Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- _ -
- _2pi : Roo2DKeysPdf
- __convert : ROOT::Detail::__integer_sequence< _IdxType, _Values >
- __data : basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >
- __init__() : ROOTwriter.ROOTwriter, writer.writer
- __size : basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >
- _absLambda : RooBCPEffDecay
- _absMin : RooProfileLL
- _absMinValid : RooProfileLL
- _acceptRejectFunc : RooGenContext
- _acp : RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _active : RooSentinel, RooTrace
- _actual : RooFormula
- _actualVars : RooFormulaVar, RooGenericPdf
- _addCoefRangeName : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _addDirStatus : RooPlot
- _adjustBinning() : RooDataHist
- _aicMap : RooMultiVarGaussian
- _allDependents : RooMCStudy
- _allExtendable : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf
- _allOwnedNodes : RooWorkspace
- _allowOptimize : RooObjCacheManager
- _allowUndefined : RooCmdConfig
- _allRRV : RooAbsCollection
- _allVars : RooAbsCachedPdf::AnaIntConfig, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- _allVarsPdf : RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext
- _alpha : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem, RooMCIntegrator
- _altBinning : RooErrorVar, RooLinearVar, RooRealVarSharedProperties
- _altNonSharedBinning : RooRealVar
- _altRanges : RooCategorySharedProperties
- _anaIntCache : RooMultiVarGaussian
- _anaIntMap : RooAbsCachedPdf, RooAbsCachedReal
- _anaList : RooRealIntegral
- _anaReg : RooAbsCachedPdf
- _anaVars : RooAbsCachedPdf::AnaIntConfig
- _area : RooGenContext
- _arg : RooArgProxy, RooLinkedListElem, RooRealMPFE
- _argLambda : RooBCPEffDecay
- _argList : RooCmdArg
- _argnamemap : RooCFunction1Map< VO, VI >, RooCFunction2Map< VO, VI1, VI2 >, RooCFunction3Map< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 >, RooCFunction4Map< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 >
- _args : RooFactoryWSTool
- _arr : RooHashTable
- _array : RooBinning, RooLinTransBinning, RooParamBinning, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D, RooUniformBinning
- _arrSize : RooDataHist
- _asArr1 : RooAICRegistry
- _asArr2 : RooAICRegistry
- _asArr3 : RooAICRegistry
- _asArr4 : RooAICRegistry
- _asym : RooUnblindCPAsymVar
- _asymErrHi : RooRealVar
- _asymErrLo : RooRealVar
- _asymLeft : RooKeysPdf
- _AsymOffset : RooBlindTools
- _asympInt : RooGaussModel, RooGExpModel
- _asymRight : RooKeysPdf
- _AsymSignFlip : RooBlindTools
- _at : RooLinkedList
- _atEOF : RooStreamParser
- _atEOL : RooStreamParser
- _attachedBuffers : RooTreeDataStore
- _autoClass : RooWorkspace
- _autoClassPostFix : RooFactoryWSTool
- _autoNamePrefix : RooFactoryWSTool
- _avgC : RooBCPGenDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _avgMistag : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay
- _avgS : RooBCPGenDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _avgW : RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _ax : RooNumRunningInt::RICacheElem
- _ay : RooNumRunningInt::RICacheElem
- _BandWidthType : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _barlowCache : RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL
- _baseIndex : RooDataHistSliceIter
- _baseName : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ClassRelInfo
- _basis : RooResolutionModel
- _basisB : RooBDecay
- _basisCode : RooResolutionModel
- _basisCos : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooBDecay, RooBMixDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _basisCosh : RooBDecay
- _basisExp : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooBMixDecay, RooDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _basisList : RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- _basisSin : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooBDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _basisSinh : RooBDecay
- _bIdcs : RooNDKeysPdf
- _bin_print_width : RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- _binb : RooBinIntegrator
- _binbounds : RooDataHist
- _binding : RooFoamGenerator, RooFunctor, RooTFoamBinding
- _binGenData : RooMCStudy
- _binList : RooXYChi2Var
- _binMap : ParamHistFunc
- _binnedPdf : RooNLLVar
- _binning : RooErrorVar, RooLinearVar, RooRealVar
- _binningName : RooNumRunningInt
- _bins : RooGrid
- _binv : RooDataHist
- _binValid : RooDataHist
- _binw : RooNLLVar, RooParamBinning, RooUniformBinning
- _binWidth : RooKeysPdf
- _blindEngine : RooUnblindCPAsymVar, RooUnblindOffset, RooUnblindPrecision, RooUnblindUniform
- _blindString : RooTreeData
- _blo : RooBinning
- _bmsIdcs : RooNDKeysPdf
- _bname : RooBinningCategory
- _boolAttrib : RooAbsArg
- _boolAttribTransient : RooAbsArg
- _boolValue : RooAbsReal
- _boundaries : RooBinning
- _boundaryList : RooStepFunction
- _boundIter : RooStepFunction
- _boxes : RooGrid
- _bpsIdcs : RooNDKeysPdf
- _buf : RooVectorDataStore::CatVector, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- _bufE : RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- _bufEH : RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- _bufEL : RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- _bufFrac : RooFFTConvPdf
- _bufStrat : RooFFTConvPdf
- _byteValue : RooAbsCategory, RooAbsReal
- _c : RooCmdArg, RooIntegrator1D
- _c1 : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _c2 : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _c2fmap : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo
- _cache : RooAbsNumGenerator, RooIntegralMorph, RooVectorDataStore
- _cache_sum : RooDataHist
- _cache_sum_valid : RooDataHist
- _cacheAllNDim : RooRealIntegral
- _cacheAlpha : RooIntegralMorph
- _cacheCheck : RooAbsReal
- _cachedNodes : RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _cachedVars : RooAbsData, RooAbsDataStore
- _cacheList : RooAbsArg
- _cacheMgr : RooAbsCachedPdf, RooAbsCachedReal, RooAddition, RooEffProd, RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc, RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND, RooProdPdf, RooProduct, RooProjectedPdf
- _cacheNum : RooRealIntegral
- _cacheObs : RooCachedPdf, RooCachedReal, RooFFTConvPdf
- _cacheOwner : RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _cacheSource : RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem, RooCachedReal
- _cacheTree : RooTreeDataStore
- _calcInProgress : RooRealMPFE
- _calcX : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _callHist : RooNumConvolution
- _calls_per_box : RooMCIntegrator
- _canAddFitResults : RooMCStudy
- _case : RooImproperIntegrator1D
- _cat : RooEfficiency, RooMapCatEntry, RooMappedCategory::Entry, RooThreshEntry, RooVectorDataStore::CatVector
- _catIter : RooSuperCategory
- _catList : RooMultiBinomial, RooMultiCatIter
- _catPtrList : RooMultiCatIter
- _catRef : RooChangeTracker
- _catRefParams : RooExpensiveObjectCache::ExpensiveObject
- _catSampleMult : RooAcceptReject
- _catSet : RooChangeTracker, RooMultiCategory, RooSuperCategory
- _catSetIter : RooChangeTracker
- _catStoreList : RooVectorDataStore
- _catTable : RooDataProjBinding
- _catVars : RooAbsNumGenerator
- _cb1 : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _cb2 : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _ccdCloneSet : RooProdGenContext
- _ccdRefresh : RooProdGenContext
- _ccdSuper : RooProdGenContext
- _ccdTable : RooProdGenContext
- _ccounter : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _cdfBoundaries : RooHistFunc, RooHistPdf
- _checkVal : RooChangeTracker
- _chi2 : RooChi2MCSModule
- _chi2red : RooChi2MCSModule
- _chi_sum : RooMCIntegrator
- _chisq : RooMCIntegrator
- _cIter : RooCmdConfig
- _cj : RooQuasiRandomGenerator
- _cl : RooStats::UpperLimitMCSModule
- _clArr : RooAICRegistry
- _classDeclDirList : RooWorkspace
- _classes : RooWorkspace
- _classFileExportDir : RooWorkspace
- _classImplDirList : RooWorkspace
- _clearObsList : RooObjCacheManager
- _clearOnRedirect : RooObjCacheManager
- _clientList : RooAbsArg
- _clientListShape : RooAbsArg
- _clientListValue : RooAbsArg
- _clipInvalid : RooConvIntegrandBinding, RooRealBinding
- _cList : RooCmdConfig
- _clone : RooEffProd::CacheElem
- _cloneBranchList : RooCustomizer
- _cloneModel : RooNumConvolution
- _cloneNodeListAll : RooCustomizer
- _cloneNodeListOwned : RooCustomizer
- _clonePdf : RooNumConvolution
- _cloneSet : RooAbsNumGenerator, RooEffGenContext, RooGenContext
- _cloneVar : RooNumConvolution
- _CM : RooFitResult
- _code : RooGenContext, RooRealAnalytic
- _codeReg : RooAbsAnaConvPdf, RooAddModel, RooAddPdf, RooHistFunc, RooHistPdf
- _coefCache : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf
- _coefErrCount : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf
- _coefIdx : RooConvCoefVar
- _coefIter : RooAddModel, RooParametricStepFunction, RooRealSumFunc, RooRealSumPdf, RooStepFunction
- _coefList : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf, RooBernstein, RooChebychev, RooParametricStepFunction, RooPolynomial, RooPolyVar, RooRealSumFunc, RooRealSumPdf, RooStepFunction
- _coefNormMgr : RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- _coefsCalculated : RooQuasiRandomGenerator
- _coefThresh : RooAddGenContext
- _coefVarList : RooAbsAnaConvPdf::CacheElem
- _commonCats : RooProdGenContext
- _compCSet : RooProduct
- _compiled : RooFormula
- _compiledOK : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo
- _compList : RooRealBinding
- _compositeLabel : RooMultiCatIter
- _compRSet : RooProduct
- _compSave : RooRealBinding
- _compSetD : RooGenProdProj
- _compSetN : RooGenProdProj
- _compSetOwnedD : RooGenProdProj
- _compSetOwnedN : RooGenProdProj
- _compSplitCatSet : RooSimPdfBuilder
- _config : RooImproperIntegrator1D, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D
- _configSets : RooNumGenConfig, RooNumIntConfig
- _conflProtocol : RooSimWSTool::BuildConfig, RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig
- _constChanged : RooRealMPFE
- _constDB : RooRealConstant
- _constParamList : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _constPars : RooFitResult
- _constrGenContext : RooMCStudy
- _constrPdf : RooMCStudy
- _context : RooMinimizerFcn
- _conv : RooNumConvPdf
- _convIntConfig : RooNumConvolution
- _convNormSet : RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- _convPdf : RooConvCoefVar
- _convSet : RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- _convVar : RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- _convVarName : RooConvGenContext
- _correctQ : RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _corrMat : RooNDKeysPdf
- _corrMatrix : RooFitResult
- _count : Roo1DTable
- _cov : RooMultiVarGaussian
- _covI : RooMultiVarGaussian
- _covMat : RooNDKeysPdf
- _covQual : RooFitResult
- _CPeigenval : RooBCPEffDecay
- _ctheta : RooLegendre
- _cumulTimer : RooMinimizer, RooMinuit
- _curIndex : RooCompositeDataStore, RooDataHist
- _curItem : RooMultiCatIter
- _curIter : RooMultiCatIter
- _curNormSet : RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc, RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND, RooProdPdf, RooProjectedPdf
- _curStep : RooDataHistSliceIter
- _curStore : RooCompositeDataStore
- _curSumW2 : RooDataHist
- _curTypeList : RooMultiCatIter
- _curVolume : RooDataHist
- _curWeight : RooDataHist
- _curWgt : RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _curWgtErr : RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _curWgtErrHi : RooDataHist, RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _curWgtErrLo : RooDataHist, RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _cutOff : RooProdPdf
- _cvModel : RooConvGenContext
- _cvOut : RooConvGenContext
- _cvPdf : RooConvGenContext
- _cxxfile : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ClassFiles
- _d : RooCmdArg, RooGrid, RooIntegrator1D, RooNDKeysPdf
- _data : RooAbsTestStatistic, RooChi2MCSModule, RooDataProjBinding, RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule, RooNDKeysPdf, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule, RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL, RooStats::UpperLimitMCSModule
- _dataClone : RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _dataHist : RooHistFunc, RooHistPdf
- _dataList : RooWorkspace
- _dataMap : RooCompositeDataStore
- _dataP : RooNDKeysPdf
- _dataPts : RooKeysPdf, RooNDKeysPdf
- _dataPtsR : RooNDKeysPdf
- _dataSet : ParamHistFunc
- _dataVars : ParamHistFunc, RooNDKeysPdf
- _dataWgts : RooKeysPdf
- _debug : Roo2DKeysPdf, RooNDKeysPdf, RooUnitTest
- _debugCode : RooMsgService
- _debugCount : RooMsgService
- _debugWorkspace : RooMsgService
- _decomposer() : ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposer< F, 0, M >
- _default : RooNumGenConfig, RooNumIntConfig
- _defCat : RooMappedCategory, RooThresholdCategory
- _defCtor : RooTreeDataStore
- _defNormSet : RooProdPdf
- _defShapeServer : RooListProxy, RooSetProxy
- _defTreeBufSize : RooTreeDataStore
- _defValueServer : RooListProxy, RooSetProxy
- _defYmax : RooPlot
- _defYmin : RooPlot
- _delC : RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _deleteWatch : RooAbsArg
- _delMistag : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooBMixDecay
- _delS : RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _delta : RooJohnson
- _DeltaMOffset : RooBlindTools
- _DeltaMScale : RooBlindTools
- _DeltaZOffset : RooBlindTools
- _DeltaZScale : RooBlindTools
- _DeltaZSignFlip : RooBlindTools
- _delW : RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _delx : RooGrid
- _denList : RooProdPdf::CacheElem
- _dependents : RooMCStudy
- _depList : RooHistFunc
- _det : RooMultiVarGaussian
- _detailData : RooAbsStudy
- _devnull : RooMsgService
- _dgamma : RooBDecay
- _dh : RooParamHistFunc
- _dim : RooGrid
- _dimension : RooAbsFunc
- _dir : RooDirItem, RooPlot, RooWorkspace
- _directVars : RooGenContext
- _disableCache : RooAbsCachedPdf, RooAbsCachedReal
- _dIter : RooCmdConfig
- _dList : RooCmdConfig
- _dll0h : RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule
- _dm : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooBDecay, RooBMixDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _doDirtyProp : RooAbsDataStore
- _doEvalErrorWall : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _doExport : RooWorkspace
- _doExtrap : RooIntegrator1D
- _doFast : RooVoigtian
- _doFloor : RooRealSumFunc, RooRealSumPdf
- _doFloorGlobal : RooRealSumFunc, RooRealSumPdf
- _domainType : RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D
- _doOffset : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _doProf : RooNumConvolution
- _doWeightErrorCheck : RooDataSet
- _dsetName : RooAbsPdf::GenSpec
- _dstore : RooAbsData
- _dummyBlindState : RooAbsHiddenReal
- _dx : RooNDKeysPdf
- _edm : RooFitResult
- _eff : RooEffGenContext, RooEffProd
- _effFunc : RooEfficiency
- _effFuncList : RooMultiBinomial
- _effRatio : RooBCPEffDecay
- _ehmap : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo
- _embeddedDataList : RooWorkspace
- _emptySet : RooChi2Var, RooNLLVar
- _entries : RooHashTable, RooHist
- _eocache : RooAbsArg, RooWorkspace
- _eps : RooDerivative
- _epsAbs : RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooAdaptiveIntegratorND, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooIntegrator1D, RooNumIntConfig
- _epsRel : RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooAdaptiveIntegratorND, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooIntegrator1D, RooNumIntConfig
- _errHi : RooDataHist
- _errLo : RooDataHist
- _error : RooCmdConfig, RooRealVar
- _errorCount : RooAbsPdf, RooFactoryWSTool, RooMsgService
- _errorMsgCount : RooDataSet
- _etype : RooChi2Var
- _evalCarry : RooAbsTestStatistic, RooRealMPFE
- _evalCounter : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _evalError : RooAbsPdf
- _evalErrorCount : RooAbsReal
- _evalErrorList : RooAbsReal
- _evalErrorMode : RooAbsReal
- _eventsUsed : RooAcceptReject
- _expectedData : RooBinnedGenContext
- _expectedEvents : RooAbsGenContext
- _exportNSName : RooWorkspace
- _expr : RooMappedCategory::Entry
- _extended : RooAbsPdf::GenSpec, RooNLLVar, RooRealSumPdf, RooXYChi2Var
- _extendedGen : RooMCStudy
- _extendedIndex : RooProdPdf
- _extendMode : RooAbsGenContext
- _extracted : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ClassFiles
- _extrapError : RooIntegrator1D
- _extrapValue : RooIntegrator1D
- _extSet : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _extSumW2Array : RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _extV : RooMinimizer, RooMinuit
- _extWgtArray : RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _extWgtErrHiArray : RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _extWgtErrLoArray : RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _f0 : RooBDecay
- _f1 : RooBDecay
- _f2 : RooBDecay
- _f3 : RooBDecay
- _facList : RooRealIntegral
- _facListOwned : RooRealIntegral
- _factory : RooWorkspace
- _fast : RooAbsArg
- _fcn : RooMinimizer
- _fileBase : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ClassRelInfo
- _files : RooMsgService
- _finalPars : RooFitResult
- _first : RooDataProjBinding, RooLinkedList, RooNLLVar
- _firstCat : RooVectorDataStore
- _firstReal : RooVectorDataStore
- _firstRealF : RooVectorDataStore
- _fitCatList : RooSimPdfBuilder
- _fIter : RooCmdConfig
- _fitInitParams : RooMCStudy
- _fitModel : RooMCStudy
- _fitObs : RooGenFitStudy
- _fitObsName : RooGenFitStudy
- _fitOptions : RooMCStudy
- _fitOptList : RooMCStudy
- _fitOpts : RooGenFitStudy
- _fitParams : RooMCStudy
- _fitParData : RooMCStudy
- _fitPdf : RooGenFitStudy
- _fitPdfName : RooGenFitStudy
- _fitResList : RooMCStudy
- _fixedNset : RooEffProd
- _fixedShape : RooNDKeysPdf
- _fixSteps : RooIntegrator1D
- _flatSFInt : RooGaussModel, RooGExpModel
- _flip : RooGExpModel
- _fList : RooCmdConfig
- _floatParamList : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _floatParamVec : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _floatValue : RooAbsReal
- _fmap : RooCFunction1Ref< VO, VI >, RooCFunction2Ref< VO, VI1, VI2 >, RooCFunction3Ref< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 >, RooCFunction4Ref< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 >, RooWorkspace::CodeRepo
- _forceCalc : RooRealMPFE
- _forcedUpdate : RooVectorDataStore
- _forceNumInt : RooAbsReal
- _formExpr : RooFormulaVar, RooGenericPdf
- _formula : RooFormulaVar, RooGenericPdf
- _forward : RooLinkedListIterImpl
- _frac : RooMomentMorph::CacheElem, RooMomentMorphFunc::CacheElem, RooMomentMorphFuncND::CacheElem, RooMomentMorphND::CacheElem
- _fracThresh : RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext
- _ftor : RooDerivative, RooGenFunction, RooMultiGenFunction
- _fullBoxInfo : RooNDKeysPdf
- _func : RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem, RooAbsMoment, RooAbsTestStatistic, RooAdaptiveIntegratorND, RooConvIntegrandBinding, RooDerivative, RooInvTransform, RooMinimizer, RooMinuit, RooRealBinding, RooScaledFunc, RooTFnBinding, RooTFnPdfBinding
- _funcClone : RooAbsNumGenerator, RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _funcCloneSet : RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _funcInt : RooXYChi2Var
- _funcIntList : ParamHistFunc::CacheElem, PiecewiseInterpolation::CacheElem, RooRealSumFunc::CacheElem, RooRealSumPdf::CacheElem
- _funcIter : RooRealSumFunc, RooRealSumPdf
- _funcList : RooRealSumFunc, RooRealSumPdf
- _funcMaxVal : RooAbsNumGenerator
- _funcMode : RooChi2Var
- _funcNormList : RooRealSumFunc::CacheElem, RooRealSumPdf::CacheElem
- _funcNormSet : RooRealIntegral
- _funcObsSet : RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _funcSave : RooRealBinding
- _funcSum : RooAcceptReject
- _funct : RooMinimizerFcn
- _function : RooAbsIntegrator, RooAbsRootFinder, RooImproperIntegrator1D, RooRealIntegral
- _funcValPtr : RooAbsNumGenerator
- _funcValStore : RooAbsNumGenerator
- _gamma : RooHistConstraint, RooJohnson
- _gausParams : RooRandomizeParamMCSModule
- _gausParamSets : RooRandomizeParamMCSModule
- _GC : RooFitResult
- _gcIndex : RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext
- _gcList : RooAddGenContext, RooProdGenContext, RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext
- _genB0Frac : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _genCache : RooMultiVarGaussian
- _genCode : RooProdPdf
- _genContext : RooAbsPdf::GenSpec, RooMCStudy
- _genData : RooAbsGenContext
- _genDataList : RooMCStudy
- _generator : RooEffGenContext, RooGenContext
- _genFlavFrac : RooBMixDecay
- _genFlavFracMix : RooBMixDecay
- _genFlavFracUnmix : RooBMixDecay
- _genInitParams : RooMCStudy
- _genMixFrac : RooBMixDecay
- _genModel : RooMCStudy
- _genObjects : RooWorkspace
- _genObs : RooGenFitStudy
- _genObsName : RooGenFitStudy
- _genOpts : RooGenFitStudy
- _genParams : RooMCStudy
- _genParData : RooMCStudy
- _genParSet : RooRandomizeParamMCSModule
- _genPdf : RooGenFitStudy
- _genPdfName : RooGenFitStudy
- _genProtoData : RooMCStudy
- _genRhoPlusFrac : RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _genSample : RooMCStudy
- _genSpec : RooGenFitStudy
- _genType : RooMCIntegrator
- _GetAllProducts() : RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- _GetNodes() : RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- _globalCorr : RooFitResult
- _globalSelectComp : RooAbsReal
- _globMinLevel : RooMsgService
- _gofArray : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _gofOpMode : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _gofSplitMode : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _grid : RooMCIntegrator, RooMomentMorphFuncND::Grid2, RooMomentMorphND::Grid
- _gs1 : RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- _gs2 : RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- _gs3 : RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- _gs4 : RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- _gsList : RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- _h : RooIntegrator1D
- _handleLocalErrors : RooMinuit
- _hashMethod : RooHashTable
- _hashThresh : RooLinkedList
- _haveD : RooGenProdProj
- _haveIdxProto : RooSimGenContext
- _haveLastCoef : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf, RooRealSumFunc, RooRealSumPdf
- _hext : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ClassFiles
- _hfile : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ClassFiles, RooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ExtraHeader
- _hi : RooKeysPdf, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::UniParam, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::UniParamSet
- _hideOffset : RooAbsReal
- _high : RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar, RooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar
- _highIntList : ParamHistFunc::CacheElem, PiecewiseInterpolation::CacheElem
- _highSet : PiecewiseInterpolation
- _hist : RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem, RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem, RooBinnedGenContext, RooDataHistSliceIter, RooPlot
- _histObsIter : RooHistFunc, RooHistPdf
- _histObsList : RooHistFunc, RooHistPdf
- _hix : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _hiy : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _hname : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ExtraHeader
- _hooks : RooFactoryWSTool
- _htableLink : RooLinkedList
- _htableName : RooLinkedList
- _hx : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _hy : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _I : RooAddition::CacheElem
- _i : RooCmdArg
- _ibNoSort : RooNDKeysPdf
- _iconfig : RooRealIntegral
- _identity : RooResolutionModel
- _idx : RooNDKeysPdf
- _idxCat : RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext
- _idxCatName : RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext
- _idxCatSet : RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext
- _idxMult : RooDataHist
- _if : RooFirstMoment, RooMoment, RooSecondMoment
- _ignoreNonVisible : RooMultiBinomial
- _iIter : RooCmdConfig
- _iList : RooCmdConfig
- _indexCat : RooCompositeDataStore, RooSimultaneous
- _Infinity : RooNumber
- _inhibitDirty : RooAbsArg
- _init : RooAbsPdf::GenSpec, RooAbsTestStatistic, RooChangeTracker, RooNumConvolution, RooNumConvPdf
- _initConstParamList : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _initFloatParamList : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _initialize_me() : TFITSHDU
- _initParams : RooGenFitStudy
- _initPars : RooFitResult
- _inlineMode : RooRealMPFE
- _input : RooLinTransBinning
- _inputCat : RooMappedCategory
- _inputVar : RooBinningCategory, RooThresholdCategory
- _inSharedList : RooSharedProperties
- _instance : RooExpensiveObjectCache, RooMsgService, RooNumGenFactory, RooNumIntFactory, RooTrace
- _int : RooEffProd::CacheElem
- _intCacheMgr : RooAddModel
- _intConfig : RooXYChi2Var
- _integrand : RooNumConvolution
- _integrate : RooXYChi2Var
- _integrator : RooAdaptiveIntegratorND, RooIntegratorBinding, RooNumConvolution
- _integrator1 : RooImproperIntegrator1D
- _integrator2 : RooImproperIntegrator1D
- _integrator3 : RooImproperIntegrator1D
- _internalCloneBranchList : RooCustomizer
- _interpBoundary : RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- _interpCode : PiecewiseInterpolation, RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- _interpolate : RooStepFunction
- _intList : RooAddModel::IntCacheElem, RooGenProdProj, RooRealIntegral
- _intName : RooAdaptiveIntegratorND
- _intObs : RooEffProd::CacheElem
- _intOperMode : RooRealIntegral
- _intOrder : RooHistFunc, RooHistPdf
- _intValue : RooAbsReal
- _inverter() : ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverter< F, 0, M >
- _invRootPi : RooVoigtian
- _ioEvoList : RooAbsArg
- _ioReadStack : RooAbsArg
- _ipOrder : RooAbsCachedPdf, RooAbsCachedReal
- _is : RooStreamParser
- _isArray : RooTObjWrap
- _isConstant : RooAbsArg
- _isCopy : RooAbsAnaConvPdf
- _isFund : RooArgProxy
- _isModel : RooAddGenContext
- _isOK : RooFormula
- _isRearranged : RooProdPdf::CacheElem
- _isValid : RooAbsGenContext, RooAbsNumGenerator
- _it_num : RooMCIntegrator
- _it_start : RooMCIntegrator
- _items : RooPlot
- _iterator : RooPlot
- _iterList : RooMultiCatIter
- _ixf : RooFirstMoment, RooMoment, RooSecondMoment
- _jac : RooMCIntegrator
- _jacList : RooRealIntegral
- _l : TMCTemplateAutoLock< M, L, U >
- _l1 : RooLegendre
- _l2 : RooLegendre
- _label : RooAbsReal, RooCatType
- _label_print_width : RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- _labelList : RooFormula
- _lambda : RooJohnson
- _last : RooLinkedList
- _lastIndex : RooCacheManager< T >
- _lastMsgLevel : RooMsgService
- _lastNSet : RooAbsReal
- _len : RooAbsString, RooNameSet
- _levelNames : RooMsgService
- _limits : RooParametricStepFunction
- _list : RooAbsCollection, RooLinkedListIterImpl, RooRecursiveFraction, RooTFnPdfBinding, RooTObjWrap, RooTrace
- _listIter : RooRecursiveFraction
- _lo : RooKeysPdf, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::UniParam, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::UniParamSet
- _localNoInhibitDirty : RooAbsArg
- _logfile : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _logInit : RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- _lookupTable : RooKeysPdf
- _low : RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar, RooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar
- _lowestOrder : RooPolynomial, RooPolyVar
- _lowIntList : ParamHistFunc::CacheElem, PiecewiseInterpolation::CacheElem
- _lowSet : PiecewiseInterpolation
- _lox : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _loy : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _lp : RooParamBinning
- _Lt : RooFitResult
- _lvbins : RooDataHist
- _lvvars : RooDataHist
- _M : RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc, RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _m : TMCTemplateAutoLock< M, L, U >
- _m1 : RooLegendre
- _m2 : RooLegendre
- _map : RooExpensiveObjectCache, RooNameReg, RooNumGenFactory, RooNumIntFactory
- _mapArray : RooMappedCategory
- _mapcache : RooMappedCategory
- _markList : RooTrace
- _mass : RooJohnson
- _massThreshold : RooJohnson
- _masterBranchList : RooCustomizer
- _masterBranchListIter : RooCustomizer
- _masterCat : RooCustomizer, RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig
- _masterCatName : RooSimWSTool::BuildConfig
- _masterLeafList : RooCustomizer
- _masterLeafListIter : RooCustomizer
- _masterPdf : RooCustomizer
- _max : RooNormSetCache
- _maxBinToPrint : RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- _maxEff : RooEffGenContext
- _maxEvalMult : RooMinuit
- _maxFCN : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _maxFuncVal : RooAcceptReject
- _maxProb : RooGenContext
- _maxSeg : RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D
- _maxSize : RooCacheManager< T >
- _maxSteps : RooIntegrator1D
- _maxVar : RooGenContext
- _maxWeight : RooNDKeysPdf
- _mcache : RooAddGenContext
- _mcs : RooAbsMCStudyModule
- _mean : RooAbsMoment, RooNDKeysPdf, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::GausParam, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::GausParamSet
- _meas : RooPullVar
- _method1D : RooNumGenConfig, RooNumIntConfig
- _method1DCat : RooNumGenConfig
- _method1DCond : RooNumGenConfig
- _method1DCondCat : RooNumGenConfig
- _method1DOpen : RooNumIntConfig
- _method2D : RooNumGenConfig, RooNumIntConfig
- _method2DCat : RooNumGenConfig
- _method2DCond : RooNumGenConfig
- _method2DCondCat : RooNumGenConfig
- _method2DOpen : RooNumIntConfig
- _methodKey : RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D
- _methodND : RooNumGenConfig, RooNumIntConfig
- _methodNDCat : RooNumGenConfig
- _methodNDCond : RooNumGenConfig
- _methodNDCondCat : RooNumGenConfig
- _methodNDOpen : RooNumIntConfig
- _minBinToPrint : RooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation
- _minimizer : RooProfileLL
- _minimizerType : RooMinimizer
- _minNLL : RooFitResult
- _minStepsZero : RooIntegrator1D
- _minTrials : RooAcceptReject
- _minTrialsArray : RooAcceptReject
- _minWeight : RooNDKeysPdf
- _mirror : RooNDKeysPdf
- _MirrorAtBoundary : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _mirrorLeft : RooKeysPdf
- _mirrorRight : RooKeysPdf
- _mistag : RooBMixDecay
- _miStateList : RooSimWSTool::ObjSplitRule
- _miStateNameList : RooSimWSTool::SplitRule
- _mIter : RooCmdConfig
- _mixState : RooBMixDecay
- _mList : RooCmdConfig
- _mode : RooBlindTools, RooMCIntegrator, RooRealIntegral
- _model : RooAbsAnaConvPdf, RooConvIntegrandBinding, RooStats::UpperLimitMCSModule
- _modelCloneSet : RooConvGenContext
- _modelGen : RooConvGenContext
- _modelVars : RooConvGenContext
- _modelVarsOwned : RooConvGenContext
- _modList : RooMCStudy
- _mpfeArray : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _mpfeSet : RooMPSentinel
- _mpinterl : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _mref : RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc
- _msg : RooAbsReal::EvalError
- _MSqr : RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _mu : RooBCPGenDecay, RooJohnson, RooMultiVarGaussian
- _muVec : RooMultiVarGaussian
- _MysteryPhase : RooBlindTools
- _myws : RooAbsArg
- _n : Roo2DKeysPdf, RooExtendedTerm, RooExtendPdf, RooHistError::PoissonSum, RooNDKeysPdf, RooSpHarmonic
- _N1 : RooHistError::BinomialSumAsym
- _n1 : RooHistError::BinomialSumAsym
- _N1 : RooHistError::BinomialSumEff
- _n1 : RooHistError::BinomialSumEff
- _n16 : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _nAdpt : RooNDKeysPdf
- _name : RooAbsCollection, RooCmdConfig, RooCustomizer, RooLinkedList
- _name1 : RooNormSetCache
- _name2 : RooNormSetCache
- _namedSets : RooWorkspace
- _nameLength : RooPrintable
- _nameList : RooNameSet
- _namemap : RooCFunction1Map< VO, VI >, RooCFunction2Map< VO, VI1, VI2 >, RooCFunction3Map< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 >, RooCFunction4Map< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 >
- _namePtr : RooAbsArg
- _nativeBuf : RooVectorDataStore::CatVector, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- _nativeBufE : RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- _nativeBufEH : RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- _nativeBufEL : RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- _nativeReal : RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- _nbins : RooBinning, RooParamBinning
- _nBins : RooParametricStepFunction
- _nbins : RooUniformBinning
- _ncall : RooAbsFunc
- _nCat : RooVectorDataStore
- _nComp : RooAddGenContext
- _nCPU : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _nDim : RooMinimizerFcn, RooNDKeysPdf
- _ndof : RooChi2MCSModule, RooChiSquarePdf
- _needSupNorm : RooAddPdf::CacheElem
- _negCount : RooAbsPdf
- _nEntries : RooVectorDataStore
- _nError : RooAdaptiveIntegratorND
- _netFluxZ : RooNDKeysPdf
- _neval : RooProfileLL
- _nEvents : Roo2DKeysPdf, RooAbsTestStatistic, RooKeysPdf, RooNDKeysPdf
- _nEventsBMSW : RooNDKeysPdf
- _nEventsBW : RooNDKeysPdf
- _nEventsM : RooNDKeysPdf
- _nEventsW : RooNDKeysPdf
- _newPropList : RooSharedPropertiesList
- _nExpGen : RooMCStudy
- _next : RooLinkedListElem, RooNormSetCache
- _nextCatVar : RooAcceptReject
- _nextProtoIndex : RooAbsGenContext
- _nextq : RooQuasiRandomGenerator
- _nextRealVar : RooAcceptReject
- _nextUID : RooExpensiveObjectCache
- _nGen : RooAbsPdf::GenSpec
- _ngenVar : RooGenFitStudy, RooMCStudy
- _nGof : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _nIntegratePerDim : RooMCIntegrator
- _nIter : RooMultiCatIter
- _nll : RooProfileLL, RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL
- _nll0h : RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule
- _nllVar : RooGenFitStudy, RooMCStudy
- _nlo : RooGExpModel
- _nmax : RooAdaptiveIntegratorND
- _nnuis : RooMomentMorphFuncND::Grid2, RooMomentMorphND::Grid
- _nobs : RooFunctor
- _nominal : PiecewiseInterpolation, RooHistConstraint, RooJeffreysPrior, RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar, RooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar
- _nominalBinWidth : RooHist
- _nominalErr : RooHistConstraint
- _none : RooCmdArg
- _norm : Roo2DKeysPdf, RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem, RooAbsPdf, RooAbsPdf::CacheElem, RooGenContext
- _normBinWidth : RooPlot
- _normIntMgr : ParamHistFunc, PiecewiseInterpolation, RooRealSumFunc, RooRealSumPdf
- _normList : RooAbsAnaConvPdf::CacheElem, RooProdPdf::CacheElem
- _normMgr : RooAbsPdf
- _normNumEvts : RooPlot
- _normObj : RooPlot
- _normRange : RooAbsGenContext, RooAbsPdf
- _normRangeOverride : RooAbsPdf
- _normSet : PiecewiseInterpolation, RooAbsOptTestStatistic, RooAbsPdf
- _normValue : RooPlotable
- _normVars : RooPlot
- _noRounding : RooPoisson
- _nOverflow : Roo1DTable
- _npar : RooFunctor
- _nPar : RooMinuit
- _nPoints : RooIntegrator1D, RooKeysPdf
- _nReal : RooVectorDataStore
- _nRealF : RooVectorDataStore
- _nref : RooMomentMorphFuncND::Grid2, RooMomentMorphND::Grid
- _nRefineIter : RooMCIntegrator
- _nRefinePerDim : RooMCIntegrator
- _nseg : RooSegmentedIntegrator1D
- _nset : RooAbsCachedPdf::AnaIntConfig, RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem, RooAbsMoment, RooAbsProxy, RooConvIntegrandBinding, RooDataProjBinding, RooDerivative, RooEffProd, RooFormula, RooFormulaVar, RooFunctor, RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem, RooRealBinding, RooTFoamBinding, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- _nsetCache : RooCacheManager< T >
- _nSigma : RooHist, RooKeysPdf, RooNDKeysPdf
- _nStep : RooDataHistSliceIter
- _nullProp : RooCategory, RooRealVar
- _nullValue : RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule
- _numBadNLL : RooFitResult, RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _numBins : ParamHistFunc, RooBinIntegrator
- _numIntegrand : RooRealIntegral
- _numIntEngine : RooRealIntegral
- _numList : RooProdPdf::CacheElem
- _numPdf : RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext, RooSimultaneous
- _numSets : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _nWarn : RooAdaptiveIntegratorND
- _o : RooCmdArg
- _object : RooCacheManager< T >
- _objectCount : RooTrace
- _obs : RooProfileLL
- _obsAbsMin : RooProfileLL
- _obsIter : RooJeffreysPrior
- _obsItr : RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _obsList : RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- _obsSet : RooJeffreysPrior
- _of : RooFactoryWSTool
- _offset : RooAbsTestStatistic, RooLinearVar, RooLinTransBinning
- _offsetCarry : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _offsetCarrySaveW2 : RooNLLVar
- _offsetSaveW2 : RooNLLVar
- _oIter : RooCmdConfig
- _oiter : RooProfileLL
- _oldConf : RooHelpers::HijackMessageStream
- _oldKillBelow : RooHelpers::HijackMessageStream
- _oldState : RooAbsReal::GlobalSelectComponentRAII
- _oList : RooCmdConfig
- _olist : RooTFnBinding
- _openTrans : RooWorkspace
- _operMode : RooAbsArg
- _optCacheModeSeen : RooObjCacheManager
- _optCacheObservables : RooObjCacheManager
- _optConst : RooMinimizer, RooMinuit
- _optimized : RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _options : RooNDKeysPdf
- _order : RooAbsMoment, RooDerivative
- _origData : RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _origFunc : RooAbsOptTestStatistic, RooImproperIntegrator1D
- _origList : RooFormula
- _origModel : RooNumConvolution, RooNumConvPdf
- _origPdf : RooNumConvolution, RooNumConvPdf
- _origVar : RooNumConvolution, RooNumConvPdf
- _otherVars : RooGenContext
- _ownArg : RooArgProxy
- _ownBasis : RooResolutionModel
- _ownBinding : RooFunctor
- _ownBoundHi : RooBinning
- _ownBoundLo : RooBinning
- _ownComps : RooCompositeDataStore
- _ownCont : RooAbsCollection
- _ownData : RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _ownDetailData : RooAbsStudy
- _ownedClonedModelSet : RooNumConvolution
- _ownedClonedPdfSet : RooNumConvolution
- _ownedComponents : RooAbsArg, RooAbsData
- _ownedComps : RooAddModel
- _ownedList : ParamHistFunc, PiecewiseInterpolation, RooAddition, RooJeffreysPrior, RooProdPdf::CacheElem, RooProduct::CacheElem
- _ownedMultiProds : RooProdGenContext
- _owner : RooAbsCache, RooAbsCacheElement, RooArgProxy, RooListProxy, RooParamBinning, RooSetProxy
- _ownerName : RooExpensiveObjectCache::ExpensiveObject
- _owning : RooCustomizer, RooTObjWrap
- _p : RooParamHistFunc
- _padFactor : RooPlot
- _pairs : RooNormSetCache
- _pairToIdx : RooNormSetCache
- _par : RooProfileLL
- _param : RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::GausParam, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::UniParam
- _paramAbsMin : RooProfileLL
- _paramFixed : RooProfileLL, RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL
- _paramIter : RooJeffreysPrior, RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar, RooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar
- _paramList : RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar, RooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar
- _params : RooFFTConvPdf, RooGenFitStudy, RooRealIntegral
- _paramSet : ParamHistFunc, PiecewiseInterpolation, RooAbsTestStatistic, RooConstraintSum, RooJeffreysPrior
- _paramSplitMap : RooSimWSTool::ObjSplitRule, RooSimWSTool::SplitRule
- _paramTracker : RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem, RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem
- _parItr : RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _parList : RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _parName : RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule, RooStats::UpperLimitMCSModule
- _partIntList : RooSimultaneous::CacheElem
- _partIntMgr : RooSimultaneous
- _partList : RooProdPdf::CacheElem
- _payload : RooExpensiveObjectCache::ExpensiveObject
- _pbinv : RooDataHist
- _pbinvCacheMgr : RooDataHist
- _pcache : RooAddGenContext
- _pdf : RooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem, RooAddGenContext, RooBinnedGenContext, RooEffProd, RooExtendPdf, RooProdGenContext, RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext, RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL
- _pdf1 : RooFFTConvPdf, RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _pdf2 : RooFFTConvPdf, RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _pdfCcdInt : RooProdGenContext
- _pdfClone : RooGenContext, RooProdGenContext
- _pdfCloneSet : RooConvGenContext, RooProdGenContext
- _pdfGen : RooConvGenContext
- _pdfIter : RooAddModel
- _pdfItr : RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc
- _pdfList : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf, RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc, RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphFuncND::Grid2, RooMomentMorphND, RooMomentMorphND::Grid, RooProdPdf, RooStats::ToyMCSampler
- _pdfMap : RooMomentMorphFuncND::Grid2, RooMomentMorphND::Grid
- _pdfmap : RooSimWSTool::BuildConfig, RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig
- _pdfNSetList : RooProdPdf
- _pdfObsIter : RooHistFunc, RooHistPdf
- _pdfObsList : RooHistPdf
- _pdfProxyList : RooSimultaneous
- _pdfSet : RooAddGenContext, RooBinnedGenContext
- _pdfVars : RooConvGenContext
- _pdfVarsOwned : RooConvGenContext
- _perExptGenParams : RooMCStudy
- _phi : RooSpHarmonic
- _pipe : RooRealMPFE
- _pIter : RooCmdConfig
- _piter : RooProfileLL
- _pkg : RooProofDriverSelector, RooStudyManager
- _plc : RooStats::UpperLimitMCSModule
- _pList : RooCmdConfig
- _plist : RooTFnBinding
- _plotBins : RooAbsReal
- _plotCoefNormRange : RooSimultaneous
- _plotCoefNormSet : RooSimultaneous
- _plotMax : RooAbsReal
- _plotMin : RooAbsReal
- _plotVarClone : RooPlot
- _plotVarSet : RooPlot
- _poi : RooStats::UpperLimitMCSModule
- _poissonHiLUT : RooHistError
- _poissonLoLUT : RooHistError
- _polCoeff : RooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar
- _polyDegree : RooQuasiRandomGenerator
- _pool : RooLinkedList
- _positiveDefinite : PiecewiseInterpolation
- _PrecisionCentralValue : RooBlindTools
- _PrecisionOffset : RooBlindTools
- _PrecisionOffsetScale : RooBlindTools
- _PrecisionSignFlip : RooBlindTools
- _PrecisionUniform : RooBlindTools
- _prefix : RooStreamParser
- _prefixSubArgs : RooCmdArg
- _prev : RooLinkedListElem
- _primitivePoly : RooQuasiRandomGenerator
- _printEvalCounter : RooAbsIntegrator, RooNumIntConfig
- _printEvalErrors : RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit
- _printLevel : RooMinimizer, RooMinuit
- _printScientific : RooRealVar
- _printSigDigits : RooRealVar
- _prob : RooChi2MCSModule
- _procSubArgs : RooCmdArg
- _prodList : RooProduct::CacheElem
- _profile : RooMinimizer, RooMinuit
- _profileStart : RooMinimizer
- _prohibitServerRedirect : RooAbsArg
- _projCacheMgr : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf
- _projDeps : RooAbsOptTestStatistic, RooAbsTestStatistic, RooMCStudy
- _projectCoefs : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf
- _projection : RooProjectedPdf::CacheElem
- _projList : RooAddModel::CacheElem, RooAddPdf::CacheElem
- _propList : RooSharedPropertiesList
- _protectNegative : RooPoisson
- _protoData : RooAbsPdf::GenSpec, RooSimGenContext
- _protoOrder : RooAbsGenContext
- _protoPdfSet : RooSimPdfBuilder
- _prototype : RooAbsGenContext, RooSimGenContext
- _protoVars : RooAbsGenContext
- _proxyIter : RooSimGenContext, RooSimSplitGenContext
- _proxyList : RooAbsArg
- _pset : RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::GausParamSet, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::UniParamSet
- _ptr : RooCFunction1Ref< VO, VI >, RooCFunction2Ref< VO, VI1, VI2 >, RooCFunction3Ref< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 >, RooCFunction4Ref< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 >, RooLinkedListIterImpl
- _ptrmap : RooCFunction1Map< VO, VI >, RooCFunction2Map< VO, VI1, VI2 >, RooCFunction3Map< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 >, RooCFunction4Map< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 >
- _punct : RooStreamParser
- _randomPars : RooFitResult
- _randProto : RooAbsPdf::GenSpec, RooMCStudy
- _range : RooFoamGenerator, RooIntegrator1D, RooRangeBinning, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D
- _rangeBoxInfo : RooNDKeysPdf
- _rangeName : RooAbsTestStatistic, RooExtendPdf, RooMultiCatIter, RooRangeBoolean, RooRealBinding, RooRealIntegral
- _rangeProjList : RooAddModel::CacheElem, RooAddPdf::CacheElem
- _rawEntries : RooHist
- _rawValue : RooAbsPdf
- _rd : RooDerivative
- _read : funcptr_and_voidptr_t
- _real : RooDataProjBinding, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- _realfStoreList : RooVectorDataStore
- _realIter : RooDataHist
- _realRef : RooChangeTracker
- _realRefParams : RooExpensiveObjectCache::ExpensiveObject
- _realSampleDim : RooAcceptReject
- _realSet : RooChangeTracker
- _realSetIter : RooChangeTracker
- _realStoreList : RooVectorDataStore
- _realVar : RooErrorVar
- _realVars : RooAbsNumGenerator, RooDataHist
- _rearrangedDen : RooProdPdf::CacheElem
- _rearrangedNum : RooProdPdf::CacheElem
- _recursive : RooAddPdf
- _refCoefNorm : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf
- _refCoefRangeName : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf
- _refCount : RooLinkedListElem, RooSharedProperties, RooSTLRefCountList< T >
- _referenceGrid : RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _refFile : RooUnitTest
- _refRangeName : RooChebychev, RooProdPdf
- _refRangeProjList : RooAddModel::CacheElem, RooAddPdf::CacheElem
- _regexp : RooMapCatEntry, RooMappedCategory::Entry
- _regPlots : RooUnitTest
- _regResults : RooUnitTest
- _regTables : RooUnitTest
- _regTH : RooUnitTest
- _regValues : RooUnitTest
- _regWS : RooUnitTest
- _release_resources() : TFITSHDU
- _relParam : RooHistConstraint, RooParamHistFunc
- _remoteEvalErrorLoggingState : RooRealMPFE
- _replaceArgList : RooCustomizer
- _replaceSubList : RooCustomizer
- _resampleProto : RooAbsPdf::GenSpec
- _reserved1 : mg_server_ports
- _reserved2 : mg_server_ports
- _reserved3 : mg_server_ports
- _reserved4 : mg_server_ports
- _respectCompSelect : RooRealIntegral
- _restartNumIntEngine : RooRealIntegral
- _restr : RooSimWSTool::BuildConfig, RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig
- _result : RooMCIntegrator
- _retiredCustomizerList : RooSimPdfBuilder
- _retrieveDispatched : RooRealMPFE
- _rf1 : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _rf2 : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _rho : RooKeysPdf, RooNDKeysPdf
- _rhoItr : RooNDKeysPdf
- _rhoList : RooNDKeysPdf
- _rhoQ : RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _rIter : RooCmdConfig
- _rList : RooCmdConfig
- _rotate : RooNDKeysPdf
- _rotMat : RooNDKeysPdf
- _rrvArgs : RooXYChi2Var
- _rrvIter : RooXYChi2Var
- _rule : RooIntegrator1D
- _rvIter : RooFoamGenerator
- _s : RooCmdArg, RooIntegrator1D
- _s2bMode : RooBlindTools
- _samples : RooMCIntegrator
- _sandboxNodes : RooWorkspace
- _savedResult : RooIntegrator1D
- _saveInt : RooRealIntegral
- _saveSum : RooRealIntegral
- _saveVars : RooRealMPFE
- _sbyteValue : RooAbsReal
- _scaleFactor : RooScaledFunc
- _sealed : RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _sealNotice : RooAbsOptTestStatistic
- _selectComp : RooAbsPdf, RooAbsReal
- _self : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem, RooNumRunningInt::RICacheElem
- _selfNorm : RooProdPdf
- _sentinel : RooRealMPFE
- _sequenceCount : RooQuasiRandomGenerator
- _serverList : RooAbsArg
- _set : RooAddition
- _set1 : RooConstraintSum, RooFracRemainder, RooSetPair
- _set2 : RooSetPair
- _set2RangeName : RooNormSetCache
- _setIter : RooAddition
- _setIter1 : RooConstraintSum, RooFracRemainder
- _setNum : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _setting : RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc, RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _sgn1 : RooSpHarmonic
- _sgn2 : RooSpHarmonic
- _shapeDirty : RooAbsArg
- _shapeServer : RooArgProxy
- _sharedProp : RooCategory, RooRealVar
- _sharedPropList : RooCategory, RooRealVar
- _shift1 : RooFFTConvPdf
- _shift2 : RooFFTConvPdf
- _showPid : RooMsgService
- _showProgress : RooCurve, RooDataWeightedAverage
- _sIdcs : RooNDKeysPdf
- _sig0h : RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule
- _sigCatName : RooEfficiency
- _sigma : RooMCIntegrator, RooNDKeysPdf, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::GausParam, RooRandomizeParamMCSModule::GausParamSet
- _sigmaAvgR : RooNDKeysPdf
- _sigmaR : RooNDKeysPdf
- _silence : RooMCStudy
- _silentMode : RooMsgService
- _simCount : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _simPdfList : RooSimPdfBuilder
- _sIter : RooCmdConfig
- _size : RooCacheManager< T >, RooHashTable, RooLinkedList
- _sliceArg : RooDataHistSliceIter
- _sList : RooCmdConfig
- _slope : RooLinearVar, RooLinTransBinning
- _snapshots : RooWorkspace
- _snormList : RooAddModel, RooAddPdf
- _solver() : ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solver< F, 0, V >
- _sortIdcs : RooNDKeysPdf
- _sortInput : RooNDKeysPdf
- _sortTVIdcs : RooNDKeysPdf
- _sourceClone : RooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem
- _specGeneratorConfig : RooAbsPdf
- _specialCount : RooTrace
- _specialSize : RooTrace
- _specIntegratorConfig : RooAbsReal
- _splitArgList : RooCustomizer
- _splitCatList : RooCustomizer
- _splitNodeList : RooSimPdfBuilder
- _splitNodeListOwned : RooSimPdfBuilder
- _splitRange : RooAbsTestStatistic
- _sqrt2pi : Roo2DKeysPdf, RooNDKeysPdf
- _squareIdx : RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _squareVec : RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _srvval : RooAbsReal::EvalError
- _STagConstant : RooBlindTools
- _startFromMin : RooProfileLL
- _state : RooAbsHiddenReal, RooRealMPFE
- _statUncertParams : RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL
- _status : RooFitResult, RooMinimizer, RooMinuit
- _statusHistory : RooFitResult, RooMinimizer, RooMinuit
- _stepSize : RooDataHistSliceIter
- _sterile : RooCustomizer
- _storage : RooSTLRefCountList< T >
- _storeDetails : RooAbsStudy
- _streams : RooMsgService
- _streamsSaved : RooMsgService
- _stringAttrib : RooAbsArg
- _structureTag : RooAbsCollection
- _stSeed : RooBlindTools
- _studies : RooStudyPackage
- _studyMods : RooWorkspace
- _sum_wgts : RooMCIntegrator
- _sumCat : RooRealIntegral
- _sumCatIter : RooRealIntegral
- _sumFunc : RooMomentMorphFunc::CacheElem, RooMomentMorphFuncND::CacheElem
- _sumList : RooRealIntegral
- _summaryData : RooAbsStudy
- _sumPdf : RooMomentMorph::CacheElem, RooMomentMorphND::CacheElem
- _sumw2 : RooDataHist
- _sumWeight : RooDataWeightedAverage, RooVectorDataStore
- _sumWeightCarry : RooVectorDataStore
- _sumWgt : RooKeysPdf
- _superCat : RooDataProjBinding
- _suppNormList : RooAddModel::CacheElem, RooAddPdf::CacheElem
- _suppProjList : RooAddModel::CacheElem, RooAddPdf::CacheElem
- _t : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooBDecay, RooBMixDecay, RooDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _tag : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _tagFlav : RooBMixDecay
- _takeRoot : RooAbsMoment
- _tau : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooBDecay, RooBMixDecay, RooDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _tfoam : RooFoamGenerator
- _theEvent : RooAbsGenContext
- _theFitter : RooMinimizer, RooMinuit
- _theGenerator : RooRandom
- _theQuasiGenerator : RooRandom
- _thisStream : RooHelpers::HijackMessageStream
- _thresh : RooThreshEntry
- _threshIter : RooThresholdCategory
- _threshList : RooThresholdCategory
- _timer : RooMCIntegrator, RooMinimizer, RooMinuit
- _tol : RooBrentRootFinder
- _topicNames : RooMsgService
- _total : Roo1DTable
- _totalEvents : RooAcceptReject
- _totVolume : RooHistFunc, RooHistPdf
- _traceCount : RooAbsPdf
- _tracker : RooMomentMorph::CacheElem, RooMomentMorphFunc::CacheElem, RooMomentMorphFuncND::CacheElem, RooMomentMorphND::CacheElem, RooNDKeysPdf, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- _tree : RooTreeData, RooTreeDataStore
- _treeVar : RooAbsCategory, RooAbsReal
- _true : RooPullVar
- _truth : RooTreeData
- _type : RooBCPEffDecay, RooBCPGenDecay, RooBDecay, RooBMixDecay, RooDecay, RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _typeAliases : RooFactoryWSTool
- _typedStructureTag : RooAbsCollection
- _typeIter : RooAbsCategory
- _types : Roo1DTable, RooAbsCategory
- _u : TMCTemplateAutoLock< M, L, U >
- _uid : RooExpensiveObjectCache::ExpensiveObject
- _uintValue : RooAbsReal
- _ul : RooStats::UpperLimitMCSModule
- _uniformVars : RooGenContext
- _unifParams : RooRandomizeParamMCSModule
- _unifParamSets : RooRandomizeParamMCSModule
- _uniIter : RooGenContext, RooProdGenContext
- _uniObs : RooProdGenContext
- _unit : RooAbsReal
- _unitNorm : RooAbsCachedPdf::AnaIntConfig, RooHistFunc, RooHistPdf
- _updateFMaxPerEvent : RooGenContext
- _updateMaster : RooRealMPFE
- _useCdfBoundaries : RooCachedReal
- _useDefaultGen : RooProdPdf
- _usedSlots : RooHashTable
- _usedSplitCats : RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig
- _useHorizMorph : RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc, RooMomentMorphFuncND, RooMomentMorphND
- _useIntegrandLimits : RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooAdaptiveIntegratorND, RooBinIntegrator, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooImproperIntegrator1D, RooIntegrator1D, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D
- _useIsCat : RooFormula
- _useList : RooFormula
- _useNptr : RooLinkedList
- _useWindow : RooNumConvolution
- _uuid : RooSharedProperties, RooWorkspace
- _valid : RooAbsFunc, RooAbsIntegrator, RooAbsRootFinder, RooGrid, RooRealIntegral, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D
- _value : RooAbsCategory, RooAbsReal, RooAbsString, RooCatType, RooConstVar, RooDouble, RooInt, RooUnblindOffset, RooUnblindPrecision, RooUnblindUniform
- _valueChanged : RooRealMPFE
- _valueDirty : RooAbsArg
- _valueServer : RooArgProxy
- _var : RooLinearVar
- _varItr : RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc, RooNDKeysPdf
- _varList : RooMomentMorph, RooMomentMorphFunc, RooNDKeysPdf
- _varName : RooKeysPdf, RooNDKeysPdf
- _vars : RooAbsData, RooAbsDataStore, RooAddGenContext, RooBinnedGenContext, RooConvIntegrandBinding, RooEffGenContext, RooRealBinding, RooRealMPFE
- _varSet : RooConvCoefVar
- _varsNoWgt : RooDataSet
- _varsww : RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _vec : RooFoamGenerator, RooVectorDataStore::CatVector, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- _vec0 : RooVectorDataStore::CatVector, RooVectorDataStore::RealVector
- _vecE : RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- _vecEH : RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- _vecEL : RooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector
- _verb : RooUnitTest
- _verbose : RooAbsGenContext, RooAbsNumGenerator, RooAbsTestStatistic, RooCmdConfig, RooMCIntegrator, RooMinimizer, RooMinimizerFcn, RooMinuit, RooNDKeysPdf, RooTrace
- _verboseClient : RooRealMPFE
- _verbosedebug : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _verboseDirty : RooAbsArg
- _verboseEval : RooAbsPdf
- _verboseGen : RooMCStudy
- _verboseServer : RooRealMPFE
- _verboseThresh : RooNumConvolution
- _views : RooWorkspace
- _VM : RooFitResult
- _vol : RooGrid
- _vverbosedebug : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _warnLevel : RooMinuit
- _weight : RooGrid
- _weights : RooKeysPdf, RooNDKeysPdf
- _weights0 : RooNDKeysPdf
- _weights1 : RooNDKeysPdf
- _weightSq : RooNLLVar
- _wgt : RooDataHist
- _wgtVar : RooDataSet, RooTreeDataStore, RooVectorDataStore
- _whatVars : RooAbsPdf::GenSpec
- _widthFactor : RooNDKeysPdf
- _widthScaleFactor : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _windowParam : RooNumConvolution
- _windowScale : RooNumConvolution
- _wired : RooCacheManager< T >
- _wksp : RooPolynomial, RooPolyVar
- _wMap : RooNDKeysPdf
- _workspace : RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D
- _wQ : RooNonCPEigenDecay
- _write : funcptr_and_voidptr_t, RooUnitTest
- _ws : RooFactoryWSTool, RooSimWSTool, RooStudyPackage
- _wspace : RooWorkspace::CodeRepo, RooWorkspace::WSDir
- _wtd_int_sum : RooMCIntegrator
- _x : Roo2DKeysPdf, RooAbsMoment, RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooBernstein, RooBinIntegrator, RooChebychev, RooChiSquarePdf, RooDerivative, RooFFTConvPdf, RooFunctor, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem, RooIntegrator1D, RooKeysPdf, RooMultiVarGaussian, RooNDKeysPdf, RooParametricStepFunction, RooParamHistFunc, RooPolynomial, RooPolyVar, RooRangeBoolean, RooStepFunction
- _x0 : RooNDKeysPdf
- _x1 : RooNDKeysPdf
- _x2 : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xDatHi : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xDatHi3s : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xDatLo : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xDatLo3s : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xf : RooFirstMoment, RooMoment, RooSecondMoment
- _xfOffset : RooSecondMoment
- _xhi : RooBinning, RooParamBinning, RooUniformBinning
- _xi : RooGrid
- _xin : RooGrid
- _xint : RooIntegrator2D, RooSegmentedIntegrator2D
- _xIntegrator : RooIntegrator2D, RooSegmentedIntegrator2D
- _xl : RooGrid
- _xlo : RooBinning, RooParamBinning, RooUniformBinning
- _xmax : RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooAdaptiveIntegratorND, RooBinIntegrator, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooImproperIntegrator1D, RooIntegrator1D, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D
- _xMean : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _xmin : RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooAdaptiveIntegratorND, RooBinIntegrator, RooFoamGenerator, RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D, RooImproperIntegrator1D, RooIntegrator1D, RooSegmentedIntegrator1D
- _xoffset : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _xprime : RooFFTConvPdf
- _xsave : RooRealBinding
- _xSigma : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _xu : RooGrid
- _xVarHi : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xVarHiM3s : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xVarHiP3s : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xVarLo : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xVarLoM3s : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xVarLoP3s : RooNDKeysPdf
- _xvecValid : RooConvIntegrandBinding, RooRealBinding
- _xx : RooNumRunningInt::RICacheElem
- _y : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _yatX : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _yatXmax : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _yatXmin : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _yAxisLabel : RooPlotable
- _ycutoff : RooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem
- _yIter : RooCmdConfig
- _yList : RooCmdConfig
- _ymax : RooPlotable
- _yMean : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _ymin : RooPlotable
- _yoffset : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _ySigma : Roo2DKeysPdf
- _yvar : RooXYChi2Var
- _z : RooMultiVarGaussian