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Reference Guide
No Matches
demo.py File Reference


namespace  demo

Detailed Description

To run, do "python <path-to>/demo.py".

import os, sys
import ROOT
# To run, do "python <path-to>/demo.py"
# enable running from another directory than the one where demo.py resides
workdir = os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] )
if workdir:
os.chdir( workdir )
# This macro generates a Controlbar menu.
# To execute an item, click with the left mouse button.
# To see the HELP of a button, click on the right mouse button.
ROOT.gStyle.SetScreenFactor(1) # if you have a large screen, select 1.2 or 1.4
bar = ROOT.TControlBar( 'vertical', 'Demos', 10, 10 )
# The callbacks to python work by having CLING call the python interpreter through
# the "TPython" class. Note the use of "raw strings."
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
to_run = 'exec(open(\'{}\').read())'
to_run = 'execfile(\'{}\')'
bar.AddButton( 'Help on Demos', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('demoshelp.py') + '" );', 'Click Here For Help on Running the Demos' )
bar.AddButton( 'browser', r'TPython::Exec( "b = ROOT.TBrowser()" );', 'Start the ROOT browser' )
bar.AddButton( 'framework', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('../legacy/pyroot/framework.py') + '" );', 'An Example of Object Oriented User Interface' )
bar.AddButton( 'first', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('../legacy/pyroot/first.py') + '" );', 'An Example of Slide with Root' )
bar.AddButton( 'hsimple', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('hsimple.py') + '" );', 'Creating histograms/Ntuples on file', "button" )
bar.AddButton( 'hsum', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('hsum.py') + '" );', 'Filling Histograms and Some Graphics Options' )
bar.AddButton( 'formula1', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('formula1.py') + '" );', 'Simple Formula and Functions' )
bar.AddButton( 'surfaces', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('surfaces.py') + '" );', 'Surface Drawing Options' )
bar.AddButton( 'fillrandom', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('fillrandom.py') + '" );','Histograms with Random Numbers from a Function' )
bar.AddButton( 'fit1', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('fit1.py') + '" );', 'A Simple Fitting Example' )
bar.AddButton( 'multifit', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('multifit.py') + '" );', 'Fitting in Subranges of Histograms' )
bar.AddButton( 'h1draw', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('h1draw.py') + '" );', 'Drawing Options for 1D Histograms' )
bar.AddButton( 'graph', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('graph.py') + '" );', 'Example of a Simple Graph' )
bar.AddButton( 'gerrors', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('gerrors.py') + '" );', 'Example of a Graph with Error Bars' )
bar.AddButton( 'tornado', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('tornado.py') + '" );', 'Examples of 3-D PolyMarkers' )
bar.AddButton( 'shapes', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('shapes.py') + '" );', 'The Geometry Shapes' )
bar.AddButton( 'geometry', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('geometry.py') + '" );', 'Creation of the NA49 Geometry File' )
bar.AddButton( 'na49view', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('na49view.py') + '" );', 'Two Views of the NA49 Detector Geometry' )
bar.AddButton( 'file', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('../legacy/pyroot/file.py') + '" );', 'The ROOT File Format' )
bar.AddButton( 'fildir', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('../legacy/pyroot/fildir.py') + '" );', 'The ROOT File, Directories and Keys' )
bar.AddButton( 'tree', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('../legacy/pyroot/tree.py') + '" );', 'The Tree Data Structure' )
bar.AddButton( 'ntuple1', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('ntuple1.py') + '" );', 'Ntuples and Selections' )
bar.AddButton( 'rootmarks', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('../legacy/pyroot/rootmarks.py') +'" );', 'Prints an Estimated ROOTMARKS for Your Machine' )
bar.AddSeparator() # not implemented
bar.AddButton( 'make ntuple', r'TPython::Exec( "' + to_run.format('mrt.py') + '" );', 'Convert a text file to an ntuple' )
## wait for input to keep the GUI (which lives on a ROOT event dispatcher) alive
if __name__ == '__main__':
rep = ''
while not rep in [ 'q', 'Q' ]:
# Check if we are in Python 2 or 3
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
rep = input( 'enter "q" to quit: ' )
rep = raw_input( 'enter "q" to quit: ' )
if 1 < len(rep):
rep = rep[0]
Wim Lavrijsen, Enric Tejedor

Definition in file demo.py.