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Reference Guide
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ReadSpeedCLI.cxx File Reference
#include "ReadSpeedCLI.hxx"
#include <ROOT/TTreeProcessorMT.hxx>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
Include dependency graph for ReadSpeedCLI.cxx:


const auto argUsageText
const auto fullUsageText
const auto usageText

Variable Documentation

◆ argUsageText

const auto argUsageText

Definition at line 33 of file ReadSpeedCLI.cxx.

◆ fullUsageText

const auto fullUsageText

Definition at line 67 of file ReadSpeedCLI.cxx.

◆ usageText

const auto usageText
Initial value:
= "Usage:\n"
" rootreadspeed --files fname1 [fname2 ...]\n"
" --trees tname1 [tname2 ...]\n"
" (--all-branches | --branches bname1 [bname2 ...] | --branches-regex bregex1 "
"[bregex2 ...])\n"
" [--threads nthreads]\n"
" [--tasks-per-worker ntasks]\n"
" rootreadspeed (--help|-h)\n"
" \n"
" Use -h for usage help, --help for detailed information.\n"

Definition at line 22 of file ReadSpeedCLI.cxx.