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ROOT 6.12/07 Reference Guide |
Namespaces | |
Blas | |
BrentMethods | |
Cephes | |
Chebyshev | |
template recursive functions for defining evaluation of Chebyshev polynomials T_n(x) and the series S(x) = Sum_i c_i* T_i(x) | |
CholeskyDecompHelpers | |
helpers for CholeskyDecomp | |
detail | |
GenAlgoOptUtil | |
GenVector | |
GenVector_detail | |
GSLRootHelper | |
Helper functions to test convergence of Root-Finding algorithms. | |
GSLSimAn | |
gv_detail | |
Impl | |
IntegMultiDim | |
IntegOneDim | |
IntegOptionsUtil | |
Integration | |
IntegrationMultiDim | |
IntegrationOneDim | |
Internal | |
Interpolation | |
MCIntegration | |
Minim | |
Minim1D | |
Roots | |
Root-Finding Algorithms. | |
rowOffsetsUtils | |
Sampler | |
Util | |
namespace defining Utility functions needed by mathcore | |
VectorUtil | |
Global Helper functions for generic Vector classes. | |
Classes | |
class | AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim |
Class for adaptive quadrature integration in multi-dimensions using rectangular regions. More... | |
class | AddOp |
Addition Operation Class. More... | |
struct | AddPolicy |
matrix addition policy More... | |
struct | AddPolicy< T, D1, D2, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > |
struct | Assign |
Structure to assign from an expression based to general matrix to general matrix. More... | |
struct | Assign< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D1, D2 > > |
Dummy Structure which flags an error to avoid assigment from expression based on a general matrix to a symmetric matrix. More... | |
struct | Assign< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > |
Structure to assign from an expression based to symmetric matrix to symmetric matrix. More... | |
struct | AssignItr |
Structure for assignment to a general matrix from iterator. More... | |
struct | AssignItr< T, D1, D2, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > |
Specialized structure for assignment to a symmetrix matrix from iterator. More... | |
struct | AssignSym |
Force Expression evaluation from general to symmetric. More... | |
class | AxisAngle |
AxisAngle class describing rotation represented with direction axis (3D Vector) and an angle of rotation around that axis. More... | |
class | BaseIntegratorOptions |
Base class for Numerical integration options common in 1D and multi-dimension This is an internal class and is not supposed to be instantiated by the user. More... | |
class | BasicFitMethodFunction |
FitMethodFunction class Interface for objective functions (like chi2 and likelihood used in the fit) In addition to normal function interface provide interface for calculating each data contrinution to the function which is required by some algorithm (like Fumili) More... | |
class | BasicMinimizer |
Base Minimizer class, which defines the basic funcionality of various minimizer implementations (apart from Minuit and Minuit2) It provides support for storing parameter values, step size, parameter transofrmation etc. More... | |
class | BinaryOp |
BinaryOperation class A class representing binary operators in the parse tree. More... | |
class | BinaryOpCopyL |
Binary Operation class with value storage for the left argument. More... | |
class | BinaryOpCopyR |
Binary Operation class with value storage for the right argument. More... | |
class | Boost |
Lorentz boost class with the (4D) transformation represented internally by a 4x4 orthosymplectic matrix. More... | |
class | BoostX |
Class representing a Lorentz Boost along the X axis, by beta. More... | |
class | BoostY |
Class representing a Lorentz Boost along the Y axis, by beta. More... | |
class | BoostZ |
Class representing a Lorentz Boost along the Z axis, by beta. More... | |
class | BrentMinimizer1D |
User class for performing function minimization. More... | |
class | BrentRootFinder |
Class for finding the root of a one dimensional function using the Brent algorithm. More... | |
class | Cartesian2D |
Class describing a 2D cartesian coordinate system (x, y coordinates) More... | |
class | Cartesian3D |
Class describing a 3D cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z coordinates) More... | |
class | ChebyshevApprox |
Class describing a Chebyshev series which can be used to approximate a function in a defined range [a,b] using Chebyshev polynomials. More... | |
class | ChebyshevPol |
class | CholeskyDecomp |
class to compute the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix More... | |
class | CholeskyDecompGenDim |
class to compute the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix More... | |
class | CholInverter |
struct | CompileTimeChecker |
struct | CompileTimeChecker< false > |
class | Constant |
Constant expression class A class representing constant expressions (literals) in the parse tree. More... | |
class | Cylindrical3D |
Class describing a cylindrical coordinate system based on rho, z and phi. More... | |
class | CylindricalEta3D |
Class describing a cylindrical coordinate system based on eta (pseudorapidity) instead of z. More... | |
class | DefaultCoordinateSystemTag |
DefaultCoordinateSystemTag Default tag for identifying any coordinate system. More... | |
class | Delaunay2D |
Class to generate a Delaunay triangulation of a 2D set of points. More... | |
class | Derivator |
Class for computing numerical derivative of a function. More... | |
class | Determinant |
Detrminant for a general squared matrix Function to compute the determinant from a square matrix ( \( \det(A)\)) of dimension idim and order n. More... | |
class | DisplacementVector2D |
Class describing a generic displacement vector in 2 dimensions. More... | |
class | DisplacementVector3D |
Class describing a generic displacement vector in 3 dimensions. More... | |
class | DistSampler |
Interface class for generic sampling of a distribution, i.e. More... | |
class | DistSamplerOptions |
DistSampler options class. More... | |
class | DivOp |
Division (element-wise) Operation Class. More... | |
class | EulerAngles |
EulerAngles class describing rotation as three angles (Euler Angles). More... | |
struct | EvaluatorOneDim |
struct | EvaluatorOneDim< const ROOT::Math::IParamMultiFunction & > |
class | Expr |
class | Fabs |
Unary abs Operation Class. More... | |
class | Factory |
Factory class holding static functions to create the interfaces like ROOT::Math::Minimizer via the Plugin Manager. More... | |
class | FastInverter |
Fast Matrix Inverter class Class to specialize calls to Dinv. More... | |
class | FastInverter< 3 > |
3x3 direct matrix inversion using Cramer Rule use only for FastInverter More... | |
class | FastInverter< 4 > |
4x4 matrix inversion using Cramers rule. More... | |
class | FastInverter< 5 > |
5x5 Matrix inversion using Cramers rule. More... | |
class | Functor |
Documentation for class Functor class. More... | |
class | Functor1D |
Functor1D class for one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | FunctorGradHandler |
Functor Handler class for gradient functions where both callable objects are provided for the function evaluation (type Func) and for the gradient (type GradFunc) . More... | |
class | FunctorHandler |
Functor Handler class is responsible for wrapping any other functor and pointer to free C functions. More... | |
class | FunctorImpl |
FunctorImpl is a base class for the functor handler implementation class. More... | |
class | GaussIntegrator |
User class for performing function integration. More... | |
class | GaussLegendreIntegrator |
User class for performing function integration. More... | |
class | GenAlgoOptions |
class implementing generic options for a numerical algorithm Just store the options in a map of string-value pairs More... | |
struct | GeneralLinearFunctionDerivation |
Auxiliar class to bypass the (provisional) lack of vectorization in TFormula::EvalPar. More... | |
struct | GeneralLinearFunctionDerivation< double > |
class | GeneticMinimizer |
GeneticMinimizer. More... | |
struct | GeneticMinimizerParameters |
class | GenVector_exception |
class | GlobalCoordinateSystemTag |
Tag for identifying vectors based on a global coordinate system. More... | |
class | GoFTest |
class | GradFunctor |
GradFunctor class for Multidimensional gradient functions. More... | |
class | GradFunctor1D |
GradFunctor1D class for one-dimensional gradient functions. More... | |
class | GSL1DMinimizerWrapper |
wrapper class for gsl_min_fminimizer structure More... | |
class | GSLChebSeries |
wrapper class for C struct gsl_cheb_series More... | |
class | GSLDerivator |
Class for computing numerical derivative of a function based on the GSL numerical algorithm This class is implemented using the numerical derivatives algorithms provided by GSL (see GSL Online Manual ). More... | |
class | GSLFunctionAdapter |
Class for adapting any C++ functor class to C function pointers used by GSL. More... | |
class | GSLFunctionDerivWrapper |
class to wrap a gsl_function_fdf (with derivatives) More... | |
class | GSLFunctionWrapper |
Wrapper class to the gsl_function C structure. More... | |
class | GSLIntegrationWorkspace |
class | GSLIntegrator |
Class for performing numerical integration of a function in one dimension. More... | |
class | GSLInterpolator |
Interpolation class based on GSL interpolation functions. More... | |
class | GSLMCIntegrationWorkspace |
class | GSLMCIntegrator |
class | GSLMinimizer |
GSLMinimizer class. More... | |
class | GSLMinimizer1D |
Minimizer for arbitrary one dimensional functions. More... | |
class | GSLMiserIntegrationWorkspace |
Workspace for MISER. More... | |
struct | GSLMonteFunctionAdapter |
class | GSLMonteFunctionWrapper |
wrapper to a multi-dim function withtout derivatives for Monte Carlo multi-dimensional integration algorithm More... | |
class | GSLMultiFit |
GSLMultiFit, internal class for implementing GSL non linear least square GSL fitting. More... | |
class | GSLMultiFitFunctionAdapter |
Class for adapting a C++ functor class to C function pointers used by GSL MultiFit Algorithm The templated C++ function class must implement: More... | |
class | GSLMultiFitFunctionWrapper |
wrapper to a multi-dim function withtout derivatives for multi-dimensional minimization algorithm More... | |
class | GSLMultiMinDerivFunctionWrapper |
Wrapper for a multi-dimensional function with derivatives used in GSL multidim minimization algorithm. More... | |
struct | GSLMultiMinFunctionAdapter |
Class for adapting any multi-dimension C++ functor class to C function pointers used by GSL MultiMin algorithms. More... | |
class | GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper |
wrapper to a multi-dim function withtout derivatives for multi-dimensional minimization algorithm More... | |
class | GSLMultiMinimizer |
GSLMultiMinimizer class , for minimizing multi-dimensional function using derivatives. More... | |
class | GSLMultiRootBaseSolver |
GSLMultiRootBaseSolver, internal class for implementing GSL multi-root finders This is the base class for GSLMultiRootSolver (solver not using derivatives) and GSLMUltiRootDerivSolver (solver using derivatives) More... | |
class | GSLMultiRootDerivFunctionWrapper |
wrapper to a multi-dim function with derivatives for multi roots algorithm More... | |
class | GSLMultiRootDerivSolver |
GSLMultiRootDerivSolver, internal class for implementing GSL multi-root finders using derivatives. More... | |
class | GSLMultiRootFinder |
Class for Multidimensional root finding algorithms bassed on GSL. More... | |
class | GSLMultiRootFunctionAdapter |
Class for adapting a C++ functor class to C function pointers used by GSL MultiRoot Algorithm The templated C++ function class must implement: More... | |
class | GSLMultiRootFunctionWrapper |
wrapper to a multi-dim function without derivatives for multi roots algorithm More... | |
class | GSLMultiRootSolver |
GSLMultiRootSolver, internal class for implementing GSL multi-root finders not using derivatives. More... | |
class | GSLNLSMinimizer |
GSLNLSMinimizer class for Non Linear Least Square fitting It Uses the Levemberg-Marquardt algorithm from GSL Non Linear Least Square fitting. More... | |
class | GSLPlainIntegrationWorkspace |
class | GSLQRngNiederreiter2 |
Niederreiter generator gsl_qrng_niederreiter_2 from here More... | |
class | GSLQRngSobol |
Sobol generator gsl_qrng_sobol from here More... | |
class | GSLQRngWrapper |
GSLQRngWrapper class to wrap gsl_qrng structure. More... | |
class | GSLQuasiRandomEngine |
GSLQuasiRandomEngine Base class for all GSL quasi random engines, normally user instantiate the derived classes which creates internally the generator and uses the class ROOT::Math::QuasiRandom. More... | |
class | GSLRandomEngine |
GSLRandomEngine Base class for all GSL random engines, normally user instantiate the derived classes which creates internally the generator. More... | |
class | GSLRngCMRG |
Combined multiple recursive generator (L'Ecuyer) see here More... | |
class | GSLRngGFSR4 |
Lagged Fibonacci generator by Ziff see here More... | |
class | GSLRngMinStd |
MINSTD generator (Park and Miller) see here More... | |
class | GSLRngMixMax |
MixMax generator based on ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine of N=240. More... | |
class | GSLRngMRG |
5-th order multiple recursive generator (L'Ecuyer, Blouin and Coutre) see here More... | |
class | GSLRngMT |
Mersenne-Twister generator gsl_rng_mt19937 from here More... | |
class | GSLRngRand |
BSD rand() generator gsl_rmg_rand from here More... | |
class | GSLRngRanLux |
Old Ranlux generator (James, Luscher) (default luxury level, p = 223) (This is eequivalent to TRandom1 with default luxury level) see here More... | |
class | GSLRngRanLuxD1 |
Double precision (48 bits) version of Second generation of Ranlux generator with luxury level of 1 (It throws away 202 value for every 12 used) see here More... | |
class | GSLRngRanLuxD2 |
Double precision (48 bits) version of Second generation of Ranlux generator with luxury level of 2 (It throws away 397 value for every 12 used) see here More... | |
class | GSLRngRanLuxS1 |
Second generation of Ranlux generator for single precision with luxury level of 1 (It throws away 202 values for every 12 used) see here More... | |
class | GSLRngRanLuxS2 |
Second generation of Ranlux generator for Single precision with luxury level of 2 (It throws away 397 value for every 12 used) see here More... | |
class | GSLRngRanMar |
RANMAR generator see here More... | |
struct | GSLRngROOTWrapper |
class | GSLRngTaus |
Tausworthe generator by L'Ecuyer see here More... | |
class | GSLRngWrapper |
GSLRngWrapper class to wrap gsl_rng structure. More... | |
class | GSLRootFdFSolver |
Root-Finder with derivatives implementation class using GSL. More... | |
class | GSLRootFinder |
Base class for GSL Root-Finding algorithms for one dimensional functions which do not use function derivatives. More... | |
class | GSLRootFinderDeriv |
Base class for GSL Root-Finding algorithms for one dimensional functions which use function derivatives. More... | |
class | GSLRootFSolver |
Root-Finder implementation class using GSL. More... | |
class | GSLSimAnFunc |
GSLSimAnFunc class description. More... | |
class | GSLSimAnMinimizer |
GSLSimAnMinimizer class for minimization using simulated annealing using the algorithm from GSL. More... | |
class | GSLSimAnnealing |
GSLSimAnnealing class for performing a simulated annealing search of a multidimensional function. More... | |
struct | GSLSimAnParams |
structure holding the simulated annealing parameters More... | |
class | GSLVegasIntegrationWorkspace |
workspace for VEGAS More... | |
class | IBaseFunctionMultiDimTempl |
Documentation for the abstract class IBaseFunctionMultiDim. More... | |
class | IBaseFunctionOneDim |
Interface (abstract class) for generic functions objects of one-dimension Provides a method to evaluate the function given a value (simple double) by implementing operator() (const double ). More... | |
class | IBaseParam |
Documentation for the abstract class IBaseParam. More... | |
class | IGradientFunctionMultiDimTempl |
Interface (abstract class) for multi-dimensional functions providing a gradient calculation. More... | |
class | IGradientFunctionOneDim |
Interface (abstract class) for one-dimensional functions providing a gradient calculation. More... | |
class | IGradientMultiDimTempl |
Gradient interface (abstract class) defining the signature for calculating the gradient of a multi-dimensional function. More... | |
class | IGradientOneDim |
Specialized Gradient interface(abstract class) for one dimensional functions It provides a method to evaluate the derivative of the function, Derivative and a method to evaluate at the same time the function and the derivative FdF. More... | |
class | IMinimizer1D |
Interface class for numerical methods for one-dimensional minimization. More... | |
class | IntegrandTransform |
Auxiliary inner class for mapping infinite and semi-infinite integrals. More... | |
class | IntegratorMultiDim |
User class for performing multidimensional integration. More... | |
class | IntegratorMultiDimOptions |
Numerical multi dimensional integration options. More... | |
class | IntegratorOneDim |
User Class for performing numerical integration of a function in one dimension. More... | |
class | IntegratorOneDimOptions |
Numerical one dimensional integration options. More... | |
class | Interpolator |
Class for performing function interpolation of points. More... | |
class | Inverter |
Matrix Inverter class Class to specialize calls to Dinv. More... | |
class | Inverter< 0 > |
Inverter<0>. More... | |
class | Inverter< 1 > |
1x1 matrix inversion \(a_{11} \to 1/a_{11}\) More... | |
class | Inverter< 2 > |
2x2 matrix inversion using Cramers rule. More... | |
class | IOptions |
Generic interface for defining configuration options of a numerical algorithm. More... | |
class | IParametricFunctionMultiDimTempl |
IParamFunction interface (abstract class) describing multi-dimensional parameteric functions It is a derived class from ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim and ROOT::Math::IBaseParam. More... | |
class | IParametricFunctionOneDim |
Specialized IParamFunction interface (abstract class) for one-dimensional parametric functions It is a derived class from ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim and ROOT::Math::IBaseParam. More... | |
class | IParametricGradFunctionMultiDimTempl |
Interface (abstract class) for parametric gradient multi-dimensional functions providing in addition to function evaluation with respect to the coordinates also the gradient with respect to the parameters, via the method ParameterGradient. More... | |
class | IParametricGradFunctionOneDim |
Interface (abstract class) for parametric one-dimensional gradient functions providing in addition to function evaluation with respect the coordinates also the gradient with respect to the parameters, via the method ParameterGradient. More... | |
class | IRootFinderMethod |
Interface for finding function roots of one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | KahanSum |
The Kahan compensate summation algorithm significantly reduces the numerical error in the total obtained by adding a sequence of finite precision floating point numbers. More... | |
class | KDTree |
class | KelvinFunctions |
This class calculates the Kelvin functions Ber(x), Bei(x), Ker(x), Kei(x), and their first derivatives. More... | |
class | LCGEngine |
class | LocalCoordinateSystemTag |
Tag for identifying vectors based on a local coordinate system. More... | |
class | LorentzRotation |
Lorentz transformation class with the (4D) transformation represented by a 4x4 orthosymplectic matrix. More... | |
class | LorentzVector |
Class describing a generic LorentzVector in the 4D space-time, using the specified coordinate system for the spatial vector part. More... | |
class | LSResidualFunc |
LSResidualFunc class description. More... | |
class | MathMoreLib |
class | MatRepStd |
Expression wrapper class for Matrix objects. More... | |
class | MatRepSym |
MatRepSym Matrix storage representation for a symmetric matrix of dimension NxN This class is a template on the contained type and on the symmetric matrix size, N. More... | |
class | MatrixMulOp |
Class for Matrix-Matrix multiplication. More... | |
class | MemFunHandler |
Functor Handler to Wrap pointers to member functions The member function type must be (XXX means any name is allowed) : double XXX ( double x) for 1D functions and double XXXX (const double *x) for multi-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | MemGradFunHandler |
Functor Handler to Wrap pointers to member functions for the evaluation of the function and the gradient. More... | |
class | MersenneTwisterEngine |
Random number generator class based on M. More... | |
struct | meta_col_dot |
struct | meta_col_dot< 0 > |
struct | meta_dot |
struct | meta_dot< 0 > |
struct | meta_mag |
struct | meta_mag< 0 > |
struct | meta_matrix_dot |
struct | meta_matrix_dot< 0 > |
struct | meta_row_dot |
struct | meta_row_dot< 0 > |
class | Minimizer |
Abstract Minimizer class, defining the interface for the various minimizer (like Minuit2, Minuit, GSL, etc..) Plug-in's exist in ROOT to be able to instantiate the derived classes like ROOT::Math::GSLMinimizer or ROOT::Math::Minuit2Minimizer via the plug-in manager. More... | |
class | MinimizerOptions |
Minimizer options. More... | |
class | MinimizerVariableTransformation |
Base class for MinimizerVariable transformations defining the functions to deal with bounded parameters. More... | |
class | MinimTransformFunction |
MinimTransformFunction class to perform a transformations on the variables to deal with fixed or limited variables (support both double and single bounds) The class manages the passed function pointer. More... | |
class | MinimTransformVariable |
MinimTransformVariable class Contains meta information of the variables such as bounds, fix flags and deals with transformation of the variable The class does not contain the values and the step size (error) of the variable This is an internal class used by the MinimTransformFunction class. More... | |
class | MinOp |
Subtraction Operation Class. More... | |
class | Minus |
Unary Minus Operation Class. More... | |
struct | MinusEquals |
Evaluate the expression performing a -= operation Need to check whether creating a temporary object with the expression result (like in op: A -= A * B ) More... | |
struct | MinusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D1, D2 > > |
Specialization for symmetrix -= general : NOT Allowed operation. More... | |
struct | MinusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > |
Specialization for symmetric matrices. More... | |
struct | MiserParameters |
structures collecting parameters for MISER multidimensional integration More... | |
class | MixMaxEngine |
MixMaxEngine is a wrapper class for the MIXMAX Random number generator. More... | |
class | MixMaxEngineImpl |
class | MixMaxEngineImpl< ROOT_MM_N > |
class | MulOp |
Multiplication (element-wise) Operation Class. More... | |
class | MultiDimParamFunctionAdapter |
MultiDimParamFunctionAdapter class to wrap a one-dimensional parametric function in a multi dimensional parameteric function interface This is used typically in fitting where internally the function is stored as multidimension. More... | |
class | MultiDimParamGradFunctionAdapter |
MultiDimParamGradFunctionAdapter class to wrap a one-dimensional parametric gradient function in a multi dimensional parameteric gradient function interface This is used typically in fitting where internally the function is stored as multidimension. More... | |
class | MultiNumGradFunction |
MultiNumGradFunction class to wrap a normal function in a gradient function using numerical gradient calculation provided by the class Derivator (based on GSL numerical derivation) More... | |
struct | MultPolicy |
matrix-matrix multiplication policy More... | |
struct | NullTypeFunc1D |
class | OneDimMultiFunctionAdapter |
OneDimMultiFunctionAdapter class to wrap a multidimensional function in one dimensional one. More... | |
class | OneDimParamFunctionAdapter |
OneDimParamFunctionAdapter class to wrap a multi-dim parameteric function in one dimensional one. More... | |
class | ParamFunction |
Base template class for all Parametric Functions. More... | |
class | ParamFunctionBase |
class defining the signature for multi-dim parametric functions More... | |
class | ParamFunctorHandler |
ParamFunctor Handler class is responsible for wrapping any other functor and pointer to free C functions. More... | |
class | ParamFunctorTempl |
Param Functor class for Multidimensional functions. More... | |
class | ParamMemFunHandler |
ParamFunctor Handler to Wrap pointers to member functions. More... | |
struct | PlaceExpr |
struct | PlaceExpr< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D3, D4 > > |
struct | PlaceExpr< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D3 > > |
struct | PlaceMatrix |
Structure to deal when a submatrix is placed in a matrix. More... | |
struct | PlaceMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D3, D4 > > |
struct | PlaceMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D3 > > |
struct | PlainParameters |
struct | PlusEquals |
Evaluate the expression performing a += operation Need to check whether creating a temporary object with the expression result (like in op: A += A * B ) More... | |
struct | PlusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D1, D2 > > |
Specialization for symmetrix += general : NOT Allowed operation. More... | |
struct | PlusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > |
Specialization for symmetric matrices Evaluate the expression performing a += operation for symmetric matrices Need to have a separate functions to avoid to modify two times the off-diagonal elements (i.e applying two times the expression) Need to check whether creating a temporary object with the expression result (like in op: A += A * B ) More... | |
class | Polar2D |
Class describing a polar 2D coordinate system based on r and phi Phi is restricted to be in the range [-PI,PI) More... | |
class | Polar3D |
Class describing a polar coordinate system based on r, theta and phi Phi is restricted to be in the range [-PI,PI) More... | |
class | Polynomial |
Parametric Function class describing polynomials of order n. More... | |
class | PositionVector2D |
Class describing a generic position vector (point) in 2 dimensions. More... | |
class | PositionVector3D |
Class describing a generic position vector (point) in 3 dimensions. More... | |
class | PtEtaPhiE4D |
Class describing a 4D cylindrical coordinate system using Pt , Phi, Eta and E (or rho, phi, eta , T) The metric used is (-,-,-,+). More... | |
class | PtEtaPhiM4D |
Class describing a 4D cylindrical coordinate system using Pt , Phi, Eta and M (mass) The metric used is (-,-,-,+). More... | |
class | PxPyPzE4D |
Class describing a 4D cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z, t coordinates) or momentum-energy vectors stored as (Px, Py, Pz, E). More... | |
class | PxPyPzM4D |
Class describing a 4D coordinate system or momentum-energy vectors stored as (Px, Py, Pz, M). More... | |
class | QuasiRandom |
User class for MathMore random numbers template on the Engine type. More... | |
class | Quaternion |
Rotation class with the (3D) rotation represented by a unit quaternion (u, i, j, k). More... | |
class | Random |
Documentation for the Random class. More... | |
class | RandomFunctions |
class | RandomFunctions< EngineType, ROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine > |
Specialized implementation of the Random functions based on the GSL library. More... | |
class | RandomFunctionsImpl |
Definition of the generic impelmentation class for the RandomFunctions. More... | |
class | RandomFunctionsImpl< TRandomEngine > |
Implementation class for the RandomFunction for all the engined that derives from TRandomEngine class, which defines an interface which has TRandomEngine::Rndm() In this way we can have a common implementation for the RandomFunctions. More... | |
struct | RetrieveMatrix |
Structure for getting sub matrices We have different cases according to the matrix representations. More... | |
struct | RetrieveMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D3, D4 > > |
struct | RetrieveMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D3 > > |
class | RichardsonDerivator |
User class for calculating the derivatives of a function. More... | |
class | RMinimizer |
RMinimizer class. More... | |
class | RootFinder |
User Class to find the Root of one dimensional functions. More... | |
class | Rotation3D |
Rotation class with the (3D) rotation represented by a 3x3 orthogonal matrix. More... | |
class | RotationX |
Rotation class representing a 3D rotation about the X axis by the angle of rotation. More... | |
class | RotationY |
Rotation class representing a 3D rotation about the Y axis by the angle of rotation. More... | |
class | RotationZ |
Rotation class representing a 3D rotation about the Z axis by the angle of rotation. More... | |
class | RotationZYX |
Rotation class with the (3D) rotation represented by angles describing first a rotation of an angle phi (yaw) about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of an angle theta (pitch) about the new Y' axis, followed by a third rotation of an angle psi (roll) about the final X'' axis. More... | |
struct | RowOffsets |
Static structure to keep the conversion from (i,j) to offsets in the storage data for a symmetric matrix. More... | |
class | SDeterminant |
Dsfact. More... | |
class | SinVariableTransformation |
Sin Transformation class for dealing with double bounded variables. More... | |
class | SInverter |
Dsinv. More... | |
struct | SkipFunction |
struct | SkipFunction< 0 > |
class | SMatrix |
SMatrix: a generic fixed size D1 x D2 Matrix class. More... | |
struct | SMatrixIdentity |
struct | SMatrixNoInit |
class | Sqr |
Unary Square Operation Class. More... | |
class | Sqrt |
Unary Square Root Operation Class. More... | |
class | SqrtLowVariableTransformation |
Sqrt Transformation class for dealing with lower bounded variables. More... | |
class | SqrtUpVariableTransformation |
Sqrt Transformation class for dealing with upper bounded variables. More... | |
class | StdEngine |
Class to wrap engines fron the C++ standard random library in the ROOT Random interface. More... | |
struct | StdEngineType |
struct | StdEngineType< std::knuth_b > |
struct | StdEngineType< std::minstd_rand > |
struct | StdEngineType< std::mt19937 > |
struct | StdEngineType< std::mt19937_64 > |
struct | StdEngineType< std::random_device > |
struct | StdEngineType< std::ranlux24 > |
struct | StdEngineType< std::ranlux48 > |
class | StdRandomEngine |
class | SVector |
SVector: a generic fixed size Vector class. More... | |
class | TDataPoint |
class | TDataPointN |
class | TensorMulOp |
Class for Tensor Multiplication (outer product) of two vectors giving a matrix. More... | |
class | TRandomEngine |
class | TransposeOp |
Class for Transpose Operations. More... | |
struct | TranspPolicy |
matrix transpose policy More... | |
struct | TranspPolicy< T, D1, D2, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > |
class | UnaryOp |
UnaryOperation class A class representing unary operators in the parse tree. More... | |
class | Vavilov |
Base class describing a Vavilov distribution. More... | |
class | VavilovAccurate |
Class describing a Vavilov distribution. More... | |
class | VavilovAccurateCdf |
Class describing the Vavilov cdf. More... | |
class | VavilovAccuratePdf |
Class describing the Vavilov pdf. More... | |
class | VavilovAccurateQuantile |
Class describing the Vavilov quantile function. More... | |
class | VavilovFast |
Class describing a Vavilov distribution. More... | |
class | VecExpr |
Expression wrapper class for Vector objects. More... | |
class | VectorMatrixColOp |
Class for Vector-Matrix multiplication. More... | |
class | VectorMatrixRowOp |
struct | VegasParameters |
structures collecting parameters for VEGAS multidimensional integration FOr implementation of default parameters see file mathmore/src/GSLMCIntegrationWorkspace.h More... | |
class | VirtualIntegrator |
Abstract class for all numerical integration methods (1D and multi-dim) Interface defining the common methods for the numerical integrator classes of one and multi dimensions The derived class VirtualIntegratorOneDim defines the methods for one-dimensional integration. More... | |
class | VirtualIntegratorMultiDim |
Interface (abstract) class for multi numerical integration It must be implemented by the concrete Integrator classes like ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator. More... | |
class | VirtualIntegratorOneDim |
Interface (abstract) class for 1D numerical integration It must be implemented by the concrate Integrator classes like ROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator. More... | |
class | WrappedFunction |
Template class to wrap any C++ callable object which takes one argument i.e. More... | |
class | WrappedMemFunction |
Template class to wrap any member function of a class taking a double and returning a double in a 1D function interface For example, if you have a class like: struct X { double Eval(double x); }; you can wrapped in the following way: WrappedMemFunction<X, double ( X::* ) (double) > f;. More... | |
class | WrappedMemMultiFunction |
class | WrappedMultiFunction |
Template class to wrap any C++ callable object implementing operator() (const double * x) in a multi-dimensional function interface. More... | |
class | WrappedMultiTF1Templ |
Class to Wrap a ROOT Function class (like TF1) in a IParamMultiFunction interface of multi-dimensions to be used in the ROOT::Math numerical algorithm. More... | |
class | WrappedParamFunction |
WrappedParamFunction class to wrap any multi-dimensional function pbject implementing the operator()(const double * x, const double * p) in an interface-like IParamFunction with a vector storing and caching internally the parameter values. More... | |
class | WrappedParamFunctionGen |
WrappedParamGenFunction class to wrap any multi-dimensional function implementing the operator()(const double * ) in an interface-like IParamFunction, by fixing some of the variables and define them as parameters. More... | |
class | WrappedTF1 |
Class to Wrap a ROOT Function class (like TF1) in a IParamFunction interface of one dimensions to be used in the ROOT::Math numerical algorithms The wrapper does not own bby default the TF1 pointer, so it assumes it exists during the wrapper lifetime. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef TRandomEngine | DefaultEngineType |
Documentation for the RandomFunction class. More... | |
typedef BasicFitMethodFunction< ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction > | FitMethodFunction |
typedef BasicFitMethodFunction< ROOT::Math::IMultiGradFunction > | FitMethodGradFunction |
typedef double(* | FreeFunctionPtr) (double) |
typedef double(* | FreeMultiFunctionPtr) (const double *) |
typedef double(* | FreeParamMultiFunctionPtr) (const double *, const double *) |
typedef void(* | GSLFdfPointer) (double, void *, double *, double *) |
typedef double(* | GSLFuncPointer) (double, void *) |
Function pointer corresponding to gsl_function signature. More... | |
typedef double(* | GSLMonteFuncPointer) (double *, size_t, void *) |
Class for adapting any multi-dimension C++ functor class to C function pointers used by GSL MonteCarlo integration algorithms. More... | |
typedef void(* | GSLMultiFitDfPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_matrix *) |
typedef void(* | GSLMultiFitFdfPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *, gsl_matrix *) |
typedef double(* | GSLMultiFitFPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *) |
typedef void(* | GSLMultiMinDfPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *) |
typedef void(* | GSLMultiMinFdfPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, double *, gsl_vector *) |
typedef double(* | GSLMultiMinFuncPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *) |
typedef void(* | GSLMultiRootDfPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_matrix *) |
typedef void(* | GSLMultiRootFdfPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *, gsl_matrix *) |
typedef double(* | GSLMultiRootFPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *) |
typedef GSLRngRanLuxS1 | GSLRngRanLux1 |
typedef GSLRngRanLuxS2 | GSLRngRanLux2 |
typedef GSLRngRanLuxD2 | GSLRngRanLux48 |
using | IBaseFunctionMultiDim = IBaseFunctionMultiDimTempl< double > |
typedef IBaseFunctionOneDim | IGenFunction |
typedef IGradientFunctionOneDim | IGradFunction |
using | IGradientFunctionMultiDim = IGradientFunctionMultiDimTempl< double > |
using | IGradientMultiDim = IGradientMultiDimTempl< double > |
using | IMultiGenFunction = IMultiGenFunctionTempl< double > |
template<class T > | |
using | IMultiGenFunctionTempl = IBaseFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > |
typedef IGradientFunctionMultiDim | IMultiGradFunction |
typedef IntegratorOneDim | Integrator |
using | IParametricFunctionMultiDim = IParametricFunctionMultiDimTempl< double > |
using | IParametricGradFunctionMultiDim = IParametricGradFunctionMultiDimTempl< double > |
typedef IParametricFunctionOneDim | IParamFunction |
typedef IParametricGradFunctionOneDim | IParamGradFunction |
typedef IParametricFunctionMultiDim | IParamMultiFunction |
template<class T > | |
using | IParamMultiFunctionTempl = IParametricFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > |
typedef IParametricGradFunctionMultiDim | IParamMultiGradFunction |
template<class T > | |
using | IParamMultiGradFunctionTempl = IParametricGradFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > |
typedef MathMoreLib | MathMoreLibrary |
typedef MixMaxEngine< 17, 0 > | MixMaxEngine17 |
typedef MixMaxEngine< 240, 0 > | MixMaxEngine240 |
typedef MixMaxEngine< 256, 2 > | MixMaxEngine256 |
typedef GSLMultiRootFinder | MultiRootFinder |
typedef std::map< std::string, ROOT::Math::GenAlgoOptions > | OptionsMap |
using | ParamFunctor = ParamFunctorTempl< double > |
typedef Impl::Plane3D< double > | Plane3D |
typedef Impl::Plane3D< float > | Plane3DF |
typedef PositionVector2D< Polar2D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | Polar2DPoint |
2D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in double precision. More... | |
typedef Polar2DPoint | Polar2DPointD |
typedef PositionVector2D< Polar2D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | Polar2DPointF |
2D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in single precision. More... | |
typedef DisplacementVector2D< Polar2D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | Polar2DVector |
2D Vector based on the polar coordinates rho, phi in double precision. More... | |
typedef Polar2DVector | Polar2DVectorD |
typedef DisplacementVector2D< Polar2D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | Polar2DVectorF |
2D Vector based on the polar coordinates rho, phi in single precision. More... | |
typedef PositionVector3D< Polar3D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | Polar3DPoint |
3D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in double precision. More... | |
typedef Polar3DPoint | Polar3DPointD |
typedef PositionVector3D< Polar3D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | Polar3DPointF |
3D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in single precision. More... | |
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Polar3D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | Polar3DVector |
3D Vector based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in double precision. More... | |
typedef Polar3DVector | Polar3DVectorD |
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Polar3D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | Polar3DVectorF |
3D Vector based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in single precision. More... | |
typedef LorentzVector< PtEtaPhiE4D< double > > | PtEtaPhiEVector |
LorentzVector based on the cylindrical coordinates Pt, eta, phi and E (rho, eta, phi, t) in double precision. More... | |
typedef LorentzVector< PtEtaPhiM4D< double > > | PtEtaPhiMVector |
LorentzVector based on the cylindrical coordinates pt, eta, phi and Mass in double precision. More... | |
typedef LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D< double > > | PxPyPzEVector |
typedef LorentzVector< PxPyPzM4D< double > > | PxPyPzMVector |
LorentzVector based on the x, y, z, and Mass in double precision. More... | |
typedef QuasiRandom< ROOT::Math::GSLQRngNiederreiter2 > | QuasiRandomNiederreiter |
typedef QuasiRandom< ROOT::Math::GSLQRngSobol > | QuasiRandomSobol |
typedef Random< ROOT::Math::GSLRngGFSR4 > | RandomGFSR4 |
typedef Random< ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine< 240, 0 > > | RandomMixMax |
Useful typedef definitions. More... | |
typedef Random< ROOT::Math::GSLRngMT > | RandomMT |
typedef Random< ROOT::Math::MersenneTwisterEngine > | RandomMT19937 |
typedef Random< ROOT::Math::StdEngine< std::mt19937_64 > > | RandomMT64 |
typedef Random< ROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux > | RandomRanLux |
typedef Random< ROOT::Math::StdEngine< std::ranlux48 > > | RandomRanlux48 |
typedef Random< ROOT::Math::GSLRngTaus > | RandomTaus |
typedef PositionVector3D< CylindricalEta3D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | RhoEtaPhiPoint |
3D Point based on the eta based cylindrical coordinates rho, eta, phi in double precision. More... | |
typedef RhoEtaPhiPoint | RhoEtaPhiPointD |
typedef PositionVector3D< CylindricalEta3D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | RhoEtaPhiPointF |
3D Point based on the eta based cylindrical coordinates rho, eta, phi in single precision. More... | |
typedef DisplacementVector3D< CylindricalEta3D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | RhoEtaPhiVector |
3D Vector based on the eta based cylindrical coordinates rho, eta, phi in double precision. More... | |
typedef RhoEtaPhiVector | RhoEtaPhiVectorD |
typedef DisplacementVector3D< CylindricalEta3D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | RhoEtaPhiVectorF |
3D Vector based on the eta based cylindrical coordinates rho, eta, phi in single precision. More... | |
typedef PositionVector3D< Cylindrical3D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | RhoZPhiPoint |
3D Point based on the cylindrical coordinates rho, z, phi in double precision. More... | |
typedef RhoZPhiPoint | RhoZPhiPointD |
typedef PositionVector3D< Cylindrical3D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | RhoZPhiPointF |
3D Point based on the cylindrical coordinates rho, z, phi in single precision. More... | |
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Cylindrical3D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | RhoZPhiVector |
3D Vector based on the cylindrical coordinates rho, z, phi in double precision. More... | |
typedef RhoZPhiVector | RhoZPhiVectorD |
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Cylindrical3D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | RhoZPhiVectorF |
3D Vector based on the cylindrical coordinates rho, z, phi in single precision. More... | |
typedef Rotation3D::Scalar | Scalar |
typedef SMatrix< double, 2, 2, MatRepStd< double, 2, 2 > > | SMatrix2D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 2, 2, MatRepStd< float, 2, 2 > > | SMatrix2F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 3, 3, MatRepStd< double, 3, 3 > > | SMatrix3D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 3, 3, MatRepStd< float, 3, 3 > > | SMatrix3F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 4, 4, MatRepStd< double, 4, 4 > > | SMatrix4D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 4, 4, MatRepStd< float, 4, 4 > > | SMatrix4F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 5, 5, MatRepStd< double, 5, 5 > > | SMatrix5D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 5, 5, MatRepStd< float, 5, 5 > > | SMatrix5F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 6, 6, MatRepStd< double, 6, 6 > > | SMatrix6D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 6, 6, MatRepStd< float, 6, 6 > > | SMatrix6F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 7, 7, MatRepStd< double, 7, 7 > > | SMatrix7D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 7, 7, MatRepStd< float, 7, 7 > > | SMatrix7F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 2, 2, MatRepSym< double, 2 > > | SMatrixSym2D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 2, 2, MatRepSym< float, 2 > > | SMatrixSym2F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 3, 3, MatRepSym< double, 3 > > | SMatrixSym3D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 3, 3, MatRepSym< float, 3 > > | SMatrixSym3F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 4, 4, MatRepSym< double, 4 > > | SMatrixSym4D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 4, 4, MatRepSym< float, 4 > > | SMatrixSym4F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 5, 5, MatRepSym< double, 5 > > | SMatrixSym5D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 5, 5, MatRepSym< float, 5 > > | SMatrixSym5F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 6, 6, MatRepSym< double, 6 > > | SMatrixSym6D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 6, 6, MatRepSym< float, 6 > > | SMatrixSym6F |
typedef SMatrix< double, 7, 7, MatRepSym< double, 7 > > | SMatrixSym7D |
typedef SMatrix< float, 7, 7, MatRepSym< float, 7 > > | SMatrixSym7F |
typedef TDataPoint< 1, Double_t > | TDataPoint1D |
typedef TDataPoint< 1, Float_t > | TDataPoint1F |
typedef TDataPoint< 2, Double_t > | TDataPoint2D |
typedef TDataPoint< 2, Float_t > | TDataPoint2F |
typedef TDataPoint< 3, Double_t > | TDataPoint3D |
typedef TDataPoint< 3, Float_t > | TDataPoint3F |
typedef Impl::Transform3D< double > | Transform3D |
typedef Impl::Transform3D< float > | Transform3DF |
typedef Impl::Translation3D< double > | Translation3D |
typedef Impl::Translation3D< float > | Translation3DF |
using | WrappedMultiTF1 = WrappedMultiTF1Templ< double > |
typedef PositionVector2D< Cartesian2D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | XYPoint |
2D Point based on the cartesian coordinates x,y,z in double precision More... | |
typedef XYPoint | XYPointD |
typedef PositionVector2D< Cartesian2D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | XYPointF |
2D Point based on the cartesian corrdinates x,y,z in single precision More... | |
typedef DisplacementVector2D< Cartesian2D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | XYVector |
2D Vector based on the cartesian coordinates x,y in double precision More... | |
typedef XYVector | XYVectorD |
typedef DisplacementVector2D< Cartesian2D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | XYVectorF |
2D Vector based on the cartesian coordinates x,y,z in single precision More... | |
typedef PositionVector3D< Cartesian3D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | XYZPoint |
3D Point based on the cartesian coordinates x,y,z in double precision More... | |
typedef XYZPoint | XYZPointD |
typedef PositionVector3D< Cartesian3D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | XYZPointF |
3D Point based on the cartesian corrdinates x,y,z in single precision More... | |
typedef LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D< double > > | XYZTVector |
LorentzVector based on x,y,x,t (or px,py,pz,E) coordinates in double precision with metric (-,-,-,+) More... | |
typedef LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D< float > > | XYZTVectorF |
LorentzVector based on x,y,x,t (or px,py,pz,E) coordinates in float precision with metric (-,-,-,+) More... | |
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | XYZVector |
3D Vector based on the cartesian coordinates x,y,z in double precision More... | |
typedef XYZVector | XYZVectorD |
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D< float >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | XYZVectorF |
3D Vector based on the cartesian corrdinates x,y,z in single precision More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | EGSLMinimizerType { kConjugateFR, kConjugatePR, kVectorBFGS, kVectorBFGS2, kSteepestDescent } |
enumeration specifying the types of GSL minimizers More... | |
enum | EMinimVariableType { kDefault, kFix, kBounds, kLowBound, kUpBound } |
Enumeration describing the status of the variable The enumeration are used in the minimizer classes to categorize the variables. More... | |
enum | ERotation3DMatrixIndex { kXX = 0, kXY = 1, kXZ = 2, kYX = 3, kYY = 4, kYZ = 5, kZX = 6, kZY = 7, kZZ = 8 } |
Functions | |
void | adkTestStat (double *adk, const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &samples, const std::vector< double > &zstar) |
double | beta_cdf (double x, double a, double b) |
Cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution Upper tail of the integral of the beta_pdf. More... | |
double | beta_cdf_c (double x, double a, double b) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution. More... | |
double | binomial_cdf (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n) |
Cumulative distribution function of the Binomial distribution Lower tail of the integral of the binomial_pdf. More... | |
double | binomial_cdf_c (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the Binomial distribution. More... | |
double | breitwigner_cdf (double x, double gamma, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function (lower tail) of the Breit_Wigner distribution and it is similar (just a different parameter definition) to the Cauchy distribution (see cauchy_cdf ) More... | |
double | breitwigner_cdf_c (double x, double gamma, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function (upper tail) of the Breit_Wigner distribution and it is similar (just a different parameter definition) to the Cauchy distribution (see cauchy_cdf_c ) More... | |
double | cauchy_cdf (double x, double b, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function (lower tail) of the Cauchy distribution which is also Lorentzian distribution. More... | |
double | cauchy_cdf_c (double x, double b, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function (upper tail) of the Cauchy distribution which is also Lorentzian distribution. More... | |
double | Chebyshev0 (double, double c0) |
double | Chebyshev1 (double x, double c0, double c1) |
double | Chebyshev10 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6, double c7, double c8, double c9, double c10) |
double | Chebyshev2 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2) |
double | Chebyshev3 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3) |
double | Chebyshev4 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4) |
double | Chebyshev5 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5) |
double | Chebyshev6 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6) |
double | Chebyshev7 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6, double c7) |
double | Chebyshev8 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6, double c7, double c8) |
double | Chebyshev9 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6, double c7, double c8, double c9) |
double | ChebyshevN (unsigned int n, double x, const double *c) |
double | chisquared_cdf (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function of the \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(r\) degrees of freedom (lower tail). More... | |
double | chisquared_cdf_c (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(r\) degrees of freedom (upper tail). More... | |
template<class T > | |
SVector< T, 3 > | Cross (const SVector< T, 3 > &lhs, const SVector< T, 3 > &rhs) |
Vector Cross Product (only for 3-dim vectors) \( \vec{c} = \vec{a}\times\vec{b} \). More... | |
template<class A , class T > | |
SVector< T, 3 > | Cross (const VecExpr< A, T, 3 > &lhs, const SVector< T, 3 > &rhs) |
template<class T , class A > | |
SVector< T, 3 > | Cross (const SVector< T, 3 > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, 3 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T > | |
SVector< T, 3 > | Cross (const VecExpr< A, T, 3 > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, 3 > &rhs) |
double | crystalball_cdf (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution for the Crystal Ball distribution function. More... | |
double | crystalball_cdf_c (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double x0=0) |
Complement of the Cumulative distribution for the Crystal Ball distribution. More... | |
double | crystalball_integral (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double x0=0) |
Integral of the not-normalized Crystal Ball function. More... | |
template<class Matrix , unsigned int n, unsigned int idim> | |
bool | Dfactir (Matrix &rhs, typename Matrix::value_type &det, unsigned int *ir) |
Dfactir. More... | |
template<class Matrix , unsigned int n, unsigned int idim> | |
bool | Dfinv (Matrix &rhs, unsigned int *ir) |
Dfinv. More... | |
template<class R > | |
RotationY::Scalar | Distance (const RotationY &r1, const R &r2) |
Distance between two rotations. More... | |
template<class R > | |
RotationZ::Scalar | Distance (const RotationZ &r1, const R &r2) |
Distance between two rotations. More... | |
template<class R > | |
RotationX::Scalar | Distance (const RotationX &r1, const R &r2) |
Distance between two rotations. More... | |
template<class R > | |
AxisAngle::Scalar | Distance (const AxisAngle &r1, const R &r2) |
Distance between two rotations. More... | |
template<class R > | |
RotationZYX::Scalar | Distance (const RotationZYX &r1, const R &r2) |
Distance between two rotations. More... | |
template<class R > | |
Quaternion::Scalar | Distance (const Quaternion &r1, const R &r2) |
Distance between two rotations. More... | |
template<class R > | |
EulerAngles::Scalar | Distance (const EulerAngles &r1, const R &r2) |
Distance between two rotations. More... | |
template<class R > | |
Rotation3D::Scalar | Distance (const Rotation3D &r1, const R &r2) |
Distance between two rotations. More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Div (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
Division (element wise) of two matrices of the same dimensions: C(i,j) = A(i,j) / B(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Div (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Div (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Div (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
T | Dot (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Vector dot product. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
T | Dot (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
T | Dot (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
T | Dot (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T > | |
T | etaMax () |
Function providing the maximum possible value of pseudorapidity for a non-zero rho, in the Scalar type with the largest dynamic range. More... | |
long double | etaMax_impl () |
The following function could be called to provide the maximum possible value of pseudorapidity for a non-zero rho. More... | |
double | expm1 (double x) |
exp(x) -1 with error cancellation when x is small More... | |
double | exponential_cdf (double x, double lambda, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function of the exponential distribution (lower tail). More... | |
double | exponential_cdf_c (double x, double lambda, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the exponential distribution (upper tail). More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | fabs (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | fabs (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
abs of a vector : v2(i) = | v1(i) | returning a vector expression More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | fabs (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | fabs (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
abs of a matrix m2(i,j) = | m1(i,j) | returning a matrix epression More... | |
double | fdistribution_cdf (double x, double n, double m, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function of the F-distribution (lower tail). More... | |
double | fdistribution_cdf_c (double x, double n, double m, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the F-distribution (upper tail). More... | |
double | gamma_cdf (double x, double alpha, double theta, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function of the gamma distribution (lower tail). More... | |
double | gamma_cdf_c (double x, double alpha, double theta, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the gamma distribution (upper tail). More... | |
double | gaussian_cdf (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
Alternative name for same function. More... | |
double | gaussian_cdf_c (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
Alternative name for same function. More... | |
int | getCount (double z, const double *dat, int n) |
const gsl_multiroot_fdfsolver_type * | GetGSLDerivType (GSLMultiRootFinder::EDerivType type) |
const gsl_multiroot_fsolver_type * | GetGSLType (GSLMultiRootFinder::EType type) |
int | getSum (const int *x, int n) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t > | |
std::basic_ios< char_t, traits_t > & | human_readable (std::basic_ios< char_t, traits_t > &ios) |
double | landau_cdf (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function of the Landau distribution (lower tail). More... | |
double | landau_cdf_c (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
Complement of the distribution function of the Landau distribution (upper tail). More... | |
double | landau_xm1 (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
First moment (mean) of the truncated Landau distribution. More... | |
double | landau_xm2 (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
Second moment of the truncated Landau distribution. More... | |
template<class T > | |
T | Lmag (const SVector< T, 4 > &rhs) |
Lmag: Minkowski Lorentz-Vector norm (only for 4-dim vectors) Length of a vector Lorentz-Vector: \( |\vec{v}| = \sqrt{v_0^2 - v_1^2 - v_2^2 -v_3^2} \). More... | |
template<class A , class T > | |
T | Lmag (const VecExpr< A, T, 4 > &rhs) |
template<class T > | |
T | Lmag2 (const SVector< T, 4 > &rhs) |
Lmag2: Square of Minkowski Lorentz-Vector norm (only for 4D Vectors) Template to compute \( |\vec{v}|^2 = v_0^2 - v_1^2 - v_2^2 -v_3^2 \). More... | |
template<class A , class T > | |
T | Lmag2 (const VecExpr< A, T, 4 > &rhs) |
double | log1p (double x) |
declarations for functions which are not implemented by some compilers More... | |
double | lognormal_cdf (double x, double m, double s, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function of the lognormal distribution (lower tail). More... | |
double | lognormal_cdf_c (double x, double m, double s, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the lognormal distribution (upper tail). More... | |
template<class char_t , class traits_t > | |
std::basic_ios< char_t, traits_t > & | machine_readable (std::basic_ios< char_t, traits_t > &ios) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
T | Mag (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Vector magnitude (Euclidian norm) Compute : \( |\vec{v}| = \sqrt{\sum_iv_i^2} \). More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
T | Mag (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
T | Mag2 (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Vector magnitude square Template to compute \(|\vec{v}|^2 = \sum_iv_i^2 \). More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
T | Mag2 (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T > | |
const T | Maximum (const T &lhs, const T &rhs) |
maximum. More... | |
double | minfunction (const std::vector< double > &x) |
function to return the function values at point x More... | |
TVectorD | mingradfunction (TVectorD y) |
function to return the gradient values at point y More... | |
template<class T > | |
const T | Minimum (const T &lhs, const T &rhs) |
minimum. More... | |
double | negative_binomial_cdf (unsigned int k, double p, double n) |
Cumulative distribution function of the Negative Binomial distribution Lower tail of the integral of the negative_binomial_pdf. More... | |
double | negative_binomial_cdf_c (unsigned int k, double p, double n) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the Negative Binomial distribution. More... | |
double | noncentral_chisquared_pdf (double x, double r, double lambda) |
Probability density function of the non central \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(r\) degrees of freedom and the noon-central parameter \(\lambda\). More... | |
double | normal_cdf (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (lower tail). More... | |
double | normal_cdf_c (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (upper tail). More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixRowOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, SVector< T, D2 >, D2 >, T, D1 > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SVector< T, D2 > &rhs) |
Matrix * Vector multiplication \( a(i) = \sum_{j} M(i,j) * b(j) \) returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixRowOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, VecExpr< A, T, D2 >, D2 >, T, D1 > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixRowOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R >, SVector< T, D2 >, D2 >, T, D1 > | operator* (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SVector< T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixRowOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R >, VecExpr< B, T, D2 >, D2 >, T, D1 > | operator* (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixColOp< SVector< T, D1 >, SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, D1 >, T, D2 > | operator* (const SVector< T, D1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixColOp< SVector< T, D1 >, Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R >, D1 >, T, D2 > | operator* (const SVector< T, D1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixColOp< VecExpr< A, T, D1 >, SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, D1 >, T, D2 > | operator* (const VecExpr< A, T, D1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixColOp< VecExpr< A, T, D1 >, Expr< B, T, D1, D2, R >, D1 >, T, D2 > | operator* (const VecExpr< A, T, D1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
AxisAngle | operator* (RotationX const &r1, AxisAngle const &r2) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle. More... | |
AxisAngle | operator* (RotationY const &r1, AxisAngle const &r2) |
AxisAngle | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, AxisAngle const &r2) |
RotationZYX | operator* (RotationX const &r1, RotationZYX const &r2) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle. More... | |
RotationZYX | operator* (RotationY const &r1, RotationZYX const &r2) |
Quaternion | operator* (RotationX const &r1, Quaternion const &r2) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle. More... | |
RotationZYX | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, RotationZYX const &r2) |
Quaternion | operator* (RotationY const &r1, Quaternion const &r2) |
Quaternion | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, Quaternion const &r2) |
EulerAngles | operator* (RotationX const &r1, EulerAngles const &r2) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle. More... | |
EulerAngles | operator* (RotationY const &r1, EulerAngles const &r2) |
EulerAngles | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, EulerAngles const &r2) |
template<class CoordSystem , class U > | |
PositionVector2D< CoordSystem > | operator* (typename PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, U >::Scalar a, PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, U > v) |
Multiplication of a position vector by real number a*v. More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< MatrixMulOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T, D >, T, D1, D2, typename MultPolicy< T, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D1, D, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
Matrix * Matrix multiplication , \( C(i,j) = \sum_{k} A(i,k) * B(k,j)\) returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< MatrixMulOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T, D >, T, D1, D2, typename MultPolicy< T, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D1, D, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< MatrixMulOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T, D >, T, D1, D2, typename MultPolicy< T, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator* (const Expr< A, T, D1, D, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< MatrixMulOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T, D >, T, D1, D2, typename MultPolicy< T, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator* (const Expr< A, T, D1, D, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem , class U > | |
DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, U > | operator* (typename DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, U >::Scalar a, DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, U > v) |
Multiplication of a displacement vector by real number a*v. More... | |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationX const &r1, Rotation3D const &r2) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by a Rotation3D. More... | |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationY const &r1, Rotation3D const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, Rotation3D const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationX const &r1, RotationY const &r2) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by another axial Rotation. More... | |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationX const &r1, RotationZ const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationY const &r1, RotationX const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationY const &r1, RotationZ const &r2) |
template<class CoordSystem , class U > | |
PositionVector3D< CoordSystem > | operator* (typename PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, U >::Scalar a, PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, U > v) |
Multiplication of a position vector by real number a*v. More... | |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, RotationX const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, RotationY const &r2) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Element by element vector product v3(i) = v1(i)*v2(i) returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< MulOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< MulOp< T >, Constant< A >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const A &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem , class U > | |
DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, U > | operator* (typename DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, U >::Scalar a, DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, U > v) |
Multiplication of a displacement vector by real number a*v. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< MulOp< T >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const VecExpr< B, T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< MulOp< T >, Constant< A >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const A &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem > | |
LorentzVector< CoordSystem > | operator* (const typename LorentzVector< CoordSystem >::Scalar &a, const LorentzVector< CoordSystem > &v) |
Scale of a LorentzVector with a scalar quantity a. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< MulOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
Multiplication (element wise) of a matrix and a scalar, B(i,j) = A(i,j) * s returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< MulOp< T >, Constant< A >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator* (const A &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
Multiplication (element wise) of a matrix and a scalar, B(i,j) = s * A(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< MulOp< T >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator* (const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< MulOp< T >, Constant< A >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator* (const A &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Addition of two vectors v3 = v1+v2 returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< AddOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
Addition of a scalar to a each vector element: v2(i) = v1(i) + a returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< AddOp< T >, Constant< A >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const A &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Addition of a scalar to each vector element v2(i) = a + v1(i) returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< AddOp< T >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const VecExpr< B, T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< AddOp< T >, Constant< A >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const A &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator+ (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
Addition of two matrices C = A+B returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator+ (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator+ (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator+ (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< AddOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator+ (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
Addition element by element of matrix and a scalar C(i,j) = A(i,j) + s returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< AddOp< T >, Constant< A >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator+ (const A &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
Addition element by element of matrix and a scalar C(i,j) = s + A(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< AddOp< T >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator+ (const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< AddOp< T >, Constant< A >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator+ (const A &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator+ (PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > p1, const DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > &v2) |
Addition of a PositionVector2D and a DisplacementVector2D. More... | |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator+ (DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > const &v1, PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > p2) |
Addition of a DisplacementVector2D and a PositionVector2D. More... | |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator+ (DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > v1, const DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > &v2) |
Addition of DisplacementVector2D vectors. More... | |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator+ (PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > p1, const DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > &v2) |
Addition of a PositionVector3D and a DisplacementVector3D. More... | |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator+ (DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > const &v1, PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > p2) |
Addition of a DisplacementVector3D and a PositionVector3D. More... | |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator+ (DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > v1, const DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > &v2) |
Addition of DisplacementVector3D vectors. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Minus< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Minus< T >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Unary - operator v2 = -v1 . More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< UnaryOp< Minus< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< UnaryOp< Minus< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
Unary - operator B = - A returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Vector Subtraction: v3 = v1 - v2 returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< MinOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
Subtraction of a scalar from each vector element: v2(i) = v1(i) - a returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< MinOp< T >, Constant< A >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const A &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Subtraction scalar vector (for each vector element) v2(i) = a - v1(i) returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< MinOp< T >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const VecExpr< B, T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator- (const PositionVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > &v1, const PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > &v2) |
Difference between two PositionVector2D vectors. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< MinOp< T >, Constant< A >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const A &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator- (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
Subtraction of two matrices C = A-B returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator- (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator- (PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > p1, DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > const &v2) |
Subtraction of a DisplacementVector2D from a PositionVector2D. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator- (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator- (DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > v1, DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > const &v2) |
Difference between two DisplacementVector2D vectors. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator- (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< MinOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
Subtraction of a scalar and a matrix (element wise) B(i,j) = A(i,j) - s returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< MinOp< T >, Constant< A >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const A &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
Subtraction of a scalar and a matrix (element wise) B(i,j) = s - A(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< MinOp< T >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< MinOp< T >, Constant< A >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const A &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator- (const PositionVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > &v1, const PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > &v2) |
Difference between two PositionVector3D vectors. More... | |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator- (PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > p1, DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > const &v2) |
Subtraction of a DisplacementVector3D from a PositionVector3D. More... | |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > | |
DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator- (DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > v1, DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > const &v2) |
Difference between two DisplacementVector3D vectors. More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Element by element division of vectors of the same dimension: v3(i) = v1(i)/v2(i) returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< DivOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
Division of the vector element by a scalar value: v2(i) = v1(i)/a returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< DivOp< T >, Constant< A >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const A &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Division of a scalar value by the vector element: v2(i) = a/v1(i) returning a vector expression. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< DivOp< T >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const VecExpr< B, T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< DivOp< T >, Constant< A >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const A &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< DivOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator/ (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
Division (element wise) of a matrix and a scalar, B(i,j) = A(i,j) / s returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< DivOp< T >, Constant< A >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator/ (const A &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
Division (element wise) of a matrix and a scalar, B(i,j) = s / A(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< DivOp< T >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator/ (const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< DivOp< T >, Constant< A >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator/ (const A &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BoostY &b) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BoostZ &b) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BoostX &b) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R1 > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R1 > &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RotationX &r) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RotationY &r) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RotationZ &r) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Boost &b) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AxisAngle &a) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ROOT::Math::SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RotationZYX &e) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Quaternion &q) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EulerAngles &e) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > | |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, PositionVector2D< T, U > const &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > | |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, DisplacementVector2D< T, U > const &v) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LorentzRotation &r) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Rotation3D &r) |
Stream Output and Input. More... | |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U , typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< typename PositionVector3D< T, U >::Scalar >::value >::type * = nullptr> | |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, PositionVector3D< T, U > const &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U , typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< typename DisplacementVector3D< T, U >::Scalar >::value >::type * = nullptr> | |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, DisplacementVector3D< T, U > const &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class Coords > | |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, LorentzVector< Coords > const &v) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > | |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, PositionVector2D< T, U > &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > | |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, DisplacementVector2D< T, U > &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > | |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, PositionVector3D< T, U > &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > | |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, DisplacementVector3D< T, U > &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class Coords > | |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, LorentzVector< Coords > &v) |
double | Pi () |
Mathematical constants. More... | |
double | poisson_cdf (unsigned int n, double mu) |
Cumulative distribution function of the Poisson distribution Lower tail of the integral of the poisson_pdf. More... | |
double | poisson_cdf_c (unsigned int n, double mu) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the Poisson distribution. More... | |
double | Polynomial1eval (double x, double *a, unsigned int N) |
double | Polynomialeval (double x, double *a, unsigned int N) |
template<class T > | |
int | Round (const T &x) |
round. More... | |
template<class char_t > | |
detail::manipulator< char_t > | set_close (char_t ch) |
template<class char_t > | |
detail::manipulator< char_t > | set_open (char_t ch) |
template<class char_t > | |
detail::manipulator< char_t > | set_separator (char_t ch) |
template<class T > | |
int | Sign (const T &x) |
sign. More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D, class R > | |
T | Similarity (const SMatrix< T, D, D, R > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Similarity Vector - Matrix Product: v^T * A * v returning a scalar value of type T \( s = \sum_{i,j} v(i) * A(i,j) * v(j)\). More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D, class R > | |
T | Similarity (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, class R > | |
T | Similarity (const SMatrix< T, D, D, R > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, class R > | |
T | Similarity (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, class R > | |
T | Similarity (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, class R > | |
T | Similarity (const Expr< A, T, D, D, R > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, class R > | |
T | Similarity (const Expr< A, T, D, D, R > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, class R > | |
T | Similarity (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
SMatrix< T, D1, D1, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | Similarity (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D2, D2, MatRepSym< T, D2 > > &rhs) |
Similarity Matrix Product : B = U * A * U^T for A symmetric returning a symmetric matrix expression: \( B(i,j) = \sum_{k,l} U(i,k) * A(k,l) * U(j,l) \). More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
SMatrix< T, D1, D1, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | Similarity (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D2, D2, MatRepSym< T, D2 > > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
SMatrix< T, D2, D2, MatRepSym< T, D2 > > | SimilarityT (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D1, D1, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > &rhs) |
Transpose Similarity Matrix Product : B = U^T * A * U for A symmetric returning a symmetric matrix expression: \( B(i,j) = \sum_{k,l} U(k,i) * A(k,l) * U(l,j) \). More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
SMatrix< T, D2, D2, MatRepSym< T, D2 > > | SimilarityT (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D1, D1, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
bool | SolveChol (SMatrix< T, D, D, MatRepSym< T, D > > &mat, SVector< T, D > &vec) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
SVector< T, D > | SolveChol (const SMatrix< T, D, D, MatRepSym< T, D > > &mat, const SVector< T, D > &vec, int &ifail) |
same function as before but not overwriting the matrix and returning a copy of the vector (this is the slow version) More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Sqr< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | sqr (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Sqr< T >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | sqr (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
square of a vector v2(i) = v1(i)*v1(i) . More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< UnaryOp< Sqr< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | sqr (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< UnaryOp< Sqr< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | sqr (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
square of a matrix B(i,j) = A(i,j)*A(i,j) returning a matrix expression More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Sqrt< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | sqrt (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Sqrt< T >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | sqrt (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
square root of a vector (element by element) v2(i) = sqrt( v1(i) ) returning a vector expression More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< UnaryOp< Sqrt< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | sqrt (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< UnaryOp< Sqrt< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | sqrt (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
square root of a matrix (element by element) m2(i,j) = sqrt ( m1(i,j) ) returning a matrix expression More... | |
template<class T > | |
const T | Square (const T &x) |
square Template function to compute \(x\cdot x \), for any type T returning a type T More... | |
static void | swap (double &a, double &b) |
double | tdistribution_cdf (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function of Student's t-distribution (lower tail). More... | |
double | tdistribution_cdf_c (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of Student's t-distribution (upper tail). More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2> | |
Expr< TensorMulOp< SVector< T, D1 >, SVector< T, D2 > >, T, D1, D2 > | TensorProd (const SVector< T, D1 > &lhs, const SVector< T, D2 > &rhs) |
Tensor Vector Product : M(i,j) = v(i) * v(j) returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class A > | |
Expr< TensorMulOp< VecExpr< A, T, D1 >, SVector< T, D2 > >, T, D1, D2 > | TensorProd (const VecExpr< A, T, D1 > &lhs, const SVector< T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class A > | |
Expr< TensorMulOp< SVector< T, D1 >, VecExpr< A, T, D2 > >, T, D1, D2 > | TensorProd (const SVector< T, D1 > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class A , class B > | |
Expr< TensorMulOp< VecExpr< A, T, D1 >, VecExpr< B, T, D2 > >, T, D1, D2 > | TensorProd (const VecExpr< A, T, D1 > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D2 > &rhs) |
void | Throw (GenVector_exception &e) |
throw explicity GenVector exceptions More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Times (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
Element by element matrix multiplication C(i,j) = A(i,j)*B(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Times (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Times (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > | |
Expr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Times (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< TransposeOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, T, D1, D2 >, T, D2, D1, typename TranspPolicy< T, D1, D2, R >::RepType > | Transpose (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
Matrix Transpose B(i,j) = A(j,i) returning a matrix expression. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > | |
Expr< TransposeOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R >, T, D1, D2 >, T, D2, D1, typename TranspPolicy< T, D1, D2, R >::RepType > | Transpose (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
double | uniform_cdf (double x, double a, double b, double x0=0) |
Cumulative distribution function of the uniform (flat) distribution (lower tail). More... | |
double | uniform_cdf_c (double x, double a, double b, double x0=0) |
Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the uniform (flat) distribution (upper tail). More... | |
template<class T , unsigned int D> | |
SVector< T, D > | Unit (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
Unit. More... | |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> | |
SVector< T, D > | Unit (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
double | vavilov_accurate_cdf (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
The Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More... | |
double | vavilov_accurate_cdf_c (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
The Vavilov complementary cumulative probability density function. More... | |
double | vavilov_accurate_pdf (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
The Vavilov probability density function. More... | |
double | vavilov_accurate_quantile (double z, double kappa, double beta2) |
The inverse of the Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More... | |
double | vavilov_accurate_quantile_c (double z, double kappa, double beta2) |
The inverse of the complementary Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More... | |
double | vavilov_fast_cdf (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
The Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More... | |
double | vavilov_fast_cdf_c (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
The Vavilov complementary cumulative probability density function. More... | |
double | vavilov_fast_pdf (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
The Vavilov probability density function. More... | |
double | vavilov_fast_quantile (double z, double kappa, double beta2) |
The inverse of the Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More... | |
double | vavilov_fast_quantile_c (double z, double kappa, double beta2) |
The inverse of the complementary Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More... | |
Probability Density Functions from MathCore | |
double | beta_pdf (double x, double a, double b) |
Probability density function of the beta distribution. More... | |
double | binomial_pdf (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n) |
Probability density function of the binomial distribution. More... | |
double | negative_binomial_pdf (unsigned int k, double p, double n) |
Probability density function of the negative binomial distribution. More... | |
double | breitwigner_pdf (double x, double gamma, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of Breit-Wigner distribution, which is similar, just a different definition of the parameters, to the Cauchy distribution (see cauchy_pdf ) More... | |
double | cauchy_pdf (double x, double b=1, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the Cauchy distribution which is also called Lorentzian distribution. More... | |
double | chisquared_pdf (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(r\) degrees of freedom. More... | |
double | crystalball_function (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double x0=0) |
Crystal ball function. More... | |
double | crystalball_pdf (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double x0=0) |
pdf definition of the crystal_ball which is defined only for n > 1 otherwise integral is diverging More... | |
double | exponential_pdf (double x, double lambda, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the exponential distribution. More... | |
double | fdistribution_pdf (double x, double n, double m, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the F-distribution. More... | |
double | gamma_pdf (double x, double alpha, double theta, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the gamma distribution. More... | |
double | gaussian_pdf (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution. More... | |
double | bigaussian_pdf (double x, double y, double sigmax=1, double sigmay=1, double rho=0, double x0=0, double y0=0) |
Probability density function of the bi-dimensional (Gaussian) distribution. More... | |
double | landau_pdf (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the Landau distribution: \[ p(x) = \frac{1}{\xi} \phi (\lambda) \] with \[ \phi(\lambda) = \frac{1}{2 \pi i}\int_{c-i\infty}^{c+i\infty} e^{\lambda s + s \log{s}} ds\] where \(\lambda = (x-x_0)/\xi\). More... | |
double | lognormal_pdf (double x, double m, double s, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the lognormal distribution. More... | |
double | normal_pdf (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution. More... | |
double | poisson_pdf (unsigned int n, double mu) |
Probability density function of the Poisson distribution. More... | |
double | tdistribution_pdf (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of Student's t-distribution. More... | |
double | uniform_pdf (double x, double a, double b, double x0=0) |
Probability density function of the uniform (flat) distribution. More... | |
Quantile Functions from MathCore | |
The implementation is provided in MathCore and for the majority of the function comes from Cephes. | |
double | beta_quantile (double x, double a, double b) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the beta distribution (beta_cdf_c). More... | |
double | beta_quantile_c (double x, double a, double b) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the beta distribution (beta_cdf). More... | |
double | cauchy_quantile_c (double z, double b) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the Cauchy distribution (cauchy_cdf_c) which is also called Lorentzian distribution. More... | |
double | cauchy_quantile (double z, double b) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the Cauchy distribution (cauchy_cdf) which is also called Breit-Wigner or Lorentzian distribution. More... | |
double | breitwigner_quantile_c (double z, double gamma) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the Breit-Wigner distribution (breitwigner_cdf_c) which is similar to the Cauchy distribution. More... | |
double | breitwigner_quantile (double z, double gamma) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the Breit_Wigner distribution (breitwigner_cdf) which is similar to the Cauchy distribution. More... | |
double | chisquared_quantile_c (double z, double r) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(r\) degrees of freedom (chisquared_cdf_c). More... | |
double | chisquared_quantile (double z, double r) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(r\) degrees of freedom (chisquared_cdf). More... | |
double | exponential_quantile_c (double z, double lambda) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the exponential distribution (exponential_cdf_c). More... | |
double | exponential_quantile (double z, double lambda) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the exponential distribution (exponential_cdf). More... | |
double | fdistribution_quantile (double z, double n, double m) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the f distribution (fdistribution_cdf). More... | |
double | fdistribution_quantile_c (double z, double n, double m) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the f distribution (fdistribution_cdf_c). More... | |
double | gamma_quantile_c (double z, double alpha, double theta) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the gamma distribution (gamma_cdf_c). More... | |
double | gamma_quantile (double z, double alpha, double theta) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the gamma distribution (gamma_cdf). More... | |
double | gaussian_quantile_c (double z, double sigma) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (gaussian_cdf_c). More... | |
double | gaussian_quantile (double z, double sigma) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (gaussian_cdf). More... | |
double | lognormal_quantile_c (double x, double m, double s) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the lognormal distribution (lognormal_cdf_c). More... | |
double | lognormal_quantile (double x, double m, double s) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the lognormal distribution (lognormal_cdf). More... | |
double | normal_quantile_c (double z, double sigma) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (normal_cdf_c). More... | |
double | normal_quantile (double z, double sigma) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (normal_cdf). More... | |
double | uniform_quantile_c (double z, double a, double b) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the uniform (flat) distribution (uniform_cdf_c). More... | |
double | uniform_quantile (double z, double a, double b) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the uniform (flat) distribution (uniform_cdf). More... | |
double | landau_quantile (double z, double xi=1) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the Landau distribution (landau_cdf). More... | |
double | landau_quantile_c (double z, double xi=1) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the landau distribution (landau_cdf_c). More... | |
Special Functions from MathCore | |
double | erf (double x) |
Error function encountered in integrating the normal distribution. More... | |
double | erfc (double x) |
Complementary error function. More... | |
double | tgamma (double x) |
The gamma function is defined to be the extension of the factorial to real numbers. More... | |
double | lgamma (double x) |
Calculates the logarithm of the gamma function. More... | |
double | inc_gamma (double a, double x) |
Calculates the normalized (regularized) lower incomplete gamma function (lower integral) More... | |
double | inc_gamma_c (double a, double x) |
Calculates the normalized (regularized) upper incomplete gamma function (upper integral) More... | |
double | beta (double x, double y) |
Calculates the beta function. More... | |
double | inc_beta (double x, double a, double b) |
Calculates the normalized (regularized) incomplete beta function. More... | |
double | sinint (double x) |
Calculates the sine integral. More... | |
double | cosint (double x) |
Calculates the real part of the cosine integral Re(Ci). More... | |
Quantile Functions from MathMore | |
The implementation used is that of GSL. | |
double | tdistribution_quantile_c (double z, double r) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of Student's t-distribution (tdistribution_cdf_c). More... | |
double | tdistribution_quantile (double z, double r) |
Inverse ( \(D^{-1}(z)\)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of Student's t-distribution (tdistribution_cdf). More... | |
Special Functions from MathMore | |
double | assoc_laguerre (unsigned n, double m, double x) |
Computes the generalized Laguerre polynomials for \( n \geq 0, m > -1 \). More... | |
double | assoc_legendre (unsigned l, unsigned m, double x) |
Computes the associated Legendre polynomials. More... | |
double | comp_ellint_1 (double k) |
Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. More... | |
double | comp_ellint_2 (double k) |
Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the second kind. More... | |
double | comp_ellint_3 (double n, double k) |
Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the third kind. More... | |
double | conf_hyperg (double a, double b, double z) |
Calculates the confluent hypergeometric functions of the first kind. More... | |
double | conf_hypergU (double a, double b, double z) |
Calculates the confluent hypergeometric functions of the second kind, known also as Kummer function of the second kind, it is related to the confluent hypergeometric functions of the first kind. More... | |
double | cyl_bessel_i (double nu, double x) |
Calculates the modified Bessel function of the first kind (also called regular modified (cylindrical) Bessel function). More... | |
double | cyl_bessel_j (double nu, double x) |
Calculates the (cylindrical) Bessel functions of the first kind (also called regular (cylindrical) Bessel functions). More... | |
double | cyl_bessel_k (double nu, double x) |
Calculates the modified Bessel functions of the second kind (also called irregular modified (cylindrical) Bessel functions). More... | |
double | cyl_neumann (double nu, double x) |
Calculates the (cylindrical) Bessel functions of the second kind (also called irregular (cylindrical) Bessel functions or (cylindrical) Neumann functions). More... | |
double | ellint_1 (double k, double phi) |
Calculates the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind. More... | |
double | ellint_2 (double k, double phi) |
Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the second kind. More... | |
double | ellint_3 (double n, double k, double phi) |
Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the third kind. More... | |
double | expint (double x) |
Calculates the exponential integral. More... | |
double | expint_n (int n, double x) |
double | hyperg (double a, double b, double c, double x) |
Calculates Gauss' hypergeometric function. More... | |
double | laguerre (unsigned n, double x) |
Calculates the Laguerre polynomials. More... | |
double | legendre (unsigned l, double x) |
Calculates the Legendre polynomials. More... | |
double | riemann_zeta (double x) |
Calculates the Riemann zeta function. More... | |
double | sph_bessel (unsigned n, double x) |
Calculates the spherical Bessel functions of the first kind (also called regular spherical Bessel functions). More... | |
double | sph_legendre (unsigned l, unsigned m, double theta) |
Computes the spherical (normalized) associated Legendre polynomials, or spherical harmonic without azimuthal dependence ( \(e^(im\phi)\)). More... | |
double | sph_neumann (unsigned n, double x) |
Calculates the spherical Bessel functions of the second kind (also called irregular spherical Bessel functions or spherical Neumann functions). More... | |
double | airy_Ai (double x) |
Calculates the Airy function Ai. More... | |
double | airy_Bi (double x) |
Calculates the Airy function Bi. More... | |
double | airy_Ai_deriv (double x) |
Calculates the derivative of the Airy function Ai. More... | |
double | airy_Bi_deriv (double x) |
Calculates the derivative of the Airy function Bi. More... | |
double | airy_zero_Ai (unsigned int s) |
Calculates the zeroes of the Airy function Ai. More... | |
double | airy_zero_Bi (unsigned int s) |
Calculates the zeroes of the Airy function Bi. More... | |
double | airy_zero_Ai_deriv (unsigned int s) |
Calculates the zeroes of the derivative of the Airy function Ai. More... | |
double | airy_zero_Bi_deriv (unsigned int s) |
Calculates the zeroes of the derivative of the Airy function Bi. More... | |
double | wigner_3j (int two_ja, int two_jb, int two_jc, int two_ma, int two_mb, int two_mc) |
Calculates the Wigner 3j coupling coefficients. More... | |
double | wigner_6j (int two_ja, int two_jb, int two_jc, int two_jd, int two_je, int two_jf) |
Calculates the Wigner 6j coupling coefficients. More... | |
double | wigner_9j (int two_ja, int two_jb, int two_jc, int two_jd, int two_je, int two_jf, int two_jg, int two_jh, int two_ji) |
Calculates the Wigner 9j coupling coefficients. More... | |
Variables | |
static const double | eu = 0.577215664901532860606 |
double | gDefaultAbsTolerance = 1.E-6 |
int | gDefaultMaxIter = 100 |
static int | gDefaultNpx = 100 |
static int | gDefaultNpx = 100 |
static int | gDefaultNSearch = 10 |
static int | gDefaultNSearch = 10 |
double | gDefaultRelTolerance = 1.E-10 |
const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction * | gFunction |
function wrapper for the function to be minimized More... | |
const ROOT::Math::IMultiGradFunction * | gGradFunction |
function wrapper for the gradient of the function to be minimized More... | |
int | gNCalls = 0 |
integer for the number of function calls More... | |
double | kEulerGamma = 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431042 |
double | kPi = 3.14159265358979323846 |
static const double | kSqrt2 = 1.41421356237309515 |
typedef double(* ROOT::Math::FreeFunctionPtr) (double) |
Definition at line 39 of file WrappedFunction.h.
typedef double(* ROOT::Math::FreeMultiFunctionPtr)(const double *) |
Definition at line 41 of file WrappedFunction.h.
typedef double( * ROOT::Math::FreeParamMultiFunctionPtr) (const double *, const double *) |
Definition at line 29 of file WrappedParamFunction.h.
Definition at line 46 of file GSLFunctionWrapper.h.
typedef double(* ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointer)(double, void *) |
Function pointer corresponding to gsl_function signature.
Definition at line 45 of file GSLFunctionAdapter.h.
Definition at line 47 of file GSLMultiFitFunctionWrapper.h.
typedef void( * ROOT::Math::GSLMultiFitFdfPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *, gsl_matrix *) |
Definition at line 48 of file GSLMultiFitFunctionWrapper.h.
typedef double( * ROOT::Math::GSLMultiFitFPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *) |
Definition at line 46 of file GSLMultiFitFunctionWrapper.h.
Definition at line 47 of file GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper.h.
typedef void( * ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinFdfPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, double *, gsl_vector *) |
Definition at line 48 of file GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper.h.
typedef double( * ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinFuncPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *) |
Definition at line 46 of file GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper.h.
Definition at line 49 of file GSLMultiRootFunctionWrapper.h.
typedef void( * ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFdfPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *, gsl_matrix *) |
Definition at line 50 of file GSLMultiRootFunctionWrapper.h.
typedef double( * ROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFPointer) (const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *) |
Definition at line 48 of file GSLMultiRootFunctionWrapper.h.
Definition at line 369 of file GSLRndmEngines.h.
Definition at line 384 of file GSLRndmEngines.h.
Definition at line 413 of file GSLRndmEngines.h.
using ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim = typedef IBaseFunctionMultiDimTempl<double> |
Definition at line 33 of file IFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 39 of file IFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 42 of file IFunctionfwd.h.
using ROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionMultiDim = typedef IGradientFunctionMultiDimTempl<double> |
Definition at line 36 of file IFunctionfwd.h.
using ROOT::Math::IGradientMultiDim = typedef IGradientMultiDimTempl<double> |
Definition at line 37 of file IFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 34 of file IFunctionfwd.h.
using ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunctionTempl = typedef IBaseFunctionMultiDimTempl<T> |
Definition at line 32 of file IFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 43 of file IFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 476 of file Integrator.h.
using ROOT::Math::IParametricFunctionMultiDim = typedef IParametricFunctionMultiDimTempl<double> |
Definition at line 26 of file IParamFunctionfwd.h.
using ROOT::Math::IParametricGradFunctionMultiDim = typedef IParametricGradFunctionMultiDimTempl<double> |
Definition at line 29 of file IParamFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 31 of file IParamFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 36 of file IParamFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 32 of file IParamFunctionfwd.h.
using ROOT::Math::IParamMultiFunctionTempl = typedef IParametricFunctionMultiDimTempl<T> |
Definition at line 34 of file IParamFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 37 of file IParamFunctionfwd.h.
using ROOT::Math::IParamMultiGradFunctionTempl = typedef IParametricGradFunctionMultiDimTempl<T> |
Definition at line 39 of file IParamFunctionfwd.h.
Definition at line 68 of file PdfFuncMathMore.h.
typedef MixMaxEngine<17,0> ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine17 |
Definition at line 188 of file MixMaxEngine.h.
typedef MixMaxEngine<240,0> ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine240 |
Definition at line 186 of file MixMaxEngine.h.
typedef MixMaxEngine<256,2> ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine256 |
Definition at line 187 of file MixMaxEngine.h.
Definition at line 292 of file GSLMultiRootFinder.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, ROOT::Math::GenAlgoOptions > ROOT::Math::OptionsMap |
Definition at line 24 of file GenAlgoOptions.cxx.
using ROOT::Math::ParamFunctor = typedef ParamFunctorTempl<double> |
Definition at line 388 of file ParamFunctor.h.
typedef Impl::Plane3D<double> ROOT::Math::Plane3D |
typedef Impl::Plane3D<float> ROOT::Math::Plane3DF |
typedef PositionVector2D< Polar2D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::Polar2DPoint |
2D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in double precision.
Definition at line 47 of file Point2Dfwd.h.
Definition at line 48 of file Point2Dfwd.h.
typedef PositionVector2D< Polar2D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::Polar2DPointF |
2D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in single precision.
Definition at line 53 of file Point2Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector2D< Polar2D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::Polar2DVector |
2D Vector based on the polar coordinates rho, phi in double precision.
Definition at line 49 of file Vector2Dfwd.h.
Definition at line 50 of file Vector2Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector2D< Polar2D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::Polar2DVectorF |
2D Vector based on the polar coordinates rho, phi in single precision.
Definition at line 55 of file Vector2Dfwd.h.
typedef PositionVector3D< Polar3D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::Polar3DPoint |
3D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in double precision.
Definition at line 59 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
Definition at line 64 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
typedef PositionVector3D< Polar3D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::Polar3DPointF |
3D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in single precision.
Definition at line 63 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Polar3D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::Polar3DVector |
3D Vector based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in double precision.
Definition at line 60 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
Definition at line 65 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Polar3D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::Polar3DVectorF |
3D Vector based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in single precision.
Definition at line 64 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
typedef LorentzVector<PtEtaPhiE4D<double> > ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiEVector |
LorentzVector based on the cylindrical coordinates Pt, eta, phi and E (rho, eta, phi, t) in double precision.
Definition at line 61 of file Vector4Dfwd.h.
typedef LorentzVector<PtEtaPhiM4D<double> > ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector |
LorentzVector based on the cylindrical coordinates pt, eta, phi and Mass in double precision.
Definition at line 66 of file Vector4Dfwd.h.
typedef LorentzVector<PxPyPzE4D<double> > ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector |
Definition at line 44 of file Vector4Dfwd.h.
typedef LorentzVector<PxPyPzM4D<double> > ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector |
LorentzVector based on the x, y, z, and Mass in double precision.
Definition at line 56 of file Vector4Dfwd.h.
Definition at line 179 of file QuasiRandom.h.
Definition at line 178 of file QuasiRandom.h.
Definition at line 14 of file GSLRandom.h.
typedef Random<ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine<240,0> > ROOT::Math::RandomMixMax |
Definition at line 11 of file GSLRandom.h.
typedef Random<ROOT::Math::StdEngine<std::mt19937_64> > ROOT::Math::RandomMT64 |
Definition at line 13 of file GSLRandom.h.
typedef Random<ROOT::Math::StdEngine<std::ranlux48> > ROOT::Math::RandomRanlux48 |
Definition at line 12 of file GSLRandom.h.
typedef PositionVector3D< CylindricalEta3D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::RhoEtaPhiPoint |
3D Point based on the eta based cylindrical coordinates rho, eta, phi in double precision.
Definition at line 49 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
Definition at line 54 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
typedef PositionVector3D< CylindricalEta3D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::RhoEtaPhiPointF |
3D Point based on the eta based cylindrical coordinates rho, eta, phi in single precision.
Definition at line 53 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector3D< CylindricalEta3D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::RhoEtaPhiVector |
3D Vector based on the eta based cylindrical coordinates rho, eta, phi in double precision.
Definition at line 50 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
Definition at line 55 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector3D< CylindricalEta3D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::RhoEtaPhiVectorF |
3D Vector based on the eta based cylindrical coordinates rho, eta, phi in single precision.
Definition at line 54 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
typedef PositionVector3D< Cylindrical3D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::RhoZPhiPoint |
3D Point based on the cylindrical coordinates rho, z, phi in double precision.
Definition at line 69 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
Definition at line 74 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
typedef PositionVector3D< Cylindrical3D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::RhoZPhiPointF |
3D Point based on the cylindrical coordinates rho, z, phi in single precision.
Definition at line 73 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Cylindrical3D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::RhoZPhiVector |
3D Vector based on the cylindrical coordinates rho, z, phi in double precision.
Definition at line 70 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
Definition at line 75 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Cylindrical3D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::RhoZPhiVectorF |
3D Vector based on the cylindrical coordinates rho, z, phi in single precision.
Definition at line 74 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
typedef Rotation3D::Scalar ROOT::Math::Scalar |
Definition at line 69 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
typedef SMatrix<double,2,2,MatRepStd<double,2,2> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix2D |
Definition at line 14 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,2,2,MatRepStd<float,2,2> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix2F |
Definition at line 14 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,3,3,MatRepStd<double,3,3> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix3D |
Definition at line 17 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,3,3,MatRepStd<float,3,3> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix3F |
Definition at line 17 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,4,4,MatRepStd<double,4,4> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix4D |
Definition at line 18 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,4,4,MatRepStd<float,4,4> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix4F |
Definition at line 18 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,5,5,MatRepStd<double,5,5> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix5D |
Definition at line 19 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,5,5,MatRepStd<float,5,5> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix5F |
Definition at line 19 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,6,6,MatRepStd<double,6,6> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix6D |
Definition at line 20 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,6,6,MatRepStd<float,6,6> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix6F |
Definition at line 20 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,7,7,MatRepStd<double,7,7> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix7D |
Definition at line 21 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,7,7,MatRepStd<float,7,7> > ROOT::Math::SMatrix7F |
Definition at line 21 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,2,2,MatRepSym<double,2> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym2D |
Definition at line 24 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,2,2,MatRepSym<float,2> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym2F |
Definition at line 23 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,3,3,MatRepSym<double,3> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym3D |
Definition at line 25 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,3,3,MatRepSym<float,3> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym3F |
Definition at line 24 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,4,4,MatRepSym<double,4> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym4D |
Definition at line 26 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,4,4,MatRepSym<float,4> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym4F |
Definition at line 25 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,5,5,MatRepSym<double,5> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym5D |
Definition at line 27 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,5,5,MatRepSym<float,5> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym5F |
Definition at line 26 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,6,6,MatRepSym<double,6> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym6D |
Definition at line 28 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,6,6,MatRepSym<float,6> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym6F |
Definition at line 27 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<double,7,7,MatRepSym<double,7> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym7D |
Definition at line 29 of file SMatrixDfwd.h.
typedef SMatrix<float,7,7,MatRepSym<float,7> > ROOT::Math::SMatrixSym7F |
Definition at line 28 of file SMatrixFfwd.h.
typedef TDataPoint<1,Double_t> ROOT::Math::TDataPoint1D |
Definition at line 60 of file TDataPoint.h.
typedef TDataPoint<1,Float_t> ROOT::Math::TDataPoint1F |
Definition at line 57 of file TDataPoint.h.
typedef TDataPoint<2,Double_t> ROOT::Math::TDataPoint2D |
Definition at line 61 of file TDataPoint.h.
typedef TDataPoint<2,Float_t> ROOT::Math::TDataPoint2F |
Definition at line 58 of file TDataPoint.h.
typedef TDataPoint<3,Double_t> ROOT::Math::TDataPoint3D |
Definition at line 62 of file TDataPoint.h.
typedef TDataPoint<3,Float_t> ROOT::Math::TDataPoint3F |
Definition at line 59 of file TDataPoint.h.
typedef Impl::Transform3D<double> ROOT::Math::Transform3D |
Definition at line 1318 of file Transform3D.h.
typedef Impl::Transform3D<float> ROOT::Math::Transform3DF |
Definition at line 1319 of file Transform3D.h.
typedef Impl::Translation3D<double> ROOT::Math::Translation3D |
Definition at line 307 of file Translation3D.h.
typedef Impl::Translation3D<float> ROOT::Math::Translation3DF |
Definition at line 308 of file Translation3D.h.
using ROOT::Math::WrappedMultiTF1 = typedef WrappedMultiTF1Templ<double> |
Definition at line 336 of file WrappedMultiTF1.h.
typedef PositionVector2D< Cartesian2D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::XYPoint |
2D Point based on the cartesian coordinates x,y,z in double precision
Definition at line 30 of file Point2Dfwd.h.
typedef XYPoint ROOT::Math::XYPointD |
Definition at line 36 of file Point2Dfwd.h.
typedef PositionVector2D< Cartesian2D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::XYPointF |
2D Point based on the cartesian corrdinates x,y,z in single precision
Definition at line 41 of file Point2Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector2D< Cartesian2D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::XYVector |
2D Vector based on the cartesian coordinates x,y in double precision
Definition at line 31 of file Vector2Dfwd.h.
typedef XYVector ROOT::Math::XYVectorD |
Definition at line 38 of file Vector2Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector2D< Cartesian2D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::XYVectorF |
2D Vector based on the cartesian coordinates x,y,z in single precision
Definition at line 43 of file Vector2Dfwd.h.
typedef PositionVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::XYZPoint |
3D Point based on the cartesian coordinates x,y,z in double precision
Definition at line 33 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
typedef XYZPoint ROOT::Math::XYZPointD |
Definition at line 44 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
typedef PositionVector3D< Cartesian3D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::XYZPointF |
3D Point based on the cartesian corrdinates x,y,z in single precision
Definition at line 43 of file Point3Dfwd.h.
typedef LorentzVector<PxPyPzE4D<double> > ROOT::Math::XYZTVector |
LorentzVector based on x,y,x,t (or px,py,pz,E) coordinates in double precision with metric (-,-,-,+)
Definition at line 33 of file Vector4Dfwd.h.
typedef LorentzVector< PxPyPzE4D <float> > ROOT::Math::XYZTVectorF |
LorentzVector based on x,y,x,t (or px,py,pz,E) coordinates in float precision with metric (-,-,-,+)
Definition at line 50 of file Vector4Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::XYZVector |
3D Vector based on the cartesian coordinates x,y,z in double precision
Definition at line 34 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
typedef XYZVector ROOT::Math::XYZVectorD |
Definition at line 45 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
typedef DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > ROOT::Math::XYZVectorF |
3D Vector based on the cartesian corrdinates x,y,z in single precision
Definition at line 44 of file Vector3Dfwd.h.
Enumeration describing the status of the variable The enumeration are used in the minimizer classes to categorize the variables.
Enumerator | |
kDefault | |
kFix | |
kBounds | |
kLowBound | |
kUpBound |
Definition at line 27 of file MinimTransformVariable.h.
Enumerator | |
kXX | |
kXY | |
kXZ | |
kYX | |
kYY | |
kYZ | |
kZX | |
kZY | |
kZZ |
Definition at line 64 of file AxisAngle.cxx.
void ROOT::Math::adkTestStat | ( | double * | adk, |
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & | samples, | ||
const std::vector< double > & | zstar | ||
) |
Definition at line 546 of file GoFTest.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 57 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 60 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 87 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 63 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 66 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 69 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 72 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 75 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 78 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 81 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 84 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 93 of file ChebyshevPol.h.
inline |
Definition at line 335 of file Functions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 348 of file Functions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 361 of file Functions.h.
bool ROOT::Math::Dfactir | ( | Matrix & | rhs, |
typename Matrix::value_type & | det, | ||
unsigned int * | ir | ||
) |
bool ROOT::Math::Dfinv | ( | Matrix & | rhs, |
unsigned int * | ir | ||
) |
inline |
Distance between two rotations.
Definition at line 235 of file RotationZ.h.
inline |
Distance between two rotations.
Definition at line 235 of file RotationY.h.
inline |
Distance between two rotations.
Definition at line 235 of file RotationX.h.
inline |
Distance between two rotations.
Definition at line 326 of file AxisAngle.h.
inline |
Distance between two rotations.
Definition at line 333 of file RotationZYX.h.
inline |
Distance between two rotations.
Definition at line 334 of file Quaternion.h.
inline |
Distance between two rotations.
Definition at line 362 of file EulerAngles.h.
inline |
Distance between two rotations.
Definition at line 496 of file Rotation3D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 907 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 919 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 931 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 172 of file Functions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 180 of file Functions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 189 of file Functions.h.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 131 of file UnaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 160 of file UnaryOperators.h.
inline |
Alternative name for same function.
Definition at line 485 of file ProbFuncMathCore.h.
inline |
Alternative name for same function.
Definition at line 463 of file ProbFuncMathCore.h.
int ROOT::Math::getCount | ( | double | z, |
const double * | dat, | ||
int | n | ||
) |
Definition at line 520 of file GoFTest.cxx.
const gsl_multiroot_fdfsolver_type* ROOT::Math::GetGSLDerivType | ( | GSLMultiRootFinder::EDerivType | type | ) |
Definition at line 201 of file GSLMultiRootFinder.cxx.
const gsl_multiroot_fsolver_type* ROOT::Math::GetGSLType | ( | GSLMultiRootFinder::EType | type | ) |
Definition at line 183 of file GSLMultiRootFinder.cxx.
int ROOT::Math::getSum | ( | const int * | x, |
int | n | ||
) |
Definition at line 534 of file GoFTest.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 197 of file GenVectorIO.h.
inline |
Definition at line 307 of file Functions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 283 of file Functions.h.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 208 of file GenVectorIO.h.
inline |
Definition at line 260 of file Functions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 237 of file Functions.h.
double ROOT::Math::minfunction | ( | const std::vector< double > & | x | ) |
function to return the function values at point x
Definition at line 19 of file RMinimizer.cxx.
function to return the gradient values at point y
Definition at line 25 of file RMinimizer.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 221 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 231 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 241 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 251 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 261 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 271 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 281 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle.
Definition at line 182 of file AxisAngleXother.cxx.
Definition at line 186 of file AxisAngleXother.cxx.
Definition at line 190 of file AxisAngleXother.cxx.
RotationZYX ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationX const & | r1, |
RotationZYX const & | r2 | ||
) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle.
Definition at line 96 of file RotationZYX.cxx.
RotationZYX ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationY const & | r1, |
RotationZYX const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 100 of file RotationZYX.cxx.
Quaternion ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationX const & | r1, |
Quaternion const & | r2 | ||
) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle.
Definition at line 63 of file QuaternionXaxial.cxx.
RotationZYX ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationZ const & | r1, |
RotationZYX const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 105 of file RotationZYX.cxx.
Quaternion ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationY const & | r1, |
Quaternion const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 68 of file QuaternionXaxial.cxx.
Quaternion ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationZ const & | r1, |
Quaternion const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 73 of file QuaternionXaxial.cxx.
EulerAngles ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationX const & | r1, |
EulerAngles const & | r2 | ||
) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle.
Definition at line 113 of file EulerAngles.cxx.
EulerAngles ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationY const & | r1, |
EulerAngles const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 117 of file EulerAngles.cxx.
EulerAngles ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationZ const & | r1, |
EulerAngles const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 122 of file EulerAngles.cxx.
inline |
Multiplication of a position vector by real number a*v.
Definition at line 376 of file PositionVector2D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 397 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 408 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
inline |
Definition at line 419 of file MatrixFunctions.h.
inline |
Multiplication of a displacement vector by real number a*v.
Definition at line 461 of file DisplacementVector2D.h.
Rotation3D ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationX const & | r1, |
Rotation3D const & | r2 | ||
) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by a Rotation3D.
Definition at line 51 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
Rotation3D ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationY const & | r1, |
Rotation3D const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 57 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
Rotation3D ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationZ const & | r1, |
Rotation3D const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 63 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
Rotation3D ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationX const & | r1, |
RotationY const & | r2 | ||
) |
Multiplication of an axial rotation by another axial Rotation.
Definition at line 72 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
Rotation3D ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationX const & | r1, |
RotationZ const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 84 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
Rotation3D ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationY const & | r1, |
RotationX const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 96 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
Rotation3D ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationY const & | r1, |
RotationZ const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 108 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
inline |
Multiplication of a position vector by real number a*v.
Definition at line 513 of file PositionVector3D.h.
Rotation3D ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationZ const & | r1, |
RotationX const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 120 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
Rotation3D ROOT::Math::operator* | ( | RotationZ const & | r1, |
RotationY const & | r2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 132 of file Rotation3DxAxial.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 566 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 577 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 588 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 599 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 610 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Multiplication of a displacement vector by real number a*v.
Definition at line 622 of file DisplacementVector3D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 622 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 633 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Scale of a LorentzVector with a scalar quantity a.
a | scalar quantity of typpe a |
v | mathcore::LorentzVector based on any coordinate system |
Definition at line 683 of file LorentzVector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 737 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 749 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 74 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 98 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 145 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 156 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 186 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 198 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 210 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 258 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 270 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Addition of a PositionVector2D and a DisplacementVector2D.
The return type is a PositionVector2D, of the same (coordinate system) type as the input PositionVector2D.
Definition at line 408 of file PositionVector2D.h.
inline |
Addition of a DisplacementVector2D and a PositionVector2D.
The return type is a PositionVector2D, of the same (coordinate system) type as the input PositionVector2D.
Definition at line 421 of file PositionVector2D.h.
inline |
Addition of DisplacementVector2D vectors.
The (coordinate system) type of the returned vector is defined to be identical to that of the first vector, which is passed by value
Definition at line 433 of file DisplacementVector2D.h.
inline |
Addition of a PositionVector3D and a DisplacementVector3D.
The return type is a PositionVector3D, of the same (coordinate system) type as the input PositionVector3D.
Definition at line 545 of file PositionVector3D.h.
inline |
Addition of a DisplacementVector3D and a PositionVector3D.
The return type is a PositionVector3D, of the same (coordinate system) type as the input PositionVector3D.
Definition at line 558 of file PositionVector3D.h.
inline |
Addition of DisplacementVector3D vectors.
The (coordinate system) type of the returned vector is defined to be identical to that of the first vector, which is passed by value
Definition at line 596 of file DisplacementVector3D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 56 of file UnaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 85 of file UnaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 318 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 330 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 342 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 389 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Difference between two PositionVector2D vectors.
The result is a DisplacementVector2D. The (coordinate system) type of the returned vector is defined to be identical to that of the first position vector.
Definition at line 393 of file PositionVector2D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 400 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 430 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Subtraction of a DisplacementVector2D from a PositionVector2D.
The return type is a PositionVector2D, of the same (coordinate system) type as the input PositionVector2D.
Definition at line 434 of file PositionVector2D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 442 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Difference between two DisplacementVector2D vectors.
The (coordinate system) type of the returned vector is defined to be identical to that of the first vector.
Definition at line 446 of file DisplacementVector2D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 454 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 501 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 512 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Difference between two PositionVector3D vectors.
The result is a DisplacementVector3D. The (coordinate system) type of the returned vector is defined to be identical to that of the first position vector.
Definition at line 530 of file PositionVector3D.h.
inline |
Subtraction of a DisplacementVector3D from a PositionVector3D.
The return type is a PositionVector3D, of the same (coordinate system) type as the input PositionVector3D.
Definition at line 571 of file PositionVector3D.h.
inline |
Difference between two DisplacementVector3D vectors.
The (coordinate system) type of the returned vector is defined to be identical to that of the first vector.
Definition at line 609 of file DisplacementVector3D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 796 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 807 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 819 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 866 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 877 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 980 of file BinaryOperators.h.
inline |
Definition at line 992 of file BinaryOperators.h.
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const BoostY & | b | ||
) |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 107 of file BoostY.cxx.
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const BoostZ & | b | ||
) |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 108 of file BoostZ.cxx.
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const BoostX & | b | ||
) |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 108 of file BoostX.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 210 of file Expression.h.
inline |
Definition at line 215 of file Expression.h.
inline |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 243 of file RotationZ.h.
inline |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 243 of file RotationY.h.
inline |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 243 of file RotationX.h.
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const Boost & | b | ||
) |
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const AxisAngle & | a | ||
) |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 91 of file AxisAngle.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 633 of file SVector.icc.
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const RotationZYX & | e | ||
) |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 151 of file RotationZYX.cxx.
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const Quaternion & | q | ||
) |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 101 of file Quaternion.cxx.
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const EulerAngles & | e | ||
) |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 128 of file EulerAngles.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 446 of file PositionVector2D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 479 of file DisplacementVector2D.h.
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const LorentzRotation & | r | ||
) |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 219 of file LorentzRotation.cxx.
std::ostream & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const Rotation3D & | r | ||
) |
Stream Output and Input.
Definition at line 137 of file Rotation3D.cxx.
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | os, |
PositionVector3D< T, U > const & | v | ||
) |
Definition at line 583 of file PositionVector3D.h.
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & ROOT::Math::operator<< | ( | std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | os, |
DisplacementVector3D< T, U > const & | v | ||
) |
Definition at line 640 of file DisplacementVector3D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 695 of file LorentzVector.h.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 475 of file PositionVector2D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 508 of file DisplacementVector2D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 626 of file PositionVector3D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 681 of file DisplacementVector3D.h.
inline |
Definition at line 724 of file LorentzVector.h.
double ROOT::Math::Polynomial1eval | ( | double | x, |
double * | a, | ||
unsigned int | N | ||
) |
Definition at line 967 of file SpecFuncCephes.cxx.
double ROOT::Math::Polynomialeval | ( | double | x, |
double * | a, | ||
unsigned int | N | ||
) |
Definition at line 951 of file SpecFuncCephes.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 187 of file GenVectorIO.h.
inline |
Definition at line 167 of file GenVectorIO.h.
inline |
Definition at line 177 of file GenVectorIO.h.
inline |
Definition at line 671 of file MatrixFunctions.h.