20 #ifndef ROOT_TPieSliceEditor 21 #define ROOT_TPieSliceEditor 56 #endif // ROOT_TPieSliceEditor
TPieSliceEditor(const TGWindow *p=0, Int_t width=140, Int_t height=30, UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
TPieSliceEditor constructor.
void DoTitle(const char *)
Slot for setting the graph title.
#define ClassDef(name, id)
static Pixel_t GetDefaultFrameBackground()
Get default frame background.
A slice of a piechart, see the TPie class.
void ConnectSignals2Slots()
Connect signals to slots.
void DoOffset()
Slot for setting the graph title.
void DoValue()
Slot for setting the graph title.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
TPieSliceEditor destructor.
void SetModel(TObject *)
Set model.