template<typename Architecture_t > |
void | addRegularizationGradients (typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &A, const typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &W, typename Architecture_t::Scalar_t weightDecay, ERegularization R) |
| Add the regularization gradient corresponding to weight matrix W, to the matrix A. More...
template<typename ItValue , typename Fnc > |
void | applyFunctions (ItValue itValue, ItValue itValueEnd, Fnc fnc) |
| apply the activation functions More...
template<typename ItValue , typename Fnc , typename InvFnc , typename ItGradient > |
void | applyFunctions (ItValue itValue, ItValue itValueEnd, Fnc fnc, InvFnc invFnc, ItGradient itGradient) |
| apply the activation functions and compute the gradient More...
template<typename ItValue , typename ItFunction > |
void | applyFunctions (ItValue itValue, ItValue itValueEnd, ItFunction itFunction) |
template<typename ItValue , typename ItFunction , typename ItInverseFunction , typename ItGradient > |
void | applyFunctions (ItValue itValue, ItValue itValueEnd, ItFunction itFunction, ItInverseFunction itInverseFunction, ItGradient itGradient) |
template<typename AMatrix , typename F > |
void | applyMatrix (AMatrix &X, F f) |
| Apply functional to each element in the matrix. More...
template<bool HasDropOut, typename ItSource , typename ItWeight , typename ItTarget , typename ItDrop > |
void | applyWeights (ItSource itSourceBegin, ItSource itSourceEnd, ItWeight itWeight, ItTarget itTargetBegin, ItTarget itTargetEnd, ItDrop itDrop) |
| apply weights using drop-out; for no drop out, provide (&bool = true) to itDrop such that *itDrop becomes "true" More...
template<typename ItSource , typename ItWeight , typename ItTarget > |
void | applyWeights (ItSource itSourceBegin, ItSource itSourceEnd, ItWeight itWeight, ItTarget itTargetBegin, ItTarget itTargetEnd) |
template<bool HasDropOut, typename ItSource , typename ItWeight , typename ItPrev , typename ItDrop > |
void | applyWeightsBackwards (ItSource itCurrBegin, ItSource itCurrEnd, ItWeight itWeight, ItPrev itPrevBegin, ItPrev itPrevEnd, ItDrop itDrop) |
| apply weights backwards (for backprop); for no drop out, provide (&bool = true) to itDrop such that *itDrop becomes "true" More...
template<typename ItSource , typename ItWeight , typename ItPrev > |
void | applyWeightsBackwards (ItSource itCurrBegin, ItSource itCurrEnd, ItWeight itWeight, ItPrev itPrevBegin, ItPrev itPrevEnd) |
template<typename LAYERDATA > |
void | backward (LAYERDATA &prevLayerData, LAYERDATA &currLayerData) |
| backward application of the weights (back-propagation of the error) More...
template<EnumRegularization Regularization> |
double | computeRegularization (double weight, const double &factorWeightDecay) |
| compute the regularization (L1, L2) More...
template<> |
double | computeRegularization< EnumRegularization::L1 > (double weight, const double &factorWeightDecay) |
template<> |
double | computeRegularization< EnumRegularization::L2 > (double weight, const double &factorWeightDecay) |
template<typename AArchitecture > |
void | constructRandomLinearNet (TNet< AArchitecture > &net) |
| Construct a random linear neural network with up to five layers. More...
template<typename AMatrix > |
void | copyMatrix (AMatrix &X, const AMatrix &Y) |
| Generate a random batch as input for a neural net. More...
template<typename ItProbability , typename ItTruth , typename ItDelta , typename ItInvActFnc > |
double | crossEntropy (ItProbability itProbabilityBegin, ItProbability itProbabilityEnd, ItTruth itTruthBegin, ItTruth, ItDelta itDelta, ItDelta itDeltaEnd, ItInvActFnc, double patternWeight) |
| cross entropy error function More...
void | cudaError (cudaError_t code, const char *file, int line, bool abort=true) |
| Function to check cuda return code. More...
template<typename Architecture_t > |
void | evaluate (typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &A, EActivationFunction f) |
| Apply the given activation function to each value in the given matrix A. More...
template<typename Architecture_t > |
void | evaluate (typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &A, EOutputFunction f, const typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &X) |
| Apply the given output function to each value in the given matrix A. More...
template<typename Architecture_t > |
auto | evaluate (ELossFunction f, const typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &Y, const typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &output) -> decltype(Architecture_t::CrossEntropy(Y, output)) |
| Compute the value of the objective function f for given activations of the ouput layer and the truth Y. More...
template<typename Architecture_t > |
void | evaluateDerivative (typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &B, EActivationFunction f, const typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &A) |
| Compute the first partial derivative of the activation function for the values given in matrix A and write the results into B. More...
template<typename Architecture_t > |
void | evaluateGradients (typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &dY, ELossFunction f, const typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &Y, const typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &output) |
| Compute the gradient of the given output function f for given activations output of the output layer and truth Y and write the results into dY. More...
template<typename F , typename AFloat > |
AFloat | finiteDifference (F f, AFloat dx) |
| Numerically compute the derivative of the functional f using finite differences. More...
template<typename LAYERDATA > |
void | forward (const LAYERDATA &prevLayerData, LAYERDATA &currLayerData) |
| apply the weights (and functions) in forward direction of the DNN More...
double | gaussDouble (double mean, double sigma) |
template<typename AMatrix > |
void | identityMatrix (AMatrix &X) |
| Set matrix to the identity matrix. More...
template<typename Architecture_t > |
void | initialize (typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &A, EInitialization m) |
template<typename T > |
bool | isFlagSet (T flag, T value) |
template<typename Matrix1 , typename Matrix2 > |
auto | maximumRelativeError (const Matrix1 &X, const Matrix2 &Y) -> decltype(X(0, 0)) |
| Compute the maximum, element-wise relative error of the matrices X and Y normalized by the element of Y. More...
ModeOutputValues | operator & (ModeOutputValues lhs, ModeOutputValues rhs) |
ModeOutputValues | operator &= (ModeOutputValues &lhs, ModeOutputValues rhs) |
ModeOutputValues | operator| (ModeOutputValues lhs, ModeOutputValues rhs) |
ModeOutputValues | operator|= (ModeOutputValues &lhs, ModeOutputValues rhs) |
template<typename AFloat > |
std::string | print_error (AFloat &e) |
| Color code error. More...
template<typename AMatrix > |
void | randomBatch (AMatrix &X) |
| Generate a random batch as input for a neural net. More...
int | randomInt (int maxValue) |
template<typename AMatrix > |
void | randomMatrix (AMatrix &X) |
| Fill matrix with random, Gaussian-distributed values. More...
template<typename AMatrix , typename AFloat , typename F > |
AFloat | reduce (F f, AFloat start, const AMatrix &X) |
| Generate a random batch as input for a neural net. More...
template<typename AMatrix , typename AFloat , typename F > |
AFloat | reduceMean (F f, AFloat start, const AMatrix &X) |
| Apply function to matrix element-wise and compute the mean of the resulting element values. More...
template<typename Architecture_t > |
auto | regularization (const typename Architecture_t::Matrix_t &A, ERegularization R) -> decltype(Architecture_t::L1Regularization(A)) |
| Evaluate the regularization functional for a given weight matrix. More...
template<typename T > |
T | relativeError (const T &x, const T &y) |
| Compute the relative error of x and y. More...
template<typename ItOutput , typename ItTruth , typename ItDelta , typename ItInvActFnc > |
double | softMaxCrossEntropy (ItOutput itProbabilityBegin, ItOutput itProbabilityEnd, ItTruth itTruthBegin, ItTruth, ItDelta itDelta, ItDelta itDeltaEnd, ItInvActFnc, double patternWeight) |
| soft-max-cross-entropy error function (for mutual exclusive cross-entropy) More...
double | studenttDouble (double distributionParameter) |
template<typename ItOutput , typename ItTruth , typename ItDelta , typename InvFnc > |
double | sumOfSquares (ItOutput itOutputBegin, ItOutput itOutputEnd, ItTruth itTruthBegin, ItTruth, ItDelta itDelta, ItDelta itDeltaEnd, InvFnc invFnc, double patternWeight) |
| sum of squares error function More...
template<typename ItOutput , typename ItTruth , typename ItDelta , typename ItInvActFnc > |
double | sumOfSquares (ItOutput itOutputBegin, ItOutput itOutputEnd, ItTruth itTruthBegin, ItTruth itTruthEnd, ItDelta itDelta, ItDelta itDeltaEnd, ItInvActFnc itInvActFnc, double patternWeight) |
template<typename Architecture_t > |
auto | testIdentity () -> typename Architecture_t::Scalar_t |
| Test the data loader by loading identical input and output data, running it through an identity neural network and computing the the mean squared error. More...
template<typename Architecture_t > |
auto | testSum () -> typename Architecture_t::Scalar_t |
| Test that the data loader loads all data in the data set by summing up all elements batch wise and comparing to the result over the complete data set. More...
template<typename Container , typename T > |
void | uniformDouble (Container &container, T maxValue) |
double | uniformDouble (double minValue, double maxValue) |
template<typename T > |
T | uniformFromTo (T from, T to) |
template<typename ItSource , typename ItDelta , typename ItTargetGradient , typename ItGradient > |
void | update (ItSource itSource, ItSource itSourceEnd, ItDelta itTargetDeltaBegin, ItDelta itTargetDeltaEnd, ItTargetGradient itTargetGradientBegin, ItGradient itGradient) |
| update the gradients More...
template<EnumRegularization Regularization, typename ItSource , typename ItDelta , typename ItTargetGradient , typename ItGradient , typename ItWeight > |
void | update (ItSource itSource, ItSource itSourceEnd, ItDelta itTargetDeltaBegin, ItDelta itTargetDeltaEnd, ItTargetGradient itTargetGradientBegin, ItGradient itGradient, ItWeight itWeight, double weightDecay) |
| update the gradients, using regularization More...
template<typename LAYERDATA > |
void | update (const LAYERDATA &prevLayerData, LAYERDATA &currLayerData, double factorWeightDecay, EnumRegularization regularization) |
| update the node values More...
template<typename ItWeight > |
double | weightDecay (double error, ItWeight itWeight, ItWeight itWeightEnd, double factorWeightDecay, EnumRegularization eRegularization) |
| compute the weight decay for regularization (L1 or L2) More...
template<typename AMatrix , typename F > |
void | zipWithMatrix (AMatrix &Z, F f, const AMatrix &X, const AMatrix &Y) |
| Combine elements of two given matrices into a single matrix using the given function f. More...
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | Gauss = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ const double s = 6.0; return exp (-std::pow(value*s,2.0)); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | GaussComplement = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ const double s = 6.0; return 1.0 - exp (-std::pow(value*s,2.0)); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvGauss = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ const double s = 6.0; return -2.0 * value * s*s * (*Gauss.get ()) (value); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvGaussComplement = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ const double s = 6.0; return +2.0 * value * s*s * (*GaussComplement.get ()) (value); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvLinear = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double ){ return 1.0; }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvReLU = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ const double margin = 0.0; return value > margin ? 1.0 : 0; }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvSigmoid = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ double s = (*Sigmoid.get ()) (value); return s*(1.0-s); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvSoftPlus = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ return 1.0 / (1.0 + std::exp (-value)); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvSoftSign = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ return std::pow ((1.0 - fabs (value)),2.0); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvSymmReLU = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ const double margin = 0.3; return value > margin ? 1.0 : value < -margin ? 1.0 : 0; }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvTanh = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ return 1.0 - std::pow (value, 2.0); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | InvTanhShift = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ return 0.3 + (1.0 - std::pow (value, 2.0)); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | Linear = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ return value; }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | ReLU = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ const double margin = 0.0; return value > margin ? value-margin : 0; }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | Sigmoid = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ value = std::max (-100.0, std::min (100.0,value)); return 1.0/(1.0 + std::exp (-value)); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | SoftPlus = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ return std::log (1.0+ std::exp (value)); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | SoftSign = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ return value / (1.0 + fabs (value)); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | SymmReLU = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ const double margin = 0.3; return value > margin ? value-margin : value < -margin ? value+margin : 0; }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | Tanh = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ return tanh (value); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | TanhShift = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double value){ return tanh (value-0.3); }) |
static std::shared_ptr< std::function< double(double)> > | ZeroFnc = std::make_shared<std::function<double(double)>> ([](double ){ return 0; }) |