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Reference Guide
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HelpText.cxx File Reference
#include "HelpText.h"
Include dependency graph for HelpText.cxx:


const char gHelpAbout []
const char gHelpBrowser []
const char gHelpBrowserLite []
const char gHelpButtons []
const char gHelpCanvas []
const char gHelpGLViewer []
const char gHelpGraphicsEditor []
const char gHelpObjects []
const char gHelpPostscript []
const char gHelpPullDownMenus []
const char gHelpRemote []
const char gHelpTextEditor []

Variable Documentation

◆ gHelpAbout

const char gHelpAbout[]
Initial value:
= "\
ROOT is an OO framework for large scale scientific data\n\
analysis and data mining. It has been developed at CERN with the\n\
sponsorship of HP and is currently being used by a number of large\n\
high energy physics experiments. The ROOT system, written in C++,\n\
contains, among others, an efficient hierarchical OO database, a\n\
C++ interpreter, advanced statistical analysis (multi dimensional\n\
histogramming, fitting and minimization algorithms) and visualization\n\
tools. The user interacts with ROOT via a graphical user interface, the\n\
command line or batch scripts. The command and scripting language\n\
is C++ (using the interpreter) and large scripts can be compiled and\n\
dynamically linked in. Using the PROOF (Parallel ROOT Facility)\n\
extension large databases can be analysed in parallel on MPP's,\n\
SMP's or loosely coupled workstation/PC clusters. ROOT also\n\
contains a C++ to HTML documentation generation system using\n\
the interpreter's dictionaries (the reference manual on\n\
the web is generated that way) and a rich set of interprocess\n\
communication classes allowing the transfer of complete objects\n\
from one process to another.\n\

Definition at line 6 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpBrowser

const char gHelpBrowser[]

Definition at line 27 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpBrowserLite

const char gHelpBrowserLite[]
Initial value:
= "\
The ROOT general object browser (see TBrowser) can be used to browse collections\n\
such as the list of classes, geometries, files and TTrees. A browser can be \n\
started from the Start Browser item in the canvas View menu or by creating a \n\
browser object. More than one browser can be active at any time. \n\
A Browser window is divided in two parts:\n\
- a left window showing the collections that can be browsed.\n\
- a right window with the elements of a given collection.\n\
Double clicking on the icons in the right window performs a default action\n\
specific to the object. For example, clicking on a histogram icon will\n\
display the histogram. Clicking on a TTree variable will histogram and\n\
display this variable. Clicking on an icon with the right mouse button\n\
displays a context menu like for objects in a canvas.\n\
The following collections can be browsed:\n\
- The class structures\n\
- The detector geometries\n\
- The ROOT files\n\
- the ROOT mapped files (shared memory)\n\
A user-defined collection (TList,etc) can be added in the left window via:\n\

Definition at line 67 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpButtons

const char gHelpButtons[]

Definition at line 139 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpCanvas

const char gHelpCanvas[]
Initial value:
= "\
A canvas (see TCanvas) is a top level pad (See TPad).\n\
A pad is a linked list of primitives of any type (graphics objects,\n\
histograms, detectors, tracks, etc.). A Pad supports linear and log scales \n\
coordinate systems. It may contain other pads (unlimited pad hierarchy).\n\
Adding a new element into a pad is in general performed by the Draw\n\
member function of the object classes.\n\
It is important to realize that the pad is a linked list of references\n\
to the original object. The effective drawing is performed when the canvas\n\
receives a signal to be painted. This signal is generally sent when typing \n\
carriage return in the command input or when a graphical operation has been \n\
performed on one of the pads of this canvas. When a Canvas/Pad is repainted,\n\
the member function Paint for all objects in the Pad linked list is invoked.\n\
For example, in case of an histogram, the histogram.Draw() operation\n\
only stores a reference to the histogram object and not a graphical\n\
representation of this histogram. When the mouse is used to change (say the bin\n\
content), the bin content of the original histogram is changed !!\n\n\
Generation of a C++ macro reproducing the canvas\n\
Once you are happy with your picture, you can select the <Save as canvas.C>\n\
item in the canvas File menu. This will automatically generate a macro with \n\
the C++ statements corresponding to the picture. This facility also works \n\
if you have other objects not drawn with the graphics editor.\n\n\
Saving the canvas and all its objects in a Root file\n\
Select <Save as canvas.root> to save a canvas in a Root file\n\
In another session, one can access the canvas and its objects, eg:\n\
TFile f(\"canvas.root\")\n\

Definition at line 307 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpGLViewer

const char gHelpGLViewer[]
Initial value:
= "\
\tu\t--- to Move down \n\
\ti\t--- to Move up\n\
\th\t--- to Shift right\n\
\tl\t--- to Shift left\n\
\tj\t--- to Pull the object backward\n\
\tk\t--- to Push the object foreward\n\n\
\tx X\t--- to Rotate about x\n\
\ty Y\t--- to Rotate about y\n\
\tz Z\t--- to Rotate about z\n\n\
\t+\t--- to Increase speed to move\n\
\t-\t--- to Decrease speed to move\n\n\
\tn\t--- to turn \"SMOOTH\" color mode on\n\
\tm\t--- to turn \"SMOOTH\" color mode off\n\n\
\tt\t--- to toggle Light model\n\n\
\tp\t--- to toggle Perspective/Orthographic projection\n\
\tr\t--- to Hidden surface mode\n\
\tw\t--- to wireframe mode\n\
\tc\t--- to cull-face mode\n\n\
\ts\t--- to increase the scale factor (clip cube borders)\n\
\ta\t--- to decrease the scale factor (clip cube borders)\n\n\
HOLD the left mouse button and MOVE mouse to ROTATE object\n\

Definition at line 90 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpGraphicsEditor

const char gHelpGraphicsEditor[]

Definition at line 179 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpObjects

const char gHelpObjects[]
Initial value:
= "\
All objects context menus contain the following items:\n\
-DrawClass. Draw the inheritance tree for a given object. \n\
A new canvas is created showing the list of classes composing this object.\n\
For each class, the list of data members and member functions is displayed.\n\n\
-Inspect. Display the contents of a given object. A new canvas is created\n\
with a table showing for each data member, its name, current value and its \n\
comment field. If a data member is a pointer to another object, one can click\n\
on the pointer and, in turn, inspect the pointed object,etc.\n\n\
-Dump. Same as Inspect, except that the output is on stdout.\n\n\

Definition at line 339 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpPostscript

const char gHelpPostscript[]
Initial value:
= "\
To generate a Postscript (or encapsulated ps) file corresponding to\n\
a single image in a canvas, you can:\n\
-Select the Print PostScript item in the canvas File menu.\n\
By default, a Postscript file with the name of the canvas.ps is generated.\n\n\
-Click in the canvas area, near the edges, with the right mouse button\n\
and select the Print item. You can select the name of the Postscript\n\
file. If the file name is xxx.ps, you will generate a Postscript file named\n\
xxx.ps. If the file name is xxx.eps, you generate an encapsulated Postscript\n\
file instead.\n\n\
-In your program (or macro), you can type:\n\
c1->Print(\"xxx.ps\") or c1->Print(\"xxx.eps\")\n\
This will generate a file corresponding to the picture in the canvas\n\
pointed by c1.\n\n\
prints only the picture in the pad pointed by pad1. The size\n\
of the Postcript picture, by default, is computed to keep the aspect ratio\n\
of the picture on the screen, where the size along x is always 20cm. You\n\
can set the size of the PostScript picture before generating the picture\n\
with a command such as: gStyle->SetPaperSize(xsize,ysize) (size in cm).\n\n\

Definition at line 116 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpPullDownMenus

const char gHelpPullDownMenus[]

Definition at line 245 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpRemote

const char gHelpRemote[]
Initial value:
= "\
Remote session help:\n\
.R [user@]host[:dir] [-l user] [-d dbg] [[<]script] | [host] -close\n\
Create a ROOT session on the specified remote host.\n\
The variable \"dir\" is the remote directory to be used as working dir.\n\
The username can be specified in two ways, \"-l\" having the priority\n\
(as in ssh). A \"dbg\" value > 0 gives increasing verbosity.\n\
The last argument \"script\" allows to specify an alternative script to\n\
be executed remotely to startup the session, \"roots\" being\n\
the default. If the script is preceded by a \"<\" the script will be\n\
sourced, after which \"roots\" is executed. The sourced script can be \n\
used to change the PATH and other variables, allowing an alternative\n\
\"roots\" script to be found.\n\
To close down a session do \".R host -close\".\n\
To switch between sessions do \".R host\", to switch to the local\n\
session do \".R\".\n\
To list all open sessions do \"gApplication->GetApplications()->Print()\".\n\

Definition at line 447 of file HelpText.cxx.

◆ gHelpTextEditor

const char gHelpTextEditor[]

Definition at line 351 of file HelpText.cxx.