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ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T > Class Template Reference

template<typename T>
class ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >

Smart pointer for the return type of actions.

A wrapper around the result of RDataFrame actions able to trigger calculations lazily.

Template Parameters
TType of the action result

A smart pointer which allows to access the result of a RDataFrame action. The methods of the encapsulated object can be accessed via the arrow operator. Upon invocation of the arrow operator or dereferencing (operator*), the loop on the events and calculations of all scheduled actions are executed if needed. It is possible to iterate on the result proxy if the proxied object is a collection.

for (auto& myItem : myResultProxy) { ... };

If iteration is not supported by the type of the proxied object, a compilation error is thrown.

Definition at line 27 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

Public Types

using Value_t = T
 Convenience alias to simplify access to proxied type. More...

Public Member Functions

 RResultPtr ()=default
 RResultPtr (const RResultPtr &)=default
 RResultPtr (RResultPtr &&)=default
TIterationHelper< T >::Iterator_t begin ()
 Return an iterator to the beginning of the contained object if this makes sense, throw a compilation error otherwise. More...
TIterationHelper< T >::Iterator_t end ()
 Return an iterator to the end of the contained object if this makes sense, throw a compilation error otherwise. More...
T * GetPtr ()
 Get the pointer to the encapsulated object. More...
const T & GetValue ()
 Get a const reference to the encapsulated object. More...
RResultPtr< T > & OnPartialResult (ULong64_t everyNEvents, std::function< void(T &)> callback)
 Register a callback that RDataFrame will execute "everyNEvents" on a partial result. More...
RResultPtr< T > & OnPartialResultSlot (ULong64_t everyNEvents, std::function< void(unsigned int, T &)> callback)
 Register a callback that RDataFrame will execute in each worker thread concurrently on that thread's partial result. More...
 operator bool () const
T & operator* ()
 Get a pointer to the encapsulated object. More...
T * operator-> ()
 Get a pointer to the encapsulated object. More...
RResultPtroperator= (const RResultPtr &)=default
RResultPtroperator= (RResultPtr &&)=default

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr ULong64_t kOnce = 0ull
 Convenience definition to express a callback must be executed once. More...

Private Types

using ShrdPtrBool_t = std::shared_ptr< bool >
using SPT_t = std::shared_ptr< T >
using SPTLM_t = std::shared_ptr< RDFDetail::RLoopManager >
using WPTLM_t = std::weak_ptr< RDFDetail::RLoopManager >

Private Member Functions

 RResultPtr (const SPT_t &objPtr, const ShrdPtrBool_t &readiness, const SPTLM_t &loopManager, RDFInternal::RActionBase *actionPtr=nullptr)
T * Get ()
 Get the pointer to the encapsulated result. More...
std::shared_ptr< RDFInternal::RActionBase * > GetActionPtrPtr () const
void TriggerRun ()
 Triggers the event loop in the RLoopManager instance to which it's associated via the fImplWeakPtr. More...

Private Attributes

std::shared_ptr< RDFInternal::RActionBase * > fActionPtrPtr
 Shared_ptr to a pointer to the RDF action that produces this result. More...
WPTLM_t fImplWeakPtr
 Points to the RLoopManager at the root of the functional graph. More...
SPT_t fObjPtr
 Shared pointer encapsulating the wrapped result. More...
ShrdPtrBool_t fReadiness = std::make_shared<bool>(false)
 State registered also in the RLoopManager until the event loop is executed. More...


template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator!= (const RResultPtr< T1 > &lhs, const RResultPtr< T2 > &rhs)
template<class T1 >
bool operator!= (const RResultPtr< T1 > &lhs, std::nullptr_t rhs)
template<class T1 >
bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t lhs, const RResultPtr< T1 > &rhs)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator== (const RResultPtr< T1 > &lhs, const RResultPtr< T2 > &rhs)
template<class T1 >
bool operator== (const RResultPtr< T1 > &lhs, std::nullptr_t rhs)
template<class T1 >
bool operator== (std::nullptr_t lhs, const RResultPtr< T1 > &rhs)
template<typename T1 >
RResultPtr< T1RDFDetail::MakeResultPtr (const std::shared_ptr< T1 > &, const SPTLM_t &, RDFInternal::RActionBase *)
template<typename T1 >
std::pair< RResultPtr< T1 >, std::shared_ptr< RDFInternal::RActionBase * > > RDFDetail::MakeResultPtr (const std::shared_ptr< T1 > &, const SPTLM_t &)

#include <ROOT/RResultPtr.hxx>

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ShrdPtrBool_t

template<typename T>
using ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::ShrdPtrBool_t = std::shared_ptr<bool>

Definition at line 74 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ SPT_t

template<typename T>
using ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::SPT_t = std::shared_ptr<T>

Definition at line 71 of file RResultPtr.hxx.


template<typename T>
using ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::SPTLM_t = std::shared_ptr<RDFDetail::RLoopManager>

Definition at line 72 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ Value_t

template<typename T>
using ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::Value_t = T

Convenience alias to simplify access to proxied type.

Definition at line 148 of file RResultPtr.hxx.


template<typename T>
using ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::WPTLM_t = std::weak_ptr<RDFDetail::RLoopManager>

Definition at line 73 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RResultPtr() [1/4]

template<typename T>
ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::RResultPtr ( const SPT_t objPtr,
const ShrdPtrBool_t readiness,
const SPTLM_t loopManager,
RDFInternal::RActionBase actionPtr = nullptr 

Definition at line 138 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ RResultPtr() [2/4]

template<typename T>
ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::RResultPtr ( )

◆ RResultPtr() [3/4]

template<typename T>
ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::RResultPtr ( const RResultPtr< T > &  )

◆ RResultPtr() [4/4]

template<typename T>
ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::RResultPtr ( RResultPtr< T > &&  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

template<typename T>
TIterationHelper<T>::Iterator_t ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::begin ( )

Return an iterator to the beginning of the contained object if this makes sense, throw a compilation error otherwise.

Definition at line 177 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ end()

template<typename T>
TIterationHelper<T>::Iterator_t ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::end ( )

Return an iterator to the end of the contained object if this makes sense, throw a compilation error otherwise.

Definition at line 186 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ Get()

template<typename T>
T* ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::Get ( )

Get the pointer to the encapsulated result.

Ownership is not transferred to the caller. Triggers event loop and execution of all actions booked in the associated RLoopManager.

Definition at line 131 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ GetActionPtrPtr()

template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<RDFInternal::RActionBase *> ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::GetActionPtrPtr ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ GetPtr()

template<typename T>
T* ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::GetPtr ( )

Get the pointer to the encapsulated object.

Triggers event loop and execution of all actions booked in the associated RLoopManager.

Definition at line 164 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ GetValue()

template<typename T>
const T& ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::GetValue ( )

Get a const reference to the encapsulated object.

Triggers event loop and execution of all actions booked in the associated RLoopManager.

Definition at line 160 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ OnPartialResult()

template<typename T>
RResultPtr<T>& ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::OnPartialResult ( ULong64_t  everyNEvents,
std::function< void(T &)>  callback 

Register a callback that RDataFrame will execute "everyNEvents" on a partial result.

[in]everyNEventsFrequency at which the callback will be called, as a number of events processed
[in]callbacka callable with signature void(Value_t&) where Value_t is the type of the value contained in this RResultPtr
this RResultPtr, to allow chaining of OnPartialResultSlot with other calls

The callback must be a callable (lambda, function, functor class...) that takes a reference to the result type as argument and returns nothing. RDataFrame will invoke registered callbacks passing partial action results as arguments to them (e.g. a histogram filled with a part of the selected events, a counter incremented only up to a certain point, a mean over a subset of the events and so forth).

Callbacks can be used e.g. to inspect partial results of the analysis while the event loop is running. For example one can draw an up-to-date version of a result histogram every 100 entries like this:

auto h = tdf.Histo1D("x");
TCanvas c("c","x hist");
h.OnPartialResult(100, [&c](TH1D &h_) { c.cd(); h_.Draw(); c.Update(); });
h->Draw(); // event loop runs here, this `Draw` is executed after the event loop is finished

A value of 0 for everyNEvents indicates the callback must be executed only once, before running the event loop. A conveniece definition kOnce is provided to make this fact more expressive in user code (see snippet below). Multiple callbacks can be registered with the same RResultPtr (i.e. results of RDataFrame actions) and will be executed sequentially. Callbacks are executed in the order they were registered. The type of the value contained in a RResultPtr is also available as RResultPtr<T>::Value_t, e.g.

auto h = tdf.Histo1D("x");
// h.kOnce is 0
// decltype(h)::Value_t is TH1D

When implicit multi-threading is enabled, the callback:

  • will never be executed by multiple threads concurrently: it needs not be thread-safe. For example the snippet above that draws the partial histogram on a canvas works seamlessly in multi-thread event loops.
  • will always be executed "everyNEvents": partial results will "contain" that number of events more from one call to the next
  • might be executed by a different worker thread at different times: the value of std::this_thread::get_id() might change between calls To register a callback that is called by each worker thread (concurrently) every N events one can use OnPartialResultSlot.

Definition at line 235 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ OnPartialResultSlot()

template<typename T>
RResultPtr<T>& ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::OnPartialResultSlot ( ULong64_t  everyNEvents,
std::function< void(unsigned int, T &)>  callback 

Register a callback that RDataFrame will execute in each worker thread concurrently on that thread's partial result.

[in]everyNEventsFrequency at which the callback will be called by each thread, as a number of events processed
[in]acallable with signature void(unsigned int, Value_t&) where Value_t is the type of the value contained in this RResultPtr
this RResultPtr, to allow chaining of OnPartialResultSlot with other calls

See OnPartialResult for a generic explanation of the callback mechanism. Compared to OnPartialResult, this method has two major differences:

  • all worker threads invoke the callback once every specified number of events. The event count is per-thread, and callback invocation might happen concurrently (i.e. the callback must be thread-safe)
  • the callable must take an extra unsigned int parameter corresponding to a multi-thread "processing slot": this is a "helper value" to simplify writing thread-safe callbacks: different worker threads might invoke the callback concurrently but always with different slot numbers.
  • a value of 0 for everyNEvents indicates the callback must be executed once per slot.

For example, the following snippet prints out a thread-safe progress bar of the events processed by RDataFrame

auto c = tdf.Count(); // any action would do, but `Count` is the most lightweight
std::string progress;
std::mutex bar_mutex;
c.OnPartialResultSlot(nEvents / 100, [&progress, &bar_mutex](unsigned int, ULong64_t &) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(bar_mutex);
std::cout << "\r[" << std::left << std::setw(100) << progress << ']' << std::flush;
std::cout << "Analysis running..." << std::endl;
*c; // trigger the event loop by accessing an action's result
std::cout << "\nDone!" << std::endl;

Definition at line 283 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ operator bool()

template<typename T>
ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::operator bool ( ) const

Definition at line 156 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ operator*()

template<typename T>
T& ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::operator* ( )

Get a pointer to the encapsulated object.

Triggers event loop and execution of all actions booked in the associated RLoopManager.

Definition at line 168 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ operator->()

template<typename T>
T* ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::operator-> ( )

Get a pointer to the encapsulated object.

Ownership is not transferred to the caller. Triggers event loop and execution of all actions booked in the associated RLoopManager.

Definition at line 173 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename T>
RResultPtr& ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::operator= ( const RResultPtr< T > &  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename T>
RResultPtr& ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::operator= ( RResultPtr< T > &&  )

◆ TriggerRun()

template<typename T >
void ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::TriggerRun ( )

Triggers the event loop in the RLoopManager instance to which it's associated via the fImplWeakPtr.

Definition at line 299 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator!= [1/3]

template<typename T>
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator!= ( const RResultPtr< T1 > &  lhs,
const RResultPtr< T2 > &  rhs 

Definition at line 315 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ operator!= [2/3]

template<typename T>
template<class T1 >
bool operator!= ( const RResultPtr< T1 > &  lhs,
std::nullptr_t  rhs 

Definition at line 333 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ operator!= [3/3]

template<typename T>
template<class T1 >
bool operator!= ( std::nullptr_t  lhs,
const RResultPtr< T1 > &  rhs 

Definition at line 339 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ operator== [1/3]

template<typename T>
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator== ( const RResultPtr< T1 > &  lhs,
const RResultPtr< T2 > &  rhs 

Definition at line 309 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ operator== [2/3]

template<typename T>
template<class T1 >
bool operator== ( const RResultPtr< T1 > &  lhs,
std::nullptr_t  rhs 

Definition at line 321 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ operator== [3/3]

template<typename T>
template<class T1 >
bool operator== ( std::nullptr_t  lhs,
const RResultPtr< T1 > &  rhs 

Definition at line 327 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ RDFDetail::MakeResultPtr [1/2]

template<typename T>
template<typename T1 >
RResultPtr<T1> RDFDetail::MakeResultPtr ( const std::shared_ptr< T1 > &  ,
const SPTLM_t ,

◆ RDFDetail::MakeResultPtr [2/2]

template<typename T>
template<typename T1 >
std::pair<RResultPtr<T1>, std::shared_ptr<RDFInternal::RActionBase *> > RDFDetail::MakeResultPtr ( const std::shared_ptr< T1 > &  ,
const SPTLM_t  

Member Data Documentation

◆ fActionPtrPtr

template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<RDFInternal::RActionBase *> ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::fActionPtrPtr

Shared_ptr to a pointer to the RDF action that produces this result.

It is set at construction time for non-jitted actions, and at jitting time for jitted actions (at the time of writing, this means right before the event-loop).

Definition at line 123 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ fImplWeakPtr

template<typename T>
WPTLM_t ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::fImplWeakPtr

Points to the RLoopManager at the root of the functional graph.

Definition at line 114 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ fObjPtr

template<typename T>
SPT_t ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::fObjPtr

Shared pointer encapsulating the wrapped result.

Definition at line 115 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ fReadiness

template<typename T>
ShrdPtrBool_t ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::fReadiness = std::make_shared<bool>(false)

State registered also in the RLoopManager until the event loop is executed.

Definition at line 113 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

◆ kOnce

template<typename T>
constexpr ULong64_t ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >::kOnce = 0ull

Convenience definition to express a callback must be executed once.

Definition at line 149 of file RResultPtr.hxx.

Libraries for ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T >:

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