39 Measurement(
const char* Name,
const char* Title=
47 void SetPOI(
const std::string& POI ) { fPOI.insert( fPOI.begin(), POI ); }
49 void AddPOI(
const std::string& POI ) { fPOI.push_back(POI); }
51 std::string
unsigned int i=0) {
return fPOI.at(i); }
75 void SetFunctionObjects( std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction > objects ) { fFunctionObjects = objects; }
77 std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction >&
GetFunctionObjects() {
return fFunctionObjects; }
78 const std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction >&
const {
return fFunctionObjects; }
82 std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::Asimov >&
GetAsimovDatasets() {
return fAsimovDatasets; }
87 void SetLumi(
double Lumi ) { fLumi = Lumi; }
105 R__DEPRECATED(6,36,
"ExportOnly() == true is the default since ROOT 6.34 and it can't be disabled anymore in 6.36.")
107 { fExportOnly = ExportOnly; }
112 R__DEPRECATED(6,36,
"ExportOnly() == true is the default since ROOT 6.34 and it can't be disabled anymore in 6.36.")
114 {
return fExportOnly; }
116 void PrintTree( std::ostream& = std::cout );
117 void PrintXML( std::string Directory=
"", std::string NewOutputPrefix=
"" );
119 std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::Channel >& GetChannels() {
return fChannels; }
120 const std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::Channel >& GetChannels()
const {
return fChannels; }
125 bool HasChannel( std::string );
126 void writeToFile(
TFile* file );
128 void CollectHistograms();
131 void AddGammaSyst(std::string syst,
double uncert);
132 void AddLogNormSyst(std::string syst,
double uncert);
133 void AddUniformSyst(std::string syst);
134 void AddNoSyst(std::string syst);
136 std::map< std::string, double >& GetGammaSyst() {
return fGammaSyst; }
137 std::map< std::string, double >& GetUniformSyst() {
return fUniformSyst; }
138 std::map< std::string, double >& GetLogNormSyst() {
return fLogNormSyst; }
139 std::map< std::string, double >& GetNoSyst() {
return fNoSyst; }
141 std::map< std::string, double >
const& GetGammaSyst()
const {
return fGammaSyst; }
142 std::map< std::string, double >
const& GetUniformSyst()
const {
return fUniformSyst; }
143 std::map< std::string, double >
const& GetLogNormSyst()
const {
return fLogNormSyst; }
144 std::map< std::string, double >
const& GetNoSyst()
const {
return fNoSyst; }
146 std::string GetInterpolationScheme() {
return fInterpolationScheme; }
151 std::string fOutputFilePrefix;
152 std::vector<std::string> fPOI;
157 bool fExportOnly =
158 std::string fInterpolationScheme;
161 std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::Channel > fChannels;
164 std::vector< std::string > fConstantParams;
167 std::map< std::string, double > fParamValues;
170 std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction > fFunctionObjects;
173 std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::Asimov > fAsimovDatasets;
176 std::map< std::string, double > fGammaSyst;
177 std::map< std::string, double > fUniformSyst;
178 std::map< std::string, double > fLogNormSyst;
179 std::map< std::string, double > fNoSyst;
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void value
TODO Here, we are missing some documentation.
This class encapsulates all information for the statistical interpretation of one experiment.
The RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement class can be used to construct a model by combining multiple R...
void ClearParamValues()
clear map of parameter values
std::map< std::string, double > & GetParamValues()
get map: parameter name <--> parameter value
const std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction > & GetFunctionObjects() const
void AddPOI(const std::string &POI)
append parameter to vector of PoIs
std::vector< std::string > & GetPOIList()
get vector of PoI names
void SetLumi(double Lumi)
set integrated luminosity used to normalise histograms (if NormalizeByTheory is true for this sample)
void SetParamValue(const std::string ¶m, double value)
Set a parameter to a specific value (And optionally fix it)
double GetLumiRelErr()
retrieve relative uncertainty on luminosity
void SetExportOnly(bool ExportOnly) R__DEPRECATED(6
Do not produce any plots or tables, just save the model.
std::vector< std::string > & GetConstantParams()
get vector of all constant parameters
void SetOutputFilePrefix(const std::string &prefix)
set output prefix
void SetBinLow(int BinLow)
std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::Asimov > & GetAsimovDatasets()
get vector of defined Asimov Datasets
void SetBinHigh(int BinHigh)
Standard constructor.
void SetPOI(const std::string &POI)
insert PoI at beginning of vector of PoIs
std::string GetOutputFilePrefix()
retrieve prefix for output files
void AddConstantParam(const std::string ¶m)
Add a parameter to be set as constant (Similar to ParamSetting method below)
void AddFunctionObject(const RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction function)
add a preprocess function object
void ClearConstantParams()
empty vector of constant parameters
std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction > & GetFunctionObjects()
get vector of defined function objects
void SetFunctionObjects(std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction > objects)
void AddPreprocessFunction(std::string name, std::string expression, std::string dependencies)
Add a preprocessed function by giving the function a name, a functional expression,...
std::vector< std::string > GetPreprocessFunctions() const
Returns a list of defined preprocess function expressions.
void SetLumiRelErr(double RelErr)
set relative uncertainty on luminosity
double GetLumi()
retrieve integrated luminosity
void AddAsimovDataset(RooStats::HistFactory::Asimov dataset)
add an Asimov Dataset
std::string GetPOI(unsigned int i=0)
get name of PoI at given index
Describe directory structure in memory.
A ROOT file is an on-disk file, usually with extension .root, that stores objects in a file-system-li...
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Namespace for the RooStats classes.