
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class TLego : public TObject, public TAttLine, public TAttFill

TLego TLego() TLego TLego(Double_t* rmin, Double_t* rmax, Int_t system = 1) TLego TLego(TLego&) virtual void ~TLego() void BackBox(Double_t ang) static TClass* Class() void ClearRaster() void ColorFunction(Int_t nl, Double_t* fl, Int_t* icl, Int_t& irep) void DrawFaceMode1(Int_t* icodes, Double_t* xyz, Int_t np, Int_t* iface, Double_t* t) void DrawFaceMode2(Int_t* icodes, Double_t* xyz, Int_t np, Int_t* iface, Double_t* t) void DrawFaceMode3(Int_t* icodes, Double_t* xyz, Int_t np, Int_t* iface, Double_t* t) void DrawFaceMove1(Int_t* icodes, Double_t* xyz, Int_t np, Int_t* iface, Double_t* tt) void DrawFaceMove2(Int_t* icodes, Double_t* xyz, Int_t np, Int_t* iface, Double_t* tt) void DrawFaceRaster1(Int_t* icodes, Double_t* xyz, Int_t np, Int_t* iface, Double_t* tt) void DrawFaceRaster2(Int_t* icodes, Double_t* xyz, Int_t np, Int_t* iface, Double_t* tt) void FillPolygon(Int_t n, Double_t* p, Double_t* f) void FillPolygonBorder(Int_t nn, Double_t* xy) void FindLevelLines(Int_t np, Double_t* f, Double_t* t) void FindPartEdge(Double_t* p1, Double_t* p2, Double_t f1, Double_t f2, Double_t fmin, Double_t fmax, Int_t& kpp, Double_t* pp) void FindVisibleDraw(Double_t* r1, Double_t* r2) void FindVisibleLine(Double_t* p1, Double_t* p2, Int_t ntmax, Int_t& nt, Double_t* t) void FrontBox(Double_t ang) void GouraudFunction(Int_t ia, Int_t ib, Double_t* f, Double_t* t) void InitMoveScreen(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) void InitRaster(Double_t xmin, Double_t ymin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymax, Int_t nx, Int_t ny) virtual TClass* IsA() const void LegoCartesian(Double_t ang, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, const char* chopt) void LegoCylindrical(Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char* chopt) void LegoFunction(Int_t ia, Int_t ib, Int_t& nv, Double_t* ab, Double_t* vv, Double_t* t) void LegoPolar(Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char* chopt) void LegoSpherical(Int_t ipsdr, Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char* chopt) void LightSource(Int_t nl, Double_t yl, Double_t xscr, Double_t yscr, Double_t zscr, Int_t& irep) void Luminosity(Double_t* anorm, Double_t& flum) void ModifyScreen(Double_t* r1, Double_t* r2) void SetColorDark(Color_t color, Int_t n = 0) void SetColorMain(Color_t color, Int_t n = 0) void SetDrawFace(G__p2memfunc pointer) void SetLegoFunction(G__p2memfunc pointer) void SetMesh(Int_t mesh = 1) void SetSurfaceFunction(G__p2memfunc pointer) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void SideVisibilityDecode(Double_t val, Int_t& iv1, Int_t& iv2, Int_t& iv3, Int_t& iv4, Int_t& iv5, Int_t& iv6, Int_t& ir) void SideVisibilityEncode(Int_t iopt, Double_t phi1, Double_t phi2, Double_t& val) void Spectrum(Int_t nl, Double_t fmin, Double_t fmax, Int_t ic, Int_t idc, Int_t& irep) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void SurfaceCartesian(Double_t ang, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, const char* chopt) void SurfaceCylindrical(Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char* chopt) void SurfaceFunction(Int_t ia, Int_t ib, Double_t* f, Double_t* t) void SurfacePolar(Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char* chopt) void SurfaceProperty(Double_t qqa, Double_t qqd, Double_t qqs, Int_t nnqs, Int_t& irep) void SurfaceSpherical(Int_t ipsdr, Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char* chopt)

Data Members

Double_t fX0 Double_t fDX Double_t fRmin[3] Lower limits of lego Double_t fRmax[3] Upper limits of lego Double_t fU[2000] Double_t fD[2000] Double_t fT[200] Double_t fFunLevel[257] Function levels corresponding to colors Double_t fPlines[1200] Double_t fAphi[183] Double_t fYdl Double_t fYls[4] Double_t fVls[12] Double_t fQA Double_t fQD Double_t fQS Double_t fXrast Double_t fYrast Double_t fDXrast Double_t fDYrast Int_t fSystem Coordinate system Int_t fNT Int_t fNlevel Number of color levels Int_t fColorLevel[258] Color levels corresponding to functions Int_t fColorMain[10] Int_t fColorDark[10] Int_t fColorTop Int_t fColorBottom Int_t fMesh (=1 if mesh to draw, o otherwise) Int_t fNlines Int_t fLevelLine[200] Int_t fLoff Int_t fNqs Int_t fNxrast Int_t fNyrast Int_t fIfrast Int_t* fRaster pointer to raster buffer Int_t fJmask[30] Int_t fMask[465] G__p2memfunc fDrawFace pointer to face drawing function G__p2memfunc fLegoFunction pointer to lego function G__p2memfunc fSurfaceFunction pointer to surface function

Class Description

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Legos and Surfaces package-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                      ==========================                     *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*   This package was originally written by Evgueni Tcherniaev         *
*-*   from IHEP/Protvino.                                               *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*   The original Fortran implementation was adapted to HIGZ/PAW       *
*-*   by Olivier Couet and  Evgueni Tcherniaev.                         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*   This View class is a subset of the original system                *
*-*   It has been converted to a C++ class  by Rene Brun                *
*-*                                                                     *

TLego(): TObject(), TAttLine(1,1,1), TAttFill(1,0)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Lego default constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ========================

TLego(Double_t *rmin, Double_t *rmax, Int_t system) : TObject(), TAttLine(1,1,1), TAttFill(1,0)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal default constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ========================
*-*  rmin[3], rmax[3] are the limits of the lego object depending on
*-*  the selected coordinate system

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Lego default destructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  =======================

void BackBox(Double_t ang)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw back surfaces of surrounding box*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                =====================================                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input  ANG     - angle between X and Y axis                      *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this face                  *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes in face                     *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(NP)     - additional function                         *
*-*                                                                     *

void ClearRaster()
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Clear screen*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                        ============

void ColorFunction(Int_t nl, Double_t *fl, Int_t *icl, Int_t &irep)
*-*-*-*-*-*Set correspondance between function and color levels-*-*-*-*-*
*-*        ====================================================         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: NL        - number of levels                              *
*-*           FL(NL)    - function levels                               *
*-*           ICL(NL+1) - colors for levels                             *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Output: IREP     - reply: 0 O.K.                                 *
*-*                             -1 error in parameters:                 *
*-*                         illegal number of levels                    *
*-*                         function levels must be in increasing order *
*-*                         negative color index                        *
*-*                                                                     *

void DrawFaceMode1(Int_t *icodes, Double_t *xyz, Int_t np, Int_t *iface, Double_t *t)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw face - 1st variant*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                    =======================                          *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Function: Draw face - 1st variant                                *
*-*              (2 colors: 1st for external surface, 2nd for internal) *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    References: WCtoNDC                                              *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ICODES(*) - set of codes for the line (not used)          *
*-*             ICODES(1) - IX                                          *
*-*             ICODES(2) - IY                                          *
*-*           XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                          *
*-*           NP        - number of nodes                               *
*-*           IFACE(NP) - face                                          *
*-*           T(NP)     - additional function defined on this face      *
*-*                       (not used in this routine)                    *
*-*                                                                     *

void DrawFaceMode2(Int_t *icodes, Double_t *xyz, Int_t np, Int_t *iface, Double_t *t)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Draw face - 2nd option*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                   ======================                            *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Function: Draw face - 2nd option                                 *
*-*              (fill in correspondance with function levels)          *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    References: WCtoNDC, FillPolygon                                 *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ICODES(*) - set of codes for the line (not used)          *
*-*             ICODES(1) - IX                                          *
*-*             ICODES(2) - IY                                          *
*-*           XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                          *
*-*           NP        - number of nodes                               *
*-*           IFACE(NP) - face                                          *
*-*           T(NP)     - additional function defined on this face      *
*-*                                                                     *

void DrawFaceMode3(Int_t *icodes, Double_t *xyz, Int_t np, Int_t *iface, Double_t *t)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw face - 3rd option-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                    ======================                           *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Function: Draw face - 3rd option                                 *
*-*              (draw face for stacked lego plot)                      *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    References: WCtoNDC                                              *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ICODES(*) - set of codes for the line                     *
*-*             ICODES(1) - IX coordinate of the line cell              *
*-*             ICODES(2) - IY coordinate of the line cell              *
*-*             ICODES(3) - lego number                                 *
*-*             ICODES(4) - side: 1-face,2-right,3-back,4-left,         *
*-*                               5-bottom, 6-top                       *
*-*             XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                        *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes                             *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(*)      - additional function (not used here)         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*                                                                     *

void DrawFaceMove1(Int_t *icodes, Double_t *xyz, Int_t np, Int_t *iface, Double_t *tt)
*-*-*-*-*-*Draw face - 1st variant for "MOVING SCREEN" algorithm -*-*-*-*
*-*        =====================================================        *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Function: Draw face - 1st variant for "MOVING SCREEN" algorithm  *
*-*              (draw face with level lines)                           *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    References: FindLevelLines, WCtoNDC,                             *
*-*                FindVisibleDraw, ModifyScreen                        *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ICODES(*) - set of codes for the line (not used)          *
*-*             ICODES(1) - IX                                          *
*-*             ICODES(2) - IY                                          *
*-*           XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                          *
*-*           NP        - number of nodes                               *
*-*           IFACE(NP) - face                                          *
*-*           TT(NP)    - additional function defined on this face      *
*-*                       (not used in this routine)                    *
*-*                                                                     *

void DrawFaceMove2(Int_t *icodes, Double_t *xyz, Int_t np, Int_t *iface, Double_t *tt)
*-*-*-*-*-*Draw face - 2nd variant for "MOVING SCREEN" algorithm*-*-*-*-*
*-*        =====================================================        *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Function: Draw face - 2nd variant for "MOVING SCREEN" algorithm  *
*-*              (draw face for stacked lego plot)                      *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    References: FindLevelLines, WCtoNDC,                             *
*-*                FindVisibleDraw, ModifyScreen                        *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ICODES(*) - set of codes for the line (not used)          *
*-*             ICODES(1) - IX                                          *
*-*             ICODES(2) - IY                                          *
*-*             ICODES(3) - line code (N of lego)                       *
*-*           XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                          *
*-*           NP        - number of nodes                               *
*-*           IFACE(NP) - face                                          *
*-*           TT(NP)    - additional function defined on this face      *
*-*                       (not used in this routine)                    *
*-*                                                                     *

void DrawFaceRaster1(Int_t *icodes, Double_t *xyz, Int_t np, Int_t *iface, Double_t *tt)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw face - 1st variant for "RASTER SCREEN" algorithm*-*-*-*
*-*          =====================================================      *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Function: Draw face - 1st variant for "RASTER SCREEN" algorithm  *
*-*              (draw face with level lines)                           *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    References: FindLevelLines, WCtoNDC,                             *
*-*                FindVisibleLine, FillPolygonBorder                   *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ICODES(*) - set of codes for the line (not used)          *
*-*             ICODES(1) - IX                                          *
*-*             ICODES(2) - IY                                          *
*-*           XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                          *
*-*           NP        - number of nodes                               *
*-*           IFACE(NP) - face                                          *
*-*           TT(NP)    - additional function defined on this face      *
*-*                       (not used in this routine)                    *
*-*                                                                     *

void DrawFaceRaster2(Int_t *icodes, Double_t *xyz, Int_t np, Int_t *iface, Double_t *tt)
*-*-*-*-*-*Draw face - 2nd variant for "RASTER SCREEN" algorithm*-*-*-*-*
*-*        =====================================================        *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Function: Draw face - 2nd variant for "RASTER SCREEN" algorithm  *
*-*              (draw face for stacked lego plot)                      *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    References: WCtoNDC, FindVisibleLine, FillPolygonBorder          *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ICODES(*) - set of codes for the line (not used)          *
*-*             ICODES(1) - IX                                          *
*-*             ICODES(2) - IY                                          *
*-*             ICODES(3) - line code (N of lego)                       *
*-*           XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                          *
*-*           NP        - number of nodes                               *
*-*           IFACE(NP) - face                                          *
*-*           TT(NP)    - additional function defined on this face      *
*-*                       (not used in this routine)                    *
*-*                                                                     *

void FillPolygon(Int_t n, Double_t *p, Double_t *f)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Fill polygon with function values at vertexes*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*            =============================================            *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: N      - number of vertexes                               *
*-*           P(3,*) - polygon                                          *
*-*           F(*)   - function values at nodes                         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Errors: - illegal number of vertexes in polygon                  *
*-*            - illegal call of FillPolygon: no levels                 *
*-*                                                                     *

void FillPolygonBorder(Int_t nn, Double_t *xy)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*Fill a polygon including border ("RASTER SCREEN")*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*          =================================================          *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: NN      - number of polygon nodes                         *
*-*           XY(2,*) - polygon nodes                                   *
*-*                                                                     *

void FindLevelLines(Int_t np, Double_t *f, Double_t *t)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Find level lines for face*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                    =========================                        *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: NP      - number of nodes                                 *
*-*           F(3,NP) - face                                            *
*-*           T(NP)   - additional function                             *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Error: number of points for line not equal 2                     *
*-*                                                                     *

void FindPartEdge(Double_t *p1, Double_t *p2, Double_t f1, Double_t f2, Double_t fmin, Double_t fmax, Int_t &kpp, Double_t *pp)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Find part of edge *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                       =================                             *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Function: Find part of edge where function defined on this edge  *
*-*              has value from FMIN to FMAX                            *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: P1(3) - 1st point                                         *
*-*           P2(3) - 2nd point                                         *
*-*           F1    - function value at 1st point                       *
*-*           F2    - function value at 2nd point                       *
*-*           FMIN  - min value of layer                                *
*-*           FMAX  - max value of layer                                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Output: KPP - current number of point                            *
*-*            PP(3,*) - coordinates of new face                        *
*-*                                                                     *

void FindVisibleDraw(Double_t *r1, Double_t *r2)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Find visible parts of line (draw line)-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ======================================                 *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: R1(3)  - 1-st point of the line                           *
*-*           R2(3)  - 2-nd point of the line                           *
*-*                                                                     *

void FindVisibleLine(Double_t *p1, Double_t *p2, Int_t ntmax, Int_t &nt, Double_t *t)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Find visible part of a line ("RASTER SCREEN")*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*            =============================================            *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: P1(2) - 1st point of the line                             *
*-*           P2(2) - 2nd point of the line                             *
*-*           NTMAX - max allowed number of visible segments            *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Output: NT     - number of visible segments of the line          *
*-*            T(2,*) - visible segments                                *
*-*                                                                     *

void FrontBox(Double_t ang)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw forward faces of surrounding box & axes-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*            ============================================             *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Function: Draw forward faces of surrounding box & axes           *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    References: AxisVertex, Gaxis                                    *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input  ANG     - angle between X and Y axis                      *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this face                  *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes in face                     *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(NP)     - additional function                         *
*-*                                                                     *

void GouraudFunction(Int_t ia, Int_t ib, Double_t *face, Double_t *t)
*-*-*-*-*-* Find part of surface with luminosity in the corners*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*         ===================================================
*-*              This routine is used for Gouraud shading

void InitMoveScreen(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Initialize "MOVING SCREEN" method*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  =================================                  *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: XMIN - left boundary                                      *
*-*           XMAX - right boundary                                     *
*-*                                                                     *

void InitRaster(Double_t xmin, Double_t ymin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymax, Int_t nx, Int_t ny )
*-*-*Initialize hidden lines removal algorithm (RASTER SCREEN)*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*  =========================================================          *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: XMIN - Xmin in the normalized coordinate system           *
*-*           YMIN - Ymin in the normalized coordinate system           *
*-*           XMAX - Xmax in the normalized coordinate system           *
*-*           YMAX - Ymax in the normalized coordinate system           *
*-*           NX   - number of pixels along X                           *
*-*           NY   - number of pixels along Y                           *
*-*                                                                     *

void LegoFunction(Int_t ia, Int_t ib, Int_t &nv, Double_t *ab, Double_t *vv, Double_t *t)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Service function for Legos-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                      ==========================

void LegoCartesian(Double_t ang, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, const char *chopt)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw stack of lego-plots in cartesian coordinates*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*          =================================================          *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ANG      - angle between X ang Y                          *
*-*           NX       - number of cells along X                        *
*-*           NY       - number of cells along Y                        *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           FUN(IX,IY,NV,XY,V,T) - external routine                   *
*-*             IX     - X number of the cell                           *
*-*             IY     - Y number of the cell                           *
*-*             NV     - number of values for given cell                *
*-*             XY(2,4)- coordinates of the cell corners                *
*-*             V(NV)  - cell values                                    *
*-*             T(4,NV)- additional function (for example: temperature) *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this line                  *
*-*               ICODES(1) - IX                                        *
*-*               ICODES(2) - IY                                        *
*-*               ICODES(3) - IV                                        *
*-*               ICODES(4) - side: 1-face,2-right,3-back,4-left,       *
*-*                                 5-bottom, 6-top                     *
*-*               XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                      *
*-*               NP        - number of nodes                           *
*-*               IFACE(NP) - face                                      *
*-*                T(4)   - additional function (here Z-coordinate)      *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           CHOPT - options: 'BF' - from BACK to FRONT                *
*-*                            'FB' - from FRONT to BACK                *
*-*                                                                     *




void LegoPolar(Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char *chopt)
*-*-*-*-*-*-* Draw stack of lego-plots in polar coordinates *-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*           =============================================             *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: IORDR - order of variables (0 - R,PHI; 1 - PHI,R)         *
*-*           NA    - number of steps along 1st variable                *
*-*           NB    - number of steps along 2nd variable                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           FUN(IA,IB,NV,AB,V,TT) - external routine                  *
*-*             IA      - cell number for 1st variable                  *
*-*             IB      - cell number for 2nd variable                  *
*-*             NV      - number of values for given cell               *
*-*             AB(2,4) - coordinates of the cell corners               *
*-*             V(NV)   - cell values                                   *
*-*             TT(4,*) - additional function                           *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this face                  *
*-*               ICODES(1) - IA                                        *
*-*               ICODES(2) - IB                                        *
*-*               ICODES(3) - IV                                        *
*-*               ICODES(4) - side: 1-internal,2-right,3-external,4-left*
*-*                                 5-bottom, 6-top                     *
*-*             XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                        *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes in face                     *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(NP)     - additional function                         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*            CHOPT       - options: 'BF' - from BACK to FRONT         *
*-*                                  'FB' - from FRONT to BACK          *
*-*                                                                     *




void LegoCylindrical(Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char *chopt)
*-*-*-*-*-*Draw stack of lego-plots in cylindrical coordinates*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*        ===================================================          *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: IORDR - order of variables (0 - Z,PHI; 1 - PHI,Z)         *
*-*           NA    - number of steps along 1st variable                *
*-*           NPHI  - number of steps along 2nd variable                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           FUN(IA,IB,NV,AB,V,TT) - external routine                  *
*-*             IA      - cell number for 1st variable                  *
*-*             IB      - cell number for 2nd variable                  *
*-*             NV      - number of values for given cell               *
*-*             AB(2,4) - coordinates of the cell corners               *
*-*             V(NV)   - cell values                                   *
*-*             TT(4,*) - additional function                           *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this face                  *
*-*               ICODES(1) - IA                                        *
*-*               ICODES(2) - IB                                        *
*-*               ICODES(3) - IV                                        *
*-*               ICODES(4) - side: 1,2,3,4 - ordinary sides            *
*-*                                 5-bottom,6-top                      *
*-*             XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                        *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes in face                     *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(NP)     - additional function                         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           CHOPT       - options: 'BF' - from BACK to FRONT          *
*-*                                  'FB' - from FRONT to BACK          *
*-*                                                                     *




void LegoSpherical(Int_t ipsdr, Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char *chopt)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw stack of lego-plots spheric coordinates-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ============================================           *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: IPSDR - pseudo-rapidity flag                              *
*-*           IORDR - order of variables (0 - THETA,PHI; 1 - PHI,THETA) *
*-*           NA    - number of steps along 1st variable                *
*-*           NB    - number of steps along 2nd variable                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           FUN(IA,IB,NV,AB,V,TT) - external routine                  *
*-*             IA      - cell number for 1st variable                  *
*-*             IB      - cell number for 2nd variable                  *
*-*             NV      - number of values for given cell               *
*-*             AB(2,4) - coordinates of the cell corners               *
*-*             V(NV)   - cell values                                   *
*-*             TT(4,*) - additional function                           *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this face                  *
*-*               ICODES(1) - IA                                        *
*-*               ICODES(2) - IB                                        *
*-*               ICODES(3) - IV                                        *
*-*               ICODES(4) - side: 1,2,3,4 - ordinary sides            *
*-*                                 5-bottom,6-top                      *
*-*             XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                        *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes in face                     *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(NP)     - additional function                         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           CHOPT       - options: 'BF' - from BACK to FRONT          *
*-*                                  'FB' - from FRONT to BACK          *
*-*                                                                     *

void LightSource(Int_t nl, Double_t yl, Double_t xscr, Double_t yscr, Double_t zscr, Int_t &irep)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set light source-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                      ================                               *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: NL   - source number: -1 off all light sources            *
*-*                                  0 set diffused light               *
*-*           YL   - intensity of the light source                      *
*-*           XSCR                                                     *
*-*           YSCR  - direction of the light (in respect of the screen) *
*-*           ZSCR /                                                    *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Output: IREP   - reply : 0 - O.K.                                *
*-*                            -1 - error in light sources definition:  *
*-*                                 negative intensity                  *
*-*                                 source number greater than max      *
*-*                                 light source is placed at origin    *
*-*                                                                     *

void Luminosity(Double_t *anorm, Double_t &flum)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Find surface luminosity at given point *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                ======================================               *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*                                         --                          *
*-*    Lightness model formula: Y = YD*QA + > YLi*(QD*cosNi+QS*cosRi)   *
*-*                                         --                          *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*            B1     = VN(3)*VL(2) - VN(2)*VL(3)                       *
*-*            B2     = VN(1)*VL(3) - VN(3)*VL(1)                       *
*-*            B3     = VN(2)*VL(1) - VN(1)*VL(2)                       *
*-*            B4     = VN(1)*VL(1) + VN(2)*VL(2) + VN(3)*VL(3)         *
*-*            VR(1)  = VN(3)*B2 - VN(2)*B3 + VN(1)*B4                  *
*-*            VR(2)  =-VN(3)*B1 + VN(1)*B3 + VN(2)*B4                  *
*-*            VR(3)  = VN(2)*B1 - VN(1)*B2 + VN(3)*B4                  *
*-*            S      = SQRT(VR(1)*VR(1)+VR(2)*VR(2)+VR(3)*VR(3))       *
*-*            VR(1)  = VR(1)/S                                         *
*-*            VR(2)  = VR(2)/S                                         *
*-*            VR(3)  = VR(3)/S                                         *
*-*            COSR   = VR(1)*0. + VR(2)*0. + VR(3)*1.                  *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    References: WCtoNDC                                              *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ANORM(3) - surface normal at given point                  *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Output: FLUM - luminosity                                        *
*-*                                                                     *

void ModifyScreen(Double_t *r1, Double_t *r2)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Modify SCREEN*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                        =============                                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: R1(3) - 1-st point of the line                            *
*-*           R2(3) - 2-nd point of the line                            *
*-*                                                                     *

void SetDrawFace(DrawFaceFunc_t drface)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Store pointer to current algorithm to draw faces *-*-*-*
*-*              ================================================       *
*-*                                                                     *

void SetLegoFunction(LegoFunc_t fun)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Store pointer to current lego function *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ======================================                 *
*-*                                                                     *

void SetSurfaceFunction(SurfaceFunc_t fun)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Store pointer to current surface function*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              =========================================              *
*-*                                                                     *

void SetColorDark(Color_t color, Int_t n)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Store dark color for stack number n-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ===================================                    *
*-*                                                                     *

void SetColorMain(Color_t color, Int_t n)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Store color for stack number n*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ==============================                         *
*-*                                                                     *

void SideVisibilityDecode(Double_t val, Int_t &iv1, Int_t &iv2, Int_t &iv3, Int_t &iv4, Int_t &iv5, Int_t &iv6, Int_t &ir)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*Decode side visibilities and order along R for sector*-*-*-*
*-*          =====================================================      *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: VAL - encoded value                                       *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Output: IV1 ... IV6  - visibility of the sides                   *
*-*            IR           - increment along R                         *
*-*                                                                     *

void SideVisibilityEncode(Int_t iopt, Double_t phi1, Double_t phi2, Double_t &val)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*Encode side visibilities and order along R for sector*-*-*-*
*-*          =====================================================      *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: IOPT - options: 1 - from BACK to FRONT 'BF'               *
*-*                           2 - from FRONT to BACK 'FB'               *
*-*           PHI1 - 1st phi of sector                                  *
*-*           PHI2 - 2nd phi of sector                                  *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Output: VAL - encoded value                                      *
*-*                                                                     *

void Spectrum(Int_t nl, Double_t fmin, Double_t fmax, Int_t ic, Int_t idc, Int_t &irep)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set Spectrum-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                      =============                                  *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: NL   - number of levels                                   *
*-*           FMIN - MIN fuction value                                  *
*-*           FMAX - MAX fuction value                                  *
*-*           IC   - initial color index (for 1st level)                *
*-*           IDC  - color index increment                              *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Output: IREP - reply: 0 O.K.                                     *
*-*                         -1 error in parameters                      *
*-*                            F_max less than F_min                    *
*-*                            illegal number of levels                 *
*-*                            initial color index is negative          *
*-*                            color index increment must be positive   *
*-*                                                                     *

void SurfaceCartesian(Double_t ang, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, const char *chopt)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw surface in cartesian coordinate system*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ===========================================            *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: ANG      - angle between X ang Y                          *
*-*           NX       - number of steps along X                        *
*-*           NY       - number of steps along Y                        *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           FUN(IX,IY,F,T) - external routine                         *
*-*             IX     - X number of the cell                           *
*-*             IY     - Y number of the cell                           *
*-*             F(3,4) - face which corresponds to the cell             *
*-*             T(4)   - additional function (for example: temperature) *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this face                  *
*-*               ICODES(1) - IX                                        *
*-*               ICODES(2) - IY                                        *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes in face                     *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(NP)     - additional function                         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           CHOPT - options: 'BF' - from BACK to FRONT                *
*-*                            'FB' - from FRONT to BACK                *
*-*                                                                     *

void SurfaceFunction(Int_t ia, Int_t ib, Double_t *f, Double_t *t)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Service function for Surfaces*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                      =============================

void SurfacePolar(Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char *chopt)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw surface in polar coordinates*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                    =================================                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: IORDR - order of variables (0 - R,PHI, 1 - PHI,R)         *
*-*           NA    - number of steps along 1st variable                *
*-*           NB    - number of steps along 2nd variable                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           FUN(IA,IB,F,T) - external routine                         *
*-*             IA     - cell number for 1st variable                   *
*-*             IB     - cell number for 2nd variable                   *
*-*             F(3,4) - face which corresponds to the cell             *
*-*               F(1,*) - A                                            *
*-*               F(2,*) - B                                            *
*-*               F(3,*) - Z                                            *
*-*             T(4)   - additional function (for example: temperature) *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this face                  *
*-*               ICODES(1) - IA                                        *
*-*               ICODES(2) - IB                                        *
*-*             XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                        *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes in face                     *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(NP)     - additional function                         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           CHOPT       - options: 'BF' - from BACK to FRONT          *
*-*                                  'FB' - from FRONT to BACK          *
*-*                                                                     *

void SurfaceCylindrical(Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char *chopt)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw surface in cylindrical coordinates*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              =======================================                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: IORDR - order of variables (0 - Z,PHI, 1 - PHI,Z)         *
*-*           NA    - number of steps along 1st variable                *
*-*           NB    - number of steps along 2nd variable                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           FUN(IA,IB,F,T) - external routine                         *
*-*             IA     - cell number for 1st variable                   *
*-*             IB     - cell number for 2nd variable                   *
*-*             F(3,4) - face which corresponds to the cell             *
*-*               F(1,*) - A                                            *
*-*               F(2,*) - B                                            *
*-*               F(3,*) - R                                            *
*-*             T(4)   - additional function (for example: temperature) *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this face                  *
*-*               ICODES(1) - IA                                        *
*-*               ICODES(2) - IB                                        *
*-*             XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                        *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes in face                     *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(NP)     - additional function                         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           CHOPT       - options: 'BF' - from BACK to FRONT          *
*-*                                  'FB' - from FRONT to BACK          *
*-*                                                                     *




void SurfaceSpherical(Int_t ipsdr, Int_t iordr, Int_t na, Int_t nb, const char *chopt)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw surface in spheric coordinates*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ===================================                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: IPSDR - pseudo-rapidity flag                              *
*-*           IORDR - order of variables (0 - THETA,PHI; 1 - PHI,THETA) *
*-*           NA    - number of steps along 1st variable                *
*-*           NB    - number of steps along 2nd variable                *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           FUN(IA,IB,F,T) - external routine                         *
*-*             IA     - cell number for 1st variable                   *
*-*             IB     - cell number for 2nd variable                   *
*-*             F(3,4) - face which corresponds to the cell             *
*-*               F(1,*) - A                                            *
*-*               F(2,*) - B                                            *
*-*               F(3,*) - R                                            *
*-*             T(4)   - additional function (for example: temperature) *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           DRFACE(ICODES,XYZ,NP,IFACE,T) - routine for face drawing  *
*-*             ICODES(*) - set of codes for this face                  *
*-*               ICODES(1) - IA                                        *
*-*               ICODES(2) - IB                                        *
*-*             XYZ(3,*)  - coordinates of nodes                        *
*-*             NP        - number of nodes in face                     *
*-*             IFACE(NP) - face                                        *
*-*             T(NP)     - additional function                         *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*           CHOPT       - options: 'BF' - from BACK to FRONT          *
*-*                                  'FB' - from FRONT to BACK          *
*-*                                                                     *

void SurfaceProperty(Double_t qqa, Double_t qqd, Double_t qqs, Int_t nnqs, Int_t &irep)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set surface property coefficients*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  =================================                  *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Input: QQA  - diffusion coefficient for diffused light  [0.,1.]  *
*-*           QQD  - diffusion coefficient for direct light    [0.,1.]  *
*-*           QQS  - diffusion coefficient for reflected light [0.,1.]  *
*-*           NNCS - power coefficient for reflected light     (.GE.1)  *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*                                         --                          *
*-*    Lightness model formula: Y = YD*QA + > YLi*(QD*cosNi+QS*cosRi)   *
*-*                                         --                          *
*-*                                                                     *
*-*    Output: IREP   - reply : 0 - O.K.                                *
*-*                            -1 - error in cooefficients              *
*-*                                                                     *

Inline Functions

               void SetMesh(Int_t mesh = 1)
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
              TLego TLego(TLego&)

Author: Rene Brun, Evgueni Tcherniaev, Olivier Couet 12/12/94
Last update: root/histpainter:$Name: $:$Id: TLego.cxx,v 1.2 2000/06/13 09:52:04 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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