Logo ROOT   6.12/07
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#):$Id$
2 // Author: M.Gheata
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2002, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 /** \class TGeoMaterialEditor
13 \ingroup Geometry_builder
15 Editors for materials.
18 */
20 #include "TGeoMaterialEditor.h"
21 #include "TGeoTabManager.h"
22 #include "TGeoMaterial.h"
23 #include "TGeoManager.h"
24 #include "TVirtualGeoPainter.h"
25 #include "TPad.h"
26 #include "TView.h"
27 #include "TGTab.h"
28 #include "TGComboBox.h"
29 #include "TGButton.h"
30 #include "TGTextEntry.h"
31 #include "TGNumberEntry.h"
32 #include "TGLabel.h"
33 #include "TGListView.h"
41 };
45 };
49 };
51 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52 /// Constructor for material editor.
55  Int_t height, UInt_t options, Pixel_t back)
56  : TGeoGedFrame(p, width, height, options | kVerticalFrame, back)
57 {
58  fMaterial = 0;
59  fAi = fZi = 0;
60  fDensityi = 0.0;
61  fNamei = "";
65  // TextEntry for material name
66  MakeTitle("Name");
69  fMaterialName->SetToolTipText("Enter the material name");
70  fMaterialName->Associate(this);
73  TGTextEntry *nef;
74  MakeTitle("Material properties");
77  f1->AddFrame(new TGLabel(f1, "A"), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 1, 1, 6, 0));
79  nef = (TGTextEntry*)fMatA->GetNumberEntry();
80  nef->SetToolTipText("Enter the atomic mass");
81  fMatA->Associate(this);
82  f1->AddFrame(fMatA, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 2, 2, 4, 4));
83  f1->AddFrame(new TGLabel(f1, "Z"), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 1, 1, 6, 0));
85  nef = (TGTextEntry*)fMatZ->GetNumberEntry();
86  nef->SetToolTipText("Enter the atomic charge");
87  fMatZ->Associate(this);
88  f1->AddFrame(fMatZ, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 2, 2, 4, 4));
89  f1->Resize(150,30);
90  AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 1, 1, 1, 1));
94  // Combo box for material state
95  f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(compxyz, 118, 10, kHorizontalFrame |
97  f1->AddFrame(new TGLabel(f1, "State"), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 1, 1, 6, 0));
104  f1->AddFrame(fMatState, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight , 2, 2, 1, 1));
105  compxyz->AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX , 2, 2, 1, 1));
107  // Number entry for density
108  f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(compxyz, 118, 10, kHorizontalFrame |
110  f1->AddFrame(new TGLabel(f1, "Density"), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 1, 1, 6, 0));
114  nef->SetToolTipText("Enter material density in [g/cm3]");
115  fMatDensity->Associate(this);
116  f1->AddFrame(fMatDensity, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 1, 1));
117  compxyz->AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX , 2, 2, 1, 1));
119  // Number entry for temperature
120  f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(compxyz, 118, 10, kHorizontalFrame |
122  f1->AddFrame(new TGLabel(f1, "Temperature"), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 1, 1, 6, 0));
126  nef->SetToolTipText("Enter material temperature in [Kelvin]");
127  fMatTemperature->Associate(this);
128  f1->AddFrame(fMatTemperature, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 1, 1));
129  compxyz->AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX , 2, 2, 1, 1));
131  // Number entry for pressure
132  f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(compxyz, 118, 10, kHorizontalFrame |
134  f1->AddFrame(new TGLabel(f1, "Pressure"), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 1, 1, 6, 0));
138  nef->SetToolTipText("Enter material pressure in [bar]");
139  fMatPressure->Associate(this);
140  f1->AddFrame(fMatPressure, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 1, 1));
141  compxyz->AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX , 2, 2, 1, 1));
143  // Number entry for radiation length
144  f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(compxyz, 118, 10, kHorizontalFrame |
146  f1->AddFrame(new TGLabel(f1, "RadLen"), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 1, 1, 6, 0));
147  fMatRadLen = new TGNumberEntry(f1, 0., 5, kMATERIAL_RAD);
150  nef->SetToolTipText("Computed radiation length");
151  fMatRadLen->Associate(this);
152  f1->AddFrame(fMatRadLen, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 1, 1));
153  compxyz->AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX , 2, 2, 1, 1));
155  // Number entry for absorption length
156  f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(compxyz, 118, 10, kHorizontalFrame |
158  f1->AddFrame(new TGLabel(f1, "AbsLen"), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 1, 1, 6, 0));
159  fMatAbsLen = new TGNumberEntry(f1, 0., 5, kMATERIAL_ABS);
162  nef->SetToolTipText("Absorption length");
163  fMatAbsLen->Associate(this);
164  f1->AddFrame(fMatAbsLen, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 1, 1));
165  compxyz->AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX , 2, 2, 1, 1));
167  compxyz->Resize(150,30);
168  AddFrame(compxyz, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 0, 0, 2, 2));
170  // Buttons
172  fApply = new TGTextButton(f23, "Apply");
173  f23->AddFrame(fApply, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 2, 2, 1, 1));
174  fApply->Associate(this);
175  fUndo = new TGTextButton(f23, " Undo ");
176  f23->AddFrame(fUndo, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight , 2, 2, 1, 1));
177  fUndo->Associate(this);
178  AddFrame(f23, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 0, 0, 4, 4));
180 }
182 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
183 /// Destructor
186 {
187  TGFrameElement *el;
188  TIter next(GetList());
189  while ((el = (TGFrameElement *)next())) {
190  if (el->fFrame->IsComposite())
192  }
193  Cleanup();
194 }
196 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
197 /// Connect signals to slots.
200 {
201  fApply->Connect("Clicked()", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoApply()");
202  fUndo->Connect("Clicked()", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoUndo()");
203  fMaterialName->Connect("TextChanged(const char *)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoName()");
204  fMatA->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoA()");
205  fMatZ->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoZ()");
206  fMatState->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoState(Int_t)");
207  fMatDensity->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoDensity()");
208  fMatTemperature->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoTemperature()");
209  fMatPressure->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoPressure()");
210  fMatRadLen->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoRadAbs()");
211  fMatAbsLen->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoRadAbs()");
212  fInit = kFALSE;
213 }
215 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
216 /// Connect to the selected material.
219 {
220  if (obj == 0 || !(obj->InheritsFrom(TGeoMaterial::Class()))) {
221  SetActive(kFALSE);
222  return;
223  }
224  fMaterial = (TGeoMaterial*)obj;
225  fAi = fMaterial->GetA();
226  fZi = (Int_t)fMaterial->GetZ();
230  fPresi = fMaterial->GetPressure()/6.2415e+8;
231  fNamei = fMaterial->GetName();
233  fMatA->SetNumber(fAi);
234  fMatZ->SetNumber(fZi);
245  SetActive();
246 }
248 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
249 /// Perform name change.
252 {
253  DoModified();
254 }
256 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
257 /// Slot for atomic mass.
260 {
261  if (fMaterial->IsMixture()) {
263  return;
264  }
265  DoModified();
266 }
268 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
269 /// Slot for charge.
272 {
273  if (fMaterial->IsMixture()) {
275  return;
276  }
277  Int_t z = (Int_t)fMatZ->GetNumber();
279  if (z >= table->GetNelements()) {
280  z = table->GetNelements()-1;
281  fMatZ->SetNumber(z);
282  }
283  TGeoElement *elem = table->GetElement(z);
284  if (!elem) return;
285  Double_t a = elem->A();
286  fMatA->SetNumber(a);
287  DoModified();
288 }
290 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
291 /// Slot for material state.
294 {
295  DoModified();
296 }
298 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
299 /// Slot for material temperature.
302 {
303  DoModified();
304 }
306 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
307 /// Slot for material pressure.
310 {
311  DoModified();
312 }
314 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
315 /// Slot for density.
316 /// fMatDensity->SetNumber(fDensityi);
319 {
320  DoModified();
321 }
323 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
324 /// Slot for radiation/absorption length.
327 {
330  DoModified();
331 }
333 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
334 /// Slot for applying modifications.
337 {
338  const char *name = fMaterialName->GetText();
339  fMaterial->SetName(name);
350  fUndo->SetEnabled();
352 }
354 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
355 /// Slot for cancelling current modifications.
358 {
361  fMatA->SetNumber(fAi);
362  fMaterial->SetA(fAi);
363  fMatZ->SetNumber(fZi);
364  fMaterial->SetZ(fZi);
372  fMaterial->SetPressure(fPresi*6.2415e+8);
377 }
379 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
380 /// Slot for signaling modifications.
383 {
384  fApply->SetEnabled();
385 }
387 /** \class TGeoMixtureEditor
388 \ingroup Geometry_builder
390 Editors for mixtures.
392 */
396 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
397 /// Constructor for mixture editor.
400  Int_t height, UInt_t options, Pixel_t back)
401  : TGeoMaterialEditor(p, width, height, options | kVerticalFrame, back)
402 {
403  fMixture = 0;
404  TGCompositeFrame *compxyz=0, *f1=0;
405  TGTextEntry *nef;
406  MakeTitle("Mixture settings");
407  fNelem = new TGLabel(this, "Number of elements: 0");
408  AddFrame(fNelem, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft , 6, 2, 2, 2));
409  compxyz = new TGCompositeFrame(this, 118, 30, kVerticalFrame | kRaisedFrame | kDoubleBorder);
410  // Combo box for selecting elements
411  f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(compxyz, 118, 10, kHorizontalFrame |
415  if (table) {
416  TGeoElement *element;
417  for (Int_t i=0; i<table->GetNelements(); i++) {
418  element = table->GetElement(i);
419  if (element) fMixElem->AddEntry(element->GetTitle(),i);
420  }
421  }
422  fMixElem->Select(0);
424  f1->AddFrame(fMixElem, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft , 2, 2, 1, 1));
425  TGCompositeFrame *comp1 = new TGCompositeFrame(f1, 118, 30, kVerticalFrame);
426  fAelem = new TGLabel(comp1, "A = 0");
427  comp1->AddFrame(fAelem, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight , 2, 2, 2, 0));
428  fZelem = new TGLabel(comp1, "Z = 0");
429  comp1->AddFrame(fZelem, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight , 2, 2, 2, 0));
430  f1->AddFrame(comp1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX| kLHintsExpandY , 2, 2, 0, 0));
431  compxyz->AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX , 2, 2, 0, 0));
433  // Fraction by weight
434  f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(compxyz, 118, 10, kHorizontalFrame |
436  fChkFraction = new TGCheckButton(f1, "% weight");
438  f1->AddFrame(fChkFraction, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft , 2, 2, 6, 1));
443  nef->SetToolTipText("Enter fraction by weight of this element");
444  fNEFraction->SetNumber(0.);
445  fNEFraction->Associate(this);
446  f1->AddFrame(fNEFraction, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 1, 1));
447  compxyz->AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX , 2, 2, 1, 1));
449  // Fraction by number of atoms
450  f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(compxyz, 118, 10, kHorizontalFrame |
452  fChkNatoms = new TGCheckButton(f1, "N. atoms");
454  f1->AddFrame(fChkNatoms, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 2, 2, 6, 1));
455  fNENatoms = new TGNumberEntry(f1, 0., 5, kMIX_NATOMS);
459  nef->SetToolTipText("Enter number of atoms for this element");
460  fNENatoms->SetNumber(0);
461  fNENatoms->Associate(this);
462  f1->AddFrame(fNENatoms, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 1, 1));
463  compxyz->AddFrame(f1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX , 2, 2, 1, 1));
465  // Button for adding the element
466  fBAddElem = new TGTextButton(compxyz, "Add component");
467  fBAddElem->Associate(this);
468  compxyz->AddFrame(fBAddElem, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight , 2, 2, 2, 0));
470  compxyz->Resize(150,30);
471  AddFrame(compxyz, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 0, 0, 1, 1));
473  // List view with all components
474  fComps = new TGCompositeFrame(this, 150, 100, kVerticalFrame | kSunkenFrame);
478 }
480 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
481 /// Connect signals to slots.
484 {
485  fApply->Connect("Clicked()", "TGeoMixtureEditor", this, "DoApply1()");
486  fUndo->Connect("Clicked()", "TGeoMixtureEditor", this, "DoUndo1()");
487  fChkFraction->Connect("Clicked()", "TGeoMixtureEditor", this, "DoChkFraction()");
488  fChkNatoms->Connect("Clicked()", "TGeoMixtureEditor", this, "DoChkNatoms()");
489  fNEFraction->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMixtureEditor", this, "DoFraction()");
490  fNENatoms->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMixtureEditor", this, "DoNatoms()");
491  fMixElem->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "TGeoMixtureEditor", this, "DoSelectElement(Int_t)");
492  fBAddElem->Connect("Clicked()", "TGeoMixtureEditor", this, "DoAddElem()");
493  fMaterialName->Connect("TextChanged(const char *)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoName()");
494  fMatA->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoA()");
495  fMatZ->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoZ()");
496  fMatState->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoState(Int_t)");
497  fMatDensity->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoDensity()");
498  fMatTemperature->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoTemperature()");
499  fMatPressure->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoPressure()");
500  fMatRadLen->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoRadAbs()");
501  fMatAbsLen->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "TGeoMaterialEditor", this, "DoRadAbs()");
502  fInit = kFALSE;
503 }
505 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
506 /// Connect to the selected mixture.
509 {
510  if (obj == 0 || !(obj->InheritsFrom(TGeoMixture::Class()))) {
511  SetActive(kFALSE);
512  return;
513  }
516  UpdateElements();
517 }
519 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
520 /// Check button state changed for fraction.
523 {
524  if (fMixture->GetNelements() && fMixture->GetNmixt()) {
527  return;
528  }
529  Bool_t isDown = fChkFraction->IsDown();
530  fChkNatoms->SetDown(!isDown);
531 }
533 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
534 /// Check button state changed for natoms.
537 {
538  if (fMixture->GetNelements() && !fMixture->GetNmixt()) {
541  return;
542  }
543  Bool_t isDown = fChkNatoms->IsDown();
544  fChkFraction->SetDown(!isDown);
545 }
547 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
548 /// Fraction changed.
551 {
552  if (fMixture->GetNelements() && fMixture->GetNmixt()) return;
555 }
557 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
558 /// Natoms changed.
561 {
562  if (fMixture->GetNelements() && !fMixture->GetNmixt()) return;
565 }
567 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
568 /// Slot for selecting an element.
571 {
573  if (!el) {
574  Error("DoSelectElement", "No element at index %d", ielem);
575  return;
576  }
577  TString z = TString::Format("Z=%d",el->Z());
578  TString a = TString::Format("A=%d",(Int_t)el->A());
579  fAelem->SetText(a.Data());
580  fZelem->SetText(z.Data());
581 }
583 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
584 /// Slot for adding an element. No undo.
587 {
588  Bool_t byfraction = fChkFraction->IsDown();
589  Int_t natoms = (Int_t)fNENatoms->GetNumber();
590  if (!byfraction && natoms<=0) return;
591  Double_t frac = fNEFraction->GetNumber();
592  if (byfraction && frac<=0) return;
594  if (!el) return;
595  if (byfraction) fMixture->AddElement(el, frac);
596  else fMixture->AddElement(el, natoms);
598 }
600 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
601 /// Slot for applying modifications.
604 {
605  const char *name = fMaterialName->GetText();
606  fMaterial->SetName(name);
612 // fMaterial->SetRadLen(fMatRadLen->GetNumber(), fMatAbsLen->GetNumber());
615  fUndo->SetEnabled();
617 }
619 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
620 /// Slot for undoing all changes.
623 {
633  fMaterial->SetPressure(fPresi*6.2415e+8);
638 }
640 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
641 /// Update the list of elements in the TGCanvas.
644 {
645  fComps->RemoveAll();
646  Int_t nelem = fMixture->GetNelements();
647  for (Int_t i=0; i<nelem; i++) {
648  TString s;
649  Bool_t byfrac = (fMixture->GetNmixt())?kFALSE:kTRUE;
650  if (byfrac)
651  s.TString::Format("%d-%s-%d: Wmass = %g %%", (Int_t)fMixture->GetZmixt()[i], fMixture->GetElement(i)->GetName(),
652  (Int_t)fMixture->GetAmixt()[i],fMixture->GetWmixt()[i]);
653  else
654  s.TString::Format("%d-%s-%d: Natoms = %d", (Int_t)fMixture->GetZmixt()[i], fMixture->GetElement(i)->GetName(),
655  (Int_t)fMixture->GetAmixt()[i],fMixture->GetNmixt()[i]);
657  TGLabel *label = new TGLabel(fComps, s);
659  fComps->AddFrame(label, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 1, 1, 0, 0));
660  }
662 }
TGTextButton * fApply
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:47
virtual void Resize(UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
Resize the frame.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:587
TGNumberEntry * fMatA
Mixtures of elements.
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:134
TGNumberEntry * fMatTemperature
EGeoMaterialState GetState() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:100
Table of elements.
Definition: TGeoElement.h:369
virtual Double_t GetDensity() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:87
Int_t Z() const
Definition: TGeoElement.h:73
virtual void SetToolTipText(const char *text, Long_t delayms=500)
Set tool tip text associated with this text entry.
Int_t * GetNmixt() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:176
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Set the name of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:140
void DoZ()
Slot for charge.
TGeoMaterialEditor(const TGWindow *p=0, Int_t width=140, Int_t height=30, UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
Constructor for material editor.
virtual void SetA(Double_t a)
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:111
TGeoElementTable * GetElementTable()
Returns material table. Creates it if not existing.
void DoState(Int_t state)
Slot for material state.
virtual void SetNumber(Double_t val)
void DoPressure()
Slot for material pressure.
TGCompositeFrame * fComps
Double_t * GetWmixt() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:175
virtual TGeoElement * GetElement(Int_t i=0) const
Retrieve the pointer to the element corresponding to component I.
void SetRadLen(Double_t radlen, Double_t intlen=0.)
Set radiation/absorption lengths.
void DoModified()
Slot for signaling modifications.
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:125
Base class describing materials.
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:29
virtual void SetZ(Double_t z)
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:112
virtual void RemoveAll()
Remove all frames from composite frame.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:1113
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
void GetMaterialEditor(TGeoMaterial *material)
Get editor for a material.
virtual Bool_t IsComposite() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:259
virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots()
Connect signals to slots.
Editors for materials.
void DoFraction()
Fraction changed.
void DoDensity()
Slot for density.
TGNumberEntry * fMatZ
static void Cleanup(TGCompositeFrame *frame)
Static method to cleanup hierarchically all daughters of a composite frame.
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Connect to the selected material.
TGNumberEntry * fMatDensity
TGTextEntry * fMaterialName
void DoName()
Perform name change.
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString...
Definition: TString.cxx:2365
ULong_t Pixel_t
Definition: GuiTypes.h:39
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Connect to the selected mixture.
void Class()
Definition: Class.C:29
virtual void SetText(TGString *newText)
Set new text in label.
Definition: TGLabel.cxx:177
Base class for chemical elements.
Definition: TGeoElement.h:36
virtual void SetActive(Bool_t active=kTRUE)
Set active GUI attribute frames related to the selected object.
virtual Bool_t IsDown() const
Definition: TGButton.h:312
virtual void Select(Int_t id, Bool_t emit=kTRUE)
Make the selected item visible in the combo box window and emit signals according to the second param...
Definition: TGComboBox.cxx:443
TGCompositeFrame(const TGCompositeFrame &)
void DoUndo()
Slot for cancelling current modifications.
virtual Double_t GetA() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:84
virtual Double_t GetIntLen() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:94
virtual TList * GetList() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:369
virtual ~TGeoMaterialEditor()
TGNumberEntry * fMatAbsLen
virtual void SetDefaultSize(UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Set the default / minimal size of the widget.
TGCompositeFrame * f23
TGeoMixtureEditor(const TGWindow *p=0, Int_t width=140, Int_t height=30, UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
Constructor for mixture editor.
TGTextButton * fUndo
TGCheckButton * fChkFraction
virtual Double_t GetZ() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:85
void AddElement(Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t weight)
add an element to the mixture using fraction by weight Check if the element is already defined ...
Bool_t Connect(const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot)
Non-static method is used to connect from the signal of this object to the receiver slot...
Definition: TQObject.cxx:867
virtual void Associate(const TGWindow *w)
Make w the window that will receive the generated messages.
Double_t GetPressure() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:99
void DoA()
Slot for atomic mass.
virtual void SetSize(const TGDimension &s)
Definition: TGFrame.h:299
void DoApply1()
Slot for applying modifications.
Double_t GetTemperature() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:98
auto * a
Definition: textangle.C:12
TGTextButton * fBAddElem
virtual void Associate(const TGWindow *w)
Definition: TGWidget.h:84
TGeoMixture * fMixture
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom(const char *classname) const
Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname".
Definition: TObject.cxx:443
virtual Int_t GetNelements() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:172
TGNumberEntry * fNENatoms
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:880
TGFrame * fFrame
Definition: TGLayout.h:119
Int_t GetNelements() const
Definition: TGeoElement.h:417
TGeoMaterial * fMaterial
void DoChkFraction()
Check button state changed for fraction.
void SetPressure(Double_t pressure)
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:120
static void MoveFrame(TGCompositeFrame *fr, TGCompositeFrame *p)
Move frame fr at the end of the list of parent p.
void DoApply()
Slot for applying modifications.
virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots()
Connect signals to slots.
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
TGDimension GetSize() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:277
const char * GetText() const
Definition: TGTextEntry.h:134
virtual UInt_t GetDefaultHeight() const
Definition: TGFrame.h:238
virtual void SetFormat(EStyle style, EAttribute attr=TGNumberFormat::kNEAAnyNumber)
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:359
R__EXTERN TGeoManager * gGeoManager
Definition: TGeoManager.h:559
Double_t * GetAmixt() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:174
virtual Bool_t IsMixture() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:108
void SetState(EGeoMaterialState state)
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:121
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
virtual void AddEntry(TGString *s, Int_t id)
Definition: TGComboBox.h:106
virtual void SetEnabled(Bool_t e=kTRUE)
Set enabled or disabled state of button.
Definition: TGButton.cxx:409
virtual Double_t GetNumber() const
Editors for mixtures.
static constexpr double s
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t e
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
void DoRadAbs()
Slot for radiation/absorption length.
virtual void AddFrame(TGFrame *f, TGLayoutHints *l=0)
Add frame to the composite frame using the specified layout hints.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:1099
virtual void MapSubwindows()
Map all sub windows that are part of the composite frame.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:1146
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t z
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
virtual void SetDown(Bool_t on=kTRUE, Bool_t emit=kFALSE)
Definition: TGButton.cxx:260
void SetTemperature(Double_t temperature)
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:119
Bool_t fInit
Definition: TGedFrame.h:53
void UpdateElements()
Update the list of elements in the TGCanvas.
virtual Int_t GetSelected() const
Definition: TGComboBox.h:134
TGNumberEntryField * GetNumberEntry() const
void SetTextJustify(Int_t tmode)
Set text justification.
Definition: TGLabel.cxx:393
void DoNatoms()
Natoms changed.
virtual void SetDensity(Double_t density)
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:113
TGNumberEntry * fNEFraction
TF1 * f1
Definition: legend1.C:11
Double_t * GetZmixt() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:173
void DoUndo1()
Slot for undoing all changes.
Double_t A() const
Definition: TGeoElement.h:76
TGCheckButton * fChkNatoms
TGeoElement * GetElement(Int_t z)
Definition: TGeoElement.h:410
void DoAddElem()
Slot for adding an element. No undo.
virtual void SetText(const char *text, Bool_t emit=kTRUE)
Sets text entry to text, clears the selection and moves the cursor to the end of the line...
virtual Double_t GetRadLen() const
Definition: TGeoMaterial.h:93
void DoChkNatoms()
Check button state changed for natoms.
virtual void Cleanup()
Cleanup and delete all objects contained in this composite frame.
Definition: TGFrame.cxx:949
void DoTemperature()
Slot for material temperature.
TGNumberEntry * fMatRadLen
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
virtual void MakeTitle(const char *title)
Create attribute frame title.
Definition: TGedFrame.cxx:96
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
TGeoTabManager * fTabMgr
Definition: TGeoGedFrame.h:17
TGNumberEntry * fMatPressure
virtual const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:48
Common base class for geombuilder editors.
Definition: TGeoGedFrame.h:13
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:345
void DoSelectElement(Int_t iel)
Slot for selecting an element.