![]() |
ROOT 6.16/01 Reference Guide |
Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | CocoaTutorials |
namespace | Detail |
namespace | ExecutorUtils |
This namespace contains pre-defined functions to be used in conjuction with TExecutor::Map and TExecutor::MapReduce. | |
namespace | Experimental |
namespace | Fit |
Namespace for the fitting classes. | |
namespace | GLTutorials |
namespace | Internal |
namespace | MacOSX |
namespace | Math |
namespace | MathMore |
namespace | Meta |
namespace | Minuit |
namespace | Minuit2 |
namespace | Quartz |
namespace | R |
namespace associated R package for ROOT. | |
namespace | RDF |
namespace | TF1Helper |
namespace | TMetaUtils |
namespace | TreeUtils |
namespace | TThreadedObjectUtils |
namespace | TypeTraits |
ROOT type_traits extensions. | |
namespace | v5 |
namespace | VecOps |
Classes | |
struct | RCompressionSetting |
The global settings depend on a global variable named R__ZipMode which can be modified by a global function named R__SetZipMode. More... | |
class | RDataFrame |
ROOT's RDataFrame offers a high level interface for analyses of data stored in TTree s, CSV's and other data formats. More... | |
class | TExecutor |
This class defines an interface to execute the same task multiple times in parallel, possibly with different arguments every time. More... | |
class | TGenericClassInfo |
class | TIOFeatures |
TIOFeatures provides the end-user with the ability to change the IO behavior of data written via a TTree . More... | |
class | TProcessExecutor |
This class provides a simple interface to execute the same task multiple times in parallel, possibly with different arguments every time. More... | |
class | TReadLockGuard |
class | TReentrantRWLock |
class | TRWMutexImp |
class | TRWSpinLock |
class | TRWSpinLockReadGuard |
class | TRWSpinLockWriteGuard |
class | TSchemaRule |
class | TSeq |
A pseudo container class which is a generator of indices. More... | |
class | TSequentialExecutor |
class | TSpinMutex |
A spin mutex class which respects the STL interface for mutexes. More... | |
class | TThreadedObject |
A wrapper to make object instances thread private, lazily. More... | |
class | TThreadExecutor |
This class provides a simple interface to execute the same task multiple times in parallel, possibly with different arguments every time. More... | |
class | TTreeProcessorMP |
This class provides an interface to process a TTree dataset in parallel with multi-process technology. More... | |
class | TTreeProcessorMT |
A class to process the entries of a TTree in parallel. More... | |
class | TVirtualRWMutex |
class | TWriteLockGuard |
Typedefs | |
using | ColumnNames_t = ROOT::Detail::RDF::ColumnNames_t |
using | ColumnNamesPtr_t = std::shared_ptr< const ColumnNames_t > |
typedef void(* | DelArrFunc_t) (void *) |
typedef void(* | DelFunc_t) (void *) |
typedef void(* | DesFunc_t) (void *) |
typedef void(* | DirAutoAdd_t) (void *, TDirectory *) |
using | Double_v = Double_t |
using | Float_v = Float_t |
using | Int32_v = Int_t |
using | Int_v = Int_t |
typedef std::map< std::string, ROOT::Internal::TSchemaType > | MembersTypeMap_t |
typedef Long64_t(* | MergeFunc_t) (void *, TCollection *, TFileMergeInfo *) |
typedef void *(* | NewArrFunc_t) (Long_t size, void *arena) |
typedef void *(* | NewFunc_t) (void *) |
typedef void(* | ResetAfterMergeFunc_t) (void *, TFileMergeInfo *) |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::list< SchemaRuleMap_t > > | SchemaRuleClassMap_t |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | SchemaRuleMap_t |
typedef std::list< std::pair< ROOT::Internal::TSchemaType, std::string > > | SourceTypeList_t |
using | TDataFrame = ROOT::RDataFrame |
using | TSeqI = TSeq< int > |
using | TSeqL = TSeq< long > |
using | TSeqU = TSeq< unsigned int > |
using | TSeqUL = TSeq< unsigned long > |
using | UInt32_v = UInt_t |
using | UInt_v = UInt_t |
Enumerations | |
enum | ECompressionAlgorithm { kUseGlobalCompressionSetting = RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm::kUseGlobal , kUseGlobalSetting = RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm::kUseGlobal , kZLIB = RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm::kZLIB , kLZMA = RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm::kLZMA , kOldCompressionAlgo = RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm::kOldCompressionAlgo , kLZ4 = RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm::kLZ4 , kUndefinedCompressionAlgorithm = RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm::kUndefined } |
enum class | EFromHumanReadableSize { kSuccess , kParseFail , kOverflow } |
enum | EFunctionMatchMode { kExactMatch = 0 , kConversionMatch = 1 } |
enum class | EIOFeatures { kSupported = 0 } |
enum | ESTLType { kNotSTL = 0 , kSTLvector = 1 , kSTLlist = 2 , kSTLdeque = 3 , kSTLmap = 4 , kSTLmultimap = 5 , kSTLset = 6 , kSTLmultiset = 7 , kSTLbitset = 8 , kSTLforwardlist = 9 , kSTLunorderedset = 10 , kSTLunorderedmultiset = 11 , kSTLunorderedmap = 12 , kSTLunorderedmultimap = 13 , kSTLend = 14 , kSTLany = 300 , kSTLstring = 365 } |
enum | EThreadSlotReservation { kMaxUserThreadSlot = 20 , kPadThreadSlot = 20 , kClassThreadSlot = 21 , kDirectoryThreadSlot = 22 , kFileThreadSlot = 23 , kPerfStatsThreadSlot = 24 , kMaxThreadSlot = 25 } |
Functions | |
void | AddClass (const char *cname, Version_t id, const std::type_info &info, DictFuncPtr_t dict, Int_t pragmabits) |
Global function called by the ctor of a class's init class (see the ClassImp macro). More... | |
void | AddClass (const char *cname, Version_t id, DictFuncPtr_t dict, Int_t pragmabits) |
void | AddClassAlternate (const char *normName, const char *alternate) |
Global function called by GenerateInitInstance. More... | |
void | CallRecursiveRemoveIfNeeded (TObject &obj) |
call RecursiveRemove for obj if gROOT is valid and obj.TestBit(kMustCleanup) is true. More... | |
void | Class_ShowMembers (TClass *cl, const void *obj, TMemberInspector &) |
Indirect call to the implementation of ShowMember allowing [forward] declaration with out a full definition of the TClass class. More... | |
static UInt_t | ClassTableHash (const char *name, UInt_t size) |
int | CompressionSettings (RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm algorithm, int compressionLevel) |
int | CompressionSettings (ROOT::ECompressionAlgorithm algorithm, int compressionLevel) |
Deprecated name, do not use: More... | |
TClass * | CreateClass (const char *cname, Version_t id, const char *dfil, const char *ifil, Int_t dl, Int_t il) |
Global function called by a class' static Dictionary() method (see the ClassDef macro). More... | |
TClass * | CreateClass (const char *cname, Version_t id, const std::type_info &info, TVirtualIsAProxy *isa, const char *dfil, const char *ifil, Int_t dl, Int_t il) |
Global function called by a class' static Dictionary() method (see the ClassDef macro). More... | |
void | DisableImplicitMT () |
Disables the implicit multi-threading in ROOT (see EnableImplicitMT). More... | |
void | EnableImplicitMT (UInt_t numthreads=0) |
Enable ROOT's implicit multi-threading for all objects and methods that provide an internal parallelisation mechanism. More... | |
void | EnableThreadSafety () |
Enables the global mutex to make ROOT thread safe/aware. More... | |
static std::string::size_type | FindEndSymbol (std::string &command) |
template<typename T > | |
EFromHumanReadableSize | FromHumanReadableSize (ROOT::Internal::TStringView str, T &value) |
template<typename T > | |
EFromHumanReadableSize | FromHumanReadableSize (std::string_view str, T &value) |
Convert strings like the following into byte counts 5MB, 5 MB, 5M, 3.7GB, 123b, 456kB, 3.7GiB, 5MiB with some amount of forgiveness baked into the parsing. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
TClass * | GetClass (const T *) |
template<typename T > | |
TClass * | GetClass (const T **) |
template<typename T > | |
TClass * | GetClass (const T *const *) |
template<typename T > | |
TClass * | GetClass (T *) |
template<typename T > | |
TClass * | GetClass (T **) |
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TClassRec > > & | GetDelayedAddClass () |
std::vector< std::pair< const char *, const char * > > & | GetDelayedAddClassAlternate () |
UInt_t | GetImplicitMTPoolSize () |
Returns the size of the pool used for implicit multi-threading. More... | |
TString & | GetMacroPath () |
TROOT * | GetROOT () |
void | GetRuleIncludes (std::list< std::string > &result) |
Get the list of includes specified in the shema rules. More... | |
bool | HasValidDataMembers (SchemaRuleMap_t &rule, MembersTypeMap_t &members, std::string &error_string) |
Check if given rule contains references to valid data members. More... | |
Bool_t | IsImplicitMTEnabled () |
Returns true if the implicit multi-threading in ROOT is enabled. More... | |
template<class T > | |
TSeq< T > | MakeSeq (T begin, T end, T step=1) |
template<class T > | |
TSeq< T > | MakeSeq (T end) |
bool | ParseRule (std::string command, ROOT::Internal::MembersMap_t &result, std::string &error_string) |
Parse the schema rule as specified in the LinkDef file. More... | |
void | ProcessReadPragma (const char *args, std::string &error_string) |
I am being called when a read pragma is encountered. More... | |
void | ProcessReadRawPragma (const char *args, std::string &error_string) |
I am being called then a readraw pragma is encountered. More... | |
TNamed * | RegisterClassTemplate (const char *name, const char *file, Int_t line) |
Global function to register the implementation file and line of a class template (i.e. More... | |
void | RemoveClass (const char *cname) |
Global function called by the dtor of a class's init class (see the ClassImp macro). More... | |
void | ResetClassVersion (TClass *, const char *, Short_t) |
Global function to update the version number. More... | |
template<class RootClass > | |
Short_t | SetClassVersion (RootClass *) |
static void | StrReplace (std::string &proc, const std::string &pat, const std::string &tr) |
Replace all accurances of given string with other string. More... | |
template<typename value_type > | |
void | ToHumanReadableSize (value_type bytes, Bool_t si, Double_t *coeff, const char **units) |
Return the size expressed in 'human readable' format. More... | |
static Bool_t | ValidateRule (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rule, std::string &error_string) |
Validate if the user specified rules are correct. More... | |
static void | WriteAutoVariables (const std::list< std::string > &target, const SourceTypeList_t &source, MembersTypeMap_t &members, std::string &className, std::string &mappedName, std::ostream &output) |
Write down the sources. More... | |
void | WriteReadRawRuleFunc (SchemaRuleMap_t &rule, int index, std::string &mappedName, MembersTypeMap_t &members, std::ostream &output) |
Write the conversion function for ReadRaw rule, the function name is being written to rule["funcname"]. More... | |
void | WriteReadRuleFunc (SchemaRuleMap_t &rule, int index, std::string &mappedName, MembersTypeMap_t &members, std::ostream &output) |
Write the conversion function for Read rule, the function name is being written to rule["funcname"]. More... | |
void | WriteSchemaList (std::list< SchemaRuleMap_t > &rules, const std::string &listName, std::ostream &output) |
Write schema rules. More... | |
Variables | |
R__EXTERN TVirtualRWMutex * | gCoreMutex = nullptr |
R__EXTERN SchemaRuleClassMap_t | gReadRawRules |
R__EXTERN SchemaRuleClassMap_t | gReadRules |
Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions.
A helper class for managing IMT work during TTree:Fill operations.
using ROOT::ColumnNames_t = typedef ROOT::Detail::RDF::ColumnNames_t |
Definition at line 790 of file RDataFrame.cxx.
using ROOT::ColumnNamesPtr_t = typedef std::shared_ptr<const ColumnNames_t> |
Definition at line 791 of file RDataFrame.cxx.
typedef void(* ROOT::DirAutoAdd_t) (void *, TDirectory *) |
using ROOT::Double_v = typedef Double_t |
using ROOT::Float_v = typedef Float_t |
using ROOT::Int32_v = typedef Int_t |
using ROOT::Int_v = typedef Int_t |
typedef std::map<std::string, ROOT::Internal::TSchemaType> ROOT::MembersTypeMap_t |
Definition at line 28 of file RConversionRuleParser.h.
typedef Long64_t(* ROOT::MergeFunc_t) (void *, TCollection *, TFileMergeInfo *) |
typedef void(* ROOT::ResetAfterMergeFunc_t) (void *, TFileMergeInfo *) |
typedef std::map<std::string, std::list<SchemaRuleMap_t> > ROOT::SchemaRuleClassMap_t |
Definition at line 24 of file RConversionRuleParser.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ROOT::SchemaRuleMap_t |
Definition at line 23 of file RConversionRuleParser.h.
typedef std::list<std::pair<ROOT::Internal::TSchemaType,std::string> > ROOT::SourceTypeList_t |
Definition at line 39 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
using ROOT::TDataFrame = typedef ROOT::RDataFrame |
Definition at line 16 of file TDataFrame.hxx.
using ROOT::TSeqI = typedef TSeq<int> |
using ROOT::TSeqL = typedef TSeq<long> |
using ROOT::TSeqU = typedef TSeq<unsigned int> |
using ROOT::TSeqUL = typedef TSeq<unsigned long> |
using ROOT::UInt32_v = typedef UInt_t |
using ROOT::UInt_v = typedef UInt_t |
Definition at line 96 of file Compression.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
kSuccess | |
kParseFail | |
kOverflow |
Definition at line 69 of file StringConv.hxx.
Enumerator | |
kExactMatch | |
kConversionMatch |
Definition at line 152 of file TDictionary.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
kSupported |
Definition at line 32 of file TIOFeatures.hxx.
enum ROOT::ESTLType |
Definition at line 28 of file ESTLType.h.
Enumerator | |
kMaxUserThreadSlot | |
kPadThreadSlot | |
kClassThreadSlot | |
kDirectoryThreadSlot | |
kFileThreadSlot | |
kPerfStatsThreadSlot | |
kMaxThreadSlot |
Definition at line 19 of file TThreadSlots.h.
void ROOT::AddClass | ( | const char * | cname, |
Version_t | id, | ||
const std::type_info & | info, | ||
DictFuncPtr_t | dict, | ||
Int_t | pragmabits | ||
) |
Global function called by the ctor of a class's init class (see the ClassImp macro).
Definition at line 760 of file TClassTable.cxx.
void ROOT::AddClass | ( | const char * | cname, |
Version_t | id, | ||
DictFuncPtr_t | dict, | ||
Int_t | pragmabits | ||
) |
void ROOT::AddClassAlternate | ( | const char * | normName, |
const char * | alternate | ||
) |
Global function called by GenerateInitInstance.
(see the ClassImp macro).
Definition at line 782 of file TClassTable.cxx.
void ROOT::Class_ShowMembers | ( | TClass * | cl, |
const void * | obj, | ||
TMemberInspector & | insp | ||
) |
Indirect call to the implementation of ShowMember allowing [forward] declaration with out a full definition of the TClass class.
Definition at line 496 of file TClass.cxx.
Definition at line 192 of file TClassTable.cxx.
int ROOT::CompressionSettings | ( | RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm | algorithm, |
int | compressionLevel | ||
) |
int ROOT::CompressionSettings | ( | ROOT::ECompressionAlgorithm | algorithm, |
int | compressionLevel | ||
) |
Deprecated name, do not use:
TClass * ROOT::CreateClass | ( | const char * | cname, |
Version_t | id, | ||
const char * | dfil, | ||
const char * | ifil, | ||
Int_t | dl, | ||
Int_t | il | ||
) |
Global function called by a class' static Dictionary() method (see the ClassDef macro).
Definition at line 5646 of file TClass.cxx.
TClass * ROOT::CreateClass | ( | const char * | cname, |
Version_t | id, | ||
const std::type_info & | info, | ||
TVirtualIsAProxy * | isa, | ||
const char * | dfil, | ||
const char * | ifil, | ||
Int_t | dl, | ||
Int_t | il | ||
) |
Global function called by a class' static Dictionary() method (see the ClassDef macro).
Definition at line 5631 of file TClass.cxx.
void ROOT::DisableImplicitMT | ( | ) |
Enable ROOT's implicit multi-threading for all objects and methods that provide an internal parallelisation mechanism.
[in] | numthreads | Number of threads to use. If not specified or set to zero, the number of threads is automatically decided by the implementation. Any other value is used as a hint. |
ROOT must be built with the compilation flag imt=ON
for this feature to be available. The following objects and methods automatically take advantage of multi-threading if a call to EnableImplicitMT
has been made before usage:
EnableImplicitMT calls in turn EnableThreadSafety. The 'numthreads' parameter allows to control the number of threads to be used by the implicit multi-threading. However, this parameter is just a hint for ROOT: it will try to satisfy the request if the execution scenario allows it. For example, if ROOT is configured to use an external scheduler, setting a value for 'numthreads' might not have any effect.
void ROOT::EnableThreadSafety | ( | ) |
Enables the global mutex to make ROOT thread safe/aware.
The following becomes safe:
In addition, gDirectory, gFile and gPad become a thread-local variable. In all threads, gDirectory defaults to gROOT, a singleton which supports thread-safe insertion and deletion of contents. gFile and gPad default to nullptr, as it is for single-thread programs.
Note that there is no DisableThreadSafety()
. ROOT's thread-safety features cannot be disabled once activated.
static |
Definition at line 50 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
EFromHumanReadableSize ROOT::FromHumanReadableSize | ( | ROOT::Internal::TStringView | str, |
T & | value | ||
) |
Definition at line 160 of file StringConv.hxx.
EFromHumanReadableSize ROOT::FromHumanReadableSize | ( | std::string_view | str, |
T & | value | ||
) |
Convert strings like the following into byte counts 5MB, 5 MB, 5M, 3.7GB, 123b, 456kB, 3.7GiB, 5MiB with some amount of forgiveness baked into the parsing.
For this routine we use the official SI unit where the [i] is reserved for the 'legacy' power of two units. 1KB = 1000 bytes, 1KiB = 1024 bytes.
str | the string to be parsed |
value | will be updated with the result if and only if the parse is successful and does not overflow for the type of value. |
Definition at line 86 of file StringConv.hxx.
TClass * ROOT::GetClass | ( | const T * | ) |
TClass * ROOT::GetClass | ( | const T ** | ) |
TClass * ROOT::GetClass | ( | const T *const * | ) |
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TClassRec > > & ROOT::GetDelayedAddClass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 203 of file TClassTable.cxx.
std::vector< std::pair< const char *, const char * > > & ROOT::GetDelayedAddClassAlternate | ( | ) |
Definition at line 209 of file TClassTable.cxx.
UInt_t ROOT::GetImplicitMTPoolSize | ( | ) |
void ROOT::GetRuleIncludes | ( | std::list< std::string > & | result | ) |
Get the list of includes specified in the shema rules.
Definition at line 829 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
Bool_t ROOT::HasValidDataMembers | ( | SchemaRuleMap_t & | rule, |
MembersTypeMap_t & | members, | ||
std::string & | error_string | ||
) |
Check if given rule contains references to valid data members.
Definition at line 435 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
Bool_t ROOT::IsImplicitMTEnabled | ( | ) |
TSeq< T > ROOT::MakeSeq | ( | T | begin, |
T | end, | ||
T | step = 1 |
) |
Bool_t ROOT::ParseRule | ( | std::string | rule, |
ROOT::Internal::MembersMap_t & | result, | ||
std::string & | error_string | ||
) |
Parse the schema rule as specified in the LinkDef file.
Definition at line 91 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
void ROOT::ProcessReadPragma | ( | const char * | args, |
std::string & | error_string | ||
) |
I am being called when a read pragma is encountered.
Definition at line 873 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
void ROOT::ProcessReadRawPragma | ( | const char * | args, |
std::string & | error_string | ||
) |
I am being called then a readraw pragma is encountered.
Definition at line 909 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
Global function to register the implementation file and line of a class template (i.e.
NOT a concrete class).
Definition at line 862 of file TClassTable.cxx.
void ROOT::RemoveClass | ( | const char * | cname | ) |
Global function called by the dtor of a class's init class (see the ClassImp macro).
Definition at line 837 of file TClassTable.cxx.
Global function to update the version number.
This is called via the RootClassVersion macro.
if cl!=0 and cname==-1, set the new class version if and only is greater than the existing one and greater or equal to 2; and also ignore the request if fVersionUsed is true.
Note on class version number:
Definition at line 805 of file TClassTable.cxx.
Short_t ROOT::SetClassVersion | ( | RootClass * | ) |
static |
Replace all accurances of given string with other string.
Definition at line 731 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
void ROOT::ToHumanReadableSize | ( | value_type | bytes, |
Bool_t | si, | ||
Double_t * | coeff, | ||
const char ** | units | ||
) |
Return the size expressed in 'human readable' format.
bytes | the size in bytes to be converted |
si | whether to use the SI units or not. |
coeff | return the size expressed in the new unit. |
units | return a pointer to the string representation of the new unit |
Definition at line 38 of file StringConv.hxx.
static |
Validate if the user specified rules are correct.
Definition at line 265 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
static |
Write down the sources.
Definition at line 464 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
void ROOT::WriteReadRawRuleFunc | ( | SchemaRuleMap_t & | rule, |
int | index, | ||
std::string & | mappedName, | ||
MembersTypeMap_t & | members, | ||
std::ostream & | output | ||
) |
Write the conversion function for ReadRaw rule, the function name is being written to rule["funcname"].
Definition at line 682 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
void ROOT::WriteReadRuleFunc | ( | SchemaRuleMap_t & | rule, |
int | index, | ||
std::string & | mappedName, | ||
MembersTypeMap_t & | members, | ||
std::ostream & | output | ||
) |
Write the conversion function for Read rule, the function name is being written to rule["funcname"].
Definition at line 629 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
void ROOT::WriteSchemaList | ( | std::list< SchemaRuleMap_t > & | rules, |
const std::string & | listName, | ||
std::ostream & | output | ||
) |
Write schema rules.
Definition at line 753 of file RConversionRuleParser.cxx.
ROOT::TVirtualRWMutex * ROOT::gCoreMutex = nullptr |
Definition at line 36 of file TVirtualRWMutex.h.
SchemaRuleClassMap_t ROOT::gReadRawRules |
Definition at line 26 of file RConversionRuleParser.h.
SchemaRuleClassMap_t ROOT::gReadRules |
Definition at line 25 of file RConversionRuleParser.h.