63 fLevel( Sampler::gDefaultPrintLevel),
93 if (
this == &opt)
return *
121 os << std::setw(25) <<
"DistSampler Type" <<
" : " << std::setw(15) <<
fSamplerType << std::endl;
122 os << std::setw(25) <<
"DistSampler Algorithm" <<
" : " << std::setw(15) <<
fAlgoType << std::endl;
123 os << std::setw(25) <<
"Print Level" <<
" : " << std::setw(15) <<
fLevel << std::endl;
126 os <<
fSamplerType <<
" specific options :" << std::endl;
143 os <<
"Default DistSampler options " << std::endl;
150 os <<
"Specific default options for " <<
name << std::endl;
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t Atom_t Atom_t Time_t type
DistSampler options class.
DistSamplerOptions & operator=(const DistSamplerOptions &opt)
assignment operators
static void SetDefaultSampler(const char *type)
void SetExtraOptions(const IOptions &opt)
set extra options (in this case pointer is cloned)
static int DefaultPrintLevel()
std::string fSamplerType
DistSampler type (Unuran, Foam, etc...)xs.
static void SetDefaultPrintLevel(int level)
int fLevel
debug print level
static void PrintDefault(const char *name, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
print all the default options for the name given
ROOT::Math::IOptions * fExtraOptions
extra options
static const std::string & DefaultSampler()
std::string fAlgoType
DistSampler algorithmic specification (for Unuran only)
static void SetDefaultAlgorithmND(const char *algo)
DistSamplerOptions(int dim=0)
IOptions * ExtraOptions() const
return extra options (NULL pointer if they are not present)
static const std::string & DefaultAlgorithmND()
static const std::string & DefaultAlgorithm1D()
static void SetDefaultAlgorithm1D(const char *algo)
static ROOT::Math::IOptions & Default(const char *name)
retrieve extra options - if not existing create a IOptions
static ROOT::Math::IOptions * FindDefault(const char *name)
void CreateExtraOptions()
void Print(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
print all the options
class implementing generic options for a numerical algorithm Just store the options in a map of strin...
static IOptions & Default(const char *algoname)
static IOptions * FindDefault(const char *algoname)
Generic interface for defining configuration options of a numerical algorithm.
virtual void Print(std::ostream &=std::cout) const
print options
virtual IOptions * Clone() const =0
Namespace for new Math classes and functions.
static std::string gDefaultAlgorithm1D
static std::string gDefaultAlgorithmND
static std::string gDefaultSampler
static int gDefaultPrintLevel
This file contains a specialised ROOT message handler to test for diagnostic in unit tests.