Logo ROOT   6.08/07
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/gui:$Id$
2 // Author: Fons Rademakers 28/07/97
4 #include "HelpText.h"
6 const char gHelpAbout[] = "\
7 ROOT is an OO framework for large scale scientific data\n\
8 analysis and data mining. It has been developed at CERN with the\n\
9 sponsorship of HP and is currently being used by a number of large\n\
10 high energy physics experiments. The ROOT system, written in C++,\n\
11 contains, among others, an efficient hierarchical OO database, a\n\
12 C++ interpreter, advanced statistical analysis (multi dimensional\n\
13 histogramming, fitting and minimization algorithms) and visualization\n\
14 tools. The user interacts with ROOT via a graphical user interface, the\n\
15 command line or batch scripts. The command and scripting language\n\
16 is C++ (using the interpreter) and large scripts can be compiled and\n\
17 dynamically linked in. Using the PROOF (Parallel ROOT Facility)\n\
18 extension large databases can be analysed in parallel on MPP's,\n\
19 SMP's or loosely coupled workstation/PC clusters. ROOT also\n\
20 contains a C++ to HTML documentation generation system using\n\
21 the interpreter's dictionaries (the reference manual on\n\
22 the web is generated that way) and a rich set of interprocess\n\
23 communication classes allowing the transfer of complete objects\n\
24 from one process to another.\n\
25 ";
27 const char gHelpBrowser[] = "\
28 The ROOT general object browser (see TBrowser) can be used to \n\
29 browse collections such as the list of classes, geometries, files \n\
30 and TTrees. A browser can be started from the Start Browser item in \n\
31 the canvas View menu or by creating a browser object. \n\
32 More than one browser can be active at any time. \n\
33 A Browser window has three main tabs, separated by horizontal and \n\
34 vertical splitters.\n\
35 By default, the left pane contains the file browser, which is the core \n\
36 of the browser. \n\
37 From there, user can: \n\
38  - Execute Root macros: \n\
39  To execute the macro, double-click on the file icon. \n\
40  NB: the editor must not be active on the right tab, otherwise the \n\
41  macro will be opened in the editor. \n\
42  - Open text files in the editor: \n\
43  To open the file, double-click on the file icon while the editor \n\
44  tab being active on the right tab. \n\
45  It is also possible to drag the file from the list tree and drop it \n\
46  in the editor. \n\
47  Once the file is opened in the editor, if it is a Root Macro, it \n\
48  can be executed with the button 'execute' in the editors's tool bar. \n\
49  - Display picture files in the canvas: \n\
50  Drag the picture file from the list tree and drop it in the canvas. \n\
51  - Browse ROOT files: \n\
52  To open the file, double-click on the file icon. Its content will be \n\
53  displayed in the list tree. \n\
54  From there, user can double-click on any item (i.e. histogram) to \n\
55  display it in the canvas. \n\
56  It is also possible to drag the item from the list tree and drop it \n\
57  in the canvas. \n\
58  - Browse ROOT files from Web: \n\
59  From the 'Browser' menu, select 'New HTML'. A new tab is created, \n\
60  containing a HTML browser. \n\
61  From there, type the URL from where you want to access Root files. \n\
62  Click once on the file you want to open. The file is opened and the \n\
63  browser automatically switch to the 'ROOT Files' folder in the list \n\
64  tree. Now, just browse the file as a local Root file. \n\
65 ";
67 const char gHelpBrowserLite[] = "\
68 The ROOT general object browser (see TBrowser) can be used to browse collections\n\
69 such as the list of classes, geometries, files and TTrees. A browser can be \n\
70 started from the Start Browser item in the canvas View menu or by creating a \n\
71 browser object. More than one browser can be active at any time. \n\
72 A Browser window is divided in two parts:\n\
73  - a left window showing the collections that can be browsed.\n\
74  - a right window with the elements of a given collection.\n\
75 Double clicking on the icons in the right window performs a default action\n\
76 specific to the object. For example, clicking on a histogram icon will\n\
77 display the histogram. Clicking on a TTree variable will histogram and\n\
78 display this variable. Clicking on an icon with the right mouse button\n\
79 displays a context menu like for objects in a canvas.\n\
80 The following collections can be browsed:\n\
81  - The class structures\n\
82  - The detector geometries\n\
83  - The ROOT files\n\
84  - the ROOT mapped files (shared memory)\n\
85 A user-defined collection (TList,etc) can be added in the left window via:\n\
86  gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(list,title).\n\n\
87 ";
90 const char gHelpGLViewer[] = "\
91  PRESS \n\
92  \tu\t--- to Move down \n\
93  \ti\t--- to Move up\n\
94  \th\t--- to Shift right\n\
95  \tl\t--- to Shift left\n\
96  \tj\t--- to Pull the object backward\n\
97  \tk\t--- to Push the object foreward\n\n\
98  \tx X\t--- to Rotate about x\n\
99  \ty Y\t--- to Rotate about y\n\
100  \tz Z\t--- to Rotate about z\n\n\
101  \t+\t--- to Increase speed to move\n\
102  \t-\t--- to Decrease speed to move\n\n\
103  \tn\t--- to turn \"SMOOTH\" color mode on\n\
104  \tm\t--- to turn \"SMOOTH\" color mode off\n\n\
105  \tt\t--- to toggle Light model\n\n\
106  \tp\t--- to toggle Perspective/Orthographic projection\n\
107  \tr\t--- to Hidden surface mode\n\
108  \tw\t--- to wireframe mode\n\
109  \tc\t--- to cull-face mode\n\n\
110  \ts\t--- to increase the scale factor (clip cube borders)\n\
111  \ta\t--- to decrease the scale factor (clip cube borders)\n\n\
112  HOLD the left mouse button and MOVE mouse to ROTATE object\n\
113 ";
116 const char gHelpPostscript[] = "\
117 To generate a Postscript (or encapsulated ps) file corresponding to\n\
118 a single image in a canvas, you can:\n\
119  -Select the Print PostScript item in the canvas File menu.\n\
120  By default, a Postscript file with the name of the canvas.ps is generated.\n\n\
121  -Click in the canvas area, near the edges, with the right mouse button\n\
122  and select the Print item. You can select the name of the Postscript\n\
123  file. If the file name is xxx.ps, you will generate a Postscript file named\n\
124  xxx.ps. If the file name is xxx.eps, you generate an encapsulated Postscript\n\
125  file instead.\n\n\
126  -In your program (or macro), you can type:\n\
127  c1->Print(\"xxx.ps\") or c1->Print(\"xxx.eps\")\n\
128  This will generate a file corresponding to the picture in the canvas\n\
129  pointed by c1.\n\n\
130  -pad1->Print(\"xxx.ps\")\n\
131  prints only the picture in the pad pointed by pad1. The size\n\
132  of the Postcript picture, by default, is computed to keep the aspect ratio\n\
133  of the picture on the screen, where the size along x is always 20cm. You\n\
134  can set the size of the PostScript picture before generating the picture\n\
135  with a command such as: gStyle->SetPaperSize(xsize,ysize) (size in cm).\n\n\
136 ";
139 const char gHelpButtons[] = "\
140 Once objects have been drawn in a canvas, they can be edited/moved\n\
141 by pointing directly to them. The cursor shape is changed\n\
142 to suggest the type of action that one can do on this object.\n\
143 Clicking with the right mouse button on an object pops-up\n\
144 a contextmenu with a complete list of actions possible on this object.\n\n\
145 When the mouse is moved or a button pressed/released, the TCanvas::HandleInput\n\
146 function scans the list of objects in all its pads and for each object\n\
147 invokes object->DistancetoPrimitive(px, py). This function computes\n\
148 a distance to an object from the mouse position at the pixel\n\
149 position px,py and return this distance in pixel units. The selected object\n\
150 will be the one with the shortest computed distance. To see how this work,\n\
151 select the \"Event Status\" item in the canvas \"Options\" menu.\n\
152 ROOT will display one status line showing the picked object. If the picked\n\
153 object is, for example an histogram, the status line indicates the name\n\
154 of the histogram, the position x,y in histogram coordinates, the channel\n\
155 number and the channel content.\n\n\
156 If you click on the left mouse button, the object->ExecuteEvent(event,px,py)\n\
157 function is called.\n\n"
158 "If you click with the right mouse button, a context menu (see TContextMenu)\n\
159 with the list of possible actions for this object is shown. You will notice\n\
160 that most graphics objects derive from one or several attribute classes \n\
161 TAttLine, TAttFill, TAttText or TAttMarker.\n\
162 You can edit these attributes by selecting the corresponding item in the pop-up\n\
163 menu. For example selecting SetFillAttributes displays a panel\n\
164 with the color palette and fill area types. The name and class of the object\n\
165 being edited is shown in the bar title of the panel.\n\n\
166 The middle button (or left+right on a 2-buttons mouse) can be used to change\n\
167 the current pad to the pointed pad. The current pad is always highlighted.\n\
168 Its frame is drawn with a special color.\n\
169 A canvas may be automatically divided into pads via TPad::Divide.\n\
170 When a canvas/pad is divided, one can directly set the current path to one of \n\
171 the subdivisions by pointing to this pad with the middle button. For example:\n\
172  c1.Divide(2,3); // create 6 pads (2 divisions along x, 3 along y).\n\
173  To set the current pad to the bottom right pad, do c1.cd(6);\n\
174 Note that c1.cd() is equivalent to c1.cd(0) and sets the current pad\n\
175 to c1 itself.\n\n\
176 ";
179 const char gHelpGraphicsEditor[] = "\
180 The pad editor can be toggled by selecting the \"Editor\" item in the\n\
181 canvas \"View\" menu. It appears on the left side of the canvas window.\n\
182 You can edit the attributes of the selected object via the provided GUI widgets\n\
183 in the editor frame. The selected object name is displayed in the pad editor\n\
184 with a set of options available for interactive changing:\n\
185  - fill attributes: style and foreground color\n\
186  - line attributes: style, width and color\n\
187  - text attributes: font, size, align and color\n\
188  - marker attributesr: color, style and size\n\
189  - a set of axis attributes\n\n\
190 The buttons for primitive drawing are placed in the tool bar that can be\n\
191 toggled by selecting the \"Toolbar\" item in the canvas \"View\" menu.\n\
192 All picture buttons provide tool tips for helping you. Using them\n\
193 you can create as before the following graphics objects:\n\
194  -An arc of circle. Click on the center of the arc, then move the mouse.\n\
195  A rubberband circle is shown. Click again with the left button to freeze\n\
196  the arc.\n\n\
197  -A line segment. Click with the left button on the first and last point.\n\n\
198  -An arrow. Click with the left button at the point where you want to start\n\
199  the arrow, then move the mouse and click again with the left button\n\
200  to freeze the arrow.\n\n\
201  -A Diamond. Click with the left button and freeze again with the left button.\n\
202  The editor draws a rubber band box to suggest the outline of the diamond.\n\n\
203  -An Ellipse. Proceed like for an arc.\n\
204  You can grow/shrink the ellipse by pointing to the sensitive points.\n\
205  They are highlighted. You can move the ellipse by clicking on the ellipse,\n\
206  but not on the sensitive points. If, with the ellipse context menu,\n\
207  you have selected a fill area color, you can move a filled-ellipse by\n\
208  pointing inside the ellipse and dragging it to its new position.\n\
209  Using the contextmenu, you can build an arc of ellipse and tilt the ellipse.\n\n\
210  -A Pad. Click with the left button and freeze again with the left button.\n\
211  The editor draws a rubber band box to suggest the outline of the pad.\n\n"
212 " -A PaveLabel. Proceed like for a pad. Type the label to be put in the box. \n\
213  Then type carriage return. The text will be redrawn to fill the box.\n\n\
214  -A PaveText or PavesText. Proceed like for a pad.\n\
215  You can then click on the PaveText object with the right mouse button\n\
216  and select the option AddText.\n\n\
217  -A PolyLine. Click with the left button for the first point,\n\
218  move the mouse, click again with the left button for a new point. Close\n\
219  the polyline by clicking twice at the same position.\n\
220  To edit one vertex point, pick it with the left button and drag to the \n\
221  new point position.\n\n\
222  -A Curly/Wavy line. Click with the left button on the first and last point.\n\
223  You can use the context menu to set the wavelength or amplitude.\n\n\
224  -A Curly/Wavy arc. Click with the left button on the arc center and click again\n\
225  to stop at the arc radius.\n\n\
226  You can use the context menu to set the wavelength or amplitude.\n\
227  You can use the context menu to set the phimin and phimax.\n\n\
228  -A Text/Latex string. Click with the left button where you want to draw the text, \n\
229  then type the text terminated by carriage return or by escape. To move the text, \n\
230  point on it keeping the left mouse button pressed and drag the text to its new \n\
231  position. You can grow/shrink the text if you position the mouse to the first\n\
232  top-third part of the string, then move the mouse up or down to grow or \n\
233  shrink the text respectively. If you position near the bottom-end of the text,\n\
234  you can rotate it.\n\n\
235  -A Marker. Click with the left button where to place the marker.\n\
236  The marker by default can be modified by gStyle->SetMarkerStyle().\n\n\
237  -A Graphical Cut. Click with the left button on each point of a polygone\n\
238  delimiting the selected area. Close the cut by clicking twice at the\n\
239  same position. A TCutG object is created. It can be used\n\
240  as a selection for TTree::Draw. You can get a pointer to this object with\n\
241  TCutG *cut = (TCutG*)gPad->FindObject(\"CUTG\").\n\n\
242  ";
245 const char gHelpPullDownMenus[] = "\
246 Each canvas has a menu bar with the following items:\n\
247 \"File\" with the items:\n\
248  <New Canvas > opens a new canvas window\n\
249  <Open... > brings up the Open dialog\n\
250  <Close Canvas> closes the canvas window\n\
251  <Save > pops up a cascade menu so that you can save the canvas \n\
252  under its current name in the following formats:\n\
253  <name.ps > makes a Postscript file\n\
254  <name.eps > makes a Postscript encapsulated file\n\
255  <name.pdf > makes a PDF file\n\
256  <name.svg > makes a SVG file\n\
257  <name.tex > makes a TeX file\n\
258  <name.gif > makes a GIF file\n\
259  <name.C > generates a C++ macro to reproduce the canvas\n\
260  <name.root> saves canvas objects in a Root file\n\
261  <Save As... > brings up the Save As... dialog\n\
262  <Print > prints the canvas as a Postscript file canvas_name.ps\n\
263  <Quit ROOT > stops running the ROOT\n\n\
264 \"Edit\" with the items:\n\
265  <Cut > not implemented\n\
266  <Copy > not implemented\n\
267  <Paste> not implemented\n\
268  <Clear> pops up a cascaded menu with the items:\n\
269  <Pad > clears the last selected pad via middle mouse button)\n\
270  <Canvas> clears this canvas.\n\
271  <Undo > not implemented\n\
272  <Redo > not implemented\n\n"
273 "\"View\" with the items:\n\
274  <Editor > toggles the pad editor\n\
275  <Toolbar > toggles the tool bar\n\
276  <Event Status> toggles the event status bar that shows the identification\n\
277  of the objects when moving the mouse\n\
278  <Colors > creates a new canvas showing the color palette\n\
279  <Fonts > not implemented\n\
280  <Markers > creates a new canvas showing the various marker styles\n\
281  <View With > pops up a cascaded menu with the items:\n\
282  <X3D > If the last selected pad contains a 3-d structure,\n\
283  a new canvas is created. To get help menu, type M.\n\
284  The 3-d picture can be interactively rotated, zoomed\n\
285  in wireframe, solid, hidden line or stereo mode.\n\
286  <OpenGL> If the last selected pad contains a 3-d structure,\n\
287  a new canvas is created. See OpenGL canvas help.\n\
288  The 3-d picture can be interactively rotated, zoomed\n\
289  in wireframe, solid, hidden line or stereo mode.\n\n\
290 \"Options\" with the items:\n\
291  <Event Status> toggles the identification of the objects when\n\
292  moving the mouse.\n\
293  <Statistics> toggles the display of the histogram statistics box.\n\
294  <Histo Title> toggles the display of the histogram title.\n\
295  <Fit Params> toggles the display of the histogram/graph fit parameters.\n\
296  <Can Edit Histograms> enables/disables the possibility to edit\n\
297  histogram bin contents.\n\
298 \"Inspector\" with the items:\n\
299  <ROOT > Inspects the top level gROOT object (in a new canvas).\n\
300  <Start Browser> Starts a new object browser (see below).\n\n\
301 In addition to the tool bar menus, one can set the canvas properties\n\
302 by clicking with the right mouse button in the regions closed to the canvas \n\
303 borders. This will display a menu to perform operations on a canvas.\n\n\
304 ";
307 const char gHelpCanvas[] = "\
308 A canvas (see TCanvas) is a top level pad (See TPad).\n\
309 A pad is a linked list of primitives of any type (graphics objects,\n\
310 histograms, detectors, tracks, etc.). A Pad supports linear and log scales \n\
311 coordinate systems. It may contain other pads (unlimited pad hierarchy).\n\
312 Adding a new element into a pad is in general performed by the Draw\n\
313 member function of the object classes.\n\
314 It is important to realize that the pad is a linked list of references\n\
315 to the original object. The effective drawing is performed when the canvas\n\
316 receives a signal to be painted. This signal is generally sent when typing \n\
317 carriage return in the command input or when a graphical operation has been \n\
318 performed on one of the pads of this canvas. When a Canvas/Pad is repainted,\n\
319 the member function Paint for all objects in the Pad linked list is invoked.\n\
320 For example, in case of an histogram, the histogram.Draw() operation\n\
321 only stores a reference to the histogram object and not a graphical\n\
322 representation of this histogram. When the mouse is used to change (say the bin\n\
323 content), the bin content of the original histogram is changed !!\n\n\
324  Generation of a C++ macro reproducing the canvas\n\
325  ************************************************\n\
326 Once you are happy with your picture, you can select the <Save as canvas.C>\n\
327 item in the canvas File menu. This will automatically generate a macro with \n\
328 the C++ statements corresponding to the picture. This facility also works \n\
329 if you have other objects not drawn with the graphics editor.\n\n\
330  Saving the canvas and all its objects in a Root file\n\
331  ****************************************************\n\
332 Select <Save as canvas.root> to save a canvas in a Root file\n\
333 In another session, one can access the canvas and its objects, eg:\n\
334  TFile f(\"canvas.root\")\n\
335  canvas.Draw()\n\n\
336 ";
339 const char gHelpObjects[] = "\
340 All objects context menus contain the following items:\n\
341  -DrawClass. Draw the inheritance tree for a given object. \n\
342  A new canvas is created showing the list of classes composing this object.\n\
343  For each class, the list of data members and member functions is displayed.\n\n\
344  -Inspect. Display the contents of a given object. A new canvas is created\n\
345  with a table showing for each data member, its name, current value and its \n\
346  comment field. If a data member is a pointer to another object, one can click\n\
347  on the pointer and, in turn, inspect the pointed object,etc.\n\n\
348  -Dump. Same as Inspect, except that the output is on stdout.\n\n\
349 ";
351 const char gHelpTextEditor[] = "\n\
352  ____________________________________________________________________\n\
353 | |\n\
354 | TGTextEditor |\n\
355 |____________________________________________________________________|\n\n\
356  Introduction\n\n\
357 TGTextEditor is a simple text editor that uses the TGTextEdit widget.\n\
358 It provides all functionalities of TGTextEdit as copy, paste, cut,\n\
359 search, go to a given line number. In addition, it provides the\n\
360 possibilities for compiling, executing or interrupting a running\n\
361 macro.\n\n\
362  Basic Features\n\n\
363  New Document\n\n\
364 To create a new blank document, select File menu / New, or click the\n\
365 New toolbar button. It will create a new instance of TGTextEditor.\n\n\
366  Open/Save File\n\n\
367 To open a file, select File menu / Open or click on the Open toolbar\n\
368 button. This will bring up the standard File Dialog for opening files.\n\
369 If the current document has not been saved yet, you will be asked either\n\
370 to save or abandon the changes.\n\
371 To save the file using the same name, select File menu / Save or the\n\
372 toolbar Save button. To change the file name use File menu / Save As...\n\
373 or corresponding SaveAs button on the toolbar.\n\n\
374  Text Selection\n\n\
375 You can move the cursor by simply clicking on the desired location\n\
376 with the left mouse button. To highlight some text, press the mouse\n\
377 and drag the mouse while holding the left button pressed.\n\
378 To select a word, double-click on it;\n\
379 to select the text line - triple-click on it;\n\
380 to select all - do quadruple-click.\n\n\
381  Cut, Copy, Paste\n\n\
382 After selecting some text, you can cut or copy it to the clipboard.\n\
383 A subsequent paste operation will insert the contents of the clipboard\n\
384 at the current cursor location.\n\n"
385 " Text Search\n\n\
386 The editor uses a standard Search dialog. You can specify a forward or\n\
387 backward search direction starting from the current cursor location\n\
388 according to the selection made of a case sensitive mode or not.\n\
389 The last search can be repeated by pressing F3.\n\n\
390  Text Font\n\n\
391 You can change the text font by selecting Edit menu / Set Font.\n\
392 The Font Dialog pops up and shows the Name, Style and Size of any\n\
393 available font. The selected font sample is shown in the preview area.\n\n\
394  Executing Macros\n\n\
395 You can execute the currently loaded macro in the editor by selecting\n\
396 Tools menu / Execute Macro; by clicking on the corresponding toolbar\n\
397 button, or by using Ctrl+F5 accelerator keys.\n\
398 This is identical to the command \".x macro.C\" in the root prompt\n\
399 command line.\n\n\
400  Compiling Macros\n\n\
401 The currently loaded macro can be compiled with ACLiC if you select\n\
402 Tools menu / Compile Macro; by clicking on the corresponding toolbar\n\
403 button, or by using Ctrl+F7 accelerator keys.\n\
404 This is identical to the command \".L macro.C++\" in the root prompt\n\
405 command line.\n\n\
406  Interrupting a Running Macro\n\n\
407 You can interrupt a running macro by selecting the Tools menu / \n\
408 Interrupt; by clicking on the corresponding toolbar button, or by \n\
409 using Shift+F5 accelerator keys.\n\n\
410  Interface to CINT Interpreter\n\n\
411 Any command entered in the 'Command' combo box will be passed to the\n\
412 CINT interpreter. This combo box will keep the commands history and \n\
413 will allow you to re-execute the same commands during an editor session.\n\n"
414 " Keyboard Bindings\n\n\
415 The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts and accelerator keys.\n\n\
416 Key: Action:\n\
417 ==== =======\n\n\
418 Up Move cursor up.\n\
419 Shift+Up Move cursor up and extend selection.\n\
420 Down Move cursor down.\n\
421 Shift+Down Move cursor down and extend selection.\n\
422 Left Move cursor left.\n\
423 Shift+Left Move cursor left and extend selection.\n\
424 Right Move cursor right.\n\
425 Shift+Right Move cursor right and extend selection.\n\
426 Home Move cursor to begin of line.\n\
427 Shift+Home Move cursor to begin of line and extend selection.\n\
428 Ctrl+Home Move cursor to top of page.\n\
429 End Move cursor to end of line.\n\
430 Shift+End Move cursor to end of line and extend selection.\n\
431 Ctrl+End Move cursor to end of page.\n\
432 PgUp Move cursor up one page.\n\
433 Shift+PgUp Move cursor up one page and extend selection.\n\
434 PgDn Move cursor down one page.\n\
435 Shift+PgDn Move cursor down one page and extend selection.\n\
436 Delete Delete character after cursor, or text selection.\n\
437 BackSpace Delete character before cursor, or text selection.\n\
438 Ctrl+B Move cursor left.\n\
439 Ctrl+D Delete character after cursor, or text selection.\n\
440 Ctrl+E Move cursor to end of line.\n\
441 Ctrl+H Delete character before cursor, or text selection.\n\
442 Ctrl+K Delete characters from current position to the end of\n\
443  line.\n\
444 Ctrl+U Delete current line.\n\
445 ";
447 const char gHelpRemote[] = "\
448 Remote session help:\n\
449 .R [user@]host[:dir] [-l user] [-d dbg] [[<]script] | [host] -close\n\
450 Create a ROOT session on the specified remote host.\n\
451 The variable \"dir\" is the remote directory to be used as working dir.\n\
452 The username can be specified in two ways, \"-l\" having the priority\n\
453 (as in ssh). A \"dbg\" value > 0 gives increasing verbosity.\n\
454 The last argument \"script\" allows to specify an alternative script to\n\
455 be executed remotely to startup the session, \"roots\" being\n\
456 the default. If the script is preceded by a \"<\" the script will be\n\
457 sourced, after which \"roots\" is executed. The sourced script can be \n\
458 used to change the PATH and other variables, allowing an alternative\n\
459 \"roots\" script to be found.\n\
460 To close down a session do \".R host -close\".\n\
461 To switch between sessions do \".R host\", to switch to the local\n\
462 session do \".R\".\n\
463 To list all open sessions do \"gApplication->GetApplications()->Print()\".\n\
464 ";
const char gHelpRemote[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:447
const char gHelpAbout[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:6
const char gHelpBrowserLite[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:67
const char gHelpPullDownMenus[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:245
const char gHelpBrowser[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:27
const char gHelpGraphicsEditor[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:179
const char gHelpButtons[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:139
const char gHelpTextEditor[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:351
const char gHelpGLViewer[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:90
const char gHelpPostscript[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:116
const char gHelpCanvas[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:307
const char gHelpObjects[]
Definition: HelpText.cxx:339