// @(#)root/treeplayer:$Name: $:$Id: TTreeFormula.cxx,v 1.148 2004/06/17 17:37:10 brun Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun 19/01/96
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TTreeFormula.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TBranchObject.h"
#include "TFunction.h"
#include "TLeafC.h"
#include "TLeafObject.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TMethodCall.h"
#include "TCutG.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TStreamerInfo.h"
#include "TStreamerElement.h"
#include "TBranchElement.h"
#include "TLeafElement.h"
#include "TArrayI.h"
#include "TAxis.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TVirtualCollectionProxy.h"
#include "TTreeFormulaManager.h"
#include "TFormLeafInfo.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef R__SOLARIS
#include <typeinfo>
const Int_t kMaxLen = 512;
R__EXTERN TTree *gTree;
// TTreeFormula now relies on a variety of TFormLeafInfo classes to handle the
// reading of the information. Here is the list of theses classes:
// TFormLeafInfo
// TFormLeafInfoDirect
// TFormLeafInfoNumerical
// TFormLeafInfoClones
// TFormLeafInfoCollection
// TFormLeafInfoPointer
// TFormLeafInfoMethod
// TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim
// TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDimDirect
// TFormLeafInfoCast
// The following method are available from the TFormLeafInfo interface:
// AddOffset(Int_t offset, TStreamerElement* element)
// GetCounterValue(TLeaf* leaf) : return the size of the array pointed to.
// GetObjectAddress(TLeafElement* leaf) : Returns the the location of the object pointed to.
// GetMultiplicity() : Returns info on the variability of the number of elements
// GetNdata(TLeaf* leaf) : Returns the number of elements
// GetNdata() : Used by GetNdata(TLeaf* leaf)
// GetValue(TLeaf *leaf, Int_t instance = 0) : Return the value
// GetValuePointer(TLeaf *leaf, Int_t instance = 0) : Returns the address of the value
// GetLocalValuePointer(TLeaf *leaf, Int_t instance = 0) : Returns the address of the value of 'this' LeafInfo
// IsString()
// ReadValue(char *where, Int_t instance = 0) : Internal function to interpret the location 'where'
// Update() : react to the possible loading of a shared library.
// This class is a small helper class to help in keeping track of the array
// dimensions encountered in the analysis of the expression.
class DimensionInfo : public TObject {
Int_t fCode; // Location of the leaf in TTreeFormula::fCode
Int_t fOper; // Location of the Operation using the leaf in TTreeFormula::fOper
Int_t fSize;
TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim* fMultiDim;
DimensionInfo(Int_t code, Int_t oper, Int_t size, TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim* multiDim)
: fCode(code), fOper(oper), fSize(size), fMultiDim(multiDim) {};
~DimensionInfo() {};
// A TreeFormula is used to pass a selection expression
// to the Tree drawing routine. See TTree::Draw
// A TreeFormula can contain any arithmetic expression including
// standard operators and mathematical functions separated by operators.
// Examples of valid expression:
// "x<y && sqrt(z)>3.2"
TTreeFormula::TTreeFormula(): TFormula()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Tree Formula default constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ================================
fTree = 0;
fLookupType = 0;
fNindex = 0;
fNcodes = 0;
fAxis = 0;
fHasCast = 0;
fManager = 0;
Int_t j,k;
for (j=0; j<kMAXCODES; j++) {
fNdimensions[j] = 0;
fCodes[j] = 0;
fNdata[j] = 1;
fHasMultipleVarDim[j] = kFALSE;
for (k = 0; k<kMAXFORMDIM; k++) {
fIndexes[j][k] = -1;
fCumulSizes[j][k] = 1;
fVarIndexes[j][k] = 0;
TTreeFormula::TTreeFormula(const char *name,const char *expression, TTree *tree)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal Tree Formula constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ===============================
fTree = tree;
fNindex = kMAXFOUND;
fLookupType = new Int_t[fNindex];
fNcodes = 0;
fMultiplicity = 0;
fAxis = 0;
fHasCast = 0;
Int_t i,j,k;
fManager = new TTreeFormulaManager;
for (j=0; j<kMAXCODES; j++) {
fNdimensions[j] = 0;
fLookupType[j] = kDirect;
fCodes[j] = 0;
fNdata[j] = 1;
fHasMultipleVarDim[j] = kFALSE;
for (k = 0; k<kMAXFORMDIM; k++) {
fIndexes[j][k] = -1;
fCumulSizes[j][k] = 1;
fVarIndexes[j][k] = 0;
fDimensionSetup = new TList;
if (Compile(expression)) {fTree = 0; fNdim = 0; return; }
if (fNcodes >= kMAXFOUND) {
Warning("TTreeFormula","Too many items in expression:%s",expression);
fNcodes = kMAXFOUND;
for (i=0;i<fNoper;i++) {
if (GetAction(i)==kDefinedString) {
Int_t string_code = GetActionParam(i);
TLeaf *leafc = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(string_code);
if (!leafc) continue;
// We have a string used as a string
// This dormant portion of code would be used if (when?) we allow the histogramming
// of the integral content (as opposed to the string content) of strings
// held in a variable size container delimited by a null (as opposed to
// a fixed size container or variable size container whose size is controlled
// by a variable). In GetNdata, we will then use strlen to grab the current length.
//fCumulSizes[i][fNdimensions[i]-1] = 1;
//fUsedSizes[fNdimensions[i]-1] = -TMath::Abs(fUsedSizes[fNdimensions[i]-1]);
//fUsedSizes[0] = - TMath::Abs( fUsedSizes[0]);
if (fNcodes == 1) {
// If the string is by itself, then it can safely be histogrammed as
// in a string based axis. To histogram the number inside the string
// just make part of a useless expression (for example: mystring+0)
if (fNoper==1 && GetAction(0)==kAliasString) {
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(0));
if (subform->TestBit(kIsCharacter)) SetBit(kIsCharacter);
} else if (fNoper==2 && GetAction(0)==kAlternateString) {
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(0));
if (subform->TestBit(kIsCharacter)) SetBit(kIsCharacter);
// Let's verify the indexes and dies if we need to.
Int_t k0,k1;
for(k0 = 0; k0 < fNcodes; k0++) {
for(k1 = 0; k1 < fNdimensions[k0]; k1++ ) {
// fprintf(stderr,"Saw %d dim %d and index %d\n",k1, fFixedSizes[k0][k1], fIndexes[k0][k1]);
if ( fIndexes[k0][k1]>=0 && fFixedSizes[k0][k1]>=0
&& fIndexes[k0][k1]>=fFixedSizes[k0][k1]) {
"Index %d for dimension #%d in %s is too high (max is %d)",
fIndexes[k0][k1],k1+1, expression,fFixedSizes[k0][k1]-1);
fTree = 0; fNdim = 0; return;
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Tree Formula default destructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =================================
if (fManager) {
if (fManager->fFormulas.GetLast()<0) {
delete fManager;
fManager = 0;
//TCutG objects should not be deleted from fMethods
TList temp;
TIter next(&fMethods);
TObject *obj;
while ((obj=next())) {
if (obj->InheritsFrom("TCutG")) temp.Add(obj);
TIter next2(&temp);
while ((obj=next2())) {
if (fLookupType) delete [] fLookupType;
for (int j=0; j<fNcodes; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k<fNdimensions[j]; k++) {
if (fVarIndexes[j][k]) delete fVarIndexes[j][k];
fVarIndexes[j][k] = 0;
if (fDimensionSetup) {
delete fDimensionSetup;
void TTreeFormula::DefineDimensions(Int_t code, Int_t size,
TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim * info,
Int_t& virt_dim) {
// This method is used internally to decode the dimensions of the variables
if (info) {
if (fIndexes[code][info->fDim]<0) {
info->fVirtDim = virt_dim;
fManager->AddVarDims(virt_dim); // if (!fVarDims[virt_dim]) fVarDims[virt_dim] = new TArrayI;
Int_t vsize = 0;
if (fIndexes[code][fNdimensions[code]]==-2) {
TTreeFormula *indexvar = fVarIndexes[code][fNdimensions[code]];
// ASSERT(indexvar!=0);
Int_t index_multiplicity = indexvar->GetMultiplicity();
switch (index_multiplicity) {
case -1:
case 0:
case 2:
vsize = indexvar->GetNdata();
case 1:
vsize = -1;
} else vsize = size;
fCumulSizes[code][fNdimensions[code]] = size;
if ( fIndexes[code][fNdimensions[code]] < 0 ) {
fManager->UpdateUsedSize(virt_dim, vsize);
fNdimensions[code] ++;
Int_t TTreeFormula::RegisterDimensions(const char *info, Int_t code) {
// This method is used internally to decode the dimensions of the variables
// We assume that there are NO white spaces in the info string
const char * current;
Int_t size, scanindex, vardim;
current = info;
vardim = 0;
// the next value could be before the string but
// that's okay because the next operation is ++
// (this is to avoid (?) a if statement at the end of the
// loop)
if (current[0] != '[') current--;
while (current) {
scanindex = sscanf(current,"%d",&size);
// if scanindex is 0 then we have a name index thus a variable
// array (or TClonesArray!).
if (scanindex==0) size = -1;
vardim += RegisterDimensions(code, size);
if (fNdimensions[code] >= kMAXFORMDIM) {
// NOTE: test that fNdimensions[code] is NOT too big!!
current = (char*)strstr( current, "[" );
return vardim;
Int_t TTreeFormula::RegisterDimensions(Int_t code, Int_t size, TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim * multidim) {
// This method stores the dimension information for later usage.
DimensionInfo * info = new DimensionInfo(code,fNoper,size,multidim);
fCumulSizes[code][fNdimensions[code]] = size;
fNdimensions[code] ++;
return (size==-1) ? 1 : 0;
Int_t TTreeFormula::RegisterDimensions(Int_t code, TFormLeafInfo *leafinfo) {
// This method is used internally to decode the dimensions of the variables
Int_t ndim, size, current, vardim;
const TStreamerElement * elem = leafinfo->fElement;
TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim * multi = dynamic_cast<TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim * >(leafinfo);
if (multi) {
// With have a second variable dimensions
multi->fDim = fNdimensions[code];
return RegisterDimensions(code, -1, multi);
if (elem->IsA() == TStreamerBasicPointer::Class()) {
ndim = 1;
size = -1;
TStreamerBasicPointer *array = (TStreamerBasicPointer*)elem;
TClass * cl = leafinfo->fClass;
Int_t offset;
TStreamerElement* counter = cl->GetStreamerInfo()->GetStreamerElement(array->GetCountName(),offset);
leafinfo->fCounter = new TFormLeafInfo(cl,offset,counter);
} else if (elem->GetClassPointer() == TClonesArray::Class() ) {
ndim = 1;
size = -1;
TClass * ClonesClass = TClonesArray::Class();
Int_t c_offset;
TStreamerElement *counter = ClonesClass->GetStreamerInfo()->GetStreamerElement("fLast",c_offset);
leafinfo->fCounter = new TFormLeafInfo(ClonesClass,c_offset,counter);
} else if (elem->GetClassPointer() && elem->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy() ) {
ndim = 1;
size = -1;
Assert( typeid(*leafinfo) == typeid(TFormLeafInfoCollection) );
} else if (elem->GetArrayDim()>0) {
ndim = elem->GetArrayDim();
size = elem->GetMaxIndex(0);
} else if ( elem->GetNewType()== TStreamerInfo::kCharStar) {
// When we implement being able to read the length from
// strlen, we will have:
// ndim = 1;
// size = -1;
// until then we more or so die:
ndim = 1;
size = 1; //NOTE: changed from 0
} else return 0;
current = 0;
vardim = 0;
do {
vardim += RegisterDimensions(code, size);
if (fNdimensions[code] >= kMAXFORMDIM) {
// NOTE: test that fNdimensions[code] is NOT too big!!
size = elem->GetMaxIndex(current);
} while (current<ndim);
return vardim;
Int_t TTreeFormula::RegisterDimensions(Int_t code, TBranchElement *branch) {
// This method is used internally to decode the dimensions of the variables
TBranchElement * leafcount2 = branch->GetBranchCount2();
if (leafcount2) {
// With have a second variable dimensions
TBranchElement *leafcount = dynamic_cast<TBranchElement*>(branch->GetBranchCount());
Assert(leafcount); // The function should only be called on a functional TBranchElement object
TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim * info = new TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDimDirect();
fDataMembers.AddAtAndExpand(info, code);
fHasMultipleVarDim[code] = kTRUE;
info->fCounter = new TFormLeafInfoDirect(leafcount);
info->fCounter2 = new TFormLeafInfoDirect(leafcount2);
info->fDim = fNdimensions[code];
//if (fIndexes[code][info->fDim]<0) {
// info->fVirtDim = virt_dim;
// if (!fVarDims[virt_dim]) fVarDims[virt_dim] = new TArrayI;
return RegisterDimensions(code, -1, info);
return 0;
Int_t TTreeFormula::RegisterDimensions(Int_t code, TLeaf *leaf) {
// This method is used internally to decode the dimensions of the variables
Int_t numberOfVarDim = 0;
// Let see if we can understand the structure of this branch.
// Usually we have: leafname[fixed_array] leaftitle[var_array]\type
// (with fixed_array that can be a multi-dimension array.
const char *tname = leaf->GetTitle();
char *leaf_dim = (char*)strstr( tname, "[" );
const char *bname = leaf->GetBranch()->GetName();
char *branch_dim = (char*)strstr(bname,"[");
if (branch_dim) branch_dim++; // skip the '['
if (leaf_dim) {
leaf_dim++; // skip the '['
if (!branch_dim || strncmp(branch_dim,leaf_dim,strlen(branch_dim))) {
// then both are NOT the same so do the leaf title first:
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions( leaf_dim, code);
if (branch_dim) {
// then both are NOT same so do the branch name next:
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions( branch_dim, code);
if (leaf->IsA() == TLeafElement::Class()) {
TBranchElement* branch = (TBranchElement*) leaf->GetBranch();
if (branch->GetBranchCount2()) {
if (!branch->GetBranchCount()) {
"Noticed an incorrect in-memory TBranchElement object (%s).\nIt has a BranchCount2 but no BranchCount!\nThe result might be incorrect!",
return numberOfVarDim;
// Switch from old direct style to using a TLeafInfo
if (fLookupType[code] == kDataMember)
"Already in kDataMember mode when handling multiple variable dimensions");
fLookupType[code] = kDataMember;
// Feed the information into the Dimensions system
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions( code, branch);
return numberOfVarDim;
Int_t TTreeFormula::DefinedVariable(TString &name, Int_t &action)
//*-*-*-*-*-*Check if name is in the list of Tree/Branch leaves*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ==================================================
// This member function redefines the function in TFormula
// If a leaf has a name corresponding to the argument name, then
// returns a new code.
// A TTreeFormula may contain more than one variable.
// For each variable referenced, the pointers to the corresponding
// branch and leaf is stored in the object arrays fBranches and fLeaves.
// name can be :
// - Leaf_Name (simple variable or data member of a ClonesArray)
// - Branch_Name.Leaf_Name
// - Branch_Name.Method_Name
// - Leaf_Name[index]
// - Branch_Name.Leaf_Name[index]
// - Branch_Name.Leaf_Name[index1]
// - Branch_Name.Leaf_Name[][index2]
// - Branch_Name.Leaf_Name[index1][index2]
// New additions:
// - Branch_Name.Leaf_Name[OtherLeaf_Name]
// - Branch_Name.Datamember_Name
// - '.' can be replaced by '->'
// and
// - Branch_Name[index1].Leaf_Name[index2]
// - Leaf_name[index].Action().OtherAction(param)
// - Leaf_name[index].Action()[val].OtherAction(param)
// The expected returns values are
// -2 : the name has been recognized but won't be usable
// -1 : the name has not been recognized
// >=0 : the name has been recognized, return the internal code for this name.
action = kDefinedVariable;
if (!fTree) return -1;
// Later on we will need to read one entry, let's make sure
// it is a real entry.
Int_t readentry = fTree->GetReadEntry();
if (readentry==-1) readentry=0;
fNpar = 0;
Int_t nchname = name.Length();
if (nchname > kMaxLen) return -1;
Int_t i,k;
Int_t numberOfVarDim = 0;
const char *cname = name.Data();
char first[kMaxLen]; first[0] = '\0';
char second[kMaxLen]; second[0] = '\0';
char right[kMaxLen]; right[0] = '\0';
char dims[kMaxLen]; dims[0] = '\0';
char work[kMaxLen]; work[0] = '\0';
char scratch[kMaxLen];
char scratch2[kMaxLen];
char *current;
TLeaf *leaf=0, *tmp_leaf=0;
TBranch *branch=0, *tmp_branch=0;
Bool_t final = kFALSE;
UInt_t paran_level = 0;
TObjArray castqueue;
if (strcmp(cname,"Entry$")==0) {
Int_t code = fNcodes++;
fCodes[code] = 0;
fLookupType[code] = kIndexOfEntry;
return code;
if (strcmp(cname,"Entries$")==0) {
Int_t code = fNcodes++;
fCodes[code] = 0;
fLookupType[code] = kEntries;
return code;
if (strcmp(cname,"Iteration$")==0) {
Int_t code = fNcodes++;
fCodes[code] = 0;
fLookupType[code] = kIteration;
return code;
if (strcmp(cname,"Length$")==0) {
Int_t code = fNcodes++;
fCodes[code] = 0;
fLookupType[code] = kLength;
return code;
static const char *altfunc = "Alt$(";
if ( strncmp(cname,altfunc,strlen(altfunc))==0
&& cname[strlen(cname)-1]==')'
) {
TString full = cname;
TString part1;
TString part2;
int paran = 0;
int instr = 0;
int brack = 0;
for(unsigned int i=strlen(altfunc);i<strlen(cname);++i) {
switch (cname[i]) {
case '(': paran++; break;
case ')': paran--; break;
case '"': instr = instr ? 0 : 1; break;
case '[': brack++; break;
case ']': brack--; break;
if (cname[i]==',' && paran==0 && instr==0 && brack==0) {
part1 = full( strlen(altfunc), i-strlen(altfunc) );
part2 = full( i+1, full.Length() -1 - (i+1) );
break; // out of the for loop
if (part1.Length() && part2.Length()) {
TTreeFormula *primary = new TTreeFormula("primary",part1,fTree);
TTreeFormula *alternate = new TTreeFormula("alternate",part2,fTree);
// TFormula *alt = new TFormula("alt",part2);
if (alternate->GetManager()->GetMultiplicity() != 0 ) {
Error("DefinedVariable","The 2nd arguments in %s can not be an array (%s,%d)!",
return -1;
// Should check whether we have strings.
short isstring = 0;
if (primary->IsString()) {
if (!alternate->IsString()) {
Error("DefinedVariable","The 2nd arguments in %s has to return the same type as the 1st argument (string)!",
return -1;
isstring = 1;
} else if (alternate->IsString()) {
Error("DefinedVariable","The 2nd arguments in %s has to return the same type as the 1st argument (numerical type)!",
return -1;
fExpr[fNoper] = "";
SetAction(fNoper, (Int_t)kAlternate + isstring, 0 );
action = (Int_t)kAlias + isstring;
return 0;
for (i=0, current = &(work[0]); i<=nchname && !final;i++ ) {
// We will treated the terminator as a token.
*current++ = cname[i];
if (cname[i] == ')') {
if (paran_level==0) {
Error("DefinedVariable","Unmatched paranthesis in %s",name.Data());
return -1;
// Let's see if work is a classname.
*(--current) = 0;
TString cast_name = gInterpreter->TypeName(work);
TClass *cast_cl = gROOT->GetClass(cast_name);
if (cast_cl) {
// We must have a cast
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
// Warning("DefinedVariable","Found cast to %s",cast_name.Data());
} else if (gROOT->GetType(cast_name)) {
// We reset work
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
"Casting to primary types like \"%s\" is not supported yet",cast_name.Data());
// if it is not a cast, we just ignore the closing paranthesis.
if (cname[i] == '(') {
if (current==work+1) {
// If the expression starts with a paranthesis, we are likely
// to have a cast operator inside.
// Right now we do not allow nested paranthesis
while( cname[i]!=')' && cname[i] ) {
*current++ = cname[i++];
*current++ = cname[i++];
char *params = strchr(work,'(');
if (params) {
*params = 0; params++;
} else params = (char *) ")";
if (branch && !leaf) {
// We have a branch but not a leaf. We are likely to have found
// the top of splitted branch.
if (BranchHasMethod(0,branch,work,params,readentry)) {
//fprintf(stderr,"Does have a method %s for %s.\n",work,branch->GetName());
// What we have so far might be a member function of one of the
// leaves that are not splitted (for example "GetNtrack" for the Event class).
TIter next (fTree->GetIteratorOnAllLeaves());
TLeaf *leafcur;
while (!leaf && (leafcur = (TLeaf*)next())) {
if (BranchHasMethod(leafcur,leafcur->GetBranch(),work,params,readentry)) {
//fprintf(stderr,"Does have a method %s for %s found in leafcur %s.\n",work,leafcur->GetBranch()->GetName(),leafcur->GetName());
leaf = leafcur;
if (!leaf) {
// This actually not really any error, we probably received something
// like "abs(some_val)", let TFormula decompose it first.
return -1;
// if (!leaf->InheritsFrom("TLeafObject") ) {
// If the leaf that we found so far is not a TLeafObject then there is
// nothing we would be able to do.
// Error("DefinedVariable","Need a TLeafObject to call a function!");
// return -1;
// We need to recover the info not used.
final = kTRUE;
// we reset work
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
if (cname[i] == '.' || cname[i] == '[' || cname[i] == '\0' ) {
// A delimiter happened let's see if what we have seen
// so far does point to a leaf.
*current = '\0';
if (!leaf && !branch) {
// So far, we have not found a matching leaf or branch.
branch = fTree->FindBranch(first);
leaf = fTree->FindLeaf(first);
// Now look with the delimiter removed (we looked with it first
// because a dot is allowed at the end of some branches).
if (cname[i]) first[strlen(first)-1]='\0';
if (!branch) branch = fTree->FindBranch(first);
if (!leaf) leaf = fTree->FindLeaf(first);
if (branch && cname[i] != 0) {
// Since we found a branch and there is more information in the name,
// we do NOT look at the 'IsOnTerminalBranch' status of the leaf
// we found ... yet!
if (leaf==0) {
// Note we do not know (yet?) what (if anything) to do
// for a TBranchObject branch.
if (branch->InheritsFrom(TBranchElement::Class()) ) {
Int_t type = ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetType();
if ( type == 3 || type ==4) {
// We have a Collection branch.
leaf = (TLeaf*)branch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0);
// we reset work
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
} else if (leaf || branch) {
if (leaf && branch) {
// We found both a leaf and branch matching the request name
// let's see which one is the proper one to use! (On annoying case
// is that where the same name is repeated ( varname.varname )
// We always give priority to the branch
// leaf = 0;
if (leaf && leaf->IsOnTerminalBranch()) {
// This is a non-object leaf, it should NOT be specified more except for
// dimensions.
final = kTRUE;
// we reset work
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
} else {
// What we have so far might be a data member of one of the
// leaves that are not splitted (for example "fNtrack" for the Event class.
TLeaf *leafcur = GetLeafWithDatamember(first,work,readentry);
if (leafcur) {
leaf = leafcur;
branch = leaf->GetBranch();
if (leaf->IsOnTerminalBranch()) {
final = kTRUE;
//We need to put the delimiter back!
if (cname[i]=='.') strcat(right,".");
// We reset work
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
} else if (cname[i] == '.') {
// If we have a branch that match a name preceded by a dot
// then we assume we are trying to drill down the branch
// Let look if one of the top level branch has a branch with the name
// we are looking for.
TBranch *branchcur;
TIter next( fTree->GetListOfBranches() );
while(!branch && (branchcur=(TBranch*)next()) ) {
branch = branchcur->FindBranch(first);
if (branch) {
// We reset work
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
} else { // correspond to if (leaf || branch)
if (final) {
Error("DefinedVariable", "Unexpected control flow!");
return -1;
// No dot is allowed in subbranches and leaves, so
// we always remove it in the present case.
if (cname[i]) work[strlen(work)-1] = '\0';
// First look for the current 'word' in the list of
// leaf of the
if (branch) {
tmp_leaf = branch->FindLeaf(work);
if (!tmp_leaf) tmp_leaf = branch->FindLeaf(scratch);
if (!tmp_leaf) tmp_leaf = branch->FindLeaf(scratch2);
if (tmp_leaf && tmp_leaf->IsOnTerminalBranch() ) {
// This is a non-object leaf, it should NOT be specified more except for
// dimensions.
final = kTRUE;
if (branch) {
tmp_branch = branch->FindBranch(work);
if (!tmp_branch) tmp_branch = branch->FindBranch(scratch);
if (!tmp_branch) tmp_branch = branch->FindBranch(scratch2);
if (tmp_branch) {
// NOTE: Should we look for a leaf within here?
if (!final) {
tmp_leaf = branch->FindLeaf(work);
if (!tmp_leaf) tmp_leaf = branch->FindLeaf(scratch);
if (!tmp_leaf) tmp_leaf = branch->FindLeaf(scratch2);
if (tmp_leaf && tmp_leaf->IsOnTerminalBranch() ) {
// This is a non-object leaf, it should NOT be specified
// more except for dimensions.
final = kTRUE;
leaf = tmp_leaf;
if (tmp_leaf) {
// Something was found.
if (second[0]) strcat(second,".");
leaf = tmp_leaf;
// we reset work
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
} else {
//We need to put the delimiter back!
if (strlen(work)) work[strlen(work)] = cname[i];
else --current;
if (cname[i] == '[') {
int bracket = i;
int bracket_level = 1;
int j;
for (j=++i; j<nchname && (bracket_level>0 || cname[j]=='['); j++, i++) {
if (cname[j]=='[')
else if (cname[j]==']')
if (bracket_level != 0) {
//Error("DefinedVariable","Bracket unbalanced");
return -1;
if (current!=work) *(--current) = '\0'; // remove bracket.
if (current == &(work[0])) { // leaf!=0 && branch!=0) {
// If we have already sucessfully analyzed the left part of the name
// we need to skip the dots that may be adjacent to the closing bracket
while (cname[i+1]=='.') i++;
// Copy the left over for later use.
if (strlen(work)) {
if (i<nchname) {
if (strlen(right) && right[strlen(right)-1]!='.' && cname[i]!='.') {
// In some cases we remove a little to fast the period, we added
// it back if we need. It is assumed that 'right' and the rest of
// the name was cut by a delimiter, so this should be safe.
if (!final && branch) {
if (!leaf) {
leaf = (TLeaf*)branch->GetListOfLeaves()->UncheckedAt(0);
if (!leaf) return -1;
final = leaf->IsOnTerminalBranch();
if (!leaf) {
// Check for an alias.
const char *aliasValue = fTree->GetAlias(work);
if (aliasValue) {
TTreeFormula *subform = new TTreeFormula(work,aliasValue,fTree);
if (subform->IsString()) {
action = kAliasString;
return 0;
} else {
action = kAlias;
return 0;
if (leaf) { // We found a Leaf.
if (leaf->GetBranch() && leaf->GetBranch()->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)) {
Error("DefinedVariable","the branch \"%s\" has to be enabled to be used",leaf->GetBranch()->GetName());
return -2;
// Save the information
Int_t code = fNcodes++;
// We need to move all dimensions information from 'right'
// to dims so that they are ALL processed here.
Int_t rightlen = strlen(right);
for(i=0,k=0; i<rightlen; i++, k++) {
if (right[i] == '[') {
int bracket = i;
int bracket_level = 1;
int j;
for (j=++i; j<rightlen && (bracket_level>0 || right[j]=='['); j++, i++) {
if (right[j]=='[') bracket_level++;
else if (right[j]==']') bracket_level--;
if (bracket_level != 0) {
//Error("DefinedVariable","Bracket unbalanced");
return -1;
k += j-bracket;
if (i!=k) right[i] = right[k];
// If needed will now parse the indexes specified for
// arrays.
if (dims[0]) {
current = &( dims[0] );
Int_t dim = 0;
char varindex[kMaxLen];
Int_t index;
Int_t scanindex ;
while (current) {
if (current[0] == ']') {
fIndexes[code][dim] = -1; // Loop over all elements;
} else {
scanindex = sscanf(current,"%d",&index);
if (scanindex) {
fIndexes[code][dim] = index;
} else {
fIndexes[code][dim] = -2; // Index is calculated via a variable.
char *end = varindex;
for(char bracket_level = 0;*end!=0;end++) {
if (*end=='[') bracket_level++;
if (bracket_level==0 && *end==']') break;
if (*end==']') bracket_level--;
if (end != 0) {
*end = '\0';
fVarIndexes[code][dim] = new TTreeFormula("index_var",
current += strlen(varindex)+1; // move to the end of the index array
dim ++;
if (dim >= kMAXFORMDIM) {
// NOTE: test that dim this is NOT too big!!
current = (char*)strstr( current, "[" );
// Make a check to prevent problem with some corrupted files (missing TStreamerInfo).
if (leaf->IsA()==TLeafElement::Class()) {
TBranchElement *br = ((TBranchElement*)leaf->GetBranch());
if ( br->GetInfo() == 0 ) {
Error("DefinedVariable","Missing StreamerInfo for %s. We will be unable to read!",
return -2;
TBranchElement *mom = (TBranchElement*)br->GetMother();
if (mom!=br) {
if (mom->GetInfo()==0) {
Error("DefinedVariable","Missing StreamerInfo for %s. We will be unable to read!",
return -2;
if (mom->GetType()<0 && mom->GetAddress()==0) {
Error("DefinedVariable","Address not set when the type of the branch is negatif for for %s. We will be unable to read!",
return -2;
// We need to record the location in the list of leaves because
// the tree might actually be a chain and in that case the leaf will
// change from tree to tree!.
// Let's reconstruct the name of the leaf, including the possible friend alias
TTree *realtree = fTree->GetTree();
const char* alias = 0;
if (realtree) alias = realtree->GetFriendAlias(leaf->GetBranch()->GetTree());
if (alias) sprintf(scratch,"%s.%s",alias,leaf->GetName());
else strcpy(scratch,leaf->GetName());
TTree *tleaf = leaf->GetBranch()->GetTree();
fCodes[code] = tleaf->GetListOfLeaves()->IndexOf(leaf);
TNamed *named = new TNamed(scratch,leaf->GetBranch()->GetName());
// Analyze the content of 'right'
// Try to find out the class (if any) of the object in the leaf.
TClass * cl = 0;
TFormLeafInfo *maininfo = 0;
TFormLeafInfo *previnfo = 0;
if (leaf->InheritsFrom("TLeafObject") ) {
TBranchObject *bobj = (TBranchObject*)leaf->GetBranch();
cl = gROOT->GetClass(bobj->GetClassName());
if (strlen(right)==0) strcpy(right,work);
} else if (leaf->InheritsFrom("TLeafElement")) {
TBranchElement *BranchEl = (TBranchElement *)leaf->GetBranch();
TStreamerInfo *info = BranchEl->GetInfo();
TStreamerElement *element = 0;
Int_t type = BranchEl->GetStreamerType();
switch(type) {
case TStreamerInfo::kObject:
case TStreamerInfo::kTString:
case TStreamerInfo::kTNamed:
case TStreamerInfo::kTObject:
case TStreamerInfo::kAny:
case TStreamerInfo::kAnyP:
case TStreamerInfo::kAnyp:
case TStreamerInfo::kSTL:
case TStreamerInfo::kSTLp:
case TStreamerInfo::kObjectp:
case TStreamerInfo::kObjectP: {
element = (TStreamerElement *)info->GetElems()[BranchEl->GetID()];
if (element) cl = element->GetClassPointer();
case TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kSTL:
case TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kSTLp:
case TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAny:
case TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAnyp:
case TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAnyP:
case TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObjectp:
case TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObjectP:
case TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObject: {
element = (TStreamerElement *)info->GetElems()[BranchEl->GetID()];
if (element){
cl = element->GetClassPointer();
case -1: {
cl = info->GetClass();
// If we got a class object, we need to verify whether it is on a
// split TClonesArray sub branch.
if (cl && BranchEl->GetBranchCount()) {
if (BranchEl->GetType()==31) {
// This is inside a TClonesArray.
if (!element) {
Warning("DefineVariable","Missing TStreamerElement in object in TClonesArray section");
return -2;
TFormLeafInfo* clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(cl, 0, element, kTRUE);
// The following code was commmented out because in THIS case
// the dimension are actually handled by parsing the title and name of the leaf
// and branch (see a little further)
// The dimension needs to be handled!
// numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,clonesinfo);
maininfo = clonesinfo;
// We skip some cases because we can assume we have an object.
Int_t offset;
if (type == TStreamerInfo::kObjectp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kObjectP ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObjectp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObjectP ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kSTLp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kAnyp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kAnyP ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kSTLp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAnyp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAnyP) {
previnfo = new TFormLeafInfoPointer(cl,offset+BranchEl->GetOffset(),element);
} else {
previnfo = new TFormLeafInfo(cl,offset+BranchEl->GetOffset(),element);
maininfo->fNext = previnfo;
} else if (BranchEl->GetType()==41) {
// This is inside a Collection
if (!element) {
Warning("DefineVariable","Missing TStreamerElement in object in Collection section");
return -2;
TFormLeafInfo* collectioninfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(cl, 0, element, kTRUE);
// The following code was commmented out because in THIS case
// the dimension are actually handled by parsing the title and name of the leaf
// and branch (see a little further)
// The dimension needs to be handled!
// numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,clonesinfo);
maininfo = collectioninfo;
// We skip some cases because we can assume we have an object.
Int_t offset;
if (type == TStreamerInfo::kObjectp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kObjectP ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObjectp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObjectP ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kSTLp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kAnyp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kAnyP ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kSTLp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAnyp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAnyP) {
previnfo = new TFormLeafInfoPointer(cl,offset+BranchEl->GetOffset(),element);
} else {
previnfo = new TFormLeafInfo(cl,offset+BranchEl->GetOffset(),element);
maininfo->fNext = previnfo;
} else if (BranchEl->GetType()==3) {
TFormLeafInfo* clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(cl, 0, kTRUE);
// The dimension needs to be handled!
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,clonesinfo);
maininfo = clonesinfo;
previnfo = maininfo;
} else if (BranchEl->GetType()==4) {
TFormLeafInfo* collectioninfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(cl, 0, cl, kTRUE);
// The dimension needs to be handled!
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,collectioninfo);
maininfo = collectioninfo;
previnfo = maininfo;
} else if (strlen(right)==0 && cl && element && !element->IsaPointer() && final) {
if (element->GetClassPointer() && element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()
&& element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass()==0
&& element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetType()>0) {
TFormLeafInfo* collectioninfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(cl,BranchEl->GetOffset(),element);
// The dimension needs to be handled!
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,collectioninfo);
collectioninfo->fNext = new TFormLeafInfoNumerical(element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetType());
maininfo = collectioninfo;
previnfo = maininfo->fNext;
} else {
maininfo = new TFormLeafInfoDirect(BranchEl);
previnfo = maininfo;
// Treat the dimension information in the leaf name, title and 2nd branch count
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,leaf);
if (cl) {
Int_t offset;
Int_t nchname = strlen(right);
TFormLeafInfo *leafinfo = 0;
TStreamerElement* element = 0;
// Let see if the leaf was attempted to be casted.
// Since there would have been something like
// ((cast_class*)leafname)->.... we need to use
// paran_level+2
// Also we disable this functionality in case of TClonesArray
// because it is not yet allowed to have 'inheritance' (or virtuality)
// in play in a TClonesArray.
TClass * casted = (TClass*) castqueue.At(paran_level+2);
if (casted && cl != TClonesArray::Class()) {
if ( ! casted->InheritsFrom(cl) ) {
Error("DefinedVariable","%s does not inherit from %s. Casting not possible!",
return -2;
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoCast(cl,casted);
fHasCast = kTRUE;
if (maininfo==0) {
maininfo = leafinfo;
if (previnfo==0) {
previnfo = leafinfo;
} else {
previnfo->fNext = leafinfo;
previnfo = leafinfo;
leafinfo = 0;
cl = casted;
for (i=0, current = &(work[0]); i<=nchname;i++ ) {
// We will treated the terminator as a token.
if (right[i] == '(') {
// Right now we do not allow nested paranthesis
do {
*current++ = right[i++];
} while(right[i]!=')' && right[i]);
*current++ = right[i++];
char *params = strchr(work,'(');
if (params) {
*params = 0; params++;
} else params = (char *) ")";
if (cl==0) {
Error("DefinedVariable","Can not call '%s' with a class",work);
return -1;
if (cl->GetClassInfo()==0 && !cl->GetCollectionProxy()) {
Error("DefinedVariable","Class probably unavailable:%s",cl->GetName());
return -2;
if (cl == TClonesArray::Class()) {
// We are NEVER interested in the ClonesArray object but only
// in its contents.
// We need to retrieve the class of its content.
TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
TClonesArray * clones;
if (previnfo) clones = (TClonesArray*)previnfo->GetLocalValuePointer(leaf,0);
else {
if (branch==((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetMother()
|| !leaf->IsOnTerminalBranch() ) {
TClass *mother_cl;
if (leaf->IsA()==TLeafObject::Class()) {
// in this case mother_cl is not really used
mother_cl = cl;
} else {
mother_cl = ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetInfo()->GetClass();
TFormLeafInfo* clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(mother_cl, 0, kTRUE);
// The dimension needs to be handled!
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,clonesinfo);
previnfo = clonesinfo;
maininfo = clonesinfo;
clones = (TClonesArray*)clonesinfo->GetLocalValuePointer(leaf,0);
//clones = *(TClonesArray**)((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetAdress();
} else {
TClass *mother_cl;
if (leaf->IsA()==TLeafObject::Class()) {
// in this case mother_cl is not really used
mother_cl = cl;
} else {
mother_cl = ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetInfo()->GetClass();
TFormLeafInfo* clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(mother_cl, 0);
// The dimension needs to be handled!
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,clonesinfo);
previnfo = clonesinfo;
maininfo = clonesinfo;
clones = (TClonesArray*)clonesinfo->GetLocalValuePointer(leaf,0);
TClass * inside_cl = clones->GetClass();
if (1 || inside_cl) cl = inside_cl;
} else if (cl && cl->GetCollectionProxy() ) {
// We are NEVER (for now!) interested in the ClonesArray object but only
// in its contents.
// We need to retrieve the class of its content.
if (previnfo==0) {
if (branch==((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetMother()
|| !leaf->IsOnTerminalBranch() ) {
TClass *mother_cl;
if (leaf->IsA()==TLeafObject::Class()) {
// in this case mother_cl is not really used
mother_cl = cl;
} else {
mother_cl = ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetInfo()->GetClass();
TFormLeafInfo* collectioninfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(mother_cl, 0,cl,kTRUE);
// The dimension needs to be handled!
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,collectioninfo);
previnfo = collectioninfo;
maininfo = collectioninfo;
} else {
TClass *mother_cl;
if (leaf->IsA()==TLeafObject::Class()) {
// in this case mother_cl is not really used
mother_cl = cl;
} else {
mother_cl = ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetInfo()->GetClass();
TFormLeafInfo* collectioninfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(mother_cl, 0, cl);
// The dimension needs to be handled!
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,collectioninfo);
previnfo = collectioninfo;
maininfo = collectioninfo;
TClass * inside_cl = cl->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass();
if (inside_cl) cl = inside_cl;
else if (cl->GetCollectionProxy()->GetType()>0) {
Warning("DefinedVariable","Can not call method on content of %s in %s\n",
TMethodCall *method;
if (cl->GetClassInfo()==0) {
Error("DefinedVariable","Can not call method %s on class without dictionary (%s)!",
return -2;
method = new TMethodCall(cl, work, params);
if (!method->GetMethod()) {
Error("DefinedVariable","Unknown method:%s",right);
return -1;
switch(method->ReturnType()) {
case TMethodCall::kLong:
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoMethod(cl,method);
cl = 0;
case TMethodCall::kDouble:
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoMethod(cl,method);
cl = 0;
case TMethodCall::kString:
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoMethod(cl,method);
// 1 will be replaced by -1 when we know how to use strlen
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,1); //NOTE: changed from 0
cl = 0;
case TMethodCall::kOther:
{TString return_type = gInterpreter->TypeName(method->GetMethod()->GetReturnTypeName());
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoMethod(cl,method);
if (return_type != "void") {
cl = gROOT->GetClass(return_type.Data());
} else {
cl = 0;
}; break;
Error("DefineVariable","Method %s from %s has an impossible return type %d",
return -2;
if (maininfo==0) {
maininfo = leafinfo;
if (previnfo==0) {
previnfo = leafinfo;
} else {
previnfo->fNext = leafinfo;
previnfo = leafinfo;
leafinfo = 0;
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
} else if (right[i] == ')') {
// We should have the end of a cast operator. Let's introduce a TFormLeafCast
// in the chain.
TClass * casted = (TClass*) castqueue.At(--paran_level);
if (casted) {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoCast(cl,casted);
fHasCast = kTRUE;
if (maininfo==0) {
maininfo = leafinfo;
if (previnfo==0) {
previnfo = leafinfo;
} else {
previnfo->fNext = leafinfo;
previnfo = leafinfo;
leafinfo = 0;
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
cl = casted;
} else if (i > 0 && (right[i] == '.' || right[i] == '[' || right[i] == '\0') ) {
// A delimiter happened let's see if what we have seen
// so far does point to a data member.
*current = '\0';
// skip it all if there is nothing to look at
if (strlen(work)==0) continue;
Bool_t mustderef = kFALSE;
if (cl == TClonesArray::Class()) {
// We are NEVER interested in the ClonesArray object but only
// in its contents.
// We need to retrieve the class of its content.
TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
TClonesArray * clones;
if (maininfo) clones = (TClonesArray*)maininfo->GetLocalValuePointer(leaf,0);
else {
// we have a unsplit TClonesArray leaves
// or we did not yet match any of the sub-branches!
TClass *mother_cl;
if (leaf->IsA()==TLeafObject::Class()) {
// in this case mother_cl is not really used
mother_cl = cl;
} else {
mother_cl = ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetInfo()->GetClass();
TFormLeafInfo* clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(mother_cl, 0);
// The dimension needs to be handled!
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,clonesinfo);
mustderef = kTRUE;
previnfo = clonesinfo;
maininfo = clonesinfo;
if (branch->GetListOfBranches()->GetLast()>=0) {
if (branch->IsA() != TBranchElement::Class()) {
Error("DefinedVariable","Unimplemented usage of ClonesArray");
return -2;
//branch = ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetMother();
clones = (TClonesArray*)((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetObject();
} else
clones = (TClonesArray*)clonesinfo->GetLocalValuePointer(leaf,0);
// NOTE clones can be zero!
TClass * inside_cl = clones->GetClass();
if (1 || inside_cl) cl = inside_cl;
// if inside_cl is nul ... we have a problem of inconsistency :(
if (0 && strlen(work)==0) {
// However in this case we have NO content :(
// so let get the number of objects
} else if (cl && cl->GetCollectionProxy() ) {
// We are NEVER interested in the Collection object but only
// in its contents.
// We need to retrieve the class of its content.
TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
if (maininfo==0) {
// we have a unsplit Collection leaves
// or we did not yet match any of the sub-branches!
TClass *mother_cl;
if (leaf->IsA()==TLeafObject::Class()) {
// in this case mother_cl is not really used
mother_cl = cl;
} else {
mother_cl = ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetInfo()->GetClass();
TFormLeafInfo* collectioninfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(mother_cl, 0, cl);
// The dimension needs to be handled!
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,collectioninfo);
mustderef = kTRUE;
previnfo = collectioninfo;
maininfo = collectioninfo;
TClass * inside_cl = cl->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass();
if (!inside_cl && cl->GetCollectionProxy()->GetType() > 0) {
Warning("DefinedVariable","No data member in content of %s in %s\n",
if (1 || inside_cl) cl = inside_cl;
// if inside_cl is nul ... we have a problem of inconsistency :(
if (!cl) {
Warning("DefinedVariable","Missing class for %s!",name.Data());
} else {
element = cl->GetStreamerInfo()->GetStreamerElement(work,offset);
if (!element) {
// We allow for looking for a data member inside a class inside
// a TClonesArray without mentioning the TClonesArrays variable name
TIter next( cl->GetStreamerInfo()->GetElements() );
TStreamerElement * curelem;
while ((curelem = (TStreamerElement*)next())) {
if (curelem->GetClassPointer() == TClonesArray::Class()) {
Int_t clones_offset;
TFormLeafInfo* clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfo(cl, clones_offset, curelem);
TClonesArray * clones;
if (previnfo) {
previnfo->fNext = clonesinfo;
clones = (TClonesArray*)maininfo->GetValuePointer(leaf,0);
previnfo->fNext = 0;
} else {
clones = (TClonesArray*)clonesinfo->GetLocalValuePointer(leaf,0);
TClass *sub_cl = clones->GetClass();
element = sub_cl->GetStreamerInfo()->GetStreamerElement(work,offset);
delete clonesinfo;
if (element) {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(cl,clones_offset,curelem);
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,leafinfo);
if (maininfo==0) maininfo = leafinfo;
if (previnfo==0) previnfo = leafinfo;
else {
previnfo->fNext = leafinfo;
previnfo = leafinfo;
leafinfo = 0;
cl = sub_cl;
} else if (curelem->GetClassPointer() && curelem->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()) {
Int_t coll_offset;
TClass *sub_cl = curelem->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass();
if (sub_cl) element = sub_cl->GetStreamerInfo()->GetStreamerElement(work,offset);
if (element) {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(cl,coll_offset,curelem);
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,leafinfo);
if (maininfo==0) maininfo = leafinfo;
if (previnfo==0) previnfo = leafinfo;
else {
previnfo->fNext = leafinfo;
previnfo = leafinfo;
leafinfo = 0;
cl = sub_cl;
if (element) {
Int_t type = element->GetNewType();
if (type<60) {
// This is a basic type ...
if (numberOfVarDim>=1 && type>40) {
// We have a variable array within a variable array!
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim(cl,offset,element,maininfo);
// fDataMembers.AddAtAndExpand(leafinfo,code);
fHasMultipleVarDim[code] = kTRUE;
} else {
if (leafinfo) {
// leafinfo->fOffset += offset;
} else {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfo(cl,offset,element);
} else if (type == TStreamerInfo::kObjectp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kObjectP ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObjectp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObjectP ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kSTLp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kAnyp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kAnyP ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kSTLp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAnyp ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAnyP) {
// this is a pointer to be followed.
if (element->GetClassPointer() == TClonesArray::Class()) {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(cl,offset,element);
mustderef = kTRUE;
} else if (element->GetClassPointer() && element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()) {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(cl,offset,element);
mustderef = kTRUE;
if (element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass()==0) {
leafinfo->fNext = new TFormLeafInfoNumerical(element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetType());
} else {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoPointer(cl,offset,element);
mustderef = kTRUE;
} else if (type == TStreamerInfo::kAny ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kSTL ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kObject ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kTString ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kTNamed ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kTObject ) {
// this is an embedded object. We can increase the offset.
if (leafinfo) {
// leafinfo->fOffset += offset;
} else {
if (element->GetClassPointer() == TClonesArray::Class()) {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(cl,offset,element);
mustderef = kTRUE;
} else if (element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()) {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(cl,offset,element);
mustderef = kTRUE;
if (element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass()==0) {
leafinfo->fNext = new TFormLeafInfoNumerical(element->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetType());
} else {
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfo(cl,offset,element);
} else if (type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kAny ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kSTL ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TStreamerInfo::kObject) {
// This is an embedded array of objects. We can not increase the offset.
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfo(cl,offset,element);
mustderef = kTRUE;
} else if (type == TStreamerInfo::kBase ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kStreamer ||
type == TStreamerInfo::kStreamLoop ) {
// Unsupported case.
Error("DefinedVariable","%s is a datamember of %s BUT is not yet of a supported type (%d)",
return -2;
} else {
// Unknown and Unsupported case.
Error("DefinedVariable","%s is a datamember of %s BUT is not of a supported type (%d)",
return -2;
} else {
Error("DefinedVariable","%s is not a datamember of %s",work,cl->GetName());
return -1;
numberOfVarDim += RegisterDimensions(code,leafinfo);
if (maininfo==0) {
maininfo = leafinfo;
if (previnfo==0) {
previnfo = leafinfo;
} else if (previnfo!=leafinfo) {
previnfo->fNext = leafinfo;
previnfo = leafinfo;
if (previnfo->fNext) previnfo = previnfo->fNext;
if (mustderef) leafinfo = 0;
if (right[i]!='\0') {
cl = element->GetClassPointer();
current = &(work[0]);
*current = 0;
if (right[i] == '[') {
int bracket = i;
int bracket_level = 1;
int j;
for (j=++i; j<nchname && (bracket_level>0 || right[j]=='['); j++, i++) {
if (right[j]=='[')
else if (right[j]==']')
if (bracket_level != 0) {
//Error("DefinedVariable","Bracket unbalanced");
return -1;
if (current!=work) *(--current) = '\0'; // remove bracket.
} else
*current++ = right[i];
if (maininfo) {
fLookupType[code] = kDataMember;
if (strlen(work)!=0) {
// We have something left to analyze. Let's make this an error case!
return -1;
if (IsLeafString(code)) {
if (fLookupType[code]==kDirect && leaf->InheritsFrom("TLeafElement")) {
TBranchElement * br = (TBranchElement*)leaf->GetBranch();
if (br->GetType()==31) {
// sub branch of a TClonesArray
TStreamerInfo *info = br->GetInfo();
TClass* cl = info->GetClass();
TStreamerElement *element = (TStreamerElement *)info->GetElems()[br->GetID()];
TFormLeafInfo* clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(cl, 0, element, kTRUE);
Int_t offset;
clonesinfo->fNext = new TFormLeafInfo(cl,offset+br->GetOffset(),element);
} else if (br->GetType()==41) {
// sub branch of a Collection
TStreamerInfo *info = br->GetInfo();
TClass* cl = info->GetClass();
TStreamerElement *element = (TStreamerElement *)info->GetElems()[br->GetID()];
TFormLeafInfo* collectioninfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(cl, 0, element, kTRUE);
Int_t offset;
collectioninfo->fNext = new TFormLeafInfo(cl,offset+br->GetOffset(),element);
} else {
fDataMembers.AddAtAndExpand(new TFormLeafInfoDirect(br),code);
action = kDefinedString;
return code;
return code;
//*-*- May be a graphical cut ?
TCutG *gcut = (TCutG*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject(name.Data());
if (gcut) {
if (gcut->GetObjectX()) {
if(!gcut->GetObjectX()->InheritsFrom(TTreeFormula::Class())) {
delete gcut->GetObjectX(); gcut->SetObjectX(0);
if (gcut->GetObjectY()) {
if(!gcut->GetObjectY()->InheritsFrom(TTreeFormula::Class())) {
delete gcut->GetObjectY(); gcut->SetObjectY(0);
Int_t code = fNcodes;
if (strlen(gcut->GetVarX()) && strlen(gcut->GetVarY()) ) {
TTreeFormula *fx = new TTreeFormula("f_x",gcut->GetVarX(),fTree);
TTreeFormula *fy = new TTreeFormula("f_y",gcut->GetVarY(),fTree);
fCodes[code] = -2;
} else if (strlen(gcut->GetVarX())) {
// Let's build the equivalent formula:
// min(gcut->X) <= VarX <= max(gcut->Y)
Double_t min = 0;
Double_t max = 0;
Int_t n = gcut->GetN();
Double_t *x = gcut->GetX();
min = max = x[0];
for(Int_t i2 = 1; i2<n; i2++) {
if (x[i2] < min) min = x[i2];
if (x[i2] > max) max = x[i2];
TString formula = "(";
formula += min;
formula += "<=";
formula += gcut->GetVarX();
formula += " && ";
formula += gcut->GetVarX();
formula += "<=";
formula += max;
formula += ")";
TTreeFormula *fx = new TTreeFormula("f_x",formula.Data(),fTree);
fCodes[code] = -1;
} else {
Error("DefinedVariable","Found a TCutG without leaf information (%s)",
return -1;
fLookupType[code] = -1;
return code;
return -1;
TLeaf* TTreeFormula::GetLeafWithDatamember(const char* topchoice,
const char* nextchoice,
UInt_t readentry) const {
// Return the leaf (if any) which contains an object containing
// a data member which has the name provided in the arguments.
TClass * cl = 0;
TIter next (fTree->GetIteratorOnAllLeaves());
TFormLeafInfo* clonesinfo = 0;
TLeaf *leafcur;
while ((leafcur = (TLeaf*)next())) {
// The following code is used somewhere else, we need to factor it out.
// Here since we are interested in data member, we want to consider only
// 'terminal' branch and leaf.
if (leafcur->InheritsFrom("TLeafObject") &&
leafcur->GetBranch()->GetListOfBranches()->Last()==0) {
TLeafObject *lobj = (TLeafObject*)leafcur;
cl = lobj->GetClass();
} else if (leafcur->InheritsFrom("TLeafElement") && leafcur->IsOnTerminalBranch()) {
TLeafElement * lElem = (TLeafElement*) leafcur;
if (lElem->IsOnTerminalBranch()) {
TBranchElement *BranchEl = (TBranchElement *)leafcur->GetBranch();
Int_t type = BranchEl->GetStreamerType();
if (type==-1) {
cl = BranchEl->GetInfo()->GetClass();
} else if (type>60) {
// Case of an object data member. Here we allow for the
// variable name to be ommitted. Eg, for Event.root with split
// level 1 or above Draw("GetXaxis") is the same as Draw("fH.GetXaxis()")
TStreamerElement* element = (TStreamerElement*)
if (element) cl = element->GetClassPointer();
else cl = 0;
if (clonesinfo) { delete clonesinfo; clonesinfo = 0; }
if (cl == TClonesArray::Class()) {
// We have a unsplit TClonesArray leaves
// In this case we assume that cl is the class in which the TClonesArray
// belongs.
TClonesArray * clones;
TBranch *branch = leafcur->GetBranch();
if ( branch->IsA()==TBranchElement::Class()
&& ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetType()==31) {
// We have an unsplit TClonesArray as part of a split TClonesArray!
// Let's not dig any further. If the user really wants a data member
// inside the nested TClonesArray, it has to specify it explicitly.
} else {
clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(cl, 0);
clones = (TClonesArray*)clonesinfo->GetLocalValuePointer(leafcur,0);
if (clones) cl = clones->GetClass();
} else if (cl && cl->GetCollectionProxy()) {
// We have a unsplit Collection leaves
// In this case we assume that cl is the class in which the TClonesArray
// belongs.
TBranch *branch = leafcur->GetBranch();
if ( branch->IsA()==TBranchElement::Class()
&& ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetType()==41) {
// We have an unsplit Collection as part of a split Collection!
// Let's not dig any further. If the user really wants a data member
// inside the nested Collection, it has to specify it explicitly.
} else {
clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfoCollection(cl, 0);
cl = cl->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass();
if (cl) {
// Now that we have the class, let's check if the topchoice is of its datamember
// or if the nextchoice is a datamember of one of its datamember.
Int_t offset;
TStreamerInfo* info = cl->GetStreamerInfo();
TStreamerElement* element = info?info->GetStreamerElement(topchoice,offset):0;
if (!element) {
TIter next( cl->GetStreamerInfo()->GetElements() );
TStreamerElement * curelem;
while ((curelem = (TStreamerElement*)next())) {
if (curelem->GetClassPointer() == TClonesArray::Class()) {
// In case of a TClonesArray we need to load the data and read the
// clonesArray object before being able to look into the class inside.
// We need to do that because we are never interested in the TClonesArray
// itself but only in the object inside.
TBranch *branch = leafcur->GetBranch();
TFormLeafInfo *leafinfo = 0;
if (clonesinfo) {
leafinfo = clonesinfo;
} else if (branch->IsA()==TBranchElement::Class()
&& ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetType()==31) {
// Case of a sub branch of a TClonesArray
TBranchElement *BranchEl = (TBranchElement*)branch;
TStreamerInfo *info = BranchEl->GetInfo();
TClass * mother_cl = ((TBranchElement*)branch)->GetInfo()->GetClass();
TStreamerElement *element =
(TStreamerElement *)info->GetElems()[BranchEl->GetID()];
leafinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(mother_cl, 0, element, kTRUE);
Int_t clones_offset;
TFormLeafInfo* sub_clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfo(cl, clones_offset, curelem);
if (leafinfo)
if (leafinfo->fNext) leafinfo->fNext->fNext = sub_clonesinfo;
else leafinfo->fNext = sub_clonesinfo;
else leafinfo = sub_clonesinfo;
TClonesArray * clones = (TClonesArray*)leafinfo->GetValuePointer(leafcur,0);
delete leafinfo; clonesinfo = 0;
// If TClonesArray object does not exist we have no information, so let go
// on. This is a weakish test since the TClonesArray object might exist in
// the next entry ... In other word, we ONLY rely on the information available
// in entry #0.
if (!clones) continue;
TClass *sub_cl = clones->GetClass();
// Now that we finally have the inside class, let's query it.
element = sub_cl->GetStreamerInfo()->GetStreamerElement(nextchoice,offset);
if (element) break;
} // if clones array
else if (curelem->GetClassPointer() && curelem->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()) {
TClass *sub_cl = curelem->GetClassPointer()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass();
// Now that we finally have the inside class, let's query it.
if (sub_cl) element = sub_cl->GetStreamerInfo()->GetStreamerElement(nextchoice,offset);
if (element) break;
} // loop on elements
if (element) break;
else cl = 0;
delete clonesinfo;
if (cl) {
return leafcur;
} else {
return 0;
Bool_t TTreeFormula::BranchHasMethod(TLeaf* leafcur,
TBranch * branch,
const char* method,
const char* params,
UInt_t readentry) const {
// Return the leaf (if any) of the tree with contains an object of a class
// having a method which has the name provided in the argument.
TClass *cl = 0;
TLeafObject* lobj = 0;
// Since the user does not want this branch to be loaded anyway, we just
// skip it. This prevents us from warning the user that the method might
// be on a disable branch. However, and more usefully, this allows the
// user to avoid error messages from branches that can not be currently
// read without warnings/errors.
if (branch->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)) return kFALSE;
// The following code is used somewhere else, we need to factor it out.
if (branch->InheritsFrom(TBranchObject::Class()) ) {
lobj = (TLeafObject*)branch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0);
cl = lobj->GetClass();
} else if (branch->InheritsFrom(TBranchElement::Class()) ) {
TBranchElement *branchEl = (TBranchElement *)branch;
Int_t type = branchEl->GetStreamerType();
if (type==-1) {
cl = branchEl->GetInfo()->GetClass();
} else if (type>60) {
// Case of an object data member. Here we allow for the
// variable name to be ommitted. Eg, for Event.root with split
// level 1 or above Draw("GetXaxis") is the same as Draw("fH.GetXaxis()")
TStreamerElement* element = (TStreamerElement*)
if (element) cl = element->GetClassPointer();
else cl = 0;
if (cl==TClonesArray::Class() && branchEl->GetType() == 31 ) {
// we have a TClonesArray inside a split TClonesArray,
// Let's not dig any further. If the user really wants a data member
// inside the nested TClonesArray, it has to specify it explicitly.
cl = 0;
// NOTE do we need code for Collection here?
if (cl == TClonesArray::Class()) {
// We might be try to call a method of the top class inside a
// TClonesArray.
// Since the leaf was not terminal, we might have a splitted or
// unsplitted and/or top leaf/branch.
TClonesArray * clones = 0;
TBranch *branchcur = branch;
if (branch->InheritsFrom(TBranchObject::Class()) ) {
clones = (TClonesArray*)(lobj->GetObject());
} else if (branch->InheritsFrom(TBranchElement::Class()) ) {
// We do not know exactly where the leaf of the TClonesArray is
// in the hierachy but we still need to get the correct class
// holder.
if (branchcur==((TBranchElement*)branchcur)->GetMother()
|| !leafcur || (!leafcur->IsOnTerminalBranch()) ) {
clones = *(TClonesArray**)((TBranchElement*)branchcur)->GetAddress();
if (clones==0) {
TBranch *branchcur = branch;
TClass * mother_cl;
mother_cl = ((TBranchElement*)branchcur)->GetInfo()->GetClass();
TFormLeafInfo* clonesinfo = new TFormLeafInfoClones(mother_cl, 0);
// if (!leafcur) { leafcur = (TLeaf*)branch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0); }
clones = (TClonesArray*)clonesinfo->GetLocalValuePointer(leafcur,0);
// cl = clones->GetClass();
delete clonesinfo;
cl = clones->GetClass();
} else if (cl && cl->GetCollectionProxy()) {
cl = cl->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass();
if (cl && cl->GetClassInfo() && cl->GetMethodAllAny(method)) {
// Let's try to see if the function we found belongs to the current
// class. Note that this implementation currently can not work if
// one the argument is another leaf or data member of the object.
// (Anyway we do NOT support this case).
TMethodCall *methodcall = new TMethodCall(cl, method, params);
if (methodcall->GetMethod()) {
// We have a method that works.
// We will use it.
return kTRUE;
delete methodcall;
cl = 0;
return kFALSE;
Int_t TTreeFormula::GetRealInstance(Int_t instance, Int_t codeindex) {
// Now let calculate what physical instance we really need.
// Some redundant code is used to speed up the cases where
// they are no dimensions.
// We know that instance is less that fCumulUsedSize[0] so
// we can skip the modulo when virt_dim is 0.
Int_t real_instance = 0;
Int_t virt_dim;
Int_t max_dim = fNdimensions[codeindex];
if ( max_dim ) {
virt_dim = 0;
if (!fManager->fMultiVarDim) {
if (fIndexes[codeindex][0]>=0) {
real_instance = fIndexes[codeindex][0] * fCumulSizes[codeindex][1];
} else {
Int_t local_index;
local_index = ( instance / fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[virt_dim+1]);
if (fIndexes[codeindex][0]==-2) {
// NOTE: Should we check that this is a valid index?
local_index = (Int_t)fVarIndexes[codeindex][0]->EvalInstance(local_index);
real_instance = local_index * fCumulSizes[codeindex][1];
virt_dim ++;
} else {
// NOTE: We assume that ONLY the first dimension of a leaf can have a variable
// size AND contain the index for the size of yet another sub-dimension.
// I.e. a variable size array inside a variable size array can only have its
// size vary with the VERY FIRST physical dimension of the leaf.
// Thus once the index of the first dimension is found, all other dimensions
// are fixed!
// NOTE: We could unroll some of this loops to avoid a few tests.
TFormLeafInfo * info = 0;
if (fHasMultipleVarDim[codeindex]) {
info = (TFormLeafInfo *)(fDataMembers.At(codeindex));
// if (info && info->GetVarDim()==-1) info = 0;
Int_t local_index;
switch (fIndexes[codeindex][0]) {
case -2:
local_index = (Int_t)fVarIndexes[codeindex][0]->EvalInstance(instance);
if (local_index<0) {
Error("EvalInstance","Index %s is out of bound (%d) in formula %s",
local_index = 0;
case -1: {
local_index = 0;
Int_t virt_accum = 0;
do {
virt_accum += fManager->fCumulUsedVarDims->At(local_index);
} while( instance >= virt_accum );
instance -= (virt_accum - fManager->fCumulUsedVarDims->At(local_index));
virt_dim ++;
local_index = fIndexes[codeindex][0];
// Inform the (appropriate) MultiVarLeafInfo that the clones array index is
// local_index.
if (fManager->fVarDims[kMAXFORMDIM]) {
fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[kMAXFORMDIM] = fManager->fVarDims[kMAXFORMDIM]->At(local_index);
} else {
fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[kMAXFORMDIM] = fManager->fUsedSizes[kMAXFORMDIM];
for(Int_t d = kMAXFORMDIM-1; d>0; d--) {
if (fManager->fVarDims[d]) {
fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[d] = fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[d+1] * fManager->fVarDims[d]->At(local_index);
} else {
fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[d] = fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[d+1] * fManager->fUsedSizes[d];
if (info) {
// When we have multiple variable dimensions, the LeafInfo only expect
// the instance after the primary index has been set.
real_instance = 0;
// Let's update fCumulSizes for the rest of the code.
Int_t vdim = info->GetVarDim();
fCumulSizes[codeindex][vdim] = info->GetSize(local_index)
for(Int_t k=vdim -1; k>0; k++) {
fCumulSizes[codeindex][k] = fCumulSizes[codeindex][k+1]*fFixedSizes[codeindex][k];
} else {
real_instance = local_index * fCumulSizes[codeindex][1];
if (max_dim>0) {
for (Int_t dim = 1; dim < max_dim; dim++) {
if (fIndexes[codeindex][dim]>=0) {
real_instance += fIndexes[codeindex][dim] * fCumulSizes[codeindex][dim+1];
} else {
Int_t local_index;
if (virt_dim && fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[virt_dim]>1) {
local_index = ( ( instance % fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[virt_dim] )
/ fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[virt_dim+1]);
} else {
local_index = ( instance / fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[virt_dim+1]);
if (fIndexes[codeindex][dim]==-2) {
// NOTE: Should we check that this is a valid index?
local_index = (Int_t)fVarIndexes[codeindex][dim]->EvalInstance(local_index);
if (local_index<0 ||
local_index>=(fCumulSizes[codeindex][dim]/fCumulSizes[codeindex][dim+1])) {
Error("EvalInstance","Index %s is out of bound (%d/%d) in formula %s",
local_index = (fCumulSizes[codeindex][dim]/fCumulSizes[codeindex][dim+1])-1;
real_instance += local_index * fCumulSizes[codeindex][dim+1];
virt_dim ++;
if (fIndexes[codeindex][max_dim]>=0) {
real_instance += fIndexes[codeindex][max_dim];
} else {
Int_t local_index;
if (virt_dim && fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[virt_dim]>1) {
local_index = instance % fManager->fCumulUsedSizes[virt_dim];
} else {
local_index = instance;
if (fIndexes[codeindex][max_dim]==-2) {
local_index = (Int_t)fVarIndexes[codeindex][max_dim]->EvalInstance(local_index);
if (local_index<0 ||
local_index>=fCumulSizes[codeindex][max_dim]) {
Error("EvalInstance","Index %s is of out bound (%d/%d) in formula %s",
local_index = fCumulSizes[codeindex][max_dim]-1;
real_instance += local_index;
} // if (max_dim-1>0)
} // if (max_dim)
return real_instance;
TClass* TTreeFormula::EvalClass() const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Evaluate the class of this treeformula*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ======================================
// If the 'value' of this formula is a simple pointer to an object,
// this function returns the TClass corresponding to its type.
if (fNoper != 1 || fNcodes <=0 ) return 0;
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(0);
switch(fLookupType[0]) {
case kDirect: {
if (leaf->IsA()==TLeafObject::Class()) {
return ((TLeafObject*)leaf)->GetClass();
} else if ( leaf->IsA()==TLeafElement::Class()) {
TBranchElement * branch = (TBranchElement*)((TLeafElement*)leaf)->GetBranch();
TStreamerInfo * info = branch->GetInfo();
Int_t id = branch->GetID();
if (id>=0) {
if (info==0 || info->GetElems()==0) {
// we probably do not have a way to know the class of the object.
return 0;
TStreamerElement* elem = (TStreamerElement*)info->GetElems()[id];
if (elem==0) {
// we probably do not have a way to know the class of the object.
return 0;
} else {
return gROOT->GetClass( elem->GetTypeName() );
} else return gROOT->GetClass( branch->GetClassName() );
} else {
return 0;
case kMethod: return 0; // kMethod is deprecated so let's no waste time implementing this.
case kDataMember: {
TObject *obj = fDataMembers.UncheckedAt(0);
if (!obj) return 0;
return ((TFormLeafInfo*)obj)->GetClass();
default: return 0;
void* TTreeFormula::EvalObject(int instance)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Evaluate this treeformula*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =========================
// Return the address of the object pointed to by the formula.
// Return 0 if the formula is not a single object
// The object type can be retrieved using by call EvalClass();
if (fNoper != 1 || fNcodes <=0 ) return 0;
switch (fLookupType[0]) {
case kIndexOfEntry:
case kEntries:
case kLength:
case kIteration:
return 0;
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(0);
Int_t real_instance = GetRealInstance(instance,0);
if (!instance) leaf->GetBranch()->GetEntry(leaf->GetBranch()->GetTree()->GetReadEntry());
else if (real_instance>fNdata[0]) return 0;
if (fAxis) {
return 0;
switch(fLookupType[0]) {
case kDirect: {
if (real_instance) {
Warning("EvalObject","Not yet implement for kDirect and arrays (for %s).\nPlease contact the developers",GetName());
return leaf->GetValuePointer();
case kMethod: return GetValuePointerFromMethod(0,leaf);
case kDataMember: return ((TFormLeafInfo*)fDataMembers.UncheckedAt(0))->GetValuePointer(leaf,real_instance);
default: return 0;
const char* TTreeFormula::EvalStringInstance(Int_t instance)
const Int_t kMAXSTRINGFOUND = 10;
const char *stringStack[kMAXSTRINGFOUND];
if (fNoper==1 && fNcodes>0 && IsString()) {
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(0);
Int_t real_instance = GetRealInstance(instance,0);
if (!instance) leaf->GetBranch()->GetEntry(leaf->GetBranch()->GetTree()->GetReadEntry());
else if (real_instance>fNdata[0]) return 0;
if (fLookupType[0]==kDirect) {
return (char*)leaf->GetValuePointer();
} else {
return (char*)GetLeafInfo(0)->GetValuePointer(leaf,0);
return stringStack[0];
#define TT_EVAL_INIT \
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(0); \
const Int_t real_instance = GetRealInstance(instance,0); \
/* Since the only operation in this formula is reading this branch, \
we are guaranteed that this function is first called with instance==0 and \
hence we are guaranteed that the branch is always properly read */ \
if (!instance) leaf->GetBranch()->GetEntry(leaf->GetBranch()->GetTree()->GetReadEntry()); \
else if (real_instance>fNdata[0]) return 0; \
if (fAxis) { \
char * label; \
/* This portion is a duplicate (for speed reason) of the code \
located in the main for loop at "a tree string" (and in EvalStringInstance) */ \
if (fLookupType[0]==kDirect) { \
label = (char*)leaf->GetValuePointer(); \
} else { \
label = (char*)GetLeafInfo(0)->GetValuePointer(leaf,0); \
} \
Int_t bin = fAxis->FindBin(label); \
return bin-0.5; \
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(code); \
/* Now let calculate what physical instance we really need. */ \
const Int_t real_instance = GetRealInstance(instance,code); \
if (!instance) leaf->GetBranch()->GetEntry(leaf->GetBranch()->GetTree()->GetReadEntry()); \
else { \
/* In the cases where we are behind (i.e. right of) a potential boolean optimization \
this tree variable reading may have not been executed with instance==0 which would \
result in the branch being potentially not read in. */ \
if (haveSeenBooleanOptimization) { \
TBranch *br = leaf->GetBranch(); \
Int_t treeEntry = br->GetTree()->GetReadEntry(); \
if (br->GetReadEntry() != treeEntry) br->GetEntry( treeEntry ); \
} \
if (real_instance>fNdata[code]) return 0; \
Double_t TTreeFormula::EvalInstance(Int_t instance, const char *stringStackArg[])
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Evaluate this treeformula*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =========================
// Note that the redundance and structure in this code is tailored to improve
// efficiencies.
if (fNoper == 1 && fNcodes > 0) {
switch (fLookupType[0]) {
case kDirect: {
Double_t result = leaf->GetValue(real_instance);
return result;
case kMethod: { TT_EVAL_INIT; return GetValueFromMethod(0,leaf); }
case kDataMember: { TT_EVAL_INIT; return ((TFormLeafInfo*)fDataMembers.UncheckedAt(0))->GetValue(leaf,real_instance); }
case kIndexOfEntry: return fTree->GetReadEntry();
case kEntries: return fTree->GetEntries();
case kLength: return fManager->fNdata;
case kIteration: return instance;
case -1: break;
switch (fCodes[0]) {
case -2: {
TCutG *gcut = (TCutG*)fMethods.At(0);
TTreeFormula *fx = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectX();
TTreeFormula *fy = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectY();
Double_t xcut = fx->EvalInstance(instance);
Double_t ycut = fy->EvalInstance(instance);
return gcut->IsInside(xcut,ycut);
case -1: {
TCutG *gcut = (TCutG*)fMethods.At(0);
TTreeFormula *fx = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectX();
return fx->EvalInstance(instance);
default: return 0;
Double_t tab[kMAXFOUND];
const Int_t kMAXSTRINGFOUND = 10;
const char *stringStackLocal[kMAXSTRINGFOUND];
const char **stringStack = stringStackArg?stringStackArg:stringStackLocal;
Bool_t haveSeenBooleanOptimization = kFALSE;
Int_t pos = 0;
Int_t pos2 = 0;
for (Int_t i=0; i<fNoper ; ++i) {
const Int_t oper = GetOper()[i];
const Int_t newaction = oper >> kTFOperShift;
if (newaction<kDefinedVariable) {
// TFormula operands.
// one of the most used cases
if (newaction==kConstant) { pos++; tab[pos-1] = fConst[(oper & kTFOperMask)]; continue; }
switch(newaction) {
case kEnd : return tab[0];
case kAdd : pos--; tab[pos-1] += tab[pos]; continue;
case kSubstract : pos--; tab[pos-1] -= tab[pos]; continue;
case kMultiply : pos--; tab[pos-1] *= tab[pos]; continue;
case kDivide : pos--; if (tab[pos] == 0) tab[pos-1] = 0; // division by 0
else tab[pos-1] /= tab[pos];
case kModulo : {pos--; Int_t int1((Int_t)tab[pos-1]); Int_t int2((Int_t)tab[pos]); tab[pos-1] = Double_t(int1%int2); continue;}
case kcos : tab[pos-1] = TMath::Cos(tab[pos-1]); continue;
case ksin : tab[pos-1] = TMath::Sin(tab[pos-1]); continue;
case ktan : if (TMath::Cos(tab[pos-1]) == 0) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // { tangente indeterminee }
else tab[pos-1] = TMath::Tan(tab[pos-1]);
case kacos : if (TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1]) > 1) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // indetermination
else tab[pos-1] = TMath::ACos(tab[pos-1]);
case kasin : if (TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1]) > 1) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // indetermination
else tab[pos-1] = TMath::ASin(tab[pos-1]);
case katan : tab[pos-1] = TMath::ATan(tab[pos-1]); continue;
case kcosh : tab[pos-1] = TMath::CosH(tab[pos-1]); continue;
case ksinh : tab[pos-1] = TMath::SinH(tab[pos-1]); continue;
case ktanh : if (TMath::CosH(tab[pos-1]) == 0) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // { tangente indeterminee }
else tab[pos-1] = TMath::TanH(tab[pos-1]);
case kacosh: if (tab[pos-1] < 1) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // indetermination
else tab[pos-1] = TMath::ACosH(tab[pos-1]);
case kasinh: tab[pos-1] = TMath::ASinH(tab[pos-1]); continue;
case katanh: if (TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1]) > 1) {tab[pos-1] = 0;} // indetermination
else tab[pos-1] = TMath::ATanH(tab[pos-1]); continue;
case katan2: pos--; tab[pos-1] = TMath::ATan2(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue;
case kfmod : pos--; tab[pos-1] = fmod(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue;
case kpow : pos--; tab[pos-1] = TMath::Power(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue;
case ksq : tab[pos-1] = tab[pos-1]*tab[pos-1]; continue;
case ksqrt : tab[pos-1] = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1])); continue;
case kstrstr : pos2 -= 2; pos++;if (strstr(stringStack[pos2],stringStack[pos2+1])) tab[pos-1]=1;
else tab[pos-1]=0; continue;
case kmin : pos--; tab[pos-1] = TMath::Min(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue;
case kmax : pos--; tab[pos-1] = TMath::Max(tab[pos-1],tab[pos]); continue;
case klog : if (tab[pos-1] > 0) tab[pos-1] = TMath::Log(tab[pos-1]);
else {tab[pos-1] = 0;} //{indetermination }
case kexp : { Double_t dexp = tab[pos-1];
if (dexp < -700) {tab[pos-1] = 0; continue;}
if (dexp > 700) {tab[pos-1] = TMath::Exp(700); continue;}
tab[pos-1] = TMath::Exp(dexp); continue;
case klog10: if (tab[pos-1] > 0) tab[pos-1] = TMath::Log10(tab[pos-1]);
else {tab[pos-1] = 0;} //{indetermination }
case kpi : pos++; tab[pos-1] = TMath::ACos(-1); continue;
case kabs : tab[pos-1] = TMath::Abs(tab[pos-1]); continue;
case ksign : if (tab[pos-1] < 0) tab[pos-1] = -1; else tab[pos-1] = 1; continue;
case kint : tab[pos-1] = Double_t(Int_t(tab[pos-1])); continue;
case kSignInv: tab[pos-1] = -1 * tab[pos-1]; continue;
case krndm : pos++; tab[pos-1] = gRandom->Rndm(1); continue;
case kAnd : pos--; if (tab[pos-1]!=0 && tab[pos]!=0) tab[pos-1]=1;
else tab[pos-1]=0; continue;
case kOr : pos--; if (tab[pos-1]!=0 || tab[pos]!=0) tab[pos-1]=1;
else tab[pos-1]=0; continue;
case kEqual : pos--; tab[pos-1] = (tab[pos-1] == tab[pos]) ? 1 : 0; continue;
case kNotEqual : pos--; tab[pos-1] = (tab[pos-1] != tab[pos]) ? 1 : 0; continue;
case kLess : pos--; tab[pos-1] = (tab[pos-1] < tab[pos]) ? 1 : 0; continue;
case kGreater : pos--; tab[pos-1] = (tab[pos-1] > tab[pos]) ? 1 : 0; continue;
case kLessThan : pos--; tab[pos-1] = (tab[pos-1] <= tab[pos]) ? 1 : 0; continue;
case kGreaterThan: pos--; tab[pos-1] = (tab[pos-1] >= tab[pos]) ? 1 : 0; continue;
case kNot : tab[pos-1] = (tab[pos-1] != 0) ? 0 : 1; continue;
case kStringEqual : pos2 -= 2; pos++; if (!strcmp(stringStack[pos2+1],stringStack[pos2])) tab[pos-1]=1;
else tab[pos-1]=0; continue;
case kStringNotEqual: pos2 -= 2; pos++;if (strcmp(stringStack[pos2+1],stringStack[pos2])) tab[pos-1]=1;
else tab[pos-1]=0; continue;
case kBitAnd : pos--; tab[pos-1]= ((Int_t) tab[pos-1]) & ((Int_t) tab[pos]); continue;
case kBitOr : pos--; tab[pos-1]= ((Int_t) tab[pos-1]) | ((Int_t) tab[pos]); continue;
case kLeftShift : pos--; tab[pos-1]= ((Int_t) tab[pos-1]) <<((Int_t) tab[pos]); continue;
case kRightShift: pos--; tab[pos-1]= ((Int_t) tab[pos-1]) >>((Int_t) tab[pos]); continue;
case kStringConst: {
// String
pos2++; stringStack[pos2-1] = (char*)fExpr[i].Data();
case kBoolOptimize: {
// boolean operation optimizer
int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);
Bool_t skip = kFALSE;
int op = param % 10; // 1 is && , 2 is ||
if (op == 1 && (!tab[pos-1]) ) {
// &&: skip the right part if the left part is already false
skip = kTRUE;
// Preserve the existing behavior (i.e. the result of a&&b is
// either 0 or 1)
tab[pos-1] = 0;
} else if (op == 2 && tab[pos-1] ) {
// ||: skip the right part if the left part is already true
skip = kTRUE;
// Preserve the existing behavior (i.e. the result of a||b is
// either 0 or 1)
tab[pos-1] = 1;
if (skip) {
int toskip = param / 10;
i += toskip;
haveSeenBooleanOptimization = kTRUE;
case kFunctionCall: {
// an external function call
int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);
int fno = param / 1000;
int nargs = param % 1000;
// Retrieve the function
TMethodCall *method = (TMethodCall*)fFunctions.At(fno);
// Set the arguments
TString args;
if (nargs) {
UInt_t argloc = pos-nargs;
for(Int_t j=0;j<nargs;j++,argloc++,pos--) {
if (TMath::IsNaN(tab[argloc])) {
// TString would add 'nan' this is not what we want
// so let's do somethign else
args += "(double)(0x8000000000000)";
} else {
args += tab[argloc];
args += ',';
Double_t ret;
tab[pos-1] = ret; // check for the correct conversion!
// case kParameter: { pos++; tab[pos-1] = fParams[(oper & kTFOperMask)]; continue; }
} else {
// TTreeFormula operands.
// a tree variable (the most used case).
if (newaction == kDefinedVariable) {
const Int_t code = (oper & kTFOperMask);
const Int_t lookupType = fLookupType[code];
switch (lookupType) {
case kIndexOfEntry: tab[pos++] = fTree->GetReadEntry(); continue;
case kEntries: tab[pos++] = fTree->GetEntries(); continue;
case kLength: tab[pos++] = fManager->fNdata; continue;
case kIteration: tab[pos++] = instance; continue;
case kDirect: { TT_EVAL_INIT_LOOP; tab[pos++] = leaf->GetValue(real_instance); continue; }
case kMethod: { TT_EVAL_INIT_LOOP; tab[pos++] = GetValueFromMethod(code,leaf); continue; }
case kDataMember: { TT_EVAL_INIT_LOOP; tab[pos++] = ((TFormLeafInfo*)fDataMembers.UncheckedAt(code))->
GetValue(leaf,real_instance); continue; }
case -1: break;
default: tab[pos++] = 0; continue;
switch (fCodes[code]) {
case -2: {
TCutG *gcut = (TCutG*)fMethods.At(code);
TTreeFormula *fx = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectX();
TTreeFormula *fy = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectY();
Double_t xcut = fx->EvalInstance(instance);
Double_t ycut = fy->EvalInstance(instance);
tab[pos++] = gcut->IsInside(xcut,ycut);
case -1: {
TCutG *gcut = (TCutG*)fMethods.At(code);
TTreeFormula *fx = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectX();
tab[pos++] = fx->EvalInstance(instance);
default: {
tab[pos++] = 0;
switch(newaction) {
// a TTree Variable Alias (i.e. a sub-TTreeFormula)
case kAlias: {
int aliasN = i;
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(aliasN));
Double_t param = subform->EvalInstance(instance);
tab[pos] = param; pos++;
// a TTree Variable Alias String (i.e. a sub-TTreeFormula)
case kAliasString: {
int aliasN = i;
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(aliasN));
stringStack[pos2-1] = subform->EvalStringInstance(instance);
// a TTree Variable Alternate (i.e. a sub-TTreeFormula)
case kAlternate: {
int alternateN = i;
TTreeFormula *primary = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(alternateN));
// First check whether we are in range for the primary formula
if (instance < primary->GetNdata()) {
Double_t param = primary->EvalInstance(instance);
++i; // skip the alternate value.
tab[pos] = param; pos++;
} else {
// The primary is not in rancge, we will calculate the alternate value
// via the next operation (which will be a intentional).
// kAlias no operations
case kAlternateString: {
int alternateN = i;
TTreeFormula *primary = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(alternateN));
// First check whether we are in range for the primary formula
if (instance < primary->GetNdata()) {
stringStack[pos2-1] = primary->EvalStringInstance(instance);
++i; // skip the alternate value.
} else {
// The primary is not in rancge, we will calculate the alternate value
// via the next operation (which will be a kAlias).
// intentional no operations
// a tree string
case kDefinedString: {
Int_t string_code = (oper & kTFOperMask);
TLeaf *leafc = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(string_code);
// Now let calculate what physical instance we really need.
const Int_t real_instance = GetRealInstance(instance,string_code);
if (!instance) leafc->GetBranch()->GetEntry(leafc->GetBranch()->GetTree()->GetReadEntry());
else {
// In the cases where we are beind (i.e. right of) a potential boolean optimization
// this tree variable reading may have not been executed with instance==0 which would
// result in the branch being potentially not read in.
if (haveSeenBooleanOptimization) {
TBranch *br = leafc->GetBranch();
Int_t treeEntry = br->GetTree()->GetReadEntry();
if (br->GetReadEntry() != treeEntry) br->GetEntry( treeEntry );
if (real_instance>fNdata[string_code]) return 0;
if (fLookupType[string_code]==kDirect) {
stringStack[pos2-1] = (char*)leafc->GetValuePointer();
} else {
stringStack[pos2-1] = (char*)GetLeafInfo(string_code)->GetValuePointer(leafc,real_instance);
Double_t result = tab[0];
return result;
TFormLeafInfo *TTreeFormula::GetLeafInfo(Int_t code) const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return DataMember corresponding to code*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =======================================
// function called by TLeafObject::GetValue
// with the value of fLookupType computed in TTreeFormula::DefinedVariable
return (TFormLeafInfo *)fDataMembers.UncheckedAt(code);
TLeaf *TTreeFormula::GetLeaf(Int_t n) const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return leaf corresponding to serial number n*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ============================================
return (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(n);
TMethodCall *TTreeFormula::GetMethodCall(Int_t code) const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return methodcall corresponding to code*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* =======================================
// function called by TLeafObject::GetValue
// with the value of fLookupType computed in TTreeFormula::DefinedVariable
return (TMethodCall *)fMethods.UncheckedAt(code);
Int_t TTreeFormula::GetNdata()
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return number of available instances in the formula-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ===================================================
return fManager->GetNdata();
Double_t TTreeFormula::GetValueFromMethod(Int_t i, TLeaf *leaf) const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return result of a leafobject method*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ====================================
TMethodCall *m = GetMethodCall(i);
if (m==0) return 0;
void *thisobj;
if (leaf->InheritsFrom("TLeafObject") ) thisobj = ((TLeafObject*)leaf)->GetObject();
else {
TBranchElement * branch = (TBranchElement*)((TLeafElement*)leaf)->GetBranch();
Int_t offset = branch->GetInfo()->GetOffsets()[branch->GetID()];
char* address = (char*)branch->GetAddress();
if (address) thisobj = (char*) *(void**)(address+offset);
else thisobj = branch->GetObject();
TMethodCall::EReturnType r = m->ReturnType();
if (r == TMethodCall::kLong) {
Long_t l;
m->Execute(thisobj, l);
return (Double_t) l;
if (r == TMethodCall::kDouble) {
Double_t d;
m->Execute(thisobj, d);
return (Double_t) d;
return 0;
void* TTreeFormula::GetValuePointerFromMethod(Int_t i, TLeaf *leaf) const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return result of a leafobject method*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ====================================
TMethodCall *m = GetMethodCall(i);
if (m==0) return 0;
void *thisobj;
if (leaf->InheritsFrom("TLeafObject") ) thisobj = ((TLeafObject*)leaf)->GetObject();
else {
TBranchElement * branch = (TBranchElement*)((TLeafElement*)leaf)->GetBranch();
Int_t offset = branch->GetInfo()->GetOffsets()[branch->GetID()];
char* address = (char*)branch->GetAddress();
if (address) thisobj = (char*) *(void**)(address+offset);
else thisobj = branch->GetObject();
TMethodCall::EReturnType r = m->ReturnType();
if (r == TMethodCall::kLong) {
Long_t l;
m->Execute(thisobj, l);
return 0;
if (r == TMethodCall::kDouble) {
Double_t d;
m->Execute(thisobj, d);
return 0;
if (r == TMethodCall::kOther) {
char *c;
m->Execute(thisobj, &c);
return c;
return 0;
Bool_t TTreeFormula::IsInteger() const
// return TRUE if the formula corresponds to one single Tree leaf
// and this leaf is short, int or unsigned short, int
// When a leaf is of type integer, the generated histogram is forced
// to have an integer bin width
if (fNoper==2 && GetAction(0)==kAlternate) {
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(0));
return subform->IsInteger();
if (fNoper > 1) return kFALSE;
if (GetAction(0)==kAlias) {
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(0));
return subform->IsInteger();
if (fLeaves.GetEntries() != 1) {
switch (fLookupType[0]) {
case kIndexOfEntry:
case kEntries:
case kLength:
case kIteration:
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
if (EvalClass()==TBits::Class()) return kTRUE;
return IsLeafInteger(0);
Bool_t TTreeFormula::IsLeafInteger(Int_t code) const
// return TRUE if the leaf corresponding to code is short, int or unsigned
// short, int When a leaf is of type integer, the generated histogram is
// forced to have an integer bin width
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.At(code);
if (!leaf) {
switch (fLookupType[code]) {
case kIndexOfEntry:
case kEntries:
case kLength:
case kIteration:
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
if (fAxis) return kTRUE;
TFormLeafInfo * info;
switch (fLookupType[code]) {
case kMethod:
case kDataMember:
info = GetLeafInfo(code);
return info->IsInteger();
case kDirect:
if (!strcmp(leaf->GetTypeName(),"Int_t")) return kTRUE;
if (!strcmp(leaf->GetTypeName(),"Short_t")) return kTRUE;
if (!strcmp(leaf->GetTypeName(),"UInt_t")) return kTRUE;
if (!strcmp(leaf->GetTypeName(),"UShort_t")) return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
Bool_t TTreeFormula::IsString() const
// return TRUE if the formula is a string
return TestBit(kIsCharacter) || (fNoper==1 && IsString(0));
Bool_t TTreeFormula::IsString(Int_t oper) const
// (fOper[i]>=105000 && fOper[i]<110000) || fOper[i] == kStrings)
// return true if the expression at the index 'oper' is to be treated as
// as string
if (TFormula::IsString(oper)) return kTRUE;
if (GetAction(oper)==kDefinedString) return kTRUE;
if (GetAction(oper)==kAliasString) return kTRUE;
if (GetAction(oper)==kAlternateString) return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
Bool_t TTreeFormula::IsLeafString(Int_t code) const
// return TRUE if the leaf or data member corresponding to code is a string
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.At(code);
if (!leaf) return kFALSE;
TFormLeafInfo * info;
switch(fLookupType[code]) {
case kDirect:
if ( !leaf->IsUnsigned() && (leaf->InheritsFrom("TLeafC") || leaf->InheritsFrom("TLeafB") ) ) {
// Need to find out if it is an 'array' or a pointer.
if (leaf->GetLenStatic() > 1) return kTRUE;
// Now we need to differantiate between a variable length array and
// a TClonesArray.
if (leaf->GetLeafCount()) {
const char* indexname = leaf->GetLeafCount()->GetName();
if (indexname[strlen(indexname)-1] == '_' ) {
// This in a clones array
return kFALSE;
} else {
// this is a variable length char array
return kTRUE;
} else if (leaf->InheritsFrom("TLeafElement")) {
TBranchElement * br = (TBranchElement*)leaf->GetBranch();
Int_t bid = br->GetID();
if (bid < 0) return kFALSE;
if (br->GetInfo()==0 || br->GetInfo()->GetElems()==0) {
// Case where the file is corrupted is some ways.
// We can not get to the actual type of the data
// let's assume it is NOT a string.
return kFALSE;
TStreamerElement * elem = (TStreamerElement*) br->GetInfo()->GetElems()[bid];
if (!elem) {
// Case where the file is corrupted is some ways.
// We can not get to the actual type of the data
// let's assume it is NOT a string.
return kFALSE;
if (elem->GetNewType()== TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL +kChar_t) {
// Check whether a specific element of the string is specified!
if (fIndexes[code][fNdimensions[code]-1] != -1) return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
if ( elem->GetNewType()== TStreamerInfo::kCharStar) {
// Check whether a specific element of the string is specified!
if (fNdimensions[code] && fIndexes[code][fNdimensions[code]-1] != -1) return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
} else {
return kFALSE;
case kMethod:
//TMethodCall *m = GetMethodCall(code);
//TMethodCall::EReturnType r = m->ReturnType();
return kFALSE;
case kDataMember:
info = GetLeafInfo(code);
return info->IsString();
return kFALSE;
char *TTreeFormula::PrintValue(Int_t mode) const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return value of variable as a string*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ====================================
// mode = -2 : Print line with ***
// mode = -1 : Print column names
// mode = 0 : Print column values
return PrintValue(mode,0);
char *TTreeFormula::PrintValue(Int_t mode, Int_t instance) const
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return value of variable as a string*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ====================================
// mode = -2 : Print line with ***
// mode = -1 : Print column names
// mode = 0 : Print column values
const int kMAXLENGTH = 1024;
static char value[kMAXLENGTH];
if (mode == -2) {
for (int i = 0; i < kMAXLENGTH-1; i++)
value[i] = '*';
value[kMAXLENGTH-1] = 0;
} else if (mode == -1)
sprintf(value, "%s", GetTitle());
if (fNstring && fNval==0 && fNoper==1) {
if (mode == 0) {
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(0);
char * val = 0;
if (fLookupType[0]==kDirect) {
val = (char*)leaf->GetValuePointer();
} else {
val = (char*)GetLeafInfo(0)->GetValuePointer(leaf,0);
if (val) {
strncpy(value, val, kMAXLENGTH-1);
} else {
//strncpy(value, " ", kMAXLENGTH-1);
value[kMAXLENGTH-1] = 0;
} else {
if (mode == 0) {
//NOTE: This is terrible form ... but is forced upon us by the fact that we can not
//use the mutable keyword AND we should keep PrintValue const.
// Int_t ndata = ((TTreeFormula*)this)->GetNdata();
Int_t real_instance = ((TTreeFormula*)this)->GetRealInstance(instance,0);
// fprintf(stderr,"for %s: ndata %d fNdata %d real_insta %d\n",
// GetTitle(),ndata,fNdata[0], real_instance);
if (real_instance<fNdata[0]) {
char *expo = strchr(value,'e');
if (expo) {
if (value[0] == '-') strcpy(expo-6,expo);
else strcpy(expo-5,expo);
} else {
sprintf(value," ");
return &value[0];
void TTreeFormula::SetAxis(TAxis *axis)
if (!axis) {fAxis = 0; return;}
if (TestBit(kIsCharacter)) {
fAxis = axis;
if (fNoper==1 && GetAction(0)==kAliasString){
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(0));
} else if (fNoper==2 && GetAction(0)==kAlternateString){
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(0));
if (IsInteger()) axis->SetBit(TAxis::kIsInteger);
void TTreeFormula::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
// Stream an object of class TTreeFormula.
if (R__b.IsReading()) {
UInt_t R__s, R__c;
Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
if (R__v > 2) {
TTreeFormula::Class()->ReadBuffer(R__b, this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
//====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
R__b >> fTree;
R__b >> fNcodes;
R__b.ReadFastArray(fCodes, fNcodes);
R__b >> fMultiplicity;
Int_t instance;
R__b >> instance; //data member removed
R__b >> fNindex;
if (fNindex) {
fLookupType = new Int_t[fNindex];
R__b.ReadFastArray(fLookupType, fNindex);
//====end of old versions
} else {
void TTreeFormula::UpdateFormulaLeaves()
// this function is called TTreePlayer::UpdateFormulaLeaves, itself
// called by TChain::LoadTree when a new Tree is loaded.
// Because Trees in a TChain may have a different list of leaves, one
// must update the leaves numbers in the TTreeFormula used by the TreePlayer.
// A safer alternative would be to recompile the whole thing .... However
// currently compile HAS TO be called from the constructor!
char names[512];
Int_t nleaves = fLeafNames.GetEntriesFast();
for (Int_t i=0;i<nleaves;i++) {
if (!fTree) continue;
if (!fLeafNames[i]) continue;
TLeaf *leaf = fTree->GetLeaf(names);
fLeaves[i] = leaf;
for (Int_t j=0; j<kMAXCODES; j++) {
for (Int_t k = 0; k<kMAXFORMDIM; k++) {
if (fVarIndexes[j][k]) {
if (fLookupType[j]==kDataMember) GetLeafInfo(j)->Update();
if (j<fNval && fCodes[j]<0) {
TCutG *gcut = (TCutG*)fMethods.At(j);
if (gcut) {
TTreeFormula *fx = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectX();
TTreeFormula *fy = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectY();
if (fx) fx->UpdateFormulaLeaves();
if (fy) fy->UpdateFormulaLeaves();
for(Int_t k=0;k<fNoper;k++) {
const Int_t oper = GetOper()[k];
switch(oper >> kTFOperShift) {
case kAlias:
case kAliasString:
case kAlternate:
case kAlternateString: {
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(k));
void TTreeFormula::ResetDimensions() {
// Populate the TTreeFormulaManager with the dimension information.
Int_t i,k;
// Now that we saw all the expressions and variables AND that
// we know whether arrays of chars are treated as string or
// not, we can properly setup the dimensions.
TIter next(fDimensionSetup);
Int_t last_code = -1;
Int_t virt_dim = 0;
for(DimensionInfo * info; (info = (DimensionInfo*)next()); ) {
if (last_code!=info->fCode) {
// We know that the list is ordered by code number then by
// dimension. Thus a different code means that we need to
// restart at the lowest dimensions.
virt_dim = 0;
last_code = info->fCode;
fNdimensions[last_code] = 0;
if (GetAction(info->fOper)==kDefinedString) {
// We have a string used as a string (and not an array of number)
// We need to determine which is the last dimension and skip it.
DimensionInfo *nextinfo = (DimensionInfo*)next();
while(nextinfo && nextinfo->fCode==info->fCode) {
DefineDimensions(info->fCode,info->fSize, info->fMultiDim, virt_dim);
nextinfo = (DimensionInfo*)next();
if (!nextinfo) break;
info = nextinfo;
virt_dim = 0;
last_code = info->fCode;
fNdimensions[last_code] = 0;
info->fSize = 1; // Maybe this should actually do nothing!
DefineDimensions(info->fCode,info->fSize, info->fMultiDim, virt_dim);
fMultiplicity = 0;
for(i=0;i<fNoper;i++) {
Int_t action = GetAction(i);
if (action==kAlias || action==kAliasString) {
TTreeFormula *subform = dynamic_cast<TTreeFormula*>(fAliases.UncheckedAt(i));
switch(subform->GetMultiplicity()) {
case 0: break;
case 1: fMultiplicity = 1; break;
case 2: if (fMultiplicity!=1) fMultiplicity = 2; break;
// since we are addint to this manager 'subform->ResetDimensions();'
// will be called a little latter
if (action==kDefinedString) {
//if (fOper[i] >= 105000 && fOper[i]<110000) {
// We have a string used as a string
// This dormant portion of code would be used if (when?) we allow the histogramming
// of the integral content (as opposed to the string content) of strings
// held in a variable size container delimited by a null (as opposed to
// a fixed size container or variable size container whose size is controlled
// by a variable). In GetNdata, we will then use strlen to grab the current length.
//fCumulSizes[i][fNdimensions[i]-1] = 1;
//fUsedSizes[fNdimensions[i]-1] = -TMath::Abs(fUsedSizes[fNdimensions[i]-1]);
//fUsedSizes[0] = - TMath::Abs( fUsedSizes[0]);
for (i=0;i<fNcodes;i++) {
if (fCodes[i] < 0) {
TCutG *gcut = (TCutG*)fMethods.At(i);
TTreeFormula *fx = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectX();
TTreeFormula *fy = (TTreeFormula *)gcut->GetObjectY();
if (fx) {
switch(fx->GetMultiplicity()) {
case 0: break;
case 1: fMultiplicity = 1; break;
case 2: if (fMultiplicity!=1) fMultiplicity = 2; break;
if (fy) {
switch(fy->GetMultiplicity()) {
case 0: break;
case 1: fMultiplicity = 1; break;
case 2: if (fMultiplicity!=1) fMultiplicity = 2; break;
if (fLookupType[i]==kIteration) {
fMultiplicity = 1;
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(i);
if (!leaf) continue;
// Reminder of the meaning of fMultiplicity:
// -1: Only one or 0 element per entry but contains variable length array!
// 0: Only one element per entry, no variable length array
// 1: loop over the elements of a variable length array
// 2: loop over elements of fixed length array (nData is the same for all entry)
if (leaf->GetLeafCount()) {
// We assume only one possible variable length dimension (the left most)
fMultiplicity = 1;
} else if (fLookupType[i]==kDataMember) {
TFormLeafInfo * leafinfo = GetLeafInfo(i);
TStreamerElement * elem = leafinfo->fElement;
if (fMultiplicity!=1) {
if (leafinfo->HasCounter() ) fMultiplicity = 1;
else if (elem && elem->GetArrayDim()>0) fMultiplicity = 2;
else if (leaf->GetLenStatic()>1) fMultiplicity = 2;
} else {
if (leaf->GetLenStatic()>1 && fMultiplicity!=1) fMultiplicity = 2;
Int_t virt_dim = 0;
for (k = 0; k < fNdimensions[i]; k++) {
// At this point fCumulSizes[i][k] actually contain the physical
// dimension of the k-th dimensions.
if ( (fCumulSizes[i][k]>=0) && (fIndexes[i][k] >= fCumulSizes[i][k]) ) {
// unreacheable element requested:
fManager->CancelDimension(virt_dim); // fCumulUsedSizes[virt_dim] = 0;
if ( fIndexes[i][k] < 0 ) virt_dim++;
fFixedSizes[i][k] = fCumulSizes[i][k];
// Add up the cumulative size
for (k = fNdimensions[i]; (k > 0); k--) {
// NOTE: When support for inside variable dimension is added this
// will become inacurate (since one of the value in the middle of the chain
// is unknown until GetNdata is called.
fCumulSizes[i][k-1] *= TMath::Abs(fCumulSizes[i][k]);
// NOTE: We assume that the inside variable dimensions are dictated by the
// first index.
if (fCumulSizes[i][0]>0) fNdata[i] = fCumulSizes[i][0];
//for (k = 0; k<kMAXFORMDIM; k++) {
// if (fVarIndexes[i][k]) fManager->Add(fVarIndexes[i][k]);
Bool_t TTreeFormula::LoadCurrentDim() {
// Calculate the actual dimension for the current entry.
Int_t size;
Bool_t outofbounds = kFALSE;
for (Int_t i=0;i<fNcodes;i++) {
if (fCodes[i] < 0) continue;
// NOTE: Currently only the leafcount can indicates a dimension that
// is physically variable. So only the left-most dimension is variable.
// When an API is introduced to be able to determine a variable inside dimensions
// one would need to add a way to recalculate the values of fCumulSizes for this
// leaf. This would probably require the addition of a new data member
// Also note that EvalInstance expect all the values (but the very first one)
// of fCumulSizes to be positive. So indicating that a physical dimension is
// variable (expected for the first one) can NOT be done via negative values of
// fCumulSizes.
TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fLeaves.UncheckedAt(i);
if (!leaf) continue;
Bool_t hasBranchCount2 = kFALSE;
if (leaf->GetLeafCount()) {
TLeaf* leafcount = leaf->GetLeafCount();
TBranch *branchcount = leafcount->GetBranch();
TFormLeafInfo * info = 0;
if (leaf->IsA() == TLeafElement::Class()) {
//if branchcount address not yet set, GetEntry will set the address
// read branchcount value
Int_t readentry = leaf->GetBranch()->GetTree()->GetReadEntry();
if (readentry==-1) readentry=0;
if (!branchcount->GetAddress()) branchcount->GetEntry(readentry);
else branchcount->TBranch::GetEntry(readentry);
size = ((TBranchElement*)branchcount)->GetNdata();
// Reading the size as above is correct only when the branchcount
// is of streamer type kCounter which require the underlying data
// member to be signed integral type.
TBranchElement* branch = (TBranchElement*) leaf->GetBranch();
// NOTE: could be sped up
if (fHasMultipleVarDim[i]) {// info && info->GetVarDim()>=0) {
info = (TFormLeafInfo* )fDataMembers.At(i);
if (branch->GetBranchCount2()) branch->GetBranchCount2()->GetEntry(readentry);
// Here we need to add the code to take in consideration the
// double variable length
// We fill up the array of sizes in the TLeafInfo:
hasBranchCount2 = kTRUE;
if (info->GetVirtVarDim()>=0) info->UpdateSizes(fManager->fVarDims[info->GetVirtVarDim()]);
// Refresh the fCumulSizes[i] to have '1' for the
// double variable dimensions
Int_t vdim = info->GetVarDim();
fCumulSizes[i][vdim] = fCumulSizes[i][vdim+1];
for(Int_t k=vdim -1; k>=0; k--) {
fCumulSizes[i][k] = fCumulSizes[i][k+1]*fFixedSizes[i][k];
// Update fCumulUsedSizes
// UpdateMultiVarSizes(vdim,info,i)
//Int_t fixed = fCumulSizes[i][vdim+1];
//for(Int_t k=vdim - 1; k>=0; k++) {
// Int_t fixed *= fFixedSizes[i][k];
// for(Int_t l=0;l<size; l++) {
// fCumulSizes[i][k] += info->GetSize(l) * fixed;
} else {
Int_t readentry = leaf->GetBranch()->GetTree()->GetReadEntry();
if (readentry==-1) readentry=0;
size = leaf->GetLen() / leaf->GetLenStatic();
if (hasBranchCount2) {
// We assume that fCumulSizes[i][1] contains the product of the fixed sizes
fNdata[i] = fCumulSizes[i][1] * ((TFormLeafInfo *)fDataMembers.At(i))->GetSumOfSizes();
} else {
fNdata[i] = size * fCumulSizes[i][1];
if (fIndexes[i][0]==-1) {
// Case where the index is not specified AND the 1st dimension has a variable
// size.
if (fManager->fUsedSizes[0]==1 || (size<fManager->fUsedSizes[0]) ) fManager->fUsedSizes[0] = size;
if (info && fIndexes[i][info->GetVarDim()]>=0) {
for(Int_t j=0; j<size; j++) {
if (fIndexes[i][info->GetVarDim()] >= info->GetSize(j)) {
if (size>fManager->fCumulUsedVarDims->GetSize()) fManager->fCumulUsedVarDims->Set(size);
} else if (fIndexes[i][0] >= size) {
// unreacheable element requested:
fManager->fUsedSizes[0] = 0;
fNdata[i] = 0;
outofbounds = kTRUE;
} else if (hasBranchCount2) {
TFormLeafInfo * info;
info = (TFormLeafInfo *)fDataMembers.At(i);
if (fIndexes[i][info->GetVarDim()] >= info->GetSize(fIndexes[i][0])) {
// unreacheable element requested:
fManager->fUsedSizes[0] = 0;
fNdata[i] = 0;
outofbounds = kTRUE;
} else if (fLookupType[i]==kDataMember) {
TFormLeafInfo *leafinfo = (TFormLeafInfo*)fDataMembers.UncheckedAt(i);
if (leafinfo->HasCounter()) {
TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
Int_t readentry = branch->GetTree()->GetReadEntry();
if (readentry==-1) readentry=0;
size = (Int_t) leafinfo->GetCounterValue(leaf);
if (fIndexes[i][0]==-1) {
// Case where the index is not specified AND the 1st dimension has a variable
// size.
if (fManager->fUsedSizes[0]==1 || (size<fManager->fUsedSizes[0]) ) {
fManager->fUsedSizes[0] = size;
} else if (fIndexes[i][0] >= size) {
// unreacheable element requested:
fManager->fUsedSizes[0] = 0;
fNdata[i] = 0;
outofbounds = kTRUE;
} else {
fNdata[i] = size*fCumulSizes[i][1];
if (leafinfo->GetVarDim()>=0) {
// Here we need to add the code to take in consideration the
// double variable length
// We fill up the array of sizes in the TLeafInfo:
// here we can assume that branch is a TBranch element because the other style does NOT support this type
// of complexity.
hasBranchCount2 = kTRUE;
if (leafinfo->GetVirtVarDim()>=0) leafinfo->UpdateSizes(fManager->fVarDims[leafinfo->GetVirtVarDim()]);
// Refresh the fCumulSizes[i] to have '1' for the
// double variable dimensions
Int_t vdim = leafinfo->GetVarDim();
fCumulSizes[i][vdim] = fCumulSizes[i][vdim+1];
for(Int_t k=vdim -1; k>=0; k--) {
fCumulSizes[i][k] = fCumulSizes[i][k+1]*fFixedSizes[i][k];
fNdata[i] = fCumulSizes[i][1] * leafinfo->GetSumOfSizes();
} else {
fNdata[i] = size * fCumulSizes[i][1];
} else if (leafinfo->GetMultiplicity()==-1) {
TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
Int_t readentry = branch->GetTree()->GetReadEntry();
if (readentry==-1) readentry=0;
if (leafinfo->GetNdata(leaf)==0) {
outofbounds = kTRUE;
// However we allow several dimensions that virtually vary via the size of their
// index variables. So we have code to recalculate fCumulUsedSizes.
Int_t index;
TFormLeafInfo * info = 0;
if (fLookupType[i]!=kDirect) {
info = (TFormLeafInfo *)fDataMembers.At(i);
for(Int_t k=0, virt_dim=0; k < fNdimensions[i]; k++) {
if (fIndexes[i][k]<0) {
if (fIndexes[i][k]==-2 && fManager->fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim]<0) {
// if fVirtUsedSize[virt_dim] is positive then VarIndexes[i][k]->GetNdata()
// is always the same and has already been factored in fUsedSize[virt_dim]
index = fVarIndexes[i][k]->GetNdata();
if (index==1) {
// We could either have a variable size array which is currently of size one
// or a single element that might or not might not be present (and is currently present!)
if (fVarIndexes[i][k]->GetManager()->GetMultiplicity()==1) {
if (index<fManager->fUsedSizes[virt_dim]) fManager->fUsedSizes[virt_dim] = index;
} else if (fManager->fUsedSizes[virt_dim]==-fManager->fVirtUsedSizes[virt_dim] ||
index<fManager->fUsedSizes[virt_dim]) {
fManager->fUsedSizes[virt_dim] = index;
} else if (hasBranchCount2 && k==info->GetVarDim()) {
// NOTE: We assume the indexing of variable sizes on the first index!
if (fIndexes[i][0]>=0) {
index = info->GetSize(fIndexes[i][0]);
if (fManager->fUsedSizes[virt_dim]==1 || (index!=1 && index<fManager->fUsedSizes[virt_dim]) )
fManager->fUsedSizes[virt_dim] = index;
return ! outofbounds;
void TTreeFormula::Convert(UInt_t oldversion)
// Convert the fOper of a TTTreeFormula version fromVersion to the current in memory version
enum { kOldAlias = /*TFormula::kVariable*/ 100000+10000+1,
kOldAliasString = kOldAlias+1,
kOldAlternate = kOldAlias+2,
kOldAlternateString = kOldAliasString+2
for (int k=0; k<fNoper; k++) {
// First hide from TFormula convertion
Int_t action = GetOper()[k];
switch (action) {
case kOldAlias: GetOper()[k] = -kOldAlias; break;
case kOldAliasString: GetOper()[k] = -kOldAliasString; break;
case kOldAlternate: GetOper()[k] = -kOldAlternate; break;
case kOldAlternateString: GetOper()[k] = -kOldAlternateString; break;
for (int i=0,offset=0; i<fNoper; i++) {
Int_t action = GetOper()[i+offset];
switch (action) {
case -kOldAlias: SetAction(i, kAlias, 0); break;
case -kOldAliasString: SetAction(i, kAliasString, 0); break;
case -kOldAlternate: SetAction(i, kAlternate, 0); break;
case -kOldAlternateString: SetAction(i, kAlternateString, 0); break;
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