ROOT 6.14/05 Reference Guide |
Class to perform two class classification.
The first step before any analysis is to preperate the data, to do that you need to create an object of TMVA::DataLoader, in this object you need to configure the variables and the number of events to train/test. The class TMVA::Experimental::Classification needs a TMVA::DataLoader object, optional a TFile object to save the results and some extra options in a string like "V:Color:Transformations=I;D;P;U;G:Silent:DrawProgressBar:ModelPersistence:Jobs=2" where: V = verbose output Color = coloured screen output Silent = batch mode: boolean silent flag inhibiting any output from TMVA Transformations = list of transformations to test. DrawProgressBar = draw progress bar to display training and testing. ModelPersistence = to save the trained model in xml or serialized files. Jobs = number of ml methods to test/train in parallel using MultiProc, requires to call Evaluate method. Basic example.
#include <TMVA/Classification.h>