102 fRenderMode (kRM_AsIs),
105 fDisableLighting(
106 fHistoButtons (
152 for (
Int_t i = 0; i <
N; ++i)
261 if (v < min) min =
262 if (v > max) max =
312 x[0] = r; x[1] = g; x[2] = b; x[3] = a;
321 x[0] = rgba[0]; x[1] = rgba[1]; x[2] = rgba[2]; x[3] = rgba[3];
401 printf(
"TEveDigitSet::DigitSelected idx=%d, value=%d, obj=0x%lx\n",
418 Emit(
"SecSelected(TEveDigitSet*, Int_t)", args);
virtual void DecRefCount(TEveElement *re)
Decrease reference count and remove re from the list of back-references.
void DigitId(TObject *id)
Set external object reference for the last digit added.
A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range t...
DigitBase_t * NewDigit()
Function providing highlight tooltips when always-sec-select is active.
DigitBase_t * GetDigit(Int_t n) const
virtual void Expand(Int_t newSize)
Expand or shrink the array to newSize elements.
virtual void DigitSelected(Int_t idx)
Called from renderer when a digit with index idx is selected.
virtual void PaintStandard(TObject *id)
Paint object – a generic implementation for EVE elements.
TEveRGBAPalette * AssertPalette()
Make sure the TEveRGBAPalette pointer is not null.
Description of a 2D or 3D frame that can be used to visually group a set of objects.
An array of references to TObjects.
virtual void UnHighlighted()
Virtual function called when both fHighlighted is false and fImpliedHighlighted is 0...
virtual void SecSelected(TEveDigitSet *qs, Int_t idx)
Emit a SecSelected signal.
void * GetUserData() const
TEveDigitSet(const TEveDigitSet &)
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="")
Paint this object. Only direct rendering is supported.
void SetMainColorPtr(Color_t *color)
virtual TString GetHighlightTooltip()
void SetFrameColor(Color_t ci)
Set color of the frame.
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString...
Bool_t fCanEditMainTransparency
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
virtual void UnSelected()
Virtual function called when both fSelected is false and fImpliedSelected is 0.
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
void Refit()
Refit the container so that all current data fits into a single chunk.
virtual TString GetHighlightTooltip()
Return tooltip for highlighted element if always-sec-select is set.
Color_t * PtrFrameColor()
void DigitColor(Color_t ci)
Set color for the last digit added.
Int_t fLastIdx
The last / current digit added to collection.
TooltipCB_foo fTooltipCBFoo
Additional function to call on secondary-select.
Color_t fColor
The last / current idx added to collection.
void UseSingleColor()
Instruct digit-set to use single color for its digits.
void DigitUserData(void *ud)
Set user-data for the last digit added.
virtual void InitMainTrans(Bool_t can_edit=kTRUE)
Initialize the main transformation to identity matrix.
void SetFrame(TEveFrameBox *b)
Set TEveFrameBox pointer.
virtual ~TEveDigitSet()
Char_t * Chunk(Int_t chk) const
void SetMinMax(Int_t min, Int_t max)
Set current min/max values.
TEveRGBAPalette * fPalette
TObject * GetId(Int_t n) const
Return external TObject associated with digit n.
virtual void SetMainColor(Color_t color)
Set main color of the element.
virtual const char * GetElementName() const
Virtual function for retrieving name of the element.
virtual void AddAtAndExpand(TObject *obj, Int_t idx)
Add object at position idx.
Int_t NAtoms(Int_t chk) const
Bool_t GetAlwaysSecSelect() const
void SetPalette(TEveRGBAPalette *p)
Set TEveRGBAPalette pointer.
void RefitPlex()
Instruct underlying memory allocator to regroup itself into a contiguous memory chunk.
virtual void UnHighlighted()
Virtual function called when both fHighlighted is false and fImpliedHighlighted is 0...
Callback_foo fCallbackFoo
Mother of all ROOT objects.
void SetCurrentDigit(Int_t idx)
Set current digit – the one that will receive calls to DigitValue/Color/Id/UserData() functions...
void SetLimits(Int_t low, Int_t high)
Set low/high limits on signal value.
SelectionSet_t fHighlightedSet
static void ColorFromIdx(Color_t ci, UChar_t col[4], Bool_t alpha=kTRUE)
Fill col with RGBA values corresponding to index ci.
void ScanMinMaxValues(Int_t &min, Int_t &max)
Iterate over the digits and determine min and max signal values.
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
virtual void SetMainColor(Color_t color)
Override from TEveElement, forward to Frame.
void Emit(const char *signal, const T &arg)
Activate signal with single parameter.
virtual void StampBackPtrElements(UChar_t stamps)
Add given stamps to elements in the list of reverse references.
virtual void UnSelected()
Virtual function called when both fSelected is false and fImpliedSelected is 0.
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
virtual void IncRefCount(TEveElement *re)
Increase reference count and add re to the list of back-references.
void ReleaseIds()
Protected method.
void DigitValue(Int_t value)
Set signal value for the last digit added.
Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and...
Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox).
SelectionSet_t fSelectedSet
static constexpr double g