61 if (niter <=0 ) niter = 1000;
69 std::string algoname(type);
70 std::transform(algoname.begin(), algoname.end(), algoname.begin(), (int(*)(int)) tolower );
87 if (niter <=0 ) niter = 1000;
116 if (fnumgrad)
return fnumgrad->
118 if (ffitmethod)
return ffitmethod->
"Function has not been set");
133 unsigned int npar =
134 unsigned int ndim =
135 if (npar == 0 || npar <
NDim() ) {
"number of parameters larger than function dimension - ignore extra parameters",npar);
145 std::vector<double> startValues;
153 steps.resize(trFunc->
"There are no free parameter - just compute the function value");
159 double fval = (*function)((
168 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < steps.size(); ++i)
169 stepSize += steps[i]*steps[i];
171 if (stepSize < eps) {
183 if (debugLevel >=1 ) std::cout <<
"Minimize using GSLMinimizer " <<
Name() << std::endl;
190 unsigned int iter = 0;
192 bool minFound =
193 bool iterFailed =
206 if (debugLevel >=2) {
207 std::cout <<
"----------> Iteration " << std::setw(4) << iter;
208 int pr = std::cout.precision(18);
210 std::cout.precision(pr);
211 if (debugLevel >=3) {
212 std::cout <<
" Parameter Values : ";
214 std::cout << std::endl;
218 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i <
NDim(); ++i) {
219 std::cout <<
" " <<
VariableName(i) <<
" = " << xtmp[i];
223 std::cout << std::endl;
237 if (x == 0)
return false;
247 if (debugLevel >=1 ) {
248 std::cout <<
"GSLMinimizer: Minimum Found" << std::endl;
249 int pr = std::cout.precision(18);
250 std::cout <<
"FVAL = " <<
MinValue() << std::endl;
251 std::cout.precision(pr);
253 std::cout <<
"Niterations = " << iter << std::endl;
254 unsigned int ncalls =
255 if (ncalls) std::cout <<
"NCalls = " << ncalls << std::endl;
256 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i <
NDim(); ++i)
257 std::cout <<
VariableName(i) <<
"\t = " <<
X()[i] << std::endl;
262 if (debugLevel >= -1 ) {
263 std::cout <<
"GSLMinimizer: Minimization did not converge" << std::endl;
265 if (status == GSL_ENOPROG)
266 std::cout <<
"\t Iteration is not making progress towards solution" << std::endl;
268 std::cout <<
"\t Iteration failed with status " << status << std::endl;
270 if (debugLevel >= 1) {
273 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i <
NDim(); ++i) dg2 += g[i] * g[1];
274 std::cout <<
"Grad module is " <<
std::sqrt(dg2) << std::endl;
275 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i <
NDim(); ++i)
276 std::cout <<
VariableName(i) <<
"\t = " <<
X()[i] << std::endl;
277 std::cout <<
"FVAL = " <<
MinValue() << std::endl;
279 std::cout <<
"Niterations = " << iter << std::endl;
ROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinimizer * fGSLMultiMin
virtual const double * X() const
return pointer to X values at the minimum
void SetMaxIterations(unsigned int maxiter)
set maximum iterations (one iteration can have many function calls)
Interface (abstract class) for multi-dimensional functions providing a gradient calculation.
Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions.
double * Gradient() const
gradient value at the minimum
enumeration specifying the types of GSL minimizers
Base Minimizer class, which defines the basic funcionality of various minimizer implementations (apar...
MinimTransformFunction * CreateTransformation(std::vector< double > &startValues, const ROOT::Math::IMultiGradFunction *func=0)
unsigned int NCalls() const
virtual double MinValue() const
return minimum function value
virtual std::string VariableName(unsigned int ivar) const
get name of variables (override if minimizer support storing of variable names)
int PrintLevel() const
minimizer configuration parameters
double * X() const
x values at the minimum
virtual const double * StepSizes() const
accessor methods
#define MATH_ERROR_MSGVAL(loc, str, x)
virtual bool Minimize()
method to perform the minimization
void SetMinValue(double val)
virtual unsigned int NPar() const
total number of parameter defined
unsigned int MaxIterations() const
max iterations
virtual unsigned int NDim() const
number of dimensions
const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction * ObjFunction() const
return pointer to used objective function
virtual void SetFunction(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction &func)
set the function to minimize
#define MATH_ERROR_MSG(loc, str)
double Tolerance() const
absolute tolerance
GSLMinimizer(ROOT::Math::EGSLMinimizerType type=ROOT::Math::kConjugateFR)
Default constructor.
Documentation for the abstract class IBaseFunctionMultiDim.
#define MATH_INFO_MSG(loc, str)
void SetFinalValues(const double *x)
virtual ~GSLMinimizer()
static int DefaultPrintLevel()
virtual void SetFunction(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction &func)
set the function to minimize
int Set(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGradFunction &func, const double *x, double stepSize, double tol)
set the function to be minimize the initial minimizer parameters, step size and tolerance in the line...
int TestGradient(double absTol) const
test gradient (ask from minimizer gradient vector)
MultiNumGradFunction class to wrap a normal function in a gradient function using numerical gradient ...
const ROOT::Math::IMultiGradFunction * GradObjFunction() const
return pointer to used gradient object function (NULL if gradient is not supported) ...
virtual unsigned int NCalls() const
number of function calls to reach the minimum
static int DefaultMaxIterations()
virtual unsigned int NFree() const
number of free variables (real dimension of the problem)
FitMethodFunction class Interface for objective functions (like chi2 and likelihood used in the fit) ...
#define MATH_WARN_MSGVAL(loc, str, x)
GSLMultiMinimizer class , for minimizing multi-dimensional function using derivatives.
Namespace for new Math classes and functions.
virtual unsigned int NCalls() const
return the total number of function calls (overrided if needed)
double Minimum() const
function value at the minimum
void SetPrintLevel(int level)
set print level
virtual const double * MinGradient() const
return pointer to gradient values at the minimum