12#ifndef ROOT_REveFrameBox
13#define ROOT_REveFrameBox
18namespace Experimental {
void SetAAQuadXZ(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z, Float_t dx, Float_t dz)
Setup for axis-aligned rectangle with one corner at x, y, z and given sizes in x (dx) and z (dz).
REveFrameBox & operator=(const REveFrameBox &)
void SetFrameColor(Color_t ci)
Set color of the frame.
Float_t GetFrameWidth() const
void SetBackColor(Color_t ci)
Set color of the background polygon.
REveFrameBox(const REveFrameBox &)
void SetQuadByPoints(const Float_t *pointArr, Int_t nPoints)
Setup frame with explicitly given corner coordinates.
void SetAAQuadXY(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z, Float_t dx, Float_t dy)
Setup for axis-aligned rectangle with one corner at x, y, z and given sizes in x (dx) and y (dy).
void SetFrameWidth(Float_t f)
Int_t GetFrameSize() const
Bool_t GetDrawBack() const
void SetFrameFill(Bool_t f)
Float_t * GetFramePoints() const
void SetFrameColorPixel(Pixel_t pix)
Set color of the frame.
Color_t * PtrFrameColor()
Color_t GetFrameColor() const
virtual ~REveFrameBox()
EFrameType_e GetFrameType() const
Color_t GetBackColor() const
void SetAABox(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z, Float_t dx, Float_t dy, Float_t dz)
Setup for axis-aligned box with one corner at x, y, z and given sizes in x (dx), y (dy) and z (dz).
void SetDrawBack(Bool_t f)
void SetFrameColorRGBA(UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b, UChar_t a=255)
Set color of the frame.
Bool_t GetFrameFill() const
void SetAABoxCenterHalfSize(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z, Float_t dx, Float_t dy, Float_t dz)
Setup for axis-aligned box with center at x, y, z and given half-sizes in x (dx), y (dy) and z (dz).
void SetBackColorRGBA(UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b, UChar_t a=255)
Set color of the background polygon.
void SetBackColorPixel(Pixel_t pix)
Set color of the background polygon.
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