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1// @(#)root/fitpanel:$Id$
2// Author: Ilka Antcheva, Lorenzo Moneta, David Gonzalez Maline 10/08/2006
5 * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6 * All rights reserved. *
7 * *
8 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10 *************************************************************************/
12#ifndef ROOT_TFitEditor
13#define ROOT_TFitEditor
16#include "TGFrame.h"
17#include "TGButton.h"
19#include "Foption.h"
21#include "Fit/DataRange.h"
23#include <vector>
24#include <map>
26//--- Object types
37class TGTab;
38class TVirtualPad;
39class TCanvas;
40class TGLabel;
41class TGComboBox;
42class TGTextEntry;
43class TGNumberEntry;
44class TGDoubleHSlider;
45class TGNumberEntry;
47class TGStatusBar;
48class TAxis;
49class TF1;
50class TF1NormSum;
51class TF1Convolution;
54class TFitEditor : public TGMainFrame {
57 TGTab *fTab; ///< tab widget holding the editor
58 TGCompositeFrame *fTabContainer; ///< main tab container
59 TGCompositeFrame *fGeneral; ///< general tab
60 TGCompositeFrame *fMinimization; ///< minimization tab
61 TGTextButton *fUpdateButton; ///< updates data from gROOT and gDirectory
62 TGTextButton *fFitButton; ///< performs fitting
63 TGTextButton *fResetButton; ///< resets fit parameters
64 TGTextButton *fCloseButton; ///< close the fit panel
65 TGLabel *fSelLabel; ///< contains selected fit function
66 TGComboBox *fDataSet; ///< contains list of data set to be fitted
67 TGComboBox *fTypeFit; ///< contains the types of functions to be selected
68 TGComboBox *fFuncList; ///< contains function list
69 TGTextEntry *fEnteredFunc; ///< contains user function file name
70 TGTextButton *fUserButton; ///< opens a dialog for user-defined fit method
71 TGRadioButton *fNone; ///< set no operation mode
72 TGRadioButton *fAdd; ///< set addition mode
73 TGRadioButton *fNormAdd; ///< set normalized addition mode
74 TGRadioButton *fConv; ///< set convolution mode
75 TGLayoutHints *fLayoutNone; ///< layout hints of fNone radio button
76 TGLayoutHints *fLayoutAdd; ///< layout hints of fAdd radio button
77 TGLayoutHints *fLayoutNormAdd; ///< layout hints of fNOrmAdd radio button
78 TGLayoutHints *fLayoutConv; ///< layout hints of fConv radio button
79 TGTextButton *fSetParam; ///< open set parameters dialog
80 TGCheckButton *fIntegral; ///< switch on/off option 'integral'
81 TGCheckButton *fBestErrors; ///< switch on/off option 'improve errors'
82 TGCheckButton *fUseRange; ///< switch on/off option 'use function range'
83 TGCheckButton *fAdd2FuncList; ///< switch on/off option 'add to list'
84 TGCheckButton *fUseGradient ; ///< switch on/off option 'use gradient'
85 TGCheckButton *fAllWeights1; ///< switch on/off option 'all weights=1'
86 TGCheckButton *fImproveResults; ///< switch on/off option 'improve fit results'
87 TGCheckButton *fEmptyBinsWghts1; ///< switch on/off option 'include empry bins'
88 TGComboBox *fMethodList; ///< contains method list
89 TGCheckButton *fLinearFit; ///< switch on/off linear fit option
90 TGCheckButton *fNoChi2; ///< switch on/off option 'No Chi-square'
91 TGCheckButton *fNoStoreDrawing; ///< switch on/off 'no store/drwing' option
92 TGCheckButton *fNoDrawing; ///< switch on/off 'no drawing' option
93 TGCheckButton *fDrawSame; ///< switch on/off fit function drawing
94 TGTextButton *fDrawAdvanced; ///< opens a dialog for advanced draw options
95 TGDoubleHSlider *fSliderX; ///< slider to set fit range along x-axis
96 TGNumberEntry *fSliderXMax; ///< entry to set the maximum in the range
97 TGNumberEntry *fSliderXMin; ///< entry to set the minumum in the range
98 TGDoubleHSlider *fSliderY; ///< slider to set fit range along y-axis
99 TGNumberEntry *fSliderYMax; ///< entry to set the maximum in the range
100 TGNumberEntry *fSliderYMin; ///< entry to set the minumum in the range
101 TGDoubleHSlider *fSliderZ; ///< slider to set fit range along z-axis
102 TGHorizontalFrame *fSliderXParent; ///< parent of fSliderX
103 TGHorizontalFrame *fSliderYParent; ///< parent of fSliderY
104 TGHorizontalFrame *fSliderZParent; ///< parent of fSliderZ
105 TGCheckButton *fEnableRobust; ///< switch on/off robust option
106 TGNumberEntry *fRobustValue; ///< contains robust value for linear fit
107 TGRadioButton *fOptDefault; ///< set default printing mode
108 TGRadioButton *fOptVerbose; ///< set printing mode to 'Verbose'
109 TGRadioButton *fOptQuiet; ///< set printing mode to 'Quiet'
110 TVirtualPad *fParentPad; ///< pad containing the object
111 TObject *fFitObject; ///< selected object to fit
112 EObjectType fType; ///< object type info
113 Int_t fDim; ///< object dimension
114 TAxis *fXaxis; ///< x-axis
115 TAxis *fYaxis; ///< y-axis
116 TAxis *fZaxis; ///< z-axis
117 TF1NormSum *fSumFunc; ///<! TF1NormSum object
118 TF1Convolution *fConvFunc; ///<! TF1Convolution object
120 // structure holding parameter value and limits
123 fP[0] = 0; fP[1] = 0; fP[2] = 0;
124 }
125 Double_t & operator[](UInt_t i) { return fP[i];}
127 };
128 std::vector<FuncParamData_t> fFuncPars; // function parameters (value + limits)
130 std::multimap<TObject*, TF1*> fPrevFit; // Previous successful fits.
131 std::vector<TF1*> fSystemFuncs; // functions managed by the fitpanel
133 TGRadioButton *fLibMinuit; // set default minimization library (Minuit)
134 TGRadioButton *fLibMinuit2; // set Minuit2 as minimization library
135 TGRadioButton *fLibFumili; // set Fumili as minimization library
136 TGRadioButton *fLibGSL; // set GSL as minimization library
137 TGRadioButton *fLibGenetics; // set Genetic/GALib as minimization library
138 TGComboBox *fMinMethodList; // set the minimization method
139 TGNumberEntryField *fErrorScale; // contains error scale set for minimization
140 TGNumberEntryField *fTolerance; // contains tolerance set for minimization
141 TGNumberEntryField *fIterations; // contains maximum number of iterations
143 TGStatusBar *fStatusBar; // statusbar widget
145 Bool_t fChangedParams; // flag to indicate if the parameters have been set in the ParameterDialog GUI
147 static TFitEditor *fgFitDialog; // singleton fit panel
151 void ProcessTreeInput(TObject* objSelected, Int_t selected,
152 TString variables, TString cuts);
153 TF1* FindFunction();
154 void FillDataSetList();
159 void DrawSelection(bool restore = false);
160 Int_t CheckFunctionString(const char* str);
161 void CreateFunctionGroup();
162 void CreateGeneralTab();
164 void MakeTitle(TGCompositeFrame *parent, const char *title);
166 void SetEditable(Bool_t);
169 TFitEditor(const TFitEditor&); // not implemented
170 TFitEditor& operator=(const TFitEditor&); // not implemented
175 TFitEditor(TVirtualPad* pad, TObject *obj);
176 virtual ~TFitEditor();
178 TList* GetListOfFittingFunctions(TObject *obj = nullptr);
180 static TFitEditor *GetInstance(TVirtualPad* pad = nullptr, TObject *obj = nullptr);
181 virtual Option_t *GetDrawOption() const;
182 virtual void Hide();
183 virtual void Show(TVirtualPad* pad, TObject *obj);
185 void ShowObjectName(TObject* obj);
187 virtual void Terminate();
188 void UpdateGUI();
190 virtual void CloseWindow();
191 virtual void ConnectSlots();
192 virtual void DisconnectSlots();
193 virtual void RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj);
196 virtual void SetCanvas(TCanvas *c);
199 virtual void SetFitObject(TVirtualPad *pad, TObject *obj, Int_t event);
200 virtual void SetFunction(const char *function);
202 // slot methods 'General' tab
203 void FillFunctionList(Int_t selected = -1);
204 void FillMinMethodList(Int_t selected = -1);
205 virtual void DoAddition(Bool_t on);
206 virtual void DoNormAddition(Bool_t on);
207 virtual void DoConvolution(Bool_t on);
208 virtual void DoAdvancedOptions();
209 virtual void DoAllWeights1();
210 virtual void DoClose();
211 virtual void DoEmptyBinsAllWeights1();
212 virtual void DoEnteredFunction();
213 virtual void DoUpdate();
214 virtual void DoFit();
215 virtual void DoMaxIterations();
216 virtual void DoDataSet(Int_t sel);
217 virtual void DoFunction(Int_t sel);
218 virtual void DoLinearFit();
219 virtual void DoNoChi2();
220 virtual void DoNoSelection();
221 virtual void DoNoStoreDrawing();
222 virtual void DoReset();
223 virtual void DoRobustFit();
224 virtual void DoSetParameters();
225 virtual void DoSliderXMoved();
226 virtual void DoNumericSliderXChanged();
227 virtual void DoSliderYMoved();
228 virtual void DoNumericSliderYChanged();
229 virtual void DoSliderZMoved();
230 virtual void DoUserDialog();
231 virtual void DoUseFuncRange();
233 // slot methods 'Minimization' tab
234 virtual void DoLibrary(Bool_t on);
235 virtual void DoMinMethod(Int_t );
236 virtual void DoPrintOpt(Bool_t on);
239 typedef std::vector<FuncParamData_t > FuncParams_t;
242 ClassDef(TFitEditor,0) //Fit Panel interface
#define c(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:101
const char Option_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:66
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Definition Rtypes.h:337
Definition TFitEditor.h:27
@ kObjectMultiGraph
Definition TFitEditor.h:33
@ kObjectGraph
Definition TFitEditor.h:29
@ kObjectHStack
Definition TFitEditor.h:31
@ kObjectHisto
Definition TFitEditor.h:28
@ kObjectGraph2D
Definition TFitEditor.h:30
@ kObjectTree
Definition TFitEditor.h:32
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t sel
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void on
class describing the range in the coordinates it supports multiple range in a coordinate.
Definition DataRange.h:35
Class to manage histogram axis.
Definition TAxis.h:30
The Canvas class.
Definition TCanvas.h:23
Class wrapping convolution of two functions.
Class adding two functions: c1*f1+c2*f2.
Definition TF1NormSum.h:19
1-Dim function class
Definition TF1.h:213
Allows to perform, explore and compare various fits.
Definition TFitEditor.h:54
TList * GetListOfFittingFunctions(TObject *obj=nullptr)
TGCheckButton * fBestErrors
switch on/off option 'improve errors'
Definition TFitEditor.h:81
TF1 * FindFunction()
This method looks among the functions stored by the fitpanel, the one that is currently selected in t...
TGDoubleHSlider * fSliderX
slider to set fit range along x-axis
Definition TFitEditor.h:95
static TFitEditor * GetInstance(TVirtualPad *pad=nullptr, TObject *obj=nullptr)
Static method - opens the fit panel.
TFitEditor(const TFitEditor &)
TGComboBox * fMinMethodList
Definition TFitEditor.h:138
TGTextButton * fSetParam
open set parameters dialog
Definition TFitEditor.h:79
void CreateGeneralTab()
Create 'General' tab.
virtual void DoUpdate()
Easy here!
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutNormAdd
layout hints of fNOrmAdd radio button
Definition TFitEditor.h:77
TGNumberEntry * fSliderXMax
entry to set the maximum in the range
Definition TFitEditor.h:96
virtual void DoConvolution(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to addition of predefined functions.
TGNumberEntry * fSliderXMin
entry to set the minumum in the range
Definition TFitEditor.h:97
virtual void SetFitObject(TVirtualPad *pad, TObject *obj, Int_t event)
Slot called when the user clicks on an object inside a canvas.
virtual void DoEnteredFunction()
Slot connected to entered function in text entry.
virtual void DoNormAddition(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to addition of predefined functions.
virtual void DoPrintOpt(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to print option settings.
std::vector< TF1 * > fSystemFuncs
Definition TFitEditor.h:131
TGCheckButton * fDrawSame
switch on/off fit function drawing
Definition TFitEditor.h:93
TGRadioButton * fLibMinuit
Definition TFitEditor.h:133
TGRadioButton * fConv
set convolution mode
Definition TFitEditor.h:74
TVirtualPad * fParentPad
pad containing the object
Definition TFitEditor.h:110
TGRadioButton * fOptDefault
set default printing mode
Definition TFitEditor.h:107
TGCheckButton * fLinearFit
switch on/off linear fit option
Definition TFitEditor.h:89
TGRadioButton * fLibMinuit2
Definition TFitEditor.h:134
virtual void DoMinMethod(Int_t)
Set selected minimization method in use.
TF1 * HasFitFunction()
Look in the list of function for TF1.
void UpdateGUI()
Set the fit panel GUI according to the selected object.
TGCheckButton * fUseRange
switch on/off option 'use function range'
Definition TFitEditor.h:82
virtual void DoSliderXMoved()
Slot connected to range settings on x-axis.
TAxis * fYaxis
Definition TFitEditor.h:115
TGTextButton * fDrawAdvanced
opens a dialog for advanced draw options
Definition TFitEditor.h:94
TGComboBox * fTypeFit
contains the types of functions to be selected
Definition TFitEditor.h:67
virtual void DoReset()
Reset all fit parameters.
TGNumberEntryField * fTolerance
Definition TFitEditor.h:140
TGCheckButton * fNoDrawing
switch on/off 'no drawing' option
Definition TFitEditor.h:92
TF1 * GetFitFunction()
void SetEditable(Bool_t)
TGHorizontalFrame * fSliderZParent
parent of fSliderZ
Definition TFitEditor.h:104
virtual void DoSetParameters()
Open set parameters dialog.
TGCompositeFrame * fMinimization
minimization tab
Definition TFitEditor.h:60
TGTab * fTab
tab widget holding the editor
Definition TFitEditor.h:57
virtual void DoLinearFit()
Slot connected to linear fit settings.
void FillFunctionList(Int_t selected=-1)
Fills the list of functions depending on the type of fit selected.
virtual void Show(TVirtualPad *pad, TObject *obj)
Show the fit panel (possible only via context menu).
virtual void DoNumericSliderYChanged()
syncronize the numeric slider with the graphical one.
virtual void DoClose()
Close the fit panel.
TF1NormSum * fSumFunc
! TF1NormSum object
Definition TFitEditor.h:117
TGComboBox * fMethodList
contains method list
Definition TFitEditor.h:88
TGDoubleHSlider * fSliderY
slider to set fit range along y-axis
Definition TFitEditor.h:98
void ShowObjectName(TObject *obj)
Show object name on the top.
friend class FitEditorUnitTesting
Definition TFitEditor.h:241
static TFitEditor * fgFitDialog
Definition TFitEditor.h:147
virtual void RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj)
When obj is deleted, clear fFitObject if fFitObject = obj.
TList * GetFitObjectListOfFunctions()
virtual void DoAdvancedOptions()
Slot connected to advanced option button (opens a dialog).
TGRadioButton * fLibFumili
Definition TFitEditor.h:135
virtual void DoDataSet(Int_t sel)
Selects the data set to be fitted.
TGRadioButton * fAdd
set addition mode
Definition TFitEditor.h:72
TGComboBox * BuildMethodList(TGFrame *parent, Int_t id)
Create method list in a combo box.
void CreateMinimizationTab()
Create 'Minimization' tab.
TGRadioButton * fLibGenetics
Definition TFitEditor.h:137
TGCheckButton * fImproveResults
switch on/off option 'improve fit results'
Definition TFitEditor.h:86
TGComboBox * fFuncList
contains function list
Definition TFitEditor.h:68
TF1Convolution * fConvFunc
! TF1Convolution object
Definition TFitEditor.h:118
TGCheckButton * fUseGradient
switch on/off option 'use gradient'
Definition TFitEditor.h:84
TGRadioButton * fNormAdd
set normalized addition mode
Definition TFitEditor.h:73
virtual Option_t * GetDrawOption() const
Get draw options of the selected object.
virtual void SetCanvas(TCanvas *c)
Connect to another canvas.
EObjectType fType
object type info
Definition TFitEditor.h:112
TGNumberEntryField * fIterations
Definition TFitEditor.h:141
TGCompositeFrame * fTabContainer
main tab container
Definition TFitEditor.h:58
virtual void DoFunction(Int_t sel)
Slot connected to predefined fit function settings.
virtual void DoUseFuncRange()
virtual ~TFitEditor()
Fit editor destructor.
TGComboBox * fDataSet
contains list of data set to be fitted
Definition TFitEditor.h:66
virtual void ConnectSlots()
Connect GUI signals to fit panel slots.
virtual void DoFit()
Perform a fit with current parameters' settings.
TAxis * fZaxis
Definition TFitEditor.h:116
TGRadioButton * fOptVerbose
set printing mode to 'Verbose'
Definition TFitEditor.h:108
virtual void SetFunction(const char *function)
Set the function to be used in performed fit.
virtual void Terminate()
Called to delete the fit panel.
TGTextButton * fUserButton
opens a dialog for user-defined fit method
Definition TFitEditor.h:70
TGDoubleHSlider * fSliderZ
slider to set fit range along z-axis
Definition TFitEditor.h:101
TGTextButton * fFitButton
performs fitting
Definition TFitEditor.h:62
virtual void DoMaxIterations()
Set the maximum number of iterations.
virtual void DoLibrary(Bool_t on)
Set selected minimization library in use.
void FillDataSetList()
Create a combo box with all the possible objects to be fitted.
virtual void DoEmptyBinsAllWeights1()
Slot connected to 'include emtry bins and forse all weights to 1' setting.
virtual void DoSliderYMoved()
Slot connected to range settings on y-axis.
void RetrieveOptions(Foption_t &, TString &, ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions &, Int_t)
Retrieve the fitting options from all the widgets.
std::vector< FuncParamData_t > fFuncPars
Definition TFitEditor.h:128
TGHorizontalFrame * fSliderYParent
parent of fSliderY
Definition TFitEditor.h:103
TGCheckButton * fNoChi2
switch on/off option 'No Chi-square'
Definition TFitEditor.h:90
virtual void DoNoStoreDrawing()
Slot connected to 'no storing, no drawing' settings.
void MakeTitle(TGCompositeFrame *parent, const char *title)
Create section title in the GUI.
virtual void DoNoSelection()
Slot called when users close a TCanvas or when the user select no object.
TGTextButton * fUpdateButton
updates data from gROOT and gDirectory
Definition TFitEditor.h:61
TGTextEntry * fEnteredFunc
contains user function file name
Definition TFitEditor.h:69
TGCheckButton * fIntegral
switch on/off option 'integral'
Definition TFitEditor.h:80
virtual void DoAllWeights1()
Slot connected to 'set all weights to 1' setting.
Bool_t SetObjectType(TObject *obj)
Check whether the object suitable for fitting and set its type, dimension and method combo box accord...
virtual void Hide()
Hide the fit panel and set it to non-active state.
TFitEditor & operator=(const TFitEditor &)
TGNumberEntryField * fErrorScale
Definition TFitEditor.h:139
TAxis * fXaxis
Definition TFitEditor.h:114
std::vector< FuncParamData_t > FuncParams_t
Definition TFitEditor.h:239
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutAdd
layout hints of fAdd radio button
Definition TFitEditor.h:76
TGHorizontalFrame * fSliderXParent
parent of fSliderX
Definition TFitEditor.h:102
void ProcessTreeInput(TObject *objSelected, Int_t selected, TString variables, TString cuts)
TGCheckButton * fEnableRobust
switch on/off robust option
Definition TFitEditor.h:105
void DrawSelection(bool restore=false)
Draws the square around the object showing where the limits for fitting are.
TGCheckButton * fEmptyBinsWghts1
switch on/off option 'include empry bins'
Definition TFitEditor.h:87
virtual void DoSliderZMoved()
Slot connected to range settings on z-axis.
Int_t fDim
object dimension
Definition TFitEditor.h:113
TGNumberEntry * fSliderYMin
entry to set the minumum in the range
Definition TFitEditor.h:100
void GetRanges(ROOT::Fit::DataRange &)
std::multimap< TObject *, TF1 * > fPrevFit
Definition TFitEditor.h:130
TGNumberEntry * fRobustValue
contains robust value for linear fit
Definition TFitEditor.h:106
TGNumberEntry * fSliderYMax
entry to set the maximum in the range
Definition TFitEditor.h:99
virtual void DoNoChi2()
Slot connected to 'no chi2' option settings.
TGCheckButton * fAdd2FuncList
switch on/off option 'add to list'
Definition TFitEditor.h:83
TGCompositeFrame * fGeneral
general tab
Definition TFitEditor.h:59
virtual void DisconnectSlots()
Disconnect GUI signals from fit panel slots.
void GetFunctionsFromSystem()
TGRadioButton * fOptQuiet
set printing mode to 'Quiet'
Definition TFitEditor.h:109
void FillMinMethodList(Int_t selected=-1)
Fills the list of methods depending on the minimization library selected.
TGCheckButton * fNoStoreDrawing
switch on/off 'no store/drwing' option
Definition TFitEditor.h:91
TGCheckButton * fAllWeights1
switch on/off option 'all weights=1'
Definition TFitEditor.h:85
TGRadioButton * fNone
set no operation mode
Definition TFitEditor.h:71
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutConv
layout hints of fConv radio button
Definition TFitEditor.h:78
TGTextButton * fResetButton
resets fit parameters
Definition TFitEditor.h:63
void CreateFunctionGroup()
Creates the Frame that contains oll the information about the function.
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutNone
layout hints of fNone radio button
Definition TFitEditor.h:75
TGLabel * fSelLabel
contains selected fit function
Definition TFitEditor.h:65
TGRadioButton * fLibGSL
Definition TFitEditor.h:136
Int_t CheckFunctionString(const char *str)
Check entered function string.
TObject * fFitObject
selected object to fit
Definition TFitEditor.h:111
virtual void DoRobustFit()
Slot connected to 'robust fitting' option settings.
virtual void CloseWindow()
Close fit panel window.
TGTextButton * fCloseButton
close the fit panel
Definition TFitEditor.h:64
virtual void DoAddition(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to addition of predefined functions.
Bool_t fChangedParams
Definition TFitEditor.h:145
TGStatusBar * fStatusBar
Definition TFitEditor.h:143
virtual void DoUserDialog()
Open a dialog for getting a user defined method.
virtual void DoNumericSliderXChanged()
Sincronize the numeric sliders with the graphical one.
Selects different options.
Definition TGButton.h:264
A combobox (also known as a drop down listbox) allows the selection of one item out of a list of item...
Definition TGComboBox.h:47
The base class for composite widgets (menu bars, list boxes, etc.).
Definition TGFrame.h:287
Dragging the slider will generate the event:
A subclasses of TGWindow, and is used as base class for some simple widgets (buttons,...
Definition TGFrame.h:80
A composite frame that layout their children in horizontal way.
Definition TGFrame.h:385
This class handles GUI labels.
Definition TGLabel.h:24
This class describes layout hints used by the layout classes.
Definition TGLayout.h:50
Defines top level windows that interact with the system Window Manager.
Definition TGFrame.h:397
TGNumberEntry is a number entry input widget with up/down buttons.
Selects different options.
Definition TGButton.h:321
Provides a StatusBar widget.
Definition TGStatusBar.h:21
A tab widget contains a set of composite frames each with a little tab with a name (like a set of fol...
Definition TGTab.h:46
Yield an action as soon as it is clicked.
Definition TGButton.h:142
A TGTextEntry is a one line text input widget.
Definition TGTextEntry.h:24
A doubly linked list.
Definition TList.h:38
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition TObject.h:41
Basic string class.
Definition TString.h:139
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.
Definition TVirtualPad.h:51
Double_t & operator[](UInt_t i)
Definition TFitEditor.h:125