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ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage Class Reference

A page is a fixed size slice of a column that is mapped into memory.

The page provides a fixed-size opaque memory buffer for uncompressed data. It does not know how to interpret the contents but it does now about the size (and thus the number) of the elements inside as well as the element number range within the backing column. The memory buffer is not managed by the page but normally by the page pool.

Definition at line 40 of file RPage.hxx.


class  RClusterInfo
 Stores information about the cluster in which this page resides. More...

Public Member Functions

 RPage ()
 RPage (ColumnId_t columnId, void *buffer, std::size_t capacity, std::size_t elementSize)
 ~RPage ()=default
bool Contains (NTupleSize_t index) const
voidGetBuffer () const
std::size_t GetCapacity () const
 The total space available in the page. More...
const RClusterInfoGetClusterInfo () const
std::int64_t GetColumnId ()
NTupleSize_t GetNElements () const
NTupleSize_t GetRangeFirst () const
NTupleSize_t GetRangeLast () const
std::size_t GetSize () const
 The space taken by column elements in the buffer. More...
bool IsNull () const
bool operator== (const RPage &other) const
void Reset (NTupleSize_t rangeFirst)
 Forget all currently stored elements (size == 0) and set a new starting index. More...
void ResetCluster (const RClusterInfo &clusterInfo)
void SetWindow (const NTupleSize_t rangeFirst, const RClusterInfo &clusterInfo)
 Seek the page to a certain position of the column. More...
voidTryGrow (std::size_t nElements)
 Return a pointer after the last element that has space for nElements new elements. More...

Private Attributes

std::size_t fCapacity
RClusterInfo fClusterInfo
ColumnId_t fColumnId
std::size_t fElementSize
NTupleSize_t fNElements
NTupleSize_t fRangeFirst
std::size_t fSize

#include <ROOT/RPage.hxx>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RPage() [1/2]

ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::RPage ( )

Definition at line 73 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ RPage() [2/2]

ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::RPage ( ColumnId_t  columnId,
void buffer,
std::size_t  capacity,
std::size_t  elementSize 

Definition at line 77 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ ~RPage()

ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::~RPage ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Contains()

bool ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::Contains ( NTupleSize_t  index) const

Definition at line 92 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ GetBuffer()

void * ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::GetBuffer ( ) const

Definition at line 95 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ GetCapacity()

std::size_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::GetCapacity ( ) const

The total space available in the page.

Definition at line 85 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ GetClusterInfo()

const RClusterInfo & ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::GetClusterInfo ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ GetColumnId()

std::int64_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::GetColumnId ( )

Definition at line 83 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ GetNElements()

NTupleSize_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::GetNElements ( ) const

Definition at line 88 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ GetRangeFirst()

NTupleSize_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::GetRangeFirst ( ) const

Definition at line 89 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ GetRangeLast()

NTupleSize_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::GetRangeLast ( ) const

Definition at line 90 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ GetSize()

std::size_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::GetSize ( ) const

The space taken by column elements in the buffer.

Definition at line 87 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ IsNull()

bool ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::IsNull ( ) const

Definition at line 117 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ operator==()

bool ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::operator== ( const RPage other) const

Definition at line 118 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ Reset()

void ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::Reset ( NTupleSize_t  rangeFirst)

Forget all currently stored elements (size == 0) and set a new starting index.

Definition at line 114 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ ResetCluster()

void ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::ResetCluster ( const RClusterInfo clusterInfo)

Definition at line 115 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ SetWindow()

void ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::SetWindow ( const NTupleSize_t  rangeFirst,
const RClusterInfo clusterInfo 

Seek the page to a certain position of the column.

Definition at line 109 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ TryGrow()

void * ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::TryGrow ( std::size_t  nElements)

Return a pointer after the last element that has space for nElements new elements.

If there is not enough capacity, return nullptr

Definition at line 98 of file RPage.hxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fBuffer

void* ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::fBuffer

Definition at line 64 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ fCapacity

std::size_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::fCapacity

Definition at line 65 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ fClusterInfo

RClusterInfo ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::fClusterInfo

Definition at line 70 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ fColumnId

ColumnId_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::fColumnId

Definition at line 63 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ fElementSize

std::size_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::fElementSize

Definition at line 67 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ fNElements

NTupleSize_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::fNElements

Definition at line 69 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ fRangeFirst

NTupleSize_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::fRangeFirst

Definition at line 68 of file RPage.hxx.

◆ fSize

std::size_t ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::fSize

Definition at line 66 of file RPage.hxx.

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