library: libCore
#include "TColor.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TColor : public TNamed

Inheritance Chart:
void Allocate() static Float_t HLStoRGB1(Float_t rn1, Float_t rn2, Float_t huei) public:
TColor() TColor(Int_t color, Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, const char* name, Float_t a = 1) TColor(const TColor& color) virtual ~TColor() const char* AsHexString() const static TClass* Class() virtual void Copy(TObject& color) const Float_t GetAlpha() const Float_t GetBlue() const static Int_t GetColor(const char* hexcolor) static Int_t GetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b) static Int_t GetColor(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b) static Int_t GetColor(ULong_t pixel) Float_t GetGreen() const virtual void GetHLS(Float_t& h, Float_t& l, Float_t& s) const Float_t GetHue() const Float_t GetLight() const Int_t GetNumber() const ULong_t GetPixel() const Float_t GetRed() const virtual void GetRGB(Float_t& r, Float_t& g, Float_t& b) const Float_t GetSaturation() const static void HLS2RGB(Float_t h, Float_t l, Float_t s, Float_t& r, Float_t& g, Float_t& b) static void HLS2RGB(Int_t h, Int_t l, Int_t s, Int_t& r, Int_t& g, Int_t& b) static void HLStoRGB(Float_t h, Float_t l, Float_t s, Float_t& r, Float_t& g, Float_t& b) virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual void ls(Option_t* option) const static ULong_t Number2Pixel(Int_t ci) TColor& operator=(const TColor&) static void Pixel2RGB(ULong_t pixel, Int_t& r, Int_t& g, Int_t& b) static void Pixel2RGB(ULong_t pixel, Float_t& r, Float_t& g, Float_t& b) static const char* PixelAsHexString(ULong_t pixel) const virtual void Print(Option_t* option) const static void RGB2HLS(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t& h, Float_t& l, Float_t& s) static void RGB2HLS(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b, Int_t& h, Int_t& l, Int_t& s) static ULong_t RGB2Pixel(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b) static ULong_t RGB2Pixel(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b) static void RGBtoHLS(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t& h, Float_t& l, Float_t& s) static void SaveColor(ofstream& out, Int_t ci) virtual void SetRGB(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Int_t fNumber Color number identifier Float_t fRed Fraction of Red Float_t fGreen Fraction of Green Float_t fBlue Fraction of Blue Float_t fHue Hue Float_t fLight Light Float_t fSaturation Saturation Float_t fAlpha Alpha (transparency)

Class Description

 Color defined by RGB or HLS.                                         
 At initialization time, a table of colors is generated. This linked  
 list can be accessed from the ROOT object                            
 (see TROOT::GetListOfColors()). When a color is defined in the range 
 of [1,50], two "companion" colors are also defined:                  
    - the dark version (color_index + 100)                            
    - the bright version (color_index + 150)                          
 The dark and bright color are used to give 3-D effects when drawing  
 various boxes (see TWbox, TPave, TPaveText, TPaveLabel,etc).         
 This is the list of currently supported basic colors (here dark and  
 bright colors are not shown).                                        
/* */

TColor(): TNamed()
 Default ctor.

TColor(Int_t color, Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, const char *name, Float_t a) : TNamed(name,"")
 Normal color constructor. Initialize a color structure.
 Compute the RGB and HLS parameters

 Color destructor.

TColor(const TColor &color) : TNamed(color)
 Color copy ctor.

const char* AsHexString() const
 Return color as hexidecimal string. This string can be directly passed
 to, for example, TGClient::GetColorByName(). String will be reused so
 copy immediately if needed.

void Copy(TObject &obj) const
 Copy this color to obj.

ULong_t GetPixel() const
 Return pixel value corresponding to this color. This pixel value can
 be used in the GUI classes. This call does not work in batch mode since
 it needs to communicate with the graphics system.

void HLS2RGB(Float_t hue, Float_t light, Float_t satur, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b)
 Static method to compute RGB from HLS. The l and s are between [0,1]
 and h is between [0,360]. The returned r,g,b triplet is between [0,1].

Float_t HLStoRGB1(Float_t rn1, Float_t rn2, Float_t huei)
 Static method. Auxiliary to HLS2RGB().

void HLS2RGB(Int_t h, Int_t l, Int_t s, Int_t &r, Int_t &g, Int_t &b)
 Static method to compute RGB from HLS. The h,l,s are between [0,255].
 The returned r,g,b triplet is between [0,255].

void ls(Option_t *) const
 List this color with its attributes.

void Print(Option_t *) const
 Dump this color with its attributes.

void RGB2HLS(Float_t rr, Float_t gg, Float_t bb, Float_t &hue, Float_t &light, Float_t &satur)
 Static method to compute HLS from RGB. The r,g,b triplet is between
 [0,1], hue is between [0,360], light and satur are [0,1].

void RGB2HLS(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b, Int_t &h, Int_t &l, Int_t &s)
 Static method to compute HLS from RGB. The r,g,b triplet is between
 [0,255], hue, light and satur are between [0,255].

void SetRGB(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
 Initialize this color and its associated colors.

void Allocate()
 Make this color known to the graphics system.

Int_t GetColor(const char *hexcolor)
 Static method returning color number for color specified by
 hex color string of form: #rrggbb, where rr, gg and bb are in
 hex between [0,FF], e.g. "#c0c0c0".
 If specified color does not exist it will be created with as
 name "#rrggbb" with rr, gg and bb in hex between [0,FF].

Int_t GetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
 Static method returning color number for color specified by
 r, g and b. The r,g,b should be in the range [0,1].
 If specified color does not exist it will be created
 with as name "#rrggbb" with rr, gg and bb in hex between

Int_t GetColor(ULong_t pixel)
 Static method returning color number for color specified by
 system dependent pixel value. Pixel values can be obtained, e.g.,
 from the GUI color picker.

Int_t GetColor(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b)
 Static method returning color number for color specified by
 r, g and b. The r,g,b should be in the range [0,255].
 If the specified color does not exist it will be created
 with as name "#rrggbb" with rr, gg and bb in hex between

ULong_t Number2Pixel(Int_t ci)
 Static method that given a color index number, returns the corresponding
 pixel value. This pixel value can be used in the GUI classes. This call
 does not work in batch mode since it needs to communicate with the
 graphics system.

ULong_t RGB2Pixel(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
 Convert r,g,b to graphics system dependent pixel value.
 The r,g,b triplet must be [0,1].

ULong_t RGB2Pixel(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b)
 Convert r,g,b to graphics system dependent pixel value.
 The r,g,b triplet must be [0,255].

void Pixel2RGB(ULong_t pixel, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b)
 Convert machine dependent pixel value (obtained via RGB2Pixel or
 via Number2Pixel() or via TColor::GetPixel()) to r,g,b triplet.
 The r,g,b triplet will be [0,1].

void Pixel2RGB(ULong_t pixel, Int_t &r, Int_t &g, Int_t &b)
 Convert machine dependent pixel value (obtained via RGB2Pixel or
 via Number2Pixel() or via TColor::GetPixel()) to r,g,b triplet.
 The r,g,b triplet will be [0,255].

const char* PixelAsHexString(ULong_t pixel)
 Convert machine dependent pixel value (obtained via RGB2Pixel or
 via Number2Pixel() or via TColor::GetPixel()) to a hexidecimal string.
 This string can be directly passed to, for example,
 TGClient::GetColorByName(). String will be reused so copy immediately
 if needed.

void SaveColor(ofstream &out, Int_t ci)
 Save a color with index > 228 as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out.

Inline Functions

               void GetRGB(Float_t& r, Float_t& g, Float_t& b) const
               void GetHLS(Float_t& h, Float_t& l, Float_t& s) const
              Int_t GetNumber() const
            Float_t GetRed() const
            Float_t GetGreen() const
            Float_t GetBlue() const
            Float_t GetHue() const
            Float_t GetLight() const
            Float_t GetSaturation() const
            Float_t GetAlpha() const
               void HLStoRGB(Float_t h, Float_t l, Float_t s, Float_t& r, Float_t& g, Float_t& b)
               void RGBtoHLS(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, Float_t& h, Float_t& l, Float_t& s)
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
               void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
            TColor& operator=(const TColor&)

Author: Rene Brun 12/12/94
Last update: root/base:$Name: $:$Id: TColor.cxx,v 1.21 2004/12/07 15:34:27 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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