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ROOT 6.10/09 Reference Guide |
This is a standard demo that can be used with any ROOT file prepared in the standard way. You specify:
With default parameters the macro will attempt to run the standard hist2workspace example and read the ROOT file that it produces.
The first ~100 lines define a new test statistic, then the main macro starts. You may want to control:
This uses a modified version of the profile likelihood ratio as a test statistic for upper limits (eg. test stat = 0 if muhat>mu).
Based on the observed data, one defines a set of parameter points to be tested based on the value of the parameter of interest and the conditional MLE (eg. profiled) values of the nuisance parameters.
At each parameter point, pseudo-experiments are generated using this fixed reference model and then the test statistic is evaluated. Note, the nuisance parameters are floating in the fits. For each point, the threshold that defines the 95% acceptance region is found. This forms a "Confidence Belt".
After constructing the confidence belt, one can find the confidence interval for any particular dataset by finding the intersection of the observed test statistic and the confidence belt. First this is done on the observed data to get an observed 1-sided upper limt.
Finally, there expected limit and bands (from background-only) are formed by generating background-only data and finding the upper limit. This is done by hand for now, will later be part of the RooStats tools.
On a technical note, this technique is NOT the Feldman-Cousins technique, because that is a 2-sided interval BY DEFINITION. However, like the Feldman-Cousins technique this is a Neyman-Construction. For technical reasons the easiest way to implement this right now is to use the FeldmanCousins tool and then change the test statistic that it is using.
Building the confidence belt can be computationally expensive. Once it is built, one could save it to a file and use it in a separate step.
We can use PROOF to speed things along in parallel, however, the test statistic has to be installed on the workers so either turn off PROOF or include the modified test statistic in your $ROOTSYS/roofit/roostats/inc
directory, add the additional line to the LinkDef.h file, and recompile root.
Note, if you have a boundary on the parameter of interest (eg. cross-section) the threshold on the one-sided test statistic starts off very small because we are only including downward fluctuations. You can see the threshold in these printouts:
this tells you the values of the parameters being used to generate the pseudo-experiments and the threshold in this case is 0.011215. One would expect for 95% that the threshold would be ~1.35 once the cross-section is far enough away from 0 that it is essentially unaffected by the boundary. As one reaches the last points in the scan, the theshold starts to get artificially high. This is because the range of the parameter in the fit is the same as the range in the scan. In the future, these should be independently controlled, but they are not now. As a result the ~50% of pseudo-experiments that have an upward fluctuation end up with muhat = muMax. Because of this, the upper range of the parameter should be well above the expected upper limit... but not too high or one will need a very large value of nPointsToScan to resolve the relevant region. This can be improved, but this is the first version of this script.
Important note: when the model includes external constraint terms, like a Gaussian constraint to a nuisance parameter centered around some nominal value there is a subtlety. The asymptotic results are all based on the assumption that all the measurements fluctuate... including the nominal values from auxiliary measurements. If these do not fluctuate, this corresponds to an "conditional ensemble". The result is that the distribution of the test statistic can become very non-chi^2. This results in thresholds that become very large. This can be seen in the following thought experiment. Say the model is Pois(N | s + b)G(b0|b,sigma) where G(b0|b,sigma) is the external constraint and b0 is 100. If N is also 100 then the profiled value of b given s is going to be some trade off between 100-s and b0. If sigma is \sqrt(N) , then the profiled value of b is probably 100 - s/2 So for s=60 we are going to have a profiled value of b~70. Now when we generate pseudo-experiments for s=60, b=70 we will have N~130 and the average shat will be 30, not 60. In practice, this is only an issue for values of s that are very excluded. For values of s near the 95% limit this should not be a big effect. This can be avoided if the nominal values of the constraints also fluctuate, but that requires that those parameters are RooRealVars in the model. This version does not deal with this issue, but it will be addressed in a future version.
Definition in file OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands.C.