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1 // @(#)root/proofd:$Id$
2 // Author: G. Ganis Jan 2008
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 // //
14 // XrdProofdSandbox //
15 // //
16 // Authors: G. Ganis, CERN, 2008 //
17 // //
18 // Create and manage a Unix sandbox. //
19 // //
20 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 #include "XrdProofdPlatform.h"
23 #include "XrdProofdSandbox.h"
24 #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPriv.hh"
26 // Tracing utilities
27 #include "XrdProofdTrace.h"
29 // Modified via config directives by the manager
31 XrdOucString XrdProofdSandbox::fgWorkdir = "";
34 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
35 /// Assert existence on the sandbox for the user defined by 'ui'.
36 /// The sandbox is created under fgWorkdir or $HOME/proof; the boolean
37 /// 'full' controls the set of directories to be asserted: the sub-set
38 /// {cache, packages, .creds} is always asserted; if full is true also
39 /// the sub-dirs {queries, datasets} are asserted.
40 /// If 'changeown' is true the sandbox ownership is set to 'ui'; this
41 /// requires su-privileges.
42 /// The constructor also builds the list of sessions directories in the
43 /// sandbox; directories corresponding to terminated sessions are
44 /// removed if the total number of session directories is larger than
45 /// fgMaxOldSessions .
48  : fChangeOwn(changeown), fUI(ui)
49 {
50  XPDLOC(CMGR, "XrdProofdSandbox")
52  fValid = 0;
54  // The first time fill the info about the owner of this process
55  if (fgUI.fUid < 0)
58  // Default working directory location for the effective user
59  XrdOucString defdir = fgUI.fHomeDir;
60  if (!defdir.endswith('/')) defdir += "/";
61  defdir += ".proof/";
62  XrdOucString initus = ui.fUser[0];
63  int iph = STR_NPOS;
64  if (fgWorkdir.length() > 0) {
65  // The user directory path will be <workdir>/<user>
66  fDir = fgWorkdir;
67  if (fDir.find("<user>") == STR_NPOS) {
68  if (!fDir.endswith('/')) fDir += "/";
69  fDir += "<user>";
70  }
71  // Replace supported place-holders
72  fDir.replace("<workdir>", defdir);
73  // Index of first place-holder
74  iph = fDir.find("<effuser>");
75  int iu = fDir.find("<u>");
76  int ius = fDir.find("<user>");
77  if (iu != STR_NPOS)
78  if ((iph != STR_NPOS && iu < iph) || (iph == STR_NPOS)) iph = iu;
79  if (ius != STR_NPOS)
80  if ((iph != STR_NPOS && ius < iph) || (iph == STR_NPOS)) iph = ius;
81  // Replace supported place-holders
82  fDir.replace("<effuser>", fgUI.fUser);
83  fDir.replace("<u>", initus);
84  fDir.replace("<user>", ui.fUser);
85  } else {
86  if (changeown || ui.fUser == fgUI.fUser) {
87  // Default: $HOME/proof
88  fDir = ui.fHomeDir;
89  if (!fDir.endswith('/'))
90  fDir += "/";
91  fDir += ".proof";
92  } else {
93  // ~daemon_owner/.proof/<user>
94  fDir = fgUI.fHomeDir;
95  if (!fDir.endswith('/'))
96  fDir += "/";
97  fDir += ".proof/";
98  fDir += ui.fUser;
99  }
100  }
101  TRACE(REQ, "work dir = " << fDir);
103  // Make sure the directory exists
104  if (iph > -1) {
105  // Recursively ...
106  XrdOucString path, sb;
107  path.assign(fDir, 0, iph - 1);
108  int from = iph;
109  while ((from = fDir.tokenize(sb, from, '/')) != -1) {
110  path += sb;
111  if (XrdProofdAux::AssertDir(path.c_str(), ui, changeown) == -1) {
112  fErrMsg += "unable to create work dir: ";
113  fErrMsg += path;
114  TRACE(XERR, fErrMsg);
115  return;
116  }
117  path += "/";
118  }
119  } else {
120  if (XrdProofdAux::AssertDir(fDir.c_str(), ui, changeown) == -1) {
121  fErrMsg += "unable to create work dir: ";
122  fErrMsg += fDir;
123  TRACE(XERR, fErrMsg);
124  return;
125  }
126  }
128  // Dirs to be asserted
129  const char *basicdirs[4] = { "/cache", "/packages", "/.creds", "/queries" };
130  int i = 0;
131  int n = (full) ? 4 : 3;
132  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
133  XrdOucString dir = fDir;
134  dir += basicdirs[i];
135  if (XrdProofdAux::AssertDir(dir.c_str(), ui, changeown) == -1) {
136  fErrMsg += "unable to create dir: ";
137  fErrMsg += dir;
138  TRACE(XERR, fErrMsg);
139  return;
140  }
141  }
143  // Set validity
144  fValid = 1;
146  // Trim old terminated sessions
147  TrimSessionDirs();
148 }
150 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
151 /// Compare times from session tag strings
153 bool XpdSessionTagComp(XrdOucString *&lhs, XrdOucString *&rhs)
154 {
155  if (!lhs || !rhs)
156  return 1;
158  // Left hand side
159  XrdOucString ll(*lhs);
160  ll.erase(ll.rfind('-'));
161  ll.erase(0, ll.rfind('-')+1);
162  int tl = strtol(ll.c_str(), 0, 10);
164  // Right hand side
165  XrdOucString rr(*rhs);
166  rr.erase(rr.rfind('-'));
167  rr.erase(0, rr.rfind('-')+1);
168  int tr = strtol(rr.c_str(), 0, 10);
170  // Done
171  return ((tl < tr) ? 0 : 1);
172 }
174 #if defined(__sun)
176 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
177 /// Sort ascendingly the list.
178 /// Function used on Solaris where std::list::sort() does not support an
179 /// alternative comparison algorithm.
181 static void Sort(std::list<XrdOucString *> *lst)
182 {
183  // Check argument
184  if (!lst)
185  return;
187  // If empty or just one element, nothing to do
188  if (lst->size() < 2)
189  return;
191  // Fill a temp array with the current status
192  XrdOucString **ta = new XrdOucString *[lst->size()];
193  std::list<XrdOucString *>::iterator i;
194  int n = 0;
195  for (i = lst->begin(); i != lst->end(); ++i)
196  ta[n++] = *i;
198  // Now start the loops
199  XrdOucString *tmp = 0;
200  bool notyet = 1;
201  int jold = 0;
202  while (notyet) {
203  int j = jold;
204  while (j < n - 1) {
205  if (XpdSessionTagComp(ta[j], ta[j+1]))
206  break;
207  j++;
208  }
209  if (j >= n - 1) {
210  notyet = 0;
211  } else {
212  jold = j + 1;
213  XPDSWAP(ta[j], ta[j+1], tmp);
214  int k = j;
215  while (k > 0) {
216  if (!XpdSessionTagComp(ta[k], ta[k-1])) {
217  XPDSWAP(ta[k], ta[k-1], tmp);
218  } else {
219  break;
220  }
221  k--;
222  }
223  }
224  }
226  // Empty the original list
227  lst->clear();
229  // Fill it again
230  while (n--)
231  lst->push_back(ta[n]);
233  // Clean up
234  delete[] ta;
235 }
236 #endif
238 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
239 /// Scan the sandbox for sessions working dirs and return their
240 /// sorted (according to creation time, first is the newest) list
241 /// in 'sdirs'.
242 /// The option 'opt' may have 3 values:
243 /// 0 all working dirs are kept
244 /// 1 active sessions only
245 /// 2 terminated sessions only
246 /// 3 search entry containing 'tag' and fill tag with
247 /// the full entry name; if defined, sdirs is filled
248 /// Returns -1 otherwise in case of failure.
249 /// In case of success returns 0 for opt < 3, 1 if found or 0 if not
250 /// found for opt == 3.
252 int XrdProofdSandbox::GetSessionDirs(int opt, std::list<XrdOucString *> *sdirs,
253  XrdOucString *tag)
254 {
255  XPDLOC(CMGR, "Sandbox::GetSessionDirs")
257  // If unknown take all
258  opt = (opt >= 0 && opt <= 3) ? opt : 0;
260  // Check inputs
261  if ((opt < 3 && !sdirs) || (opt == 3 && !tag)) {
262  TRACE(XERR, "invalid inputs");
263  return -1;
264  }
266  TRACE(DBG, "opt: "<<opt<<", dir: "<<fDir);
268  // Open dir
269  DIR *dir = opendir(fDir.c_str());
270  if (!dir) {
271  TRACE(XERR, "cannot open dir "<<fDir<< " (errno: "<<errno<<")");
272  return -1;
273  }
275  // Scan the directory, and save the paths for terminated sessions
276  // into a list
277  bool found = 0;
278  struct dirent *ent = 0;
279  while ((ent = (struct dirent *)readdir(dir))) {
280  if (!strncmp(ent->d_name, "session-", 8)) {
281  bool keep = 1;
282  if (opt == 3 && tag->length() > 0) {
283  if (strstr(ent->d_name, tag->c_str())) {
284  *tag = ent->d_name;
285  found = 1;
286  }
287  } else {
288  if (opt > 0) {
289  XrdOucString fterm(fDir.c_str());
290  fterm += '/';
291  fterm += ent->d_name;
292  fterm += "/.terminated";
293  int rc = access(fterm.c_str(), F_OK);
294  if ((opt == 1 && rc == 0) || (opt == 2 && rc != 0))
295  keep = 0;
296  }
297  }
298  TRACE(HDBG, "found entry "<<ent->d_name<<", keep: "<<keep);
299  if (sdirs && keep)
300  sdirs->push_back(new XrdOucString(ent->d_name));
301  }
302  }
304  // Close the directory
305  closedir(dir);
307  // Sort the list
308  if (sdirs)
309 #if !defined(__sun)
310  sdirs->sort(&XpdSessionTagComp);
311 #else
312  Sort(sdirs);
313 #endif
315  // Done
316  return ((opt == 3 && found) ? 1 : 0);
317 }
319 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
320 /// Record entry for new proofserv session tagged 'tag' in the active
321 /// sessions file (<SandBox>/.sessions). The file is created if needed.
322 /// Return 0 on success, -1 on error.
324 int XrdProofdSandbox::AddSession(const char *tag)
325 {
326  XPDLOC(CMGR, "Sandbox::AddSession")
328  // Check inputs
329  if (!tag) {
330  XPDPRT("invalid input");
331  return -1;
332  }
333  TRACE(DBG, "tag:"<<tag);
335  XrdSysPrivGuard pGuard((uid_t)0, (gid_t)0);
336  if (XpdBadPGuard(pGuard, fUI.fUid) && fChangeOwn) {
337  TRACE(XERR, "could not get privileges");
338  return -1;
339  }
341  // File name
342  XrdOucString fn = fDir;
343  fn += "/.sessions";
345  // Open the file for appending
346  FILE *fact = fopen(fn.c_str(), "a+");
347  if (!fact) {
348  TRACE(XERR, "cannot open file "<<fn<<" for appending (errno: "<<errno<<")");
349  return -1;
350  }
352  // Lock the file
353  lseek(fileno(fact), 0, SEEK_SET);
354  if (lockf(fileno(fact), F_LOCK, 0) == -1) {
355  TRACE(XERR, "cannot lock file "<<fn<<" (errno: "<<errno<<")");
356  fclose(fact);
357  return -1;
358  }
360  bool writeout = 1;
362  // Check if already there
363  std::list<XrdOucString *> actln;
364  char ln[1024];
365  while (fgets(ln, sizeof(ln), fact)) {
366  // Get rid of '\n'
367  if (ln[strlen(ln)-1] == '\n')
368  ln[strlen(ln)-1] = '\0';
369  // Skip empty or comment lines
370  if (strlen(ln) <= 0 || ln[0] == '#')
371  continue;
372  // Count if not the one we want to remove
373  if (strstr(ln, tag))
374  writeout = 0;
375  }
377  // Append the session unique tag
378  if (writeout) {
379  lseek(fileno(fact), 0, SEEK_END);
380  fprintf(fact, "%s\n", tag);
381  }
383  // Unlock the file
384  lseek(fileno(fact), 0, SEEK_SET);
385  if (lockf(fileno(fact), F_ULOCK, 0) == -1)
386  TRACE(XERR, "cannot unlock file "<<fn<<" (errno: "<<errno<<")");
388  // Close the file
389  fclose(fact);
391  // We are done
392  return 0;
393 }
395 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
396 /// Guess session tag completing 'tag' (typically "-<pid>") by scanning the
397 /// active session file or the session dir.
398 /// In case of success, tag is filled with the full tag and 0 is returned.
399 /// In case of failure, -1 is returned.
401 int XrdProofdSandbox::GuessTag(XrdOucString &tag, int ridx)
402 {
403  XPDLOC(CMGR, "Sandbox::GuessTag")
405  TRACE(DBG, "tag: "<<tag);
407  bool found = 0;
408  bool last = (tag == "last") ? 1 : 0;
410  if (!last && tag.length() > 0) {
411  // Scan the sessions file
412  XrdOucString fn = fDir;
413  fn += "/.sessions";
415  // Open the file for reading
416  FILE *fact = fopen(fn.c_str(), "a+");
417  if (fact) {
418  // Lock the file
419  if (lockf(fileno(fact), F_LOCK, 0) == 0) {
420  // Read content, if already existing
421  char ln[1024];
422  while (fgets(ln, sizeof(ln), fact)) {
423  // Get rid of '\n'
424  if (ln[strlen(ln)-1] == '\n')
425  ln[strlen(ln)-1] = '\0';
426  // Skip empty or comment lines
427  if (strlen(ln) <= 0 || ln[0] == '#')
428  continue;
429  // Count if not the one we want to remove
430  if (!strstr(ln, tag.c_str())) {
431  tag = ln;
432  found = 1;
433  break;
434  }
435  }
436  // Unlock the file
437  lseek(fileno(fact), 0, SEEK_SET);
438  if (lockf(fileno(fact), F_ULOCK, 0) == -1)
439  TRACE(DBG, "cannot unlock file "<<fn<<" ; fact: "<<fact<<
440  ", fd: "<< fileno(fact) << " (errno: "<<errno<<")");
442  } else {
443  TRACE(DBG, "cannot lock file: "<<fn<<" ; fact: "<<fact<<
444  ", fd: "<< fileno(fact) << " (errno: "<<errno<<")");
445  }
446  // Close the file
447  fclose(fact);
449  } else {
450  TRACE(DBG, "cannot open file "<<fn<<
451  " for reading (errno: "<<errno<<")");
452  }
453  }
455  if (!found) {
457  // Search the tag in the dirs
458  std::list<XrdOucString *> staglst;
459  staglst.clear();
460  int rc = GetSessionDirs(3, &staglst, &tag);
461  if (rc < 0) {
462  TRACE(XERR, "cannot scan dir "<<fDir);
463  return -1;
464  }
465  found = (rc == 1) ? 1 : 0;
467  if (!found && staglst.size() > 0) {
468  // Take last one, if required
469  if (last) {
470  tag = staglst.front()->c_str();
471  found = 1;
472  } else {
473  if (ridx < 0) {
474  int itag = ridx;
475  // Reiterate back
476  std::list<XrdOucString *>::iterator i;
477  for (i = staglst.begin(); i != staglst.end(); i++) {
478  if (itag == 0) {
479  tag = (*i)->c_str();
480  found = 1;
481  break;
482  }
483  itag++;
484  }
485  }
486  }
487  }
488  // Cleanup
489  staglst.clear();
490  // Correct the tag
491  if (found) {
492  tag.replace("session-", "");
493  } else {
494  TRACE(DBG, "tag "<<tag<<" not found in dir");
495  }
496  }
498  // We are done
499  return ((found) ? 0 : -1);
500 }
502 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
503 /// Move record for tag from the active sessions file to the old
504 /// sessions file (<SandBox>/.sessions). The active file is removed if
505 /// empty after the operation. The old sessions file is created if needed.
506 /// Return 0 on success, -1 on error.
509 {
510  XPDLOC(CMGR, "Sandbox::RemoveSession")
512  char ln[1024];
514  // Check inputs
515  if (!tag) {
516  TRACE(XERR, "invalid input");
517  return -1;
518  }
519  TRACE(DBG, "tag:"<<tag);
521  XrdSysPrivGuard pGuard((uid_t)0, (gid_t)0);
522  if (XpdBadPGuard(pGuard, fUI.fUid) && fChangeOwn) {
523  TRACE(XERR, "could not get privileges");
524  return -1;
525  }
527  // Update of the active file
528  XrdOucString fna = fDir;
529  fna += "/.sessions";
531  // Open the file
532  FILE *fact = fopen(fna.c_str(), "a+");
533  if (!fact) {
534  TRACE(XERR, "cannot open file "<<fna<<" (errno: "<<errno<<")");
535  return -1;
536  }
538  // Lock the file
539  if (lockf(fileno(fact), F_LOCK, 0) == -1) {
540  TRACE(XERR, "cannot lock file "<<fna<<" (errno: "<<errno<<")");
541  fclose(fact);
542  return -1;
543  }
545  // Read content, if already existing
546  std::list<XrdOucString *> actln;
547  while (fgets(ln, sizeof(ln), fact)) {
548  // Get rid of '\n'
549  if (ln[strlen(ln)-1] == '\n')
550  ln[strlen(ln)-1] = '\0';
551  // Skip empty or comment lines
552  if (strlen(ln) <= 0 || ln[0] == '#')
553  continue;
554  // Count if not the one we want to remove
555  if (!strstr(ln, tag))
556  actln.push_back(new XrdOucString(ln));
557  }
559  // Truncate the file
560  if (ftruncate(fileno(fact), 0) == -1) {
561  TRACE(XERR, "cannot truncate file "<<fna<<" (errno: "<<errno<<")");
562  lseek(fileno(fact), 0, SEEK_SET);
563  if (lockf(fileno(fact), F_ULOCK, 0) != 0)
564  TRACE(XERR, "cannot lockf file "<<fna<<" (errno: "<<errno<<")");
565  fclose(fact);
566  return -1;
567  }
569  // If active sessions still exist, write out new composition
570  bool unlk = 1;
571  if (actln.size() > 0) {
572  unlk = 0;
573  std::list<XrdOucString *>::iterator i;
574  for (i = actln.begin(); i != actln.end(); ++i) {
575  fprintf(fact, "%s\n", (*i)->c_str());
576  delete (*i);
577  }
578  }
580  // Unlock the file
581  lseek(fileno(fact), 0, SEEK_SET);
582  if (lockf(fileno(fact), F_ULOCK, 0) == -1)
583  TRACE(DBG, "cannot unlock file "<<fna<<" (errno: "<<errno<<")");
585  // Close the file
586  fclose(fact);
588  // Unlink the file if empty
589  if (unlk)
590  if (unlink(fna.c_str()) == -1)
591  TRACE(DBG, "cannot unlink file "<<fna<<" (errno: "<<errno<<")");
593  // Flag the session as closed
594  XrdOucString fterm = fDir;
595  fterm += (strstr(tag,"session-")) ? "/" : "/session-";
596  fterm += tag;
597  fterm += "/.terminated";
598  // Create the file
599  FILE *ft = fopen(fterm.c_str(), "w");
600  if (!ft) {
601  TRACE(XERR, "cannot open file "<<fterm<<" (errno: "<<errno<<")");
602  return -1;
603  }
604  fclose(ft);
606  // Done
607  return 0;
608 }
610 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
611 /// If the static fgMaxOldLogs > 0, logs for a fgMaxOldLogs number of sessions
612 /// are kept in the sandbox; working dirs for sessions in excess are removed.
613 /// By default logs for the last 10 sessions are kept; the limit can be changed
614 /// via the static method XrdProofdClient::SetMaxOldLogs.
615 /// Return 0 on success, -1 on error.
618 {
619  XPDLOC(CMGR, "Sandbox::TrimSessionDirs")
621  TRACE(DBG, "maxold:"<<fgMaxOldSessions);
623  // To avoid dead locks we must close the file and do the mv actions after
624  XrdOucString tobemv, fnact = fDir;
625  fnact += "/.sessions";
626  FILE *f = fopen(fnact.c_str(), "r");
627  if (f) {
628  char ln[1024];
629  while (fgets(ln, sizeof(ln), f)) {
630  if (ln[strlen(ln)-1] == '\n')
631  ln[strlen(ln)-1] = 0;
632  char *p = strrchr(ln, '-');
633  if (p) {
634  int pid = strtol(p+1, 0, 10);
636  tobemv += ln;
637  tobemv += '|';
638  }
639  }
640  }
641  fclose(f);
642  }
644  XrdSysPrivGuard pGuard((uid_t)0, (gid_t)0);
645  if (XpdBadPGuard(pGuard, fUI.fUid) && fChangeOwn) {
646  TRACE(XERR, "could not get privileges to trim directories");
647  return -1;
648  }
650  // Mv inactive sessions, if needed
651  if (tobemv.length() > 0) {
652  char del = '|';
653  XrdOucString tag;
654  int from = 0;
655  while ((from = tobemv.tokenize(tag, from, del)) != -1) {
656  if (RemoveSession(tag.c_str()) == -1)
657  TRACE(XERR, "problems tagging session as old in sandbox");
658  }
659  }
661  // If a limit on the number of sessions dirs is set, apply it
662  if (fgMaxOldSessions > 0) {
664  // Get list of terminated session working dirs
665  std::list<XrdOucString *> staglst;
666  staglst.clear();
667  if (GetSessionDirs(2, &staglst) != 0) {
668  TRACE(XERR, "cannot get list of dirs ");
669  return -1;
670  }
671  TRACE(DBG, "number of working dirs: "<<staglst.size());
673  if (TRACING(HDBG)) {
674  std::list<XrdOucString *>::iterator i;
675  for (i = staglst.begin(); i != staglst.end(); ++i) {
676  TRACE(HDBG, "found "<<(*i)->c_str());
677  }
678  }
680  // Remove the oldest, if needed
681  while ((int)staglst.size() > fgMaxOldSessions) {
682  XrdOucString *s = staglst.back();
683  if (s) {
684  TRACE(HDBG, "removing "<<s->c_str());
685  // Remove associated workdir
686  XrdOucString rmcmd = "/bin/rm -rf ";
687  rmcmd += fDir;
688  rmcmd += '/';
689  rmcmd += s->c_str();
690  if (system(rmcmd.c_str()) == -1)
691  TRACE(XERR, "cannot invoke system("<<rmcmd<<") (errno: "<<errno<<")");
692  // Delete the string
693  delete s;
694  }
695  // Remove the last element
696  staglst.pop_back();
697  }
699  // Clear the list
700  staglst.clear();
701  }
703  // Done
704  return 0;
705 }
#define TRACING(x)
static int GetUserInfo(const char *usr, XrdProofUI &ui)
Get information about user 'usr' in a thread safe way.
int TrimSessionDirs()
If the static fgMaxOldLogs > 0, logs for a fgMaxOldLogs number of sessions are kept in the sandbox; w...
int GetSessionDirs(int opt, std::list< XrdOucString * > *sdirs, XrdOucString *tag=0)
Scan the sandbox for sessions working dirs and return their sorted (according to creation time...
#define TRACE(Flag, Args)
Definition: TGHtml.h:124
TFile * f
#define XPDPRT(x)
static int fgMaxOldSessions
void Sort(Index n, const Element *a, Index *index, Bool_t down=kTRUE)
Definition: TMath.h:1002
XrdOucString fUser
Definition: XrdProofdAux.h:40
#define XPDLOC(d, x)
int changeown(const std::string &path, uid_t u, gid_t g)
Change the ownership of 'path' to the entity described by {u,g}.
Definition: proofexecv.cxx:802
XrdOucString fErrMsg
#define XpdBadPGuard(g, u)
Definition: XrdProofdAux.h:368
#define XPDSWAP(a, b, t)
Definition: XrdProofdAux.h:364
int GuessTag(XrdOucString &tag, int ridx=1)
Guess session tag completing 'tag' (typically "-<pid>") by scanning the active session file or the se...
int AddSession(const char *tag)
Record entry for new proofserv session tagged 'tag' in the active sessions file (<SandBox>/.sessions).
int RemoveSession(const char *tag)
Move record for tag from the active sessions file to the old sessions file (<SandBox>/.sessions).
static int AssertDir(const char *path, XrdProofUI ui, bool changeown)
Make sure that 'path' exists and is owned by the entity described by 'ui'.
XrdProofdSandbox(XrdProofUI ui, bool full, bool changeown)
Assert existence on the sandbox for the user defined by 'ui'.
void dir(char *path=0)
Definition: rootalias.C:30
XrdOucString fDir
bool XpdSessionTagComp(XrdOucString *&lhs, XrdOucString *&rhs)
Compare times from session tag strings.
static XrdProofUI fgUI
XrdOucString fHomeDir
Definition: XrdProofdAux.h:42
static XrdOucString fgWorkdir
static int VerifyProcessByID(int pid, const char *pname="proofserv")
Check if a process named 'pname' and process 'pid' is still in the process table. ...
const Int_t n
Definition: legend1.C:16