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Reference Guide
FitAwmi.C File Reference

Detailed Description

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This macro fits the source spectrum using the AWMI algorithm from the "TSpectrumFit" class ("TSpectrum" class is used to find peaks).

To try this macro, in a ROOT (5 or 6) prompt, do:

root > .x FitAwmi.C


root > .x FitAwmi.C++
root > FitAwmi(); // re-run with another random set of peaks
Processing /mnt/build/workspace/root-makedoc-v614/rootspi/rdoc/src/v6-14-00-patches/tutorials/spectrum/FitAwmi.C...
created -9.76 9.97356 2
created -9.28 34.9074 7
created -8.8 49.8678 10
created -8.32 29.9207 6
created -7.84 29.9207 6
created -7.36 14.9603 3
created -6.88 49.8678 10
created -6.4 4.98678 1
created -5.92 34.9074 7
created -5.44 49.8678 10
created -4.96 19.9471 4
created -4.48 14.9603 3
created -4 39.8942 8
created -3.52 24.9339 5
created -3.04 39.8942 8
created -2.56 44.881 9
created -2.08 34.9074 7
created -1.6 44.881 9
created -1.12 49.8678 10
created -0.64 39.8942 8
created -0.16 39.8942 8
created 0.32 34.9074 7
created 0.8 34.9074 7
created 1.28 49.8678 10
created 1.76 19.9471 4
created 2.24 34.9074 7
created 2.72 49.8678 10
created 3.2 9.97356 2
created 3.68 4.98678 1
created 4.16 9.97356 2
created 4.64 14.9603 3
created 5.12 9.97356 2
created 5.6 39.8942 8
created 6.08 34.9074 7
created 6.56 49.8678 10
created 7.04 49.8678 10
created 7.52 34.9074 7
created 8 44.881 9
created 8.48 14.9603 3
created 8.96 9.97356 2
created 9.44 49.8678 10
the total number of created peaks = 41 with sigma = 0.08
the total number of found peaks = 41 with sigma = 0.0800011 (+-2.92618e-05)
fit chi^2 = 5.62566e-06
found -8.8 (+-0.000261155) 49.8678 (+-0.160445) 10.0001 (+-0.0010625)
found -6.88 (+-0.00025935) 49.8673 (+-0.160316) 10 (+-0.00106164)
found -5.44 (+-0.000260823) 49.8677 (+-0.160421) 10.0001 (+-0.00106234)
found -1.12 (+-0.000261668) 49.868 (+-0.160484) 10.0002 (+-0.00106276)
found 1.28 (+-0.000260823) 49.8677 (+-0.160421) 10.0001 (+-0.00106234)
found 2.72 (+-0.000260364) 49.8676 (+-0.160389) 10.0001 (+-0.00106212)
found 6.56 (+-0.00026165) 49.868 (+-0.160483) 10.0002 (+-0.00106275)
found 7.04 (+-0.00026165) 49.868 (+-0.160483) 10.0002 (+-0.00106275)
found 9.44 (+-0.000258193) 49.8677 (+-0.160249) 10.0001 (+-0.0010612)
found -2.56 (+-0.00027578) 44.8812 (+-0.152246) 9.00015 (+-0.0010082)
found -1.6 (+-0.000276029) 44.8813 (+-0.152264) 9.00017 (+-0.00100832)
found 8 (+-0.000274897) 44.8809 (+-0.152187) 9.0001 (+-0.00100781)
found -4 (+-0.00029144) 39.8941 (+-0.143475) 8.00008 (+-0.000950115)
found -3.04 (+-0.00029256) 39.8944 (+-0.143543) 8.00014 (+-0.000950565)
found -0.64 (+-0.000293209) 39.8946 (+-0.143583) 8.00018 (+-0.000950831)
found -0.16 (+-0.000292777) 39.8945 (+-0.143555) 8.00015 (+-0.00095065)
found 5.6 (+-0.000291487) 39.8941 (+-0.143479) 8.00009 (+-0.000950145)
found -9.28 (+-0.000312358) 34.9076 (+-0.134254) 7.00012 (+-0.000889051)
found -5.92 (+-0.000311874) 34.9075 (+-0.134231) 7.00011 (+-0.0008889)
found -2.08 (+-0.000313829) 34.9079 (+-0.13433) 7.00018 (+-0.000889559)
found 0.32 (+-0.000313332) 34.9077 (+-0.134303) 7.00015 (+-0.000889376)
found 0.800001 (+-0.000313642) 34.9078 (+-0.13432) 7.00017 (+-0.000889491)
found 2.24 (+-0.000312994) 34.9077 (+-0.134285) 7.00014 (+-0.000889263)
found 6.08 (+-0.000313817) 34.9079 (+-0.13433) 7.00018 (+-0.000889555)
found 7.52 (+-0.000313979) 34.908 (+-0.134339) 7.00019 (+-0.000889615)
found -8.32 (+-0.00033902) 29.9211 (+-0.124368) 6.00016 (+-0.000823589)
found -7.84 (+-0.000337406) 29.9207 (+-0.124293) 6.00009 (+-0.000823088)
found -3.52 (+-0.00037208) 24.9344 (+-0.11356) 5.00016 (+-0.000752016)
found -4.96 (+-0.000415623) 19.9475 (+-0.101562) 4.00013 (+-0.000672559)
found 1.76 (+-0.000417146) 19.9477 (+-0.10161) 4.00017 (+-0.000672877)
found 8.48 (+-0.000480215) 14.9607 (+-0.0879634) 3.00011 (+-0.000582509)
found -7.36 (+-0.000482821) 14.961 (+-0.0880258) 3.00016 (+-0.000582923)
found -4.48 (+-0.000481231) 14.9608 (+-0.0879859) 3.00012 (+-0.000582659)
found 4.64 (+-0.000476892) 14.9603 (+-0.0878815) 3.00004 (+-0.000581967)
found 3.19999 (+-0.000589486) 9.97399 (+-0.0718482) 2.00011 (+-0.000475792)
found 5.12 (+-0.000591164) 9.97399 (+-0.071871) 2.00011 (+-0.000475943)
found 8.96 (+-0.000592051) 9.9741 (+-0.0718871) 2.00013 (+-0.00047605)
found -9.76 (+-0.000588168) 9.97379 (+-0.0718179) 2.00007 (+-0.000475591)
found 4.16 (+-0.000585436) 9.97363 (+-0.071777) 2.00004 (+-0.00047532)
found -6.4 (+-0.000849942) 4.98758 (+-0.0509449) 1.00017 (+-0.000337366)
found 3.68 (+-0.000833855) 4.98692 (+-0.050801) 1.00004 (+-0.000336414)
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TSpectrum.h"
#include "TSpectrumFit.h"
#include "TPolyMarker.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include <iostream>
TH1F *FitAwmi_Create_Spectrum(void) {
Int_t nbins = 1000;
Double_t xmin = -10., xmax = 10.;
delete gROOT->FindObject("h"); // prevent "memory leak"
TH1F *h = new TH1F("h", "simulated spectrum", nbins, xmin, xmax);
TF1 f("f", "TMath::Gaus(x, [0], [1], 1)", xmin, xmax);
// f.SetParNames("mean", "sigma");
gRandom->SetSeed(0); // make it really random
// create well separated peaks with exactly known means and areas
// note: TSpectrumFit assumes that all peaks have the same sigma
Double_t sigma = (xmax - xmin) / Double_t(nbins) * Int_t(gRandom->Uniform(2., 6.));
Int_t npeaks = 0;
while (xmax > (xmin + 6. * sigma)) {
xmin += 3. * sigma; // "mean"
f.SetParameters(xmin, sigma);
Double_t area = 1. * Int_t(gRandom->Uniform(1., 11.));
h->Add(&f, area, ""); // "" ... or ... "I"
std::cout << "created "
<< xmin << " "
<< (area / sigma / TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi())) << " "
<< area << std::endl;
xmin += 3. * sigma;
std::cout << "the total number of created peaks = " << npeaks
<< " with sigma = " << sigma << std::endl;
return h;
void FitAwmi(void) {
TH1F *h = FitAwmi_Create_Spectrum();
TCanvas *cFit = ((TCanvas *)(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject("cFit")));
if (!cFit) cFit = new TCanvas("cFit", "cFit", 10, 10, 1000, 700);
else cFit->Clear();
Int_t i, nfound, bin;
Int_t nbins = h->GetNbinsX();
Double_t *source = new Double_t[nbins];
Double_t *dest = new Double_t[nbins];
for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++) source[i] = h->GetBinContent(i + 1);
TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(); // note: default maxpositions = 100
// searching for candidate peaks positions
nfound = s->SearchHighRes(source, dest, nbins, 2., 2., kFALSE, 10000, kFALSE, 0);
// filling in the initial estimates of the input parameters
Bool_t *FixPos = new Bool_t[nfound];
Bool_t *FixAmp = new Bool_t[nfound];
for(i = 0; i < nfound; i++) FixAmp[i] = FixPos[i] = kFALSE;
Double_t *Pos, *Amp = new Double_t[nfound]; // ROOT 6
Pos = s->GetPositionX(); // 0 ... (nbins - 1)
for (i = 0; i < nfound; i++) {
bin = 1 + Int_t(Pos[i] + 0.5); // the "nearest" bin
Amp[i] = h->GetBinContent(bin);
TSpectrumFit *pfit = new TSpectrumFit(nfound);
pfit->SetFitParameters(0, (nbins - 1), 1000, 0.1, pfit->kFitOptimChiCounts,
pfit->SetPeakParameters(2., kFALSE, Pos, FixPos, Amp, FixAmp);
// pfit->SetBackgroundParameters(source[0], kFALSE, 0., kFALSE, 0., kFALSE);
Double_t *Positions = pfit->GetPositions();
Double_t *PositionsErrors = pfit->GetPositionsErrors();
Double_t *Amplitudes = pfit->GetAmplitudes();
Double_t *AmplitudesErrors = pfit->GetAmplitudesErrors();
Double_t *Areas = pfit->GetAreas();
Double_t *AreasErrors = pfit->GetAreasErrors();
delete gROOT->FindObject("d"); // prevent "memory leak"
TH1F *d = new TH1F(*h); d->SetNameTitle("d", ""); d->Reset("M");
for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++) d->SetBinContent(i + 1, source[i]);
Double_t x1 = d->GetBinCenter(1), dx = d->GetBinWidth(1);
Double_t sigma, sigmaErr;
pfit->GetSigma(sigma, sigmaErr);
// current TSpectrumFit needs a sqrt(2) correction factor for sigma
sigma /= TMath::Sqrt2(); sigmaErr /= TMath::Sqrt2();
// convert "bin numbers" into "x-axis values"
sigma *= dx; sigmaErr *= dx;
std::cout << "the total number of found peaks = " << nfound
<< " with sigma = " << sigma << " (+-" << sigmaErr << ")"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "fit chi^2 = " << pfit->GetChi() << std::endl;
for (i = 0; i < nfound; i++) {
bin = 1 + Int_t(Positions[i] + 0.5); // the "nearest" bin
Pos[i] = d->GetBinCenter(bin);
Amp[i] = d->GetBinContent(bin);
// convert "bin numbers" into "x-axis values"
Positions[i] = x1 + Positions[i] * dx;
PositionsErrors[i] *= dx;
Areas[i] *= dx;
AreasErrors[i] *= dx;
std::cout << "found "
<< Positions[i] << " (+-" << PositionsErrors[i] << ") "
<< Amplitudes[i] << " (+-" << AmplitudesErrors[i] << ") "
<< Areas[i] << " (+-" << AreasErrors[i] << ")"
<< std::endl;
d->SetLineColor(kRed); d->SetLineWidth(1);
d->Draw("SAME L");
TPolyMarker *pm = ((TPolyMarker*)(h->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("TPolyMarker")));
if (pm) {
delete pm;
pm = new TPolyMarker(nfound, Pos, Amp);
// cleanup
delete pfit;
delete [] Amp;
delete [] FixAmp;
delete [] FixPos;
delete s;
delete [] dest;
delete [] source;

Definition in file FitAwmi.C.