12 #ifndef ROOT_TPaveStatsEditor 13 #define ROOT_TPaveStatsEditor 23 #ifndef ROOT_TGedFrame
TGCheckButton * fStatsErrors
virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots()
Connect signals to slots.
TGCheckButton * fIntegral
TGCheckButton * fChisquare
The histogram statistics painter class.
TPaveStatsEditor(const TGWindow *p=0, Int_t width=140, Int_t height=30, UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
Constructor of TPaveStats GUI.
TGCheckButton * fProbability
TGCheckButton * fSkewness
#define ClassDef(name, id)
static Pixel_t GetDefaultFrameBackground()
Get default frame background.
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Set GUI widgets according to the used TPaveStats attributes.
virtual void DoStatOptions()
Slot connected to the stat options.
virtual ~TPaveStatsEditor()
Destructor of fill editor.
TGCheckButton * fHistoName
virtual void SetValuesON(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the selection of the button 'Errors': check button Values should be selected if Err...
TGCheckButton * fUnderflow
Mother of all ROOT objects.
TGCheckButton * fNameValues
TGCheckButton * fKurtosis
virtual void DoFitOptions()
Slot connected to the fit options.
TGCheckButton * fOverflow