Logo ROOT  
Reference Guide
getProof.C File Reference

Detailed Description

Attaches to a PROOF session, possibly at the indicated URL.

If no existing PROOF session is found and no URL is given, try to start a local PROOF session.

Arguments: 'url' URL of the master where to start/attach the PROOF session; this is also the place where to force creation of a new session, if needed (use option 'N', e.g. "proof://mymaster:myport/?N")

The following arguments apply to xrootd responding at 'refloc' only: 'nwrks' Number of workers to be started. [] 'dir' Directory to be used for the files and working areas []. When starting a new instance of the daemon this directory is cleaned with 'rm -fr'. If 'dir' is null, the default is used: '/tmp/<user>/.getproof' 'opt' Defines what to do if an existing xrootd uses the same ports; possible options are: "ask", ask the user; "force", kill the xrootd and start a new one; if any other string is specified the existing xrootd will be used ["ask"]. NB: for a change in 'nwrks' to be effective you need to specify opt = "force" 'dyn' This flag can be used to switch on dynamic, per-job worker setup scheduling [kFALSE]. 'tutords' This flag can be used to force a dataset dir under the tutorial dir [kFALSE]

It is possible to trigger the automatic valgrind setup by defining the env GETPROOF_VALGRIND. E.g. to run the master in valgrind do

$ export GETPROOF_VALGRIND="valgrind=master"

(or $ export GETPROOF_VALGRIND="valgrind=master valgrind_opts:--leak-check=full"

to set some options) before running getProof. Note that 'getProof' is also called by 'stressProof', so this holds for 'stressProof' runs too.

#include "Bytes.h"
#include "Getline.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TProof.h"
#include "TSocket.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
// Auxilliary functions
int getDebugEnum(const char *what);
Int_t getXrootdPid(Int_t port, const char *subdir = "xpdtut");
Int_t checkXrootdAt(Int_t port, const char *host = "localhost");
Int_t checkXproofdAt(Int_t port, const char *host = "localhost");
Int_t startXrootdAt(Int_t port, const char *exportdirs = 0, Bool_t force = kFALSE);
Int_t killXrootdAt(Int_t port, const char *id = 0);
// Auxilliary structures for Xrootd/Xproofd pinging ...
// The client request
typedef struct {
int first;
int second;
int third;
int fourth;
int fifth;
} clnt_HS_t;
// The body received after the first handshake's header
typedef struct {
int msglen;
int protover;
int msgval;
} srv_HS_t;
// By default we start a cluster on the local machine
const char *refloc = "proof://localhost:40000";
TProof *getProof(const char *url = "proof://localhost:40000", Int_t nwrks = -1, const char *dir = 0,
const char *opt = "ask", Bool_t dyn = kFALSE, Bool_t tutords = kFALSE)
TProof *p = 0;
// Valgrind options, if any
TString vopt, vopts;
#ifndef WIN32
if (gSystem->Getenv("GETPROOF_VALGRIND")) {
TString s(gSystem->Getenv("GETPROOF_VALGRIND")), t;
Int_t from = 0;
while (s.Tokenize(t, from , " ")) {
if (t.BeginsWith("valgrind_opts:"))
vopts = t;
vopt = t;
if (vopts.IsNull()) vopts = "valgrind_opts:--leak-check=full --track-origins=yes";
TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_WRAPPERCMD", vopts.Data());
Printf("getProof: valgrind run: '%s' (opts: '%s')", vopt.Data(), vopts.Data());
// If an URL has specified get a session there
TUrl uu(url), uref(refloc);
Bool_t ext = (strcmp(uu.GetHost(), uref.GetHost()) ||
(uu.GetPort() != uref.GetPort())) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
Bool_t lite = kFALSE;
if (ext && url) {
if (!strcmp(url, "lite://") || !url[0]) {
if (!url[0]) uu.SetUrl("lite://");
if (dir && strlen(dir) > 0) gEnv->SetValue("Proof.Sandbox", dir);
TString swrk("<default> workers");
if (nwrks > 0) {
uu.SetOptions(Form("workers=%d", nwrks));
swrk.Form("%d workers", nwrks);
lite = kTRUE;
gEnv->SetValue("Proof.MaxOldSessions", 1);
Printf("getProof: trying to open a PROOF-Lite session with %s", swrk.Data());
} else {
Printf("getProof: trying to open a session on the external cluster at '%s'", url);
p = TProof::Open(uu.GetUrl(), vopt);
if (p && p->IsValid()) {
// Check consistency
if (ext && !lite && nwrks > 0) {
Printf("getProof: WARNING: started/attached a session on external cluster (%s):"
" 'nwrks=%d' ignored", url, nwrks);
if (ext && !lite && dir && strlen(dir) > 0) {
Printf("getProof: WARNING: started/attached a session on external cluster (%s):"
" 'dir=\"%s\"' ignored", url, dir);
if (ext && !strcmp(opt,"force")) {
Printf("getProof: WARNING: started/attached a session on external cluster (%s):"
" 'opt=\"force\"' ignored", url);
if (ext && dyn) {
Printf("getProof: WARNING: started/attached a session on external cluster (%s):"
" 'dyn=kTRUE' ignored", url);
} else {
Printf("getProof: could not get/start a valid session at %s", url);
if (p) delete p;
p = 0;
// Done
return p;
#ifdef WIN32
// No support for local PROOF on Win32 (yet; the optimized local Proof will work there too)
Printf("getProof: local PROOF not yet supported on Windows, sorry!");
return p;
// Temp dir for tutorial daemons
TString tutdir = dir;
if (!tutdir.IsNull()) {
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(tutdir)) {
// Directory does not exist: try to make it
gSystem->mkdir(tutdir.Data(), kTRUE);
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(tutdir)) {
Printf("getProof: unable to create the working area at the requested path: '%s'"
" - cannot continue", tutdir.Data());
} else {
Printf("getProof: working area at the requested path '%s'"
" created but it is not writable - cannot continue", tutdir.Data());
return p;
} else {
// Check if it is writable ...
// ... fail if not
Printf("getProof: working area at the requested path '%s'"
" exists but is not writable - cannot continue", tutdir.Data());
return p;
} else {
// Notify
Printf("getProof: working area not specified temp ");
// Force "/tmp/<user>" whenever possible to avoid length problems on MacOsX
if (!ug) {
Printf("getProof: could not get user info");
return p;
us.Form("/%s", ug->fUser.Data());
if (!tutdir.EndsWith(us.Data())) tutdir += us;
// Add our own subdir
tutdir += "/.getproof";
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(tutdir)) {
gSystem->mkdir(tutdir.Data(), kTRUE);
Printf("getProof: unable to get a writable working area (tried: %s)"
" - cannot continue", tutdir.Data());
return p;
Printf("getProof: working area (tutorial dir): %s", tutdir.Data());
// Dataset dir
TString datasetdir;
if (tutords) {
datasetdir = Form("%s/dataset", tutdir.Data());
gSystem->mkdir(datasetdir, kTRUE);
Printf("getProof: unable to get a writable dataset directory (tried: %s)"
" - cannot continue", datasetdir.Data());
return p;
Printf("getProof: dataset dir: %s", datasetdir.Data());
// Local url (use a special port to try to not disturb running daemons)
TUrl u(refloc);
if (!strcmp(uu.GetHost(), uref.GetHost()) && (uu.GetPort() != uref.GetPort()))
Int_t lportp = u.GetPort();
Int_t lportx = lportp + 1;
TString lurl = u.GetUrl();
// Prepare to start the daemon
TString workarea = Form("%s/proof", tutdir.Data());
TString xpdcf(Form("%s/xpd.cf",tutdir.Data()));
TString xpdlog(Form("%s/xpd.log",tutdir.Data()));
TString xpdlogprt(Form("%s/xpdtut/xpd.log",tutdir.Data()));
TString xpdpid(Form("%s/xpd.pid",tutdir.Data()));
TString proofsessions(Form("%s/sessions",tutdir.Data()));
TString cmd;
Int_t rc = 0;
// Is there something listening already ?
Int_t pid = -1;
Bool_t restart = kTRUE;
if ((rc = checkXproofdAt(lportp)) == 1) {
Printf("getProof: something else the a XProofd service is running on"
" port %d - cannot continue", lportp);
return p;
} else if (rc == 0) {
restart = kFALSE;
pid = getXrootdPid(lportx);
Printf("getProof: daemon found listening on dedicated ports {%d,%d} (pid: %d)",
lportx, lportp, pid);
if (isatty(0) == 0 || isatty(1) == 0) {
// Cannot ask: always restart
restart = kTRUE;
} else {
if (!strcmp(opt,"ask")) {
char *answer = (char *) Getline("getProof: would you like to restart it (N,Y)? [N] ");
if (answer && (answer[0] == 'Y' || answer[0] == 'y'))
restart = kTRUE;
if (!strcmp(opt,"force"))
// Always restart
restart = kTRUE;
// Cleanup, if required
if (restart) {
Printf("getProof: cleaning existing instance ...");
// Cleaning up existing daemon
cmd = Form("kill -9 %d", pid);
if ((rc = gSystem->Exec(cmd)) != 0)
Printf("getProof: problems stopping xrootd process %d (%d)", pid, rc);
// Wait for all previous connections being cleaned
Printf("getProof: wait 5 secs so that previous connections are cleaned ...");
if (restart) {
// Try to start something locally; make sure that everything is there
char *xpd = gSystem->Which(gSystem->Getenv("PATH"), "xproofd", kExecutePermission);
if (!xpd) {
Printf("getProof: xproofd not found: please check the environment!");
return p;
// Cleanup the working area
cmd = Form("rm -fr %s/xpdtut %s %s %s %s", tutdir.Data(), workarea.Data(),
xpdcf.Data(), xpdpid.Data(), proofsessions.Data());
// Try to start something locally; create the xproofd config file
FILE *fcf = fopen(xpdcf.Data(), "w");
if (!fcf) {
Printf("getProof: could not create config file for XPD (%s)", xpdcf.Data());
return p;
fprintf(fcf,"### Use admin path at %s/admin to avoid interferences with other users\n", tutdir.Data());
fprintf(fcf,"xrd.adminpath %s/admin\n", tutdir.Data());
#if defined(R__MACOSX)
fprintf(fcf,"### Use dedicated socket path under /tmp to avoid length problems\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.sockpathdir /tmp/xpd-sock\n");
fprintf(fcf,"### Load the XrdProofd protocol on port %d\n", lportp);
fprintf(fcf,"xrd.protocol xproofd libXrdProofd.so\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.port %d\n", lportp);
if (nwrks > 0) {
fprintf(fcf,"### Force number of local workers\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.localwrks %d\n", nwrks);
fprintf(fcf,"### Root path for working dir\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.workdir %s\n", workarea.Data());
fprintf(fcf,"### Allow different users to connect\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.multiuser 1\n");
fprintf(fcf,"### Limit the number of query results kept in the master sandbox\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.putrc ProofServ.UserQuotas: maxquerykept=2\n");
fprintf(fcf,"### Limit the number of sessions kept in the sandbox\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.putrc Proof.MaxOldSessions: 1\n");
if (tutords) {
fprintf(fcf,"### Use dataset directory under the tutorial dir\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.datasetsrc file url:%s opt:-Cq:Av:As:\n", datasetdir.Data());
if (dyn) {
fprintf(fcf,"### Use dynamic, per-job scheduling\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.putrc Proof.DynamicStartup 1\n");
fprintf(fcf,"### For internal file serving use the xrootd protocol on the same port\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.xrootd libXrdXrootd-4.so\n");
fprintf(fcf,"### Set the local data server for the temporary output files accordingly\n");
fprintf(fcf,"xpd.putenv LOCALDATASERVER=root://%s:%d\n", gSystem->HostName(), lportp);
Printf("getProof: xproofd config file at %s", xpdcf.Data());
// Start xrootd in the background
Printf("getProof: xproofd log file at %s", xpdlogprt.Data());
cmd = Form("%s -c %s -b -l %s -n xpdtut -p %d",
xpd, xpdcf.Data(), xpdlog.Data(), lportp);
Printf("(NB: any error line from XrdClientSock::RecvRaw and XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw should be ignored)");
if ((rc = gSystem->Exec(cmd)) != 0) {
Printf("getProof: problems starting xproofd (%d)", rc);
return p;
delete[] xpd;
// Wait a bit
Printf("getProof: waiting for xproofd to start ...");
pid = getXrootdPid(lportp);
Printf("getProof: xproofd pid: %d", pid);
// Save it in the PID file
FILE *fpid = fopen(xpdpid.Data(), "w");
if (!fpid) {
Printf("getProof: could not create pid file for XPD");
} else {
fprintf(fpid,"%d\n", pid);
Printf("getProof: start / attach the PROOF session ...");
// Start / attach the session now
p = TProof::Open(lurl, vopt.Data());
if (!p || !(p->IsValid())) {
Printf("getProof: starting local session failed");
if (p) delete p;
p = 0;
return p;
// Return the session
return p;
Int_t getXrootdPid(Int_t port, const char *subdir)
#ifdef WIN32
// No support for Xrootd/Proof on Win32 (yet; the optimized local Proof will work there too)
Printf("getXrootdPid: Xrootd/Proof not supported on Windows, sorry!");
return -1;
// Get the pid of the started xrootd process
Int_t pid = -1;
#if defined(__sun)
const char *com = "-eo pid,comm";
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)
const char *com = "ax -w -w";
const char *com = "-w -w -eo pid,command";
TString cmd;
if (subdir && strlen(subdir) > 0) {
cmd.Form("ps %s | grep xrootd | grep \"\\-p %d\" | grep %s", com, port, subdir);
} else {
cmd.Form("ps %s | grep xrootd | grep \"\\-p %d\"", com, port);
FILE *fp = gSystem->OpenPipe(cmd.Data(), "r");
if (fp) {
char line[2048], rest[2048];
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
sscanf(line,"%d %s", &pid, rest);
// Done
return pid;
Int_t checkXrootdAt(Int_t port, const char *host)
// Check if a XrdXrootd service is running on 'port' at 'host'
// Return
// 0 if OK
// -1 if nothing is listening on the port (connection cannot be open)
// 1 if something is listening but not XROOTD
// Open the connection
TSocket s(host, port);
if (!(s.IsValid())) {
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXrootdAt: could not open connection to %s:%d", host, port);
return -1;
// Send the first bytes
clnt_HS_t initHS;
memset(&initHS, 0, sizeof(initHS));
initHS.fourth = host2net((int)4);
initHS.fifth = host2net((int)2012);
int len = sizeof(initHS);
s.SendRaw(&initHS, len);
// Read first server response
int type;
len = sizeof(type);
int readCount = s.RecvRaw(&type, len); // 4(2+2) bytes
if (readCount != len) {
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXrootdAt: 1st: wrong number of bytes read: %d (expected: %d)",
readCount, len);
return 1;
// to host byte order
// Check if the server is the eXtended proofd
if (type == 0) {
srv_HS_t xbody;
len = sizeof(xbody);
readCount = s.RecvRaw(&xbody, len); // 12(4+4+4) bytes
if (readCount != len) {
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXrootdAt: 2nd: wrong number of bytes read: %d (expected: %d)",
readCount, len);
return 1;
} else if (type == 8) {
// Standard proofd
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXrootdAt: server is ROOTD");
return 1;
} else {
// We don't know the server type
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXrootdAt: unknown server type: %d", type);
return 1;
// Done
return 0;
Int_t checkXproofdAt(Int_t port, const char *host)
// Check if a XrdProofd service is running on 'port' at 'host'
// Return
// 0 if OK
// -1 if nothing is listening on the port (connection cannot be open)
// 1 if something is listening but not XPROOFD
// Open the connection
TSocket s(host, port);
if (!(s.IsValid())) {
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXproofdAt: could not open connection to %s:%d", host, port);
return -1;
// Send the first bytes
clnt_HS_t initHS;
memset(&initHS, 0, sizeof(initHS));
initHS.third = (int)host2net((int)1);
int len = sizeof(initHS);
s.SendRaw(&initHS, len);
// These 8 bytes are need by 'proofd' and discarded by XPD
int dum[2];
dum[0] = (int)host2net((int)4);
dum[1] = (int)host2net((int)2012);
s.SendRaw(&dum[0], sizeof(dum));
// Read first server response
int type;
len = sizeof(type);
int readCount = s.RecvRaw(&type, len); // 4(2+2) bytes
if (readCount != len) {
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXproofdAt: 1st: wrong number of bytes read: %d (expected: %d)",
readCount, len);
return 1;
// to host byte order
// Check if the server is the eXtended proofd
if (type == 0) {
srv_HS_t xbody;
len = sizeof(xbody);
readCount = s.RecvRaw(&xbody, len); // 12(4+4+4) bytes
if (readCount != len) {
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXproofdAt: 2nd: wrong number of bytes read: %d (expected: %d)",
readCount, len);
return 1;
xbody.protover = net2host(xbody.protover);
xbody.msgval = net2host(xbody.msglen);
xbody.msglen = net2host(xbody.msgval);
} else if (type == 8) {
// Standard proofd
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXproofdAt: server is PROOFD");
return 1;
} else {
// We don't know the server type
if (gDebug > 0)
Printf("checkXproofdAt: unknown server type: %d", type);
return 1;
// Done
return 0;
Int_t startXrootdAt(Int_t port, const char *exportdirs, Bool_t force)
// Start a basic xrootd service on 'port' exporting the dirs in 'exportdirs'
// (blank separated list)
#ifdef WIN32
// No support for Xrootd on Win32 (yet; the optimized local Proof will work there too)
Printf("startXrootdAt: Xrootd not supported on Windows, sorry!");
return -1;
Bool_t restart = kTRUE;
// Already there?
Int_t rc = 0;
if ((rc = checkXrootdAt(port)) == 1) {
Printf("startXrootdAt: some other service running on port %d - cannot proceed ", port);
return -1;
} else if (rc == 0) {
restart = kFALSE;
if (force) {
// Always restart
restart = kTRUE;
} else {
Printf("startXrootdAt: xrootd service already available on port %d: ", port);
char *answer = (char *) Getline("startXrootdAt: would you like to restart it (N,Y)? [N] ");
if (answer && (answer[0] == 'Y' || answer[0] == 'y')) {
restart = kTRUE;
// Cleanup, if required
if (restart) {
Printf("startXrootdAt: cleaning existing instance ...");
// Get the Pid
Int_t pid = getXrootdPid(port, "xrd-basic");
// Cleanimg up existing daemon
TString cmd = Form("kill -9 %d", pid);
if ((rc = gSystem->Exec(cmd)) != 0)
Printf("startXrootdAt: problems stopping xrootd process %d (%d)", pid, rc);
if (restart) {
if (gSystem->AccessPathName("/tmp/xrd-basic")) {
if (gSystem->AccessPathName("/tmp/xrd-basic")) {
Printf("startXrootdAt: could not assert dir for log file");
return -1;
TString cmd;
cmd.Form("xrootd -d -p %d -b -l /tmp/xrd-basic/xrootd.log", port);
if (exportdirs && strlen(exportdirs) > 0) {
TString dirs(exportdirs), d;
Int_t from = 0;
while (dirs.Tokenize(d, from, " ")) {
if (!d.IsNull()) {
cmd += " ";
cmd += d;
Printf("cmd: %s", cmd.Data());
if ((rc = gSystem->Exec(cmd)) != 0) {
Printf("startXrootdAt: problems executing starting command (%d)", rc);
return -1;
// Wait a bit
Printf("startXrootdAt: waiting for xrootd to start ...");
// Check the result
if ((rc = checkXrootdAt(port)) != 0) {
Printf("startXrootdAt: xrootd service not available at %d (rc = %d) - startup failed",
port, rc);
return -1;
Printf("startXrootdAt: basic xrootd started!");
// Done
return 0;
Int_t killXrootdAt(Int_t port, const char *id)
// Kill running xrootd service on 'port'
#ifdef WIN32
// No support for Xrootd on Win32 (yet; the optimized local Proof will work there too)
Printf("killXrootdAt: Xrootd not supported on Windows, sorry!");
return -1;
Int_t pid = -1, rc= 0;
if ((pid = getXrootdPid(port, id)) > 0) {
// Cleanimg up existing daemon
TString cmd = Form("kill -9 %d", pid);
if ((rc = gSystem->Exec(cmd)) != 0)
Printf("killXrootdAt: problems stopping xrootd process %d (%d)", pid, rc);
// Done
return rc;
int getDebugEnum(const char *what)
// Check if 'what' matches one of the TProofDebug enum and return the corresponding
// integer. Relies on a perfect synchronization with the content of TProofDebug.h .
TString sws(what), sw;
int rcmask = 0;
int from = 0;
while (sws.Tokenize(sw, from , "|")) {
if (sw.BeginsWith("k")) sw.Remove(0,1);
if (sw == "None") {
rcmask |= TProofDebug::kNone;
} else if (sw == "Packetizer") {
} else if (sw == "Loop") {
rcmask |= TProofDebug::kLoop;
} else if (sw == "Selector") {
} else if (sw == "Output") {
} else if (sw == "Input") {
} else if (sw == "Global") {
} else if (sw == "Package") {
} else if (sw == "Feedback") {
} else if (sw == "Condor") {
} else if (sw == "Draw") {
rcmask |= TProofDebug::kDraw;
} else if (sw == "Asyn") {
rcmask |= TProofDebug::kAsyn;
} else if (sw == "Cache") {
} else if (sw == "Collect") {
} else if (sw == "Dataset") {
} else if (sw == "Submerger") {
} else if (sw == "Monitoring") {
} else if (sw == "All") {
rcmask |= TProofDebug::kAll;
} else if (!sw.IsNull()) {
Printf("WARNING: requested debug enum name '%s' does not exist: assuming 'All'", sw.Data());
rcmask |= TProofDebug::kAll;
// Done
return rcmask;
UShort_t host2net(UShort_t x)
Definition: Bytes.h:564
UShort_t net2host(UShort_t x)
Definition: Bytes.h:577
#define d(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:102
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
R__EXTERN Int_t gDebug
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
R__EXTERN TEnv * gEnv
Definition: TEnv.h:171
int type
Definition: TGX11.cxx:120
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
void Printf(const char *fmt,...)
@ kExecutePermission
Definition: TSystem.h:46
@ kWritePermission
Definition: TSystem.h:47
R__EXTERN TSystem * gSystem
Definition: TSystem.h:560
virtual void SetValue(const char *name, const char *value, EEnvLevel level=kEnvChange, const char *type=0)
Set the value of a resource or create a new resource.
Definition: TEnv.cxx:736
This class controls a Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, cluster.
Definition: TProof.h:316
static TProof * Open(const char *url=0, const char *conffile=0, const char *confdir=0, Int_t loglevel=0)
Start a PROOF session on a specific cluster.
Definition: TProof.cxx:11556
Bool_t IsValid() const
Definition: TProof.h:937
static void AddEnvVar(const char *name, const char *value)
Add an variable to the list of environment variables passed to proofserv on the master and slaves.
Definition: TProof.cxx:11733
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:131
Bool_t EndsWith(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Return true if string ends with the specified string.
Definition: TString.cxx:2177
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:364
Bool_t BeginsWith(const char *s, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Definition: TString.h:610
Bool_t IsNull() const
Definition: TString.h:402
TString & Remove(Ssiz_t pos)
Definition: TString.h:668
void Form(const char *fmt,...)
Formats a string using a printf style format descriptor.
Definition: TString.cxx:2289
virtual const char * Getenv(const char *env)
Get environment variable.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1653
virtual int mkdir(const char *name, Bool_t recursive=kFALSE)
Make a file system directory.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:914
virtual Int_t Exec(const char *shellcmd)
Execute a command.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:663
virtual FILE * OpenPipe(const char *command, const char *mode)
Open a pipe.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:672
virtual Bool_t AccessPathName(const char *path, EAccessMode mode=kFileExists)
Returns FALSE if one can access a file using the specified access mode.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1287
virtual int ClosePipe(FILE *pipe)
Close the pipe.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:681
virtual const char * HostName()
Return the system's host name.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:313
virtual void Sleep(UInt_t milliSec)
Sleep milliSec milli seconds.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:447
virtual char * Which(const char *search, const char *file, EAccessMode mode=kFileExists)
Find location of file in a search path.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1537
virtual Int_t GetUid(const char *user=0)
Returns the user's id. If user = 0, returns current user's id.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1550
virtual UserGroup_t * GetUserInfo(Int_t uid)
Returns all user info in the UserGroup_t structure.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1589
virtual const char * TempDirectory() const
Return a user configured or systemwide directory to create temporary files in.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1473
This class represents a WWW compatible URL.
Definition: TUrl.h:35
TLine * line
static constexpr double us
static constexpr double s
static constexpr double second
Definition: first.py:1
TString fUser
Definition: TSystem.h:142
Gerardo Ganis

Definition in file getProof.C.