13#ifndef ROOT_RFitPanelModel
14#define ROOT_RFitPanelModel
29namespace Experimental {
81 RItemInfo(
const std::string &_name) :
name(_name) {
id =
id.append(_name); }
82 RItemInfo(
const std::string &_group,
const std::string &_id,
const std::string &_name) :
name(_name) {}
class describing the range in the coordinates it supports multiple range in a coordinate.
Extends the ROOT::Fit::Result class with a TNamed inheritance providing easy possibility for I/O.
TH1 is the base class of all histogram classes in ROOT.
RLogChannel & FitPanelLog()
Log channel for FitPanel diagnostics.
This file contains a specialised ROOT message handler to test for diagnostic in unit tests.
Generic item for ui5 ComboBox.
RComboBoxItem(const std::string &_key, const std::string &_value)
Function parameter info, used in edit parameters dialog.
RFuncPar(int _ipar, const std::string &_name)
Class used to transfer functions parameters list from/to client.
void Clear()
Clear list of patameters.
std::vector< RFuncPar > pars
std::string name
display name
void GetParameters(TF1 *f1)
Extract TF1 parameters, used in editor on client sides.
std::string id
function id in the FitPanel
void SetParameters(TF1 *f1)
Set parameters to TF1.
Basic function info, used in combo boxes.
RItemInfo(const std::string &_name)
RItemInfo(const std::string &_group, const std::string &_id, const std::string &_name)
RMethodInfo(int _id, const std::string &_text)
Entry in minimizer algorithm combo.
RMinimezerAlgorithm(int _lib, int _id, const std::string &_text)
Data structure for the fit panel.
std::string fContourPar1Id
std::vector< RItemInfo > fFuncList
all available fit functions
EFitObjectType fDataType
selected object type, provided by server
RFuncParsList fFuncPars
int fLibrary
selected minimization library
TString GetDrawOption()
Retrun draw option - dummy now.
ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions GetMinimizerOptions()
Provide initialized ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions instance.
void Initialize()
Initialize model - set some meaningful default values.
std::vector< RComboBoxItem > fAdvancedPars
std::string fContourPar2Id
std::string fSelectedData
selected data
bool HasFunction(const std::string &id)
Check if function id is exists.
bool SelectHistogram(const std::string &hname, TH1 *hist)
bool IsDataSelected() const
bool fHasAdvanced
Advanced Options.
std::vector< RItemInfo > fDataSet
list of available data sources
std::string fSelectedFunc
id of selected fit function like dflt::gaus
void UpdateAdvanced(TFitResult *res)
Update advanced parameters associated with fit function.
void SelectedFunc(const std::string &name, TF1 *func)
Select function.
std::string fSelectedTab
key of selected tab, useful for drawing
void UpdateRange(TH1 *hist)
Update range values.
int fFitMethod
selected fit method
void SetObjectKind(EFitObjectType kind)
Update setting dependent from object type.
Foption_t GetFitOptions()
Provide initialized Foption_t instance.
std::string fContourColor
std::vector< RMinimezerAlgorithm > fMethodMinAll
all items for all methods
std::string fConfidenceColor
Confidence sub-tab.
bool fInitialized
! indicates if data were initialized
std::string fTitle
title of the fit panel
int fDim
number of dimensions in selected data object
std::vector< RMethodInfo > fFitMethods
all supported for selected data
bool fHasGenetics
is genetics available
int fContourPoints
Contour sub-tab.
ROOT::Fit::DataRange GetRanges()