5) |
title | SetTextFont (62) |
title | Draw () |
ardash | SetLineStyle (2) |
ardash | SetFillColor (1) |
l1 | DrawLine (4.5, 15, 4.5, 11) |
l1 | DrawLine (13, 10, 13, 15.5) |
l1 | DrawLine (14, 10, 13, 10) |
l1 | DrawLine (14, 15.5, 13, 15.5) |
UserChtml | AddText ("Files with hyperlinks") |
t1 | SetTextColor (4) |
ar | DrawArrow (2.5, 4.5, 2.5, 3.5, 0.015,"|>") |
UserTree | AddText ("Dictionary") |
UserTree | AddText ("Inheritance graphs") |
ar | DrawArrow (9, 5.5, 9, 3.5, 0.015,"|>") |
Userhtml | AddText ("Class Description") |
Userhtml | AddText ("with references") |
ar | DrawArrow (15.5, 4.5, 15.5, 3.5, 0.015,"|>") |
Macros | AddText ("Macros") |
Macros | AddText ("Log files") |
UserC | AddText ("C++ application") |
UserC | AddText ("source code") |
ar | DrawArrow (4.5, 11, 5.8, 11, 0.015,"|>") |
Userh | AddText ("C++ header files") |
Userh | SetFillColor (11) |
ar | DrawArrow (9, 23, 9, 21.6, 0.015,"|>") |
UserUI | AddText ("C++ code for") |
UserUI | AddText ("User Interface and I/O") |
ar | DrawArrow (9, 18.5, 9, 17.3, 0.015,"|>") |
ar | DrawArrow (9, 14, 9, 12.6, 0.015,"|>") |
Usersl | AddText ("User") |
Usersl | AddText ("Libraries") |
ar | DrawArrow (13, 11, 12.1, 11, 0.015,"|>") |
Rootlib | AddText ("Root Library") |
Rootlib | AddText ("and Includes") |
dict | SetFillColor (43) |
dict | SetFillStyle (1001) |
dict | SetLineColor (1) |
dict | SetLineWidth (3) |
gen | SetTextAlign (22) |
gen | SetTextSize (0.025) |
gen | DrawText (9, 19.5,"ROOT compiler") |
gen2 | DrawText (9, 10.3,"and Linker") |
ar | DrawArrow (9, 9.5, 9, 8.2, 0.015,"|>") |
exe | SetFillColor (41) |
exe | AddText ("ROOT-based Application") |
exe | AddText ("Interactive or Batch") |
t12 | SetTextColor (2) |
c1 | Modified () |
c1 | Print ("") |
Variables | |
c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ROOT Environment Canvas",720,840) | |
TPaveLabel | title (3, 27.1, 15, 28.7,"ROOT Environment and Tools") |
TArrow | ardash (2, 15, 2, 3.5, 0.015,"|>") |
TLine | l1 (2.5, 4.5, 15.5, 4.5) |
TArrow | ar (9, 23, 9, 21.6, 0.015,"|>") |
TPavesText | UserChtml (0.5, 0.5, 4.5, 3, 5,"tr") |
TText * | t1 =UserChtml.AddText("*User.C.html") |
TText * | t2 =UserChtml.AddText("*User.mac.html") |
TPavesText | UserTree (7, 0.5, 11, 3, 5,"tr") |
TText * | t3 =UserTree.AddText("*") |
TPavesText | Userhtml (13.5, 0.5, 17.5, 3, 5,"tr") |
TText * | t4 =Userhtml.AddText("*User.html") |
TPavesText | Macros (0.5, 8, 3.5, 11, 5,"tr") |
TText * | t5 =Macros.AddText("*User.mac") |
TText * | t5a =Macros.AddText("*User.log") |
TPavesText | UserC (1, 15, 5, 18, 5,"tr") |
TText * | t6 =UserC.AddText("*User.C") |
TPavesText | Userh (6, 23, 12, 26, 5,"tr") |
TText * | t7 =Userh.AddText("*User.h") |
TPavesText | UserUI (6.5, 14, 11.5, 17, 5,"tr") |
TText * | t8 =UserUI.AddText("*UserUI.C") |
TPavesText | Usersl (14, 14, 17.5, 17, 5,"tr") |
TText * | t9 =Usersl.AddText("*") |
TPavesText | Rootlib (14, 8.5, 17.5, 11.5, 5,"tr") |
TText * | t10 =Rootlib.AddText("") |
TText * | t11 =Rootlib.AddText("Root/include") |
TEllipse | dict (9, 20, 3, 1.5) |
TText | gen (9, 20.7,"rootcint") |
TEllipse | compiler (9, 11, 3, 1.5) |
TText | gen2 (9, 11.4,"C++ compiler") |
TPaveText | exe (6, 5.5, 12, 8) |
TText * | t12 =exe.AddText("User.exe") |
UserChtml AddText | ( | "Files with hyperlinks" | ) |
UserTree AddText | ( | "Dictionary" | ) |
UserTree AddText | ( | "Inheritance graphs" | ) |
Userhtml AddText | ( | "Class Description" | ) |
Userhtml AddText | ( | "with references" | ) |
Macros AddText | ( | "Macros" | ) |
Macros AddText | ( | "Log files" | ) |
UserC AddText | ( | "C++ application" | ) |
UserC AddText | ( | "source code" | ) |
Userh AddText | ( | "C++ header files" | ) |
Usersl AddText | ( | "User" | ) |
Usersl AddText | ( | "Libraries" | ) |
Rootlib AddText | ( | "Root Library" | ) |
Rootlib AddText | ( | "and Includes" | ) |
exe AddText | ( | "ROOT-based Application" | ) |
exe AddText | ( | "Interactive or Batch" | ) |
title Draw | ( | ) |
ar DrawArrow | ( | 2. | 5, |
4. | 5, | ||
2. | 5, | ||
3. | 5, | ||
0. | 015, | ||
"| | , | ||
" | |||
) |
ar DrawArrow | ( | 9 | , |
5. | 5, | ||
9 | , | ||
3. | 5, | ||
0. | 015, | ||
"| | , | ||
" | |||
) |
ar DrawArrow | ( | 15. | 5, |
4. | 5, | ||
15. | 5, | ||
3. | 5, | ||
0. | 015, | ||
"| | , | ||
" | |||
) |
ar DrawArrow | ( | 4. | 5, |
11 | , | ||
5. | 8, | ||
11 | , | ||
0. | 015, | ||
"| | , | ||
" | |||
) |
ar DrawArrow | ( | 9 | , |
23 | , | ||
9 | , | ||
21. | 6, | ||
0. | 015, | ||
"| | , | ||
" | |||
) |
ar DrawArrow | ( | 9 | , |
18. | 5, | ||
9 | , | ||
17. | 3, | ||
0. | 015, | ||
"| | , | ||
" | |||
) |
ar DrawArrow | ( | 9 | , |
14 | , | ||
9 | , | ||
12. | 6, | ||
0. | 015, | ||
"| | , | ||
" | |||
) |
ar DrawArrow | ( | 13 | , |
11 | , | ||
12. | 1, | ||
11 | , | ||
0. | 015, | ||
"| | , | ||
" | |||
) |
ar DrawArrow | ( | 9 | , |
9. | 5, | ||
9 | , | ||
8. | 2, | ||
0. | 015, | ||
"| | , | ||
" | |||
) |
l1 DrawLine | ( | 4. | 5, |
15 | , | ||
4. | 5, | ||
11 | |||
) |
l1 DrawLine | ( | 13 | , |
10 | , | ||
13 | , | ||
15. | 5 | ||
) |
l1 DrawLine | ( | 14 | , |
10 | , | ||
13 | , | ||
10 | |||
) |
l1 DrawLine | ( | 14 | , |
15. | 5, | ||
13 | , | ||
15. | 5 | ||
) |
gen2 DrawText | ( | 9 | , |
10. | 3, | ||
"and Linker" | |||
) |
c1 Modified | ( | ) |
c1 Print | ( | "" | ) |
c1 Range | ( | 0 | , |
-0. | 25, | ||
19 | , | ||
29 | |||
) |
title SetFillColor | ( | 42 | ) |
ardash SetFillColor | ( | 1 | ) |
Userh SetFillColor | ( | 11 | ) |
compiler SetFillColor | ( | 43 | ) |
exe SetFillColor | ( | 41 | ) |
dict SetFillStyle | ( | 1001 | ) |
compiler SetLineColor | ( | 1 | ) |
ardash SetLineStyle | ( | 2 | ) |
compiler SetLineWidth | ( | 3 | ) |
gen2 SetTextAlign | ( | 22 | ) |
title SetTextColor | ( | 5 | ) |
t1 SetTextColor | ( | 4 | ) |
t12 SetTextColor | ( | 2 | ) |
title SetTextFont | ( | 62 | ) |
gen SetTextSize | ( | 0. | 025 | ) |
TArrow ar(9, 23, 9, 21.6, 0.015,"|>") |
Referenced by RooStats::SamplingSummary::AddAcceptanceRegion(), TGSpeedo::Build(), TClingCallFunc::collect_type_info(), TGSpeedo::DoRedraw(), TGSpeedo::DrawText(), TMethod::FindDataMember(), TVirtualPacketizer::HandleTimer(), TUnfold::InvertMSparseSymmPos(), TQpSolverBase::SetArTol(), TGLViewer::SetAutoRotator(), testOstreamIter(), and TThread::XARequest().
TArrow ardash(2, 15, 2, 3.5, 0.015,"|>") |
TEllipse compiler(9, 11, 3, 1.5) |
Referenced by TProofServ::SetupCommon().
TEllipse dict(9, 20, 3, 1.5) |
Referenced by TClassTable::Add(), TCling::AutoParse(), ClassImp(), TSystem::CompileMacro(), TClassDocOutput::CreateHierarchyDot(), TClass::GetClass(), initlibPyROOT(), TClass::LoadClassDefault(), TCling::LoadPCM(), TCling::RegisterModule(), ROOT::Internal::TNamedBranchProxy::SetContentDict(), and ROOT::Internal::TNamedBranchProxy::SetDict().
TPaveText exe(6, 5.5, 12, 8) |
Referenced by GetExePath(), TUnixSystem::GetLinkedLibraries(), and TWinNTSystem::GetLinkedLibraries().
TText gen(9, 20.7,"rootcint") |
TLine l1(2.5, 4.5, 15.5, 4.5) |
Referenced by a_mult(), TH1::CheckBinLabels(), TH1Editor::CreateBinTab(), TH2Editor::CreateBinTab(), TAuthenticate::DecodeRSAPublic(), TSpectrum2Painter::Envelope(), TSpectrum2Painter::EnvelopeBars(), ROOT::Vc::SSE::VectorHelper< double >::fma(), ROOT::Vc::AVX::VectorHelper< double >::fma(), TKDTree< Index, Value >::GetNodePointsIndexes(), TKDTree< Index, Value >::GetNPointsNode(), TGPack::HandleSplitterResize(), TDecompSparse::InitPivot(), RooLinkedList::mergesort_impl(), TFumili::Minimize(), TRootDialog::Popup(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_Utils::Sen3a(), TSpectrum2Painter::Slice(), TestBinomial(), TGDockableFrame::TGDockableFrame(), TKDTree< Index, Value >::UpdateNearestNeighbors(), TKDTree< Index, Value >::UpdateRange(), and TASPaletteEditor::UpdateRange().
TPavesText Macros(0.5, 8, 3.5, 11, 5,"tr") |
TPavesText Rootlib(14, 8.5, 17.5, 11.5, 5,"tr") |
TText* t1 =UserChtml.AddText("*User.C.html") |
TText* t10 =Rootlib.AddText("") |
Definition at line 95 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by operator()().
TText* t11 =Rootlib.AddText("Root/include") |
Definition at line 96 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by operator()().
TText* t12 =exe.AddText("User.exe") |
Definition at line 131 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by ClassImp(), TView3D::DefinePerspectiveView(), and operator()().
TText* t2 =UserChtml.AddText("*User.mac.html") |
Definition at line 28 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::AddToSumTarget2(), aux_rand(), ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::boost(), ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::boostX(), ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::boostY(), ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::boostZ(), ClassImp(), TEveUtil::ColorFromIdx(), TGDMLWrite::CreateFakeCtub(), TDecompBase::DiagProd(), ROOT::Math::FastInverter< 3 >::Dinv(), TList::DoSort(), TGraphDelaunay::Enclose(), vdt::fast_atan2(), TGraphDelaunay::FindAllTriangles(), TPainter3dAlgorithms::FindVisibleLine(), fitNormSum(), ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< Double32_t > >::Gamma(), gaus2D(), TGHtml::GetDarkShadowColor(), TGHtml::GetLightShadowColor(), gl2psAddPrimitiveInList(), TGraphDelaunay::Interpolate(), TGraphDelaunay::InterpolateOnPlane(), TMatrixTSymCramerInv::Inv3x3(), TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv3x3(), main(), ROOT::Math::BrentMethods::MinimBrent(), operator()(), TSpectrum2Painter::Paint(), TGLAxisPainter::PaintAxis(), readTMatrix(), readTMatrixSym(), TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::SetSumTarget2(), Strip(), testLargeTreeRooFit(), testTransform3D(), TGLAxis::TicksPositionsNoOpt(), TGLAxis::TicksPositionsOpt(), writeTMatrix(), and writeTMatrixSym().
TText* t3 =UserTree.AddText("*") |
Definition at line 37 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by TGeoTube::DistToTube(), TGraphDelaunay::Enclose(), TGraphDelaunay::Interpolate(), TGraphDelaunay::InterpolateOnPlane(), main(), operator()(), TSpectrum2Painter::Paint(), TestSPlot(), and testTransform3D().
TText* t4 =Userhtml.AddText("*User.html") |
Definition at line 45 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by main(), operator()(), TSpectrum2Painter::Paint(), and testTransform3D().
TText* t5 =Macros.AddText("*User.mac") |
Definition at line 53 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by main(), operator()(), and testTransform3D().
TText* t5a =Macros.AddText("*User.log") |
TText* t6 =UserC.AddText("*User.C") |
Definition at line 62 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by main(), operator()(), and testTransform3D().
TText* t7 =Userh.AddText("*User.h") |
Definition at line 69 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by main(), and operator()().
TText* t8 =UserUI.AddText("*UserUI.C") |
Definition at line 78 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by operator()().
TText* t9 =Usersl.AddText("*") |
Definition at line 87 of file rootenv.C.
Referenced by operator()().
TPaveLabel title(3, 27.1, 15, 28.7,"ROOT Environment and Tools") |
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::AddRegressionTarget(), RooStats::SamplingDistPlot::AddSamplingDistribution(), AppendLink(), RooStats::BayesianCalculator::ApproximatePosterior(), RooDataSet::binnedClone(), TGeoNode::Browse(), TGeoVolume::Browse(), TStreamerInfo::Build(), ROOT::Internal::TF1Builder< const char * >::Build(), TProofBenchRunCPU::BuildHistos(), TProofBenchRunDataRead::BuildHistos(), TProofProgressLog::BuildLogList(), RooMCStudy::calcPulls(), TRootSniffer::CheckRestriction(), RooAbsReal::chi2FitDriver(), TClassDocOutput::ClassDotCharts(), ClassImp(), compareFunctions(), TMVA::ClassifierFactory::Create(), TUnfoldBinning::CreateErrorMatrixHistogram(), RooFitResult::createHessePdf(), TClassDocOutput::CreateHierarchyDot(), TUnfoldBinning::CreateHistogram(), TUnfoldBinning::CreateHistogramOfMigrations(), RooAbsReal::createIntegral(), RooAbsReal::createIntObj(), TDocOutput::CreateModuleIndex(), RooAbsReal::createPlotProjection(), RooStats::HypoTestInverter::CreateResults(), TClassDocOutput::CreateSourceOutputStream(), ROOT::TMetaUtils::DataMemberInfo__ValidArrayIndex(), RooAbsReal::derivative(), TPad::Divide(), TParallelCoordEditor::DoAddSelection(), TTreeViewer::DoError(), DoFit(), TH2::DoFitSlices(), TParallelCoord::Draw(), RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot::Draw(), TTable::Draw(), RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawChainScatter(), TPad::DrawClassObject(), RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawHistInterval(), RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawKeysPdfInterval(), RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawNLLHist(), RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawNLLVsTime(), RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawParameterVsTime(), RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosteriorKeysPdf(), RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosteriorKeysProduct(), TMultiLayerPerceptron::DrawResult(), RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawTailFractionInterval(), TMLPAnalyzer::DrawTruthDeviation(), RooRealVar::errorVar(), EventInfo(), TRootCanvas::EventInfo(), RooStats::HLFactory::fCreateCategory(), TMemStatShow::FillBTString(), HFit::Fit(), TH3::FitSlicesZ(), RooAbsPdf::fitTo(), RooAbsRealLValue::frame(), RooAbsGenContext::generate(), TH1::GetAsymmetry(), TMVA::RuleFit::GetCorrVars(), TFileCollection::GetFilesOnServer(), TFileCollection::GetFilesPerServer(), TKDE::GetKDEFunction(), RooStats::HybridResult::GetPlot(), TPrimary::GetTitle(), RooAbsReal::getTitle(), TQCommand::GetTitle(), RooStats::HLFactory::GetTotBkgPdf(), RooStats::HLFactory::GetTotSigBkgPdf(), glbox(), glh3c(), glrose(), glsurfaces(), gltf3(), TEveViewerList::HandleTooltip(), help(), TRootGuiBuilder::InitMenu(), TEveGListTreeEditorFrame::ItemDblClicked(), kalman_do(), TGApplication::LoadGraphicsLibs(), TApplication::LoadGraphicsLibs(), RooWorkspace::makeDir(), RooStats::HypoTestInverterPlot::MakeExpectedPlot(), RooStats::HypoTestInverterPlot::MakePlot(), RooAbsData::meanVar(), TGuiBldDragManager::Menu4Frame(), RooAbsReal::moment(), TPaveStats::Paint(), TPie::Paint(), TGraphPainter::PaintGraphPolar(), TPaveText::PaintPrimitives(), THistPainter::PaintTitle(), TMVA::PlotNDimFoams(), RooMCStudy::plotPull(), TTable::Print(), TMVA::Rule::PrintLogger(), TGraph2D::Project(), TH3::Project3D(), TH3::Project3DProfile(), THnBase::ProjectionAny(), TH3::ProjectionX(), TH3::ProjectionY(), TH3::ProjectionZ(), TMVA::CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode::ReadDataRecord(), THnBase::RebinBase(), RooAbsData::reduce(), RooAbsStudy::registerSummaryOutput(), RooAbsData::rmsVar(), TGLAxisPainter::RnrTitle(), RooCurve::RooCurve(), RooPlot::RooPlot(), TMVA::rulevisCorr(), TMVA::rulevisHists(), RooMinuit::save(), RooMinimizer::save(), scandir(), TRootSniffer::ScanObjectMembers(), TClass::SetContextMenuTitle(), TParallelCoord::SetCurrentSelection(), TNamed::SetNameTitle(), TNode::SetNameTitle(), TTree::SetObject(), TPad::SetPad(), TSessionLogView::SetTitle(), TNamed::SetTitle(), TClassMenuItem::SetTitle(), TGLSceneBase::SetTitle(), TQCommand::SetTitle(), TGButtonGroup::SetTitle(), TParallelCoordSelect::SetTitle(), TGaxis::SetTitle(), TEfficiency::SetTitle(), TGraph2D::SetTitle(), THnBase::SetTitle(), TGraph::SetTitle(), TCanvas::SetTitle(), Editor::SetTitle(), TPad::SetTitle(), TH1::SetTitle(), TF1::SetTitle(), TGGroupFrame::SetTitle(), TSelVerifyDataSet::SlaveBegin(), TClassMenuItem::TClassMenuItem(), TCutG::TCutG(), TDirectoryFile::TDirectoryFile(), TEfficiency::TEfficiency(), TGGroupFrame::TGGroupFrame(), TMVA::TMVAGui(), TMVA::TMVAMultiClassGui(), TMVA::TMVARegGui(), TMVARegressionApplication(), TParallelCoordSelect::TParallelCoordSelect(), TVolumeView::TVolumeView(), ROOT::Fit::UnBinFit(), TNewChainDlg::UpdateList(), TPad::UseCurrentStyle(), TMVA::variables(), TMVA::variablesMultiClass(), and writeItemDir().
TPavesText UserC(1, 15, 5, 18, 5,"tr") |
TPavesText UserChtml(0.5, 0.5, 4.5, 3, 5,"tr") |
TPavesText Userh(6, 23, 12, 26, 5,"tr") |
TPavesText Userhtml(13.5, 0.5, 17.5, 3, 5,"tr") |
TPavesText Usersl(14, 14, 17.5, 17, 5,"tr") |
TPavesText UserTree(7, 0.5, 11, 3, 5,"tr") |
TPavesText UserUI(6.5, 14, 11.5, 17, 5,"tr") |