12#ifndef ROOT_TApplicationServer
13#define ROOT_TApplicationServer
84 void Reset(
const char *dir);
size_t size(const MatrixT &matrix)
retrieve the size of a square matrix
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void on
TASLogHandlerGuard(const char *cmd, TSocket *s, const char *pfx="", Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Init a guard for executing a command in a pipe.
virtual ~TASLogHandlerGuard()
Close a guard for executing a command in a pipe.
TASLogHandler * fExecHandler
virtual ~TASLogHandler()
Handle available message in the open file.
Bool_t Notify() override
Handle available message in the open file.
Bool_t ReadNotify() override
Notify when something can be read from the descriptor associated with this handler.
TASLogHandler(const char *cmd, TSocket *s, const char *pfx="")
Execute 'cmd' in a pipe and handle output messages from the related file.
static void SetDefaultPrefix(const char *pfx)
Static method to set the default prefix.
void Run(Bool_t retrn=kFALSE) override
Main server eventloop.
void ExecLogon()
Execute logon macro's.
Int_t SendCanvases()
Send any created canvas to client.
const char * GetUser() const
Int_t GetProtocol() const
Longptr_t ProcessLine(const char *line, Bool_t=kFALSE, Int_t *err=nullptr) override
Parse a command line received from the client, making sure that the files needed for the execution,...
TApplicationServer(Int_t *argc, char **argv, FILE *flog, const char *logfile)
Main constructor.
void HandleUrgentData()
Handle Out-Of-Band data sent by the master or client.
void HandleSocketInput()
Handle input coming from the client or from the master server.
Int_t ReceiveFile(const char *file, Bool_t bin, Long64_t size)
Receive a file, either sent by a client or a master server.
const char * GetHost() const
void Reset(const char *dir)
Reset environment to be ready for execution of next command.
void GetOptions(Int_t *argc, char **argv) override
Get and handle command line options.
void HandleSigPipe()
Called when the client is not alive anymore (i.e.
TRemoteObject * fWorkingDir
static void ErrorHandler(Int_t level, Bool_t abort, const char *location, const char *msg)
The error handler function.
Int_t BrowseKey(const char *keyname)
Read key object and send it back to client.
Int_t Setup()
Print the Remote Server logo on standard output.
Int_t BrowseDirectory(const char *dirname)
Browse directory and send back its content to client.
void HandleCheckFile(TMessage *mess)
Handle file checking request.
virtual ~TApplicationServer()
void Terminate(Int_t status) override
Terminate the proof server.
TSocket * GetSocket() const
Int_t BrowseFile(const char *fname)
Browse root file and send back its content; if fname is null, send the full list of files.
void SendLogFile(Int_t status=0, Int_t start=-1, Int_t end=-1)
Send log file to master.
This class creates the ROOT Application Environment that interfaces to the windowing system eventloop...
The TRemoteObject class provides protocol for browsing ROOT objects from a remote ROOT session.
This class represents a WWW compatible URL.
const char * GetUser() const
const char * GetHost() const