// @(#)root/base:$Name: $:$Id: TFile.cxx,v 1.126 2004/07/07 23:25:33 rdm Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun 28/11/94
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
#include "RConfig.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef WIN32
# include <unistd.h>
# define ssize_t int
# include <io.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
#include "Bytes.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "Strlen.h"
#include "TArrayC.h"
#include "TClassTable.h"
#include "TDatime.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TFree.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TNetFile.h"
#include "TPluginManager.h"
#include "TProcessUUID.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TStreamerInfo.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TTimeStamp.h"
#include "TVirtualPerfStats.h"
#include "TWebFile.h"
#include "TArchiveFile.h"
TFile *gFile; //Pointer to current file
Double_t TFile::fgBytesRead = 0;
Double_t TFile::fgBytesWrite = 0;
const Int_t kBEGIN = 100;
//*-*x17 macros/layout_file
TFile::TFile() : TDirectory()
// File default Constructor.
fD = -1;
fFree = 0;
fWritten = 0;
fSumBuffer = 0;
fSum2Buffer = 0;
fClassIndex = 0;
fCache = 0;
fProcessIDs = 0;
fNProcessIDs = 0;
fArchiveOffset = 0;
fArchive = 0;
fIsArchive = kFALSE;
if (gDebug)
Info("TFile", "default ctor");
TFile::TFile(const char *fname1, Option_t *option, const char *ftitle, Int_t compress)
: TDirectory()
// Opens or creates a local ROOT file whose name is fname1. It is
// recommended to specify fname1 as "<file>.root". The suffix ".root"
// will be used by object browsers to automatically identify the file as
// a ROOT file. If the constructor fails in any way IsZombie() will
// return true. Use IsOpen() to check if the file is (still) open.
// To open non-local files use the static TFile::Open() method, that
// will take care of opening the files using the correct remote file
// access plugin.
// If option = NEW or CREATE create a new file and open it for writing,
// if the file already exists the file is
// not opened.
// = RECREATE create a new file, if the file already
// exists it will be overwritten.
// = UPDATE open an existing file for writing.
// if no file exists, it is created.
// = READ open an existing file for reading.
// The title of the file (ftitle) will be shown by the ROOT browsers.
// A ROOT file (like a Unix file system) may contain objects and
// directories. There are no restrictions for the number of levels
// of directories.
// A ROOT file is designed such that one can write in the file in pure
// sequential mode (case of BATCH jobs). In this case, the file may be
// read sequentially again without using the file index written
// at the end of the file. In case of a job crash, all the information
// on the file is therefore protected.
// A ROOT file can be used interactively. In this case, one has the
// possibility to delete existing objects and add new ones.
// When an object is deleted from the file, the freed space is added
// into the FREE linked list (fFree). The FREE list consists of a chain
// of consecutive free segments on the file. At the same time, the first
// 4 bytes of the freed record on the file are overwritten by GAPSIZE
// where GAPSIZE = -(Number of bytes occupied by the record).
// Option compress is used to specify the compression level:
// compress = 0 objects written to this file will not be compressed.
// compress = 1 minimal compression level but fast.
// ....
// compress = 9 maximal compression level but slow.
// Note that the compression level may be changed at any time.
// The new compression level will only apply to newly written objects.
// The function TFile::Map() shows the compression factor
// for each object written to this file.
// The function TFile::GetCompressionFactor returns the global
// compression factor for this file.
// In case the file does not exist or is not a valid ROOT file,
// it is made a Zombie. One can detect this situation with a code like:
// TFile f("file.root");
// if (f.IsZombie()) {
// cout << "Error opening file" << endl;
// exit(-1);
// }
// A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey's) with
// the following format (see also the TKey class). If the key is
// located past the 32 bit file limit (> 2 GB) then some fields will
// be 8 instead of 4 bytes:
// 1->4 Nbytes = Length of compressed object (in bytes)
// 5->6 Version = TKey version identifier
// 7->10 ObjLen = Length of uncompressed object
// 11->14 Datime = Date and time when object was written to file
// 15->16 KeyLen = Length of the key structure (in bytes)
// 17->18 Cycle = Cycle of key
// 19->22 [19->26] SeekKey = Pointer to record itself (consistency check)
// 23->26 [27->34] SeekPdir = Pointer to directory header
// 27->27 [35->35] lname = Number of bytes in the class name
// 28->.. [36->..] ClassName = Object Class Name
// ..->.. lname = Number of bytes in the object name
// ..->.. Name = lName bytes with the name of the object
// ..->.. lTitle = Number of bytes in the object title
// ..->.. Title = Title of the object
// -----> DATA = Data bytes associated to the object
// The first data record starts at byte fBEGIN (currently set to kBEGIN).
// Bytes 1->kBEGIN contain the file description, when fVersion >= 1000000
// it is a large file (> 2 GB) and the offsets will be 8 bytes long and
// fUnits will be set to 8:
// 1->4 "root" = Root file identifier
// 5->8 fVersion = File format version
// 9->12 fBEGIN = Pointer to first data record
// 13->16 [13->20] fEND = Pointer to first free word at the EOF
// 17->20 [21->28] fSeekFree = Pointer to FREE data record
// 21->24 [29->32] fNbytesFree = Number of bytes in FREE data record
// 25->28 [33->36] nfree = Number of free data records
// 29->32 [37->40] fNbytesName = Number of bytes in TNamed at creation time
// 33->33 [41->41] fUnits = Number of bytes for file pointers
// 34->37 [42->45] fCompress = Zip compression level
// 38->41 [46->53] fSeekInfo = Pointer to TStreamerInfo record
// 42->45 [54->57] fNbytesInfo = Number of bytes in TStreamerInfo record
// 46->63 [58->75] fUUID = Universal Unique ID
// The structure of a directory is shown in TDirectory::TDirectory
if (!gROOT)
::Fatal("TFile::TFile", "ROOT system not initialized");
if (!strncmp(fname1, "file:", 5))
fname1 += 5;
gDirectory = 0;
fD = -1;
fFile = this;
fFree = 0;
fVersion = gROOT->GetVersionInt(); //ROOT version in integer format
fUnits = 4;
fOption = option;
fCompress = compress;
fWritten = 0;
fSumBuffer = 0;
fSum2Buffer = 0;
fBytesRead = 0;
fBytesWrite = 0;
fClassIndex = 0;
fSeekInfo = 0;
fNbytesInfo = 0;
fCache = 0;
fProcessIDs = 0;
fNProcessIDs= 0;
fArchiveOffset = 0;
fIsArchive = kFALSE;
fArchive = TArchiveFile::Open(fname1, this);
if (fArchive) {
fname1 = fArchive->GetArchiveName();
// if no archive member is specified then this TFile is just used
// to read the archive contents
if (!strlen(fArchive->GetMemberName()))
fIsArchive = kTRUE;
if (fOption == "NET")
if (fOption == "WEB") {
fOption = "READ";
fWritable = kFALSE;
if (fOption == "NEW")
fOption = "CREATE";
Bool_t create = (fOption == "CREATE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
Bool_t recreate = (fOption == "RECREATE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
Bool_t update = (fOption == "UPDATE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
Bool_t read = (fOption == "READ") ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
if (!create && !recreate && !update && !read) {
read = kTRUE;
fOption = "READ";
Bool_t devnull = kFALSE;
if (!fname1 || !strlen(fname1)) {
Error("TFile", "file name is not specified");
goto zombie;
// support dumping to /dev/null on UNIX
if (!strcmp(fname1, "/dev/null") &&
!gSystem->AccessPathName(fname1, kWritePermission)) {
devnull = kTRUE;
create = kTRUE;
recreate = kFALSE;
update = kFALSE;
read = kFALSE;
fOption = "CREATE";
const char *fname;
if ((fname = gSystem->ExpandPathName(fname1))) {
delete [] (char*)fname;
fRealName = GetName();
fname = fRealName.Data();
if (fArchive) {
TString full = fname;
if (!fIsArchive)
full += "#"; full += fArchive->GetMemberName();
} else {
Error("TFile", "error expanding path %s", fname1);
goto zombie;
if (recreate) {
if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kFileExists))
recreate = kFALSE;
create = kTRUE;
fOption = "CREATE";
if (create && !devnull && !gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kFileExists)) {
Error("TFile", "file %s already exists", fname);
goto zombie;
if (update) {
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kFileExists)) {
update = kFALSE;
create = kTRUE;
if (update && gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kWritePermission)) {
Error("TFile", "no write permission, could not open file %s", fname);
goto zombie;
if (read) {
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kFileExists)) {
Error("TFile", "file %s does not exist", fname);
goto zombie;
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kReadPermission)) {
Error("TFile", "no read permission, could not open file %s", fname);
goto zombie;
// Connect to file system stream
if (create || update) {
#ifndef WIN32
fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644);
fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
if (fD == -1) {
SysError("TFile", "file %s can not be opened", fname);
goto zombie;
fWritable = kTRUE;
} else {
#ifndef WIN32
fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDONLY, 0644);
fD = SysOpen(fname, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
if (fD == -1) {
SysError("TFile", "file %s can not be opened for reading", fname);
goto zombie;
fWritable = kFALSE;
// error in file opening occured, make this object a zombie
gDirectory = gROOT;
TFile::TFile(const TFile &file) : TDirectory()
// File destructor.
if (!fIsArchive)
if (gDebug)
Info("~TFile", "dtor called for %s", GetName());
void TFile::Init(Bool_t create)
// Initialize a TFile object.
if (fArchive) {
if (fOption != "READ") {
Error("Init", "archive %s can only be opened in read mode", GetName());
delete fArchive;
fArchive = 0;
fIsArchive = kFALSE;
goto zombie;
if (fIsArchive) return;
if (fArchive->SetCurrentMember() != -1)
fArchiveOffset = fArchive->GetMemberFilePosition();
else {
Error("Init", "member %s not found in archive %s",
fArchive->GetMemberName(), fArchive->GetArchiveName());
delete fArchive;
fArchive = 0;
fIsArchive = kFALSE;
goto zombie;
Int_t nfree;
fBEGIN = (Long64_t)kBEGIN; //First used word in file following the file header
// make newly opened file the current file and directory
//*-*---------------NEW file
if (create) {
fFree = new TList;
fEND = fBEGIN; //Pointer to end of file
new TFree(fFree, fBEGIN, Long64_t(kStartBigFile)); //Create new free list
//*-* Write Directory info
Int_t namelen= TNamed::Sizeof();
Int_t nbytes = namelen + TDirectory::Sizeof();
TKey *key = new TKey(fName,fTitle,IsA(),nbytes);
fNbytesName = key->GetKeylen() + namelen;
fSeekDir = key->GetSeekKey();
fSeekFree = 0;
fNbytesFree = 0;
char *buffer = key->GetBuffer();
delete key;
else {
char *header = new char[kBEGIN];
ReadBuffer(header, kBEGIN);
// make sure this is a ROOT file
if (strncmp(header, "root", 4)) {
Error("Init", "%s not a ROOT file", GetName());
delete [] header;
goto zombie;
char *buffer = header + 4; // skip the "root" file identifier
frombuf(buffer, &fVersion);
Int_t headerLength;
frombuf(buffer, &headerLength);
fBEGIN = (Long64_t)headerLength;
if (fVersion < 1000000) { //small file
Int_t send,sfree,sinfo;
frombuf(buffer, &send); fEND = (Long64_t)send;
frombuf(buffer, &sfree); fSeekFree= (Long64_t)sfree;
frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesFree);
frombuf(buffer, &nfree);
frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesName);
frombuf(buffer, &fUnits );
frombuf(buffer, &fCompress);
frombuf(buffer, &sinfo); fSeekInfo = (Long64_t)sinfo;
frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesInfo);
} else { // new format to support large files
frombuf(buffer, &fEND);
frombuf(buffer, &fSeekFree);
frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesFree);
frombuf(buffer, &nfree);
frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesName);
frombuf(buffer, &fUnits );
frombuf(buffer, &fCompress);
frombuf(buffer, &fSeekInfo);
frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesInfo);
fSeekDir = fBEGIN;
delete [] header;
//*-*-------------Read Free segments structure if file is writable
if (fWritable) {
fFree = new TList;
if (fSeekFree > fBEGIN) {
} else {
Warning("Init","file %s probably not closed, cannot read free segments",GetName());
//*-*-------------Read directory info
Int_t nbytes = fNbytesName + TDirectory::Sizeof();
header = new char[nbytes];
buffer = header;
buffer = header+fNbytesName;
Version_t version,versiondir;
frombuf(buffer,&version); versiondir = version%1000;
frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesKeys);
frombuf(buffer, &fNbytesName);
Int_t nk = sizeof(Int_t) +sizeof(Version_t) +2*sizeof(Int_t)+2*sizeof(Short_t)
if (version > 1000) {
nk += 12;
frombuf(buffer, &fSeekDir);
frombuf(buffer, &fSeekParent);
frombuf(buffer, &fSeekKeys);
} else {
Int_t sdir,sparent,skeys;
frombuf(buffer, &sdir); fSeekDir = (Long64_t)sdir;
frombuf(buffer, &sparent); fSeekParent = (Long64_t)sparent;
frombuf(buffer, &skeys); fSeekKeys = (Long64_t)skeys;
if (versiondir > 1) fUUID.ReadBuffer(buffer);
//*-*---------read TKey::FillBuffer info
buffer = header+nk;
TString cname;
cname.ReadBuffer(buffer); // fName.ReadBuffer(buffer); file may have been renamed
delete [] header;
if (fNbytesName < 10 || fNbytesName > 1000) {
Error("Init","cannot read directory info of file %s", GetName());
goto zombie;
//*-* -------------Check if file is truncated
Long64_t size;
if ((size = GetSize()) == -1) {
Error("Init", "cannot stat the file %s", GetName());
goto zombie;
//*-* -------------Read keys of the top directory
if (fSeekKeys > fBEGIN && fEND <= size) {
//normal case. Recover only if file has no keys
gDirectory = this;
if (!GetNkeys()) Recover();
} else if ((fBEGIN+nbytes == fEND) && (fEND == size)) {
//the file might be open by another process and nothing written to the file yet
Warning("Init","file %s has no keys", GetName());
gDirectory = this;
} else {
//something had been written to the file. Trailer is missing, must recover
if (fEND > size) {
Error("Init","file %s is truncated at %lld bytes: should be %lld, trying to recover",
GetName(), size, fEND);
} else {
Warning("Init","file %s probably not closed, trying to recover",
Int_t nrecov = Recover();
if (nrecov) {
Warning("Init", "successfully recovered %d keys", nrecov);
} else {
Warning("Init", "no keys recovered, file has been made a Zombie");
goto zombie;
// Create StreamerInfo index
Int_t lenIndex = gROOT->GetListOfStreamerInfo()->GetSize()+1;
if (lenIndex < 5000) lenIndex = 5000;
fClassIndex = new TArrayC(lenIndex);
if (fSeekInfo > fBEGIN) ReadStreamerInfo();
// Count number of TProcessIDs in this file
TIter next(fKeys);
TKey *key;
while ((key = (TKey*)next())) {
if (!strcmp(key->GetClassName(),"TProcessID")) fNProcessIDs++;
fProcessIDs = new TObjArray(fNProcessIDs+1);
// error in file opening occured, make this object a zombie
gDirectory = gROOT;
void TFile::Close(Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Close a file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ============
// if option == "R", all TProcessIDs referenced by this file are deleted.
// Calling TFile::Close("R") might be necessary in case one reads a long list
// of files having TRef, writing some of the referenced objects or TRef
// to a new file. If the TRef or referenced objects of the file being closed
// will not be referenced again, it is possible to minimize the size
// of the TProcessID data structures in memory by forcing a delete of
// the unused TProcessID.
TString opt = option;
if (!IsOpen()) return;
if (IsWritable()) {
delete fClassIndex;
fClassIndex = 0;
TDirectory *cursav = gDirectory;
if (cursav == this || cursav->GetFile() == this) {
cursav = 0;
// Delete all supported directories structures from memory
cd(); // Close() sets gFile = 0
if (IsWritable()) {
TFree *f1 = (TFree*)fFree->First();
if (f1) {
WriteFree(); //*-*- Write free segments linked list
WriteHeader(); //*-*- Now write file header
if (fCache) fCache->Flush();
// Delete free segments from free list (but don't delete list header)
if (fFree) {
if (IsOpen()) {
fD = -1;
fWritable = kFALSE;
if (cursav)
else {
gFile = 0;
gDirectory = gROOT;
//delete the TProcessIDs
TList pidDeleted;
TIter next(fProcessIDs);
TProcessID *pid;
while ((pid = (TProcessID*)next())) {
if (!pid->DecrementCount()) {
if (pid != TProcessID::GetSessionProcessID()) pidDeleted.Add(pid);
} else if(opt.Contains("r")) {
void TFile::Delete(const char *namecycle)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Delete object namecycle*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =======================
// namecycle identifies an object in the top directory of the file
// namecycle has the format name;cycle
// name = * means all
// cycle = * means all cycles (memory and keys)
// cycle = "" or cycle = 9999 ==> apply to a memory object
// When name=* use T* to delete subdirectories also
// examples:
// foo : delete object named foo in memory
// foo;1 : delete cycle 1 of foo on file
// foo;* : delete all cycles of foo on disk and also from memory
// *;2 : delete all objects on file having the cycle 2
// *;* : delete all objects from memory and file
// T*;* : delete all objects from memory and file and all subdirectories
if (gDebug)
Info("Delete", "deleting name = %s", namecycle);
void TFile::Draw(Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Fill Graphics Structure and Paint-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =================================
// Loop on all objects (memory or file) and all subdirectories
void TFile::DrawMap(const char *keys, Option_t *option)
// Draw map of objects in this file
TPluginHandler *h;
if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TFileDrawMap"))) {
if (h->LoadPlugin() == -1)
h->ExecPlugin(3, this, keys, option);
void TFile::Flush()
// Synchornize a file's in-core and on-disk states.
if (IsOpen() && fWritable) {
if (SysSync(fD) < 0) {
// Write the system error only once for this file
SetBit(kWriteError); SetWritable(kFALSE);
SysError("Flush", "error flushing file %s", GetName());
void TFile::FillBuffer(char *&buffer)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Encode file output buffer*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =========================
// The file output buffer contains only the FREE data record
Version_t version = TFile::Class_Version();
tobuf(buffer, version);
Int_t TFile::GetBestBuffer() const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return the best buffer size of objects on this file*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ===================================================
// The best buffer size is estimated based on the current mean value
// and standard deviation of all objects written so far to this file.
// Returns mean value + one standard deviation.
if (!fWritten) return TBuffer::kInitialSize;
Double_t mean = fSumBuffer/fWritten;
Double_t rms2 = TMath::Abs(fSum2Buffer/fSumBuffer -mean*mean);
return (Int_t)(mean + TMath::Sqrt(rms2));
Float_t TFile::GetCompressionFactor()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return the file compression factor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =================================
// Add total number of compressed/uncompressed bytes for each key.
// return ratio of the two.
Short_t keylen;
UInt_t datime;
Int_t nbytes, objlen, nwh = 64;
char *header = new char[fBEGIN];
char *buffer;
Long64_t idcur = fBEGIN;
Float_t comp,uncomp;
comp = uncomp = fBEGIN;
while (idcur < fEND-100) {
ReadBuffer(header, nwh);
frombuf(buffer, &nbytes);
if (nbytes < 0) {
idcur -= nbytes;
if (nbytes == 0) break; //this may happen when the file is corrupted
Version_t versionkey;
frombuf(buffer, &versionkey);
frombuf(buffer, &objlen);
frombuf(buffer, &datime);
frombuf(buffer, &keylen);
if (!objlen) objlen = nbytes-keylen;
comp += nbytes;
uncomp += keylen + objlen;
idcur += nbytes;
delete [] header;
return uncomp/comp;
Int_t TFile::GetErrno() const
// Method returning errno. Is overriden in TRFIOFile.
return TSystem::GetErrno();
void TFile::ResetErrno() const
// Method resetting the errno. Is overridden in TRFIOFile.
Int_t TFile::GetRecordHeader(char *buf, Long64_t first, Int_t maxbytes, Int_t &nbytes, Int_t &objlen, Int_t &keylen)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Read the logical record header starting at position first
//*-* =========================================================
// maxbytes bytes are read into buf
// the function reads nread bytes where nread is the minimum of maxbytes
// and the number of bytes before the end of file.
// the function returns nread.
// In output arguments:
// nbytes : number of bytes in record
// if negative, this is a deleted record
// if 0, cannot read record, wrong value of argument first
// objlen : uncompressed object size
// keylen : length of logical record header
// Note that the arguments objlen and keylen are returned only if maxbytes >=16
if (first < fBEGIN) return 0;
if (first > fEND) return 0;
Int_t nread = maxbytes;
if (first+maxbytes > fEND) nread = fEND-maxbytes;
if (nread < 4) {
Warning("GetRecordHeader","%s: parameter maxbytes = %d must be >= 4",
GetName(), nread);
return nread;
Version_t versionkey;
Short_t klen;
UInt_t datime;
Int_t nb,olen;
char *buffer = buf;
nbytes = nb;
if (nb < 0) return nread;
// const Int_t headerSize = Int_t(sizeof(nb) +sizeof(versionkey) +sizeof(olen) +sizeof(datime) +sizeof(klen));
const Int_t headerSize = 16;
if (nread < headerSize) return nread;
frombuf(buffer, &versionkey);
frombuf(buffer, &olen);
frombuf(buffer, &datime);
frombuf(buffer, &klen);
if (!olen) olen = nbytes-klen;
objlen = olen;
keylen = klen;
return nread;
Long64_t TFile::GetSize() const
// Returns the current file size. Returns -1 in case the file could not
// be stat'ed.
Long64_t size;
Long_t id, flags, modtime;
if (const_cast<TFile*>(this)->SysStat(fD, &id, &size, &flags, &modtime)) {
Error("GetSize", "cannot stat the file %s", GetName());
return -1;
return size;
TList *TFile::GetStreamerInfoList()
// Read the list of TStreamerInfo objects written to this file.
// The function returns a TList. It is the user'responsability
// to delete the list created by this function.
// Using the list, one can access additional information,eg:
// TFile f("myfile.root");
// TList *list = f.GetStreamerInfoList();
// TStreamerInfo *info = (TStreamerInfo*)list->FindObject("MyClass");
// Int_t classversionid = info->GetClassVersion();
// delete list;
TList *list = 0;
if (fSeekInfo) {
TKey *key = new TKey();
char *buffer = new char[fNbytesInfo+1];
char *buf = buffer;
TFile *filesave = gFile;
gFile = this; // used in ReadObj
list = (TList*)key->ReadObj();
gFile = filesave;
delete [] buffer;
delete key;
} else {
list = (TList*)Get("StreamerInfo"); //for versions 2.26 (never released)
if (list == 0) {
Info("GetStreamerInfoList", "cannot find the StreamerInfo record in file %s",
return 0;
return list;
void TFile::ls(Option_t *option) const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*List File contents*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ==================
// Indentation is used to identify the file tree
// Subdirectories are listed first
// then objects in memory
// then objects on the file
cout <<ClassName()<<"**\t\t"<<GetName()<<"\t"<<GetTitle()<<endl;
Bool_t TFile::IsOpen() const
// Returns kTRUE in case file is open and kFALSE if file is not open.
return fD == -1 ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
void TFile::MakeFree(Long64_t first, Long64_t last)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Mark unused bytes on the file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =============================
// The list of free segments is in the fFree linked list
// When an object is deleted from the file, the freed space is added
// into the FREE linked list (fFree). The FREE list consists of a chain
// of consecutive free segments on the file. At the same time, the first
// 4 bytes of the freed record on the file are overwritten by GAPSIZE
// where GAPSIZE = -(Number of bytes occupied by the record).
TFree *f1 = (TFree*)fFree->First();
if (!f1) return;
TFree *newfree = f1->AddFree(fFree,first,last);
if(!newfree) return;
Long64_t nfirst = newfree->GetFirst();
Long64_t nlast = newfree->GetLast();
Long64_t nbytesl= nlast-nfirst+1;
if (nbytesl > 2000000000) nbytesl = 2000000000;
Int_t nbytes = -Int_t (nbytesl);
Int_t nb = sizeof(Int_t);
char * buffer = new char[nb];
char * psave = buffer;
tobuf(buffer, nbytes);
if (nlast == fEND-1) fEND = nfirst;
WriteBuffer(psave, nb);
delete [] psave;
void TFile::Map()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*List the contents of a file sequentially*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ========================================
// For each logical record found, it prints
// Date/Time Record_Adress Logical_Record_Length ClassName CompressionFactor
// Example of output
// 20010404/150437 At:64 N=150 TFile
// 20010404/150440 At:214 N=28326 TBasket CX = 1.13
// 20010404/150440 At:28540 N=29616 TBasket CX = 1.08
// 20010404/150440 At:58156 N=29640 TBasket CX = 1.08
// 20010404/150440 At:87796 N=29076 TBasket CX = 1.10
// 20010404/150440 At:116872 N=10151 TBasket CX = 3.15
// 20010404/150441 At:127023 N=28341 TBasket CX = 1.13
// 20010404/150441 At:155364 N=29594 TBasket CX = 1.08
// 20010404/150441 At:184958 N=29616 TBasket CX = 1.08
// 20010404/150441 At:214574 N=29075 TBasket CX = 1.10
// 20010404/150441 At:243649 N=9583 TBasket CX = 3.34
// 20010404/150442 At:253232 N=28324 TBasket CX = 1.13
// 20010404/150442 At:281556 N=29641 TBasket CX = 1.08
// 20010404/150442 At:311197 N=29633 TBasket CX = 1.08
// 20010404/150442 At:340830 N=29091 TBasket CX = 1.10
// 20010404/150442 At:369921 N=10341 TBasket CX = 3.09
// 20010404/150442 At:380262 N=509 TH1F CX = 1.93
// 20010404/150442 At:380771 N=1769 TH2F CX = 4.32
// 20010404/150442 At:382540 N=1849 TProfile CX = 1.65
// 20010404/150442 At:384389 N=18434 TNtuple CX = 4.51
// 20010404/150442 At:402823 N=307 KeysList
// 20010404/150443 At:403130 N=4548 StreamerInfo CX = 3.65
// 20010404/150443 At:407678 N=86 FreeSegments
// 20010404/150443 At:407764 N=1 END
Short_t keylen,cycle;
UInt_t datime;
Int_t nbytes,date,time,objlen,nwheader;
Long64_t seekkey,seekpdir;
char *buffer;
char nwhc;
Long64_t idcur = fBEGIN;
nwheader = 64;
Int_t nread = nwheader;
char header[kBEGIN];
char classname[512];
while (idcur < fEND) {
if (idcur+nread >= fEND) nread = fEND-idcur-1;
ReadBuffer(header, nread);
frombuf(buffer, &nbytes);
if (!nbytes) {
Printf("Address = %lld\tNbytes = %d\t=====E R R O R=======", idcur, nbytes);
if (nbytes < 0) {
Printf("Address = %lld\tNbytes = %d\t=====G A P===========", idcur, nbytes);
idcur -= nbytes;
Version_t versionkey;
frombuf(buffer, &versionkey);
frombuf(buffer, &objlen);
frombuf(buffer, &datime);
frombuf(buffer, &keylen);
frombuf(buffer, &cycle);
if (versionkey > 1000) {
frombuf(buffer, &seekkey);
frombuf(buffer, &seekpdir);
} else {
Int_t skey,sdir;
frombuf(buffer, &skey); seekkey = (Long64_t)skey;
frombuf(buffer, &sdir); seekpdir = (Long64_t)sdir;
frombuf(buffer, &nwhc);
int i;
for (i = 0;i < nwhc; i++) frombuf(buffer, &classname[i]);
classname[(int)nwhc] = '\0'; //cast to avoid warning with gcc3.4
if (idcur == fSeekFree) strcpy(classname,"FreeSegments");
if (idcur == fSeekInfo) strcpy(classname,"StreamerInfo");
if (idcur == fSeekKeys) strcpy(classname,"KeysList");
TDatime::GetDateTime(datime, date, time);
if (objlen != nbytes-keylen) {
Float_t cx = Float_t(objlen+keylen)/Float_t(nbytes);
//Printf("%d/%06d At:%-8d N=%-8d %-14s CX = %5.2f",date,time,idcur,nbytes,classname,cx);
Printf("%d/%06d At:%lld N=%-8d %-14s CX = %5.2f",date,time,idcur,nbytes,classname,cx);
} else {
//Printf("%d/%06d At:%-8d N=%-8d %-14s",date,time,idcur,nbytes,classname);
Printf("%d/%06d At:%lld N=%-8d %-14s",date,time,idcur,nbytes,classname);
idcur += nbytes;
//Printf("%d/%06d At:%-8d N=%-8d %-14s",date,time,idcur,1,"END");
Printf("%d/%06d At:%lld N=%-8d %-14s",date,time,idcur,1,"END");
void TFile::Paint(Option_t *option)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Paint all objects in the file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =============================
void TFile::Print(Option_t *option) const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Print all objects in the file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =============================
Printf("TFile: name=%s, title=%s, option=%s", GetName(), GetTitle(), GetOption());
Bool_t TFile::ReadBuffer(char *buf, Int_t len)
// Read a buffer from the file. This is the basic low level read operation.
// Returns kTRUE in case of failure.
if (IsOpen()) {
ssize_t siz;
Double_t start = 0;
if (gPerfStats != 0) start = TTimeStamp();
while ((siz = SysRead(fD, buf, len)) < 0 && GetErrno() == EINTR)
if (siz < 0) {
SysError("ReadBuffer", "error reading from file %s", GetName());
return kTRUE;
if (siz != len) {
Error("ReadBuffer", "error reading all requested bytes from file %s, got %d of %d",
GetName(), siz, len);
return kTRUE;
fBytesRead += siz;
fgBytesRead += siz;
if (gPerfStats != 0) {
gPerfStats->FileReadEvent(this, len, double(TTimeStamp())-start);
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
void TFile::ReadFree()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Read the FREE linked list*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =========================
// Every file has a linked list (fFree) of free segments
// This linked list has been written on the file via WriteFree
// as a single data record
TKey *headerfree = new TKey(fSeekFree,fNbytesFree);
char *buffer = headerfree->GetBuffer();
buffer = headerfree->GetBuffer();
while (1) {
TFree *afree = new TFree();
if (afree->GetLast() > fEND) break;
delete headerfree;
Int_t TFile::Recover()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Attempt to recover file if not correctly closed*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ===============================================
// The function returns the number of keys that have been recovered.
// If no keys can be recovered, the file will be declared Zombie by
// the calling function.
Short_t keylen,cycle;
UInt_t datime;
Int_t nbytes,date,time,objlen,nwheader;
Long64_t seekkey,seekpdir;
char header[1024];
char *buffer, *bufread;
char nwhc;
Long64_t idcur = fBEGIN;
Long64_t size;
if ((size = GetSize()) == -1) {
Error("Recover", "cannot stat the file %s", GetName());
return 0;
fEND = Long64_t(size);
if (fWritable && !fFree) fFree = new TList;
TKey *key;
Int_t nrecov = 0;
nwheader = 1024;
Int_t nread = nwheader;
while (idcur < fEND) {
if (idcur+nread >= fEND) nread = fEND-idcur-1;
ReadBuffer(header, nread);
buffer = header;
bufread = header;
frombuf(buffer, &nbytes);
if (!nbytes) {
Printf("Address = %lld\tNbytes = %d\t=====E R R O R=======", idcur, nbytes);
if (nbytes < 0) {
idcur -= nbytes;
if (fWritable) new TFree(fFree,idcur,idcur-nbytes-1);
Version_t versionkey;
frombuf(buffer, &versionkey);
frombuf(buffer, &objlen);
frombuf(buffer, &datime);
frombuf(buffer, &keylen);
frombuf(buffer, &cycle);
if (versionkey > 1000) {
frombuf(buffer, &seekkey);
frombuf(buffer, &seekpdir);
} else {
Int_t skey,sdir;
frombuf(buffer, &skey); seekkey = (Long64_t)skey;
frombuf(buffer, &sdir); seekpdir = (Long64_t)sdir;
frombuf(buffer, &nwhc);
char *classname = 0;
if (nwhc <= 0 || nwhc > 100) break;
classname = new char[nwhc+1];
int i;
for (i = 0;i < nwhc; i++) frombuf(buffer, &classname[i]);
classname[nwhc] = '\0';
TDatime::GetDateTime(datime, date, time);
if (seekpdir == fSeekDir && strcmp(classname,"TFile") && strcmp(classname,"TBasket")) {
key = new TKey();
if (!strcmp(key->GetName(),"StreamerInfo")) {
fSeekInfo = seekkey;
fNbytesInfo = nbytes;
} else {
Info("Recover", "%s, recovered key %s:%s at address %lld",GetName(),key->GetClassName(),key->GetName(),idcur);
delete [] classname;
idcur += nbytes;
if (fWritable) {
Long64_t max_file_size = Long64_t(kStartBigFile);
if (max_file_size < fEND) max_file_size = fEND+1000000000;
new TFree(fFree,fEND,max_file_size);
if (nrecov) Write();
return nrecov;
Int_t TFile::ReOpen(Option_t *mode)
// Reopen a file with a different access mode, like from READ to
// mode argument can be either "READ" or "UPDATE". The method returns
// 0 in case the mode was successfully modified, 1 in case the mode
// did not change (was already as requested or wrong input arguments)
// and -1 in case of failure, in which case the file cannot be used
// anymore. The current directory (gFile) is changed to this file.
TString opt = mode;
if (opt != "READ" && opt != "UPDATE") {
Error("ReOpen", "mode must be either READ or UPDATE, not %s", opt.Data());
return 1;
if (opt == fOption || (opt == "UPDATE" && fOption == "CREATE"))
return 1;
if (opt == "READ") {
// switch to READ mode
// flush data still in the pipeline and close the file
if (IsOpen() && IsWritable()) {
// save directory key list and header
TFree *f1 = (TFree*)fFree->First();
if (f1) {
WriteFree(); // write free segments linked list
WriteHeader(); // now write file header
if (fCache) fCache->Flush();
// delete free segments from free list
if (fFree) {
fD = -1;
// open in READ mode
fOption = opt; // set fOption before SysOpen() for TNetFile
#ifndef WIN32
fD = SysOpen(fRealName, O_RDONLY, 0644);
fD = SysOpen(fRealName, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
if (fD == -1) {
SysError("ReOpen", "file %s can not be opened in read mode", GetName());
return -1;
} else {
// switch to UPDATE mode
// close readonly file
if (IsOpen()) {
fD = -1;
// open in UPDATE mode
fOption = opt; // set fOption before SysOpen() for TNetFile
#ifndef WIN32
fD = SysOpen(fRealName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644);
fD = SysOpen(fRealName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
if (fD == -1) {
SysError("ReOpen", "file %s can not be opened in update mode", GetName());
return -1;
fFree = new TList;
if (fSeekFree > fBEGIN)
Warning("ReOpen","file %s probably not closed, cannot read free segments", GetName());
return 0;
void TFile::Seek(Long64_t offset, ERelativeTo pos)
// Seek to a specific position in the file. Pos it either kBeg, kCur or kEnd.
int whence = 0;
switch (pos) {
case kBeg:
whence = SEEK_SET;
offset += fArchiveOffset;
case kCur:
whence = SEEK_CUR;
case kEnd:
whence = SEEK_END;
// this option is not used currently in the ROOT code
if (fArchiveOffset)
Error("Seek", "seeking from end in archive is not (yet) supported");
if (Long64_t retpos = SysSeek(fD, offset, whence) < 0)
SysError("Seek", "cannot seek to position %lld in file %s, retpos=%lld",
offset, GetName(), retpos);
void TFile::SetCompressionLevel(Int_t level)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set level of compression for this file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ======================================
// level = 0 objects written to this file will not be compressed.
// level = 1 minimal compression level but fast.
// ....
// level = 9 maximal compression level but slow.
// Note that the compression level may be changed at any time.
// The new compression level will only apply to newly written objects.
// The function TFile::Map shows the compression factor
// for each object written to this file.
// The function TFile::GetCompressionFactor returns the global
// compression factor for this file.
if (level < 0) level = 0;
if (level > 9) level = 9;
fCompress = level;
Int_t TFile::Sizeof() const
// Return the size in bytes of the file header.
return 0;
void TFile::Streamer(TBuffer &b)
// Stream a TFile object.
if (b.IsReading()) {
b.ReadVersion(); //Version_t v = b.ReadVersion();
} else {
void TFile::SumBuffer(Int_t bufsize)
//*-*-*-*-*Increment statistics for buffer sizes of objects in this file*-*-*
//*-* =============================================================
fSumBuffer += bufsize;
fSum2Buffer += bufsize*bufsize;
void TFile::UseCache(Int_t maxCacheSize, Int_t pageSize)
// Activate caching. Use maxCacheSize to specify the maximum cache size
// in MB's (default is 10 MB) and pageSize to specify the page size
// (default is 512 KB). To turn off the cache use maxCacheSize=0.
// Not needed for normal disk files since the operating system will
// do proper caching (via the "buffer cache"). Use it for TNetFile,
// TWebFile, TRFIOFile, TDCacheFile, etc.
if (IsA() == TFile::Class())
if (maxCacheSize == 0) {
if (fCache) {
if (IsWritable())
delete fCache;
fCache = 0;
if (fCache) {
// if pageSize is changed, we need to delete the cache and recreate it
if (pageSize != fCache->GetPageSize()) {
if (IsWritable())
delete fCache;
} else if (maxCacheSize != fCache->GetMaxCacheSize()) {
fCache = new TCache(maxCacheSize, this, pageSize);
Int_t TFile::Write(const char *, Int_t opt, Int_t bufsiz)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Write memory objects to this file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =================================
// Loop on all objects in memory (including subdirectories).
// A new key is created in the KEYS linked list for each object.
// The list of keys is then saved on the file (via WriteKeys)
// as a single data record.
// For values of opt see TObject::Write().
// The directory header info is rewritten on the directory header record.
// The linked list of FREE segments is written.
// The file header is written (bytes 1->fBEGIN).
if (!IsWritable()) {
if (!TestBit(kWriteError)) {
// Do not print the warning if we already had a SysError.
Warning("Write", "file %s not opened in write mode", GetName());
return 0;
TDirectory *cursav = gDirectory;
if (gDebug) {
if (!GetTitle() || strlen(GetTitle()) == 0)
Info("Write", "writing name = %s", GetName());
Info("Write", "writing name = s title = %s", GetName(), GetTitle());
Int_t nbytes = TDirectory::Write(0, opt, bufsiz); // Write directory tree
WriteFree(); // Write free segments linked list
WriteHeader(); // Now write file header
return nbytes;
Bool_t TFile::WriteBuffer(const char *buf, Int_t len)
// Write a buffer to the file. This is the basic low level write operation.
// Returns kTRUE in case of failure.
if (IsOpen() && fWritable) {
ssize_t siz;
while ((siz = SysWrite(fD, buf, len)) < 0 && GetErrno() == EINTR)
if (siz < 0) {
// Write the system error only once for this file
SetBit(kWriteError); SetWritable(kFALSE);
SysError("WriteBuffer", "error writing to file %s (%d)", GetName(), siz);
return kTRUE;
if (siz != len) {
Error("WriteBuffer", "error writing all requested bytes to file %s, wrote %d of %d",
GetName(), siz, len);
return kTRUE;
fBytesWrite += siz;
fgBytesWrite += siz;
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
void TFile::WriteFree()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Write FREE linked list on the file *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ==================================
// The linked list of FREE segments (fFree) is written as a single data
// record
//*-* Delete old record if it exists
if (fSeekFree != 0){
MakeFree(fSeekFree, fSeekFree + fNbytesFree -1);
Int_t nbytes = 0;
TFree *afree;
TIter next (fFree);
while ((afree = (TFree*) next())) {
nbytes += afree->Sizeof();
if (!nbytes) return;
TKey *key = new TKey(fName,fTitle,IsA(),nbytes);
if (key->GetSeekKey() == 0) {
delete key;
char *buffer = key->GetBuffer();
while ((afree = (TFree*) next())) {
fNbytesFree = key->GetNbytes();
fSeekFree = key->GetSeekKey();
delete key;
void TFile::WriteHeader()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Write File Header*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =================
TFree *lastfree = (TFree*)fFree->Last();
if (lastfree) fEND = lastfree->GetFirst();
const char *root = "root";
char *psave = new char[fBEGIN];
char *buffer = psave;
Int_t nfree = fFree->GetSize();
memcpy(buffer, root, 4); buffer += 4;
Int_t version = fVersion;
if (fEND > kStartBigFile) {version += 1000000; fUnits = 8;}
tobuf(buffer, version);
tobuf(buffer, (Int_t)fBEGIN);
if (version < 1000000) {
tobuf(buffer, (Int_t)fEND);
tobuf(buffer, (Int_t)fSeekFree);
tobuf(buffer, fNbytesFree);
tobuf(buffer, nfree);
tobuf(buffer, fNbytesName);
tobuf(buffer, fUnits);
tobuf(buffer, fCompress);
tobuf(buffer, (Int_t)fSeekInfo);
tobuf(buffer, fNbytesInfo);
} else {
tobuf(buffer, fEND);
tobuf(buffer, fSeekFree);
tobuf(buffer, fNbytesFree);
tobuf(buffer, nfree);
tobuf(buffer, fNbytesName);
tobuf(buffer, fUnits);
tobuf(buffer, fCompress);
tobuf(buffer, fSeekInfo);
tobuf(buffer, fNbytesInfo);
Int_t nbytes = buffer - psave;
WriteBuffer(psave, nbytes);
delete [] psave;
void TFile::MakeProject(const char *dirname, const char * /*classes*/,
Option_t *option)
// Generate code in directory dirname for all classes specified in argument classes
// If classes = "*" (default), the function generates an include file for each
// class in the StreamerInfo list for which a TClass object does not exist.
// One can restrict the list of classes to be generated by using expressions like:
// classes = "Ali*" generate code only for classes starting with Ali
// classes = "myClass" generate code for class MyClass only.
// if option = "new" (default) a new directory dirname is created.
// If dirname already exist, an error message is printed
// and the function returns.
// if option = "recreate", then;
// if dirname does not exist, it is created (like in "new")
// if dirname already exist, all existing files in dirname
// are deleted before creating the new files.
// if option = "update", then new classes are added to the existing directory.
// Existing classes with the same name are replaced by the
// new definition. If the directory dirname doest not exist,
// same effect as "new".
// if, in addition to one of the 3 above options, the option "+" is specified,
// the function will generate:
// - a script called MAKE to build the shared lib
// - a LinkDef.h file
// - rootcint will be run to generate a dirnameProjectDict.cxx file
// - dirnameProjectDict.cxx will be compiled with the current options in compiledata.h
// - a shared lib dirname.so will be created.
// if the option "++" is specified, the generated shared lib is dynamically
// linked with the current executable module.
// example:
// file.MakeProject("demo","*","recreate++");
// - creates a new directory demo unless it already exist
// - clear the previous directory content
// - generate the xxx.h files for all classes xxx found in this file
// and not yet known to the CINT dictionary.
// - creates the build script MAKE
// - creates a LinkDef.h file
// - runs rootcint generating demoProjectDict.cxx
// - compiles demoProjectDict.cxx into demoProjectDict.o
// - generates a shared lib demo.so
// - dynamically links the shared lib demo.so to the executable
// If only the option "+" had been specified, one can still link the
// shared lib to the current executable module with:
// gSystem->load("demo/demo.so");
TString opt = option;
void *dir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(dirname);
char *path = new char[4000];
if (opt.Contains("update")) {
// check that directory exist, if not create it
if (dir == 0) {
} else if (opt.Contains("recreate")) {
// check that directory exist, if not create it
if (dir == 0) {
// clear directory
while (dir) {
const char *afile = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dir);
if (afile == 0) break;
if (strcmp(afile,".") == 0) continue;
if (strcmp(afile,"..") == 0) continue;
} else {
// new is assumed
// if directory already exist, print error message and return
if (dir) {
Error("MakeProject","cannot create directory %s, already existing",dirname);
delete [] path;
// we are now ready to generate the classes
// loop on all TStreamerInfo
TList *list = 0;
if (fSeekInfo) {
TKey *key = new TKey();
char *buffer = new char[fNbytesInfo+1];
char *buf = buffer;
list = (TList*)key->ReadObj();
delete [] buffer;
delete key;
} else {
list = (TList*)Get("StreamerInfo"); //for versions 2.26 (never released)
if (list == 0) {
Error("MakeProject","file %s has no StreamerInfo", GetName());
delete [] path;
// loop on all TStreamerInfo classes
TStreamerInfo *info;
TIter next(list);
Int_t ngener = 0;
while ((info = (TStreamerInfo*)next())) {
ngener += info->GenerateHeaderFile(dirname);
delete list;
printf("MakeProject has generated %d classes in %s\n",ngener,dirname);
// generate the shared lib
if (!opt.Contains("+")) { delete [] path; return;}
// create the MAKE file by looping on all *.h files
// delete MAKE if it already exists
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef R__WINGCC
FILE *fpMAKE = fopen(path,"wb");
FILE *fpMAKE = fopen(path,"w");
if (!fpMAKE) {
Error("MakeProject", "cannot open file %s", path);
delete [] path;
// add rootcint statement generating ProjectDict.cxx
fprintf(fpMAKE,"rootcint -f %sProjectDict.cxx -c %s ",dirname,gSystem->GetIncludePath());
// create the LinkDef.h file by looping on all *.h files
// delete LinkDef.h if it already exists
#ifdef R__WINGCC
FILE *fp = fopen(path,"wb");
FILE *fp = fopen(path,"w");
if (!fp) {
Error("MakeProject", "cannot open path file %s", path);
delete [] path;
fprintf(fp,"#ifdef __CINT__\n");
fprintf(fp,"#pragma link off all globals;\n");
fprintf(fp,"#pragma link off all classes;\n");
fprintf(fp,"#pragma link off all functions;\n");
dir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(dirname);
while (dir) {
const char *afile = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dir);
if (afile == 0) break;
if(strcmp(afile,"LinkDef.h") == 0) continue;
if(strstr(afile,"ProjectDict.h") != 0) continue;
char *h = strstr(path,".h");
if (!h) continue;
*h = 0;
fprintf(fp,"#pragma link C++ class %s+;\n",path);
fprintf(fpMAKE,"%s ",afile);
fprintf(fpMAKE,"LinkDef.h \n");
// add compilation line
TString sdirname(dirname);
TString cmd = gSystem->GetMakeSharedLib();
cmd.ReplaceAll("$IncludePath",TString(gSystem->GetIncludePath()) + " -I" + dirname);
printf("%s/MAKE file has been generated\n",dirname);
// now execute the generated script compiling and generating the shared lib
#ifndef WIN32
gSystem->Exec("chmod +x MAKE");
// not really needed for Windows but it would work both both Unix and NT
int res = !gSystem->Exec("MAKE");
if (res) printf("Shared lib %s has been generated\n",path);
//dynamically link the generated shared lib
if (opt.Contains("++")) {
res = !gSystem->Load(path);
if (res) printf("Shared lib %s has been dynamically linked\n",path);
delete [] path;
void TFile::ReadStreamerInfo()
// Read the list of StreamerInfo from this file
// The key with name holding the list of TStreamerInfo objects is read.
// The corresponding TClass objects are updated.
TList *list = 0;
if (fSeekInfo > 0 && fSeekInfo < fEND) {
TKey *key = new TKey();
char *buffer = new char[fNbytesInfo+1];
char *buf = buffer;
TFile *filesave = gFile;
gFile = this; // used in ReadObj
list = (TList*)key->ReadObj();
if (!list) {
gFile = filesave;
delete [] buffer;
delete key;
} else {
list = (TList*)Get("StreamerInfo"); //for versions 2.26 (never released)
if (list == 0) return;
if (gDebug > 0) Info("ReadStreamerInfo", "called for file %s",GetName());
// loop on all TStreamerInfo classes
TStreamerInfo *info;
TIter next(list);
while ((info = (TStreamerInfo*)next())) {
if (info->IsA() != TStreamerInfo::Class()) {
Warning("ReadStreamerInfo","%s: not a TStreamerInfo object", GetName());
Int_t uid = info->GetNumber();
Int_t asize = fClassIndex->GetSize();
if (uid >= asize && uid <100000) fClassIndex->Set(2*asize);
if (uid >= 0 && uid < fClassIndex->GetSize()) fClassIndex->fArray[uid] = 1;
else {
printf("ReadStreamerInfo, class:%s, illegal uid=%d\n",info->GetName(),uid);
if (gDebug > 0) printf(" -class: %s version: %d info read at slot %d\n",info->GetName(), info->GetClassVersion(),uid);
fClassIndex->fArray[0] = 0;
list->Clear(); //this will delete all TStreamerInfo objects with kCanDelete bit set
delete list;
void TFile::ShowStreamerInfo()
// Show the StreamerInfo of all classes written to this file.
TList *list = GetStreamerInfoList();
if (!list) return;
delete list;
void TFile::WriteStreamerInfo()
// Write the list of TStreamerInfo as a single object in this file
// The class Streamer description for all classes written to this file
// is saved.
// see class TStreamerInfo
//if (!gFile) return;
if (!fWritable) return;
if (!fClassIndex) return;
//no need to update the index if no new classes added to the file
if (fClassIndex->fArray[0] == 0) return;
if (gDebug > 0) Info("WriteStreamerInfo", "called for file %s",GetName());
// build a temporary list with the marked files
TIter next(gROOT->GetListOfStreamerInfo());
TStreamerInfo *info;
TList list;
while ((info = (TStreamerInfo*)next())) {
Int_t uid = info->GetNumber();
if (fClassIndex->fArray[uid]) list.Add(info);
if (gDebug > 0) printf(" -class: %s info number %d saved\n",info->GetName(),uid);
if (list.GetSize() == 0) return;
fClassIndex->fArray[0] = 2; //to prevent adding classes in TStreamerInfo::TagFile
// always write with compression on
Int_t compress = fCompress;
fCompress = 1;
TFile * fileSave = gFile;
TDirectory *dirSave = gDirectory;
gFile = this;
gDirectory = this;
//free previous StreamerInfo record
if (fSeekInfo) MakeFree(fSeekInfo,fSeekInfo+fNbytesInfo-1);
//Create new key
TKey key(&list,"StreamerInfo",GetBestBuffer());
fSeekInfo = key.GetSeekKey();
fNbytesInfo = key.GetNbytes();
fClassIndex->fArray[0] = 0;
gFile = fileSave;
gDirectory = dirSave;
fCompress = compress;
TFile *TFile::Open(const char *name, Option_t *option, const char *ftitle,
Int_t compress, Int_t netopt)
// Static member function allowing the creation/opening of either a
// TFile, TNetFile, TWebFile or any TFile derived class for which an
// plugin library handler has been registered with the plugin manager
// (for the plugin manager see the TPluginManager class). The returned
// type of TFile depends on the file name. If the file starts with
// "root:", "roots:" or "rootk:" a TNetFile object will be returned,
// with "http:" a TWebFile, with "file:" a local TFile, etc. (see the
// list of TFile plugin handlers in $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc for regular
// expressions that will be checked) and as last a local file will be tried.
// Before opening a file via TNetFile a check is made to see if the URL
// specifies a local file. If that is the case the file will be opened
// via a normal TFile. To force the opening of a local file via a
// TNetFile use either TNetFile directly or specify as host "localhost".
// The netopt argument is only used by TNetFile. For the meaning of the
// options and other arguments see the constructors of the individual
// file classes. In case of error returns 0.
TPluginHandler *h;
TFile *f = 0;
TRegexp re("^root.*:");
TString sname = name;
if (sname.Index(re) != kNPOS) {
// If the url points to the localhost and the file will be opened in
// readonly mode and the current user has read access or the specified
// user is equal to the current user then open local TFile.
const char *lfname = 0;
Bool_t localFile = kFALSE;
TUrl url(name);
TInetAddress a(gSystem->GetHostByName(url.GetHost()));
TInetAddress b(gSystem->GetHostByName(gSystem->HostName()));
if (!strcmp(a.GetHostName(), b.GetHostName())) {
Bool_t read = kFALSE;
TString opt = option;
if (opt == "" || opt == "READ") read = kTRUE;
const char *fname = url.GetFile();
if (fname[1] == '/' || fname[1] == '~' || fname[1] == '$')
lfname = &fname[1];
lfname = Form("%s%s", gSystem->HomeDirectory(), fname);
if (read) {
char *fn;
if ((fn = gSystem->ExpandPathName(lfname))) {
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fn, kReadPermission))
read = kFALSE;
delete [] fn;
Bool_t sameUser = kFALSE;
UserGroup_t *u = gSystem->GetUserInfo();
if (u && !strcmp(u->fUser, url.GetUser()))
sameUser = kTRUE;
delete u;
if (read || sameUser)
localFile = kTRUE;
if (!localFile) {
if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TFile", name)) &&
h->LoadPlugin() == 0)
f = (TFile*) h->ExecPlugin(5, name, option, ftitle, compress, netopt);
f = new TNetFile(name, option, ftitle, compress, netopt);
} else {
f = new TFile(lfname, option, ftitle, compress);
} else if (!strncmp(name, "http:", 5)) {
if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TFile", name)) &&
h->LoadPlugin() == 0)
f = (TFile*) h->ExecPlugin(1, name);
f = new TWebFile(name);
} else if (!strncmp(name, "file:", 5)) {
if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TFile", name)) &&
h->LoadPlugin() == 0)
f = (TFile*) h->ExecPlugin(4, name+5, option, ftitle, compress);
f = new TFile(name, option, ftitle, compress);
} else if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TFile", name))) {
if (h->LoadPlugin() == -1)
return 0;
TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(h->GetClass());
if (cl && cl->InheritsFrom("TNetFile"))
f = (TFile*) h->ExecPlugin(5, name, option, ftitle, compress, netopt);
f = (TFile*) h->ExecPlugin(4, name, option, ftitle, compress);
} else
f = new TFile(name, option, ftitle, compress);
if (f && f->IsZombie()) {
delete f;
f = 0;
return f;
Int_t TFile::SysOpen(const char *pathname, Int_t flags, UInt_t mode)
// Interface to system open. All arguments like in POSIX open().
#if defined(R__WINGCC)
// ALWAYS use binary mode - even cygwin text should be in unix format
// although this is posix default it has to be set explicitly
return ::open(pathname, flags | O_BINARY, mode);
#elif defined(R__SEEK64)
return ::open64(pathname, flags, mode);
return ::open(pathname, flags, mode);
Int_t TFile::SysClose(Int_t fd)
// Interface to system close. All arguments like in POSIX close().
return ::close(fd);
Int_t TFile::SysRead(Int_t fd, void *buf, Int_t len)
// Interface to system read. All arguments like in POSIX read().
return ::read(fd, buf, len);
Int_t TFile::SysWrite(Int_t fd, const void *buf, Int_t len)
// Interface to system write. All arguments like in POSIX write().
return ::write(fd, buf, len);
Long64_t TFile::SysSeek(Int_t fd, Long64_t offset, Int_t whence)
// Interface to system lseek. All arguments like in POSIX lseek()
// except that the offset and return value are of a type which are
// able to handle 64 bit file systems.
#if defined (R__SEEK64)
return ::lseek64(fd, offset, whence);
#elif defined(WIN32)
return ::_lseeki64(fd, offset, whence);
return ::lseek(fd, offset, whence);
Int_t TFile::SysStat(Int_t, Long_t *id, Long64_t *size, Long_t *flags,
Long_t *modtime)
// Return file stat information. The interface and return value is
// identical to TSystem::GetPathInfo(). The function returns 0 in
// case of success and 1 if the file could not be stat'ed.
return gSystem->GetPathInfo(fRealName, id, size, flags, modtime);
Int_t TFile::SysSync(Int_t fd)
// Interface to system fsync. All arguments like in POSIX fsync().
if (TestBit(kDevNull)) return 0;
#ifndef WIN32
return ::fsync(fd);
return ::_commit(fd);
Double_t TFile::GetFileBytesRead() { return fgBytesRead; }
Double_t TFile::GetFileBytesWritten() { return fgBytesWrite; }
void TFile::SetFileBytesRead(Double_t bytes){ fgBytesRead = bytes; }
void TFile::SetFileBytesWritten(Double_t bytes){ fgBytesWrite = bytes; }
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