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Reference Guide
df011_ROOTDataSource.py File Reference


namespace  df011_ROOTDataSource

Detailed Description

View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This tutorial illustrates how use the RDataFrame in combination with a RDataSource.

In this case we use a TRootDS. This data source allows to read a ROOT dataset from a RDataFrame in a different way, not based on the regular RDataFrame code. This allows to perform all sorts of consistency checks and illustrate the usage of the RDataSource in a didactic context.

import ROOT
# A simple helper function to fill a test tree: this makes the example stand-alone.
def fill_tree(treeName, fileName):
tdf = ROOT.ROOT.RDataFrame(10000)
tdf.Define("b1", "(int) tdfentry_").Snapshot(treeName, fileName)
# We prepare an input tree to run on
fileName = "df011_rootDataSource_py.root"
treeName = "myTree"
fill_tree(treeName, fileName)
# Create the data frame
MakeRootDataFrame = ROOT.ROOT.RDF.MakeRootDataFrame
d = MakeRootDataFrame(treeName, fileName)
# Now we have a regular RDataFrame: the ingestion of data is delegated to
# the RDataSource. At this point everything works as before.
h = d.Define("x", "1./(b1 + 1.)").Histo1D(("h_s", "h_s", 128, 0, .6), "x")
# Now we redo the same with a RDF and we draw the two histograms
c = ROOT.TCanvas()
RDataFrame MakeRootDataFrame(std::string_view treeName, std::string_view fileNameGlob)
Definition: RRootDS.cxx:163
September 2017
Danilo Piparo

Definition in file df011_ROOTDataSource.py.