Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- s()
: ROOT::Minuit2::GaussFunction
- S()
: TEveChunkManager
, TMVA::IPruneTool
- S12S22I
: RooMultiVarGaussian::GenData
- S22bar
: RooMultiVarGaussian::AnaIntData
- S22det
: RooMultiVarGaussian::AnaIntData
- s_char
: TGenCollectionProxy::StreamHelper
- s_debugflag
: BidirMMapPipe
- s_int
: TGenCollectionProxy::StreamHelper
- s_long
: TGenCollectionProxy::StreamHelper
- s_longlong
: TGenCollectionProxy::StreamHelper
- s_mmapworks
: BidirMMapPipe_impl::PageChunk
- s_openpipes
: BidirMMapPipe
- s_openpipesmutex
: BidirMMapPipe
- s_pagepool
: BidirMMapPipe
- s_pagepoolrefcnt
: BidirMMapPipe
- s_pagesize
: BidirMMapPipe_impl::PageChunk
- s_physpgsz
: BidirMMapPipe_impl::PageChunk
- s_short
: TGenCollectionProxy::StreamHelper
- safeDeleteList()
: RooAbsCollection
- SafeObservableCreation()
: RooStats::NumberCountingPdfFactory
- Safety()
: TGeoArb8
, TGeoBBox
, TGeoBoolNode
, TGeoCompositeShape
, TGeoCone
, TGeoConeSeg
, TGeoCtub
, TGeoEltu
, TGeoGtra
, TGeoHalfSpace
, TGeoHype
, TGeoIntersection
, TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
, TGeoNode
, TGeoPara
, TGeoParaboloid
, TGeoParallelWorld
, TGeoPcon
, TGeoPgon
, TGeoPolygon
, TGeoScaledShape
, TGeoShape
, TGeoShapeAssembly
, TGeoSphere
, TGeoSubtraction
, TGeoTorus
, TGeoTrap
, TGeoTrd1
, TGeoTrd2
, TGeoTube
, TGeoTubeSeg
, TGeoUnion
, TGeoXtru
- Safety_v()
: TGeoArb8
, TGeoBBox
, TGeoCompositeShape
, TGeoCone
, TGeoConeSeg
, TGeoCtub
, TGeoEltu
, TGeoGtra
, TGeoHalfSpace
, TGeoHype
, TGeoPara
, TGeoParaboloid
, TGeoPcon
, TGeoPgon
, TGeoScaledShape
, TGeoShape
, TGeoShapeAssembly
, TGeoSphere
, TGeoTorus
, TGeoTrap
, TGeoTrd1
, TGeoTrd2
, TGeoTube
, TGeoTubeSeg
, TGeoXtru
- SafetyOverlaps()
: TGeoNavigator
- SafetyPhi()
: TGeoShape
- SafetyS()
: TGeoCone
, TGeoConeSeg
, TGeoTube
, TGeoTubeSeg
- SafetySeg()
: TGeoShape
- SafetyToFace()
: TGeoArb8
- SafetyToHype()
: TGeoHype
- SafetyToSector()
: TGeoXtru
- SafetyToSegment()
: TGeoPcon
, TGeoPgon
- Same
: Hoption_t
- SameAxesMerge()
: TH1Merger
- SameLimitsAndNBins()
: TH1
- samp_fract
: TMVA::RuleFitAPI::RealParms
- Sample()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
, ROOT::Math::DistSampler
, TFoamSampler
, TUnuran
, TUnuranSampler
- Sample1D()
: ROOT::Math::DistSampler
, TUnuranSampler
- SampleBin()
: ROOT::Math::DistSampler
, TFoamSampler
, TUnuranSampler
- SampleBins()
: ROOT::Math::DistSampler
- SampleDiscr()
: TUnuran
- SampleFunction()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- sampleGaussian()
: RooRandomizeParamMCSModule
- SampleMass()
: TAttParticle
- SampleMulti()
: TUnuran
- SampleOverlap()
: TGeoOverlap
- SamplePoints()
: TGeoChecker
, TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SamplePurity()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
- Sampler()
: ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions
- sampleSumGauss()
: RooRandomizeParamMCSModule
- sampleSumUniform()
: RooRandomizeParamMCSModule
- sampleUniform()
: RooRandomizeParamMCSModule
- SamplingDistPlot()
: RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
- SamplingDistribution()
: RooStats::SamplingDistribution
- SamplingMode
: RooMCIntegrator
- SamplingSummary()
: RooStats::SamplingSummary
- SamplingSummaryLookup()
: RooStats::SamplingSummaryLookup
- Sandbox()
: XrdProofdClient
- SanitizeMinMaxCuts()
: TEveTrackList
- SanitizeTabCounts()
: TEveBrowser
- save()
: ApplicationWindow
, RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- Save()
: TASPaletteEditor
, TDirectory
, TDirectoryFile
, TEnv
, TEveGeoNode
, TEveGeoShape
, TF1
, TF2
, TF3
, TGText
, TGuiBldDragManager
, TProofLog
- SaveActiveList()
: TProof
- SaveAnimatedGif()
: TGraphTime
- saveAs()
: ApplicationWindow
- SaveAs()
: TClassTree
, TFolder
, TGeoVolume
, TGObject
, TObject
, TPad
, TPaveClass
, TSpline3
, TSpline5
, TSpline
, TTreePerfStats
, TVirtualPad
- SaveAttributes()
: TAttAxis
, TAxis
, TGeoManager
, TGeoNode
, TGraphEdge
, TGraphNode
- SaveBeltToFile()
: RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
- SaveBlockInCache()
: TFilePrefetch
- SaveChildren()
: TGListTree
- SaveColor()
: TColor
- SaveContext()
: TInterpreter
- Saved()
: TGTextEdit
- SavedAs()
: TGTextEdit
- SaveDoc()
: TXMLEngine
- SaveEntry()
: TLegendEntry
- SaveEntryLists()
: TParallelCoord
- SaveEventWeights()
: TMVA::RuleFit
- SaveExtract()
: TEveGeoNode
, TEveGeoShape
- SaveFile()
: TGTextEdit
, TGTextEditor
- SaveFileAs()
: TGTextEditor
- SaveFillAttributes()
: TAttFill
- SaveFrame()
: TGuiBldDragManager
- SaveFrameAsCodeOrImage()
: TGMainFrame
- Savefs()
: TLatex
- SaveGlobalsContext()
: TInterpreter
- SaveImage()
: TGLPadPainter
, TPadPainter
, TVirtualPadPainter
- SaveImageAttributes()
: TAttImage
- SaveInputData()
: TProof
- SaveLevel()
: TEnv
- SaveLineAttributes()
: TAttLine
- SaveLines()
: TPaveText
- SaveMarkerAttributes()
: TAttMarker
- SaveMimes()
: TGMimeTypes
- SaveModelviewMatrix()
: TGLPadPainter
, TGLPlotPainter
- SaveNode()
: TXMLEngine
- SaveObjectAs()
: TDirectory
, TDirectoryFile
- SavePartialResults()
: TProofPlayer
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SavePerfTree()
: TProof
- SavePicture()
: TGLViewer
- SavePictureHeight()
: TGLViewer
- SavePictureScale()
: TGLViewer
- SavePictureUsingBB()
: TGLViewer
- SavePictureUsingFBO()
: TGLViewer
- SavePictureWidth()
: TGLViewer
- SavePrimitive()
: TArc
, TArrow
, TASImage
, TAxis3D
, TBox
, TButton
, TCanvas
, TChair
, TCrown
, TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
, TCutG
, TDiamond
, TEfficiency
, TEllipse
, TExec
, TF12
, TF1
, TF2
, TF3
, TFrame
, TGaxis
, TGButton
, TGButtonGroup
, TGCanvas
, TGCheckButton
, TGColorSelect
, TGColumnLayout
, TGComboBox
, TGCompositeFrame
, TGContainer
, TGDockableFrame
, TGDoubleHSlider
, TGDoubleVSlider
, TGedMarkerSelect
, TGedPatternSelect
, TGeoArb8
, TGeoBBox
, TGeoBoolNode
, TGeoCombiTrans
, TGeoCompositeShape
, TGeoCone
, TGeoConeSeg
, TGeoCtub
, TGeoDecayChannel
, TGeoElementRN
, TGeoEltu
, TGeoGtra
, TGeoHalfSpace
, TGeoHMatrix
, TGeoHype
, TGeoIdentity
, TGeoIntersection
, TGeoMaterial
, TGeoMedium
, TGeoMixture
, TGeoPara
, TGeoParaboloid
, TGeoPatternCylPhi
, TGeoPatternCylR
, TGeoPatternParaX
, TGeoPatternParaY
, TGeoPatternParaZ
, TGeoPatternSphPhi
, TGeoPatternSphR
, TGeoPatternSphTheta
, TGeoPatternTrapZ
, TGeoPatternX
, TGeoPatternY
, TGeoPatternZ
, TGeoPcon
, TGeoPgon
, TGeoRotation
, TGeoScaledShape
, TGeoShapeAssembly
, TGeoSphere
, TGeoSubtraction
, TGeoTorus
, TGeoTranslation
, TGeoTrap
, TGeoTrd1
, TGeoTrd2
, TGeoTube
, TGeoTubeSeg
, TGeoUnion
, TGeoVolume
, TGeoXtru
, TGFileContainer
, TGFont
, TGFrame
, TGFSComboBox
, TGGroupFrame
, TGHButtonGroup
, TGHorizontal3DLine
, TGHorizontalFrame
, TGHorizontalLayout
, TGHProgressBar
, TGHScrollBar
, TGHSlider
, TGHSplitter
, TGHtml
, TGIcon
, TGLabel
, TGLayoutHints
, TGLineStyleComboBox
, TGLineWidthComboBox
, TGListBox
, TGListDetailsLayout
, TGListLayout
, TGListTree
, TGListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItemStd
, TGListView
, TGLVContainer
, TGMainFrame
, TGMatrixLayout
, TGMdiFrame
, TGMdiMainFrame
, TGMdiMenuBar
, TGMenuBar
, TGMenuTitle
, TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
, TGPictureButton
, TGPopupMenu
, TGProgressBar
, TGRadioButton
, TGraph2D
, TGraph
, TGraphAsymmErrors
, TGraphBentErrors
, TGraphEdge
, TGraphErrors
, TGraphNode
, TGraphStruct
, TGroupButton
, TGRowLayout
, TGShapedFrame
, TGShutter
, TGShutterItem
, TGSplitFrame
, TGStatusBar
, TGTab
, TGTabLayout
, TGTableLayout
, TGTableLayoutHints
, TGTextButton
, TGTextEdit
, TGTextEntry
, TGTextLBEntry
, TGTextView
, TGTileLayout
, TGToolBar
, TGTransientFrame
, TGTripleHSlider
, TGTripleVSlider
, TGVButtonGroup
, TGVertical3DLine
, TGVerticalFrame
, TGVerticalLayout
, TGVFileSplitter
, TGVProgressBar
, TGVScrollBar
, TGVSlider
, TGVSplitter
, TGXYLayout
, TGXYLayoutHints
, TH1
, TH1K
, TH2Poly
, THelix
, THStack
, TLatex
, TLegend
, TLine
, TMacro
, TMarker3DBox
, TMarker
, TMathText
, TMultiGraph
, TObject
, TPad
, TPaletteAxis
, TParallelCoord
, TParallelCoordVar
, TPave
, TPaveClass
, TPaveLabel
, TPaveStats
, TPavesText
, TPaveText
, TPie
, TPieSlice
, TPolyLine3D
, TPolyLine
, TPolyMarker3D
, TPolyMarker
, TProfile2D
, TProfile3D
, TProfile
, TRootEmbeddedCanvas
, TSlider
, TSliderBox
, TSpline3
, TSpline5
, TStyle
, TTable
, TText
, TTreePerfStats
, TVolumePosition
, TVolumeView
, TWbox
- SavePrimitiveHelp()
: TH1
- SavePrimitiveSubframes()
: TGCompositeFrame
- SaveProject()
: TRootGuiBuilder
- SaveProjectionMatrix()
: TGLPadPainter
, TGLPlotPainter
- SaveQuery()
: TQueryResultManager
- SaveRestore()
: TPostScript
- SaveSelector()
: TQueryResult
- SaveSelf()
: TDirectory
, TDirectoryFile
- SaveSingleNode()
: TXMLEngine
- saveSnapshot()
: RooWorkspace
- SaveSocket()
: XrdClientPhyConnection
, XrdClientSock
- SaveSource()
: TCanvas
, TGMainFrame
, TGTransientFrame
, TMacro
, TQRootCanvas
, TStyle
, TTreeViewer
, TTVRecord
, TTVSession
- saveState()
: RooMsgService
- saveStatus()
: RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- SaveStyle()
: TPaveStats
- SaveText()
: TGSelectBox
- SaveTextAttributes()
: TAttText
- SaveToDatabase()
: TSQLFile
- SaveToFile()
: TProofProgressLog
, TXMLFile
, XrdProofSessionInfo
- SaveTree()
: TParallelCoord
- SaveUserColor()
: TGFrame
- SaveViewport()
: TGLPadPainter
- SaveVizDB()
: TEveManager
- SaveVizParams()
: TEveElement
- SaveWorkerInfo()
: TProof
- saveXVec()
: RooAbsFunc
, RooRealBinding
- Saxpy()
: TQpVar
- Sbegin()
: TMVA::DataInputHandler
- Scalar
: ROOT::Math::AxisAngle
, ROOT::Math::Boost
, ROOT::Math::BoostX
, ROOT::Math::BoostY
, ROOT::Math::BoostZ
, ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::EulerAngles
, ROOT::Math::Impl::Plane3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Impl::Transform3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Impl::Translation3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation
, ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::Polar2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Polar3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::Quaternion
, ROOT::Math::Rotation3D
, ROOT::Math::RotationX
, ROOT::Math::RotationY
, ROOT::Math::RotationZ
, ROOT::Math::RotationZYX
, TLorentzVector
, TVector2
, TVector3
- Scalar_t
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
, TMVA::DNN::TLayer< Architecture_t >
, TMVA::DNN::TNet< Architecture_t, Layer_t >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >
- Scale()
: ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::GSLSimAnFunc
, ROOT::Math::Polar2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Polar3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserCovariance
, TASImage
, TEveTrans
, TGLBoundingBox
, TGLMatrix
, TGLPhysicalShape
, TH1
, TH2Poly
, THnBase
, TImage
, TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN
, TMVA::Tools
, TMVA::Volume
, TProfile2D
, TProfile3D
, TProfile
, TProfileHelper
, TStructViewerGUI
- ScaleAdd()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
- ScaleBoostWeight()
: TMVA::Event
- ScaleByChangedSlot()
: TStructViewerGUI
- ScaleColumnsByVector()
: TUnfoldSys
- scaleFactor
: RooAbsData::PlotOpt
, RooAbsReal::PlotOpt
- ScaleInterval()
: TMVA::Volume
- ScaleType
: RooAbsReal
- Scan()
: ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnScan
, TBackCompFitter
, TChain
, TEntryList
, TGItemContext
, TMinuitMinimizer
, TTree
, TTreePlayer
, TVirtualTreePlayer
- scanBinning
: RooFFTConvPdf::FFTCacheElem
- ScanBuilder()
: ROOT::Minuit2::ScanBuilder
- ScanClasses()
: TClassTree
- ScanCollection()
: TRootSniffer
- ScanDataSet()
: TDataSetManager
, TDataSetManagerAliEn
, TDataSetManagerFile
- ScanFile()
: TDataSetManager
- ScanHierarchy()
: TRootSniffer
- ScanLcurve()
: TUnfold
- ScanList()
: TTreeViewer
, TTVLVContainer
- ScanMinimizer()
: ROOT::Minuit2::ScanMinimizer
- ScanMinMaxValues()
: TEveDigitSet
- ScanObjectChilds()
: TRootSniffer
- ScanObjectMembers()
: TRootSniffer
- ScanObjectProperties()
: TRootSniffer
- ScanOnlyFields()
: TRootSnifferScanRec
- ScanPaths()
: TEntryList
- scanPdf()
: RooFFTConvPdf
- ScanPreviousQueries()
: TQueryResultManager
- ScanRedirected()
: TTreePlayer
- ScanRoot()
: TRootSniffer
- ScanTau()
: TUnfoldDensity
- Scat
: Hoption_t
- SceneClip()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SceneDestructing()
: TEveViewerList
, TGLViewerBase
- SceneInfoList_i
: TGLViewerBase
- SceneInfoList_t
: TGLViewerBase
- SceneInfoVec_i
: TGLViewerBase
- SceneInfoVec_t
: TGLViewerBase
- SceneLOD()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SceneOLLineW()
: TGLRnrCtx
- ScenesChanged()
: TEveManager
- SceneStamp()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SceneStyle()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SceneWFLineW()
: TGLRnrCtx
- Sched()
: XrdProofdManager
- SchedProtocol
: XrdProofSched
- ScheduleRedraw()
: TGHtml
- SclMap
: TGDMLParse
- SclProcess()
: TGDMLParse
- ScopedArray()
: ROOT::MacOSX::Util::ScopedArray< T >
- Score()
: TGeoChecker
- ScreenDown()
: TGTextEdit
- ScreenFactor()
: TGeoMaterial
- ScreenUp()
: TGTextEdit
- ScreenWidthMM()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- ScrollByChar()
: TGTextEntry
- ScrollCanvas()
: TGTextEdit
, TGView
- ScrollCHeaders()
: TGTable
- ScrollDown()
: TGView
- ScrollHeader()
: TGListView
- ScrollLeft()
: TGView
- ScrollRHeaders()
: TGTable
- ScrollRight()
: TGView
- ScrollToPosition()
: TGView
- ScrollUp()
: TGView
- SCustomDigest()
: Memstat::SCustomDigest
- SdivSqrtSplusB()
: TMVA::SdivSqrtSplusB
- seal()
: RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- sealNotice()
: RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- Search()
: TGContainer
, TGListTree
, TGText
, TGTextEdit
, TGTextEditor
, TGTextView
, TLDAPServer
, TMVA::BinarySearchTree
, TRootBrowserLite
, TSpectrum2
, TSpectrum3
, TSpectrum
- Search1HighRes()
: TSpectrum
- SearchBool_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchChar_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchChildren()
: TGListTree
- SearchDialog()
: TGSearchDialog
- SearchDouble_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchFast()
: TSpectrum3
- SearchFloat_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchGLRenderer()
: TGLObject
- SearchHighRes()
: TSpectrum2
, TSpectrum3
, TSpectrum
- SearchInt_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchLong_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchNode()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
- SearchPattern()
: TGContainer
- SearchPoint()
: TGeoTrack
- SearchShort_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchUChar_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchUInt_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchULong_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchUShort_t()
: TTableSorter
- SearchVolume()
: TMVA::BinarySearchTree
- SearchVolumeWithMaxLimit()
: TMVA::BinarySearchTree
- Secant()
: ROOT::Math::Roots::Secant
- second
: ROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::PairHolder< T, Q >
- SecondariesAreOrdered()
: TVirtualMC
- SecondPrefetch()
: TFileCacheRead
- SecondSort()
: TFileCacheRead
- SecSelected()
: TEveDigitSet
, TEveTrack
, TEveTrackProjected
- SecSelection()
: TGLRnrCtx
- sections
: ROOTwriter.ROOTwriter
- SectionsValid()
: TBuffer3D
- SecToText()
: TMVA::Timer
- SecureRecv()
: TAuthenticate
- SecureSend()
: TAuthenticate
- seed
: RooProofDriverSelector
- Seed()
: ROOT::Math::GSLRngROOTWrapper< Engine >
, ROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionMinimum
, ROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum
, UnuranRng< Random >
- SeedGenerator()
: ROOT::Minuit2::CombinedMinimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliMinimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::ModularFunctionMinimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::ScanMinimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::SimplexMinimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::VariableMetricMinimizer
- seek()
: RooHistError
, RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- Seek()
: TDavixFile
, TFile
, TNetFile
, TNetXNGFile
, TSQLFile
, TWebFile
, TXMLFile
- segmentlist
: triangulateio
- segmentmarkerlist
: triangulateio
- segs
: _x3d_data_
- select()
: RooNameSet
- Select()
: TEvePointSelector
, TGComboBox
, TGLBContainer
, TGListBox
, TGLManip
, TGLPhysicalShape
, TGTableCell
, TMonitor
, TMultiDimFit
, TProofProgressLog
, TProofProgressMemoryPlot
, TSocket
, TSystem
, TToggleGroup
, TUDPSocket
, TUnixSystem
, TVirtualGLManip
, TWinNTSystem
- Select_foo
: TEveElement
- SelectAll()
: TGContainer
, TGTextEntry
, TGTextView
- selectByAttrib()
: RooAbsCollection
- selectByName()
: RooAbsCollection
- SelectByP()
: TEveTrackList
- SelectByPt()
: TEveTrackList
- SelectColumn()
: TGTableCell
- selectCommon()
: RooAbsCollection
- selectComp()
: RooAbsReal
- SelectDataBase()
: TMySQLServer
, TODBCServer
, TOracleServer
, TPgSQLServer
, TSapDBServer
, TSQLiteServer
, TSQLServer
- selectDefaultAlgorithm()
: RooVoigtian
- SelectDrawable()
: TGLPadPainter
, TPadPainter
, TVirtualPadPainter
- Selected()
: TCanvas
, TGComboBox
, TGFileBrowser
, TGHtmlBrowser
, TGListBox
, TGShutter
, TGShutterItem
, TGTab
- SelectedPadChanged()
: TQRootCanvas
- SelectedSize()
: TGL5DDataSet
- SelectedSlot()
: TGeoManagerEditor
- SelectElement()
: TEveElement
- SelectEntry()
: TGLVContainer
- selectFastAlgorithm()
: RooVoigtian
- SelectFile()
: TAlienCollection
, TGridCollection
- SelectFont()
: ROOT::MacOSX::Details::FontCache
- SelectForClicked()
: TGLEventHandler
- SelectForMouseOver()
: TGLEventHandler
- SelectFrame()
: TGuiBldDragManager
- SelectFrameByItem()
: TGuiBldNameFrame
- SelectInput()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TMVA::VariableTransformBase
, TVirtualX
- Selection()
: TGLColorSet
, TGLRnrCtx
- selection_iterator
: TGCocoa
- SelectionAdded()
: TEveSelection
- SelectionChanged()
: TGListBox
, TGListView
, TGLSAViewer
, TGLViewer
- SelectionCleared()
: TEveSelection
- SelectionRemoved()
: TEveSelection
- SelectionRepeated()
: TEveSelection
- SelectionSet()
: TGHtml
- SelectionSet_ci
: TEveSecondarySelectable
- SelectionSet_i
: TEveSecondarySelectable
- SelectionSet_t
: TEveSecondarySelectable
- SelectItem()
: TTVLVContainer
- SelectManip()
: TGLManager
, TGOSXGLManager
, TGWin32GLManager
, TGWin32GLManagerProxy
, TX11GLManager
- SelectNonZeros()
: TVectorT< Element >
- selectNormalization()
: RooAbsReal
, RooAddModel
, RooAddPdf
, RooSimultaneous
- selectNormalizationRange()
: RooAbsReal
, RooAddModel
, RooAddPdf
, RooChebychev
, RooProdPdf
, RooSimultaneous
- SelectObject()
: TVirtualViewer3D
- SelectOffScreenDevice()
: TGLAdapter
, TGLManager
, TGOSXGLManager
, TGWin32GLManager
, TGWin32GLManagerProxy
, TX11GLManager
- SelectPixmap()
: TGCocoa
, TVirtualX
- SelectPoints()
: TGL5DDataSet
- SelectRecord()
: TGLSelectBuffer
- SelectRow()
: TGTableCell
- SelectSearch()
: TTableSorter
- SelectSymbolFont()
: ROOT::MacOSX::Details::FontCache
- SelectTrackingMedia()
: TGeoManager
- SelectTransparents()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SelectVolume()
: TGeoVolume
- SelectWindow()
: TEveWindowManager
, TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- Self()
: TThread
- SelfId()
: TPosixThread
, TThread
, TThreadImp
, TWin32Thread
- selfNormalized()
: RooAbsCachedPdf
, RooAbsCachedReal
, RooAbsPdf
, RooAddModel
, RooAddPdf
, RooExtendPdf
, RooHistPdf
, RooIntegralMorph
, RooMomentMorph
, RooProdPdf
, RooProjectedPdf
, RooRealSumPdf
, RooSimultaneous
- SelMap_i
: TEveSelection
- SelMap_t
: TEveSelection
- sema_
: pthread_cond_t
- SemSize()
: XrdClientInputBuffer
- Sen3a()
: TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_Utils
- Send()
: THttpWSEngine
, TMVA::DataInputHandler
, TMVA::MsgLogger
, TPSocket
, TServerSocket
, TSocket
, TSSLSocket
, TUDPSocket
, TXSocket
, XrdProofdAdmin
, XrdProofdNetMgr
, XrdProofdResponse
- send_event
: XShapeEvent
- SendAsynMessage()
: TProofServ
- SendBuf()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
- SendCanvases()
: TApplicationServer
- SendCat
: RooRealMPFE
- SendCharStar()
: THttpWSEngine
- SendCloseMessage()
: TGMainFrame
- SendClusterInfo()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SendCommand()
: TProof
- SendCoordinator()
: TSlave
, TXSlave
, TXSocket
- SendCurrentState()
: TProof
- SendData()
: XrdProofdProofServ
, XrdProofdProtocol
- SendDataN()
: XrdProofdProofServ
, XrdProofdProtocol
- SendDataSetInfo()
: TProofMonSender
, TProofMonSenderML
, TProofMonSenderSQL
- SendDataSetStatus()
: TProof
- SendDNDDrop()
: TGDNDManager
- SendDNDEnter()
: TGDNDManager
- SendDNDFinished()
: TGDNDManager
- SendDNDLeave()
: TGDNDManager
- SendDNDPosition()
: TGDNDManager
- SendDNDStatus()
: TGDNDManager
- SendErrLog()
: XrdProofdProofServMgr
- SendError()
: TMPWorker
- SendEvent()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SendExitMessage()
: TGWin32ProxyBase
- SendFile()
: TApplicationRemote
, TProof
- SendFileCheckpoint()
: TMonaLisaWriter
- SendFileCloseEvent()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendFileInfo()
: TProofMonSender
, TProofMonSenderML
, TProofMonSenderSQL
- SendFileOpenProgress()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendFileReadProgress()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendFileWriteProgress()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendGenCommand()
: XrdClientConn
- SendGroupPriority()
: TSlave
, TXSlave
- SendGroupView()
: TProof
- SendI()
: XrdProofdResponse
- SendInfoDescription()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendInfoStatus()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendInfoTime()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendInfoUser()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendingLogToWindow()
: TProof
- SendInitialState()
: TProof
- SendInputData()
: TProof
- SendInputDataFile()
: TProof
, TProofLite
- SendInterrupt()
: TXSocket
- SendLogFile()
: TApplicationServer
, TProofServ
- SendLogToWindow()
: TProof
- SendMessage()
: TGEventHandler
, TGFrame
- SendMsg()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SendMsgToUser()
: XrdProofdAdmin
- SendMsgToUsers()
: TProofMgr
, TXProofMgr
- SendObject()
: TApplicationRemote
, TProof
, TServerSocket
, TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- sendpages()
: BidirMMapPipe
- SendParallel()
: TProofServ
- SendParameters()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TSQLMonitoringWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendPrint()
: TProof
- SendProcessIDs()
: TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SendProcessingProgress()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendProcessingStatus()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SendRaw()
: TPSocket
, TServerSocket
, TSocket
, TSSLSocket
, TSystem
, TUDPSocket
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
, TXSocket
, XrdClientSock
- SendRaw_sock()
: XrdClientSock
- sendrcv
: XPClientRequest
- SendReal
: RooRealMPFE
- SendRecv()
: XrdProofConn
- SendReq()
: XrdProofConn
- SendResult()
: TMPWorkerTree
, TMPWorkerTreeFunc< F >
, TMPWorkerTreeSel
- SendResults()
: TProofServ
- SendRSAPublicKey()
: TAuthenticate
- SendSelector()
: TProofPlayerRemote
- SendSignal()
: TQConnection
, TVirtualQConnection
- SendStatistics()
: TProofServ
- SendStreamerInfos()
: TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SendSummary()
: TProofMonSender
, TProofMonSenderML
, TProofMonSenderSQL
- SendToBack()
: TParallelCoordRange
- SendUnsolicitedMsg()
: XrdClientUnsolMsgSender
- SendUnzipStartSignal()
: TTreeCacheUnzip
- SendUrgent()
: TXSocket
- SeparateVars()
: TQpLinSolverBase
, TQpProbBase
, TQpProbDens
, TQpProbSparse
- SeparationBase()
: TMVA::SeparationBase
- SeparatorIsRegexp()
: TDocLatexDirective
- SeqNum()
: TQueryResultManager
- SeqReduce()
: ROOT::TThreadExecutor
- SequentialProposal()
: RooStats::SequentialProposal
- serial
: XShapeEvent
- Serialize()
: TMVA::PyMethodBase
- Server
: RooRealMPFE
- server_cert
: mg_client_options
- ServerInfo()
: TMySQLServer
, TODBCServer
, TOracleServer
, TPgSQLServer
, TSapDBServer
, TSQLiteServer
, TSQLServer
- serverIterator()
: RooAbsArg
- serverLoop()
: RooRealMPFE
- serverMIterator()
: RooAbsArg
- serverNameChangeHook()
: RooAbsArg
- servesExclusively()
: RooRealIntegral
- ServiceRegistered()
: TBonjourRegistrar
- ServiceType()
: TBonjourBrowser
- SessionMgr()
: XrdProofdManager
- Set()
: BinomialNeymanInterval< Sorter >
, ClusterD
, PyROOT::MethodProxy
, PyROOT::ObjectProxy
, PyROOT::PropertyProxy
, PyROOT::TemplateProxy
- set()
: RooDataHist
- Set()
: ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings
- set()
: ROOT::Math::detail::manipulator< char_t >
- Set()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMultiFit
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::VavilovAccurate
- set()
: RooWorkspace
- Set()
: TArray
, TArrayC
, TArrayD
, TArrayF
, TArrayI
, TArrayL64
, TArrayL
, TArrayS
, TAtomicCount
, TAxis
, TBinomialEfficiencyFitter
, TBits
, TChair
, TDatime
, TEveVector2T< TT >
, TEveVectorT< TT >
- set()
: TGenCollectionProxy::StreamHelper
- Set()
: TGLBoundingBox
, TGLClipPlane
, TGLLine3
, TGLMatrix
, TGLOvlSelectRecord
, TGLPlane
, TGLRect
, TGLSelectRecord
, TGLSelectRecordBase
, TGLVertex3
, TGraph2D
, TGraph2DErrors
, TGraph
, TLatex::TLatexFormSize
, TrackD32
, TrackD
, TTable
, TTimeStamp
, TVector2
, VecTrackD
, XpdObjectQ
, XpdSrvMgrCreateGuard
, XrdProofdResponse
- Set2DMode()
: TEveCaloLego
- Set3DStyle()
: TGLabel
- Set404()
: THttpCallArg
- Set_ci
: TEveElement
- Set_i
: TEveElement
- Set_r3_xz_alpha()
: TQpResidual
- Set_t
: TEveElement
- SetA()
: TGeoMaterial
, TGeoMixture
- SetAA()
: TGQuartz
- SetAABoundingBox()
: TBuffer3D
- SetAABox()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetAABoxCenterHalfSize()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetAAQuadXY()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetAAQuadXZ()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetAbsTolerance()
: ROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::BaseIntegratorOptions
, ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GaussLegendreIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDim
, ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegrator
- SetAccelerated()
: TGScrollBar
- SetAcceptOptions()
: TServerSocket
- SetAccessKey()
: TS3HTTPRequest
, TS3WebFile
- SetAccumSize()
: TGLFormat
- SetAccuracy()
: TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
- SetAclicMode()
: TSystem
- SetActBrowser()
: TRootBrowser
- SetAction()
: ROOT::v5::TFormula
, TControlBarButton
, TExec
, TGuiBuilder
, TRef
- SetActionOptimized()
: ROOT::v5::TFormula
- SetActivated()
: TParallelCoordSelect
- SetActivation()
: TMVA::MethodANNBase
- SetActivationEqn()
: TMVA::TNeuron
- SetActive()
: TEveListTreeItem
, TG16ColorSelector
, TGColorFrame
, TGedPatternFrame
, TGedPatternSelector
, TGeoGedFrame
, TGLBoxCut
, TGListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItemStd
, TGLManip
, TGLSceneInfo
, TGTabElement
, TProof
, TProofCondor
, TTask
- SetActiveDaughters()
: TGeoAtt
, TGeoVolume
- SetActivity()
: TGeoAtt
, TGeoVolume
- setActual()
: RooParamHistFunc
- SetAdaBoostBeta()
: TMVA::MethodBDT
- SetAdaptiveLimits()
: RooStats::HypoTestCalculatorGeneric
- SetAdaptiveSpeed()
: TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
- SetAdate()
: TAttCanvas
- setAddDirectoryStatus()
: RooPlot
- SetAdded()
: TGeoVolume
- SetAddEnabled()
: TSessionServerFrame
- SetAddress()
: TBranch
, TBranchClones
, TBranchElement
, TBranchObject
, TBranchSTL
, THbookBranch
, TLeaf
, TLeafB
, TLeafC
, TLeafD
, TLeafF
, TLeafI
, TLeafL
, TLeafO
, TLeafObject
, TLeafS
, TSessionServerFrame
- SetAddressRange()
: TMemStatShow
- SetAddrFromHost()
: XrdClientUrlInfo
- SetAdminPath()
: XrdProofdProofServ
, XrdProofdProtocol
- SetADolly()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetAfile()
: TAttPad
- SetAlgorithm()
: ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions
- SetAlias()
: TProof
, TProofMgr
, TSlave
, TTree
, TTVLVEntry
, TXSlave
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetAliEnMainPackageDir()
: TAlienPackage
- SetAlign()
: TAxisModLab
, TGFontDialog
- SetAlignableEntry()
: TGeoManager
- SetAligned()
: TGeoPhysicalNode
, TGLBoundingBox
- SetAlignment()
: TGTextEntry
- SetAlignRight()
: TEveGValuatorBase
- setAllBuffersNative()
: RooVectorDataStore
- SetAllIndex()
: TGeoManager
- setAllInterpCodes()
: PiecewiseInterpolation
, RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- SetAllInvisible()
: TGeoNode
- SetAllMembersCount()
: TStructNode
- SetAlloclockfunc()
: TInterpreter
- SetAllocSizeLimit()
: TMySQLStatement
- SetAllocunlockfunc()
: TInterpreter
- SetAllowClose()
: TGLAnnotation
- SetAllTestStatisticsData()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- setAllWeights()
: RooDataHist
- SetAllWith()
: TPaveStats
, TPaveText
- setAlpha()
: RooMCIntegrator
- SetAlpha()
: TColor
, TGL5DPainter
, TGLColor
, TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TMVA::SVEvent
- SetAlpha_p()
: TMVA::SVEvent
- SetAlphaC()
: TMVA::CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode
- SetAlphaColor()
: TGColorSelect
- SetAlphaMinSubtree()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetAlphanumeric()
: TAxis
- SetAlphaValues()
: TGLOverlayButton
- SetAltDetailedOutput()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SetAltDistribution()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SetAlternateModel()
: RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::HybridCalculator
, RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
, RooStats::HypoTestCalculator
, RooStats::HypoTestCalculatorGeneric
- SetAlternateParameters()
: RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
- SetAlternatePdf()
: RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
- SetAltParameters()
: RooStats::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
- SetAlwaysReuseNLL()
: RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
, RooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat
, RooStats::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
- SetAlwaysSecSelect()
: TEveSecondarySelectable
- setAlwaysStartFromMin()
: RooProfileLL
- SetAlwaysUseMultiGen()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetAmplitude()
: TCurlyLine
- setAnaIntZ()
: RooMultiVarGaussian
- SetAnalysisType()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
, TMVA::MethodBase
- SetAnchor()
: TAliEnFind
, TFileCollection
, TUrl
- SetAndCopyFunction()
: ROOT::Math::WrappedMultiTF1Templ< T >
- SetAngle()
: ROOT::Math::RotationX
, ROOT::Math::RotationY
, ROOT::Math::RotationZ
, TArrow
, TAxisModLab
- SetAngle3D()
: TPie
- SetAngles()
: TGeoRotation
, TRotMatrix
, TSpectrum2Painter
, TTablePadView3D
- SetAnglesFactors()
: TTablePadView3D
- SetAngularOffset()
: TPie
- SetAnimateTracks()
: TGeoManager
- SetAntiFlick()
: TEveDigitSet
- SetAntiParticle()
: TParticlePDG
- SetAnyColumn()
: TTable3Points
- SetApex()
: TEveJetCone
- SetApplication()
- SetApplicationIcon()
: TGCocoa
- SetApplyStyle()
: RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
- SetApplyVeto()
: RooStats::ToyMCImportanceSampler
- SetArcBall()
: TGLEventHandler
- SetArchCompiler()
: TSlave
- SetArchived()
: TQueryResult
- SetArchSubst()
: TAliEnFind
- SetArcMode()
- SetArea()
: ROOT::Math::DistSampler
, TUnuranSampler
- SetArg()
: PyROOT::TConverter
, PyROOT::TCppObjectArrayConverter
, PyROOT::TCppObjectConverter
, PyROOT::TCppObjectPtrConverter< ISREFERENCE >
, PyROOT::TCStringConverter
, PyROOT::TLongLongArrayConverter
, PyROOT::TNonConstCStringConverter
, PyROOT::TNonConstUCStringConverter
, PyROOT::TNotImplementedConverter
, PyROOT::TRefCppObjectConverter
, PyROOT::TSmartPtrCppObjectConverter
, PyROOT::TSTLIteratorConverter
, PyROOT::TValueCppObjectConverter
, PyROOT::TVoidArrayConverter
, PyROOT::TVoidConverter
, PyROOT::TVoidPtrPtrConverter
, PyROOT::TVoidPtrRefConverter
- setArg()
: RooCategoryProxy
, RooRealProxy
- SetArg()
: TQConnection
, TVirtualQConnection
- SetArgImpl()
: TQConnection
- SetArgs()
: TQCommand
, TVirtualQConnection
- SetArgsImpl()
: TVirtualQConnection
- setArgStatus()
: RooAbsData
, RooAbsDataStore
, RooCompositeDataStore
, RooTreeDataStore
, RooVectorDataStore
- SetArguments()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetArray()
: TSQLStructure
- SetArrayDim()
: TStreamerBasicPointer
, TStreamerElement
, TStreamerObjectAnyPointer
, TStreamerObjectPointer
- SetArrayIndex()
: TSQLStructure
- SetArrayLimit()
: TSQLFile
- SetArrowSize()
: TArrow
- SetArTol()
: TQpSolverBase
- SetAsDouble()
: TNDArray
, TNDArrayT< T >
- SetAsimovNuisancePar()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetAspectRatio()
: TGDockHideButton
- SetAsReadBuffer()
- SetAssignable()
: PyROOT::TRefExecutor
- SetAstat()
: TAttPad
- SetAsTopVolume()
: TGeoVolume
- setAsymError()
: RooRealVar
- setAsymErrorBuffer()
: RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- SetAsync()
: XrdProofConn
, XrdProofPhyConn
- SetAsyncOpenStatus()
: TNetXNGFile
- SetAt()
: TArray
, TArrayC
, TArrayD
, TArrayF
, TArrayI
, TArrayL64
, TArrayL
, TArrayS
- SetATheta()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetAtSlot()
: ROOT::TThreadedObject< T >
- SetAttAxis()
: TGLAxisPainter
- SetAttBit()
: TGeoAtt
- SetAttFillPS()
: TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetAttLineAttMarker()
: TEveTrack
- SetAttLinePS()
: TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetAttMarkerPS()
: TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetAttNode()
: TTablePadView3D
- setAttribAll()
: RooAbsCollection
- setAttribute()
: RooAbsArg
- SetAttribute()
: ROOT::R::TRObject
- SetAttributes()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- setAttributes:
: QuartzView
, QuartzWindow
, <X11Window >
- SetAttTextPS()
: TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetAttVisibility()
: TGeoVolume
- SetAuthEntity()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SetAuthKeys()
: TS3HTTPRequest
- SetAuthority()
: TUri
- SetAuthorTag()
: THtml
- SetAuthProt()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SetAuthReUse()
: TAuthenticate
- SetAuthType()
: TS3HTTPRequest
- SetAutoCheckBoxPic()
: TGListTree
- setAutoClassNamePostFix()
: RooFactoryWSTool
- SetAutoCreated()
: TTreeCache
- SetAutoDelete()
: TBranch
, TBranchObject
, TChain
- SetAutoDestruct()
: TGLSceneBase
- SetAutoexec()
: TTVRecord
- SetAutoFit()
: TRootEmbeddedCanvas
- SetAutoFlush()
: TTree
- SetAutoLighting()
: TEveText
- SetAutoLoad()
: TRootSniffer
- SetAutoLoadCallBack()
: TInterpreter
- SetAutomatic()
: TMVA::IPruneTool
- SetAutoRange()
: TEveCaloViz
, TView3D
, TView
- SetAutoRebin()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetAutoRotator()
: TGLViewer
- SetAutoSave()
: TTree
- SetAutoScan()
: RooStats::HypoTestInverter
- SetAutoTips()
: TGListTree
- SetAutoUpdate()
: TGLClipSet
- SetAverageFillColor()
: TSpider
- SetAverageFillStyle()
: TSpider
- SetAverageLineColor()
: TSpider
- SetAverageLineStyle()
: TSpider
- SetAverageLineWidth()
: TSpider
- SetAverageRuleSigma()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetAverageWindow()
: TSpectrum2
, TSpectrum
- SetAWait()
: TXSocket
- setAwsAlternate()
: TDavixFileInternal
- setAwsRegion()
: TDavixFileInternal
- setAwsToken()
: TDavixFileInternal
- SetAxes()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCInterval
- SetAxesMode()
: TEveProjectionAxes
- SetAxesPosition()
: TParallelCoord
- SetAxis()
: ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::ComparePoints
, ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::Cut
, TGDMLParse
, THelix
, TTreeFormula
- SetAxis3DTitlePos()
: TEveCaloLegoGL
, TGLAxisPainterBox
- SetAxisAlignedBBox()
: TGLObject
- SetAxisAngle()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetAxisColor()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TAxis3D
, TH1
, TStyle
- SetAxisFromBins()
: TEveCaloDataVec
- SetAxisHistogramBinning()
: TParallelCoord
- SetAxisHistogramHeight()
: TParallelCoord
- SetAxisHistogramLineWidth()
: TParallelCoord
- SetAxisNDC()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetAxisPosition()
: TCandle
- SetAxisQAngle()
: TQuaternion
- SetAxisRange()
: RooPlot
, TAxis3D
, TH1
- SetAxisTitle()
: RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
- SetBackColor()
: TEveFrameBox
, TGLAnnotation
, TGLOverlayButton
- SetBackColorPixel()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetBackColorRGBA()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetBackground()
, TGTextView
- SetBackgroundAsAlt()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SetBackgroundColor()
: TGFrame
, TGLBEntry
, TGView
, TGWindow
- SetBackgroundParameters()
: TSpectrum2Fit
, TSpectrumFit
- SetBackgroundPixmap()
: TGView
, TGWindow
- SetBackgroundTree()
: TMVA::DataLoader
- SetBackgroundWeightExpression()
: TMVA::DataLoader
- SetBackwardEndCapPos()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetBaddress()
: TChainElement
- SetBaddressClassName()
: TChainElement
- SetBaddressIsPtr()
: TChainElement
- SetBaddressType()
: TChainElement
- SetBaggedSampleFraction()
: TMVA::MethodBDT
- SetBarColor()
: TGProgressBar
- SetBarHisto()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetBarOffset()
: RooPlot
, TH1
, TStyle
- SetBarrelRadius()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetBarType()
: TGProgressBar
- SetBarWidth()
: RooPlot
, TH1
, TStyle
- SetBaseCheckSum()
: TStreamerBase
- SetBaseDir()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetBasePath()
: TAliEnFind
- SetBaseUri()
: TGHtml
- SetBaseVec()
: TEveTrans
, TGLMatrix
- SetBaseVersion()
: TStreamerBase
- SetBasisFunctions()
: TLinearFitter
- SetBasketSize()
: TBranch
, TBranchClones
, TBranchElement
, TBranchObject
, TTree
- SetBatch()
: TCanvas
, THtml
, TPad
, TQRootCanvas
, TVirtualPad
- SetBatchSize()
: TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
, TMVA::DNN::TNet< Architecture_t, Layer_t >
- SetBBox()
: TEveArrowGL
, TEveBoxGL
, TEveBoxProjectedGL
, TEveCalo2DGL
, TEveCalo3DGL
, TEveCaloLegoGL
, TEveDigitSetGL
, TEveJetConeGL
, TEveJetConeProjectedGL
, TEvePlot3DGL
, TEvePolygonSetProjectedGL
, TEveProjectionAxesGL
, TEveStraightLineSetGL
, TEveTextGL
, TEveTriangleSetGL
, TGLObject
, TGLParametricEquationGL
, TPointSet3DGL
- SetBBoxCenter()
: TAttBBox2D
, TBox
, TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
, TEllipse
, TLine
, TMarker
, TPad
, TText
- SetBBoxCenterX()
: TAttBBox2D
, TBox
, TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
, TEllipse
, TLine
, TMarker
, TPad
, TText
- SetBBoxCenterY()
: TAttBBox2D
, TBox
, TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
, TEllipse
, TLine
, TMarker
, TPad
, TText
- SetBBoxX1()
: TAttBBox2D
, TBox
, TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
, TEllipse
, TLine
, TMarker
, TPad
, TText
- SetBBoxX2()
: TAttBBox2D
, TBox
, TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
, TEllipse
, TLine
, TMarker
, TPad
, TText
- SetBBoxY1()
: TAttBBox2D
, TBox
, TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
, TEllipse
, TLine
, TMarker
, TPad
, TText
- SetBBoxY2()
: TAttBBox2D
, TBox
, TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
, TEllipse
, TLine
, TMarker
, TPad
, TText
- SetBest()
: TFoamCell
, TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- SetBeta()
: ROOT::Math::BoostX
, ROOT::Math::BoostY
, ROOT::Math::BoostZ
- SetBetaAlpha()
: TEfficiency
- SetBetaBeta()
: TEfficiency
- SetBetaBinParameters()
: TEfficiency
- SetBezier()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetBias()
: TUnfold
- SetBiasNeuron()
: TMVA::TNeuron
- setBin()
: RooAbsCategoryLValue
, RooAbsLValue
, RooAbsRealLValue
- SetBinary()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetBinaryState()
: TGLOverlayElement
- SetBinCenter()
: RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL::BarlowCache
- SetBinCentreData()
- SetBinColor()
: TGLH2PolyPainter
- SetBinContent()
: TH1
, TH2
, TH2Poly
, TH3
, THn
, THnBase
, THnSparse
- SetBinContentChanged()
: TH2Poly
- SetBinCountData()
- SetBinData()
: THttpCallArg
- SetBinEdges()
: THnBase
- SetBinEntries()
: TProfile2D
, TProfile3D
, TProfile
, TProfileHelper
- SetBinError()
: TH1
, THnBase
- SetBinError2()
: THn
, THnBase
, THnSparse
- SetBinErrorOption()
: TH1
- SetBinFactor()
: TUnfoldBinning
- SetBinFactorFunction()
: TUnfoldBinning
- setBinFast()
: RooAbsRealLValue
- SetBinHigh()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement
- setBinIntegrator()
: PiecewiseInterpolation
- SetBinLabel()
: TAxis
- SetBinLow()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement
- SetBinMapEntry()
: TUnfoldBinning
- SetBinMinMaxEdges()
: TKDTreeBinning
- setBinning()
: RooErrorVar
, RooRealVar
- SetBinning()
- setBins()
: RooErrorVar
, RooRealVar
- SetBins()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, TEfficiency
, TH1
, TProfile2D
, TProfile3D
, TProfile
- SetBinsContent()
: TKDTreeBinning
- SetBinsEdges()
: TKDTreeBinning
- SetBinsLength()
: TH1
, TH1C
, TH1D
, TH1F
, TH1I
, TH1S
, TH2C
, TH2D
, TH2F
, TH2I
, TH2S
, TH3C
, TH3D
, TH3F
, TH3I
, TH3S
, TProfile2D
, TProfile3D
, TProfile
- SetBinVarX()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetBinVarY()
: TMultiDimFit
- setBit()
: RooMultiVarGaussian::BitBlock
- SetBit()
: TObject
- SetBitAll()
: TFileCollection
- SetBitNumber()
: TBits
- SetBits()
: TGeoTrack
- SetBlkRemovalPolicy()
: XrdClientReadCache
- SetBlockName()
: THbookBranch
- SetBlockSize()
- SetBlue()
: TGLColor
- SetBomb()
: TGeometry
- SetBombFactors()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetBoost()
: TLorentzRotation
- SetBoostedMethodName()
: TMVA::MethodBoost
- SetBoostWeight()
: TMVA::Event
- SetBorderDrawn()
: TGButtonGroup
- SetBorderMode()
: TButton
, TDialogCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
, TWbox
- SetBorderSize()
: TPad
, TPave
, TVirtualPad
, TWbox
- SetBorderSurface()
: TVirtualMC
- SetBottomMargin()
: TAttPad
, TGTextButton
- SetBoundaries()
: TSpline5
- SetBounding()
: TRolke
- SetBounds()
: TArcBall
- SetBox()
: TMVA::PDEFoamDensityBase
- SetBoxDimensions()
: TGeoBBox
- SetBoxMode()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetBoxPlot()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetBoxPoints()
: TGeoBBox
- SetBoxSkip()
: TEveBoxSet
- SetBranch()
: TBasket
, TFormLeafInfo
, TFormLeafInfoReference
, TLeaf
- SetBranchAddress()
: TChain
, THbookFile
, TTree
- SetBranchAddresses()
- SetBranchAddressImp()
: TTree
- SetBranchAsState()
: TGeoPhysicalNode
- setBranchBufferSize()
: RooTreeDataStore
- SetBranchCount()
: TBranchElement
- SetBranchCount2()
: TBranchElement
- SetBranchFolder()
: TBranchElement
- SetBranchPtr()
: TChainElement
- SetBranchStatus()
: TChain
, TTree
- SetBranchStyle()
: TTree
- SetBRAT()
: TPythia6
- SetBreakin()
: TTask
- SetBreakout()
: TTask
- SetBrfPrecision()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
- SetBrowser()
: TBrowserImp
, TContextMenu
- SetBrowserImp()
: TBrowser
- SetBtot()
: TConfidenceLevel
- SetBucket()
: TS3HTTPRequest
- setBufArg()
: RooVectorDataStore::CatVector
, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- setBuffer()
: RooVectorDataStore::CatVector
, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- SetBuffer()
: TBuffer
, TFPBlock
, TH1
, TKey
, TProfile2D
, TProfile3D
, TProfile
- SetBuffer3D()
: TEveTrans
- SetBufferAddress()
: TBranch
- SetBufferDisplacement()
: TBuffer
, TBufferFile
, TBufferJSON
- setBufferFraction()
: RooFFTConvPdf
- SetBufferOffset()
: TBuffer
- SetBufferSize()
: Memstat::TMemStatMng
, TDirectory
, TDirectoryFile
, TFileCacheRead
, TOracleStatement
, TTreeCache
, TTreeCacheUnzip
- SetBuffersNumber()
: TMySQLStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
- setBufferStrategy()
: RooFFTConvPdf
- SetBuildDir()
: TSystem
- SetBuilder()
: TGuiBldDragManager
- SetBusy()
: TSessionViewer
- SetButton()
: TGButtonGroup
- SetButtonState()
: TControlBar
, TControlBarImp
, TRootControlBar
- SetButtonToNum()
: TGNumberEntry
- SetButtonWidth()
: TControlBar
, TControlBarImp
, TRootControlBar
- SetByteCount()
: TBuffer
, TBufferFile
, TBufferJSON
, TBufferSQL2
, TBufferXML
- SetBytesRead()
: TPerfStats
, TProofProgressStatus
, TTreePerfStats
, TVirtualPerfStats
- SetBytesReadExtra()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetC1()
: TRatioPlot
- SetC2()
: TRatioPlot
- SetCache()
: TFilePrefetch
, TVirtualFitter
- setCacheAllNumeric()
: RooRealIntegral
- setCacheAlpha()
: RooIntegralMorph
- setCacheAndTrackHints()
: RooAbsAnaConvPdf
, RooAbsArg
, RooAddPdf
, RooProdPdf
, RooProduct
, RooRealSumPdf
- setCacheCheck()
: RooAbsReal
- setCACheck()
: TDavixFile
- SetCacheDir()
: ROOT::Experimental::TFile
- SetCacheEntryRange()
: TTree
- SetCacheFileDir()
: TFile
- SetCacheLearnEntries()
: TTree
- setCacheNumeric()
: RooRealIntegral
- setCacheObservables()
: RooFFTConvPdf
- SetCacheRead()
: TFile
- SetCacheRmPolicy()
: XrdClientConn
- SetCacheSize()
: RooStats::PdfProposal
, RooStats::ProposalHelper
, TChain
, TTree
, TTreeCloner
, XrdClientConn
- SetCacheSizeAux()
: TTree
- setCacheSource()
: RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem
, RooCachedReal
- SetCacheWrite()
: TFile
- SetCalcMass()
: TParticle
- SetCall()
: TClassMenuItem
- SetCallbackFoo()
: TEveDigitSet
- SetCalledObject()
: TContextMenu
- SetCallerName()
: TMVA::TransformationHandler
- setCallProfiling()
: RooNumConvolution
, RooNumConvPdf
- setCallWarning()
: RooNumConvolution
, RooNumConvPdf
- SetCaloLego()
: TEveCaloLegoOverlay
- SetCamera()
: TGLPlotCamera
, TGLRnrCtx
- SetCameraOverlay()
: TGLViewer
- SetCameraStamp()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetCancelAsynchronous()
: TPosixThread
, TThread
, TThreadImp
, TWin32Thread
- SetCancelDeferred()
: TPosixThread
, TThread
, TThreadImp
, TWin32Thread
- SetCancelOff()
: TPosixThread
, TThread
, TThreadImp
, TWin32Thread
- SetCancelOn()
: TPosixThread
, TThread
, TThreadImp
, TWin32Thread
- SetCanDelete()
: TVirtualStreamerInfo
- SetCandleChart()
: TParallelCoord
- SetCanExtend()
: TAxis
, TH1
- SetCanonicalBandwidths()
- SetCanSplit()
: TClass
- SetCanvas()
: TColorWheel
, TContextMenu
, TFitEditor
, TGedEditor
, TGListTree
, TGTableFrame
, TileFrame
, TPad
, TProofDraw
, TVirtualPad
- SetCanvasBorderMode()
: TStyle
- SetCanvasBorderSize()
: TStyle
- SetCanvasColor()
: TStyle
- SetCanvasDefH()
: TStyle
- SetCanvasDefW()
: TStyle
- SetCanvasDefX()
: TStyle
- SetCanvasDefY()
: TStyle
- SetCanvasImp()
: TCanvas
- SetCanvasPreferGL()
: TStyle
- SetCanvasSize()
: TCanvas
, TCanvasImp
, TPad
, TQRootCanvas
, TRootCanvas
, TVirtualPad
- SetCapacity()
: TOrdCollection
- SetCapStyle()
- SetCartDimension()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MPIProcess
- setCatIndex()
: RooArgSet
- setCatLabel()
: RooArgSet
- SetCC()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetCDF()
: ROOT::Math::GoFTest
- SetCdf()
: TUnuranContDist
, TUnuranDiscrDist
- setCdfBoundaries()
: RooCachedReal
, RooHistFunc
, RooHistPdf
- SetCellContent()
: TH1
- SetCellElement()
- SetCellError()
: TH1
- SetCellPixelFontSize()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetCellSize()
: TGColorPalette
- SetCenter()
: TCurlyArc
, TEveProjection
, TEveProjectionManager
, TEveRhoZProjection
, TGLPShapeObjEditor
- SetCenterVec()
: TGLCamera
- SetCenterVecWarp()
: TGLCamera
- SetCentralInterval()
: TEfficiency
- SetCerenkov()
: TVirtualMC
- SetCerenkovProperties()
: TGeoMaterial
, TGeoMedium
- SetCfgEDest()
: XrdProofdConfig
- SetChain()
: RooStats::MCMCInterval
- SetChainOffset()
: TTree
- SetChainParameters()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MetropolisHastings
- SetChanged()
: ROOT::Experimental::Internal::TDirectoryEntry
, TH2PolyBin
- SetChangePic()
: TSessionViewer
- SetChanGrid()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetChanMarks()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetChannelName()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
- SetCharacterUp()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetCharge()
: TEveTrack
, TGeoHelix
- SetCharset()
: THtml
- SetChat()
: TFoam
- SetCheckBox()
: TEveListTreeItem
, TGListTree
, TGListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItemStd
- SetCheckBoxPictures()
: TEveListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItemStd
- SetCheckedEntry()
: TGLVEntry
- SetCheckedNode()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetCheckingOverlaps()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
- SetCheckMode()
: TGListTree
- SetChecksum()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- SetCheckSum()
: TStreamerInfo
, TVirtualStreamerInfo
- SetChildClass()
: TEveElementList
- SetChisquare()
: TF1
- SetCID()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SetCircle()
: TPie
- SetCircular()
: TTree
- SetCKIN()
: TPythia6
- SetCL()
: TFeldmanCousins
, TRolke
- SetClass()
: ROOT::Detail::TSchemaRuleSet
, TBaseClass
, TClonesArray
, TDataMember
, TEnum
, TInstrumentedIsAProxy< T >
, TIsAProxy
, TListOfDataMembers
, TListOfEnums
, TMVA::Event
, TRefProxy
, TStreamerInfo
, TVirtualIsAProxy
, TVirtualRefProxy
, TVirtualStreamerInfo
- SetClassAutoloading()
: TInterpreter
- SetClassAutoparsing()
: TInterpreter
- SetClassDocTag()
: THtml
- SetClasses()
: TClassTree
, TPaveClass
- setClassFileExportDir()
: RooWorkspace
- SetClassHints()
: TGCocoa
, TGMainFrame
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetClassInfo()
: TInterpreter
- SetClassName()
: TBranchElement
- SetClassSharedLibs()
: TInterpreter
- SetClassSize()
: TClass
- SetClassStreamer()
: TSQLStructure
- SetClassTableName()
: TSQLClassInfo
- SetClassTree()
: TPaveClass
- SetClassVersion()
: TClass
, TStreamerInfo
, TVirtualStreamerInfo
- SetCldirChecked()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
- SetCleanup()
: TGCompositeFrame
, TGFrame
- SetClearColor()
: TGLViewer
- setClearOnRedirect()
: RooObjCacheManager
- SetClickSelected()
: TCanvas
- SetClickSelectedPad()
: TCanvas
- SetClient()
: XrdProofdProofServ
, XrdProofdProtocol
- SetClientHostDomain()
: XrdClientConn
- SetClientID()
: TXSocket
, TXUnixSocket
, XrdProofdClient
- SetClip()
: TGLRnrCtx
, TGLSceneBase
, TGLSceneInfo
, TGLViewerBase
- SetClipAutoUpdate()
: TGLViewer
- SetClipMask()
- SetClipOFF()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetClipping()
: TGeoManager
- SetClippingBoxOff()
: TF3
- SetClippingBoxOn()
: TF3
- SetClippingShape()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetClipRectangles()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetClipRegion()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetClipStamp()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetClipState()
: TGLClipSet
- SetClipType()
: TGLClipSet
- SetClipXOrigin()
- SetClipYOrigin()
- SetClntCapVer()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- setCloneBranchSet()
: RooCustomizer
- SetCloned()
: TGeoNode
- SetClose()
: TGSearchDialog
- SetCloseProof()
: RooStats::HypoTestInverter
- SetCLsCleanupThreshold()
: RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult
- SetCLSigmas()
: TRolke
- SetClues()
: RooStats::ProposalHelper
- SetCluesFraction()
: RooStats::ProposalHelper
- SetCluesOptions()
: RooStats::ProposalHelper
- SetCode()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- SetCoefficient()
: TMVA::Rule
, TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetCoefficients()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetColHeaders()
: TGLVContainer
- SetColIndexArray()
: TMatrixT< Element >
, TMatrixTBase< Element >
, TMatrixTSparse< Element >
, TMatrixTSym< Element >
- SetCollapsed()
: TStructNode
- SetCollectionProxy()
: TClass
- SetCollectTracks()
: TVirtualMC
- SetColor()
: TAxisModLab
, TEveListTreeItem
, TGColorPalette
, TGColorPick
, TGColorSelect
, TGFontDialog
, TGLColor
, TGListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItemStd
, TGLPhysicalShape
, TGLTH3CompositionPainter
, TGWin32
, TGX11
, TImageDump
, TPostScript
, TStructNodeProperty
, TStructViewer
, TTeXDump
, TVirtualPS
- SetColorAlgorithm()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetColorAttribute()
: TPolyLineShape
- SetColorBrightness()
: TEveUtil
, TEveViewerList
- SetColorDark()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetColorIncrements()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetColorInfo()
: TGColorDialog
- SetColorMain()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetColorMode()
: TGListTree
- SetColorModelPS()
: TStyle
- SetColorOnFamily()
: TGLPhysicalShape
- SetColors()
: TGColorPalette
- SetColorSlidersPos()
: TGLPShapeObjEditor
- SetColumns()
: TGLVContainer
, TGLVEntry
, TSQLClassInfo
- SetColumnSeparation()
: TLegend
- SetColumnsInfo()
: TGHeaderFrame
- SetColumnType()
: TTableDescriptor
- SetCombiLOD()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetCommand()
: RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction
, TBrowserPlugin
, TGWidget
, TTimer
- SetComment()
: TThread
- SetCommentsSetName()
: TTableDescriptor
- SetCommonBinEdges()
: TKDTreeBinning
- SetCommonModel()
: RooStats::HypoTestCalculator
- SetCommonPdf()
: RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
- SetCompact()
: TBufferJSON
- setCompatibilityParams()
: TMVA::SVKernelFunction
- SetComponents()
: ROOT::Math::AxisAngle
, ROOT::Math::Boost
, ROOT::Math::BoostX
, ROOT::Math::BoostY
, ROOT::Math::BoostZ
, ROOT::Math::EulerAngles
, ROOT::Math::Impl::Transform3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Impl::Translation3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation
, ROOT::Math::Quaternion
, ROOT::Math::Rotation3D
, ROOT::Math::RotationX
, ROOT::Math::RotationY
, ROOT::Math::RotationZ
, ROOT::Math::RotationZYX
- SetCompound()
: TEveElement
- SetCompress()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetCompressionAlgorithm()
: TBranch
, TBufferXML
, TFile
, TMessage
, TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SetCompressionLevel()
: TBranch
, TBufferSQL2
, TBufferXML
, TFile
, TMessage
, TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SetCompressionSettings()
: TBranch
, TBufferXML
, TFile
, TMessage
, TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SetComputeStream()
: TMVA::DNN::TCudaDeviceBuffer< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TCudaMatrix< AFloat >
- SetCond()
: TSpline3
- SetConditionalMLEsAlt()
: RooStats::FrequentistCalculator
- SetConditionalMLEsNull()
: RooStats::FrequentistCalculator
- SetConditionalObservables()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::MaxLikelihoodEstimateTestStat
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::ModelConfig
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
, RooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat
, RooStats::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
, RooStats::ToyMCImportanceSampler
- SetConeDimensions()
: TGeoCone
- SetConeL()
: TEveArrow
- SetConeR()
: TEveArrow
- SetConfidenceIntervalColors()
: TRatioPlot
- SetConfidenceLevel()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::ConfInterval
, RooStats::DebuggingSampler
, RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, RooStats::HypoTestInverter
, RooStats::HypoTestInverterOriginal
, RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult
, RooStats::IntervalCalculator
, RooStats::LikelihoodInterval
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCInterval
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
, RooStats::PointSetInterval
, RooStats::SimpleInterval
, RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
, TEfficiency
- SetConfidenceLevels()
: TRatioPlot
- SetConfigDescription()
: TMVA::Configurable
- SetConfigName()
: TMVA::Configurable
- SetConfigText()
: TSessionServerFrame
- SetConnected()
: XrdClientConn
- SetConnectEnabled()
: TSessionServerFrame
- SetConnectInterrupt()
: XrdProofConn
- SetConnection()
: TPolyLineShape
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetConnType()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SetConsDimensions()
: TGeoConeSeg
- SetConst()
: RooStats::HistFactory::NormFactor
- setConstant()
: ParamHistFunc
, RooAbsCategoryLValue
, RooAbsRealLValue
- SetConstant()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor
- setConstParList()
: RooFitResult
- SetConstrained()
: TGLParametricEquation
, TGTripleHSlider
, TGTripleVSlider
- SetConstraint()
: TUnfold
- SetConstraintParameters()
: RooStats::ModelConfig
- SetConstraintType()
: RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys
, RooStats::HistFactory::StatErrorConfig
- SetConstRatio()
: TAttImage
- SetConsumer()
: TEvePointSelector
- SetContainer()
: TGCanvas
, TGListBox
, TGListView
, TGViewPort
- SetContDistribution()
: TUnuran
- SetContent()
: TH1
, TH2PolyBin
, THttpCallArg
- SetContentDict()
: ROOT::Internal::TNamedBranchProxy
- SetContentToAverage()
: TProfile2Poly
- SetContentToError()
: TProfile2Poly
- SetContentType()
: THttpCallArg
- SetContext()
: TGLContext
, TMVA::Ranking
- SetContextMenuTitle()
: TClass
- SetContour()
: RooPlot
, TF2
, TH1
- SetContourColor()
: RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
- SetContourLevel()
: RooPlot
, TF2
, TH1
- SetContours()
: TGLLevelPalette
- SetContourWidth()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetConvergenceParameters()
: TMVA::ConvergenceTest
- SetConvergenceSteps()
: TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
- SetConverter()
: TVirtualGeoConverter
- SetConvex()
: TGeoPolygon
- setConvolutionWindow()
: RooNumConvolution
, RooNumConvPdf
- SetConvStreamerFunc()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetCoord()
: ROOT::Math::OneDimMultiFunctionAdapter< MultiFuncType >
- SetCoordinate()
: ROOT::Math::TDataPoint< K, _val_type >
, ROOT::Math::TDataPointN< _val_type >
- SetCoordinateMode()
: TColorGradient
- SetCoordinates()
: ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::Polar2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Polar3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< ScalarType >
- SetCoordType()
: TGLPlotCoordinates
- SetCopyGLDevice()
: TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetCopyrightTag()
: THtml
- SetCorner()
: TGLRect
- SetCornerRadius()
: TPave
- SetCorrelationMatrix()
: TMVA::ClassInfo
, TMVA::DataSetInfo
- SetCost()
: TMVA::MethodSVM
- SetCountClass()
: TStreamerBasicPointer
, TStreamerLoop
- SetCounter()
: ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< N >
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< _N >
, TDocDirective
- SetCounterFormat()
: THtml
- SetCountName()
: TStreamerBasicPointer
, TStreamerLoop
- SetCountVersion()
: TStreamerBasicPointer
, TStreamerLoop
- setCovarianceMatrix()
: RooFitResult
- SetCovMatrix()
: RooStats::ProposalHelper
- setCovQual()
: RooFitResult
- SetCPUPar()
: TProofBench
- SetCPUSel()
: TProofBench
- SetCPUTime()
: TProofProgressStatus
- SetCpuTime()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetCreated()
: TMVA::VariableTransformBase
- SetCrosshair()
: TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetCSCBits()
: TEveElement
- SetCSGExportNSeg()
: TEveGeoNode
- SetCtubDimensions()
: TGeoCtub
- SetCtype()
: TStreamerSTL
- SetCumulativeWeight()
: TMVA::BDTEventWrapper
- SetCurly()
: TCurlyLine
- SetCurrent()
: ROOT::Internal::TTreeView
, TEveCompositeFrame
, TEveCompositeFrameInTab
, TEveWindow
, TEveWindowSlot
, TF1
, TGMdiDecorFrame
, TGMdiMainFrame
, TGTextEdit
- SetCurrentBackgroundColor()
: TEveWindow
- SetCurrentCallArg()
: TRootSniffer
- SetCurrentCamera()
: TGLViewer
- SetCurrentCellColor()
: TGColorPalette
- SetCurrentCollection()
: TCollection
- SetCurrentColor()
: TGColorDialog
- SetCurrentDepth()
: TEveProjectionManager
- SetCurrentDigit()
: TEveDigitSet
- SetCurrentDirection()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
- SetCurrentEntries()
: TParallelCoord
, TSpider
- SetCurrentEvent()
: TEveManager
, TMVA::DataSet
- SetCurrentFirst()
: TParallelCoord
- SetCurrentLimits()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetCurrentMax()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetCurrentMember()
: TArchiveFile
, TZIPFile
- SetCurrentMin()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetCurrentModule()
: TDocParser
- SetCurrentN()
: TParallelCoord
- SetCurrentNavigator()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigatorArray
- SetCurrentNode()
: TGeometry
- SetCurrentNodeIndex()
: TGeoVolumeAssembly
- SetCurrentPoint()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
, TGeoNode
, TGeoVolume
- SetCurrentQuery()
: TProofPlayer
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SetCurrentRecord()
: TTreeViewer
- SetCurrentRow()
: TGText
- SetCurrentSelection()
: TParallelCoord
- SetCurrentStreamerInfo()
: TClass
- SetCurrentTrack()
: TGeoManager
, TVirtualMCStack
- SetCurrentType()
: TMVA::DataSet
- SetCurrentUrl()
: TFileInfo
- SetCurrentValue()
: TMVA::ConvergenceTest
- SetCurrentVertices()
: TGeoXtru
- SetCurrentZ()
: TGeoXtru
- SetCurSelStyle()
: TStyleManager
- SetCursor()
: TCanvas
, TGCocoa
, TGImageMap
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPad
, TQRootCanvas
, TVirtualPad
, TVirtualX
- SetCursorPosition()
: TFileIter
, TGTextEntry
- SetCursorType()
: TGuiBldDragManager
- SetCurveDisplay()
: TParallelCoord
- SetCustomClass()
: TSQLStructure
- SetCustomElement()
: TSQLStructure
- SetCustomFlag()
: TQRootGuiFactory
- SetCustomized()
: TQApplication
- SetCustomNewDelete()
: TStorage
- SetCut()
: TMVA::ClassInfo
, TMVA::DataLoader
, TMVA::DataSetInfo
, TTVRecord
, TVirtualMC
- SetCutClassName()
- SetCutDoMax()
: TMVA::RuleCut
- SetCutDoMin()
: TMVA::RuleCut
- SetCutMax()
: TMVA::RuleCut
- SetCutMin()
: TMVA::RuleCut
- SetCutMode()
: TTreeViewer
- SetCutType()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TTVLVEntry
- SetCutValue()
: ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::Cut
, TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetCWD()
: TFileMerger
- SetCycleNext()
: TGMdiFrameList
- SetCyclePrev()
: TGMdiFrameList
- SetCylinder()
: TEveJetCone
- SetCylVoxels()
: TGeoVolume
- SetDashes()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetDashList()
- SetDashOffset()
- setData()
: RooAbsReal
, RooAbsTestStatistic
, RooAddition
- SetData()
: RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator
, RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, RooStats::HistFactory::Channel
, RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
, RooStats::HypoTestCalculator
, RooStats::HypoTestCalculatorGeneric
, RooStats::HypoTestInverter
, RooStats::HypoTestInverterOriginal
, RooStats::IntervalCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
, ROOT::Fit::BasicFCN< FunType, DataType >
, ROOT::Fit::Fitter
, ROOT::Math::Interpolator
, TEveCaloLego
, TEveCaloViz
, TFractionFitter
, TFumili
, TKDTree< Index, Value >
, TKDTreeBinning
, TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetDataGenPar()
: TProofBench
- SetDataGenSel()
: TProofBench
- SetDataLoader()
: TMVA::Envelope
- SetDataMembers()
: TOutputListSelectorDataMap
- SetDataPar()
: TProofBench
- SetDataPoolUrl()
: TProof
- SetDataSel()
: TProofBench
- setDataset()
: RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL
- SetDataSet()
: TDSetElement
- SetDataSetManager()
: TMVA::DataSetInfo
- SetDataSetTreeName()
: TProof
, TProofLite
- setDataSlave()
: RooAbsOptTestStatistic
, RooAbsTestStatistic
- SetDataSliceColor()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetDataSliceThreshold()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetDataSource()
: Rgl::Fgt::TKDEAdapter
, Rgl::Mc::TF3Adapter
, Rgl::Mc::TH3Adapter< H, E >
- SetDataTestStatistics()
: RooStats::HybridResult
- SetDate()
: TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
, TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetDateX()
: TStyle
- SetDateY()
: TStyle
- SetDatime()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetDatimeFormat()
: TOracleServer
- SetDau0()
: TFoamCell
, TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- SetDau1()
: TFoamCell
, TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- SetDaughter()
: TGeoDecayChannel
, TParticle
- setDebug()
: RooUnitTest
- SetDebug()
: TProofBench
, TProofBenchRunCPU
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
, TProofChain
, TProofPerfAnalysis
, TTree
- SetDebugCornerPoints()
: TEveBoxProjected
- setDebugflag()
: BidirMMapPipe
- SetDebugLevel()
: TAlienPackage
, TPythia8Decayer
- SetDebugOn()
: TQRootApplication
- SetDecay()
: TGenPhaseSpace
- SetDecayMode()
: TVirtualMC
- SetDecayTableFile()
: TPythia6Decayer
- SetDecimals()
: TAxis
, TGaxis
- SetDeclAttr()
: TInterpreter
- SetDeclFile()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetDeclFileName()
: TClassDocInfo
, THtml
- SetDeclFileSysName()
: TClassDocInfo
- SetDeconIterations()
: TSpectrum2
, TSpectrum
- SetDecorBorderWidth()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
- SetDecorFrame()
: TGMdiFrameList
- SetDEDw()
: TMVA::TNeuron
, TMVA::TSynapse
, TNeuron
, TSynapse
- SetDefault()
: TGRecorder
- SetDefaultAbsTolerance()
: ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions
- SetDefaultAlgorithm1D()
: ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions
- SetDefaultAlgorithmND()
: ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions
- SetDefaultAmplitude()
: TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
- SetDefaultAngle()
: TArrow
- SetDefaultArrowSize()
: TArrow
- SetDefaultBufferSize()
: TH1
- SetDefaultColor()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetDefaultColorPixel()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetDefaultColorRGBA()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetDefaultColors()
: TGTable
- SetDefaultColumnWidth()
: TGListView
- SetDefaultContainer()
: TEveWindowManager
- SetDefaultDrawQuality()
: TGLUtil
- SetDefaultEntryOffsetLen()
: TTree
- SetDefaultErrorDef()
: ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetDefaultExtraOptions()
: ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetDefaultFFT()
: TVirtualFFT
- SetDefaultFitter()
: TVirtualFitter
- SetDefaultHeaders()
: TGListView
, TGLVContainer
- SetDefaultHeight()
: TGLayoutManager
- SetDefaultIntegrator()
: ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions
- SetDefaultIsCurly()
: TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
- SetDefaultLabel()
: TGTableHeader
- SetDefaultMaxFunctionCalls()
: ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetDefaultMaxIterations()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetDefaultMetaData()
: TFileCollection
- SetDefaultMinimizer()
: ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetDefaultName()
: TGeoMatrix
- SetDefaultNCalls()
: ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions
- SetDefaultNPoints()
: ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions
- SetDefaultNpx()
: ROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D
, ROOT::Math::BrentRootFinder
- SetDefaultNSearch()
: ROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D
, ROOT::Math::BrentRootFinder
- SetDefaultOption()
: TArrow
- SetDefaultOptions()
: ROOT::Math::Minimizer
- SetDefaultPage()
: THttpServer
- SetDefaultPrecision()
: ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetDefaultPrefix()
: TASLogHandler
, TProofServLogHandler
- SetDefaultPrintLevel()
: ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetDefaultRelTolerance()
: ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions
- SetDefaultRSAKeyType()
: TAuthenticate
- SetDefaults()
: TASImage
, TAxis
, TLegend
, TRootBrowserLite
- SetDefaultSampler()
: ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions
- SetDefaultScale()
: TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
- SetDefaultSize()
: TGShutter
, TGTextEntry
- SetDefaultSmooth()
: TEveLine
- setDefaultStorageType()
: RooAbsData
- SetDefaultStrategy()
: ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetDefaultSumw2()
: TH1
- SetDefaultTolerance()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetDefaultTreeName()
: TFileCollection
- SetDefaultType()
: ROOT::Math::GSLQRngWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLRngWrapper
- SetDefaultUser()
: TAuthenticate
- SetDefaultValues()
: ROOT::Math::MiserParameters
, ROOT::Math::VegasParameters
- SetDefaultWaveLength()
: TCurlyArc
, TCurlyLine
- SetDefaultWidth()
: TGLayoutManager
, TGListDetailsLayout
- SetDefaultWindow()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetDefaultWKSize()
: ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions
- SetDefCanvasName()
- SetDefCoord()
: TEveQuadSet
- SetDefDepth()
: TEveBoxSet
- SetDefHeight()
: TEveBoxSet
, TEveQuadSet
- SetDefined()
: TGeoElement
- setDefNormSet()
: RooProdPdf
- SetDefPointSetCapacity()
: TEvePointSetArray
- SetDefWidth()
: TEveBoxSet
, TEveQuadSet
- SetDelay()
: TGToolTip
- SetDelete()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetDeleteArray()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetDelta()
: RooStats::MCMCInterval
, TEventList
, TEveTrackPropagator
, TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetDeltaPhi()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetDensity()
: TGeoMaterial
, TGeoMixture
- SetDensityToGenerateFromByIndex()
: RooStats::ToyMCImportanceSampler
- SetDependents()
: RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction
- setDependents()
: RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- SetDepth()
: TEveProjected
, TEveTrackListProjected
, TGLFont
, TMVA::Node
- SetDepthCommon()
: TEveProjected
- SetDepthLocal()
: TEveBoxProjected
, TEveCalo2D
, TEveGeoShapeProjected
, TEveJetConeProjected
, TEveLineProjected
, TEvePointSetProjected
, TEvePolygonSetProjected
, TEveProjected
, TEveStraightLineSetProjected
, TEveTrackListProjected
, TEveTrackProjected
- SetDepthSize()
: TGLFormat
- SetDepthTest()
: TEveStraightLineSet
- SetDerivPointer()
: ROOT::Math::GSLFunctionDerivWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinDerivFunctionWrapper
- SetDerivPrecision()
: ROOT::Math::MultiNumGradFunction
, ROOT::Math::WrappedMultiTF1Templ< T >
, ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1
- SetDescription()
: TGridJDL
- SetDescriptor()
: TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SetDescriptorPointer()
: TGenericTable
, TIndexTable
, TTable
, TTableDescriptor
- SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt()
: TEveElement
- SetDestructor()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetDetails()
: THostAuth
- SetDiagonal()
: ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >
- SetDict()
: ROOT::Internal::TNamedBranchProxy
- SetDiffuseColor()
: TGLPhysicalShape
- SetDigest()
: TMD5
- SetDim()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMonteFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinDerivFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper
, TLinearFitter
- SetDimension()
: ROOT::Fit::FcnAdapter
, ROOT::Math::TDataPointN< _val_type >
- SetDimensions()
: TGeoArb8
, TGeoBBox
, TGeoCompositeShape
, TGeoCone
, TGeoConeSeg
, TGeoCtub
, TGeoEltu
, TGeoGtra
, TGeoHalfSpace
, TGeoHype
, TGeoPara
, TGeoParaboloid
, TGeoPcon
, TGeoPgon
, TGeoShape
, TGeoSphere
, TGeoTorus
, TGeoTrap
, TGeoTrd1
, TGeoTrd2
, TGeoTube
, TGeoTubeSeg
, TGeoXtru
, TTableDescriptor
- SetDir()
: TMVA::MethodMLP
, TProofOutputFile
- SetDirection()
: TMarker3DBox
, TSpectrum2Transform
, TSpectrumTransform
- SetDirectionalVector()
: TEveProjection
, TEveRhoZProjection
- SetDirectory()
: TChain
, TDSet
, TEfficiency
, TEntryList
, TEventList
, TGraph2D
, TH1
, TSystemDirectory
, TTree
- SetDirectoryAutoAdd()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetDirLevel()
- SetDirProofBench()
: TProofBenchRunCPU
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
- setDirtyInhibit()
: RooAbsArg
- setDirtyProp()
: RooAbsData
, RooAbsDataStore
, RooVectorDataStore
- SetDirWeights()
: TMVA::MethodMLP
- SetDisabledAndSelected()
: TGCheckButton
, TGRadioButton
- SetDisabledPicture()
: TGPictureButton
- SetDisableLighting()
: TEveDigitSet
- SetDiscreteDistribution()
: TUnuran
- SetDiscrName()
: TMVA::Ranking
- SetDiskTime()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetDispatchTimer()
: TProofPlayer
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SetDisplaceOrigin()
: TEveProjection
- SetDisplay()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
- SetDisplayAverage()
: TSpider
- SetDisplayMode()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetDisplayStat()
: TGFileContainer
- SetDisplayText()
: TGSpeedo
- SetDistortion()
: TEveProjection
- SetDistribution()
: ROOT::Math::GoFTest
- SetDistributionFunction()
: ROOT::Math::GoFTest
- SetDivIndex()
: TGeoPatternFinder
- SetDLCache()
: TGLLogicalShape
- SetDn()
: TLDAPEntry
- SetDNDAware()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetDNDData()
: TGFileItem
- SetDNDObject()
: TGFileItem
- SetDNDSource()
: TGFrame
, TGListTreeItem
- SetDNDTarget()
: TGFrame
, TGListTreeItem
- SetDoc()
: TModuleDocInfo
- SetDocPath()
: THtml
- SetDocStyle()
: THtml
- SetDoFirstMPICall()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MPIProcess
- SetDoInternalSelection()
: TGLEventHandler
- SetDollyToZoom()
: TGLOrthoCamera
- SetDomain()
: TUnuranContDist
, TUnuranDiscrDist
, TUnuranMultiContDist
- SetDoNotBoost()
: TMVA::Event
- SetDotDir()
: THtml
- SetDotsSpacing()
: TParallelCoord
- setDouble()
: RooCmdArg
- SetDouble()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetDoubleBuffer()
: TCanvas
, TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPad
, TQRootCanvas
, TVirtualPad
, TVirtualX
- SetDoubleBuffered()
: TGLFormat
- SetDoubleBufferOFF()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetDoubleBufferON()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetDoubleFormat()
: TBufferJSON
- SetDown()
: TGButton
, TGColorSelect
- SetDpDs()
: TEveTrack
- SetDproj()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetDragging()
: TGScrollBar
- SetDragPixmap()
: TGContainer
, TGDNDManager
- SetDragType()
: TGFrame
- SetDraw()
: TProofBenchRunCPU
- setDrawableSize:
: QuartzView
, QuartzWindow
, <X11Window >
- SetDrawAtt()
: TProofDraw
- SetDrawAxes()
: TGLPlotPainter
- SetDrawBack()
: TEveFrameBox
, TGLPlotBox
- SetDrawBackBox()
: TGLPlotPainter
- SetDrawBBox()
: TGLManipSet
- SetDrawBorder()
: TStyle
- SetDrawCameraCenter()
: TGLViewer
- SetDrawCenter()
: TEveProjectionAxes
- SetDrawColors()
: TGLUtil
- SetDrawConeCap()
: TEveBoxSet
- SetDrawExtraPaths()
: TGeoManager
- SetDrawFace()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetDrawFeedbackOption()
: TProof
, TProofPlayer
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SetDrawFrame()
: TEveShape
- SetDrawFront()
: TGLPlotBox
- SetDrawFrontBox()
: TGLPlotPainter
- SetDrawHPlane()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetDrawMode()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetDrawNumberCellPixels()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetDrawOption()
: RooPlot
, TAxis
, TBrowser
, TBrowserImp
, TGedFrame
, TGFrame
, TObject
, TPad
, TRootBrowserLite
, TSystemDirectory
, TSystemFile
- setDrawOptions()
: RooPlot
- SetDrawOptions()
- SetDrawOrigin()
: TEveProjectionAxes
- SetDrawPage()
: THttpServer
- SetDrawPass()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetDrawProgressBar()
: TMVA::Config
- SetDrawQuality()
: TEveArrow
, TGLUtil
- SetDriv()
: TFoamCell
, TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- setDropOut()
: TMVA::DNN::LayerData
, TMVA::DNN::Settings
- SetDropoutProbabilities()
: TMVA::DNN::TNet< Architecture_t, Layer_t >
- SetDropoutProbability()
: TMVA::DNN::TLayer< Architecture_t >
, TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >
- SetDropType()
: TGFrame
- SetDs()
: TEveGridStepper
- SetDSet()
: TProof
- SetDt()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetDtorOnly()
: TObject
- SetDtot()
: TConfidenceLevel
- SetDump()
: Rgl::Pad::Tesselator
- SetDuplicate()
: ROOT::Internal::TFriendProxyDescriptor
- SetDview()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetDx()
: TGeoCombiTrans
, TGeoHMatrix
, TGeoMatrix
, TGeoTranslation
- SetDy()
: TGeoCombiTrans
, TGeoHMatrix
, TGeoMatrix
, TGeoTranslation
- SetDynamicPath()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
- SetDz()
: TGeoArb8
, TGeoCombiTrans
, TGeoHMatrix
, TGeoMatrix
, TGeoTranslation
- SetE()
: Rgl::Fgt::TKDEAdapter
, ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< ScalarType >
, TLorentzVector
- SetEchoMode()
: TApplication
, TGTextEntry
, TRint
- SetEdgeAtt()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetEditable()
: TASImage
, TFitEditor
, TGCompositeFrame
, TGFrame
, TGraph
, TGuiBldDragManager
, TGWindow
, TImage
, TPad
, TVirtualDragManager
, TVirtualPad
- SetEditDisabled()
: TGClient
, TGCompositeFrame
, TGTabElement
, TGWindow
- SetEdited()
: TGTextEntry
- SetEditHistograms()
- SetEditMainColor()
: TEveElement
- SetEditMainTransparency()
: TEveElement
- SetEditorClass()
: TEveGListTreeEditorFrame
- SetEditorMode()
- SetEditPathMarks()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetEditRotation()
: TEveTrans
- SetEditScale()
: TEveTrans
- SetEditTrans()
: TEveTrans
- setEDM()
: RooFitResult
- SetEffectiveFractions()
: XrdProofGroupMgr
- SetElapsed()
: TAlienFile
- SetElement()
: TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- SetElementName()
: TEveElement
, TEveElementList
, TEvePointSet
- SetElementNameTitle()
: TEveElement
, TEveElementList
, TEvePointSet
- SetElements()
: ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >
, ROOT::Math::SVector< T, D >
, TEveGeoShapeExtract
, TVectorT< Element >
- SetElementTitle()
: TEveElement
, TEveElementList
, TEvePointSet
- SetEllipse()
- SetEltuDimensions()
: TGeoEltu
- SetEMail()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetEmbed()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- SetEmbedded()
: TGuiBldEditor
- SetEmitSignals()
: TEveDigitSet
- SetEmpiricalDistribution()
: TUnuran
- SetEmpty()
: TGLBoundingBox
- SetEnabled()
: TEveGValuator
, TGButton
, TGColorSelect
, TGComboBox
, TGScrollBarElement
, TGSlider
, TGTab
, TGTabElement
, TGTextEntry
, TMVA::VariableTransformBase
- SetEnablePrefetching()
: TFileCacheRead
- SetEnablePrefetchingImpl()
: TFileCacheRead
- SetEnableRotate()
: TGLOrthoCamera
- SetEncoding()
: THttpCallArg
- SetEND()
: TFile
, TSQLFile
, TXMLFile
- SetEndCapPos()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetEndErrorSize()
: TStyle
- SetEndPoint()
: TCurlyLine
- SetEnergy()
: TMCParticle
- SetEnforceTriangles()
: TGLFaceSet
- SetEngine()
: ROOT::Math::RandomFunctionsImpl< EngineBaseType >
, ROOT::Math::RandomFunctionsImpl< TRandomEngine >
- SetEnhanceCoeff()
: TSpectrum2Transform
, TSpectrumTransform
- SetEntries()
: TBranch
, TDSetElement
, TFileInfoMeta
, TH1
, THbookBranch
, THbookTree
, THnBase
, TProofProgressStatus
, TTree
- SetEntriesRange()
: TTreeReader
- SetEntriesToProcess()
: TEntryList
- SetEntry()
: TEntryListArray
, TGSelectBox
, TTreeReader
- SetEntryBase()
: TTreeReader
- SetEntryFillColor()
: TPie
- SetEntryFillStyle()
: TPie
- SetEntryLabel()
: TLegend
, TPie
- SetEntryLineColor()
: TPie
- SetEntryLineStyle()
: TPie
- SetEntryLineWidth()
: TPie
- SetEntryList()
: TChain
, TDSet
, TDSetElement
, TParallelCoord
, TProofChain
, TTree
, TTreeTableInterface
- SetEntryListFile()
: TChain
- SetEntryOffsetLen()
: TBranch
- SetEntryOption()
: TLegend
- SetEntryRadiusOffset()
: TPie
- SetEntryRange()
: TMemStatShow
, TTreeCache
, TTreeCacheUnzip
- SetEntrySep()
: TGPopupMenu
- SetEntrySeparation()
: TLegend
- SetEntryVal()
: TPie
- SetEnv()
: TNetXNGFile
- Setenv()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
- SetEnv()
: TXNetFile
- SetEnvironment()
: TAuthenticate
- setEps()
: RooDerivative
, RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- SetEps()
: TEveCaloData
- setEpsAbs()
: RooNumIntConfig
- SetEpsilon()
: RooStats::MCMCInterval
, TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetEpsMatrix()
: TUnfold
- setEpsRel()
: RooNumIntConfig
- SetEqualNumToysPerDensity()
: RooStats::ToyMCImportanceSampler
- SetErrmsgcallback()
: TInterpreter
- setError()
: RooRealVar
- SetError()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MinuitParameter
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnApplication
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserTransformation
, TH1
, TMVA::TNeuron
, TProofDraw
, TSQLServer
, TSQLStatement
- setErrorBuffer()
: RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- SetErrorCache()
: TMVA::SVEvent
- SetErrorDef()
: ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
, ROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionMinimum
, ROOT::Minuit2::FCNAdapter< Function >
, ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase
, ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliFCNAdapter< Function >
, ROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum
, ROOT::Minuit2::GaussFcn
, ROOT::Minuit2::Quad1F
, TMinuit
, TVirtualFitter
- setErrorFunction()
: TMVA::DNN::Net
- SetErrorHandlerFile()
: TProofServ
- SetErrorHist()
: RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys
, RooStats::HistFactory::StatError
- setErrorLevel()
: RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- SetErrorMessage()
: TStreamerBase
- SetErrorMessages()
: TInterpreter
- SetErrorOption()
: TProfile2D
, TProfile2Poly
, TProfile2PolyBin
, TProfile3D
, TProfile
, TProfileHelper
- SetErrorStr()
: TSystem
- SetErrorTolerance()
: RooNonCentralChiSquare
- SetErrorX()
: TStyle
- SetEscape()
: THtml
- SetEstablished()
: THostAuth
- SetEstimate()
: TSelectorDraw
, TTree
, TTreePlayer
, TVirtualTreePlayer
- SetEta()
: ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< ScalarType >
, TEveCaloViz
, TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetEtaBins()
: TEveCaloData
- SetEtaDecay()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetEtcDir()
: THtml
- setEvalErrorLoggingMode()
: RooAbsReal
- setEvalErrorWall()
: RooMinimizer
- SetEvalErrorWall()
: RooMinimizerFcn
- setEvalErrorWall()
: RooMinuit
- SetEvenRowBackground()
: TGTable
- SetEvent()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
, TUsrSevtData1
, TUsrSevtData2
- SetEventCollection()
: TMVA::DataSet
- setEventCount()
: RooAbsTestStatistic
- SetEventHandled()
: TGListTree
- SetEventHandler()
: TGLViewer
, TGLWidget
- SetEventKeySym()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetEventList()
: TChain
, TProofChain
, TTree
- SetEventWeight()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetEvPerBin()
: TFoam
- SetExclusive()
: TGButtonGroup
- SetExecutable()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetExecutingMacro()
- SetExitStatus()
: TProofPlayer
, TStatus
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SetExpDate()
: TSecContext
- setExpectedData()
: RooAbsGenContext
, RooBinnedGenContext
, RooSimSplitGenContext
- SetExpectedNuisancePar()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- setExpensiveObjectCache()
: RooAbsArg
, RooRealVar
- SetExpIncreasingNumToysPerDensity()
: RooStats::ToyMCImportanceSampler
- SetExplodedView()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetExponentOffset()
: TGaxis
- SetExportOnly()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement
- SetExportUrl()
: TAlienCollection
, TGridCollection
- SetExpression()
: RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction
, TGItemContext
, TMVA::VariableInfo
, TTVLVEntry
- SetExternalCenter()
: TGLCamera
- SetExternalDecayer()
: TVirtualMC
- SetExternalHandler()
: TGSplitter
- SetExternalLink()
: TMVA::VariableInfo
- setExternalWeightArray()
: RooAbsDataStore
, RooTreeDataStore
, RooVectorDataStore
- SetExtraHeader()
: THttpCallArg
- SetExtraOptions()
: ROOT::Math::BaseIntegratorOptions
, ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetExtraRange()
: TF1Convolution
- SetExtrude()
: TEveText
- SetF3()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetF3ClippingBoxOff()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetF3ClippingBoxOn()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetFactor()
: TGeoBatemanSol
, TGLBoxCut
- SetFactory()
: TVirtualStreamerInfo
- SetFader()
: TGLViewer
- SetFailedPackets()
: TVirtualPacketizer
- SetFakeGLWindow()
: ROOT::MacOSX::Details::CocoaPrivate
- SetFastMethod()
: TFileMerger
- SetFCN()
: ROOT::Fit::Fitter
, TBackCompFitter
, TFitter
, TMinuit
, TVirtualFitter
- SetFCNValue()
: ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliFCNBase
- SetFd()
: TFileHandler
- SetFdfPointer()
: ROOT::Math::GSLFunctionDerivWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinDerivFunctionWrapper
- SetFeedback()
: TProof
- SetfgIsA()
: ROOT::Internal::TCDGIILIBase
- SetField()
: TGeoGlobalMagField
, TGeoHelix
, TGeoVolume
, TRootSnifferScanRec
, TRootSnifferStore
, TRootSnifferStoreJson
, TRootSnifferStoreXml
- SetFieldValue()
: TGeoUniformMagField
- SetFile()
: ROOT::Experimental::TLogEntry
, TBranch
, TFileCacheRead
, TFileCacheWrite
, TFilePrefetch
, THttpCallArg
, TMVA::Envelope
, TMVA::MethodBase
, TTreeCache
, TTreeViewer
, TUrl
- SetFileBrowser()
: TEveBrowser
- SetFileBytesRead()
: TFile
- SetFileBytesWritten()
: TFile
- SetFileDefinition()
: THtml
- SetFileName()
: TAliEnFind
, TEntryList
, THttpCallArg
, TProofOutputFile
- SetFileNames()
: TEntryListFromFile
- SetFileNumber()
: TTree
- SetFileout()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetFileReadCalls()
: TFile
- SetFilesPerWrk()
: TProofBenchRunDataRead
- SetFillActionSequence()
: TBranchElement
- SetFillAttributes()
: RooPlot
, TAttFill
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
- SetFillColor()
: RooPlot
, TAttFill
, TEveShape
, TGLPadPainter
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPadPainter
, TPostScript
, TSpider
, TTeXDump
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetFillColorAlpha()
: TAttFill
- SetFillColors()
: TPie
- SetFilledBins()
: THnBase
, THnSparse
- SetFillLeavesPtr()
: TBranchElement
- SetFillPatterns()
, TPostScript
- SetFillRule()
- SetFillStyle()
: RooPlot
, RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
, TAttFill
, TGedPatternFrame
, TGLPadPainter
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPad
, TPadPainter
, TSpider
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetFillStyleIndex()
: TGX11
- SetFillType()
: TGProgressBar
- SetFilter()
: TGFileContainer
- SetFilterCoeff()
: TSpectrum2Transform
, TSpectrumTransform
- SetFinalized()
: TProofQueryResult
, TQueryResult
- setFinalParList()
: RooFitResult
- SetFinalValues()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
- SetFinder()
: TGeoNodeOffset
, TGeoVolume
- SetFirst()
: TDSetElement
, TFileInfoMeta
, TFree
, THostAuth
- SetFirstChild()
: TMCParticle
- SetFirstDaughter()
: TParticle
- SetFirstEntry()
: TBranch
- SetFirstMatrix()
: TGeoOverlap
- SetFirstMother()
: TParticle
- SetFirstVolume()
: TGeoOverlap
- setFIsDeleted:
: QuartzWindow
- SetFisherCoeff()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetFitCluster2Ds()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- setFitConfig()
: RooGenFitStudy
- SetFitDaughters()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetFitDecay()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetFitDrawOpt()
: TRatioPlot
- SetFitFormat()
: TPaveStats
, TStyle
- SetFitInfo()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SetFitLineSegments()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetFitMethod()
: TBackCompFitter
, TFitter
, TFumili
, TLinearFitter
, TVirtualFitter
- SetFitness()
: TMVA::GeneticGenes
- SetFitObject()
: TFitEditor
- SetFitOption()
: TVirtualFitter
- SetFitParameters()
: TSpectrum2Fit
, TSpectrumFit
- SetFitReferences()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetFitResult()
: TF1
, TRatioPlot
- SetFitter()
: TMVA::HyperParameterOptimisation
, TVirtualFitter
- SetFitterTarget()
: TMVA::MinuitWrapper
- SetFixColorRange()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetFixDefCenter()
: TGLCamera
- SetFixDefCenterVec()
: TGLCamera
- SetFixedAspectRatio()
: TCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetFixedHeightValIn2DMode()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetFixedParam()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Asimov
- SetFixedScan()
: RooStats::HypoTestInverter
- SetFixedSize()
: TGDockableFrame
- SetFixedVariable()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TFumiliMinimizer
, TLinearMinimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetFixR()
: TEveProjection
- SetFixZ()
: TEveProjection
- SetFlag()
: TGXYLayoutHints
, TProtoClass::TProtoRealData
- SetFlags()
: TGWidget
- SetFlagsDebug()
: TSystem
- SetFlagsOpt()
: TSystem
- SetFloat()
: TH2Poly
- SetFloatFormat()
: TBufferJSON
, TBufferSQL2
, TBufferXML
, TSQLServer
- setFloor()
: RooRealSumPdf
- setFloorGlobal()
: RooRealSumPdf
- SetfN()
: TTable
- SetFocus()
: TGTextEdit
, TGTextEntry
- SetFolder()
: TCanvas
, TRemoteObject
- SetFOMType()
: TMVA::HyperParameterOptimisation
- SetFont()
: TAxisModLab
, TControlBar
, TControlBarImp
, TGFontDialog
, TGLFont
, TGSplitButton
, TGTableCell
, TGTextButton
, TGTextEntry
, TGTextView
, TRootControlBar
- SetFontColor()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetFontFile()
: TEveText
- SetFontMode()
: TEveText
, TGLAxisPainter
- SetFontSize()
: TEveText
- SetFooter()
: THtml
- SetForceDecay()
: TPythia6Decayer
, TPythia8Decayer
, TVirtualMCDecayer
- SetForceSum()
: RooNonCentralChiSquare
- SetForeground()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetForegroundColor()
: TGFrame
, TGLabel
, TGProgressBar
, TGTextButton
, TGTextEntry
, TGTextView
- SetFormat()
: TGLWidget
, TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
- setFormula()
: RooGenericPdf
- SetFormula()
: TLinearFitter
, TMVA::StatDialogMVAEffs
, TTreeTableInterface
- SetForwardEndCapPos()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetFoundDot()
: THtml
- SetFoundResult()
: TRootSnifferScanRec
- SetFOV()
: TGLPerspectiveCamera
- SetFPEMask()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
- SetFracEff()
: XrdProofGroup
- SetFraction()
: XrdProofGroup
- SetFractionFormat()
: TPie
- SetFragment()
: TUri
- SetFrame()
: TEveDigitSet
, TGHSplitter
, TGSplitter
, TGVSplitter
- SetFrameAttribs()
: TEveCaloLegoOverlay
- SetFrameBorderMode()
: TAttPad
, TStyle
- SetFrameBorderSize()
: TAttPad
, TStyle
- SetFrameColor()
: TEveFrameBox
, TGLPlotBox
, TGLPlotPainter
- SetFrameColorPixel()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetFrameColorRGBA()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetFrameCreator()
: TGedEditor
- SetFrameDrawn()
: TGTextEntry
- SetFrameElement()
: TGFrame
- SetFrameFill()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetFrameFillColor()
: TAttPad
, TStyle
- SetFrameFillStyle()
: TAttPad
, TStyle
- SetFrameId()
: TGMdiFrameList
- SetFrameLength()
: TGPack
- SetFrameLineColor()
: TAttPad
, TStyle
- SetFrameLineStyle()
: TAttPad
, TStyle
- SetFrameLineWidth()
: TAttPad
, TStyle
- SetFramePosition()
: TGPack
- SetFrameTransparency()
: TEveCalo3D
- SetFrameWidth()
: TEveCalo3D
, TEveFrameBox
- SetFraming()
: TButton
- SetFreeHook()
: TMemStatHook
, TStorage
- SetFrom()
: TEveTrans
- SetFromArray()
: TEveTrans
- SetFromFaceSet()
: TEveGeoPolyShape
- SetFromFitResult()
: ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
- SetFromMesh()
: TGLFaceSet
- SetFromPopUp()
- SetFromRule()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- SetFromString()
- SetFromTemplate()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
- SetFrontPower()
: TGLLightSet
- SetFrustum()
: TGLCameraOverlay
- SetFuncColor()
: TStyle
- SetFuncPointer()
: ROOT::Math::GSLFunctionDerivWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMonteFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinDerivFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper
- SetFuncProto()
: TSelectorCint
- SetFuncStyle()
: TStyle
- SetFunction()
: RooStats::MetropolisHastings
, ROOT::Experimental::TLogEntry
, ROOT::Fit::Fitter
, ROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D
, ROOT::Math::BrentRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::Derivator
, ROOT::Math::DistSampler
, ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::GSLDerivator
, ROOT::Math::GSLFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLMinimizer1D
, ROOT::Math::GSLMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::GSLMonteFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiFitFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinDerivFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLNLSMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDim
, ROOT::Math::IRootFinderMethod
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::ParamFunctor
, ROOT::Math::RichardsonDerivator
, ROOT::Math::RootFinder
, ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegratorOneDim
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, ROOT::R::TRFunctionExport
, TF1
, TFitEditor
, TFoamSampler
, TFumiliMinimizer
, TGaxis
, TGraphQQ
, TLinearMinimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
, TUnuranSampler
- SetFunctionAndData()
: ROOT::Fit::Fitter
- SetFunctionList()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFinder
- SetFunctionObjects()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement
- SetFunctions()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootDerivFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFunctionWrapper
- SetFunctionsToPreprocess()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast
- SetFuncWidth()
: TStyle
- SetFWExtension()
: TGeoMaterial
, TGeoNode
, TGeoVolume
- SetG4Compatibility()
: TGDMLWrite
- SetGamma()
: TMVA::MethodSVM
- SetGammaDelta()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
, TMVA::MethodMLP
- SetGaussBkgGaussEff()
: TRolke
- SetGaussBkgKnownEff()
: TRolke
- SetgDebug()
: TProofPerfAnalysis
- SetGDErrScale()
: TMVA::RuleFitParams
- SetGDNPathSteps()
: TMVA::RuleFit
, TMVA::RuleFitParams
- SetGDPathStep()
: TMVA::RuleFit
, TMVA::RuleFitParams
- SetGDTau()
: TMVA::RuleFit
, TMVA::RuleFitParams
- SetGDTauPrec()
: TMVA::RuleFitParams
- SetGDTauRange()
: TMVA::RuleFitParams
- SetGDTauScan()
: TMVA::RuleFitParams
- SetGedEditor()
: TGedFrame
, TGLViewer
- setGenConfig()
: RooGenFitStudy
- SetGenerateAutoBinned()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetGenerateBinned()
: RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetGenerateBinnedTag()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetGenerator()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
- setGeneratorConfig()
: RooAbsPdf
- SetGenericType()
: TGenericTable
- setGenType()
: RooMCIntegrator
- SetGeoHMatrix()
: TEveTrans
- SetGeom()
: TEveCaloLegoGL::Cell2D_t
- SetGeoManager()
: TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetGeometry()
: Rgl::Fgt::TKDEAdapter
, TGeoBuilder
, TVirtualGeoConverter
- SetGeomLevel()
: TGeometry
- SetGeoMode()
: TEveProjection
- SetGetline()
: TInterpreter
- SetGLCtxIdentity()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetGLDevice()
: TGLAdapter
, TPad
- SetGlobal()
: TGedEditor
, TVirtualPadEditor
- setGlobalBoundary()
: RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- SetGlobalExpDate()
: TAuthenticate
- SetGlobalIsA()
: TClass
- setGlobalKillBelow()
: RooMsgService
- SetGlobalLogScale()
: TParallelCoord
- SetGlobalMax()
: TParallelCoord
- SetGlobalMin()
: TParallelCoord
- SetGlobalObservables()
: RooStats::DebuggingSampler
, RooStats::ModelConfig
, RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetGlobalPasswd()
: TAuthenticate
- SetGlobalPwHash()
: TAuthenticate
- SetGlobalReadParam()
: TBufferFile
- SetGlobalScale()
: TParallelCoord
- SetGlobalSRPPwd()
: TAuthenticate
- SetGlobalUser()
: TAuthenticate
- SetGlobalWriteParam()
: TBufferFile
- SetGlobusAuthHook()
: TAuthenticate
- SetGLScene()
: TEveScene
- SetGLTextAngles()
: TGLText
- SetGLTextFont()
: TGLText
- SetGLViewer()
: TEveViewer
- SetGrabImage()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetGradientNCycles()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetGradientStepTolerance()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetGradientTolerance()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetGraphDrawOpt()
: TRatioPlot
- SetGraphicsExposures()
- SetGraphicsMode()
: TMinuit
- SetGraphIO()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetGraphTime()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetGrayscale()
: TCanvas
, TColor
- SetGreen()
: TGLColor
- SetGrepView()
: TProofProgressLog
- SetGrid()
: TButton
, TDialogCanvas
, TInspectCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetGridColor()
: TEveCaloLego
, TStyle
- SetGridLength()
: TGaxis
, TGLAxis
- SetGridlines()
: TRatioPlot
- SetGridStep()
: TGuiBldDragManager
- SetGridStyle()
: TStyle
- SetGridTabWidgets()
: TGL5DDataSetEditor
- SetGridWidth()
: TStyle
- SetGridx()
: TInspectCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetGridy()
: TInspectCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetGrOpt()
: TTreeViewer
- SetGroup()
: TGButton
, XrdProofdClient
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetGroupIn()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SetGroupPriority()
: XrdProofdPriorityMgr
- SetGroupProperties()
: XrdProofdAdmin
- SetGUID()
: TAlienFile
- SetGuides()
: TGLViewerEditor
- SetGuideState()
: TGLViewer
- SetGUIThreadMsgHandler()
: TWinNTSystem
- SetGVEdge()
: TGraphEdge
- SetGVNode()
: TGraphNode
- SetH()
: TGXYLayoutHints
- SetH1DrawOpt()
: TRatioPlot
- SetH2DrawOpt()
: TRatioPlot
- SetHandler()
: TXSocketHandler
- SetHasFixedHeightIn2DMode()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetHash()
: TExMap::Assoc_t
- setHashTableSize()
: RooAbsCollection
, RooLinkedList
- SetHasOnlyParameters()
: RooStats::ModelConfig
- SetHatchesLineWidth()
: TStyle
- SetHatchesSpacing()
: TStyle
- SetHbookFile()
: THbookTree
- SetHeader()
: TGListView
, TGLVContainer
, THtml
, TLegend
- SetHeaderBackground()
: TGTable
- SetHeaderPS()
: TStyle
- SetHeaders()
: TGListView
, TGLVContainer
- SetHeaderStatus()
: XrdClientMessage
- SetHeaderTxt()
: TEveCaloLegoOverlay
- SetHeight()
: TGFrame
, TGTableHeader
, TPie
, TStructNode
- SetHelix()
: THelix
- SetHelixStep()
: TGeoHelix
- SetHessianG2Tolerance()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetHessianGradientNCycles()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetHessianNCycles()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetHessianStepTolerance()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetHexNumber()
: TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
- SetHiddenLayer()
: TMVA::MethodTMlpANN
- setHideOffset()
: RooAbsReal
- SetHierarchical()
: TEveScene
- SetHierPart()
: TUri
- setHigh()
: RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- SetHigh()
: RooStats::HistFactory::NormFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::OverallSys
- SetHighlight()
: TGLRnrCtx
, TGLSelectRecord
- SetHighLightColor()
: TCanvas
, TQRootCanvas
- SetHighlightFrame()
: TEveDigitSet
, TEveShape
- SetHighlightMode()
: TEveSelection
- SetHighlightOutline()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetHighStrategy()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetHinting()
- SetHistFillColor()
: TStyle
- SetHistFillStyle()
: TStyle
- SetHistLineColor()
: TStyle
- SetHistLineStyle()
: TStyle
- SetHistLineWidth()
: TStyle
- SetHistMinimumZero()
: TStyle
- SetHisto()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Data
, RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
- SetHistoButtons()
: TEveDigitSet
- SetHistogram()
: TCandle
, TGLHistPainter
, TGraph2D
, TGraph
, THistPainter
, THStack
, TPaletteAxis
, TVirtualHistPainter
- SetHistogramBinning()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetHistogramHeight()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetHistogramLineWidth()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetHistogramTitle()
: TTreeViewer
- SetHistoHigh()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys
- SetHistoLow()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys
- SetHistoName()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Data
, RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys
, RooStats::HistFactory::StatError
- SetHistoNameHigh()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys
- SetHistoNameLow()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys
- SetHistoPath()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Channel
, RooStats::HistFactory::Data
, RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys
, RooStats::HistFactory::StatError
- SetHistoPathHigh()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys
- SetHistoPathLow()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys
- SetHistStrict()
: RooStats::MCMCInterval
- SetHistTopMargin()
: TStyle
- SetHistType()
: TProofBench
, TProofBenchRunCPU
- SetHomepage()
: THtml
- SetHorizontal()
: TEveWindowPack
, TLine
- SetHost()
: THostAuth
, TS3HTTPRequest
, TUri
, TUrl
- SetHostInfo()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetHPlaneVal()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetHPos()
: TGViewPort
- SetHRatio()
: TGSplitFrame
- SetHsbPosition()
: TGCanvas
, TGContainer
, TGTextView
- SetHScursor()
: TGColorPick
- SetHtmlFileName()
: TClassDocInfo
- SetHypeDimensions()
: TGeoHype
- SetIcon()
: THttpServer
- SetIconName()
: TGCocoa
, TGMainFrame
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TSystemFile
, TVirtualX
- SetIconPixmap()
: TGCocoa
, TGMainFrame
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetId()
: TGeoMedium
, TGeoShape
, TGToolBar
- SetID()
: TSecContext
- SetId()
: TVirtualGeoTrack
, TVolumePosition
- SetID()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetIdentity()
: ROOT::Math::Boost
, ROOT::Math::Impl::Transform3D< T >
, TGLMatrix
- SetIdle()
: TProofServ
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetIdleTimer()
: TApplication
- SetIdx()
: TMVA::SVEvent
- SetIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining()
: TMVA::Event
- SetIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest()
: TGLLogicalShape
- SetIgnoreSizesOnUpdate()
: TGLViewer
- SetIgnoreVerification()
: TBufferSQL2
- SetImage()
: TAlienFile
, TASImage
, TGIcon
, TGTableCell
, TImage
- SetImageAutoSave()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetImageBuffer()
: TASImage
, TImage
- SetImageCompression()
: TAttImage
- SetImageCount()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetImageGUIBaseName()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetImageGUIOutMode()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetImageName()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetImagePath()
: TGIcon
- SetImageQuality()
: TAttImage
- SetImpl()
: ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderArrayBase
- SetImplFile()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
- SetImplFileName()
: TClass
, TClassDocInfo
, THtml
- SetImplFileSysName()
: TClassDocInfo
- SetImplicitMT()
: TTree
- SetImportanceCut()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
, TMVA::RuleFit
- SetImportanceRef()
: TMVA::Rule
, TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetImportEmpty()
: TEveProjectionManager
- SetIMSS()
: TPythia6
- SetInclude()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- SetIncludePath()
: THtml
, TSystem
- SetIncrements()
: TGListView
- setIndex()
: RooAbsCategoryLValue
, RooCategory
, RooSuperCategory
- SetIndex()
: TEveTrack
, TFileInfo
, TGeoMaterial
, TMVA::SVWorkingSet
- setIndexFast()
: RooAbsCategoryLValue
- SetIndiceSize()
: TLatex
- SetInhiDiv()
: TFoam
- SetInitEntries()
: TParallelCoord
- SetInitialNumbersOfSpecies()
: TSPlot
- SetInitialShape()
: RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor
- SetInitMax()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetInitMin()
: TParallelCoordVar
- setInitParList()
: RooFitResult
- SetInitTemp()
: TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
- SetInitTime()
: TProofPlayer
, TProofPlayerRemote
, TVirtualPacketizer
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SetInput()
: TGWin32
, TGX11
- setInput()
: TMVA::DNN::LayerData
- SetInput()
: TUnfold
, TUnfoldSys
- SetInputCalculator()
: TMVA::TNeuron
- SetInputDataFile()
: TProof
- SetInputDataList()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetInputDataListFormat()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetInputDir()
: THtml
- SetInputFile()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Channel
, RooStats::HistFactory::Data
, RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys
, RooStats::HistFactory::StatError
- SetInputFileHigh()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys
- SetInputFileLow()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys
- SetInputFocus()
: ROOT::MacOSX::X11::EventTranslator
, TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetInputHandler()
: TSlave
- SetInputList()
: h1analysis
, h1analysisTreeReader
, RooProofDriverSelector
, TQueryResult
, TSelector
, TSelectorCint
, TSelEvent
, TSelEventGen
, TSelHandleDataSet
, TSelHist
, TSelVerifyDataSet
- SetInputNeuron()
: TMVA::TNeuron
- SetInputPoints()
: ROOT::Math::Delaunay2D
- setInputSize()
: TMVA::DNN::Net
- SetInputTrees()
: TMVA::DataLoader
- SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees()
: TMVA::DataLoader
, TMVA::Factory
- SetInputVariables()
: TMVA::DataLoader
- SetInputWidth()
: TMVA::DNN::TNet< Architecture_t, Layer_t >
- SetInsert()
: TGHtml
- SetInsertMode()
: TGTextEdit
, TGTextEntry
- SetInsetWidth()
: TRatioPlot
- setInSharedList()
: RooSharedProperties
- SetInstallationDirectory()
: TAlienPackage
- SetInstallList()
: TAlienPackage
- SetInstance()
: ROOT::Internal::TCDGIILIBase
- setInt()
: RooCmdArg
- SetInt()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetIntegrationRule()
: ROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator
- SetIntegrationType()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
- SetIntegrator()
: ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions
- setIntegratorConfig()
: RooAbsReal
- SetInterest()
: TFileHandler
, TMonitor
- SetInterface()
: TGTable
- SetInternalVarName()
: TMVA::VariableInfo
- setInterpCode()
: PiecewiseInterpolation
, RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- SetInterpolate()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetInterpolationOption()
: RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult
- setInterpolationOrder()
: RooAbsCachedPdf
, RooAbsCachedReal
, RooHistFunc
, RooHistPdf
- SetInterrupt()
, TXSocket
, XrdClientPhyConnection
, XrdClientSock
, XrdProofConn
- SetInterruptHandler()
: TSlave
, TXSlave
- SetInterruptSyscalls()
: TTimer
- SetIntervalType()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCInterval
- SetIntg()
: TFoamCell
, TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- SetIntNumber()
: TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
- SetIntValue()
: ROOT::Math::GenAlgoOptions
, ROOT::Math::IOptions
- SetInvalid()
: TGeoVoxelFinder
, TProofMgr
, TXProofMgr
- setInvisible()
: RooPlot
- SetInvisible()
: TGeoNode
, TGeoVolume
- SetIOVersion()
: TBufferXML
- SetIpythonInteractive()
: TMVA::DNN::Net
- SetIPythonInteractive()
: TMVA::FitterBase
, TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
, TMVA::SVWorkingSet
- SetIsActive()
: TPieSlice
- SetIsCompiled()
: TVirtualStreamerInfo
- SetIsExtrusion()
: TGeoOverlap
- SetIsMaster()
: TEveSelection
- SetIsObject()
: TRealData
- SetIsoSurfaceParameters()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetIsoTabWidgets()
: TGL5DDataSetEditor
- SetIsOverlap()
: TGeoOverlap
- SetIsReading()
: TStyle
- SetIsShrinked()
: TMVA::SVEvent
- SetIsTraining()
: TMVA::Event
- SetIsVolAtt()
: TGeoPhysicalNode
- SetItem()
: TBtInnerNode
- setItem()
: XpdObject
- SetItemField()
: THttpServer
, TRootSniffer
- SetItemName()
: TGLVEntry
, TTVLVEntry
- SetIteration()
- SetIterator()
: TGeoIteratorPlugin
- SetIteratorPlugin()
: TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetItree()
: TMVA::StatDialogBDT
, TMVA::StatDialogBDTReg
- SetIz()
: TGeoXtru
- SetJobTag()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetJoinLinePS()
: TStyle
- SetJoinStyle()
- SetJpegDpi()
: TASImage
- SetJson()
: THttpCallArg
: THttpServer
- SetK()
: TPythia6
- SetKappa()
: TMVA::MethodSVM
- SetKappaBeta2()
: ROOT::Math::Vavilov
, ROOT::Math::VavilovAccurate
, ROOT::Math::VavilovFast
- SetKCHG()
: TPythia6
- SetkDim()
: TFoam
- SetKeepEmptyCont()
: TEveManager
- SetKernel()
- SetKernelFunction()
- SetKernelSigmas2()
- SetKernelType()
, TMVA::KDEKernel
- SetKerning()
- SetKey()
: TAlienResult
, TBtInnerNode
, TBtLeafNode
, TDsKey
, TGLiteResult
, TGridResult
, TMVA::OptionMap::Binding
- SetKeyAutoRepeat()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetKeyByIndx()
: TTable3Points
- SetKeyByValue()
: TTable3Points
- SetKeyClassName()
: TRemoteObject
- SetKeyObjectName()
: TRemoteObject
- SetKeysConfidenceAccuracy()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
- SetKeysTerminationThreshold()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
- SetKF()
: TMCParticle
- SetKFDP()
: TPythia6
- SetKFIN()
: TPythia6
- SetKnownBkgBinomEff()
: TRolke
- SetKnownBkgGaussEff()
: TRolke
- SetKOrd()
: TH1K
- SetKrb5AuthHook()
: TAuthenticate
- SetKS()
: TMCParticle
- setLabel()
: RooAbsCategoryLValue
, RooCategory
, RooSuperCategory
- SetLabel()
: TEveTrack
, TGSelectBox
, TGTableCell
, TGTableHeader
, TLegendEntry
, TMVA::VariableInfo
, TPaveLabel
, TPaveText
- SetLabelAlign()
: TGLAxisPainter
- SetLabelColor()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TAxis3D
, TGaxis
, TH1
, TPaletteAxis
, TStyle
- SetLabelDx()
: TClassTree
- SetLabelFont()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TAxis3D
, TGaxis
, TGLAxisPainter
, TH1
, TPaletteAxis
, TStyle
- SetLabelFormat()
: TPie
- SetLabelOffset()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TAxis3D
, TGaxis
, TH1
, TPaletteAxis
, TStyle
- SetLabelPixelFontSize()
: TGLAxisPainter
- SetLabels()
: TPie
- SetLabelsAngles()
: TGLAxis
- SetLabelSize()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TAxis3D
, TGaxis
, TH1
, TPaletteAxis
, TStyle
- SetLabelsOffset()
: TGLAxis
, TPie
- SetLabelsSize()
: TGLAxis
- SetLabelText()
: TGSpeedo
- SetLabelWidth()
: TEveGTriVecValuator
, TEveGValuatorBase
- SetLabMode()
: TEveProjectionAxes
- SetLabNum()
: TAxisModLab
- SetLargeObject()
: TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetLassoDrawn()
: TGuiBldDragManager
- SetLast()
: TFileInfoMeta
, TFree
, THostAuth
, TObjArray
, TRefArray
- SetLastCamera()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetLastChild()
: TMCParticle
- SetLastChoice()
: TStyleManager
- SetLastClip()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetLastDaughter()
: TParticle
- SetLastEntries()
: TProofProgressStatus
- SetLastEntry()
: TProofServ
, TTreeReader
- SetLastLOD()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetLastMergingMsg()
: TProofPlayerRemote
- SetLastMother()
: TParticle
- SetLastMsg()
: TProofServ
- SetLastOLLineW()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetLastPoint()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
- SetLastPosition()
: TPoints3D
, TPoints3DABC
, TPointsArray3D
, TTablePoints
- SetLastProcTime()
: TProofProgressStatus
- SetLastReadInfo()
: TClass
- SetLastSafetyForPoint()
: TGeoNavigator
- SetLastStyle()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetLastUpdate()
: TProofProgressStatus
- SetLastUpdateTag()
: THtml
- SetLastWFLineW()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetLatitude()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetLayoutBroken()
: TGCompositeFrame
, TGFrame
- SetLayoutHints()
: TGButtonGroup
, TGLayoutHints
- SetLayoutManager()
: TGCompositeFrame
, TGListBox
, TGShutter
, TGView
- SetLcursor()
: TGColorPick
- SetLeafCount()
: TLeaf
, TLeafElement
- SetLearnEntries()
: TTreeCache
- SetLearningMethod()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetLearningRate()
: TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
, TMVA::TSynapse
- SetLearnPrefill()
: TTreeCache
- SetLearnTime()
: TProofProgressStatus
- SetLeft()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TMVA::Node
- SetLeftButPressed()
: TGMdiTitleBar
- SetLeftMargin()
: TAttPad
, TGTextButton
, TRatioPlot
- SetLeftSideTailFraction()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCInterval
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
- SetLegend()
: RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
- SetLegendBorderSize()
: TStyle
- SetLegendFillColor()
: TStyle
- SetLegendFont()
: TStyle
- SetLegendTextSize()
: TStyle
- SetLego()
: TEveLegoEventHandler
- SetLegoColor()
: TGLLegoPainter
- SetLegoFunction()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetLegoInnerR()
: TStyle
- SetLen()
: TLeaf
- SetLength()
: TMessage
- SetLevel()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnPrint
, TMCVerbose
- SetLibURL()
: THtml
- SetLifetime()
: TMCParticle
- SetLight()
: TGLLightSet
- SetLightHeightWeight()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetLighting()
: TEveText
- SetLightPosition()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetLikelihoodInterval()
: RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
- SetLimit()
: TQUndoManager
- SetLimitedVariable()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TFumiliMinimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetLimitIndiceSize()
: TLatex
- SetLimitRatio()
: TGeoElemIter
- setLimits()
: RooAbsIntegrator
, RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D
, RooAdaptiveIntegratorND
, RooBinIntegrator
, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D
, RooImproperIntegrator1D
, RooIntegrator1D
, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D
- SetLimits()
: ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinuitParameter
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnApplication
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserTransformation
, TAxis
, TEveGDoubleValuator
, TEveGTriVecValuator
, TEveGValuator
, TEveRGBAPalette
, TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
- SetLimitsFinder()
: THLimitsFinder
- SetLimitsScaleMinMax()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetLimitValues()
: TGNumberEntry
- SetLinCoefficient()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetLinCoefficients()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetLinDM()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetLinDP()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetLine()
: ROOT::Experimental::TLogEntry
, TEveStraightLineSet
, TMVA::SVEvent
- SetLineAttr()
: TTablePadView3D
- SetLineAttributes()
: RooPlot
, TAttLine
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TVolumePosition
, TVolumeView
- SetLineColor()
: RooPlot
, RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
, RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot
, RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
, TAttLine
, TEveLine
, TEveShape
, TEveStraightLineSet
, TEveTrackList
, TGeoVolume
, TGeoVolumeMulti
, TGLPadPainter
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPadPainter
, TPaletteAxis
, TParallelCoord
, TParallelCoordRange
, TPostScript
, TSpider
, TTeXDump
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetLineColorAlpha()
: TAttLine
- SetLineHasBeenProcessed()
- SetLineIsProcessing()
- SetLineJoin()
, TPostScript
- SetLineScale()
: TGLViewer
, TPostScript
, TTeXDump
- SetLineScalePS()
: TStyle
- SetLineStyle()
: RooPlot
, RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
, TAttLine
, TEveLine
, TEveTrackList
, TGeoVolume
, TGeoVolumeMulti
, TGLineLBEntry
, TGLPadPainter
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPadPainter
, TPostScript
, TSpider
, TTeXDump
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetLineStyleString()
: TStyle
- SetLineType()
: TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetLineWidth()
: RooPlot
, RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot
, RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
, TAttLine
, TEveLine
, TEveShape
, TEveTrackList
, TGeoVolume
, TGeoVolumeMulti
, TGLineLBEntry
, TGLPadPainter
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPadPainter
, TPaletteAxis
, TParallelCoord
, TParallelCoordRange
, TPostScript
, TSpider
, TTeXDump
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetLineWidthScale()
: TGLUtil
- SetLinkdefSuffix()
: TSystem
- SetLinkedLibs()
: TSystem
- SetLinksVisibility()
: TStructViewer
, TStructViewerGUI
- SetLinNorm()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetLinQuantile()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetList()
: TFileCollection
- SetListBox()
: TGComboBoxPopup
, TGLBContainer
- SetListView()
: TGLVContainer
, TTVLVContainer
- SetLiveRangesUpdate()
: TParallelCoord
, TParallelCoordVar
- SetLoadResult()
: TChainElement
- SetLoc()
: TXSockPipe
- SetLocal()
: TSessionFrame
- SetLocalEntry()
: TTreeReader
- SetLocalFiles()
: THtml
- SetLocalMasterIdentity()
: TBuffer3D
- setLocalNoDirtyInhibit()
: RooAbsArg
- SetLocation()
: TXSocket
- SetLocking()
: TSQLFile
- SetLockPoints()
: TEveTrack
- SetLOD()
: TGLSceneBase
, TGLSceneInfo
, TGLViewerBase
- SetLOffset()
: RooStats::MinNLLTestStat
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
- SetLog()
: TCandle
- SetLogConnID()
: XrdClientConn
- SetLogDir()
: XrdROOTMgr
- setLogFile()
: RooMinimizer
- SetLogFile()
: RooMinimizerFcn
- setLogFile()
: RooMinuit
- SetLogged()
: XrdClientPhyConnection
- SetLogger()
: TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_Utils
, TPackMgr
- SetLogging()
: TQUndoManager
- SetLogLevel()
: TMonaLisaWriter
, TProof
, TSessionFrame
, TSessionServerFrame
, TUnuran
, TVirtualMonitoringWriter
- SetLogScale()
: TParallelCoordVar
- SetLogScan()
: ROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D
, ROOT::Math::BrentRootFinder
- SetLogShape()
: TGLSelectRecord
- SetLogStep()
: TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
- SetLogStream()
: TUnuran
- SetLogToBox()
: TProofLog
- SetLogWindow()
: TSessionViewer
- SetLogx()
: TButton
, TDialogCanvas
- SetLogX()
: TEvePlot3D
- SetLogx()
: TInspectCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetLogXaxis()
: RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
- SetLogXYZ()
: TEvePlot3D
- SetLogy()
: TButton
, TDialogCanvas
- SetLogY()
: TEvePlot3D
- SetLogy()
: TInspectCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetLogYaxis()
: RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
- SetLogZ()
: TEvePlot3D
- SetLogz()
: TInspectCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetLong()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetLong64()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetLongCap()
: TString
- SetLongitude()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetLongPointer()
: TString
- SetLongSize()
: TString
- SetLookedUp()
: TChainElement
, TDSet
, TDSetElement
- SetLoopVolumes()
: TGeoManager
- SetLossFunction()
: TMVA::DNN::TNet< Architecture_t, Layer_t >
- setLow()
: RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- SetLow()
: RooStats::HistFactory::NormFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::OverallSys
- SetLowBottomMargin()
: TRatioPlot
- SetLowerLimit()
: ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinuitParameter
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserTransformation
- SetLowerLimitedVariable()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetLowStrategy()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetLowTopMargin()
: TRatioPlot
- SetLRB()
: TConfidenceLevel
- SetLRS()
: TConfidenceLevel
- SetLumi()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement
- SetLumiRelErr()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement
- SetM()
: ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< ScalarType >
- SetMacroPath()
: THtml
- SetMag()
: TVector3
- SetMagField()
: TEveTrackPropagator
, TVirtualMC
- SetMagFieldObj()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetMagPhi()
: TVector2
- SetMagThetaPhi()
: TVector3
- SetMainAlpha()
: TEveElement
- SetMainColor()
: TEveCompound
, TEveCompoundProjected
, TEveDigitSet
, TEveElement
, TEveGeoNode
, TEveShape
, TEveTrackList
- SetMainColorPixel()
: TEveElement
- SetMainColorPtr()
: TEveElement
- SetMainColorRGB()
: TEveElement
- SetMainFrame()
: TGDNDManager
- SetMainFrameDefHeight()
: TEveWindow
- SetMainFrameDefWidth()
: TEveWindow
- SetMainTransparency()
: TEveCompound
, TEveElement
, TEveGeoNode
- SetMakeClass()
: TBranch
, TBranchElement
, TChain
, TTree
- SetMakeCopies()
: TMVA::GeneticAlgorithm
- SetMakeExe()
: TSystem
- SetMakeSharedLib()
: TSystem
- SetMallocHook()
: TMemStatHook
- SetManager()
: TGLFont
, TProof
- SetManip()
: TGLPhysicalShape
- SetManipType()
: TGLManipSet
- SetMapAddress()
: TMapFile
- SetMapSubwindows()
: TGCompositeFrame
, TGWindow
- SetMargin()
: TAttPad
, TGraph2D
, TGraphStruct
, TLegend
, TPaveStats
, TPaveText
- SetMarginBinsContent()
: TGraph2D
, TGraphDelaunay2D
, TGraphDelaunay
- SetMargins()
: TGLabel
, TGTextButton
- SetMarkerAttributes()
: RooPlot
, TAttMarker
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
- SetMarkerColor()
: RooPlot
, RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
, TAttMarker
, TEveLine
, TEvePointSet
, TEvePointSetArray
, TEveTrackList
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPostScript
, TTeXDump
, TVirtualX
- SetMarkerColorAlpha()
: TAttMarker
- SetMarkerSize()
: RooPlot
, RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
, TAttMarker
, TEvePointSet
, TEvePointSetArray
, TEveTrackList
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TTeXDump
, TVirtualX
- SetMarkerStyle()
: RooPlot
, RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
, TAttMarker
, TEvePointSet
, TEvePointSetArray
, TEveTrackList
, TGedMarkerSelect
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetMarkerType()
: TGWin32
, TGX11
- SetMarshalled()
: XrdClientMessage
- SetMass()
: TMCParticle
- SetMaterial()
: TGeoMedium
- SetMaterialProperty()
: TVirtualMC
- SetMatrix()
: TDecompBK
, TDecompChol
, TDecompLU
, TDecompQRH
, TDecompSparse
, TDecompSVD
, TGeometry
, TGeoNodeMatrix
, TGeoPNEntry
, TGeoRotation
, TNode
, TRotMatrix
, TVolumePosition
- SetMatrixArray()
: TMatrixTBase< Element >
, TMatrixTSparse< Element >
, TMatrixTSym< Element >
- SetMatrixOrig()
: TGeoPhysicalNode
- SetMatrixOwner()
: TVolumePosition
- SetMatrixReflection()
: TGeoManager
- SetMatrixSep()
: TGuiBldHintsEditor
- SetMatrixTransform()
: TGeoManager
- setMax()
: RooAbsBinning
, RooErrorVar
, RooLinTransBinning
, RooRangeBinning
, RooRealVar
- SetMax()
: TEveRGBAPalette
, TGProgressBar
, TMVA::Interval
, TMVA::LogInterval
, TMVA::VariableInfo
- SetMaxAng()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetMaxAngle()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetMaxBinToPrint()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- SetMaxBlockSize()
: TStorage
- SetMaxCalls()
: Memstat::TMemStatMng
, TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
- SetMaxCorrection()
: RooStats::BernsteinCorrection
- SetMaxDegree()
: RooStats::BernsteinCorrection
- SetMaxDepth()
: TMVA::MethodBDT
- SetMaxDigits()
: TGaxis
- SetMaxDrawQueries()
: TProof
, TProofPlayer
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SetMaxEntryLoop()
: TTree
- setMaxEvalMultiplier()
: RooMinuit
- SetMaxFieldSize()
: TOracleStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetMaxFullCacheSize()
: TWebFile
- setMaxFunctionCalls()
: RooMinimizer
- SetMaxFunctionCalls()
: ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetMaxFunctions()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetMaxHeight()
: TGFrame
- SetMaxima()
: ROOT::v5::TFormula
- SetMaximum()
: RooPlot
, RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
, TF1
, TGraph2D
, TGraph
, TGraphPolar
, TH1
, THStack
, TLeafB
, TLeafC
, TLeafI
, TLeafL
, TLeafO
, TLeafS
, TMultiGraph
, TSlider
- SetMaximumToys()
: RooStats::HypoTestInverter
- SetMaxIndex()
: TStreamerElement
- SetMaxInitFailed()
: TAlienJDL
- SetMaxIter()
: TGraph2D
, TGraphDelaunay
- setMaxIterations()
: RooMinimizer
- SetMaxIterations()
: ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
, TMinuit
, TVirtualFitter
- SetMaxIters()
: RooNonCentralChiSquare
- SetMaxLength()
: TGTextEntry
- SetMaxLevel()
: TStructNode
- SetMaxNStep()
: TVirtualMC
- SetMaxObjects()
: TStructNode
- SetMaxOldSessions()
: XrdProofdSandbox
- SetMaxOpenedFiles()
: TFileMerger
- SetMaxOrbs()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetMaxPickDistance()
: TPad
- SetMaxPointsPerLine()
: TGraphPainter
- SetMaxPolar()
: TGraphPolar
- SetMaxPowers()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetMaxProcTime()
: TDSetElement
- SetMaxPts()
: ROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim
- SetMaxR()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetMaxRadial()
: TGraphPolar
- SetMaxRedirCnt()
: XrdClientConn
- SetMaxRow()
: TGL2DArray< T >
- SetMaxSceneDrawTimeHQ()
: TGLViewer
- SetMaxSceneDrawTimeLQ()
: TGLViewer
- SetMaxStep()
: TEveTrackPropagator
, TVirtualMC
- SetMaxStudy()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetMaxTerms()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetMaxThreads()
: TGeoManager
- SetMaxTowerH()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetMaxToys()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetMaxTrackStep()
: TEveProjection
- SetMaxTransferSize()
: TProofLog
, TProofLogElem
- SetMaxTreeSize()
: TTree
- SetMaxValAbs()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetMaxVirtualSize()
: TTree
- SetMaxVisNodes()
: TEveGeoTopNode
, TGeoManager
- SetMaxWidth()
: TGFrame
- SetMaxWtRej()
: TFoam
- SetMaxZ()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetMBState()
: TGSplitButton
- SetMbTitle()
: TText
- SetMC()
: TFractionFitter
- SetMCMCInterval()
: RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot
- SetMDCY()
: TPythia6
- SetMdiButtons()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
- SetMdiHints()
: TGMdiFrame
- SetMDME()
: TPythia6
- SetMean()
: TCandle
, TMVA::VariableInfo
- SetMeanValue()
: TGSpeedo
- SetMedian()
: TCandle
- SetMedium()
: TGeoVolume
, TGeoVolumeMulti
- SetMediumStrategy()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetMember()
: TArchiveFile
- SetMembers()
: TStructNode
- SetMembersCount()
: TStructNode
- SetMemberStreamer()
: TClass
- setMemDir()
: RooUnitTest
- SetMemMax()
: TXSockBuf
- SetMemoryPolicy()
: PyROOT::TCallContext
- SetMemValues()
: TPerfStats
, TStatus
- SetMenuBar()
: TGPopupMenu
- SetMenuHidingTimeout()
: TGLSAViewer
- SetMenuItem()
: TMethod
- SetMenuState()
: TGSplitButton
, TGTextEdit
- SetMerge()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetMerged()
: TProofOutputFile
- SetMergedOutputDirectory()
: TAlienJDL
- SetMergedWorker()
: TMergerInfo
- SetMergeMode()
: TParameter< AParamType >
- SetMergeOptions()
: TFileMerger
- SetMergeTime()
: TQueryResult
- SetMerging()
: TProofPlayer
, TProofPlayerRemote
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SetMesh()
: TGLIsoPainter
, TPainter3dAlgorithms
- setMessage()
: RooAbsReal::EvalError
- SetMethod()
: ROOT::Math::RootFinder
, TButton
, TContextMenu
, THttpCallArg
, TSlider
- SetMethodAndInit()
: TUnuran
- SetMethodBase()
: TMVA::RuleFit
- SetMethodBaseDir()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetMethodCall()
: TBackCompFitter
- SetMethodDir()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetMGamma()
: TMVA::MethodSVM
- SetMidButPressed()
: TGMdiTitleBar
- setMin()
: RooAbsBinning
, RooErrorVar
, RooLinTransBinning
, RooRangeBinning
, RooRealVar
- SetMin()
: TEveRGBAPalette
, TGProgressBar
, TMVA::Interval
, TMVA::LogInterval
, TMVA::VariableInfo
- SetMinAlphaC()
: TMVA::CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode
- SetMinAng()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetMinAngle()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetMinBinToPrint()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- SetMinHeight()
: TGFrame
- SetMiniBarBackgroundColor()
: TEveWindow
- SetMiniFrame()
: TEveGeoShapeExtract
, TEveShape
- SetMinimizedX()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
- SetMinimizedY()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
- SetMinimizer()
: RooStats::MinNLLTestStat
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
, RooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat
, ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
- SetMinimizerAlgorithm()
: ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetMinimizerOptions()
: ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
- setMinimizerType()
: RooMinimizer
- SetMinimizerType()
: ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
- SetMinimum()
: RooPlot
, TF1
, TGraph2D
, TGraph
, TGraphPolar
, TH1
, THStack
, TLeafB
, TLeafC
, TLeafI
, TLeafL
, TLeafO
, TLeafS
, TMultiGraph
, TSlider
- SetMinLinCorrForFisher()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
- SetMinMax()
: TEveRGBAPalette
, TGLTH3Slice
- SetMinMaxFrom()
: TChainIndex::TChainIndexEntry
- SetMinMaxScale()
: TGSpeedo
- setMinNLL()
: RooFitResult
- SetMinNodeSize()
: TMVA::MethodBDT
, TMVA::MethodDT
- SetMinosError()
: ROOT::Fit::FitResult
- SetMinosErrors()
: ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
- SetMinPolar()
: TGraphPolar
- SetMinPts()
: ROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim
- SetMinRadial()
: TGraphPolar
- SetMinRelativeError()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetMinSize()
: TGMdiWinResizer
- SetMINT()
: TPythia6
- SetMinTemp()
: TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
- SetMinType()
: TMVA::MsgLogger
- SetMinUserPlacement()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
- SetMinValue()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
- SetMinWidth()
: TGFrame
- SetMirror()
- SetMirroredEvents()
- SetMiserParameters()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMiserIntegrationWorkspace
- setMode()
: Roo1DMomentMorphFunction
, Roo2DMomentMorphFunction
, RooBlindTools
, RooMomentMorph
- SetMode()
: ROOT::Math::DistSampler
, ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, TGLClip
, TUnuranContDist
, TUnuranDiscrDist
, TUnuranMultiContDist
, TUnuranSampler
- SetModel()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, RooStats::HypoTestInverter
, RooStats::HypoTestInverterOriginal
, RooStats::IntervalCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
, TArrowEditor
, TAttFillEditor
, TAttLineEditor
, TAttMarkerEditor
, TAttTextEditor
, TAxisEditor
, TCurlyArcEditor
, TCurlyLineEditor
, TEveArrowEditor
, TEveArrowGL
, TEveBoxGL
, TEveBoxProjectedGL
, TEveBoxSetGL
, TEveCalo2DGL
, TEveCalo3DEditor
, TEveCalo3DGL
, TEveCaloLegoEditor
, TEveCaloLegoGL
, TEveCaloVizEditor
, TEveDigitSetEditor
, TEveElementEditor
, TEveGedEditor
, TEveGedNameFrame
, TEveGeoNodeEditor
, TEveGeoTopNodeEditor
, TEveGridStepperEditor
, TEveGridStepperSubEditor
, TEveJetConeEditor
, TEveJetConeGL
, TEveJetConeProjectedGL
, TEveLineEditor
, TEveLineGL
, TEveParamListEditor
, TEvePlot3DGL
, TEvePointSetArrayEditor
, TEvePolygonSetProjectedGL
, TEveProjectionAxesEditor
, TEveProjectionAxesGL
, TEveProjectionManagerEditor
, TEveQuadSetGL
, TEveRGBAPaletteEditor
, TEveRGBAPaletteSubEditor
, TEveShapeEditor
, TEveStraightLineSetEditor
, TEveStraightLineSetGL
, TEveTextEditor
, TEveTextGL
, TEveTrackEditor
, TEveTrackGL
, TEveTrackListEditor
, TEveTrackProjectedGL
, TEveTrackPropagatorEditor
, TEveTrackPropagatorSubEditor
, TEveTransEditor
, TEveTransSubEditor
, TEveTriangleSetEditor
, TEveTriangleSetGL
, TEveViewerListEditor
, TEveWindowEditor
, TF1Editor
, TFrameEditor
, TGedEditor
, TGedFrame
, TGedNameFrame
, TGeoBBoxEditor
, TGeoCombiTransEditor
, TGeoConeEditor
, TGeoConeSegEditor
, TGeoCtubEditor
, TGeoEltuEditor
, TGeoGtraEditor
, TGeoHypeEditor
, TGeoManagerEditor
, TGeoMaterialEditor
, TGeoMediumEditor
, TGeoMixtureEditor
, TGeoNodeEditor
, TGeoParaEditor
, TGeoPconEditor
, TGeoPgonEditor
, TGeoRotationEditor
, TGeoSphereEditor
, TGeoTabManager
, TGeoTorusEditor
, TGeoTransientPanel
, TGeoTranslationEditor
, TGeoTrapEditor
, TGeoTrd1Editor
, TGeoTrd2Editor
, TGeoTubeEditor
, TGeoTubeSegEditor
, TGeoVolumeEditor
, TGL5DDataSetEditor
, TGLClipSetEditor
, TGLClipSetSubEditor
, TGLLightSetEditor
, TGLLightSetSubEditor
, TGLObject
, TGLParametricEquationGL
, TGLPShapeObjEditor
, TGLViewerEditor
, TGraphEditor
, TH1Editor
, TH2Editor
, TLineEditor
, TPadEditor
, TParallelCoordEditor
, TPaveStatsEditor
, TPieEditor
, TPieSliceEditor
, TPointSet3DGL
, TSpiderEditor
, TStructNodeEditor
, TTextEditor
- SetModelCheckClass()
: TGLObject
- SetModelClass()
: TGedFrame
- SetModelDynCast()
: TGLObject
- SetModelFull()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
, TMVA::RuleFit
- SetModelFunction()
: ROOT::Fit::BasicFCN< FunType, DataType >
, ROOT::Fit::FitResult
, ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliChi2FCN
, ROOT::Minuit2::FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN
- SetModelLinear()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
, TMVA::RuleFit
- SetModelParameters()
: TRolke
- SetModelPersistence()
: TMVA::Envelope
, TMVA::MethodBase
- SetModelRules()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
, TMVA::RuleFit
- SetModified()
: TDirectory
, TDirectoryFile
, TGLayoutManager
, TGLParametricEquation
- SetModule()
: TClassDocInfo
- SetModuleDefinition()
: THtml
- SetMomentum()
: TParticle
- SetMonitor()
: TProof
- setMonitoring()
: TMVA::DNN::Settings
- SetMoreLogLabels()
: TAxis
, TGaxis
- SetMother()
: TDataSet
, TDirectory
, TParticle
- SetMotherDir()
: TKey
- SetMotherVolume()
: TGeoNode
- SetMouseOverSelectDelay()
: TGLEventHandler
- SetMouseOverTooltipDelay()
: TGLEventHandler
- setMPSet()
: RooAbsTestStatistic
- SetMRPY()
: TPythia6
- SetMSEL()
: TPythia6
: TPythia6
- SetMsgPrefix()
: TFileMerger
- SetMsgReadBuffer10()
: TS3WebFile
, TWebFile
- SetMsgType()
: TMVA::Configurable
, TMVA::DataSetInfo
, TMVA::Rule
, TMVA::RuleEnsemble
, TMVA::RuleFit
, TMVA::RuleFitParams
- SetMssUrl()
: TProofMgr
- SetMSTI()
: TPythia6
- SetMSTJ()
: TPythia6
- SetMSTP()
: TPythia6
- SetMSTU()
: TPythia6
- SetMSUB()
: TPythia6
- SetMult()
: TMVA::MethodSVM
- SetMultiDistribution()
: TUnuran
- SetMultiple()
: TGLSelectRecord
- SetMultipleSelection()
: TGFileInfo
, TGLVContainer
- SetMultipleSelections()
: TGLBContainer
, TGListBox
- SetMuMax()
: TFeldmanCousins
- SetMuMin()
: TFeldmanCousins
- SetMustClean()
- SetMuStep()
: TFeldmanCousins
- SetMuTol()
: TQpSolverBase
- SetMWID()
: TPythia6
- SetMWMHints()
: TGCocoa
, TGMainFrame
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetN()
: TPythia6
- SetName()
: RooAbsArg
- setName()
: RooAbsCollection
- SetName()
: RooCatType
, RooDataHist
, RooDataSet
, RooFitResult
, RooLinkedList
, RooPlot
, RooStats::HistFactory::Asimov
, RooStats::HistFactory::Channel
, RooStats::HistFactory::Data
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys
, RooStats::HistFactory::NormFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::OverallSys
, RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction
, RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys
, ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings
, ROOT::Internal::TCDGIILIBase
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinuitParameter
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserTransformation
, TAlienPackage
, TButton
, TClassRef
, TCollection
, TDialogCanvas
, TDirectory
, TDsKey
, TEfficiency
, TEventList
, TEveProjection
, TEveScene
, TFormula
, TGaxis
, TGLSceneBase
, TGraph2D
, TGWindow
, TH1
, TLockPath
, TMVA::VariableTransformBase
, TNamed
, TNode
, TPackMgr
, TPad
, TPaletteAxis
, TPave
, TPolyMarker3D
, TProofChain
, TQCommand
, TRotMatrix
, TSessionServerFrame
, TShape
, TSystemDirectory
, TSystemFile
, TTree
, TTreePerfStats
, TTVRecord
, TTVSession
, TVirtualGeoTrack
, TVirtualPad
- SetNamedValue()
: ROOT::Math::GenAlgoOptions
, ROOT::Math::IOptions
- setNameList()
: RooNameSet
- SetNameSpaceBase()
: TXMLSetup
- SetNameTitle()
: RooAbsArg
, RooDataHist
, RooDataSet
, RooFitResult
, RooPlot
, TContextMenu
, TGLSceneBase
, TGraph2D
, TH1
, TNamed
, TNode
- SetNamingSpeed()
: TGDMLWrite
- SetNanoSec()
: TTimeStamp
- setNativeBuffer()
: RooVectorDataStore::CatVector
, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- SetNavigatorsLock()
: TGeoManager
- SetNbackground()
: TFeldmanCousins
- SetNBackground()
: TMVA::StatDialogMVAEffs
- SetnBin()
: TFoam
- SetNBins()
: RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, TKDTreeBinning
- SetNBkgEvents()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNBkgEvents_unboosted()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNBkgEvents_unweighted()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- setNBoxes()
: RooGrid
- SetNBValidation()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNCalls()
: ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions
- SetnCells()
: TFoam
- SetNColumns()
: TLegend
- SetNContours()
: TGL5DPainter
- SetNDC()
: TLine
, TMarker
, TPolyLine
, TText
- SetNDF()
: TF1
- SetNDiv()
: TEveJetCone
- SetNdivisions()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TAxis3D
, TGaxis
, TH1
, TStyle
- SetNdivPolar()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetNdivRadial()
: TGraphPolargram
, TSpider
- SetNedges()
: TGeoPgon
- SetNeedRebuild()
: TGeoVoxelFinder
- SetNeedsResize()
: TQRootCanvas
- SetNEHeight()
: TEveGTriVecValuator
, TEveGValuatorBase
- SetNELength()
: TEveGTriVecValuator
, TEveGValuatorBase
- SetNentries()
: TParallelCoord
- SetNeuronInputCalculator()
: TMVA::MethodANNBase
- SetNevBufSize()
: TBasket
- SetNeve()
: TMVA::RuleCut
- SetNEvents()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TProofBenchRunCPU
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
, TSPlot
- SetNEvents_unboosted()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNEvents_unweighted()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNEventsPerToy()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetNew()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetNewArray()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetNewBaseClass()
: TStreamerBase
- SetNewBinAdded()
: TH2Poly
- SetNewBrowser()
: TGFileBrowser
- SetNewClass()
: TStreamerElement
- SetNewEvent()
: TNeuron
- SetNewType()
: TStreamerElement
- SetNexpressions()
: TTreeViewer
- SetNext()
: TGeoPatternFinder
, TGMdiFrameList
- SetNextIndex()
: TGeoPolygon
- SetNextNodeIndex()
: TGeoVolumeAssembly
- SetNextPoint()
: TGeoOverlap
, TPoints3DABC
, TPolyLine3D
, TPolyLine
, TPolyMarker3D
, TPolyMarker
- SetNextSessionsCheck()
: XrdProofdProofServMgr
- SetNFiles()
: TEntryListFromFile
- SetNFilesWrk()
: TProofBench
- SetNFisherCoeff()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNFitPoints()
: ROOT::Fit::Chi2FCN< FunType >
: TPythia6
- SetNHist()
: TProofBench
- SetNHists()
: TProofBenchRunCPU
- SetNiceValues()
: XrdProofdPriorityMgr
- SetNLeafDaughters()
: TMVA::CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode
- SetNleaves()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetNMaxMatches()
: TPMERegexp
- SetNmeshPoints()
: TGeoChecker
, TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetNmin()
- SetNoAlphanumeric()
: TAxis
- SetNobserved()
: TFeldmanCousins
- SetNode()
: TVolumePosition
- SetNodeContent()
: TXMLEngine
- SetNodeL()
: TMVA::kNN::Node< T >
- SetNodePtr()
: TStructViewerGUI
- SetNodePurityLimit()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
, TMVA::MethodBDT
- SetNodeR()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TMVA::kNN::Node< T >
- SetNodeResubstitutionEstimate()
: TMVA::CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode
- SetNodes()
: TGeoVolume
, TSpectrum2Painter
- SetNodeSelectable()
: TGeoManager
- SetNodeType()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TProofNodeInfo
, TStructNode
- SetNoEdges()
: TEllipse
- SetNoExponent()
: TAxis
, TGaxis
- SetNofKeys()
: TBtInnerNode
- SetNofPointsFFT()
: TF1Convolution
- setNominal()
: RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- SetNonBlock()
: TWinNTSystem
- SetNonZeros()
: TQpDataSparse
- SetNorm()
: TMVA::Rule
- SetNormalEvaluator()
: Rgl::Mc::TDefaultSplitter< H, E, V >
, Rgl::Mc::TF3EdgeSplitter
- SetNormalisation()
: TNeuron
- SetNormalise()
: TMVA::VariableTransformBase
- SetNormalised()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetNormalization()
: TMVA::DataSetInfo
- setNormalizationSet()
: RooConvIntegrandBinding
- SetNormalize()
: TMVA::BinarySearchTree
, TSVDUnfold
- SetNormalizeByTheory()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
- SetNormalized()
: TF1
- SetNormalizeRebin()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetNormals()
: TGLSurfacePainter
- SetNormErrors()
: ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
- SetNormFactor()
: TH1
- setNormRange()
: RooAbsPdf
- setNormRangeOverride()
: RooAbsPdf
- setNoRounding()
: RooPoisson
- SetNotify()
: TTree
- SetNotrees()
: TFileMerger
- setNoWarn()
: RooMinuit
- SetNPAD()
: TPythia6
- SetNpaves()
: TPavesText
- SetNPoints()
: RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions
- SetNpx()
: ROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D
, ROOT::Math::BrentRootFinder
, TF1
, TGraph2D
, TSpline
- SetNpy()
: TF2
, TGraph2D
- SetNpz()
: TF3
- SetNreplicas()
: TAlienFile
- SetNRows()
: TChair
, TTable
- SetNs()
: TEveGridStepper
, TMVA::SVEvent
- SetnSampl()
: TFoam
- SetNSegments()
: TEveGeoShape
- SetNsegments()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- setNset()
: RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- SetNSigEvents()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNSigEvents_unboosted()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNSigEvents_unweighted()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNSignal()
: TMVA::StatDialogMVAEffs
- SetNSpecies()
: TSPlot
- SetNSValidation()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNTerminal()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetNtotal()
: TGeoVolume
- SetNToys()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetNToysInTails()
: RooStats::FrequentistCalculator
, RooStats::HybridCalculator
- SetNTrees()
: TMVA::MethodBDT
- SetNTries()
: TProofBench
, TProofBenchRunCPU
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
- SetNuisanceParameters()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::DebuggingSampler
, RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::ModelConfig
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
, RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetNuisancePdf()
: RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
- SetNull()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetNullDetailedOutput()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SetNullDistribution()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SetNullModel()
: RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::HybridCalculator
, RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
, RooStats::HypoTestCalculator
, RooStats::HypoTestCalculatorGeneric
- SetNullParameters()
: RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
, RooStats::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
- SetNullPdf()
: RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
- setNum()
: RooAbsTestStatistic
- SetNum()
: TDSetElement
- SetNumAttr()
: TGNumberEntry
- SetNumber()
: ROOT::v5::TFormula
, TGeoNode
, TGeoVolume
, TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
, TMVA::ClassInfo
, TPad
- SetNumberContours()
: TStyle
- SetNumberEntries()
: TChainElement
- SetNumberFitPoints()
: TF1
- SetNumberOfColumns()
: TControlBar
- SetNumberOfDivisions()
: TGeoSphere
- SetNumberOfRows()
: TControlBar
- SetNumberOfToys()
: RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
- SetNumberPoints()
: ROOT::Math::GaussLegendreIntegrator
- SetNumBins()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
- SetNumBuffers()
: TODBCStatement
- SetNumBurnInSteps()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCInterval
, RooStats::MetropolisHastings
- SetNumConv()
: TF1Convolution
- SetNumErr()
: RooStats::HypoTestInverter
- SetNumEvents()
: TPerfStats
, TTreePerfStats
, TVirtualPerfStats
- SetNumFolds()
: TMVA::CrossValidation
, TMVA::HyperParameterOptimisation
- setNumInvalidNLL()
: RooFitResult
- SetNumItems()
: TIndArray
- SetNumIters()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MetropolisHastings
- SetNumLimits()
: TGNumberEntry
- SetNumMergers()
: TQueryResult
- SetNumStyle()
: TGNumberEntry
- SetNVariables()
: TMVA::VariableTransformBase
- SetNVars()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
- SetNvars()
: TMVA::RuleCut
- SetNWorkers()
: ROOT::TProcessExecutor
, ROOT::TTreeProcessorMP
, TMPClient
- SetNWrks()
: TProofMergePrg
, TProofNodeInfo
- SetNx()
: TSpider
- SetNX()
: TSPlot
- SetNy()
: TSpider
- SetNY()
: TSPlot
- SetNZSteps()
: TEveCaloLego
- setObj()
: RooCacheManager< T >
, RooExpensiveObjectCache
, RooTObjWrap
- SetObject()
: h1analysis
, h1analysisTreeReader
- setObject()
: RooCmdArg
- SetObject()
: RooProofDriverSelector
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistRef
, TBranch
, TBranchElement
, TContextMenu
, TDataSet
, TGLSelectRecord
, TLegendEntry
, TObjectSet
, TObjectSpy
, TObjLink
, TRef
, TSelector
, TSelectorCint
, TSelectorEntries
, TSelEvent
, TSelEventGen
, TSelHandleDataSet
, TSelHist
, TSelVerifyDataSet
, TSlider
, TTimer
, TTree
- SetObjectCount()
: TProcessID
- SetObjectData()
: TSQLStructure
- SetObjectFit()
: TMinuit
, TVirtualFitter
- SetObjectKey()
: TS3HTTPRequest
- SetObjectName()
: TTreeDrawArgsParser
- SetObjectPointer()
: TSQLStructure
- SetObjectRef()
: TSQLStructure
- SetObjectStat()
: TObject
- SetObjectType()
: TFitEditor
- SetObjectValidity()
: TMemberInspector
- SetObjectX()
: TCutG
- SetObjectY()
: TCutG
- SetObjExt()
: TSystem
- SetObjFunction()
: TBackCompFitter
- SetObjName()
: TDSet
- SetObservables()
: RooStats::ModelConfig
, RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetObsToExpected()
: RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoToWorkspaceFactory
, RooStats::HistFactory::HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast
- SetOddRowBackground()
: TGTable
- SetOdoValue()
: TGSpeedo
- SetOffset()
: TBranch
, TBranchElement
, TFile
, TLeaf
, TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetOffSet()
: TSecContext
- SetOffset()
: TStreamerElement
, TTableDescriptor
- setOffsetting()
: RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- SetOffValue()
: TToggle
- SetOLLineW()
: TGLSceneInfo
, TGLViewerBase
- SetOn()
: TGButton
- SetOnBoundary()
: TGeoShape
- SetOnError()
: TDCacheFile
- SetOneSided()
: RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator
, RooStats::MinNLLTestStat
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
- SetOneSidedDiscovery()
: RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator
, RooStats::MinNLLTestStat
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
- SetOnFileClass()
: TClassStreamer
, TGenCollectionProxy
, TMemberStreamer
- SetOnFileClassVersion()
: TStreamerInfo
- SetOnlyStaged()
: TFile
- SetOnValue()
: TToggle
- SetOpacity()
: TGLPadPainter
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPadPainter
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetOpen()
: TGListTreeItem
- SetOpenError()
: XrdClientConn
- SetOpenTimeout()
: TDCacheFile
, TFile
- setOperMode()
: RooAbsArg
- SetOptDate()
: TStyle
- SetOptDrive()
: TFoam
- SetOptFile()
: TStyle
- SetOptFit()
: TPaveStats
, TStyle
- SetOpTimeLimit()
: XrdClientConn
- SetOptimization()
: TGeoAtt
- SetOption()
: h1analysis
, h1analysisTreeReader
, RooPlot
, RooProofDriverSelector
, TArrow
, TAxis3D
, TCandle
, TDrawFeedback
, TFile
, TGaxis
, TGeoVolume
, TH1
, THelix
, TLegendEntry
, TListIter
, TObjLink
, TObjOptLink
, TPave
, TPoints3D
, TPoints3DABC
, TPointsArray3D
, TPolyLine3D
, TPolyLine
, TProofResourcesStatic
, TPSocket
, TSelector
, TSelectorCint
, TSelectorEntries
, TSelEvent
, TSelEventGen
, TSelHandleDataSet
, TSelHist
, TSelVerifyDataSet
, TSocket
, TTablePoints
, TTVRecord
, TUDPSocket
, TXSocket
- SetOptionAxis()
: TGraphPolar
- setOptions()
: Roo2DKeysPdf
, RooNDKeysPdf
- SetOptions()
: ROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GaussLegendreIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDim
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegratorOneDim
, TMVA::Configurable
, TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
, TUrl
- SetOptLogx()
: TStyle
- SetOptLogy()
: TStyle
- SetOptLogz()
: TStyle
- SetOptRej()
: TFoam
- SetOptStat()
: TPaveStats
, TStyle
- SetOptTitle()
: TStyle
- SetOrder()
: TMVA::MethodSVM
- setOrdinal()
: RooAbsCategoryLValue
- SetOrdinal()
: TSlaveInfo
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetOrientation()
: TControlBar
- SetOrigin()
: TEveArrow
- SetOriginal()
: TTreeDrawArgsParser
- SetOriginalSlotAndContainer()
: TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame
- SetOrthoCamera()
: TGLViewer
- SetOrthographicMode()
: TGLCameraOverlay
- SetOs()
: TEveGridStepper
- SetOutFile()
: TProofBench
- SetOutlineToCube()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetOutput()
: TMVA::VariableTransformBase
- SetOutputDataSetInfo()
: TMVA::VariableTransformBase
- SetOutputDir()
: THtml
- SetOutputDirectory()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetOutputFileName()
: TProofOutputFile
- SetOutputFilePath()
: TProofPlayer
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SetOutputFilePrefix()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement
- SetOutputList()
: TQueryResult
- SetOutputNeuron()
: TMVA::TNeuron
- setOutputSize()
: TMVA::DNN::Net
- SetOutside()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
- SetOverColor()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetOverColorPixel()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetOverColorRGBA()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetOverflowAction()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetOverlap()
: TGeoOverlap
- setOverlapped:
: QuartzView
, ROOTOpenGLView
, <X11Window >
- SetOverlapping()
: TGeoNode
- SetOverlappingCandidate()
: TGeoVolume
- SetOverlaps()
: TGeoNode
- SetOvlElement()
: TGLOvlSelectRecord
- SetOwnCommand()
: TAlienJDL
- setOwner()
: RooAbsCacheElement
- SetOwner()
: ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >
, ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::TerminalNode
, TClonesArray
, TCollection
, TFolder
, THtml::THelperBase
, TKDTree< Index, Value >
, TLimitDataSource
- SetOwnerKeyValue()
: TMap
- SetOwnership()
: ROOT::Math::MultiNumGradFunction
- SetOwnerValue()
: TMap
- SetOwnIds()
: TEveDigitSet
, TEvePointSetArray
, TPointSet3D
- setOwning()
: RooCustomizer
, RooTObjWrap
- SetOwnObject()
: TEveElementObjectPtr
- SetOwnsPdf()
: RooStats::PdfProposal
- SetP()
: TPythia6
, XrdClientID
- SetPacketSize()
: TChain
, TChainElement
- SetPad()
: TContextMenu
, TGLScenePad
, TPad
, TTablePadView3D
, TVirtualPad
- SetPadBorderMode()
: TStyle
- SetPadBorderSize()
: TStyle
- SetPadBottom()
: TGLayoutHints
- SetPadBottomMargin()
: TStyle
- SetPadColor()
: TGLPlotPainter
, TStyle
- SetPadEditorName()
: TVirtualPadEditor
- setPadFactor()
: RooPlot
- SetPadGridX()
: TStyle
- SetPadGridY()
: TStyle
- SetPadLeft()
: TGLayoutHints
- SetPadLeftMargin()
: TStyle
- SetPadMargins()
: TRatioPlot
- SetPadRight()
: TGLayoutHints
- SetPadRightMargin()
: TStyle
- SetPadSave()
: TCanvas
- SetPadTickX()
: TStyle
- SetPadTickY()
: TStyle
- SetPadTop()
: TGLayoutHints
- SetPadTopMargin()
: TStyle
- SetPageDimension()
: TGContainer
- SetPagePosition()
: TGContainer
- SetPainter()
: TGLPlot3D
, TVirtualGeoPainter
, TVirtualGraphPainter
, TVirtualHistPainter
- SetPaintTextFormat()
: TStyle
- SetPaintVolume()
: TGeoManager
- SetPalette()
: TASImage
, TAttImage
, TColor
, TEveCaloViz
, TEveDigitSet
, TStyle
- SetPaletteEnabled()
: TASImage
, TAttImage
- SetPaperSize()
: TStyle
- SetParabErrors()
: ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
- SetParaboloidDimensions()
: TGeoParaboloid
- SetParallel()
: TProof
, TView3D
, TView
- SetParallelSilent()
: TProof
- SetParallelUnzip()
: TTree
, TTreeCacheUnzip
- SetParam()
: TGeoMedium
, TMethodCall
- setParamConst()
: ParamHistFunc
- SetParameter()
: ROOT::v5::TFormula
, TBackCompFitter
, TF1
, TF1Parameters
, TFitter
, TFormula
, TFumili
, TGenerator
, TLinearFitter
, TMVA::MinuitWrapper
, TProof
, TVirtualFitter
- setParameterizeIntegral()
: RooAbsReal
- SetParameterPointsToTest()
: RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
- SetParameters()
: GaussFunction
, RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::DebuggingSampler
, RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, RooStats::MarkovChain
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCInterval
, RooStats::MetropolisHastings
, RooStats::ModelConfig
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
, ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::GoFTest
, ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLMiserIntegrationWorkspace
, ROOT::Math::GSLVegasIntegrationWorkspace
, ROOT::Math::IBaseParam
, ROOT::Math::MultiDimParamFunctionAdapter
, ROOT::Math::MultiDimParamGradFunctionAdapter
, ROOT::Math::ParamFunction< IPFType >
, ROOT::Math::VavilovAccurateCdf
, ROOT::Math::VavilovAccuratePdf
, ROOT::Math::VavilovAccurateQuantile
, ROOT::Math::WrappedMultiTF1Templ< T >
, ROOT::Math::WrappedParamFunction< FuncPtr >
, ROOT::Math::WrappedParamFunctionGen< FuncPtr >
, ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1
, ROOT::Minuit2::ParametricFunction
, ROOT::v5::TFormula
, TDocDirective
, TF1
, TF1Convolution
, TF1NormSum
, TF1Parameters
, TFitParametersDialog
, TFormula
, TMVA::GeneticFitter
, TMVA::MCFitter
, TMVA::SimulatedAnnealingFitter
, TProofBenchRunCPU
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
, WrapperRooPdf
- SetParametersForTestStat()
: RooStats::DebuggingSampler
, RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCImportanceSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetParametersOfInterest()
: RooStats::ModelConfig
- SetParamPoint()
: RooStats::ToyMCStudy
- SetParamPtrs()
: TMethodCall
- SetParams()
: ROOT::Math::GSLFunctionDerivWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMonteFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinDerivFunctionWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper
, TMacro
, TMethodCall
- SetParamsSettings()
: ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
- SetParamValue()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Asimov
, RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement
- SetPare()
: TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- SetParent()
: TAxis
, TBranchRef
, TBuffer
, TDataSet
, TF1
, TGeoDecayChannel
, TKey
, TMCParticle
, TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TMVA::Node
, TNode
, TPaveStats
, TRefTable
, TSQLStructure
, TVirtualGeoTrack
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetParentClass()
: TBranchElement
- SetParentName()
: TBranchElement
- SetParentTree()
: TMVA::Node
, TTreeViewer
- SetParentTreeInNodes()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
- SetParError()
: TF1
- SetParErrors()
: TF1
- SetPARF()
: TPythia6
- SetPARI()
: TPythia6
- SetPARJ()
: TPythia6
- SetParLimits()
: TF1
- SetParList()
: TProofBenchRun
- SetParName()
: ROOT::v5::TFormula
, TF1
, TF1Parameters
, TFormula
- SetParNames()
: ROOT::v5::TFormula
, TF1
, TF1Parameters
, TFormula
- SetParNumber()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MnTraceObject
, TFumili
- SetPARP()
: TPythia6
- SetParseCode()
: TXMLParser
- SetParser()
: TDocDirective
- SetParticle()
: TVirtualGeoTrack
- SetParticleName()
: TGeoManager
- SetParts()
: TGStatusBar
- SetPARU()
: TPythia6
- SetParValues()
: ROOT::Math::WrappedParamFunctionGen< FuncPtr >
- SetPassedEvents()
: TEfficiency
- SetPassedHistogram()
: TEfficiency
- SetPasswd()
: TUrl
- SetPasteFrame()
: TVirtualDragManager
- SetPastFixRFac()
: TEveProjection
- SetPastFixZFac()
: TEveProjection
- SetPath()
: TGeoPhysicalNode
, TUri
- SetPathAndFileName()
: THttpCallArg
- SetPathDefinition()
: THtml
- SetPathMarks()
: TEveTrack
- SetPathName()
: THttpCallArg
- SetPattern()
: TGedPatternSelect
, TTabCom
- setPayload()
: RooExpensiveObjectCache::ExpensiveObject
- SetPdf()
: RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::DebuggingSampler
, RooStats::FeldmanCousins
- setPdf()
: RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL
- SetPdf()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::ModelConfig
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
, RooStats::PdfProposal
, RooStats::ProposalHelper
, RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCImportanceSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetPdfArea()
: TUnuranContDist
- SetPdfParamErr()
: RooMinimizerFcn
- setPdfParamErr()
: RooMinuit
- SetPdfParamVal()
: RooMinimizerFcn
- setPdfParamVal()
: RooMinuit
- SetPdg()
: TEveTrack
- SetPDG()
: TVirtualGeoTrack
- SetPdgCode()
: TParticle
- SetPdgName()
: TGeoManager
- SetPeakParameters()
: TSpectrum2Fit
, TSpectrumFit
- SetPenAttr()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetPercentFormat()
: TPie
- SetPerfStats()
: TTree
- SetPerfTree()
: TProof
- SetPeriode()
: TMVA::BinarySearchTree
- SetPerp()
: TLorentzVector
, TVector3
- SetPerspective()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetPerspectiveCamera()
: TGLViewer
- SetPerspectiveMode()
: TGLCameraOverlay
- SetPfn()
: TAlienFile
- SetPhi()
: ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::EulerAngles
, ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::Polar2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Polar3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::RotationZYX
, TEveCaloViz
, TLorentzVector
, TPad
, TVector3
, TVirtualPad
- SetPhiBins()
: TEveCaloData
- SetPhimax()
: TCurlyArc
, TEllipse
- SetPhimin()
: TCurlyArc
, TEllipse
- SetPhiRange()
: TGeoManager
- SetPhiRng()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetPhiWithRng()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetPhyConnection()
: XrdClientLogConnection
- SetPhysicalNode()
: TGeoPNEntry
- SetPhysicalShapeColor()
: TGLPlotPainter
- SetPhysShape()
: TGLSelectRecord
- SetPickable()
: TEveElement
- SetPickableRecursively()
: TEveElement
- SetPickToSelect()
: TEveSelection
- SetPicture()
: TGIcon
, TGIconLBEntry
, TGImageMap
, TGPictureButton
- SetPictureFileName()
: TGLViewer
- SetPictures()
: TEveListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItemStd
, TGLVEntry
- SetPid()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SetPidOffset()
: TBuffer
, TBufferFile
, TBufferJSON
- setPixelFormat:
: ROOTOpenGLView
- SetPixelsPerBin()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetPlaneColor()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetPlaneMask()
- SetPlaneTransparency()
: TEveCaloLego
- SetPlaneVertices()
: TGeoArb8
- SetPlatform()
: TAlienPackage
- SetPlayer()
: TProof
, TVirtualTreePlayer
- SetPLiteNWrks()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetPlot()
: TEvePlot3D
- SetPlotBox()
: TGLPlotBox
- SetPlotColor()
: TGLBoxPainter
- SetPlotEt()
: TEveCaloViz
- setPlotLabel()
: RooAbsReal
- SetPlotParameters()
: RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
- SetPluginAutoexec()
: TGeoIterator
- SetPMAS()
: TPythia6
- SetPOI()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement
- SetPoint()
: TFFTComplex
, TFFTComplexReal
, TFFTReal
, TFFTRealComplex
, TGraph2D
, TGraph2DErrors
, TGraph
, TPoints3D
, TPoints3DABC
, TPointsArray3D
, TPolyLine3D
, TPolyLine
, TPolyMarker3D
, TPolyMarker
, TSpline3
, TSpline5
, TTablePoints
, TVirtualFFT
- SetPointCoeff()
: TSpline3
, TSpline5
- SetPointComplex()
: TFFTComplex
, TFFTComplexReal
, TFFTReal
, TFFTRealComplex
, TVirtualFFT
- SetPointer()
: TStructNode
, TStructViewer
- SetPointerButtonSlot()
: TStructViewerGUI
- SetPointerGrab()
: ROOT::MacOSX::X11::EventTranslator
- SetPointerPos()
: TGTripleHSlider
, TGTripleVSlider
- SetPointerPosition()
: TGTripleHSlider
, TGTripleVSlider
- SetPointError()
: TGraph2DErrors
, TGraphAsymmErrors
, TGraphBentErrors
, TGraphErrors
- SetPointEXhigh()
: TGraphAsymmErrors
- SetPointEXlow()
: TGraphAsymmErrors
- SetPointEYhigh()
: TGraphAsymmErrors
- SetPointEYlow()
: TGraphAsymmErrors
- SetPointId()
: TEvePointSetArray
, TPointSet3D
- SetPointIntIds()
: TEvePointSet
- SetPoints()
, TFFTComplex
, TFFTComplexReal
, TFFTReal
, TFFTRealComplex
, TGeoArb8
, TGeoBBox
, TGeoBoolNode
, TGeoCompositeShape
, TGeoCone
, TGeoConeSeg
, TGeoCtub
, TGeoEltu
, TGeoHalfSpace
, TGeoHype
, TGeoPara
, TGeoParaboloid
, TGeoPcon
, TGeoPgon
, TGeoScaledShape
, TGeoShape
, TGeoShapeAssembly
, TGeoSphere
, TGeoTorus
, TGeoTrd1
, TGeoTrd2
, TGeoTube
, TGeoTubeSeg
, TGeoXtru
, TMarker3DBox
, TPoints3D
, TPoints3DABC
, TPointsArray3D
, TShape
, TTablePoints
, TVirtualFFT
- SetPointScale()
: TGLViewer
- SetPointsComplex()
: TFFTComplex
, TFFTComplexReal
, TFFTReal
, TFFTRealComplex
, TVirtualFFT
- SetPointSizeScale()
: TGLUtil
- SetPOIPointsToTest()
: RooStats::FeldmanCousins
- SetPoissonBkgBinomEff()
: TRolke
- SetPoissonBkgGaussEff()
: TRolke
- SetPoissonBkgKnownEff()
: TRolke
- SetPolargram()
: TGraphPolar
- SetPolarisation()
: TParticle
- SetPolarLabel()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetPolarLabelColor()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetPolarLabelFont()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetPolarLabelSize()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetPolarOffset()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetPolarPhi()
: TParticle
- SetPolarTheta()
: TParticle
- SetPolygonOffset()
: TEveText
- SetPolyLine()
: TPolyLine3D
, TPolyLine
- SetPolyMarker()
: TPolyMarker3D
, TPolyMarker
- SetPopup()
: TGedSelect
, TGRegionWithId
- SetPort()
: TUri
, TUrl
- SetPortNumber()
: TSessionServerFrame
- SetPortParam()
: TApplicationRemote
- SetPos()
: TEveTrans
, TFPBlock
, TGViewPort
, TMVA::Node
- SetPosition()
: TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay
, TGDoubleSlider
, TGeometry
, TGHScrollBar
, TGLOverlayButton
, TGProgressBar
, TGScrollBar
, TGSlider
, TGSplitTool
, TGTableHeader
, TGToolTip
, TGuiBldHintsEditor
, TGVScrollBar
, TMarker3DBox
, TNode
, TVolumePosition
- SetPositionAt()
: TVolumeViewIter
- SetPositionsList()
: TVolume
- setPositiveDefinite()
: PiecewiseInterpolation
- SetPost()
: TSynapse
- SetPostData()
: THttpCallArg
- SetPosteriorAverage()
: TEfficiency
- SetPosteriorMode()
: TEfficiency
- SetPostNeuron()
: TMVA::TSynapse
- SetPostponed()
: THttpCallArg
- SetPowerLimit()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetPowers()
: TMultiDimFit
- SetPre()
: TSynapse
- SetPrecision()
: RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnApplication
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnMachinePrecision
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserTransformation
, TBinomialEfficiencyFitter
, TVirtualFitter
- SetPredefinedParamNames()
: TFormula
- SetPrefix()
: TPackMgr
- SetPreNeuron()
: TMVA::TSynapse
- SetPrepTime()
: TQueryResult
- SetPreResizeHeight()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
- SetPreResizeWidth()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
- SetPreResizeX()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
- SetPreResizeY()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
- SetPressure()
: TGeoMaterial
- SetPrev()
: TGMdiFrameList
- SetPrice()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetPrim()
: TFoamCell
- SetPrimaryIndex()
: TFormLeafInfo
, TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim
- SetPrimarySelectionOwner()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- setPrintEvalCounter()
: RooAbsIntegrator
, RooNumIntConfig
- setPrintEvalErrors()
: RooMinimizer
- SetPrintEvalErrors()
: RooMinimizerFcn
- setPrintEvalErrors()
: RooMinuit
- setPrintLevel()
: RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- SetPrintLevel()
: RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator
, RooStats::MinNLLTestStat
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
, RooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat
, ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
, ROOT::Minuit2::CombinedMinimumBuilder
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinimumBuilder
, TFileMerger
, TMinuit
, TUnuranSampler
- SetPrintProgress()
: TProof
- SetPrintWidths()
: RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- SetPriority()
: TThread
, XrdProofdSessionEntry
, XrdProofGroup
- SetPriorNuisance()
: RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetPriorPdf()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::ModelConfig
- SetProbSum()
: TUnuranDiscrDist
- SetProcess()
: TVirtualMC
- SetProcessInfo()
: TQueryResult
- SetProcessing()
: TProofPlayer
- SetProcessLineLock()
: TInterpreter
- SetProcessPriority()
: XrdProofdPriorityMgr
- setProcessRecArgs()
: RooCmdArg
- SetProcTime()
: TProofProgressStatus
- SetProductionVertex()
: TParticle
- SetProductName()
: THtml
- setProfile()
: RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- SetProgname()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
- SetProgressDialog()
: TProof
- setProgressLimits()
: TMVA::DNN::Settings
- SetProgressStatus()
: TVirtualPacketizer
- setProhibitServerRedirect()
: RooAbsArg
- SetProjection()
: TEveBoxProjected
, TEveCalo2D
, TEveCaloLego
, TEveGeoShapeProjected
, TEveJetConeProjected
, TEveLineProjected
, TEvePointSetProjected
, TEvePolygonSetProjected
, TEveProjected
, TEveProjectionManager
, TEveStraightLineSetProjected
, TEveTrackListProjected
, TEveTrackProjected
- SetProjTrackBreaking()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetPrompt()
: TRint
- SetPromptUser()
: TAuthenticate
- SetProof()
: TChain
, TProofDesc
- SetProofConfig()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetProofDS()
: TProofBench
- SetProofProtocol()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SetProofServ()
: TDSetProxy
- SetProofServEnv()
: TProofLite
, XrdProofdProofServMgr
- SetProofServEnvOld()
: XrdProofdProofServMgr
- SetPropagator()
: TEveTrack
, TEveTrackList
- setProperty:::::
: QuartzView
, <X11Window >
- SetPropertyEditor()
: TGuiBldDragManager
- SetProposalFunction()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MetropolisHastings
- SetProtocol()
: TUrl
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetProtoData()
: RooStats::ModelConfig
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- setProtoDataOrder()
: RooAbsGenContext
, RooAddGenContext
, RooBinnedGenContext
, RooConvGenContext
, RooProdGenContext
, RooSimGenContext
, RooSimSplitGenContext
- SetProtVer()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetProxy()
: TWebFile
- setProxyNormSet()
: RooAbsArg
- SetPruneMethod()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
- SetPruneStrength()
: TMVA::CCPruner
, TMVA::DecisionTree
, TMVA::IPruneTool
- SetPruneStrengthIncrement()
: TMVA::ExpectedErrorPruneTool
- SetPseRan()
: TFoam
- SetPShape()
: TGLManipSet
, TGLPShapeObjEditor
, TGLPShapeRef
- SetPsi()
: ROOT::Math::EulerAngles
, ROOT::Math::RotationZYX
, TView3D
, TView
- SetPt()
: ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< ScalarType >
- SetPtCut()
: TGenerator
- SetPtEtaPhi()
: TVector3
- SetPtEtaPhiE()
: TLorentzVector
- SetPtEtaPhiM()
: TLorentzVector
- SetPtThetaPhi()
: TVector3
- setPunctuation()
: RooStreamParser
- SetPurity()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TMVA::RuleCut
- SetPValueIsRightTail()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SetPx()
: ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< ScalarType >
, TLorentzVector
, TMCParticle
- SetPxPyPzE()
: ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< ScalarType >
, TLorentzVector
- SetPy()
: ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< ScalarType >
, TLorentzVector
, TMCParticle
- SetPyError_()
: PyROOT::TMethodHolder
- SetPz()
: ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< ScalarType >
, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< ScalarType >
, TLorentzVector
, TMCParticle
- SetQ1()
: TCandle
- SetQ2()
: TCandle
- SetQ3()
: TCandle
- SetQAngle()
: TQuaternion
- SetQTilde()
: RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator
- SetQuadByPoints()
: TEveFrameBox
- SetQuery()
: THttpCallArg
, TUri
- SetQueryMode()
: TProof
- SetQueryRunning()
: TProofLite
, TProofServ
- SetQuickLoad()
: TTreeFormula
- SetR()
: ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::Polar2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Polar3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, XrdClientID
- SetR1()
: TEllipse
- SetR2()
: TEllipse
- SetRadialGradient()
: TRadialGradient
- SetRadialLabelColor()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetRadialLabelFont()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetRadialLabelSize()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetRadialOffset()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetRadioButtonExclusive()
: TGButtonGroup
- SetRadius()
: TCurlyArc
, TEveJetCone
, TPie
- SetRadiusOffset()
: TPieSlice
- SetRadLen()
: TGeoMaterial
- SetRamp()
: TASPaletteEditor
- SetRandom()
: ROOT::Math::DistSampler
, TFoamSampler
, TUnuran
, TUnuranSampler
, TVirtualMC
- setRandomGenerator()
: RooRandom
- SetRandomGenerator()
: TUnuran
- SetRandomSeed()
: RooStats::ToyMCStudy
, ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer
, TMVA::GeneticPopulation
- setRange()
: RooAbsBinning
, RooBinning
, RooCategory
, RooErrorVar
, RooLinTransBinning
, RooParamBinning
, RooRangeBinning
, RooRealVar
- SetRange()
: RooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot
, ROOT::Experimental::THistView< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT >
, ROOT::Fit::DataRange
, ROOT::Math::DistSampler
- setRange()
: RooUniformBinning
- SetRange()
: TAxis
, TEvePointSetArray
, TF1
, TF1Convolution
, TF2
, TF3
, TGDoubleSlider
, TGeoBatemanSol
, TGeoPatternFinder
, TGHScrollBar
, TGProgressBar
, TGScrollBar
, TGSlider
, TGVScrollBar
, THelix
, TLeaf
, TSlider
, TTablePadView3D
, TView3D
, TView
- SetRangePolar()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetRangeRadial()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetRanges()
: TGLPlotCoordinates
- SetRangesCartesian()
: TGLPlotCoordinates
- SetRangesCylindrical()
: TGLPlotCoordinates
- SetRangesPolar()
: TGLPlotCoordinates
- SetRangesSpherical()
: TGLPlotCoordinates
- SetRangeUser()
: TAxis
- SetRangeX()
: TFractionFitter
- SetRangeY()
: TFractionFitter
- SetRangeZ()
: TFractionFitter
- SetRank()
: TMVA::Rank
- setRawEntries()
: RooHist
- SetRawExist()
: TSQLClassInfo
- SetRawOnly()
: TGLSelectRecordBase
- SetRawSizes()
: TBuffer3D
- SetRawTableName()
: TSQLClassInfo
- SetRaytracing()
: TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetRC()
: TTVRecord
- SetRcName()
: TEnv
- SetReadActionSequence()
: TBranchElement
- SetReadaheadSize()
: TFile
, TTreePerfStats
- SetReadCalls()
: TFile
, TProofProgressStatus
, TTreePerfStats
- SetReadEntry()
: ROOT::Internal::TBranchProxyDirector
- SetReadFunc()
: TStreamerArtificial
- SetReadFunctionPointer()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- SetReadHomeAuthrc()
: TAuthenticate
- SetReadingObject()
- SetReadingVersion()
- SetReadLeavesPtr()
: TBranchElement
- SetReadMode()
: TBasket
, TBuffer
- SetReadOnly()
: TGTextView
, THttpServer
, TRootSniffer
- SetReadParam()
: TBuffer
, TBufferFile
, TBufferJSON
- SetReadRawFunc()
: TStreamerArtificial
- SetReadRawFunctionPointer()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- SetReadRawRules()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
- SetReadReady()
: TFileHandler
- SetReadRules()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
- SetReadStreamerInfo()
: TFile
- SetReadType()
: TProofBench
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
- SetReady()
: TMonitor
- SetReAllocFunc()
: TBuffer
- SetReAllocHooks()
: TStorage
- SetRealNorm()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetRealTime()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetRealTimeLog()
: TProof
- setRealValue()
: RooArgSet
- SetRealValue()
: ROOT::Math::GenAlgoOptions
, ROOT::Math::IOptions
- SetReapplyCut()
: TEntryList
, TEventList
- SetReconnectTime()
: XrdProofdProofServMgr
- SetRecordName()
: TTreeViewer
, TTVSession
- SetRecurse()
: TEveTrackList
- SetRecvTime()
: TQueryResult
- SetRed()
: TGLColor
- SetRedirHandler()
: XrdClientConn
- SetRedoArgs()
: TQCommand
- SetRefCount()
: TRefCnt
- SetReflection()
: TRotMatrix
- SetRefObject()
: TDialogCanvas
, TMarker3DBox
- SetRefPad()
: TDialogCanvas
- SetRefreshFlag()
: TBrowser
- SetRefTable()
: TRefTable
- SetRefVolume()
: ROOT::Fit::BinData
- SetRegexp()
: TAliEnFind
- SetRegion()
: TSpectrum2Transform
, TSpectrumTransform
- SetRegularization()
: TMVA::DNN::TNet< Architecture_t, Layer_t >
- SetRehashLevel()
: THashTable
- SetRelative()
: TGTripleHSlider
, TGTripleVSlider
- SetRelativePart()
: TUri
- SetReleaseCache()
: TProofBench
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
- SetRelErrorThreshold()
: RooStats::HistFactory::StatErrorConfig
- SetRelTolerance()
: ROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::BaseIntegratorOptions
, ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GaussLegendreIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDim
, ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegrator
- SetRemoteAddress()
: TRemoteObject
- SetRemoteId()
: TProofDesc
- SetRemoteProtocol()
: TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SetRenderMode()
: TEveDigitSet
- SetRenderScale()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetRenderTimeOut()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetReplaceEntities()
: TXMLParser
- SetReplicated()
: TGeoVolume
- SetReplyHostName()
: TDCacheFile
- SetREQDelayedConnectState()
: XrdClientConn
- SetREQPauseState()
: XrdClientConn
- SetRequestedDestHost()
: XrdClientConn
- SetRequestedEntry()
: TBranchRef
- SetRequestHeader()
: THttpCallArg
- SetRequestTimeout()
: XrdClientSock
- SetRescaleToPow2()
- SetReset()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetResetAfterMerge()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetResetCamerasOnUpdate()
: TGLViewer
- SetResizeMode()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
, TGMdiMainFrame
, TGMdiWinResizer
- SetResolution()
: TSpectrum2
, TSpectrum3
, TSpectrum
- SetResponse()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TResponseTable
- SetRestartAt()
- SetResubstitutionEstimate()
: TMVA::CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode
- SetResult()
: TRootSnifferScanRec
, TRootSnifferStore
- setResultComputation()
: TMVA::DNN::ClassificationSettings
- SetResultFile()
: TProofQueryResult
- SetResultHists()
: TMVA::MethodInfo
- SetRetained()
: TCanvas
, TQRootCanvas
- SetRetrieve()
: TProofOutputFile
- SetRetryParam()
: XrdProofConn
- SetReturnFromRun()
: TApplication
- SetReuseNLL()
: RooStats::MinNLLTestStat
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
, RooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat
, RooStats::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
, RooStats::ToyMCImportanceSampler
- SetRFPredict()
: TMVA::RuleFitAPI
- SetRFTrain()
: TMVA::RuleFitAPI
- SetRFVarimp()
: TMVA::RuleFitAPI
- SetRFWorkDir()
: TMVA::RuleFitAPI
- SetRGB()
: TColor
, TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetRGBA()
: TEveGeoShapeExtract
, TGLPShapeObjEditor
- SetRGBALine()
: TEveGeoShapeExtract
- SetRho()
: ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, TFoam
, TLorentzVector
- SetRhoInt()
: TFoam
- SetRight()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TMVA::Node
- SetRightButPressed()
: TGMdiTitleBar
- SetRightMargin()
: TAttPad
, TGTextButton
, TRatioPlot
- SetRmax()
: TGeoPconSection
- SetRmin()
: TGeoPconSection
- SetRMS()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TMVA::VariableInfo
- SetRMSS()
: TPythia6
- SetRnrBarrelFrame()
: TEveCalo3D
- SetRnrChildren()
: TEveElement
- SetRnrCluster2Ds()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetRnrDaughters()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetRnrDecay()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetRnrElements()
: TEveGeoShapeExtract
- SetRnrEndCapFrame()
: TEveCalo3D
- SetRnrFrame()
: TEveCalo3D
, TEveGeoShapeExtract
- SetRnrFV()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetRnrLine()
: TEveLine
, TEveTrackList
- SetRnrLines()
: TEveStraightLineSet
- SetRnrMarkers()
: TEveStraightLineSet
- SetRnrPoints()
: TEveLine
, TEveTrackList
- SetRnrPTBMarkers()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetRnrReferences()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetRnrSelf()
: TEveElement
, TEveGeoShapeExtract
- SetRnrSelfChildren()
: TEveElement
- SetRnrState()
: TEveElement
- SetRole()
: TGLOverlayElement
- SetRoot()
: TGClient
, TMVA::BinaryTree
- SetROOT()
: XrdProofdClient
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetRootClass()
: TRootSnifferScanRec
- SetRootDir()
: TMVA::DataSetInfo
, TMVA::TransformationHandler
- SetRootGeometry()
: TVirtualMC
- SetRootProxy()
: TGDNDManager
- SetRootURL()
: THtml
- SetROOTVersion()
: TProofMgr
, TSlave
, TXProofMgr
, XrdProofdAdmin
- SetRotateScene()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetRotation()
: TGeoCombiTrans
, TGeoHMatrix
, TGeoRotation
- SetRotationMatrix()
: ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation
, ROOT::Math::Rotation3D
- SetRotatorMode()
: TGLViewerEditor
- SetRotByAngles()
: TEveTrans
- SetRotByAnyAngles()
: TEveTrans
- SetRotMatrix()
: THelix
- SetRow()
: TTreeRow
- SetRowColResize()
: TGTableLayout
- SetRowColSizes()
: TGTableLayout
- SetRowColSizesInit()
: TGTableLayout
- SetRowIndexArray()
: TMatrixT< Element >
, TMatrixTBase< Element >
, TMatrixTSparse< Element >
, TMatrixTSym< Element >
- SetRowLen()
: TGL2DArray< T >
- SetRRPY()
: TPythia6
- SetRSAInit()
: TAuthenticate
- SetRSAKeyType()
: TAuthenticate
- SetRSAPublic()
: TAuthenticate
- SetRTmode()
: TGeoManager
- SetRuleCut()
: TMVA::Rule
- SetRuleEnsemble()
: TMVA::Rule
- SetRuleFit()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
, TMVA::RuleFitParams
- SetRuleMinDist()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
, TMVA::RuleFit
- SetRuleRelief()
: TGHtml
- SetRules()
: TMVA::RuleEnsemble
- SetRuleType()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- SetRunning()
: TProofQueryResult
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetRunStatus()
: TProof
- SetRuntime()
: TGeoShape
- SetRV()
: TQuaternion
- SetRXYZ()
: TQuaternion
- setS3Auth()
: TDavixFileInternal
- SetSampleMax()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetSampleMin()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetSampler()
: ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions
- SetSamples()
: ROOT::Math::GoFTest
, TGLFormat
- SetSampleWeights()
: RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
- SetSamplingDistName()
: RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetSavedPoint()
: TF1
- SetSaveResult()
: TProofPerfAnalysis
- SetSBRange()
: TGTextView
- SetScale()
: TEveScalableStraightLineSet
, TEveTrans
, TF1NormSum
, TGDoubleSlider
, TGeoGenTrans
, TGeoHMatrix
, TGeoScale
, TGeoScaledShape
, TGLPShapeObjEditor
, TGSlider
, TTablePadView3D
- SetScaleAbs()
: TEveCalo2D
, TEveCaloViz
- SetScaleBy()
: TStructNode
- SetScaleCenter()
: TEveScalableStraightLineSet
- SetScaleColorTransparency()
: TEveCaloLegoOverlay
- SetScalePosition()
: TEveCaloLegoOverlay
- SetScaleValue()
: TGSpeedo
- SetScaleX()
: TEveTrans
- SetScaleY()
: TEveTrans
- SetScaleZ()
: TEveTrans
- SetScanCounters()
: TDataSetManager
- SetScanField()
: TTree
- SetScanFileName()
: TTreePlayer
, TTreeViewer
- SetScanGlobalDir()
: TRootSniffer
- SetScanMode()
: TTreeViewer
- SetScanOfPosterior()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
- SetScanRedirect()
: TTreePlayer
, TTreeViewer
- SetSceneClip()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetSceneInfo()
: TGLRnrCtx
, TGLSelectRecord
- SetSceneLOD()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetSceneOLLineW()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetSceneStamp()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetSceneStyle()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetSceneTrans()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetSceneWFLineW()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetSchedOpt()
: XrdProofdPriorityMgr
- SetScheme()
: TUri
- SetScreenFactor()
: TStyle
- SetScrolling()
: TGCanvas
- SetSData()
: RooStats::SPlot
- SetSE()
: TAlienFile
- SetSearchEngine()
: THtml
- SetSearchMethod()
: TTableSorter
- SetSearchStemURL()
: THtml
- SetSec()
: TTimeStamp
- SetSecContext()
: TAuthenticate
, TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SetSecondaryIndex()
: TFormLeafInfo
, TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim
- SetSecondMatrix()
: TGeoOverlap
- SetSecondVolume()
: TGeoOverlap
- SetSecProtocol()
: XrdClientPhyConnection
- SetSecretKey()
: TS3HTTPRequest
, TS3WebFile
- SetSecSelection()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetSecSelResult()
: TGLSelectRecord
- SetSecSelType()
: TGLEventHandler
- SetSectionsValid()
: TBuffer3D
- SetSecureAuthHook()
: TAuthenticate
- SetSeed()
: ROOT::Math::DistSampler
, ROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine
, ROOT::Math::LCGEngine
, ROOT::Math::MersenneTwisterEngine
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine< N, SkipNumber >
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< N >
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< _N >
, ROOT::Math::Random< Engine >
, ROOT::Math::StdEngine< Generator >
, TFoamSampler
, TRandom1
, TRandom2
, TRandom3
, TRandom
, TRandomGen< Engine >
, TUnuran
, TUnuranSampler
, UnuRanDist
- SetSeed2()
: TRandom1
- SetSeedFast()
: ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< _N >
- SetSeeds()
: TRandom1
- SetSeekDir()
: TDirectory
, TDirectoryFile
- SetSeg()
: TGeoXtru
- SetSegmentDisplay()
: TSpider
- SetSegsAndPols()
: TGeoBBox
, TGeoCone
, TGeoConeSeg
, TGeoHype
, TGeoParaboloid
, TGeoPcon
, TGeoPgon
, TGeoScaledShape
, TGeoShape
, TGeoShapeAssembly
, TGeoSphere
, TGeoTorus
, TGeoTube
, TGeoTubeSeg
, TGeoXtru
- SetSelectable()
: TGLSceneBase
- SetSelectBack()
: TGTextView
- SetSelected()
: TBrowser
, TCanvas
, TClassDocInfo
, TGeoBoolNode
, TGListTree
, TModuleDocInfo
, TPad
, TQRootCanvas
, TVirtualPad
- SetSelectedItem()
: TGShutter
- SetSelectedMenuItem()
: TContextMenu
- SetSelectedNode()
: TGeoChecker
- SetSelectedPad()
: TCanvas
, TQRootCanvas
- SetSelectedPrimitive()
- SetSelectedWidget()
: TGLManip
- SetSelectFore()
: TGTextView
- SetSelection()
: TEvePointSelector
, TGLRnrCtx
, TSelectorEntries
, TTreeTableInterface
- SetSelectionExpression()
: TSpider
- SetSelectionOwner()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetSelector()
: TMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode
, TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
, TMVA::RuleCut
- SetSelectorDataMembersFromOutputList()
: TProofPlayerRemote
- SetSelectTransparents()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetSelectViaFrame()
: TEveDigitSet
- SetSelf()
: TClassMenuItem
- setSelfNormalized()
: RooProdPdf
- SetSelName()
: TProofBenchRun
- SetSelOption()
: TProofBench
, TProofBenchRun
- SetSender()
: TQObjSender
- SetSenderClassName()
: TQObjSender
- SetSendOpt()
: TXSocket
- SetSendOptions()
: TProofMonSender
- SetSeparationGain()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetSeparationIndex()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetSeparationMargin()
: TRatioPlot
- SetSerial()
: TFoamCell
, TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- SetServer()
: THostAuth
, THttpEngine
- setServerValues()
: RooAbsReal::EvalError
- SetService()
: TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SetServType()
: TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- SetSession()
: TTreeViewer
- SetSessionAlias()
: XrdProofdAdmin
- SetSessionID()
: TXSocket
- SetSessionTag()
: TSlave
, XrdProofdAdmin
- SetSessionToken()
: TS3HTTPRequest
- setSet()
: RooCmdArg
- SetShadeColor()
: RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot
- SetShading()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetShadowColor()
: TPave
- setShape()
: ParamHistFunc
- SetShape()
: TEveGeoShape
, TEveGeoShapeExtract
, TGeoVolume
, TPolyLineShape
- SetShapeBit()
: TGeoShape
- setShapeDirty()
: RooAbsArg
- SetShapeLOD()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetShapePixSize()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetShared()
: TGeoMatrix
- setShift()
: RooFFTConvPdf
- SetShift()
: TEntryList
, TTablePadView3D
- SetShortestInterval()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCInterval
, TEfficiency
- SetShortSize()
: TString
- SetShowBurnIn()
: RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot
- SetShowClip()
: TGLClipSet
- SetShowDefValue()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetShowManip()
: TGLClipSet
- SetShowOrthographic()
: TGLCameraOverlay
- SetShowPerspective()
: TGLCameraOverlay
- SetShowPlane()
: TEveCaloLegoOverlay
- SetShowProjection()
: TGLHistPainter
, TH3
, THistPainter
, TVirtualHistPainter
- SetShowProjectionX()
: TH2
- SetShowProjectionY()
: TH2
- SetShowRange()
: TSpider
- SetShowRanges()
: TParallelCoordSelect
- SetShowScales()
: TEveCaloLegoOverlay
- SetShowSlider()
: TEveGValuatorBase
- SetShowTitleBar()
: TEveCompositeFrame
, TEveWindow
- SetShowTitleBars()
: TEveWindowManager
- SetShowTooltip()
: TEveViewerList
- SetShrinkage()
: TMVA::MethodBDT
- SetShutdown()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetSID()
: XrdClientConn
- SetSid()
: XrdClientID
- SetSID()
: XrdProofConn
- SetSidePower()
: TGLLightSet
- SetSigma()
, TMVA::Rule
- SetSign()
: RooStats::MetropolisHastings
- SetSignal()
: TSignalHandler
- SetSignalHandler()
: TApplication
- SetSignalPolicy()
: PyROOT::TCallContext
- SetSignalReferenceCut()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetSignalReferenceCutOrientation()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetSignalTree()
: TMVA::DataLoader
- SetSignalWeightExpression()
: TMVA::DataLoader
- SetSigned()
: RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
- SetSilent()
: TMVA::Config
- SetSilentFile()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- setSilentMode()
: RooMsgService
, RooUnitTest
- setSimCount()
: RooAbsTestStatistic
- SetSimpleArray()
: TTableSorter
- SetSize()
: ROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim
, TAxisModLab
, TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay
, TFileInfo
, TFormLeafInfo
, TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim
, TGFrame
, TGLCameraGuide
, TGLOverlayButton
, TMarker3DBox
, TStreamerElement
, TString
, TStructNode
, TTableDescriptor
, TVirtualArray
, XrdClientReadCache
- SetSizeAttribute()
: TPolyLineShape
- SetSkinSurface()
: TVirtualMC
- SetSkipCheck()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetSkipComments()
: TXMLEngine
- SetSkipZip()
: TBranch
, TFileCacheRead
- SetSleepTime()
: TGraphTime
- SetSliceColor()
: TEveCaloData
- SetSliceThreshold()
: TEveCaloData
- SetSliceTransparency()
: TEveCaloData
- SetSliceWidth()
: TGLTH3Slice
- SetSlider()
: TSliderBox
- SetSliderColor()
: TGColorPick
- SetSliderNewLine()
: TEveGValuator
- SetSliderVal()
: TEveCaloLegoOverlay
- SetSlow()
: TMVA::TActivationTanh
- SetSmallIncrement()
: TGScrollBar
- SetSmallPic()
: TTVLVEntry
- SetSmartPtr()
: PyROOT::ObjectProxy
- SetSmartRefresh()
: TGLScenePad
, TGLViewer
- SetSmooth()
: TEveLine
, TPolyLineShape
- SetSmoothing()
- SetSmoothLines()
: TGLViewer
- SetSmoothPoints()
: TGLViewer
- SetSMW()
: TPythia6
- SetSMZ()
: TPythia6
- SetSnapshot()
: RooStats::ModelConfig
- SetSniffer()
: THttpServer
- SetSocket()
: TSlave
- SetSockOpt()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
- SetSoExt()
: TSystem
- SetSolver()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootBaseSolver
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootDerivSolver
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootSolver
, ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv
- SetSortMode()
: TRootBrowserLite
- SetSource()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
, TMVA::MsgLogger
, TVirtualDragManager
- SetSourceClass()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- setSourceClone()
: RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem
- SetSourceCS()
: TEvePointSelectorConsumer
- SetSourceDir()
: TClassTree
, THtml
- SetSourceObject()
: TEveElement
- SetSpacedOut()
: TGeoPatternFinder
- SetSparseIndex()
: TMatrixTSparse< Element >
- SetSparseIndexAB()
: TMatrixTSparse< Element >
- SetSpecific()
: TGLSelectRecord
- SetSpectator()
: TMVA::Event
- SetSpecularPower()
: TGLLightSet
- SetSphDimensions()
: TGeoSphere
- SetSplit()
: TGSplitButton
- SetSplitArguments()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetSplitFraction()
: TRatioPlot
- SetSplitMode()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetSplitModeMaxInputFileSize()
: TAlienJDL
- SetSplitModeMaxNumOfFiles()
: TAlienJDL
- SetSplitOption()
: ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >
, ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::TerminalNode
- SetSplitOptions()
: TMVA::DataSetInfo
- SetSpread()
: TMVA::GeneticAlgorithm
- SetSQLParamType()
: TMySQLStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
- SetSrvMaps()
: TDSet
- SetSrvPID()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetSrvType()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetSSB()
: TMVA::Rule
- SetSSBNeve()
: TMVA::Rule
- SetStack()
: TGLHistPainter
, THistPainter
, TVirtualHistPainter
, TVirtualMC
- SetStart()
: TProofBenchRunCPU
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
- SetStartEnd()
: TLinearGradient
- SetStartEndR1R2()
: TRadialGradient
- SetStartMsg()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetStartPoint()
: TCurlyLine
- SetStartSafe()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
- SetStat()
: TFoamCell
, TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- SetStatBorderSize()
: TStyle
- SetStatColor()
: TStyle
- SetState()
: ROOT::Math::LCGEngine
, ROOT::Math::MersenneTwisterEngine
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine< N, SkipNumber >
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< N >
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< _N >
, TCondor
, TGButton
, TGButtonGroup
, TGCheckButton
, TGeoCacheState
, TGeoMaterial
, TGLCapabilitySwitch
, TGLOverlayElement
, TGMenuTitle
, TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
, TGRadioButton
, TGScrollBarElement
, TGSlider
, TGTextEntry
, TToggle
- SetStatError()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
- SetStatErrorConfig()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Channel
- SetStatFont()
: TStyle
- SetStatFontSize()
: TStyle
- SetStatFormat()
: TPaveStats
, TStyle
- SetStatH()
: TStyle
- SetStaticObject()
: TRef
- SetStatisticOption()
: TEfficiency
- SetStats()
: RooPlot
, TH1
- SetStatStyle()
: TStyle
- SetStatTextColor()
: TStyle
- setStatus()
: RooFitResult
- SetStatus()
: ROOT::R::TRObject
, TBranch
, TChainElement
, TEveTrack
, TProofDesc
, TSelector
, TSlave
, TSlaveInfo
, XrdProofdProofServ
, XrdProofdProtocol
- SetStatusCode()
: TParticle
, XrdClientMessage
- setStatusHistory()
: RooFitResult
- SetStatusLine()
: TEveManager
- SetStatusText()
: TBrowser
, TBrowserImp
, TCanvasImp
, TRootBrowser
, TRootBrowserLite
, TRootCanvas
- SetStatW()
: TStyle
- SetStatX()
: TStyle
- SetStatY()
: TStyle
- SetStdTitle()
: TEveTrack
- SetStencilSize()
: TGLFormat
- SetStep()
: TASPaletteEditor
, TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
, TProofBenchRunCPU
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
- SetStepper()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- SetStepSize()
: ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings
, ROOT::Math::RichardsonDerivator
- SetStereo()
: TGLFormat
, TGLViewer
- SetStereoEyeOffsetFac()
: TGLViewer
- SetStereoFrustumAsymFac()
: TGLViewer
- SetStereoZeroParallax()
: TGLViewer
- SetStipple()
- SetSTLtype()
: TStreamerSTL
- SetStop()
: TProofBenchRunCPU
, TProofBenchRunDataRead
- SetStopOnError()
: TXMLParser
- SetStopTimer()
: TProofPlayer
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- SetStorageLevel()
: ROOT::Minuit2::CombinedMinimumBuilder
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinimumBuilder
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- SetStoreStreamerInfos()
: TXMLFile
, TXMLSetup
- SetStot()
: TConfidenceLevel
- setStrategy()
: RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- SetStrategy()
: RooStats::MinNLLTestStat
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
, RooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetStream()
: TVirtualPS
- SetStreamer()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TStreamerElement
, TStreamerSTL
- SetStreamerElement()
: TSQLStructure
- SetStreamerElementNumber()
: TBuffer
, TBufferFile
, TBufferJSON
, TBufferSQL2
, TBufferXML
- SetStreamerFunc()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, TClass
- SetStreamerImpl()
: TClass
- SetStreamerInfo()
: TClass
, TSQLStructure
- SetStreamID()
: XrdClientConn
- SetStreamMemberWise()
: TVirtualStreamerInfo
- setStreamStatus()
: RooMsgService
- setString()
: RooCmdArg
- SetString()
: TGString
, TMySQLStatement
, TObjString
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- setStringAttribute()
: RooAbsArg
- setStringValue()
: RooArgSet
- SetStripDecimals()
: TStyle
- SetStyle()
: TGButton
, TGClient
, TGLSceneBase
, TGLSceneInfo
, TGLViewerBase
- SetStyleAttribute()
: TPolyLineShape
- SetStyleTabWidgets()
: TGL5DDataSetEditor
- SetSub()
: TMatrixT< Element >
, TMatrixTBase< Element >
, TMatrixTSparse< Element >
, TMatrixTSym< Element >
, TVectorT< Element >
- SetSubIdExp()
: TEvePointSelector
- SetSubir()
- SetSubnames()
: TGLVEntry
- SetSubTab()
: TBrowserPlugin
- SetSubtractMLE()
: RooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat
- SetSubTreeR()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetSubwindowMode()
- SetSumOfWeights()
: TMVA::HuberLossFunction
- SetSumTarget()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetSumTarget2()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetSuperUser()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SetSupport()
: TMVA::Rule
- SetSupportGL()
: TCanvas
- SetSurfaceColor()
: TGL5DPainter
, TGLIsoPainter
, TGLParametricPlot
, TGLSurfacePainter
, TGLTF3Painter
- SetSurfaceFunction()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SetSuspendAutoParsing()
: TInterpreter
- SetSwitch()
: TRolke
- SetSync()
: TSessionServerFrame
- SetSysInfo()
: TSlaveInfo
- SetSystem()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetT()
: TLorentzVector
- SetTab()
: TBrowserPlugin
, TGeoTabManager
, TGTab
, TRootBrowser
- SetTablePointer()
: TTable
, TTablePoints
- SetTableRelief()
: TGHtml
- SetTableStatus()
: TSQLClassInfo
- SetTablesType()
: TSQLFile
- SetTabTitle()
: TRootBrowser
- SetTag()
: TAlienCollection
, TDocDirective
, TGridCollection
, XrdProofdProofServ
, XrdProofdResponse
- SetTagFilterList()
: TAlienCollection
, TGridCollection
- SetTailParameters()
: TSpectrum2Fit
, TSpectrumFit
- SetTarget()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
, TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging
, TMVA::Event
, TVirtualDragManager
- SetTargetClass()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
, TBranchElement
- SetTargets()
: TMVA::AbsoluteDeviationLossFunctionBDT
, TMVA::HuberLossFunctionBDT
, TMVA::kNN::Event
, TMVA::LeastSquaresLossFunctionBDT
, TMVA::LossFunctionBDT
- SetTau()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetTauError()
: TUnfoldSys
- SetTCanvas()
: TQRootDialog
- SetTDSetOffset()
: TDSetElement
- SetTemperature()
: TGeoMaterial
- SetTemperatureScale()
: TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
- SetTempLevel()
: TInterpreter
- SetterMethod()
: TDataMember
, TMethod
- SetTerminal()
: TMVA::DecisionTreeNode
- SetTermTime()
: TQueryResult
- SetTestDataSet()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetTestingSumBackgrWeights()
: TMVA::DataSetInfo
- SetTestingSumSignalWeights()
: TMVA::DataSetInfo
- SetTestInterval()
: TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
- SetTestParms()
: TMVA::RuleFitAPI
- SetTestSignalEfficiency()
: TMVA::MethodCuts
- SetTestSize()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::DebuggingSampler
, RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, RooStats::HypoTestInverter
, RooStats::HypoTestInverterOriginal
, RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult
, RooStats::IntervalCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
, RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetTestStatistic()
: RooStats::DebuggingSampler
, RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal
, RooStats::HypoTestInverter
, RooStats::TestStatSampler
, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetTestStatisticData()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SetTestStatSampler()
: RooStats::NeymanConstruction
- SetTestTime()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetTestvarName()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetText()
: TAxisModLab
, TEveListTreeItem
, TEveText
, TGLabel
, TGLAnnotation
, TGListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItemStd
, TGLOverlayButton
, TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
, TGSplitButton
, TGStatusBar
, TGTab
, TGTabElement
, TGTextButton
, TGTextEditor
, TGTextEntry
, TGTextLBEntry
, TGTextView
, TGToolTip
, TRecCmdEvent
, TRecExtraEvent
, TRootHelpDialog
, TText
- SetTextAlign()
: TAttText
, TGLAnnotation
, TGLPadPainter
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPadPainter
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetTextAngle()
: TAttText
, TGLPadPainter
, TGraphNode
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TPadPainter
, TVirtualPadPainter
- SetTextAttributes()
: TAttText
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
- SetTextColor()
: TAttText
, TControlBar
, TControlBarImp
, TGGroupFrame
, TGLabel
, TGLAnnotation
, TGLOverlayButton
, TGLPadPainter
, TGMenuTitle
, TGQuartz
, TGTextButton
, TGTextEntry
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPadPainter
, TPostScript
, TRootControlBar
, TTeXDump
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetTextColorAlpha()
: TAttText
- SetTextFont()
: TAttText
, TGGroupFrame
, TGLabel
, TGLPadPainter
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPadPainter
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetTextFormat()
: TGLAxisPainter
- SetTextJustify()
: TGLabel
, TGTableCell
, TGTextButton
- SetTextMagnitude()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetTextSize()
: TAttText
, TGLAnnotation
, TGLPadPainter
, TGQuartz
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TPadPainter
, TVirtualPadPainter
, TVirtualX
- SetTextSizePixels()
: TAttText
, TGLPadPainter
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TPadPainter
, TVirtualPadPainter
- SetTheta()
: ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::EulerAngles
, ROOT::Math::Polar3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::RotationZYX
, TEllipse
, TLorentzVector
, TMVA::MethodSVM
, TPad
, TVector3
, TVirtualPad
- SetThresholdColors()
: TGSpeedo
- SetThresholdPivoting()
: TDecompSparse
- SetThresholds()
: TGSpeedo
- SetThrowAtCompileError()
: TPRegexp
- SetTickLength()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TAxis3D
, TGaxis
, TH1
, TStyle
- SetTickMarksLength()
: TGLAxis
- SetTickMarksOrientation()
: TGLAxis
- SetTickpolarSize()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetTicks()
: TAxis
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetTickSize()
: TAttAxis
, TGaxis
- SetTickx()
: TInspectCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetTicky()
: TInspectCanvas
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetTile()
- SetTileStipXOrigin()
- SetTileStipYOrigin()
- SetTime()
: TGNumberEntry
, TGNumberEntryField
, TMCParticle
, TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TRecEvent
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
, TTimer
- SetTimeDisplay()
: TAxis
- SetTimeFormat()
: TAxis
, TGaxis
- SetTimeFormating()
: TOracleStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetTimeOffset()
: TAxis
, TGaxis
, TStyle
- SetTimeOut()
: TAuthenticate
- SetTimer()
: THttpServer
- SetTimerID()
: TTimer
- SetTimerInterval()
: TTree
- SetTimestamp()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
- SetTimeStamp()
: TS3HTTPRequest
- SetTimestamp()
: TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- Setting
: Roo1DMomentMorphFunction
, Roo2DMomentMorphFunction
, RooMomentMorph
- Settings()
: TMVA::DNN::Settings
- SettingsChanged()
: TEditQueryFrame
, TNewQueryDlg
, TSessionServerFrame
- SetTipText()
: TEveListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItemStd
- SetTitle()
: Editor
, RooPlot
, ROOT::Experimental::TCanvas
, TASImage
, TCanvas
, TClassMenuItem
, TEfficiency
, TEvePointSet
, TF1
, TGaxis
, TGButtonGroup
, TGGroupFrame
, TGLabel
, TGLSceneBase
, TGLVEntry
, TGraph2D
, TGraph
, TGTextButton
, TGTextEntry
, TGTextLBEntry
, TH1
, THnBase
, TNamed
, TPad
, TParallelCoordSelect
, TParallelCoordVar
, TQCommand
, TQRootCanvas
, TSessionLogView
, TSystemDirectory
, TSystemFile
, TVirtualPad
- SetTitleAlign()
: TStyle
- SetTitleBarColors()
: TGMdiTitleBar
- SetTitleBorderSize()
: TStyle
- SetTitleColor()
: TAttAxis
, TGaxis
, TStyle
- SetTitleFillColor()
: TStyle
- SetTitleFont()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TGaxis
, TGLAxisPainter
, TH1
, TStyle
- SetTitleFontSize()
: TStyle
- SetTitleFromTop()
: TAttCanvas
- SetTitleH()
: TStyle
- SetTitleOffset()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TAxis3D
, TGaxis
, TH1
, TPaletteAxis
, TStyle
- SetTitlePixelFontSize()
: TGLAxisPainter
- SetTitlePos()
: TGGroupFrame
- SetTitlePS()
: TStyle
- SetTitleSize()
: RooPlot
, TAttAxis
, TGaxis
, TH1
, TPaletteAxis
, TStyle
- SetTitleStyle()
: TStyle
- SetTitleTextColor()
: TStyle
- SetTitleW()
: TStyle
- SetTitleX()
: TStyle
- SetTitleXOffset()
: TStyle
- SetTitleXSize()
: TStyle
- SetTitleY()
: TStyle
- SetTitleYOffset()
: TStyle
- SetTitleYSize()
: TStyle
- SetTminTmax()
: TGeoManager
- SetTMNDim()
: TGLAxisPainter
- SetTmpColumn()
: ROOT::Internal::TDF::TColumnValue< T >
- SetTMVAVersion()
: TMVA::VariableTransformBase
- SetTObjectOffset()
: TStreamerElement
- SetToDegree()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetToggle()
: TClassMenuItem
- SetToggleButton()
: TGButton
- SetToggledObject()
: TToggle
- SetToggledVariable()
: TToggle
- SetToGrad()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetToIdentity()
: TRotation
- setTol()
: RooBrentRootFinder
- SetTol()
: TDecompBase
, TMatrixTBase< Element >
- SetTolerance()
: RooStats::MinNLLTestStat
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
, RooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
- SetToolTip()
: TEveGValuator
- SetTooltipCBFoo()
: TEveDigitSet
- SetToolTipItem()
: TGListTree
- SetTooltipPixelTolerance()
: TGLEventHandler
- SetToolTipText()
: TBox
, TGButton
, TGImageMap
, TGListTree
, TGRegionWithId
, TGTextEntry
, TPad
, TTVLVEntry
, TVirtualPad
- SetTopEntry()
: TGComboBox
, TGListBox
- SetTopMargin()
: TAttPad
, TGTextButton
- SetTopName()
: TGeoIterator
, THttpCallArg
, THttpServer
- SetTopVisible()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetTopVolume()
: TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetToRadian()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetTorusDimensions()
: TGeoTorus
- SetTotalEntries()
: TVirtualPacketizer
- SetTotalEvents()
: TEfficiency
- SetTotalHistogram()
: TEfficiency
- SetTotalSize()
: TStructNode
- SetTotalTreeDepth()
: TMVA::BinaryTree
- SetTotBytes()
: TFileInfoMeta
- SetToyMCSampler()
: RooStats::ToyMCStudy
- SetToys()
: RooStats::FrequentistCalculator
, RooStats::HybridCalculator
- SetToysBothTails()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetToysLeftTail()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetToysRightTail()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- setTraceCounter()
: RooAbsPdf
- SetTraceID()
: XrdProofdProtocol
, XrdProofdResponse
- SetTraceObject()
: ROOT::Minuit2::CombinedMinimumBuilder
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinimumBuilder
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
- SetTrackParams()
: TEveTrack
- SetTrainingDataSet()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
- SetTrainingEvents()
: TMVA::RuleFit
- SetTrainingSumBackgrWeights()
: TMVA::DataSetInfo
- SetTrainingSumSignalWeights()
: TMVA::DataSetInfo
- SetTrainParms()
: TMVA::RuleFitAPI
- SetTrainTime()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetTrans()
: TEveGeoShapeExtract
, TEveGridStepper
, TEveTrans
- SetTransAdvance()
: TEveGridStepper
- SetTransform()
: TGeoShape
, TGLPhysicalShape
, TVirtualFFT
- SetTransformationReferenceClass()
: TMVA::TransformationHandler
- SetTransformMatrix()
: ROOT::Math::Impl::Transform3D< T >
- SetTransformType()
: TSpectrum2Transform
, TSpectrumTransform
- SetTransFromData()
: TEveTransSubEditor
- setTransientAttribute()
: RooAbsArg
- SetTransitionPoint()
: TMVA::HuberLossFunction
- SetTranslation()
: TGeoCombiTrans
, TGeoHMatrix
, TGeoTranslation
, TGLMatrix
, TGLPhysicalShape
- SetTransMatrix()
: TEveElement
- SetTransparency()
: TEveTriangleSet
, TGeoMaterial
, TGeoVolume
, TGLAnnotation
, TGLColor
- SetTransparent()
: TGLSelectRecord
- SetTransTheta()
: TEveLegoEventHandler
- SetTrashCount()
: TGLFont
- SetTreatAsZero()
: TDecompSparse
- SetTree()
: ROOT::Detail::TDF::TLoopManager
, ROOT::Internal::TBranchProxyDirector
, TBranch
, TBranchClones
, TBtInnerNode
, TChainIndex
, TEntryList
, TEntryListArray
, TEntryListFromFile
, TEvePointSelector
, TMVA::DataLoader
, TParallelCoord
, TSPlot
, TTreeFormula
, TTreeIndex
, TTreePlayer
, TTreeReader
, TTreeViewer
, TVirtualIndex
, TVirtualTreePlayer
- setTreeBranchStatus()
: RooAbsArg
, RooAbsCategory
, RooAbsReal
, RooAbsString
- SetTreeCacheSize()
: TTreePerfStats
- SetTreeData()
: TKDTreeBinning
- SetTreeID()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
- SetTreeIndex()
: TTree
- SetTreeName()
: TAliEnFind
, TEntryList
, TSimpleAnalysis
, TTreeViewer
- SetTreeNumber()
: TEntryList
, TEntryListFromFile
- SetTreeSelection()
: TSPlot
- SetTreeType()
: TMVA::Results
- SetTRefAction()
: TDirectory
, TDirectoryFile
- SetTriangle()
: TEveTriangleSet
- SetTriangleColor()
: TEveTriangleSet
- SetTrsid()
: XrdProofdResponse
- SetTrueName()
: TTVLVEntry
- SetTSB()
: TConfidenceLevel
- SetTSD()
: TConfidenceLevel
- SetTSS()
: TConfidenceLevel
- SetTTL()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
, XrdClientPhyConnection
- SetTubeDimensions()
: TGeoTube
- SetTubeR()
: TEveArrow
- SetTubsDimensions()
: TGeoTubeSeg
- SetTuneFactor()
- SetTuneParameters()
: TMVA::MethodBase
, TMVA::MethodBDT
, TMVA::MethodSVM
- SetTwoPi()
: TGraphPolargram
- SetTwoSided()
: RooStats::AsymptoticCalculator
- SetTXProofMgrHook()
: TProofMgr
- SetTXSlaveHook()
: TSlave
- SetType()
: RooStats::MetropolisHastings
- setType()
: RooSuperCategory
- SetType()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::GSLQRngWrapper
, ROOT::Math::GSLQuasiRandomEngine
, ROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine
, ROOT::Math::GSLRngWrapper
, TBranchElement
, TClassMenuItem
, TControlBarButton
, TDataType
, TEveProjection
, TGeoIterator
, THbookTree
, TImageDump
, TMVA::VariableImportance
, TSQLStructure
, TStreamerElement
, TTable
, TVirtualBranchBrowsable
, TVirtualPS
- SetTypeIsPointer()
: TVirtualBranchBrowsable
- SetTypeList()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetTypeName()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, TStreamerElement
- SetTypeOfConfigureNotify()
: TRecorderRecording
- SetTypeSize()
: TTableDescriptor
- SetUID()
: TRefTable
- SetUIDoubleRep()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetUInt()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetULong64()
: TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetUMIX()
: TPythia6
- SetUnderColor()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetUnderColorPixel()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetUnderColorRGBA()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetUnderflowAction()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetUndoArgs()
: TQCommand
- SetUniformFraction()
: RooStats::ProposalHelper
- SetUniqueID()
: TObject
- setUnit()
: RooAbsReal
- SetUnit()
: TMVA::VariableInfo
- setUnitNorm()
: RooHistPdf
- SetUNIXSockPath()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetUnloaded()
: TClass
- SetUnsigned()
: TLeaf
- SetUnzipBufferSize()
: TTreeCacheUnzip
- SetUnzipRelBufferSize()
: TTreeCacheUnzip
- SetUnzipTime()
: TTreePerfStats
- setup()
: RooBlindTools
- Setup()
: ROOT::Detail::TBranchProxy
, TApplicationServer
, TEveCaloData::SliceInfo_t
, TGLCamera
, TGLClip
, TGLClipBox
, TGLClipPlane
, TGLOrthoCamera
, TGLPerspectiveCamera
, TMPWorkerTree
, TPerfStats
, TProofServ
, TProofServLite
, TXProofServ
, XrdPoll
- SetupAddresses()
: TBranch
, TBranchElement
, TBranchObject
- SetupAddressesImpl()
: TBranchElement
- SetupAndPopup()
: TEveContextMenu
- SetupAxes()
: THnChain
- SetupBasicUsage()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
- SetupBBoxCube()
: TAttBBox
- SetUpBottomMargin()
: TRatioPlot
- SetupCallEnv()
: TPluginHandler
- SetupCameras()
: TGLViewer
- SetupCintExport()
: TEveBrowser
- SetupClipObject()
: TGLViewer
, TGLViewerBase
- SetupClips()
: TGLClipSet
- SetupColor()
: TEveDigitSetGL
, TEveRGBAPalette
- SetupColorArray()
: TEveRGBAPalette
- SetupColorHeight()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetupCommon()
: TProofServ
- SetupCurrentClip()
: TGLClipSet
- SetupCurrentClipIfInvalid()
: TGLClipSet
- SetUpdate()
: TTree
- SetUpdateAfterFit()
: ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
- SetUpdateProposalParameters()
: RooStats::ProposalHelper
- SetupEnvironment()
: TEveUtil
- SetupFeedback()
: TProofPlayer
, TProofPlayerLite
, TProofPlayerLocal
, TProofPlayerRemote
, TProofPlayerSlave
, TProofPlayerSuperMaster
- SetupFrameMarkup()
: TEveCompositeFrame
- SetupFromToVec()
: TEveTrans
- SetupGLColors()
: TGLPhysicalShape
- SetupGUI()
: TEveUtil
- SetupKerasModel()
: TMVA::MethodPyKeras
- SetupMethod()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetupOnFork()
: TProofServLite
- SetupPads()
: TRatioPlot
- SetUpperLimit()
: ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinuitParameter
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserTransformation
- SetUpperLimitedVariable()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetupProtocol()
: XrdProofdProofServMgr
- SetupPySelf()
: TPySelector
- SetupRotation()
: TEveTrans
- SetupSampler()
: RooStats::HypoTestCalculatorGeneric
- SetupServ()
: TSlave
, TSlaveLite
, TXSlave
- SetUpSSL()
: TSSLSocket
- SetupTest()
: TPythia6
- SetUpTopMargin()
: TRatioPlot
- SetupTransformsAndBBox()
: TGLSceneInfo
- SetupTreeCache()
: TMPWorkerTree
- SetupWorkers()
: TProofLite
- SetupWorkersEnv()
: TProof
- SetUri()
: TUri
- SetUrl()
: TAlienFile
, TProofProgressLog
, TSocket
, TUDPSocket
, TUrl
, XrdClientConn
- SetUrr()
: TDsKey
- SetUseAxisColors()
: TGLAxisPainter
- SetUseBins()
- SetUseBinsNEvents()
- SetUseColor()
: TMVA::Config
- SetUseColorSet()
: TGLAnnotation
- SetUsed()
: TGeoElement
, TGeoMaterial
- SetUsedDtd()
: TXMLFile
, TXMLSetup
- SetUsedRows()
: TTable
- SetUseExclusiveVars()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
- SetUseFisherCuts()
: TMVA::DecisionTree
- SetUseGNUBuiltinBacktrace()
: Memstat::TMemStatMng
- SetUseHisto()
: RooStats::HistFactory::StatError
- SetUseIndexes()
: TSQLFile
- setUseIntegrandLimits()
: RooAbsIntegrator
, RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D
, RooAdaptiveIntegratorND
, RooBinIntegrator
, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D
, RooImproperIntegrator1D
, RooIntegrator1D
, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D
- SetUseKeys()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCInterval
- SetUseMultiGen()
: RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- SetUseNamespaces()
: TXMLFile
, TXMLSetup
- SetUseNvars()
: TMVA::MethodBDT
- SetUseOrphanage()
: TEveManager
- SetUseOverlaps()
: TGeoParallelWorld
- SetUseParallelWorldNav()
: TGeoManager
- SetUsePreScale()
: TEveProjection
- SetUsePwdDialog()
- SetUser()
: THostAuth
, TSecContext
, TUrl
- SetUserCanonicalBandwidth()
- SetUserCDF()
: ROOT::Math::GoFTest
- SetUserCode()
: TTreeViewer
, TTVRecord
- SetUserControl()
: TGListTree
- SetUserData()
: TEveElement
, TEveListTreeItem
, TGButton
, TGListTreeItem
, TGListTreeItemStd
, TGLVEntry
- SetUserDecay()
: TVirtualMC
- SetUserDistribution()
: ROOT::Math::GoFTest
- SetUserEnvironment()
: XrdProofdProofServMgr
- SetUserEnvs()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SetUserExtension()
: TGeoMaterial
, TGeoNode
, TGeoVolume
- SetUserFunc()
: TVirtualFitter
- SetUserIn()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SetUserInfo()
: TUri
- SetUserKernelSigma2()
- SetUserName()
: THttpCallArg
, TSessionServerFrame
- SetUserObject()
: TGeoRCExtension
- SetUserOwnerships()
: XrdProofdProofServMgr
- SetUserPaintVolume()
: TGeoManager
- SetUserParameters()
: TVirtualMC
- SetUserPDF()
: ROOT::Math::GoFTest
- SetUserPlugin()
: TGeoIterator
- SetUserThreadId()
: TGWin32
- SetUseSignalTransform()
: TMVA::VariableTransformBase
- SetUseSparseHist()
: RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::MCMCInterval
- SetUseSpecular()
: TGLLightSet
- SetUseSplitters()
: TGPack
- SetUseSuffixes()
: TSQLFile
- SetUseTrans()
: TEveTrans
- SetUseTransactions()
: TSQLFile
- SetUseWeightedEvents()
: TEfficiency
- SetUUID()
: TFileInfo
- SetUUIDNumber()
- SetV()
: TPythia6
- setVal()
: RooAbsRealLValue
, RooCatType
, RooErrorVar
, RooLinearVar
, RooRealVar
- SetVal()
: RooStats::HistFactory::NormFactor
- setVal()
: RooStringVar
- SetVal()
: TMVA::Event
, TParameter< AParamType >
- setValFast()
: RooAbsRealLValue
, RooRealVar
- SetValid()
: TDSetElement
, XrdProofdClient
, XrdProofdProofServ
- SetValidate()
: TXMLParser
- SetValidationCommand()
: TAlienJDL
, TGridJDL
- SetValidError()
: ROOT::Math::Minimizer
- SetValue()
: RooStats::HistFactory::Sample
, ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings
, ROOT::Math::IOptions
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinuitParameter
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnApplication
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserTransformation
, TEnv
, TEveGTriVecValuator
, TEveGValuator
, TGridJDL
, TMVA::Option< T * >
, TMVA::OptionBase
, TMVA::ResultsClassification
, TMVA::ResultsMulticlass
, TMVA::ResultsRegression
, TPair
, TPieSlice
, TSQLStructure
, TToggle
- SetValueByCmd()
: TAlienJDL
- setValueDirty()
: RooAbsArg
- SetValueFormat()
: TPie
- SetValueIsColor()
: TEveCaloViz
- SetValueLocal()
: TMVA::Option< T >
, TMVA::OptionBase
- SetValues()
: TEveGDoubleValuator
, TEveGTriVecValuator
, TParallelCoordVar
- SetValuesON()
: TPaveStatsEditor
- SetVarexp()
: TEvePointSelector
- SetVariable()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TFormula
, TFumiliMinimizer
, TLinearMinimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetVariableArrangement()
: TMVA::Event
- SetVariableInitialRange()
: ROOT::Math::Minimizer
- SetVariableLimits()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetVariableLowerLimit()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetVariables()
: RooStats::ProposalHelper
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, TFormula
- SetVariablesExpression()
: TSpider
, TTreeTableInterface
- SetVariableStepSize()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetVariableUpperLimit()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetVariableValue()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, TFumiliMinimizer
, TMinuitMinimizer
- SetVariableValues()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
- SetVariance()
: TMVA::VariableInfo
- SetVarIndex()
: TMVA::BDTEventWrapper
- SetVarName()
: RooStats::MinNLLTestStat
, RooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat
- SetVarType()
: TMVA::VariableInfo
- SetVarX()
: TCutG
- SetVarY()
: TCutG
- SetVAxisMinAngle()
: TGLCamera
- SetVCKM()
: TPythia6
- SetVDouble()
: TOracleStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetVect()
: TLorentzVector
- SetVectM()
: TLorentzVector
- SetVectMag()
: TLorentzVector
- SetVector()
: TEveArrow
- SetVegasParameters()
: ROOT::Math::GSLVegasIntegrationWorkspace
- setVerbose()
: RooAbsGenContext
, RooAbsNumGenerator
, RooCmdConfig
, RooMinimizer
- SetVerbose()
: RooMinimizerFcn
- setVerbose()
: RooMinuit
, RooRealMPFE
- SetVerbose()
: RooStats::HypoTestInverter
, ROOT::R::TRInterface
, TDecompSparse
, TMVA::DataSet
, TMVA::Envelope
, TMVA::Factory
, TMVA::Reader
- SetVerboseLevel()
: TGeoManager
- SetVersion()
: ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
, ROOT::TSchemaRule
, TAlienPackage
, TSQLStructure
- SetVertDisplay()
: TParallelCoord
- SetVertex()
: TEveBox
, TEveTriangleSet
, TGeoArb8
, TGeoTrd1
, TGeoTrd2
- SetVertical()
: TEveWindowPack
, TGPack
, TLine
, TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetVertices()
: TEveBox
- SetView()
: TPad
, TView3D
, TView
, TVirtualPad
- SetViewChanged()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetViewCVS()
: THtml
- SetViewer()
: TTVLVContainer
- SetViewer3D()
: TPad
, TVirtualPad
- SetViewerClip()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetViewerLOD()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetViewerOLLineW()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetViewerStyle()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetViewerWFLineW()
: TGLRnrCtx
- SetViewMode()
: TGFileItem
, TGListView
, TGLVContainer
, TGLVEntry
, TRootBrowserLite
- SetViewport()
: TGLCamera
, TGLPlotCamera
, TGLViewer
- SetViewRadius()
: TGenerator
- SetViewRange()
: TGenerator
- SetViewVolume()
: TGLPlotCamera
- SetVInt()
: TOracleStatement
- SetVINT()
: TPythia6
- SetVInt()
: TSQLStatement
- SetVirtual()
: TGeoNode
, TLeafObject
- SetVisBranch()
: TGeoAtt
- SetVisContainers()
: TGeoAtt
, TGeoVolume
- SetVisDaughters()
: TGeoAtt
- SetVisDensity()
: TGeoManager
- SetVisHistsUseImp()
: TMVA::RuleFit
- SetVisibility()
: TGeoAtt
, TGeoManager
, TGeoNode
, TGeoPhysicalNode
, TGeoVolume
, TGeoVolumeMulti
, TNode
, TShape
, TVolume
, TVolumePosition
, TVolumeView
- SetVisible()
: TStructNode
- SetVisibleFull()
: TGeoPhysicalNode
- SetVisibleStart()
: TGView
- SetVisLeaves()
: TGeoAtt
, TGeoVolume
- SetVisLevel()
: TEveGeoTopNode
, TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetVisOnly()
: TGeoAtt
, TGeoVolume
- SetVisOption()
: TEveGeoTopNode
, TGeoManager
, TGeoPainter
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- SetVisRaytrace()
: TGeoAtt
- SetVisStreamed()
: TGeoAtt
- SetVisTouched()
: TGeoAtt
- SetVizDBReplace()
: TEveManager
- SetVizDBUpdate()
: TEveManager
- SetVizModel()
: TEveElement
- SetVizTag()
: TEveElement
- SetVLong()
: TOracleStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetVLong64()
: TOracleStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetVolTabEnabled()
: TGeoTabManager
- SetVolume()
: TGeoNode
, TGeoPatternFinder
- SetVolumeAttribute()
: TGeoManager
- SetVolumeElement()
- SetVoxelColor()
: TGLVoxelPainter
- SetVoxelFinder()
: TGeoVolume
- SetVPos()
: TGViewPort
- SetVsbPosition()
: TGCanvas
, TGContainer
, TGLBContainer
, TGTextView
- SetVUInt()
: TOracleStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetVULong64()
: TOracleStatement
, TSQLStatement
- SetVx()
: TMCParticle
- SetVy()
: TMCParticle
- SetVz()
: TMCParticle
- SetW()
: TGXYLayoutHints
- SetWaitForWindow()
: TGClient
- SetWarningOn()
: TQRootApplication
- setWarnLevel()
: RooMinuit
- SetWaveLength()
: TCurlyLine
- SetWavy()
: TCurlyLine
- SetWDolly()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetWeight()
: ROOT::Math::TDataPoint< K, _val_type >
, ROOT::Math::TDataPointN< _val_type >
, TChain
, TEfficiency
, TFractionFitter
, TMVA::ClassInfo
, TMVA::Event
, TMVA::TSynapse
, TNeuron
, TParticle
, TSynapse
, TTree
- SetWeightCorrection()
: ROOT::Fit::FitConfig
- SetWeightCut()
: TParallelCoord
- SetWeightDecay()
: TMVA::DNN::TNet< Architecture_t, Layer_t >
- SetWeightExpression()
: TMVA::DataLoader
, TMVA::DataSetInfo
- SetWeightFileDir()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- SetWeightFileName()
: TMVA::MethodBase
- setWeightSums()
: TMVA::DNN::ClassificationSettings
- SetWFLineW()
: TGLSceneInfo
, TGLViewerBase
- SetWhat()
: TMessage
- SetWIDS()
: TPythia6
- SetWidth()
: TCandle
, TGFrame
, TGTableHeader
, TStructNode
- SetWidthFactor()
: TPolyLineShape
- SetWidthRangeDivisor()
: RooStats::ProposalHelper
- setWidthScaleFactor()
: Roo2DKeysPdf
- SetWikiURL()
: THtml
- SetWindow()
: TView3D
, TView
- SetWindowBackground()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetWindowBackgroundPixmap()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetWindowIcon()
: TGMdiDecorFrame
, TGMdiFrame
- SetWindowName()
: TGCocoa
, TGDockableFrame
, TGMainFrame
, TGMdiDecorFrame
, TGMdiFrame
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGWindow
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetWindowPosition()
: TCanvas
, TCanvasImp
, TQRootCanvas
, TRootCanvas
- SetWindowSize()
: TCanvas
, TCanvasImp
, TQRootCanvas
, TRootCanvas
- SetWindowTitle()
: TCanvasImp
, TRootCanvas
- SetWKSize()
: ROOT::Math::BaseIntegratorOptions
- SetWmax()
: TGaxis
- SetWmin()
: TGaxis
- SetWMPosition()
: TGCocoa
, TGMainFrame
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetWMSize()
: TGCocoa
, TGMainFrame
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetWMSizeHints()
: TGCocoa
, TGMainFrame
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetWMState()
: TGCocoa
, TGMainFrame
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetWMTransientHint()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SetWorkdir()
: XrdProofdSandbox
- SetWorkerOrdinal()
: TProofOutputFile
- SetWorkspace()
: RooStats::ModelConfig
- SetWPhi()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetWrapLength()
: TGLabel
, TGTextButton
- SetWrapTwoPi()
: TEveCaloData
- SetWRatio()
: TGSplitFrame
- SetWritable()
: TDirectory
, TDirectoryFile
- SetWrite()
: TDataSet
- SetWriteMode()
: TBasket
, TBuffer
- SetWriteOptionsReference()
: TMVA::Config
- SetWriteParam()
: TBuffer
, TBufferFile
, TBufferJSON
- SetWriteReady()
: TFileHandler
- SetWriteV3()
: TDSet
- SetWS()
: RooStats::ModelConfig
- SetWSHandle()
: THttpCallArg
- SetWSId()
: THttpCallArg
- SetWTheta()
: TGLAutoRotator
- SetX()
: ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::GSLSimAnFunc
, ROOT::Math::OneDimMultiFunctionAdapter< MultiFuncType >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, TGFrame
, TGLCameraGuide
, TGXYLayoutHints
, TLorentzVector
, TMarker
, TParallelCoordVar
, TPie
, TPoint
, TPoints
, TStructNode
, TText
, TTVRecord
, TVector2
, TVector3
, TVolumePosition
- SetX0()
: TGMdiTitleBar
- SetX1()
: TBox
, TEllipse
, TLine
, TPave
- SetX1NDC()
: TPave
- SetX2()
: TBox
, TLine
, TPave
- SetX2NDC()
: TPave
- setX::
: QuartzView
, QuartzWindow
, <X11Window >
- setX::::
: QuartzView
, QuartzWindow
, <X11Window >
- SetXAxis()
: TRotation
- SetXBetween()
: TAttCanvas
- SetXColumn()
: TTable3Points
- SetXdate()
: TAttCanvas
- SetXdiv()
: TFoamCell
, TMVA::PDEFoamCell
- SetXdivPRD()
: TFoam
- SetXEulerAngles()
: TRotation
- SetXfile()
: TAttPad
- SetXfirst()
: TVirtualFitter
- SetXlast()
: TVirtualFitter
- SetXLog()
: TGLPlotCoordinates
- SetXmax()
- SetXmin()
- SetXminXmax()
: TMVA::MethodPDEFoam
- SetXML()
: TBufferXML
- SetXml()
: THttpCallArg
- SetXmlLayout()
: TXMLFile
, TXMLSetup
- SetXPhi()
: TRotation
- SetXPos()
: TGuiBldEditor
- SetXPsi()
: TRotation
- SetXRange()
: RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
- SetXstat()
: TAttPad
- SetXTheta()
: TRotation
- SetXTitle()
: RooPlot
, TAxis3D
, TH1
- SetXwho()
: THtml
- SetXY()
: ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::Polar2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, TF12
, TGeoPolygon
, TGLCameraGuide
- SetXYcurvature()
: TGeoHelix
- SetXYZ()
: ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::Impl::Translation3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Polar3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, TVector3
, TVolumePosition
- SetXYZM()
: TLorentzVector
- SetXYZT()
: ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem >
, TLorentzVector
- SetY()
: ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, TGFrame
, TGLCameraGuide
, TGXYLayoutHints
, TLorentzVector
, TMarker
, TParallelCoordVar
, TPie
, TPoint
, TPoints
, TStructNode
, TText
, TTVRecord
, TVector2
, TVector3
, TVolumePosition
- SetY0()
: TGMdiTitleBar
- SetY1()
: TBox
, TEllipse
, TLine
, TPave
- SetY1NDC()
: TPave
- SetY2()
: TBox
, TLine
, TPave
- SetY2NDC()
: TPave
- SetYAxis()
: TRotation
- setYAxisLabel()
: RooPlotable
- setYAxisLimits()
: RooPlotable
- SetYBetween()
: TAttCanvas
- SetYColumn()
: TTable3Points
- SetYdate()
: TAttCanvas
- SetYEulerAngles()
: TRotation
- SetYfile()
: TAttPad
- SetYfirst()
: TVirtualFitter
- SetYlast()
: TVirtualFitter
- SetYLog()
: TGLPlotCoordinates
- SetYoffset()
: TClassTree
- SetYPhi()
: TRotation
- SetYPos()
: TGuiBldEditor
- SetYPsi()
: TRotation
- SetYRange()
: RooStats::SamplingDistPlot
- SetYstat()
: TAttPad
- SetYTheta()
: TRotation
- SetYTitle()
: RooPlot
, TAxis3D
, TH1
- SetZ()
: ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D< T >
, ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag >
, TGeoMaterial
, TGeoMixture
, TGeoPconSection
, TLorentzVector
, TTVRecord
, TVector3
, TVolumePosition
- SetZAxis()
: TRotation
- SetZColumn()
: TTable3Points
- SetZfirst()
: TVirtualFitter
- SetZipBytes()
: TFileInfoMeta
- SetZipping()
: THttpCallArg
- SetZlast()
: TVirtualFitter
- SetZLog()
: TGLPlotCoordinates
- SetZMIX()
: TPythia6
- SetZoom()
: TGLOrthoCamera
- SetZoomMax()
: TGLOrthoCamera
- SetZoomMin()
: TGLOrthoCamera
- SetZoomMinMax()
: TGLOrthoCamera
- SetZOuterValue()
: ROOT::Math::Delaunay2D
- SetZScale()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- SetZTitle()
: RooPlot
, TAxis3D
, TH1
: Pyssmt_t
- SGZ()
: TFumili
- ShadowColorCalculation()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- Shape()
: TSpectrumFit
- Shape2()
: TSpectrum2Fit
- shapeClientIterator()
: RooAbsArg
- shapeClientMIterator()
: RooAbsArg
- ShapeCombineMask()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- shaped
: XShapeEvent
- ShapeDistances()
: TGeoChecker
- ShapeDistancetoPrimitive()
: TGeoPainter
, TGeoShape
, TShape
, TVirtualGeoPainter
- ShapeFactor()
: RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor
- shapeFactorName
: RooStats::HistFactory::EstimateSummary
- ShapeLOD()
: TGLRnrCtx
- ShapeNormal()
: TGeoChecker
- ShapePixSize()
: TGLRnrCtx
- ShapeSafety()
: TGeoChecker
- shapesCount
: ROOTwriter.ROOTwriter
- ShapeSys()
: RooStats::HistFactory::EstimateSummary::ShapeSys
, RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys
- shapeSysts
: RooStats::HistFactory::EstimateSummary
- ShapeVec_i
: TGLScene
- ShapeVec_t
: TGLScene
- sharedProp()
: RooRealVar
- Shell()
: TAlien
, TGLite
, TGrid
- ShellGet()
: XrdClientEnv
- ShellGetInt()
: XrdClientEnv
- Shift()
: TGLVertex3
, TMatrixTBase< Element >
, TMatrixTSym< Element >
, TVectorT< Element >
- ShiftBlobRow()
: TSQLObjectData
- ShiftBoundVariables()
: TQpVar
- shiftCurveToZero()
: RooCurve
- ShiftLeft()
: TBtInnerNode
, TBtLeafNode
- ShiftStack()
: TBufferXML
- ShiftTabPressed()
: TGTextEntry
- ShiftToNext()
: TXMLEngine
- ShiftToNextValue()
: TSQLObjectData
- shiftToZero
: RooAbsReal::PlotOpt
- ShootRay()
: TGeoChecker
- ShortType()
: THtml
- ShouldClip()
: TGLSceneInfo
- ShouldDLCache()
: TEveBoxSetGL
, TEveCalo3DGL
, TEveStraightLineSetGL
, TGLLogicalShape
, TGLObject
, TPointSet3DGL
- ShouldGoIn()
: TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
- ShouldImport()
: TEveProjectionManager
- ShouldTakeStep()
: RooStats::MetropolisHastings
- Show()
: TApplication
, TApplicationImp
, TAuthenticate
, TBenchmark
, TBrowser
, TBrowserImp
, TCanvas
, TCanvasImp
, TControlBar
, TControlBarImp
, TFitEditor
, TGButtonGroup
, TGedEditor
, TGeoTransientPanel
, TGFileBrowser
, TGLSAViewer
, TGSplitTool
, TGTable
, TGToolTip
, TGuiBuilder
, TInspectorImp
, TMemStat
, TMemStatShow
, TPackMgr
, TQRootCanvas
, TRootApplication
, TRootBrowser
, TRootBrowserLite
, TRootCanvas
, TRootControlBar
, TRootGuiBuilder
, TStyleManager
, TTree
, TTVSession
, TVirtualPadEditor
- ShowAcceptOptions()
: TServerSocket
- ShowAxis()
: TView3D
, TView
- ShowBackground()
: TH1
, TH2
- ShowBottom()
: TGTextView
- ShowBoxCut()
: TGL5DPainter
- ShowCache()
: TDataSetManager
, TDataSetManagerAliEn
, TDataSetManagerFile
, TProof
, TProofLite
- ShowClassesUsedBy()
: TClassTree
, TPaveClass
- ShowClassesUsing()
: TClassTree
, TPaveClass
- ShowClose()
: TGTabElement
- ShowCloseTab()
: TRootBrowser
- ShowCod()
: TClassTree
- ShowContainer()
: TGDockableFrame
- ShowData()
: TProof
, TProofLite
- ShowDataDir()
: TProofLite
- ShowDataSet()
: TProof
- ShowDataSetCache()
: TProof
, TProofLite
- ShowDataSetQuota()
: TProof
- ShowDataSets()
: TDataSetManager
, TDataSetManagerAliEn
, TProof
, TProofLite
- ShowEditor()
: TCanvasImp
, TRootCanvas
, TVirtualPadEditor
- ShowEnabled()
: TPackMgr
- ShowEnabledPackages()
: TProof
, TSessionViewer
- ShowFeedback()
: TProof
- ShowFrame()
: TGCompositeFrame
, TGPack
- ShowFrames()
: TGMdiMenuBar
- ShowGuidelines()
: TPad
, TVirtualPad
- ShowHas()
: TClassTree
- ShowInfo()
: TSessionViewer
- ShowLinks()
: TClassTree
, TPaveClass
- ShowLinksToggled()
: TStructViewerGUI
- ShowLog()
: TProof
, TSessionViewer
- ShowMacroButtons()
: TRootBrowserLite
- ShowMenu()
: TRootBrowser
- ShowMenuBar()
: TCanvasImp
, TRootCanvas
- ShowMissingFiles()
: TProof
- ShowMul()
: TClassTree
- ShowNeutrons()
: TGenerator
- ShowNormalDecorations()
: TEveCompositeFrame
- ShowNormalEveDecorations()
: TEveWindowManager
- ShowObjectName()
: TFitEditor
- ShowOutput()
: TSystem
- ShowPackages()
: TProof
, TSessionViewer
- ShowParameters()
: TProof
- ShowPeaks()
: TH1
, TH2
- showPid()
: RooMsgService
- ShowPos()
: TGProgressBar
, TGVProgressBar
- ShowPosition()
: TGHProgressBar
- ShowProjection3()
: THistPainter
- ShowProjectionX()
: THistPainter
- ShowProjectionY()
: THistPainter
- ShowQueries()
: TProof
- ShowQuota()
: TDataSetManager
- ShowRef()
: TClassTree
- ShowROOTVersions()
: TProofMgr
, TXProofMgr
- ShowSelectMaterial()
: TGeoManagerEditor
- ShowSelectMatrix()
: TGeoManagerEditor
- ShowSelectMedium()
: TGeoManagerEditor
- ShowSelectShape()
: TGeoManagerEditor
- ShowSelectVolume()
: TGeoManagerEditor
- ShowStagingStatusDataSet()
: TProof
- ShowStatus()
: TSessionViewer
- ShowStatusBar()
: TCanvasImp
, TRootBrowserLite
, TRootCanvas
- ShowStreamerInfo()
: TFile
- ShowToolBar()
: TCanvasImp
, TRootBrowserLite
, TRootCanvas
- ShowToolTips()
: TCanvasImp
, TRootCanvas
- ShowTop()
: TGTextView
- ShowWorkers()
: TProofMgr
, TXProofMgr
- ShrdPtrBool_t
: ROOT::Experimental::TDF::TResultProxy< T >
- Shrink()
: TEmulatedCollectionProxy
, TGTable
- ShrinkAndCopy()
: TGraph
- ShrinkCacheFileDir()
: TFile
- ShrinkColumns()
: TGTable
- ShrinkRows()
: TGTable
- Shuffle()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
, TMVA::DNN::TDataLoader< Data_t, AArchitecture >
, TMVA::MethodMLP
- Shunt()
: TDataSet
, TDataSetIter
- Shutdown()
: TMySQLServer
, TODBCServer
, TOracleServer
, TPgSQLServer
, TSapDBServer
, TSQLiteServer
, TSQLServer
- ShutDown()
: XrdClientConnectionMgr
- ShutdownSession()
: TProofMgr
, TSessionFrame
- sid
: XPClientArchiveRequest
, XPClientInterruptRequest
, XPClientProofRequest
, XPClientSendRcvRequest
- Sid()
: XrdClientID
- sIdcs
: RooNDKeysPdf::BoxInfo
- Side()
: TView3D
, TView
- SideView()
: TView3D
, TView
- SideVisibilityDecode()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SideVisibilityEncode()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SidManager()
: XrdClientConnectionMgr
- sig
: TMVA::MethodInfo
- SigAlarmInterruptsSyscalls()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
- sigE
: TMVA::MethodInfo
: Pyint3_t
- sigma()
: GaussFunction
, RooAbsData
, RooAbsReal
, RooCBShape
, RooGaussian
, RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
, RooLandau
- Sigma()
: ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLVegasIntegrationWorkspace
, ROOT::Minuit2::GaussRandomGen
- sigma
: RooVoigtian
- sigmaL
: RooBifurGauss
- sigmaR
: RooBifurGauss
- Sigmoid()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
, TNeuron
- SigmoidDerivative()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
- Signal()
: TCondition
, TConditionImp
, TPosixCondition
, TWin32Condition
- SignalTreeInfo()
: TMVA::DataInputHandler
- Significance()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SignificanceError()
: RooStats::HypoTestResult
- SignOfTag()
: RooBlindTools
- sigp
: RooBukinPdf
: Pyint7_t
- silentMode()
: RooMsgService
- Sim_const()
: ROOT::Minuit2::GaussDataGen
- Sim_Mean()
: ROOT::Minuit2::GaussDataGen
- Sim_var()
: ROOT::Minuit2::GaussDataGen
- Similarity()
: TMatrixT< Element >
, TMatrixTSym< Element >
- SimilarityT()
: TMatrixTSym< Element >
- SimMaster
: RooAbsTestStatistic
- SimpleEvent()
: TPerfStats
, TTreePerfStats
, TVirtualPerfStats
- SimpleInterval()
: RooStats::SimpleInterval
- SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat()
: RooStats::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
- simplex()
: RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- Simplex()
: ROOT::Minuit2::SimplexParameters
- SimplexBuilder()
: ROOT::Minuit2::SimplexBuilder
- SimplexMinimizer()
: ROOT::Minuit2::SimplexMinimizer
- SimplexParameters()
: ROOT::Minuit2::SimplexParameters
- SimplexSeedGenerator()
: ROOT::Minuit2::SimplexSeedGenerator
- simul()
: RooFactoryWSTool
- Simulate()
: TAlienJDL
- SimulatedAnnealing()
: TMVA::SimulatedAnnealing
- SimulatedAnnealingFitter()
: TMVA::SimulatedAnnealingFitter
- SimulateEvent()
: TMVA::MethodMLP
- Sin()
: TComplex
- SinAngle()
: ROOT::Math::RotationX
, ROOT::Math::RotationY
, ROOT::Math::RotationZ
- sinBasis
: RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
, RooTruthModel
- sinBasisMinus
: RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
, RooTruthModel
- sinBasisPlus
: RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
, RooTruthModel
- sinBasisSum
: RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
, RooTruthModel
- SineCosine()
: TVirtualFFT
- SineLinear
: RooMomentMorph
- SingleBoost()
: TMVA::MethodBoost
- SingleRnrState()
: TEveElement
, TEveGeoTopNode
, TEveScene
, TEveSceneInfo
- SingleShot()
: TTimer
- SingleSided
: RooBCPEffDecay
, RooBCPGenDecay
, RooBDecay
, RooBMixDecay
, RooDecay
, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- SingleTrain()
: TMVA::MethodBoost
- SinH()
: TComplex
- sinhBasis
: RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
, RooTruthModel
- sinhBasisMinus
: RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
, RooTruthModel
- sinhBasisPlus
: RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
, RooTruthModel
- sinhBasisSum
: RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
, RooTruthModel
- SinParameterTransformation()
: ROOT::Minuit2::SinParameterTransformation
- size()
: RooExpensiveObjectCache
, RooHashTable
- Size()
: RooStats::BayesianCalculator
, RooStats::CombinedCalculator
, RooStats::FeldmanCousins
, RooStats::HypoTestInverter
, RooStats::HypoTestInverterOriginal
, RooStats::IntervalCalculator
, RooStats::MarkovChain
, RooStats::MCMCCalculator
, RooStats::NeymanConstruction
- size()
: ROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Type< T >
, ROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Type< Internal::TStdBitsetHelper< Bitset_t > >
, ROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Type< std::vector< Bool_t > >
, ROOT::Experimental::THistStatContent< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STORAGE >
- Size()
: ROOT::Fit::DataRange
, ROOT::Fit::FitData
, ROOT::Math::GSLQuasiRandomEngine
, ROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine
, ROOT::Math::GSLRngROOTWrapper< Engine >
, ROOT::Math::LCGEngine
, ROOT::Math::MersenneTwisterEngine
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine< N, SkipNumber >
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< _N >
- size()
: ROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumState
, ROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix
, ROOT::Minuit2::LAVector
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinimumState
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserCovariance
, ROOT::TSeq< T >
, RooVectorDataStore::CatVector
, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- Size()
: TCanvas
, TClass
, TDataType
, TEmulatedCollectionProxy
, TEmulatedMapProxy
, TEveChunkManager
, TEvePointSetArray
, TGenCollectionProxy
, TGeoTrack
, TGRectangle
- size()
: TMVA::DNN::Batch
, TMVA::DNN::LayerData
- Size()
: TPoints3D
, TPoints3DABC
, TPointsArray3D
, TPolyLine3D
, TPolyLine
, TPolyLineShape
, TPolyMarker3D
, TPolyMarker
, TQRootCanvas
, TTablePadView3D
, TTablePoints
, TVirtualCollectionProxy
, XrdClientReadCacheItem
- size
: XrdClientVector< T >
- Size()
: XrdProofdClient
, XrdProofGroup
- size_type
: BidirMMapPipe
, ROOT::MacOSX::X11::CommandBuffer
, TGL2DArray< T >
, TGL5DPainter
- SizeAndLink()
: TGHtml
- Sizeof()
: TDatime
, TDirectory
, TDirectoryFile
, TEmulatedCollectionProxy
, TFile
, TFree
, TGenCollectionProxy
- SizeOf()
: TGeoBranchArray
, TGeoManager
- Sizeof()
: TKey
, TNamed
, TObjString
, TSQLFile
, TString
, TStringLong
, TTableDescriptor
, TVirtualCollectionProxy
, TXMLFile
- Sizeof3D()
: TAtt3D
, TGeoArb8
, TGeoBBox
, TGeoBoolNode
, TGeoCompositeShape
, TGeoCone
, TGeoConeSeg
, TGeoHalfSpace
, TGeoHype
, TGeoIntersection
, TGeoOverlap
, TGeoPara
, TGeoParaboloid
, TGeoPcon
, TGeoPgon
, TGeoShape
, TGeoSphere
, TGeoSubtraction
, TGeoTorus
, TGeoTrack
, TGeoTrd1
, TGeoTrd2
, TGeoTube
, TGeoTubeSeg
, TGeoUnion
, TGeoXtru
, TNode
, TParticle
, TPolyLineShape
, TPrimary
, TVolume
, TVolumeView
- sizeof_t
: XrdClientVector< T >
- SizeofAtom()
: TEveBoxSet
, TEveQuadSet
- SizeOfInstance()
: TGeoBranchArray
- SizeOfScene()
: TGLScene
- Sizer()
: TGHtml
- SizeType_t
: TColorGradient
- Sizing_t
: TGenCollectionProxy
- skewness()
: RooAbsData
- Skewness()
: ROOT::Math::Vavilov
- Skip()
: ROOT::Math::GSLQuasiRandomEngine
, ROOT::Math::QuasiRandom< Engine >
, TGeoIterator
- SkipArrayLimit()
: TSQLFile
- SkipCheck()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SkipEmpty()
: TXMLEngine
- SkipObjectAny()
: TBuffer
, TBufferFile
, TBufferJSON
, TBufferSQL2
, TBufferXML
- SkipObjects()
: TFileIter
- SkipSessionsCheck()
: XrdProofdClient
- SkipVersion()
: TBuffer
, TBufferFile
, TBufferJSON
, TBufferSQL2
, TBufferXML
- Slave
: RooAbsTestStatistic
- SlaveBegin()
: h1analysis
, h1analysisTreeReader
, RooProofDriverSelector
, TProofDraw
, TProofDrawEntryList
, TProofDrawEventList
, TProofDrawGraph
, TProofDrawHist
, TProofDrawListOfGraphs
, TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D
, TProofDrawPolyMarker3D
, TProofDrawProfile2D
, TProofDrawProfile
, TPySelector
, TSelector
, TSelectorCint
, TSelectorEntries
, TSelEvent
, TSelEventGen
, TSelHandleDataSet
, TSelHist
, TSelVerifyDataSet
- SlaveStartupThread()
: TProof
- SlaveTerminate()
: h1analysis
, h1analysisTreeReader
, RooProofDriverSelector
, TProofDraw
, TProofDrawEntryList
, TProofDrawEventList
, TPySelector
, TSelector
, TSelectorCint
, TSelectorEntries
, TSelEvent
, TSelEventGen
, TSelHandleDataSet
, TSelHist
, TSelVerifyDataSet
- Sleep()
: TSystem
, TThread
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
- Slice()
: TASImage
, TImage
, TSpectrum2Painter
- SliceCrossing()
: TGeoPgon
- SliceCrossingIn()
: TGeoPgon
- SliceCrossingInZ()
: TGeoPgon
- SliceCrossingZ()
: TGeoPgon
- SliceDLMap_i
: TEveCaloLegoGL
- SliceDLMap_t
: TEveCaloLegoGL
- SliceInfo_t()
: TEveCaloData::SliceInfo_t
- sliceIterator()
: RooDataHist
- SliceType_t
: Rgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< DataSource, ValueType >
- SliderCallback()
: TEveGDoubleValuator
, TEveGValuator
- sLTI_i
: TEveElement
, TGFileBrowser
- sLTI_ri
: TEveElement
, TGFileBrowser
- sLTI_t
: TEveElement
, TGFileBrowser
- SMatrix()
: ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >
- SMatrixRow()
: ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >::SMatrixRow
- SMatrixRow_const()
: ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >::SMatrixRow_const
- sMemoryPolicy
: PyROOT::TCallContext
- Smooth()
: TGraphPainter
, TH1
, TH2
- SmoothArray()
: TH1
- SmoothHistogram()
- Smoothin()
: TGraphSmooth
- SmoothKern()
: TGraphSmooth
- SmoothLowess()
: TGraphSmooth
- SmoothMarkov()
: TSpectrum2
, TSpectrum3
, TSpectrum
- SmoothSuper()
: TGraphSmooth
: Pyssmt_t
: Pyssmt_t
- Snap2Grid()
: TGuiBldDragManager
- snapshot()
: RooAbsCollection
- Snapshot()
: ROOT::Experimental::TDF::TInterface< Proxied >
- SnapshotImpl()
: ROOT::Experimental::TDF::TInterface< Proxied >
- SnapshotMerge()
: ROOT::TThreadedObject< T >
- Sockdescr
: XrdClientSock
- Sockid
: XrdClientSock
- SockPathDir()
: XrdProofdManager
- Socks4Handshake()
: XrdClientSock
- softAbort()
: RooErrorHandler
- softAssert()
: RooErrorHandler
- Softmax()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
- SoftmaxCrossEntropy()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
- SoftmaxCrossEntropyGradients()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
- SoftSign()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
- SoftSignDerivative()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
- solids
: writer.writer
- solList
: ROOTwriter.ROOTwriter
- SolMap
: TGDMLParse
- Solve()
: Quad
, ROOT::Math::BrentRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecomp< F, N >
, ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompGenDim< F >
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv
, ROOT::Math::GSLSimAnnealing
, ROOT::Math::IRootFinderMethod
, ROOT::Math::RootFinder
, TDecompBase
, TDecompBK
, TDecompChol
, TDecompLU
, TDecompQRH
, TDecompSparse
, TDecompSVD
, TGondzioSolver
, TMehrotraSolver
, TQpLinSolverBase
, TQpSolverBase
- Solve_sub1()
: TDecompSparse
- Solve_sub2()
: TDecompSparse
- SolveCompressed()
: TQpLinSolverBase
, TQpLinSolverDens
, TQpLinSolverSparse
- SolveCubic()
: TGeoTorus
- SolveQuartic()
: TGeoTorus
- Solver()
: ROOT::Math::GSLRootFdFSolver
, ROOT::Math::GSLRootFSolver
- SolveXYZS()
: TQpLinSolverBase
- SomePositive()
: TVectorT< Element >
- SomeWindowClosed()
: TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame
- sort()
: RooAbsCollection
, RooArgList
- Sort()
: RooLinkedList
, TClonesArray
, TDataSet
, TEventList
, TFileCacheRead
, TFileCollection
, TGeoBranchArray
, TGFileContainer
, TGListTree
, TGraph
, TGTableHeader
, TH1K
, TList
, TMatrixDEigen
, TMVA::GeneticPopulation
, TObjArray
, TOrdCollection
, TRefArray
, TSortedList
, XrdProofWorker
- SortAll()
: TGeoVoxelFinder
- SortBaskets()
: TTreeCloner
- SortBinsByDensity()
: TKDTreeBinning
- SortBranchesByTime()
: TTree
- SortByName()
: TGComboBox
, TGListBox
- SortChildren()
: TGListTree
- SortCrossedVoxels()
: TGeoVoxelFinder
- sortDataIndices()
: RooNDKeysPdf
- sortedVols
: ROOTwriter.ROOTwriter
- SorterTV_L2H()
: RooNDKeysPdf::SorterTV_L2H
- SortIt()
: TDataSet
- SortListOfModules()
: THtml
- SortNodes()
: TGeoVolume
- SortOneDimBinEdges()
: TKDTreeBinning
- SortOverlaps()
: TGeoManager
- SortPathMarksByTime()
: TEveTrack
- SortSiblings()
: TGListTree
- SortSingular()
: TDecompSVD
- SortSlices()
: TPie
- SortTable()
: TClassTable
- SortValues()
: RooStats::SamplingDistribution
- sourceClone()
: RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem
- SpacePressed()
: TGContainer
- SparseData()
: ROOT::Fit::SparseData
- SpawnEditor()
: TEveElement
- SpawnEditorClone()
: TEveGedNameFrame
- SpawnGLEmbeddedViewer()
: TEveViewer
- SpawnGLViewer()
: TEveViewer
- SpawnNewEditor()
: TEveGedEditor
- SpawnNewScene()
: TEveManager
- SpawnNewViewer()
: TEveManager
- Spec
: Hoption_t
- specialGeneratorConfig()
: RooAbsPdf
- specialIntegratorConfig()
: RooAbsReal
- specializeIntegral()
: RooProdPdf
- specializeRatio()
: RooProdPdf
- Spectators()
: TMVA::VariableTransformBase
- Spectrum()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- Speed
: RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
- SpeedControl()
: TMVA::ConvergenceTest
- spher
: h1analysis
- Sphere()
: ROOT::Math::Random< Engine >
, ROOT::Math::RandomFunctions< Engine, EngineBaseType >
, ROOT::Math::RandomFunctions< EngineType, ROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine >
, ROOT::Math::RandomFunctionsImpl< TRandomEngine >
, TGDMLParse
, TRandom
- Spin()
: TParticlePDG
- split()
: RooAbsData
- Split()
: ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::TerminalNode
, TBtInnerNode
, TBtLeafNode
, TBtNode
, TPMERegexp
- SplitAclicMode()
: TSystem
- splitArg()
: RooCustomizer
- splitArgs()
: RooCustomizer
- SplitBinContent()
: ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::TerminalNode
- SplitClassIntoDirFile()
: THtml::TFileDefinition
- SplitConcavePolygon()
- SplitEdge()
: Rgl::Mc::TDefaultSplitter< H, E, V >
, Rgl::Mc::TF3EdgeSplitter
- SplitEffectiveEntries()
: ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::TerminalNode
- SplitEntryList()
: TDSet
- splitFunctionArgs()
: RooFactoryWSTool
- SplitHor()
: TGSplitFrame
- SplitHorizontal()
: TGSplitFrame
- SplitInterval()
: TEveProjectionAxesGL
- SplitIntervalByPos()
: TEveProjectionAxesGL
- SplitIntervalByVal()
: TEveProjectionAxesGL
- splitLeafList()
: RooSimPdfBuilder
- SplitNames()
: TSelectorDraw
- SplitNode()
: ROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::SplitNode
- SplitOptions()
: TMVA::Configurable
- splitParameter()
: RooSimWSTool::SplitRule
- splitParameterConstrained()
: RooSimWSTool::SplitRule
- SplitPerHost()
: TPacketizerAdaptive
- SplitRule()
: RooSimWSTool::SplitRule
- SplitSets()
: TMVA::DataLoader
- SplitString()
: TMVA::Tools
- SplitterBase_t
: Rgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< DataSource, ValueType >
- SplitVariables()
: TTreeDrawArgsParser
- SplitVer()
: TGSplitFrame
- SplitVertical()
: TGSplitFrame
- SplitWith()
: TBtInnerNode
, TBtLeafNode
- SPlot()
: RooStats::SPlot
- SPlots()
: TSPlot
- Spread()
: TKDTree< Index, Value >
- SpreadControl()
: TMVA::GeneticAlgorithm
- SPT_t
: ROOT::Experimental::TDF::TResultProxy< T >
: ROOT::Experimental::TDF::TResultProxy< T >
- SQLApplyCommands()
: TSQLFile
- SQLBigTextType()
: TSQLFile
- SQLCanStatement()
: TSQLFile
- SQLCommit()
: TSQLFile
- SQLCompatibleType()
: TSQLFile
- SQLDatetimeType()
: TSQLFile
- SQLDefaultTableType()
: TSQLFile
- SQLDeleteAllTables()
: TSQLFile
- SQLDeleteStatement()
: TSQLFile
- SQLDirIdColumn()
: TSQLFile
- SQLIdentifierQuote()
: TSQLFile
- SQLIntType()
: TSQLFile
- SQLKeyIdColumn()
: TSQLFile
- SQLMaxIdentifierLength()
: TSQLFile
- SQLMaximumValue()
: TSQLFile
- SQLNameSeparator()
: TSQLFile
- SqlObjectData()
: TBufferSQL2
- SQLObjectIdColumn()
: TSQLFile
- SqlObjectInfo()
: TBufferSQL2
- SQLObjectInfo()
: TSQLFile
- SQLObjectsInfo()
: TSQLFile
- SQLQuery()
: TSQLFile
- SQLRawIdColumn()
: TSQLFile
- SqlReadAny()
: TBufferSQL2
- SqlReadArraySize()
: TBufferSQL2
- SqlReadBasic()
: TBufferSQL2
- SqlReadCharStarValue()
: TBufferSQL2
- SqlReadObject()
: TBufferSQL2
- SqlReadObjectDirect()
: TBufferSQL2
- SqlReadValue()
: TBufferSQL2
- SQLRollback()
: TSQLFile
- SQLSmallTextType()
: TSQLFile
- SQLSmallTextTypeLimit()
: TSQLFile
- SQLStartTransaction()
: TSQLFile
- SQLStatement()
: TSQLFile
- SQLStrIdColumn()
: TSQLFile
- SQLTestTable()
: TSQLFile
- SQLValueQuote()
: TSQLFile
- SqlWriteAny()
: TBufferSQL2
- SqlWriteBasic()
: TBufferSQL2
- SqlWriteObject()
: TBufferSQL2
- SqlWriteValue()
: TBufferSQL2
- Sqr()
: TFoam
, TMatrixTBase< Element >
, TMVA::MethodPDEFoam
, TMVA::PDEFoamKernelGauss
, TVectorT< Element >
- sqroot
: ApplicationWindow
- Sqrt()
: TComplex
, TMatrixTBase< Element >
, TVectorT< Element >
- SqrtLowParameterTransformation()
: ROOT::Minuit2::SqrtLowParameterTransformation
- SqrtUpParameterTransformation()
: ROOT::Minuit2::SqrtUpParameterTransformation
- SquareDistance()
: TEveVector2T< TT >
, TEveVectorT< TT >
- SrvPID()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- SrvProtVers()
- SrvType()
: XrdProofdManager
, XrdProofdProofServ
- ssf
: RooGaussModel
, RooGExpModel
- SshAuth()
: TAuthenticate
- SshError()
: TAuthenticate
- sSig
: TMVA::MethodInfo
- sSignalPolicy
: PyROOT::TCallContext
- St_XDFFile
: TTable
- Stable()
: TGeoElementRN
, TParticlePDG
- Stack()
: TBufferJSON
, TBufferSQL2
, TBufferXML
- StackAllocator()
: ROOT::Minuit2::StackAllocator
- StackNode()
: TBufferXML
- StackTrace()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
- Stage
: RooMCIntegrator
- stage
: ROOT::Math::VegasParameters
- Stage()
: TAlienCollection
, TDCacheFile
, TFileStager
, TGridCollection
, TNetXNGFileStager
, TNetXNGSystem
, TXNetFileStager
- Staged_t
: TGenCollectionProxy
- StageReqRepo()
: XrdProofdManager
- StampBackPtrElements()
: TEveRefBackPtr
- StampColorSelection()
: TEveElement
- StampGeom()
: TEveArrow
- StampObjProps()
: TEveElement
- StampTransBBox()
: TEveElement
- StampVisibility()
: TEveElement
- standby()
: RooRealMPFE
- standMoment()
: RooAbsData
- Star
: Hoption_t
- Start()
: TBenchmark
, TGLAutoRotator
, TGLLine3
, TGLStopwatch
, TMVA::Monitoring
, TPerfStats
, TQpSolverBase
, TRecorder
, TRecorderInactive
, TRecorderState
, TStopwatch
, TSubString
, TTimer
, XrdPoll
- StartAssemblyN()
: TGDMLWrite
- StartDrag()
: TGDNDManager
, TGuiBldDragManager
, TVirtualDragManager
- StartEditing()
: TPad
, TRecorderRecording
- StartedReader()
: XrdClientPhyConnection
- StartElementIndex()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MPIProcess
- StartEmbeddedPS()
: TGLOutput
- StartEmbedding()
: TBrowser
, TBrowserImp
, TEveWindowSlot
, TRootBrowser
- StartGarbageCollection()
: TCollection
- StartGDML()
: TGDMLParse
- StartGDMLWriting()
: TGDMLWrite
- StartGuiBuilding()
: TGFrame
- StartIdleing()
: TApplication
- StartImageAutoSave()
: TGLAutoRotator
- StartImageAutoSaveAnimatedGif()
: TGLAutoRotator
- StartImageAutoSaveWithGUISettings()
: TGLAutoRotator
- StartLearningPhase()
: TTreeCache
- StartLogFile()
: TSQLFile
- StartMouseTimer()
: TGLEventHandler
- StartMovement()
: TGLBoxCut
- StartMPI()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MPIProcess
- StartMsg()
: XrdProofdProofServ
- StartPaletteEditor()
: TASImage
, TAttImage
- StartPan()
: TGL5DPainter
, TGLBoxPainter
, TGLH2PolyPainter
, TGLIsoPainter
, TGLLegoPainter
, TGLParametricPlot
, TGLPlotCamera
, TGLPlotPainter
, TGLSurfacePainter
, TGLTF3Painter
, TGLTH3CompositionPainter
, TGLVoxelPainter
- StartReader()
: XrdClientPhyConnection
- StartRecording()
: TRecorderRecording
- StartRefreshTimer()
: TGFileContainer
- StartRootd()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- StartRotation()
: TGLPlotCamera
- StartSlaves()
: TProof
, TProofCondor
, TProofSuperMaster
- StartStop()
: TGRecorder
- StartStopwatch()
: TGLRnrCtx
- startTestCycle()
: TMVA::DNN::ClassificationSettings
, TMVA::DNN::Settings
- StartThreadUnzip()
: TTreeCacheUnzip
- StartTime()
: TProofLog
- startTrainCycle()
: TMVA::DNN::ClassificationSettings
, TMVA::DNN::Settings
- startTraining()
: TMVA::DNN::Settings
- startTransaction()
: RooWorkspace
- StartTransaction()
: TMySQLServer
, TODBCServer
, TOracleServer
, TSQLFile
, TSQLiteServer
, TSQLServer
- StartupMessage()
: TProof
, TSessionViewer
- StartViewer()
: TDSet
, TSessionViewer
, TTree
, TTreePlayer
, TVirtualTreePlayer
- StartVolumeN()
: TGDMLWrite
- Stat()
: TProofMgr
, TXProofMgr
- Stat_t
: ROOT::Experimental::Detail::THistImplBase< DATA >
- StatConstraintType
: RooStats::HistFactory::EstimateSummary
- StatDialogBDT()
: TMVA::StatDialogBDT
- StatDialogBDTReg()
: TMVA::StatDialogBDTReg
- StatDialogMVAEffs()
: TMVA::StatDialogMVAEffs
- State
: RooRealMPFE
, ROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionMinimum
, ROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumSeed
, ROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum
, ROOT::Minuit2::MinimumSeed
, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnApplication
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnCross
- StateInt_t
: ROOT::Math::LCGEngine
, ROOT::Math::MersenneTwisterEngine
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine< N, SkipNumber >
, ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< _N >
- Statement()
: TMySQLServer
, TODBCServer
, TOracleServer
, TPgSQLServer
, TSQLiteServer
, TSQLServer
- StatError()
: RooStats::HistFactory::StatError
- StatErrorConfig()
: RooStats::HistFactory::StatErrorConfig
- States()
: ROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionMinimum
, ROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum
- StaticBackground()
: TSpectrum2
, TSpectrum
- StaticSearch()
: TSpectrum2
, TSpectrum
- Statistics()
: TMVA::MethodBase
, TObjectTable
- statOn()
: RooAbsData
- StatOverflows()
: TH1
- Stats()
: XrdPoll
, XrdProofdProtocol
- status()
: RooFitResult
- Status()
: ROOT::Fit::FitResult
, ROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D
, ROOT::Math::BrentRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::Derivator
, ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLDerivator
, ROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator
, ROOT::Math::GSLMinimizer1D
, ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder
, ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv
, ROOT::Math::IMinimizer1D
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim
, ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDim
, ROOT::Math::IRootFinderMethod
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::RootFinder
, ROOT::Math::VirtualIntegrator
, TAlienCollection
, TGeoElementRN
, TGridCollection
, TRegexp
, XrdProofdProofServ
, XrdProofdProtocol
- statusCodeHistory()
: RooFitResult
- statusLabelHistory()
: RooFitResult
- StdDarkBackground()
: TGLColorSet
- stdDev()
: TMVA::DNN::MeanVariance
- stdDev_corr()
: TMVA::DNN::MeanVariance
- StdEngine()
: ROOT::Math::StdEngine< Generator >
- Stderr()
: TAlien
, TGLite
, TGrid
- StdLightBackground()
: TGLColorSet
- Stdout()
: TAlien
, TGLite
, TGrid
- StdSetupLights()
: TGLLightSet
- Steepest()
: TMVA::DNN::Steepest
- SteepestDir()
: TMultiLayerPerceptron
, TMVA::MethodMLP
- Steffenson()
: ROOT::Math::Roots::Steffenson
- Step()
: ROOT::Math::GSLSimAnFunc
- step()
: ROOT::TSeq< T >
- Step()
: TEveGridStepper
, TEveTrackPropagator::Helix_t
, TEveTrackPropagator
, TGeoHelix
, TGeoManager
, TGeoNavigator
, TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
- step_size
: ROOT::Math::GSLSimAnParams
- StepBound()
: TQpVar
- StepLoss()
: TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
- StepMomentum()
: TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
- StepNesterov()
: TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
- Stepping()
: TMCVerbose
, TVirtualMCApplication
- StepProcesses()
: TVirtualMC
- StepReducedWeights()
: TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
- StepReducedWeightsLoss()
: TMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t >
- StepRungeKutta()
: TEveTrackPropagator
- StepScale()
: TGSpeedo
- StepSize()
: ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings
- StepSizes()
: ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer
- StepTolerance()
: ROOT::Minuit2::HessianGradientCalculator
, ROOT::Minuit2::InitialGradientCalculator
, ROOT::Minuit2::Numerical2PGradientCalculator
- StepToPlane()
: TGeoHelix
- sterilize()
: RooCacheManager< T >
, RooObjCacheManager
- SteveStart()
: TQpSolverBase
- StickyZoom()
: TAxis3D
- StiefelInversion()
: TSpectrum2Fit
, TSpectrumFit
- Stop()
: Rgl::TGuardBase
, TBenchmark
, TGHtmlBrowser
, TGLAutoRotator
, TGLRedrawTimer
, TPerfStats
, TRecorder
, TRecorderRecording
, TRecorderState
, TStopwatch
, TThreadPool< aTask, aParam >
, TTimer
- StopCacheLearningPhase()
: TTree
- StopEmbedding()
: TBrowser
, TBrowserImp
, TEveWindowSlot
, TRootBrowser
- StopEvent()
: TVirtualMC
- StopFeedback()
: TProofPlayer
, TProofPlayerLocal
, TProofPlayerRemote
, TProofPlayerSlave
- StopIdleing()
: TApplication
- StopImageAutoSave()
: TGLAutoRotator
- StopLearningPhase()
: TTreeCache
, TTreeCacheUnzip
- StopLogFile()
: TSQLFile
- StopMouseTimer()
: TGLEventHandler
- StopParser()
: TXMLParser
- StopProcess()
: TEventIter
, TPacketizerMulti
, TProof
, TProofPlayer
, TProofPlayerRemote
, TSlave
, TVirtualPacketizer
, TVirtualProofPlayer
, TXSlave
- StopProcessing()
: ROOT::Detail::TDF::TCustomColumn< F, PrevData >
, ROOT::Detail::TDF::TCustomColumnBase
, ROOT::Detail::TDF::TFilter< FilterF, PrevDataFrame >
, ROOT::Detail::TDF::TFilterBase
, ROOT::Detail::TDF::TLoopManager
, ROOT::Detail::TDF::TRange< PrevData >
, ROOT::Detail::TDF::TRangeBase
- StopRefreshTimer()
: TGFileContainer
- StopRun()
: TVirtualMC
- StopStopwatch()
: TGLRnrCtx
- StopThreadUnzip()
: TTreeCacheUnzip
- StopTrack()
: TVirtualMC
- StorageLevel()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MinimumBuilder
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
- StorageType
: RooAbsData
- store()
: RooAbsData
, RooAICRegistry
- Store()
: TClass
, TMVA::Results
- StoreClassInNormalForm()
: TSQLStructure
- StoreData()
: TLinearFitter
- storeDetailedOutput()
: RooAbsStudy
- StoreElementInNormalForm()
: TSQLStructure
- StoreFeedback()
: TProofPlayer
, TProofPlayerLite
, TProofPlayerRemote
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- StoreFitInfo()
: RooStats::FrequentistCalculator
- StoreKeyAttributes()
- StoreKeyObject()
- StoreObject()
, TSQLStructure
- StoreObjectInNormalForm()
: TSQLStructure
- StoreObjectInTables()
: TSQLFile
- StoreOutput()
: TProofPlayer
, TProofPlayerRemote
, TVirtualProofPlayer
- storeProtoIntegrator()
: RooNumIntFactory
- storeProtoSampler()
: RooNumGenFactory
- StoreResult
: Foption_t
, TMySQLStatement
, TODBCStatement
, TOracleStatement
, TPgSQLStatement
, TSQLiteStatement
, TSQLStatement
- StoreStreamerElement()
: TXMLFile
- storeSummaryOutput()
: RooAbsStudy
- StoreTObject()
: TSQLStructure
- StoreTString()
: TSQLStructure
- str()
: RooNameReg
, TGenCollectionProxy::StreamHelper
- Straight
: RooCurve
- Strangeness()
: TParticle
, TParticlePDG
- Strategy
: RooMinimizer
, RooMinuit
, ROOT::Math::Minimizer
, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions
, ROOT::Minuit2::HessianGradientCalculator
, ROOT::Minuit2::InitialGradientCalculator
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnApplication
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnContours
, ROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy
, ROOT::Minuit2::Numerical2PGradientCalculator
- Stratified
: RooMCIntegrator
- strbuf
: TOracleStatement::TBufferRec
- strbufsize
: TOracleStatement::TBufferRec
- strdup()
: RooNameSet
- Stream()
: TClassStreamer
, TCollectionClassStreamer
- Streamer()
: ROOT::v5::TF1Data
, ROOT::v5::TFormula
, TClass
, TCollectionStreamer
, TEmulatedCollectionProxy
, TEmulatedMapProxy
, TGenCollectionProxy
, TGenCollectionStreamer
, TNDArrayT< T >
- StreamerAsMap()
: TGenCollectionStreamer
- StreamerDefault()
: TClass
- StreamerExternal()
: TClass
- StreamerHeader()
: TTable
- StreamerImpl_t
: TClass
- StreamerInstrumented()
: TClass
- StreamerStreamerInfo()
: TClass
- StreamerTable()
: TTable
- StreamerTObject()
: TClass
- StreamerTObjectEmulated()
: TClass
- StreamerTObjectInitialized()
: TClass
- StreamerV1()
- streamid
: XPClientArchiveRequest
, XPClientInterruptRequest
, XPClientLoginRequest
, XPClientProofRequest
, XPClientReadbufRequest
, XPClientSendRcvRequest
- Streamid()
: XrdClientLogConnection
- StreamKeysForDirectory()
: TSQLFile
- StreamObject()
: TBuffer
, TBufferFile
, TBufferJSON
, TBufferSQL2
, TBufferXML
: BidirMMapPipe
: XrdProofdResponse
- String()
: TObjString
, TSubString
- stringAttributes()
: RooAbsArg
- StringFromDouble()
: TMVA::Tools
- StringFromInt()
: TMVA::Tools
- StringHW()
: TGHtml
- StringToNumber()
: ROOT::v5::TFormula
, TTreeFormula
- Strip()
: TDocParser
, TString
- stripCmdList()
: RooCmdConfig
- StripOffProto()
: TSystem
- StrongRef()
: TGLLogicalShape
- structure
: writer.writer
- structureTag()
: RooAbsCollection
- stSeed()
: RooBlindTools
- studies()
: RooStudyManager
, RooStudyPackage
- studyIterator()
: RooWorkspace
- Style()
: TGLSceneBase
, TGLSceneInfo
, TGLViewerBase
- StyleName()
: TGLRnrCtx
- StyleOption
: RooPrintable
- stype
: RooAbsReal::PlotOpt
- sub()
: RooQuasiRandomGenerator
- Sub()
: ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >
, ROOT::Math::SVector< T, D >
, TEveVector2T< TT >
, TEveVectorT< TT >
- subArgs()
: RooCmdArg
- SubCol()
: ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >
- SubImportChildren()
: TEveProjectionManager
- SubImportElements()
: TEveProjectionManager
- SubImportShapeExtract()
: TEveGeoShape
- Submit()
: TAlien
, TGLite
, TGrid
- SubmitClicked()
: TGHtml
- SubmitDataToCache()
: XrdClientConn
- SubmitHttp()
: THttpServer
- SubmitPlaceholderToCache()
: XrdClientConn
- SubmitRawData()
: XrdClientReadCache
- SubmitRawDataToCache()
: XrdClientConn
- SubmitTest()
: TAlienJDL
- SubmitXMessage()
: XrdClientReadCache
- SubPadPaint()
: TGLScenePad
- SubPadResized()
: TRatioPlot
- SubProcess()
: TDocMacroDirective
- SubRef()
: TGLLogicalShape
- SubRender_foo
: TGLViewerBase
- SubRenderScenes()
: TGLViewerBase
- SubRow()
: ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >
- SubSpaceId()
: TEveProjection
, TEveRhoZProjection
- Substitute()
: TPMERegexp
, TPRegexp
- SubstituteInternal()
: TPRegexp
- SubString()
: TString
- SubStringError()
: TSubString
- subtr
: h1analysis
- Subtract()
: TEntryList
, TEntryListArray
, TEntryListFromFile
, TEveGridStepper
, TEventList
, TGeoTranslation
, TGRegion
- SubtractBackground()
: TUnfoldSys
- SubtractRegion()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGWin32VirtualXProxy
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SuccessfulTasks()
: TThreadPool< aTask, aParam >
- sum()
: RooDataHist
, RooRealIntegral
- Sum()
: TMatrixTBase< Element >
, TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::VariableImportance
, TVectorT< Element >
- SumBuffer()
: TFile
, TMapFile
- sumc
: h1analysis
- SumColumns()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
- sumct
: h1analysis
- sumEntries()
: RooAbsData
, RooAbsDataStore
, RooCompositeDataStore
, RooDataHist
, RooDataSet
, RooTreeDataStore
, RooVectorDataStore
- sumetc
: h1analysis
- sumetct
: h1analysis
- SumHex()
: TFilePrefetch
- Summary()
: Roo2DMomentMorphFunction
, TBenchmark
, TProofPerfAnalysis
- summaryData()
: RooAbsStudy
- SummationRule
: RooIntegrator1D
- SumOfSquareResiduals()
: TPrincipal
- sumPdf()
: RooMomentMorph
, RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL::BarlowCache
- SumReduce()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MPIProcess
- sumtot
: rng_state_st
- SumW2
: RooAbsData
- Sumw2()
: TH1
, THn
, THnBase
, THnSparse
, THnSparseArrayChunk
, TProfile2D
, TProfile3D
, TProfile
, TProfileHelper
- SuperposeTo()
: TSpider
- SuperUser()
: XrdProofdProtocol
- SupportAlpha()
: TCanvas
- SupportedLODAxes()
: TGLCylinder
, TGLLogicalShape
, TGLSphere
- SupportsExtension()
: TGCocoa
, TGX11
, TVirtualX
- SupportsSecondarySelect()
: TEveCalo2DGL
, TEveCalo3DGL
, TEveCaloLegoGL
, TEveDigitSetGL
, TEveStraightLineSetGL
, TEveTrackGL
, TGLLogicalShape
, TPointSet3DGL
- SuppressMinuitWarnings()
: TMinuitMinimizer
- Surf
: Hoption_t
- Surf_t()
: TGL5DPainter::Surf_t
- SurfaceCartesian()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SurfaceCylindrical()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SurfaceFunc_t
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SurfaceFunction()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SurfacePolar()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SurfaceProperty()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SurfacesBegin()
: TGL5DPainter
- SurfaceSelected()
: TGL5DDataSetEditor
- SurfacesEnd()
: TGL5DPainter
- SurfaceSpherical()
: TPainter3dAlgorithms
- SurfIter_t
: TGL5DPainter
- SurfList_t
: TGL5DPainter
- SUrl()
: TAlienFile
- Suspend()
: TCondor
- SuspendAutoParsing
: TInterpreter
, TInterpreter::SuspendAutoParsing
- SVector()
: ROOT::Math::SVector< T, D >
- SVEvent()
: TMVA::SVEvent
- SVKernelFunction()
: TMVA::SVKernelFunction
- SVKernelMatrix()
: TMVA::SVKernelMatrix
- svm
: TMVA::MethodRSVM
- SVWorkingSet()
: TMVA::SVWorkingSet
- SwallowBack()
: TGSplitFrame
- swap()
: BidirMMapPipe_impl::Pages
- Swap()
: Rgl::Mc::TIsoMesh< V >
- swap()
: ROOT::Experimental::Internal::TDirectoryEntry
- Swap()
: TFormLeafInfo
, TFormLeafInfoCast
, TFormLeafInfoClones
, TFormLeafInfoCollection
, TFormLeafInfoCollectionObject
, TFormLeafInfoCollectionSize
, TFormLeafInfoMethod
, TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim
, TFormLeafInfoNumerical
, TFormLeafInfoReference
, TFormLeafInfoTTree
, TGLSurfacePainter::Projection_t
, TString
- SwapBits()
: Rgl::Pad::PolygonStippleSet
- SwapBuffers()
: TGLAdapter
, TGLContext
, TGLPaintDevice
, TGLViewer
, TGLWidget
- SwapPoints()
: TGraph
, TGraphAsymmErrors
, TGraphBentErrors
, TGraphErrors
- SwapValues()
: TGraph
- SwapWindow()
: TEveWindow
- SwapWindows()
: TEveWindow
- SwapWindowWithCurrent()
: TEveWindow
- SwitchColorSet()
: TEveViewerList
, TEveViewerListEditor
, TGLViewer
- SwitchContainer()
: TBranchElement
- SwitchEditable()
: TGuiBldDragManager
- SwitchFrames()
: TGSplitFrame
- SwitchLayout()
: TGuiBldDragManager
, TGuiBldEditor
- SwitchMenus()
: TRootBrowser
- SwitchStereo()
: TEveViewer
- SwitchToFormLeafInfo()
: TTreeFormula
- SwitchToMain()
: TGSplitFrame
- SwitchToolbarButton()
: TRootGuiBuilder
- SwitchTree()
: TTreeViewer
- SwitchZoom()
: TAxis3D
- Symlink()
: TAlienSystem
, TChirpSystem
, TSystem
, TUnixSystem
, TWinNTSystem
- SymLink()
: XrdProofdAux
- SymmetricRelu()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
- SymmetricReluDerivative()
: TMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal >
, TMVA::DNN::TCuda< AFloat >
, TMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal >
- synapse0x558868c67050()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868c67090()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868c67620()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868c67660()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868c676a0()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868c67a20()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868c67a60()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868c67aa0()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868c67c70()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d02950()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d02990()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d02d10()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d02d50()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d02d90()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03110()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03150()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03190()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d031d0()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03210()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03500()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03540()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03580()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d035c0()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03600()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03980()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d039c0()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03a00()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03a40()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03a80()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03e00()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03e40()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d03e80()
: test.test
- synapse0x558868d07e60()
: test.test
- Sync()
: TGCocoa
, TGWin32
, TGX11
, TTreeFormulaManager
, TVirtualX
- SyncAxesRanges()
: TRatioPlot
- syncCache()
: RooAbsArg
, RooAbsCategory
, RooAbsReal
, RooAbsString
, RooErrorVar
- SyncFormulas()
: TSpider
, TTreeTableInterface
- Synchronize()
: RooMinimizerFcn
- synchronize()
: RooMinuit
- Synchronize()
: TMVA::DNN::TCudaMatrix< AFloat >
- SynchronizeCacheSize()
: TXNetFile
- syncMuVec()
: RooMultiVarGaussian
- syncNormalization()
: RooAbsPdf
- SyncPadMargins()
: TRatioPlot
- SyncSymMatrixOffDiagonal()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MPIProcess
- SyncVector()
: ROOT::Minuit2::MPIProcess
- SysClose()
: TCastorFile
, TChirpFile
, TDCacheFile
, TFile
, TMemFile
, TNetFile
, TSQLFile
, TXMLFile
, TXNetFile
- SysError()
: TObject
- SysInfo_t()
: SysInfo_t
- Syslog()
: TSystem
, TUnixSystem
- SysOpen()
: TChirpFile
, TDCacheFile
, TFile
, TMemFile
, TNetFile
, TSQLFile
, TXMLFile
, TXNetFile
- SysRead()
: TChirpFile
, TDCacheFile
, TFile
, TMemFile
, TSQLFile
, TXMLFile
- SysReadImpl()
: TMemFile
- SysSeek()
: TChirpFile
, TDCacheFile
, TFile
, TMemFile
, TSQLFile
, TXMLFile
- SysStat()
: TChirpFile
, TDCacheFile
, TFile
, TMemFile
, TNetFile
, TSQLFile
, TXMLFile
, TXNetFile
- SysSync()
: TChirpFile
, TDCacheFile
, TFile
, TMemFile
, TSQLFile
, TXMLFile
- System
: Hoption_t
- SystemCmd()
: TProof
- systSourceForHist
: RooStats::HistFactory::EstimateSummary
- SysWrite()
: TChirpFile
, TDCacheFile
, TFile
, TMemFile
, TSQLFile
, TXMLFile
- SysWriteImpl()
: TMemFile
- TS3HTTPRequest()
: TS3HTTPRequest
- TS3WebFile()
: TS3WebFile
- TSapDBResult()
: TSapDBResult
- TSapDBRow()
: TSapDBRow
- TSapDBServer()
: TSapDBServer
- TSAXParser()
: TSAXParser
- TSAXParserCallback
: TSAXParser
- TSceneInfo
: TGLScene
, TGLScene::TSceneInfo
- TSchemaHelper()
: ROOT::Internal::TSchemaHelper
- TSchemaRule()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule
- TSchemaRuleSet()
: ROOT::Detail::TSchemaRuleSet
- Tsd()
: TThread
- TSecContext()
: TSecContext
- TSecContextCleanup()
: TSecContextCleanup
- TSelector()
: TSelector
- TSelectorCint()
: TSelectorCint
- TSelectorDraw()
: TSelectorDraw
- TSelectorEntries()
: TSelectorEntries
- TSelectorList()
: TSelectorList
- TSelectorScalar()
: TSelectorScalar
- TSelEvent()
: TSelEvent
- TSelEventGen()
: TSelEventGen
- TSelHandleDataSet()
: TSelHandleDataSet
- TSelHist()
: TSelHist
- TSelVerifyDataSet()
: TSelVerifyDataSet
- TSemaphore()
: TSemaphore
- TSeq()
: ROOT::TSeq< T >
- TSeqCollection()
: TSeqCollection
- TServerSocket
: TInetAddress
, TServerSocket
, TSocket
, TUDPSocket
- TSessionFrame()
: TSessionFrame
- TSessionInputFrame()
: TSessionInputFrame
- TSessionLogView()
: TSessionLogView
- TSessionOutputFrame()
: TSessionOutputFrame
- TSessionQueryFrame()
: TSessionQueryFrame
- TSessionServerFrame()
: TSessionServerFrame
- TSessionViewer()
: TSessionViewer
- TShape()
: TShape
- TSharedLayer()
: TMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t >
- TShutdownTimer()
: TShutdownTimer
- TSignalHandler()
: TSignalHandler
- TSimpleAnalysis()
: TSimpleAnalysis
- TSlave
: TProof
, TSlave
, TSocket
- TSlaveInfo()
: TSlaveInfo
- TSlaveLite
: TProof
, TSlave
, TSlaveLite
- TSlice()
: Rgl::Mc::TSlice< V >
- TSlider()
: TSlider
- TSliderBox()
: TSliderBox
- TSmartPtrCppObjectConverter()
: PyROOT::TSmartPtrCppObjectConverter
- TSocket
: TAuthenticate
, TInetAddress
, TMessage
, TSocket
- TSocketHandler
: TMonitor
- TSortedList()
: TSortedList
- TSources()
: ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources
- TSpectrum()
: TSpectrum
- TSpectrum2()
: TSpectrum2
- TSpectrum2Fit()
: TSpectrum2Fit
- TSpectrum2Painter()
: TSpectrum2Painter
- TSpectrum2Transform()
: TSpectrum2Transform
- TSpectrum3()
: TSpectrum3
- TSpectrumFit()
: TSpectrumFit
- TSpectrumTransform()
: TSpectrumTransform
- TSpider()
: TSpider
- TSpiderEditor()
: TSpiderEditor
- TSpinLockGuard()
: TClass::TSpinLockGuard
- TSpinMutex()
: ROOT::TSpinMutex
- TSpline()
: TSpline
- TSpline1()
: TMVA::TSpline1
- TSpline2()
: TMVA::TSpline2
- TSpline3()
: TSpline3
- TSpline5()
: TSpline5
- TSplinePoly()
: TSplinePoly
- TSplinePoly3()
: TSplinePoly3
- TSplinePoly5()
: TSplinePoly5
- TSPlot()
: TSPlot
- TSQLClassColumnInfo()
: TSQLClassColumnInfo
- TSQLClassInfo()
: TSQLClassInfo
- TSqlCmdsBuffer
: TSQLFile
- TSQLColumnData()
: TSQLColumnData
- TSQLColumnInfo()
: TSQLColumnInfo
- TSQLFile()
: TSQLFile
- TSQLiteResult()
: TSQLiteResult
- TSQLiteRow()
: TSQLiteRow
- TSQLiteServer()
: TSQLiteServer
- TSQLiteStatement()
: TSQLiteStatement
- TSQLMonitoringWriter()
: TSQLMonitoringWriter
- TSQLObjectData()
: TSQLObjectData
- TSQLObjectDataPool()
: TSQLObjectDataPool
- TSQLObjectInfo()
: TSQLObjectInfo
- TSqlRawBuffer
: TSQLFile
- TSqlRegistry
: TSQLFile
- TSQLResult()
: TSQLResult
- TSQLRow()
- TSQLServer()
: TSQLServer
- TSQLStatement()
: TSQLStatement
- TSQLStructure
: TBufferSQL2
, TSQLFile
, TSQLStructure
- TSQLTableData
: TSQLFile
, TSQLTableData
- TSQLTableInfo()
: TSQLTableInfo
- TSSLSocket()
: TSSLSocket
- TStaging()
: TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging
- TStatistic()
: TStatistic
- TStatsFeedback()
: TStatsFeedback
- TStatus()
: TStatus
- TStdExceptionHandler()
: TStdExceptionHandler
- TStlArrayProxy()
: ROOT::Internal::TStlArrayProxy< T >
- TStlImpProxy()
: ROOT::Internal::TStlImpProxy< T >
- TStlObjProxy()
: ROOT::Internal::TStlObjProxy< T >
- TStlProxy()
: ROOT::Internal::TStlProxy
- TStlSimpleProxy()
: ROOT::Internal::TStlSimpleProxy< T >
- TStopwatch()
: TStopwatch
- TStreamerArtificial()
: TStreamerArtificial
- TStreamerBase()
: TStreamerBase
- TStreamerBasicPointer()
: TStreamerBasicPointer
- TStreamerBasicType()
: TStreamerBasicType
- TStreamerElement()
: TStreamerElement
- TStreamerInfo()
: TStreamerInfo
- TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence
: TStreamerInfo
- TStreamerLoop()
: TStreamerLoop
- TStreamerObject()
: TStreamerObject
- TStreamerObjectAny()
: TStreamerObjectAny
- TStreamerObjectAnyPointer()
: TStreamerObjectAnyPointer
- TStreamerObjectPointer()
: TStreamerObjectPointer
- TStreamerSTL()
: TStreamerSTL
- TStreamerSTLstring()
: TStreamerSTLstring
- TStreamerString()
: TStreamerString
- TString()
: TString
, TSubString
- TStringLong
: TString
, TStringLong
, TSubString
- TStringToken()
: TStringToken
- TStructNode()
: TStructNode
- TStructNodeEditor()
: TStructNodeEditor
- TStructNodeProperty()
: TStructNodeProperty
- TStructViewer()
: TStructViewer
- TStructViewerGUI()
: TStructViewerGUI
- TStyle()
: TStyle
- TStyleDialog()
: TStyleDialog
- TStyleManager()
: TStyleManager
- TStylePreview()
: TStylePreview
- TSubString
: TString
, TSubString
- TSVDUnfold()
: TSVDUnfold
- TSVG()
- TSynapse()
: TMVA::TSynapse
, TNeuron
, TSynapse
- TSysEvtHandler()
: TSysEvtHandler
- TSystem
: TInetAddress
, TSystem
- TSystemDirectory()
: TSystemDirectory
- TSystemFile()
: TSystemFile