
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class TClassMenuItem : public TObject

TClassMenuItem TClassMenuItem() TClassMenuItem TClassMenuItem(Int_t type, TClass* parent, const char* title, const char* functionname, TObject* obj = 0, const char* args, Int_t selfobjposition = -1, Bool_t self = kFALSE) TClassMenuItem TClassMenuItem(TClassMenuItem&) virtual void ~TClassMenuItem() static TClass* Class() virtual const char* GetArgs() const virtual TObject* GetCalledObject() const virtual const char* GetFunctionName() const virtual Int_t GetSelfObjectPos() const virtual const char* GetTitle() const virtual Int_t GetType() const virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t IsCallSelf() const virtual Bool_t IsSeparator() const virtual Bool_t IsStandardList() const virtual Bool_t IsToggle() const virtual void SetCall(TObject* obj, const char* method, const char* args, Int_t selfobjposition = 0) virtual void SetSelf(Bool_t self) virtual void SetTitle(const char* title) virtual void SetToggle(Bool_t toggle = kTRUE) virtual void SetType(Int_t type) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

TClassMenuItem::EClassMenuItemType fType type flag (EClassMenuItemType) Int_t fSelfObjectPos rang in argument list corresponding to the object being clicked on Bool_t fSelf flag to indicate that object to be called is the selected one Bool_t fToggle flag toggle method TString fTitle title if not standard TObject* fCalledObject object to be called TString fFunctionName name of the function or method to be called TString fArgs arguments type list *** NOT CHECKED *** TList* fSubMenu list of submenu items TClass* fParent parent class public:
static const TClassMenuItem::EClassMenuItemType kPopupUserFunction static const TClassMenuItem::EClassMenuItemType kPopupSeparator static const TClassMenuItem::EClassMenuItemType kPopupStandardList static const enum TObject:: kIsExternal static const enum TObject:: kIsSelf

Class Description

 Describes one element of the context menu associated to a class      
 The menu item may describe                                           
    - a separator,                                                    
    - standard list of methods i.e. the methods defined in            
      the described class by a *MENU* in the comment field            
      of the header,                                                  
    - a method of an external class or a global function              
  All the standard methods of the class are described by only         
  one item. Since a complete context menu is described by a TList of  
  TClassMenuItem elements, it is possible to customize the context    
  menu of a class by removing the element "standard methods" and      
  replacing it by whatever one wants.                                 

TClassMenuItem() : TObject()
 Default TClassMenuItem ctor. TClassMenuItems are constructed in TClass
 with a standard content but may be customized later
 fType = 0 : external method/function
 fType = 1 : separator
 fType = 2 : standard methods list

TClassMenuItem(Int_t type, TClass *parentcl, const char *title, const char *functionname, TObject *obj, const char *args, Int_t selfobjposition, Bool_t self) : TObject()
 TClassMenuItem ctor. TClassMenuItems are constructed in TClass
 with a standard content but may be customized later
 type = 0 : external method/function
 type = 1 : separator
 type = 2 : standard methods list
 self indicates if the object to be called is the one selected
 by the popup menu
 selfobjposition, if non zero, indicates the position in the arguments
 list of the argument corresponding to the selected (clicked) object.
 This argument in the calling method should be a TObject*

 TClassMenuItem dtor.

Inline Functions

           const char* GetTitle() const
           const char* GetFunctionName() const
           const char* GetArgs() const
              TObject* GetCalledObject() const
                 Int_t GetType() const
                 Int_t GetSelfObjectPos() const
                Bool_t IsCallSelf() const
                Bool_t IsSeparator() const
                Bool_t IsStandardList() const
                Bool_t IsToggle() const
                  void SetType(Int_t type)
                  void SetTitle(const char* title)
                  void SetSelf(Bool_t self)
                  void SetToggle(Bool_t toggle = kTRUE)
                  void SetCall(TObject* obj, const char* method, const char* args, Int_t selfobjposition = 0)
               TClass* Class()
               TClass* IsA() const
                  void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                  void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                  void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
        TClassMenuItem TClassMenuItem(TClassMenuItem&)

Author: Damir Buskulic 23/11/2001
Last update: root/meta:$Name: $:$Id: TClassMenuItem.cxx,v 1.1 2002/04/04 17:32:13 rdm Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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