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Reference Guide
TMatrixTSym.cxx File Reference
#include "TMatrixTSym.h"
#include "TBuffer.h"
#include "TMatrixTLazy.h"
#include "TMatrixTSymCramerInv.h"
#include "TDecompLU.h"
#include "TMatrixDSymEigen.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TMatrixFSymfwd.h"
#include "TMatrixDSymfwd.h"
Include dependency graph for TMatrixTSym.cxx:


template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > & Add (TMatrixTSym< Element > &target, Element scalar, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source)
 Modify addition: target += scalar * source. More...
template TMatrixDSymAdd< Double_t > (TMatrixDSym &target, Double_t scalar, const TMatrixDSym &source)
template TMatrixFSymAdd< Float_t > (TMatrixFSym &target, Float_t scalar, const TMatrixFSym &source)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > & ElementDiv (TMatrixTSym< Element > &target, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source)
 Multiply target by the source, element-by-element. More...
template TMatrixDSymElementDiv< Double_t > (TMatrixDSym &target, const TMatrixDSym &source)
template TMatrixFSymElementDiv< Float_t > (TMatrixFSym &target, const TMatrixFSym &source)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > & ElementMult (TMatrixTSym< Element > &target, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source)
 Multiply target by the source, element-by-element. More...
template TMatrixDSymElementMult< Double_t > (TMatrixDSym &target, const TMatrixDSym &source)
template TMatrixFSymElementMult< Float_t > (TMatrixFSym &target, const TMatrixFSym &source)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator&& (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source2)
 Logical AND. More...
template TMatrixDSym operator&&< Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator&&< Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator* (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, Element val)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator* (Element val, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1)
template TMatrixDSym operator*<Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source, Double_t val)
template TMatrixDSym operator*<Double_t > (Double_t val, const TMatrixDSym &source)
template TMatrixFSym operator*<Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source, Float_t val)
template TMatrixFSym operator*<Float_t > (Float_t val, const TMatrixFSym &source)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator+ (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source2)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator+ (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, Element val)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator+ (Element val, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1)
template TMatrixDSym operator+<Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixDSym operator+<Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, Double_t val)
template TMatrixDSym operator+<Double_t > (Double_t val, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator+<Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator+<Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, Float_t val)
template TMatrixFSym operator+<Float_t > (Float_t val, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator- (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source2)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator- (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, Element val)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator- (Element val, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1)
template TMatrixDSym operator-<Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixDSym operator-<Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, Double_t val)
template TMatrixDSym operator-<Double_t > (Double_t val, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator-<Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator-<Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, Float_t val)
template TMatrixFSym operator-<Float_t > (Float_t val, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator< (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source2)
 source1 < source2 More...
template TMatrixDSym operator<<Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator<<Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator<= (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source2)
 source1 <= source2 More...
template TMatrixDSym operator<=< Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator<=< Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template<class Element >
Bool_t operator== (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &m1, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &m2)
 Check to see if two matrices are identical. More...
template Bool_t operator==< Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template Bool_t operator==< Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator> (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source2)
 source1 > source2 More...
template TMatrixDSym operator><Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator><Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator>= (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source2)
 source1 >= source2 More...
template TMatrixDSym operator>=< Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator>=< Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, const TMatrixFSym &source2)
template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator|| (const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source1, const TMatrixTSym< Element > &source2)
 Logical Or. More...
template TMatrixDSym operator||< Double_t > (const TMatrixDSym &source1, const TMatrixDSym &source2)
template TMatrixFSym operator||< Float_t > (const TMatrixFSym &source1, const TMatrixFSym &source2)

Function Documentation

◆ Add()

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > & Add ( TMatrixTSym< Element > &  target,
Element  scalar,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source 

Modify addition: target += scalar * source.

Definition at line 1932 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ Add< Double_t >()

template TMatrixDSym & Add< Double_t > ( TMatrixDSym target,
Double_t  scalar,
const TMatrixDSym source 

◆ Add< Float_t >()

template TMatrixFSym & Add< Float_t > ( TMatrixFSym target,
Float_t  scalar,
const TMatrixFSym source 

◆ ElementDiv()

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > & ElementDiv ( TMatrixTSym< Element > &  target,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source 

Multiply target by the source, element-by-element.

Definition at line 1997 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ ElementDiv< Double_t >()

template TMatrixDSym & ElementDiv< Double_t > ( TMatrixDSym target,
const TMatrixDSym source 

◆ ElementDiv< Float_t >()

template TMatrixFSym & ElementDiv< Float_t > ( TMatrixFSym target,
const TMatrixFSym source 

◆ ElementMult()

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > & ElementMult ( TMatrixTSym< Element > &  target,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source 

Multiply target by the source, element-by-element.

Definition at line 1965 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ ElementMult< Double_t >()

template TMatrixDSym & ElementMult< Double_t > ( TMatrixDSym target,
const TMatrixDSym source 

◆ ElementMult< Float_t >()

template TMatrixFSym & ElementMult< Float_t > ( TMatrixFSym target,
const TMatrixFSym source 

◆ operator&&()

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator&& ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source2 

Logical AND.

Definition at line 1778 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator&&< Double_t >()

template TMatrixDSym operator&&< Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator&&< Float_t >()

template TMatrixFSym operator&&< Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator* ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
Element  val 

Definition at line 1759 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator* ( Element  val,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1 

Definition at line 1769 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator*<Double_t >() [1/2]

template TMatrixDSym operator*<Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source,
Double_t  val 

◆ operator*<Double_t >() [2/2]

template TMatrixDSym operator*<Double_t > ( Double_t  val,
const TMatrixDSym source 

◆ operator*<Float_t >() [1/2]

template TMatrixFSym operator*<Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source,
Float_t  val 

◆ operator*<Float_t >() [2/2]

template TMatrixFSym operator*<Float_t > ( Float_t  val,
const TMatrixFSym source 

◆ operator+() [1/3]

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator+ ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source2 

Definition at line 1703 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator+() [2/3]

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator+ ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
Element  val 

Definition at line 1713 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator+() [3/3]

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator+ ( Element  val,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1 

Definition at line 1723 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator+<Double_t >() [1/3]

template TMatrixDSym operator+<Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator+<Double_t >() [2/3]

template TMatrixDSym operator+<Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
Double_t  val 

◆ operator+<Double_t >() [3/3]

template TMatrixDSym operator+<Double_t > ( Double_t  val,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator+<Float_t >() [1/3]

template TMatrixFSym operator+<Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator+<Float_t >() [2/3]

template TMatrixFSym operator+<Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
Float_t  val 

◆ operator+<Float_t >() [3/3]

template TMatrixFSym operator+<Float_t > ( Float_t  val,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator-() [1/3]

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator- ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source2 

Definition at line 1731 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator-() [2/3]

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator- ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
Element  val 

Definition at line 1741 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator-() [3/3]

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator- ( Element  val,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1 

Definition at line 1751 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator-<Double_t >() [1/3]

template TMatrixDSym operator-<Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator-<Double_t >() [2/3]

template TMatrixDSym operator-<Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
Double_t  val 

◆ operator-<Double_t >() [3/3]

template TMatrixDSym operator-<Double_t > ( Double_t  val,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator-<Float_t >() [1/3]

template TMatrixFSym operator-<Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator-<Float_t >() [2/3]

template TMatrixFSym operator-<Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
Float_t  val 

◆ operator-<Float_t >() [3/3]

template TMatrixFSym operator-<Float_t > ( Float_t  val,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator<()

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator< ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source2 

source1 < source2

Definition at line 1854 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator<<Double_t >()

template TMatrixDSym operator<<Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator<<Float_t >()

template TMatrixFSym operator<<Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator<=()

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator<= ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source2 

source1 <= source2

Definition at line 1854 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator<=< Double_t >()

template TMatrixDSym operator<=< Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator<=< Float_t >()

template TMatrixFSym operator<=< Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator==()

template<class Element >
Bool_t operator== ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  m1,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  m2 

Check to see if two matrices are identical.

Definition at line 1693 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator==< Double_t >()

template Bool_t operator==< Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator==< Float_t >()

template Bool_t operator==< Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator>()

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator> ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source2 

source1 > source2

Definition at line 1828 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator><Double_t >()

template TMatrixDSym operator><Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator><Float_t >()

template TMatrixFSym operator><Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator>=()

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator>= ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source2 

source1 >= source2

Definition at line 1854 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator>=< Double_t >()

template TMatrixDSym operator>=< Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator>=< Float_t >()

template TMatrixFSym operator>=< Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
const TMatrixFSym source2 

◆ operator||()

template<class Element >
TMatrixTSym< Element > operator|| ( const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source1,
const TMatrixTSym< Element > &  source2 

Logical Or.

Definition at line 1803 of file TMatrixTSym.cxx.

◆ operator||< Double_t >()

template TMatrixDSym operator||< Double_t > ( const TMatrixDSym source1,
const TMatrixDSym source2 

◆ operator||< Float_t >()

template TMatrixFSym operator||< Float_t > ( const TMatrixFSym source1,
const TMatrixFSym source2 