12 #ifndef ROOT_TViewer3DPad 13 #define ROOT_TViewer3DPad 16 #ifndef ROOT_TVirtualViewer3D virtual Bool_t PreferLocalFrame() const
Indicates if we prefer positions in local frame.
TViewer3DPad & operator=(const TViewer3DPad &)
TViewer3DPad(const TViewer3DPad &)
virtual void AddCompositeOp(UInt_t operation)
virtual void BeginScene()
Open a scene on the viewer.
Provides 3D viewer interface (TVirtualViewer3D) support on a pad.
#define ClassDef(name, id)
virtual Bool_t OpenComposite(const TBuffer3D &buffer, Bool_t *addChildren=0)
Composite shapes not supported on this viewer currently - ignore.
Abstract 3D shapes viewer.
virtual void EndScene()
Close the scene on the viewer.
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.
Generic 3D primitive description class.
virtual Bool_t BuildingScene() const
virtual void CloseComposite()
Bool_t fBuilding
is scene being built?
TVirtualPad & fPad
the pad we paint into.
TViewer3DPad(TVirtualPad &pad)
virtual Int_t AddObject(const TBuffer3D &buffer, Bool_t *addChildren=0)
Add an 3D object described by the buffer to the viewer.