12 #ifndef ROOT_TProofPerfAnalysis 13 #define ROOT_TProofPerfAnalysis 26 #ifndef ROOT_TSortedList 90 const char *treename =
100 void RatePlot(
const char *wrks = 0);
106 void PrintFileInfo(
const char *fn,
const char *opt =
const char *out = 0);
void SetDebug(Int_t d=0)
Static setter for the verbosity level.
virtual ~TProofPerfAnalysis()
Destructor: detach the tree and close the file.
TString GetCanvasTitle(const char *t)
If defined, add '- <this title>="">' to the canvas title 't'.
void PrintFileInfo(Int_t showlast=10, const char *opt="", const char *out=0)
Print information for all or the slowest showlast workers.
TFileInfo(const char *url=0, Long64_t size=-1, const char *uuid=0, const char *md5=0, TObject *meta=0)
Double_t GetMBRateAvgMax() const
Set of tools to analyse the performance tree.
A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a well defined format...
tomato 1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
void LoadTree(TDirectory *dir)
Load tree fTreeName from directory 'dir'.
Double_t GetEvtRateAvg() const
void FileDist(Bool_t writedet=kFALSE)
Analyse the file distribution.
void FileProcPlot(const char *fn, const char *out=0)
Show event processing or MB processing rate plot vs time.
Int_t CompareOrd(const char *ord1, const char *ord2)
Return -1 if ord1 comes before ord2, 0 i they are equal, 1 if ord1 comes after ord2.
#define ClassDef(name, id)
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
void EventDist()
Display event and packet distribution.
A sorted doubly linked list.
void FileRatePlot(const char *fns=0)
Show MB processing rate plot per file vs time.
Double_t GetEvtRateAvgMax() const
void RatePlot(const char *wrks=0)
Show event processing or MB processing rate plot vs time.
TProofPerfAnalysis(const char *perffile, const char *title="", const char *treename="PROOF_PerfStats")
Constructor: open the file and attach to the tree.
Int_t SetSaveResult(const char *file="results.root", Option_t *mode="RECREATE")
Set save result mode and validate 'file' according to 'mode'.
tomato 2-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
static void SetgDebug(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Static setter for the verbosity level.
void WorkerActivity()
Measure the worker activity.
void GetAverages(Double_t &evtmax, Double_t &mbmax, Double_t &evt, Double_t &mb) const
void GetWrkFileList(TList *wl, TList *sl)
Fill file info.
Describe directory structure in memory.
Double_t GetMBRateAvg() const
void DoDraw(TObject *o, Option_t *opt="", const char *name=0)
Draw object 'o' with options 'opt' Save it with 'name' if in saving mode (see SetSaveResult) ...
void FillFileDistOneSrv(TH1F *hx, Bool_t wdet=kFALSE)
Fill file info when there is only one file server.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
void FillFileDist(TH1F *hf, TH1F *hb, TH2F *hx, Bool_t wdet=kFALSE)
Fill file info.
A TTree object has a header with a name and a title.
void LatencyPlot(const char *wrks=0)
Show event processing or MB processing rate plot vs time Create the histograms.
void FillFileInfo(Bool_t force=kFALSE)
Fill basic worker info; if 'force' rescan the TTree even already done.
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
void FillWrkInfo(Bool_t force=kFALSE)
Fill basic worker info; if 'force' rescan the TTree even already done.
void Summary(Option_t *opt="", const char *out="")
Print summary of query.
void PrintWrkInfo(Int_t showlast=10)
Print information for all or the slowest showlast workers.