12 #ifndef ROOT_TGLSurfacePainter
13 #define ROOT_TGLSurfacePainter
18 #ifndef ROOT_TGLPlotPainter
Camera for TGLPlotPainter and sub-classes.
Bool_t InitGeometryCylindrical()
Find bin ranges for X and Y axes, axes ranges for X, Y and Z.
void SetSurfaceColor() const
Set color for surface.
TGL2DArray< TGLVector3 > fAverageNormals
void DrawSectionXOZ() const
Draw section X.
std::pair< Double_t, Double_t > Range_t
void DrawPaletteAxis() const
Draw. Palette. Axis.
TGL2DArray< Double_t > fTexMap
void ProcessEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
Remove all profiles/sections.
TGL2DArray< TGLVertex3 > fMesh
Implements painting of TH2 with "SURF" option.
void StartPan(Int_t px, Int_t py)
User clicks right mouse button (in a pad).
Bool_t InitGeometryPolar()
Find bin ranges for X and Y axes, axes ranges for X, Y and Z.
TGLViewer::ECameraType camera
std::vector< TGLVertex3 > fVertices
void SetNormals()
One normal per vertex; this normal is average of neighbouring triangles normals.
Bool_t InitGeometry()
Set mesh, normals.
void ClampZ(Double_t &zVal) const
Clamp z value.
This is the base class for the ROOT Random number generators.
void DeInitGL() const
Initialize some OpenGL state variables.
void DrawSectionXOY() const
Draw section Z.
TGL2DArray< std::pair< TGLVector3, TGLVector3 > > fFaceNormals
Bool_t PreparePalette() const
Generate palette.
static TRandom * fgRandom
Bool_t InitGeometrySpherical()
Find bin ranges for X and Y axes, axes ranges for X, Y and Z.
void DrawContoursProjection() const
Draw flat textured surface.
char * WindowPointTo3DPoint(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
Find 3d coords using mouse cursor coords.
void Pan(Int_t px, Int_t py)
User's moving mouse cursor, with middle mouse button pressed (for pad).
ClassDef(TVirtualGLPainter, 0)
Helper class for plot-painters holding information about axis ranges, numbers of bins and flags if ce...
Base class for plot-painters that provide GL rendering of various 2D and 3D histograms, functions and parametric surfaces.
Bool_t HasSections() const
Any section exists.
void GenTexMap() const
Find texture coordinates.
void Swap(Projection_t &rhs)
std::list< Projection_t > fXOYProj
char * GetPlotInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py)
Coords for point on surface under cursor.
void DrawProjections() const
Draw projections.
void DrawSectionYOZ() const
Draw section Y.
void AddOption(const TString &stringOption)
Additional options for surfaces.
std::vector< Double_t > fColorLevels
void DrawPalette() const
void DrawPlot() const
Draw surf/surf1/surf2/surf4.
TGLSurfacePainter(TH1 *hist, TGLPlotCamera *camera, TGLPlotCoordinates *coord)
std::list< Projection_t > fXOZProj
std::list< Projection_t > fYOZProj
Bool_t InitGeometryCartesian()
Find bin ranges for X and Y axes, axes ranges for X, Y and Z.
Bool_t HasProjections() const
Any projection exists.
Bool_t Textured() const
Checks, if surf requires texture.
void InitGL() const
Initialize some OpenGL state variables.