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ROOT::Experimental Namespace Reference


namespace  Detail
namespace  EveGlu
namespace  Hist
namespace  Internal


class  RAttrBase
 Base class for all attributes, used with RDrawable. More...
class  RAttrBox
 Drawing attributes for a box: rectangular lines with size and position. More...
class  RAttrFill
 Drawing fill attributes for different objects. More...
class  RAttrLine
 Drawing line attributes for different objects. More...
class  RAttrMap
class  RAttrMarker
 A marker attributes. More...
class  RAttrText
 A text.attributes. More...
class  RAxisBase
 Histogram axis base class. More...
class  RAxisConfig
 Objects used to configure the different axis types. More...
class  RAxisEquidistant
 Axis with equidistant bin borders. More...
class  RAxisGrow
 An axis that can extend its range, keeping the number of its bins unchanged. More...
class  RAxisIrregular
 An axis with non-equidistant bins (also known as "variable binning"). More...
class  RAxisLabels
 A RAxisGrow that has a label assigned to each bin and a bin width of 1. More...
class  RAxisView
 Common view on a RAxis, no matter what its kind. More...
class  RCanvas
 A window's topmost RPad. More...
class  RCanvasDisplayItem
 class RCanvasDisplayItem More...
class  RClusterDescriptor
 Meta-data for a set of ntuple clusters. More...
class  RClusterIndex
 Addresses a column element or field item relative to a particular cluster, instead of a global NTupleSize_t index. More...
struct  RClusterSize
 Wrap the 32bit integer in a struct in order to avoid template specialization clash with std::uint32_t. More...
class  RCollectionNTuple
 A virtual ntuple for collections that can be used to some extent like a real ntuple. More...
class  RColor
 The color class. More...
class  RColumnDescriptor
 Meta-data stored for every column of an ntuple. More...
class  RColumnModel
 Holds the static meta-data of a column in a tree. More...
class  RColumnSwitch
 Holds the index and the tag of a kSwitch column. More...
class  RDirectory
 Key/value store of objects. More...
class  RDirectoryTypeMismatch
 Objects of this class are thrown to signal that the value known under the given name . More...
class  RDirectoryUnknownKey
 Objects of this class are thrown to signal that no key with that name exists. More...
class  RDisplayItem
 Base class for painting data for JS. More...
class  RDrawable
 Base class for drawable entities: objects that can be painted on a RPad. More...
class  RDrawableDisplayItem
 Generic display item for RDrawable, just reference drawable itself. More...
class  REntry
 The REntry is a collection of values in an ntuple corresponding to a complete row in the data set. More...
class  REve3DProjection
class  REveAunt
class  REveAuntAsList
class  REveChunkManager
class  REveChunkVector
class  REveClient
class  REveCluster
 REveCluster Reconstructed cluster (also used in VSD). More...
class  REveCompound
class  REveCompoundProjected
class  REveDataCollection
class  REveDataColumn
class  REveDataItem
class  REveDataProxyBuilderBase
class  REveDataSimpleProxyBuilder
class  REveDataSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate
class  REveDataTable
class  REveElement
class  REveEllipsoid
class  REveEllipsoidProjected
class  REveException
 REveException Exception-type thrown by Eve classes. More...
class  REveGeoManagerHolder
 REveGeoManagerHolder Exception-safe global variable holders. More...
class  REveGeomConfig
 Configuration parameters which can be configured on the client Send as is to-from client. More...
class  REveGeomDescription
class  REveGeomDrawing
 Object with full description for drawing geometry It includes list of visible items and list of nodes required to build them. More...
class  REveGeomNode
 Full node description including matrices and other attributes. More...
class  REveGeomNodeBase
 Base description of geometry node, required only to build hierarchy. More...
class  REveGeomNodeInfo
class  REveGeomRequest
 Request object send from client for different operations. More...
class  REveGeomViewer
class  REveGeomVisible
 REveGeomVisible contains description of visible node It is path to the node plus reference to shape rendering data. More...
class  REveGeoPolyShape
class  REveGeoShape
class  REveGeoShapeExtract
class  REveGeoShapeProjected
class  REveHit
 REveHit Monte Carlo hit (also used in VSD). More...
class  REveJetCone
class  REveJetConeProjected
class  REveLine
 REveLine An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes. More...
class  REveLineProjected
class  REveMagField
 REveMagField Abstract interface to magnetic field. More...
class  REveMagFieldConst
 REveMagFieldConst Interface to constant magnetic field. More...
class  REveMagFieldDuo
 REveMagFieldDuo Interface to magnetic field with two different values depending on radius. More...
class  REveManager
class  REveMCRecCrossRef
 REveMCRecCrossRef Cross-reference of sim/rec data per particle (also used in VSD). More...
class  REveMCTrack
 REveMCTrack. More...
class  REvePathMarkT
 Special-point on track: More...
class  REvePointSelector
 REvePointSelector TSelector for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tree. More...
class  REvePointSelectorConsumer
class  REvePointSet
class  REvePointSetArray
class  REvePointSetProjected
class  REvePolygonSetProjected
class  REveProjectable
class  REveProjected
class  REveProjection
 REveProjection Base for specific classes that implement non-linear projections. More...
class  REveProjectionManager
 REveProjectionManager Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects. More...
class  REveRecCascade
 REveRecCascade. More...
class  REveRecKink
 REveRecKink Reconstructed kink (also used in VSD). More...
class  REveRecTrackT
 REveRecTrack Template for reconstructed track (also used in VSD). More...
class  REveRecV0
 REveRecV0. More...
class  REveRefBackPtr
 REveRefBackPtr reference-count with back pointers. More...
class  REveRefCnt
 REveRefCnt REveRefCnt base-class (interface) More...
class  REveRenderData
class  REveRhoZProjection
class  REveRPhiProjection
class  REveScalableStraightLineSet
class  REveScene
class  REveSceneInfo
 REveSceneInfo Scene in a viewer. More...
class  REveSceneList
class  REveSecondarySelectable
class  REveSelection
 REveSelection Container for selected and highlighted elements. More...
class  REveSelectorToEventList
 REveSelectorToEventList TSelector that stores entry numbers of matching TTree entries into an event-list. More...
class  REveShape
class  REveStraightLineSet
 REveStraightLineSet Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines. More...
class  REveStraightLineSetProjected
 REveStraightLineSetProjected Projected copy of a REveStraightLineSet. More...
class  REveTableEntry
 REveTableEntry. More...
class  REveTableHandle
 REveTableHandle. More...
class  REveTableProxyBuilder
class  REveTableViewInfo
 REveTableViewInfo. More...
class  REveTrack
 REveTrack Track with given vertex, momentum and optional referece-points (path-marks) along its path. More...
class  REveTrackList
 REveTrackList A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters. More...
class  REveTrackListProjected
 REveTrackListProjected Specialization of REveTrackList for holding REveTrackProjected objects. More...
class  REveTrackProjected
 REveTrackProjected Projected copy of a REveTrack. More...
class  REveTrackPropagator
 REveTrackPropagator Calculates path of a particle taking into account special path-marks and imposed boundaries. More...
class  REveTrans
class  REveUtil
 REveUtil Standard utility functions for Reve. More...
class  REveVector2T
 REveVector2T A two-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions. More...
class  REveVector4T
 REveVector4T A four-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions. More...
class  REveVectorT
 REveVectorT A three-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions. More...
class  REveViewContext
class  REveViewer
 REveViewer Reve representation of TGLViewer. More...
class  REveViewerList
 REveViewerList List of Viewers providing common operations on REveViewer collections. More...
class  REveVSD
class  RField
 Classes with dictionaries that can be inspected by TClass. More...
class  RField< bool >
class  RField< ClusterSize_t >
 Template specializations for concrete C++ types. More...
class  RField< double >
class  RField< float >
class  RField< ROOT::VecOps::RVec< bool > >
 RVec<bool> needs special treatment due to std::vector<bool> sepcialization. More...
class  RField< ROOT::VecOps::RVec< ItemT > >
 The RVec type has different layouts depending on the item type, therefore we cannot go with a generic RVec implementation as we can with std::vector. More...
class  RField< std::array< ItemT, N > >
class  RField< std::int32_t >
class  RField< std::string >
class  RField< std::uint32_t >
class  RField< std::uint64_t >
class  RField< std::uint8_t >
class  RField< std::vector< bool > >
class  RField< std::vector< ItemT > >
class  RFieldArray
 The generic field for fixed size arrays, which do not need an offset column. More...
class  RFieldClass
 The field for a class with dictionary. More...
class  RFieldCollection
class  RFieldDescriptor
 Meta-data stored for every field of an ntuple. More...
class  RFieldRoot
 The container field for an ntuple model, which itself has no physical representation. More...
class  RFieldVector
 The generic field for a (nested) std::vector<Type> except for std::vector<bool> More...
class  RFile
 A ROOT file. More...
class  RFilePtr
 Points to an object that stores or reads objects in ROOT's binary format. More...
class  RFitResult
class  RFrame
 Holds a user coordinate system with a palette. More...
class  RFunction
class  RGeomRawRenderInfo
 Render info with raw data. More...
class  RGeomRenderInfo
 Base class for render info block. More...
class  RGeomShapeRenderInfo
 Render info with shape itself - client can produce shape better. More...
class  RHist
 Histogram class for histograms with DIMENSIONS dimensions, where each bin count is stored by a value of type PRECISION. More...
 RHist with no STAT parameter uses RHistStatContent by default. More...
class  RHistBufferedFill
 Buffers calls to Fill(). More...
class  RHistConcurrentFiller
 Buffers a thread's Fill calls and submits them to the RHistConcurrentFillManager. More...
class  RHistConcurrentFillManager
 Manages the synchronization of calls to FillN(). More...
class  RHistDataMomentUncert
 For now do as RH1: calculate first (xw) and second (x^2w) moment. More...
class  RHistDrawable
class  RHistStatContent
 Basic histogram statistics, keeping track of the bin content and the total number of calls to Fill(). More...
class  RHistStatRuntime
 Interface implementing a pure virtual functions DoFill(), DoFillN(). More...
class  RHistStatTotalSumOfSquaredWeights
 Keeps track of the histogram's total sum of squared weights. More...
class  RHistStatTotalSumOfWeights
 Keeps track of the histogram's total sum of weights. More...
class  RHistStatUncertainty
 Histogram statistics to keep track of the Poisson uncertainty per bin. More...
class  RHistView
 A view on a histogram, selecting a range on a subset of dimensions. More...
struct  RHistViewOutOfRange
class  RLogDiagCounter
 Object to count the number of warnings and errors emitted by a section of code, after construction of this type. More...
class  RLogEntry
 A diagnostic, emitted by the RLogManager upon destruction of the RLogEntry. More...
class  RLogHandler
 Abstract RLogHandler base class. More...
class  RLogManager
 A RLogHandler that multiplexes diagnostics to different client RLogHandlers. More...
class  RMenuItems
 List of items for object context menu. More...
class  RNTupleClusterRange
 Used to loop over entries of collections in a single cluster. More...
class  RNTupleDescriptor
 The on-storage meta-data of an ntuple. More...
class  RNTupleDescriptorBuilder
 A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RNTupleDescriptor. More...
class  RNTupleDS
class  RNTupleFormatter
 Contains helper functions for RNTupleReader::PrintInfo() and RPrintVisitor::VisitField() More...
class  RNTupleGlobalRange
 Used to loop over indexes (entries or collections) between start and end. More...
class  RNTupleModel
 The RNTupleModel encapulates the schema of an ntuple. More...
class  RNTupleReader
 An RNTuple that is used to read data from storage. More...
class  RNTupleReadOptions
 Common user-tunable settings for reading ntuples. More...
class  RNTupleVersion
 For forward and backward compatibility, attach version information to the consitituents of the file format (column, field, cluster, ntuple). More...
class  RNTupleView
 An RNTupleView provides read-only access to a single field of the ntuple. More...
class  RNTupleView< ClusterSize_t >
class  RNTupleView< double >
class  RNTupleView< float >
class  RNTupleView< std::int32_t >
class  RNTupleViewCollection
 A view for a collection, that can itself generate new ntuple views for its nested fields. More...
class  RNTupleWriteOptions
 Common user-tunable settings for storing ntuples. More...
class  RNTupleWriter
 An RNTuple that gets filled with entries (data) and writes them to storage. More...
class  RObjectDisplayItem
 Display item for TObject with drawing options. More...
class  RObjectDrawable
 Provides v7 drawing facilities for TObject types (TGraph etc). More...
class  RPad
 Graphic container for RDrawable-s. More...
class  RPadBase
 Base class for graphic containers for RDrawable-s. More...
class  RPadBaseDisplayItem
 class RPadBaseDisplayItem More...
class  RPadCartesianUserAxis
class  RPadDisplayItem
 class RPadDisplayItem More...
class  RPadExtent
 An extent / size (horizontal and vertical) in a RPad. More...
class  RPadLength
 A length in RPad. More...
class  RPadPos
 A position (horizontal and vertical) in a RPad. More...
class  RPadUserAxisBase
 Base class for user coordinates (e.g. More...
class  RPalette
 A set of colors. More...
class  RPrepareVisitor
 Visitor used for a prepare run to collect information needed by another visitor class. More...
class  RPrintVisitor
 Contains settings for printing and prints a summary of an RField instance. More...
class  RStyle
 A set of defaults for graphics attributes, e.g. More...
class  RWebDisplayArgs
 Holds different arguments for starting browser with RWebDisplayHandle::Display() method. More...
class  RWebDisplayHandle
class  RWebWindow
 Represents web window, which can be shown in web browser or any other supported environment. More...
class  RWebWindowsManager
 Central instance to create and show web-based windows like Canvas or FitPanel. More...
class  RWebWindowWSHandler
 just wrapper to deliver websockets call-backs to the RWebWindow class More...
class  TBufferMerger
 TBufferMerger is a class to facilitate writing data in parallel from multiple threads, while writing to a single output file. More...
class  TBufferMergerFile
class  TFuture
 A TFuture class. It can wrap an std::future. More...
class  TTaskGroup
 A class to manage the asynchronous execution of work items. More...
class  TTreeReaderFast
class  TTreeReaderValueFast
class  TTreeReaderValueFast< Bool_t >
class  TTreeReaderValueFast< double >
class  TTreeReaderValueFast< float >
class  TTreeReaderValueFast< Int_t >
class  TTreeReaderValueFast< UInt_t >


using CanvasCallback_t = std::function< void(bool)>
using ClusterSize_t = RClusterSize
using ColumnId_t = std::int64_t
 Uniquely identifies a physical column within the scope of the current process, used to tag pages. More...
using DescriptorId_t = std::uint64_t
 Distriniguishes elements of the same type within a descriptor, e.g. different fields. More...
typedef unsigned int ElementId_t
using NTupleFlags_t = std::uint64_t
 64 possible flags to apply to all versioned entities (so far unused). More...
using NTupleSize_t = std::uint64_t
 Integer type long enough to hold the maximum number of entries in a column. More...
using REveGeomScanFunc_t = std::function< bool(REveGeomNode &, std::vector< int > &, bool, int)>
typedef REvePathMarkT< Float_tREvePathMark
typedef REvePathMarkT< Double_tREvePathMarkD
typedef REvePathMarkT< Float_tREvePathMarkF
typedef REveRecTrackT< Float_tREveRecTrack
typedef REveRecTrackT< Double_tREveRecTrackD
typedef REveRecTrackT< Float_tREveRecTrackF
typedef REveVectorT< Float_tREveVector
typedef REveVector2T< Float_tREveVector2
typedef REveVector2T< Double_tREveVector2D
typedef REveVector2T< Float_tREveVector2F
typedef REveVector4T< Float_tREveVector4
typedef REveVector4T< Double_tREveVector4D
typedef REveVector4T< Float_tREveVector4F
typedef REveVectorT< Double_tREveVectorD
typedef REveVectorT< Float_tREveVectorF
using RNTupleUuid = std::string
 Every NTuple is identified by a UUID. TODO(jblomer): should this be a TUUID? More...
using WebWindowConnectCallback_t = std::function< void(unsigned)>
 function signature for connect/disconnect call-backs argument is connection id More...
using WebWindowDataCallback_t = std::function< void(unsigned, const std::string &)>
 function signature for call-backs from the window clients first argument is connection id, second is received data More...
using WebWindowWaitFunc_t = std::function< int(double)>
 function signature for waiting call-backs Such callback used when calling thread need to waits for some special data, but wants to run application event loop As argument, spent time in second will be provided Waiting will be performed until function returns non-zero value More...
RHist Typedefs

Convenience typedefs (ROOT6-compatible type names)

using RH1D = RHist< 1, double, RHistStatContent, RHistStatUncertainty >
using RH1F = RHist< 1, float, RHistStatContent, RHistStatUncertainty >
using RH1C = RHist< 1, char, RHistStatContent >
using RH1I = RHist< 1, int, RHistStatContent >
using RH1LL = RHist< 1, int64_t, RHistStatContent >
using RH2D = RHist< 2, double, RHistStatContent, RHistStatUncertainty >
using RH2F = RHist< 2, float, RHistStatContent, RHistStatUncertainty >
using RH2C = RHist< 2, char, RHistStatContent >
using RH2I = RHist< 2, int, RHistStatContent >
using RH2LL = RHist< 2, int64_t, RHistStatContent >
using RH3D = RHist< 3, double, RHistStatContent, RHistStatUncertainty >
using RH3F = RHist< 3, float, RHistStatContent, RHistStatUncertainty >
using RH3C = RHist< 3, char, RHistStatContent >
using RH3I = RHist< 3, int, RHistStatContent >
using RH3LL = RHist< 3, int64_t, RHistStatContent >


enum class  EColumnType {
  kUnknown = 0 , kIndex , kSwitch , kByte ,
  kBit , kReal64 , kReal32 , kReal16 ,
  kReal8 , kInt64 , kInt32 , kInt16
enum class  EIOFeatures { kGenerateOffsetMap = BIT(0) , kSupported = kGenerateOffsetMap }
enum class  EIOUnsupportedFeatures { kUnsupported = 0 }
enum class  ELogLevel {
  kDebug , kInfo , kWarning , kError ,
 Kinds of diagnostics. More...
enum class  ENTupleInfo { kSummary , kStorageDetails , kMetrics }
 Listing of the different options that can be returned by RNTupleReader::GetInfo() More...
enum  ENTupleStructure {
  kLeaf , kCollection , kRecord , kVariant ,
 The fields in the ntuple model tree can carry different structural information about the type system. More...


template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION_TO , class PRECISION_FROM , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT_TO, template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT_FROM>
 Add two histograms. More...
template<class Function , class... Args>
TFuture< typename std::result_of< typename std::decay< Function >::type(typename std::decay< Args >::type...)>::typeAsync (Function &&f, Args &&... args)
 Runs a function asynchronously potentially in a new thread and returns a ROOT TFuture that will hold the result. More...
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT>
RFitResult FitTo (const RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &hist, const RFunction< DIMENSIONS > &func, std::span< const double > paramInit)
template<class DRAWABLE , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< RDrawable, DRAWABLE >{}> * = nullptr>
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< DRAWABLE > &drawable)
 Central method to insert drawable in list of pad primitives By default drawable placed as is. More...
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH1C > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH1D > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH1F > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH1I > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH2C > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH2D > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH2F > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH2I > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH3C > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH3D > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH3F > &histimpl)
auto GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RH3I > &histimpl)
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT>
class RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > HistFromImpl (std::unique_ptr< typename RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >::ImplBase_t > pHistImpl)
 Adopt an external, stand-alone RHistImpl. The RHist will take ownership. More...
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT>
RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > HistFromImpl (std::unique_ptr< typename RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >::ImplBase_t > pHistImpl)
 Adopt an external, stand-alone RHistImpl. The RHist will take ownership. More...
constexpr ClusterSize_t kInvalidClusterIndex (std::uint32_t(-1))
RDataFrame MakeNTupleDataFrame (std::string_view ntupleName, std::string_view fileName)
RPadLength::Normal operator""_normal (long double val)
 User-defined literal for RPadLength::Normal More...
RPadLength::Normal operator""_normal (unsigned long long int val)
RPadLength::Pixel operator""_px (long double val)
 User-defined literal for RPadLength::Pixel More...
RPadLength::Pixel operator""_px (unsigned long long int val)
RPadLength::User operator""_user (long double val)
 User-defined literal for RPadLength::User More...
RPadLength::User operator""_user (unsigned long long int val)
template<typename TT >
REveVector2T< TT > operator* (const REveVector2T< TT > &a, TT b)
template<typename TT >
REveVector4T< TT > operator* (const REveVector4T< TT > &a, TT b)
template<typename TT >
REveVectorT< TT > operator* (const REveVectorT< TT > &a, TT b)
template<typename TT >
REveVector2T< TT > operator* (TT b, const REveVector2T< TT > &a)
template<typename TT >
REveVector4T< TT > operator* (TT b, const REveVector4T< TT > &a)
template<typename TT >
REveVectorT< TT > operator* (TT b, const REveVectorT< TT > &a)
REveException operator+ (const REveException &s1, const char *s2)
REveException operator+ (const REveException &s1, const std::string &s2)
REveException operator+ (const REveException &s1, const TString &s2)
REveException operator+ (const REveException &s1, ElementId_t x)
template<typename TT >
REveVector2T< TT > operator+ (const REveVector2T< TT > &a, const REveVector2T< TT > &b)
template<typename TT >
REveVector4T< TT > operator+ (const REveVector4T< TT > &a, const REveVector4T< TT > &b)
template<typename TT >
REveVectorT< TT > operator+ (const REveVectorT< TT > &a, const REveVectorT< TT > &b)
template<typename TT >
REveVector2T< TT > operator- (const REveVector2T< TT > &a, const REveVector2T< TT > &b)
template<typename TT >
REveVector4T< TT > operator- (const REveVector4T< TT > &a, const REveVector4T< TT > &b)
template<typename TT >
REveVectorT< TT > operator- (const REveVectorT< TT > &a, const REveVectorT< TT > &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const REveTrans &t)
bool operator== (const RAxisEquidistant &lhs, const RAxisEquidistant &rhs) noexcept
 Equality-compare two RAxisEquidistant. More...
bool operator== (const std::string &s, const TString &t)
bool operator== (const TString &t, const std::string &s)
const RAttrMap::Value_tRAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, bool > (const Value_t *rec)
const RAttrMap::Value_tRAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, double > (const Value_t *rec)
const RAttrMap::Value_tRAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, int > (const Value_t *rec)
const RAttrMap::Value_tRAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, void > (const Value_t *rec)
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT>
void swap (RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &a, RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &b) noexcept
 Swap two histograms. More...
RAxisBase::const_iterator comparison operators
bool operator< (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept
 i < j More...
bool operator> (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept
 i > j More...
bool operator<= (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept
 i <= j More...
bool operator>= (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept
 i >= j More...
bool operator== (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept
 i == j More...
bool operator!= (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept
 i != j More...


R__EXTERN REveManagergEve = 0
constexpr ColumnId_t kInvalidColumnId = -1
constexpr DescriptorId_t kInvalidDescriptorId = std::uint64_t(-1)
constexpr NTupleSize_t kInvalidNTupleIndex = std::uint64_t(-1)

Axis Compatibility

enum class  EAxisCompatibility { kIdentical , kContains , kSampling , kIncompatible }
EAxisCompatibility CanMap (RAxisEquidistant &target, RAxisEquidistant &source) noexcept
 Whether (and how) the source axis can be merged into the target axis. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ CanvasCallback_t

using ROOT::Experimental::CanvasCallback_t = typedef std::function<void(bool)>

Definition at line 19 of file RVirtualCanvasPainter.hxx.

◆ ClusterSize_t

Definition at line 58 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ ColumnId_t

using ROOT::Experimental::ColumnId_t = typedef std::int64_t

Uniquely identifies a physical column within the scope of the current process, used to tag pages.

Definition at line 75 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ DescriptorId_t

using ROOT::Experimental::DescriptorId_t = typedef std::uint64_t

Distriniguishes elements of the same type within a descriptor, e.g. different fields.

Definition at line 79 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ ElementId_t

typedef unsigned int ROOT::Experimental::ElementId_t

Definition at line 25 of file REveTypes.hxx.

◆ NTupleFlags_t

using ROOT::Experimental::NTupleFlags_t = typedef std::uint64_t

64 possible flags to apply to all versioned entities (so far unused).

Definition at line 112 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ NTupleSize_t

using ROOT::Experimental::NTupleSize_t = typedef std::uint64_t

Integer type long enough to hold the maximum number of entries in a column.

Definition at line 43 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ REveGeomScanFunc_t

using ROOT::Experimental::REveGeomScanFunc_t = typedef std::function<bool(REveGeomNode &, std::vector<int> &, bool, int)>

Definition at line 158 of file REveGeomData.hxx.

◆ REvePathMark

◆ REvePathMarkD

◆ REvePathMarkF

◆ REveRecTrack

◆ REveRecTrackD

◆ REveRecTrackF

◆ REveVector

◆ REveVector2

◆ REveVector2D

◆ REveVector2F

◆ REveVector4

◆ REveVector4D

◆ REveVector4F

◆ REveVectorD

◆ REveVectorF

◆ RH1C

using ROOT::Experimental::RH1C = typedef RHist<1, char, RHistStatContent>

Definition at line 286 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH1D

Definition at line 284 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH1F

Definition at line 285 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH1I

Definition at line 287 of file RHist.hxx.


using ROOT::Experimental::RH1LL = typedef RHist<1, int64_t, RHistStatContent>

Definition at line 288 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH2C

using ROOT::Experimental::RH2C = typedef RHist<2, char, RHistStatContent>

Definition at line 292 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH2D

Definition at line 290 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH2F

Definition at line 291 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH2I

Definition at line 293 of file RHist.hxx.


using ROOT::Experimental::RH2LL = typedef RHist<2, int64_t, RHistStatContent>

Definition at line 294 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH3C

using ROOT::Experimental::RH3C = typedef RHist<3, char, RHistStatContent>

Definition at line 298 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH3D

Definition at line 296 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH3F

Definition at line 297 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RH3I

Definition at line 299 of file RHist.hxx.


using ROOT::Experimental::RH3LL = typedef RHist<3, int64_t, RHistStatContent>

Definition at line 300 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ RNTupleUuid

using ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleUuid = typedef std::string

Every NTuple is identified by a UUID. TODO(jblomer): should this be a TUUID?

Definition at line 108 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ WebWindowConnectCallback_t

using ROOT::Experimental::WebWindowConnectCallback_t = typedef std::function<void(unsigned)>

function signature for connect/disconnect call-backs argument is connection id

Definition at line 40 of file RWebWindow.hxx.

◆ WebWindowDataCallback_t

using ROOT::Experimental::WebWindowDataCallback_t = typedef std::function<void(unsigned, const std::string &)>

function signature for call-backs from the window clients first argument is connection id, second is received data

Definition at line 44 of file RWebWindow.hxx.

◆ WebWindowWaitFunc_t

using ROOT::Experimental::WebWindowWaitFunc_t = typedef std::function<int(double)>

function signature for waiting call-backs Such callback used when calling thread need to waits for some special data, but wants to run application event loop As argument, spent time in second will be provided Waiting will be performed until function returns non-zero value

Definition at line 51 of file RWebWindow.hxx.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EAxisCompatibility


Source and target axes are identical.


The source is a subset of bins of the target axis.


The bins of the source axis have finer granularity, but the bin borders are compatible.

Example: source: 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.; target: 0., 2., 5., 6. Note that this is not a symmetrical property: only one of CanMerge(source, target), CanMap(target, source) can return kContains.


The source axis and target axis have different binning.

Example: source: 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., target: 0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4

Definition at line 906 of file RAxis.hxx.

◆ EColumnType


Definition at line 35 of file RColumnModel.hxx.

◆ EIOFeatures


Definition at line 45 of file TIOFeatures.hxx.

◆ EIOUnsupportedFeatures


Definition at line 54 of file TIOFeatures.hxx.

◆ ELogLevel

enum class ROOT::Experimental::ELogLevel

Kinds of diagnostics.


Debug information; only useful for developers.


Informational messages; used for instance for tracing.


Warnings about likely unexpected behavior.


Definition at line 32 of file RLogger.hxx.

◆ ENTupleInfo

Listing of the different options that can be returned by RNTupleReader::GetInfo()


Definition at line 81 of file RNTuple.hxx.

◆ ENTupleStructure

The fields in the ntuple model tree can carry different structural information about the type system.

Leaf fields contain just data, collection fields resolve to offset columns, record root fields have no materialization on the primitive column layer.


Definition at line 33 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

Function Documentation

◆ Add()

template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION_TO , class PRECISION_FROM , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT_TO, template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT_FROM>
void ROOT::Experimental::Add ( RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION_TO, STAT_TO... > &  to,

Add two histograms.

This is the generic, inefficient version for now; it assumes no matching axes.

Definition at line 308 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ Async()

template<class Function , class... Args>
TFuture< typename std::result_of< typename std::decay< Function >::type(typename std::decay< Args >::type...)>::type > ROOT::Experimental::Async ( Function &&  f,
Args &&...  args 

Runs a function asynchronously potentially in a new thread and returns a ROOT TFuture that will hold the result.

Definition at line 152 of file TFuture.hxx.

◆ CanMap()

ROOT::Experimental::EAxisCompatibility ROOT::Experimental::CanMap ( RAxisEquidistant target,
RAxisEquidistant source 

Whether (and how) the source axis can be merged into the target axis.

Definition at line 50 of file RAxis.cxx.

◆ FitTo()

template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT>
RFitResult ROOT::Experimental::FitTo ( const RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &  hist,
const RFunction< DIMENSIONS > &  func,
std::span< const double >  paramInit 

Definition at line 39 of file RFit.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [1/13]

template<class DRAWABLE , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< RDrawable, DRAWABLE >{}> * = nullptr>
auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< DRAWABLE > &  drawable)

Central method to insert drawable in list of pad primitives By default drawable placed as is.

Definition at line 153 of file RDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [2/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH1C > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 97 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [3/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH1D > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 87 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [4/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH1F > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 102 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [5/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH1I > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 92 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [6/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH2C > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 117 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [7/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH2D > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 107 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [8/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH2F > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 122 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [9/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH2I > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 112 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [10/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH3C > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 137 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [11/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH3D > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 127 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [12/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH3F > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 142 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ GetDrawable() [13/13]

auto ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable ( const std::shared_ptr< RH3I > &  histimpl)

Definition at line 132 of file RHistDrawable.hxx.

◆ HistFromImpl() [1/2]

template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT>
class RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > ROOT::Experimental::HistFromImpl ( std::unique_ptr< typename RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >::ImplBase_t >  pHistImpl)

Adopt an external, stand-alone RHistImpl. The RHist will take ownership.

Definition at line 272 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ HistFromImpl() [2/2]

template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT>
RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > ROOT::Experimental::HistFromImpl ( std::unique_ptr< typename RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >::ImplBase_t >  pHistImpl)

Adopt an external, stand-alone RHistImpl. The RHist will take ownership.

Definition at line 272 of file RHist.hxx.

◆ kInvalidClusterIndex()

constexpr ClusterSize_t ROOT::Experimental::kInvalidClusterIndex ( std::uint32_t(-1)  )

◆ MakeNTupleDataFrame()

RDataFrame ROOT::Experimental::MakeNTupleDataFrame ( std::string_view  ntupleName,
std::string_view  fileName 

Definition at line 133 of file RNTupleDS.cxx.

◆ operator!=()

i != j

Definition at line 287 of file RAxis.hxx.

◆ operator""_normal() [1/2]

RPadLength::Normal ROOT::Experimental::operator""_normal ( long double  val)

User-defined literal for RPadLength::Normal

Use as

using namespace ROOT::Experimental;
RLine(0.1_normal, 0.0_normal, RLineExtent(0.2_normal, 0.5_normal));

Definition at line 239 of file RPadLength.hxx.

◆ operator""_normal() [2/2]

RPadLength::Normal ROOT::Experimental::operator""_normal ( unsigned long long int  val)

Definition at line 243 of file RPadLength.hxx.

◆ operator""_px() [1/2]

RPadLength::Pixel ROOT::Experimental::operator""_px ( long double  val)

User-defined literal for RPadLength::Pixel

Use as

using namespace ROOT::Experimental;
RLine(100_px, 0_px, RLineExtent(20_px, 50_px));

Definition at line 255 of file RPadLength.hxx.

◆ operator""_px() [2/2]

RPadLength::Pixel ROOT::Experimental::operator""_px ( unsigned long long int  val)

Definition at line 259 of file RPadLength.hxx.

◆ operator""_user() [1/2]

RPadLength::User ROOT::Experimental::operator""_user ( long double  val)

User-defined literal for RPadLength::User

Use as

using namespace ROOT::Experimental;
RLine(0.1_user, 0.0_user, RLineExtent(0.2_user, 0.5_user));

Definition at line 271 of file RPadLength.hxx.

◆ operator""_user() [2/2]

RPadLength::User ROOT::Experimental::operator""_user ( unsigned long long int  val)

Definition at line 275 of file RPadLength.hxx.

◆ operator*() [1/6]

template<typename TT >
REveVector2T< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator* ( const REveVector2T< TT > &  a,
TT  b 

Definition at line 434 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator*() [2/6]

template<typename TT >
REveVector4T< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator* ( const REveVector4T< TT > &  a,
TT  b 

Definition at line 286 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator*() [3/6]

template<typename TT >
REveVectorT< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator* ( const REveVectorT< TT > &  a,
TT  b 

Definition at line 218 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator*() [4/6]

template<typename TT >
REveVector2T< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator* ( TT  b,
const REveVector2T< TT > &  a 

Definition at line 442 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator*() [5/6]

template<typename TT >
REveVector4T< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator* ( TT  b,
const REveVector4T< TT > &  a 

Definition at line 293 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator*() [6/6]

template<typename TT >
REveVectorT< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator* ( TT  b,
const REveVectorT< TT > &  a 

Definition at line 226 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator+() [1/7]

REveException ROOT::Experimental::operator+ ( const REveException s1,
const char *  s2 

Definition at line 27 of file REveTypes.cxx.

◆ operator+() [2/7]

REveException ROOT::Experimental::operator+ ( const REveException s1,
const std::string &  s2 

Definition at line 21 of file REveTypes.cxx.

◆ operator+() [3/7]

REveException ROOT::Experimental::operator+ ( const REveException s1,
const TString s2 

Definition at line 24 of file REveTypes.cxx.

◆ operator+() [4/7]

REveException ROOT::Experimental::operator+ ( const REveException s1,
ElementId_t  x 

Definition at line 30 of file REveTypes.cxx.

◆ operator+() [5/7]

template<typename TT >
REveVector2T< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator+ ( const REveVector2T< TT > &  a,
const REveVector2T< TT > &  b 

Definition at line 418 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator+() [6/7]

template<typename TT >
REveVector4T< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator+ ( const REveVector4T< TT > &  a,
const REveVector4T< TT > &  b 

Definition at line 272 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator+() [7/7]

template<typename TT >
REveVectorT< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator+ ( const REveVectorT< TT > &  a,
const REveVectorT< TT > &  b 

Definition at line 202 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator-() [1/3]

template<typename TT >
REveVector2T< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator- ( const REveVector2T< TT > &  a,
const REveVector2T< TT > &  b 

Definition at line 426 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator-() [2/3]

template<typename TT >
REveVector4T< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator- ( const REveVector4T< TT > &  a,
const REveVector4T< TT > &  b 

Definition at line 279 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator-() [3/3]

template<typename TT >
REveVectorT< TT > ROOT::Experimental::operator- ( const REveVectorT< TT > &  a,
const REveVectorT< TT > &  b 

Definition at line 210 of file REveVector.hxx.

◆ operator<()

bool ROOT::Experimental::operator< ( RAxisBase::const_iterator  lhs,
RAxisBase::const_iterator  rhs 

i < j

Definition at line 257 of file RAxis.hxx.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & ROOT::Experimental::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const REveTrans t 

◆ operator<=()

bool ROOT::Experimental::operator<= ( RAxisBase::const_iterator  lhs,
RAxisBase::const_iterator  rhs 

i <= j

Definition at line 269 of file RAxis.hxx.

◆ operator==() [1/4]

bool ROOT::Experimental::operator== ( const RAxisEquidistant lhs,
const RAxisEquidistant rhs 

Equality-compare two RAxisEquidistant.

Definition at line 513 of file RAxis.hxx.

◆ operator==() [2/4]

bool ROOT::Experimental::operator== ( const std::string &  s,
const TString t 

Definition at line 16 of file REveTypes.cxx.

◆ operator==() [3/4]

bool ROOT::Experimental::operator== ( const TString t,
const std::string &  s 

Definition at line 13 of file REveTypes.cxx.

◆ operator==() [4/4]

bool ROOT::Experimental::operator== ( RAxisBase::const_iterator  lhs,
RAxisBase::const_iterator  rhs 

i == j

Definition at line 281 of file RAxis.hxx.

◆ operator>()

bool ROOT::Experimental::operator> ( RAxisBase::const_iterator  lhs,
RAxisBase::const_iterator  rhs 

i > j

Definition at line 263 of file RAxis.hxx.

◆ operator>=()

bool ROOT::Experimental::operator>= ( RAxisBase::const_iterator  lhs,
RAxisBase::const_iterator  rhs 

i >= j

Definition at line 275 of file RAxis.hxx.

◆ RAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, bool >()

const RAttrMap::Value_t * ROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, bool > ( const Value_t *  rec)

◆ RAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, double >()

const RAttrMap::Value_t * ROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, double > ( const Value_t *  rec)

◆ RAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, int >()

const RAttrMap::Value_t * ROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, int > ( const Value_t *  rec)

◆ RAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, void >()

const RAttrMap::Value_t * ROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap::Value_t::GetValue< const RAttrMap::Value_t *, void > ( const Value_t *  rec)

◆ swap()

template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT>
void ROOT::Experimental::swap ( RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &  a,

Swap two histograms.

Very efficient; swaps the fImpl pointers.

Definition at line 190 of file RHist.hxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ gEve

REveManager * ROOT::Experimental::gEve = 0

Definition at line 232 of file REveManager.hxx.

◆ kInvalidColumnId

constexpr ColumnId_t ROOT::Experimental::kInvalidColumnId = -1

Definition at line 76 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ kInvalidDescriptorId

constexpr DescriptorId_t ROOT::Experimental::kInvalidDescriptorId = std::uint64_t(-1)

Definition at line 80 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.

◆ kInvalidNTupleIndex

constexpr NTupleSize_t ROOT::Experimental::kInvalidNTupleIndex = std::uint64_t(-1)

Definition at line 44 of file RNTupleUtil.hxx.