library: libGraf #include "TImage.h" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.ps)
This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
Look at the header to check for available constructors.
virtual ~TImage()
static TClass* Class()
static TImage* Create()
virtual void Flip(Int_t flip = 180)
virtual void FromPad(TVirtualPad* pad, Int_t x = 0, Int_t y = 0, UInt_t w = 0, UInt_t h = 0)
virtual UInt_t GetHeight() const
virtual UInt_t GetWidth() const
virtual TClass* IsA() const
virtual Bool_t IsValid() const
virtual void Mirror(Bool_t vert = kTRUE)
static TImage* Open(const char* file, TImage::EImageFileTypes type = kUnknown)
static TImage* Open(const char* name, const Double_t* imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette* palette)
static TImage* Open(const char* name, const TArrayD& imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette* palette = 0)
static TImage* Open(const char* name, const TVectorD& imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette* palette = 0)
TImage& operator=(const TImage& img)
virtual void ReadImage(const char* file, TImage::EImageFileTypes type = kUnknown)
virtual void Scale(UInt_t toWidth, UInt_t toHeight)
virtual void SetImage(const Double_t* imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette* palette = 0)
virtual void SetImage(const TArrayD& imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette* palette = 0)
virtual void SetImage(const TVectorD& imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette* palette = 0)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
virtual void UnZoom()
virtual void WriteImage(const char* file, TImage::EImageFileTypes type = kUnknown)
virtual void Zoom(UInt_t offX, UInt_t offY, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kXpm
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kZCompressedXpm
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kGZCompressedXpm
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kPng
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kJpeg
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kXcf
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kPpm
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kPnm
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kBmp
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kIco
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kCur
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kGif
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kTiff
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kXbm
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kFits
static const TImage::EImageFileTypes kUnknown
Abstract interface to image processing library.
It allows for the reading and writing of images in different
formats, several image manipulations (scaling, tiling, merging,
etc.) and displaying in pads.
TImage* Create()
Create an image. Use ReadImage() or SetImage() to initialize the image.
TImage* Open(const char *file, EImageFileTypes type)
Open a specified image file.
TImage* Open(const char *name, const Double_t *imageData, UInt_t width,
UInt_t height, TImagePalette *palette)
Open an image with the specified data in a Double_t array.
TImage* Open(const char *name, const TArrayD &imageData, UInt_t width,
TImagePalette *palette)
Open an image with the specified data in a TArrayD.
TImage* Open(const char *name, const TVectorD &imageData, UInt_t width,
TImagePalette *palette)
Open an image with the specified data in a TVectorD.
Inline Functions
void ~TImage()
TImage& operator=(const TImage& img)
void ReadImage(const char* file, TImage::EImageFileTypes type = kUnknown)
void WriteImage(const char* file, TImage::EImageFileTypes type = kUnknown)
void SetImage(const Double_t* imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette* palette = 0)
void SetImage(const TArrayD& imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette* palette = 0)
void SetImage(const TVectorD& imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette* palette = 0)
void FromPad(TVirtualPad* pad, Int_t x = 0, Int_t y = 0, UInt_t w = 0, UInt_t h = 0)
void Scale(UInt_t toWidth, UInt_t toHeight)
void Zoom(UInt_t offX, UInt_t offY, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
void UnZoom()
void Flip(Int_t flip = 180)
void Mirror(Bool_t vert = kTRUE)
UInt_t GetWidth() const
UInt_t GetHeight() const
Bool_t IsValid() const
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA() const
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Author: Fons Rademakers 15/10/2001
Last update: root/graf:$Name: $:$Id: TImage.cxx,v 1.1 2002/08/09 13:56:00 rdm Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
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