List of data types
Atom_tWM token
- Axis_tAxis values type (double)
- boolBuiltin basic type
- Bool_tBoolean (0=false, 1=true) (bool)
- Byte_tByte (8 bits) (unsigned char)
- charBuiltin basic type
- char*Builtin basic type
- Char_tSigned Character 1 byte (char)
- ClassStreamerFunc_tStreamer function for a class
- Color_tColor number (short)
- Colormap_tColormap handle
- COMPAREMETHODInt_t (*COMPAREMETHOD)(const void **, const void **);
- Cursor_tCursor handle
Display_tDisplay handle
- doubleBuiltin basic type
- Double32_tDouble 8 bytes in memory, written as a 4 bytes float
- Double_tDouble 8 bytes
- Drawable_tDrawable handle
- floatBuiltin basic type
- Float_tFloat 4 bytes (float)
- Font_tFont number (short)
- FontH_tFont handle (as opposed to Font_t which is an index)
- FontStruct_tPointer to font structure
- FreeHookFun_tvoid (*FreeHookFun_t)(void*, void *addr, size_t);
G__InterfaceMethodint (*G__InterfaceMethod)(G__value*,G__CONST char*,struct G__param*,int);
- G__pMethodSpecialObjectvoid *(*G__pMethodSpecialObject)(char *item,G__ClassInfo *typeinfo
- G__pMethodSpecialValuevoid (*G__pMethodSpecialValue)(char *item,G__TypeInfo *typeinfo
- G__pMethodUpdateClassInfovoid (*G__pMethodUpdateClassInfo)(char *item,long tagnum);
- GContext_tGraphics context handle
- Handle_tGeneric resource handle
- intBuiltin basic type
- Int_tSigned integer 4 bytes (int)
- ios_base::event_callbackvoid (*event_callback) (event, ios_base&, int index);
- IsAGlobalFunc_tTClass *(*IsAGlobalFunc_t)(const TClass*, const void *obj);
- KeySym_tKey symbol handle
longBuiltin basic type
- long longBuiltin basic type
- Long64_tPortable signed long integer 8 bytes
- Long_tSigned long integer 4 bytes (long)
- Marker_tMarker number (short)
- Mask_tStructure mask type
- MemberStreamerFunc_tStreamer function for a data member
- new_handlervoid (*new_handler)();
- Option_tOption string (const char)
- Pixel_tPixel value
- Pixmap_tPixmap handle
ReAllocCFun_tvoid *(*ReAllocCFun_t)(void*, size_t, size_t);
- ReAllocFun_tvoid *(*ReAllocFun_t)(void*, size_t);
- Region_tRegion handle
- ROOT::DelArrFunc_tvoid (*DelArrFunc_t)(void *);
- ROOT::DelFunc_tvoid (*DelFunc_t)(void *);
- ROOT::DesFunc_tvoid (*DesFunc_t)(void *);
- ROOT::Math::Derivator::GSLFuncPointerdouble ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void * );
- ROOT::Math::GSLFuncPointerdouble ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void *);
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder::GSLFuncPointerdouble ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void *);
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv::GSLFdFPointervoid ( * GSLFdFPointer ) ( double, void *, double *, double *);
- ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv::GSLFuncPointerdouble ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void *);
- ROOT::Math::Integrator::GSLFuncPointerdouble ( * GSLFuncPointer ) ( double, void * );
- ROOT::NewArrFunc_tvoid *(*NewArrFunc_t)(Long_t size, void *arena);
- ROOT::NewFunc_tvoid *(*NewFunc_t)(void *);
- ROOT::TBranchProxyClassDescriptor::EInClonesfor IsClones
SCoord_tScreen coordinates (short)
- SEARCHMETHODInt_t (*SEARCHMETHOD) (const void *, const void **);
- shortBuiltin basic type
- Short_tSigned Short integer 2 bytes (short)
- ShowMembersFunc_tvoid (*ShowMembersFunc_t)(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp, char *R__parent);
- Size_tAttribute size (float)
- Ssiz_tString size (int)
- Stat_tStatistics type (double)
- Style_tStyle number (short)
TAssocfor backward compatibility
- Text_tGeneral string (char)
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFunc0Double_t (*GenFunc0)();
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFunc10Double_t (*GenFunc10)(Double_t);
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFunc110Double_t (*GenFunc110)(Double_t,Double_t);
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFunc1110Double_t (*GenFunc1110)(Double_t,Double_t, Double_t);
- TFormulaPrimitive::GenFuncGDouble_t (*GenFuncG)(const Double_t*,const Double_t*);
- TFormulaPrimitive::TFunc0Double_t (TObject::*TFunc0)() const;
- TFormulaPrimitive::TFunc10Double_t (TObject::*TFunc10)(Double_t) const;
- TFormulaPrimitive::TFunc110Double_t (TObject::*TFunc110)(Double_t,Double_t) const;
- TFormulaPrimitive::TFunc1110Double_t (TObject::*TFunc1110)(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t) const;
- TFormulaPrimitive::TFuncGDouble_t (TObject::*TFuncG)(const Double_t*,const Double_t*) const;
TGenCollectionProxy::Method::Call_tvoid* (*Call_t)(void*);
- Time_tEvent time
- TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceFunc_tvoid (TPainter3dAlgorithms::*DrawFaceFunc_t)(Int_t *, Double_t *, Int_t, Int_t *, Double_t *);
- TPainter3dAlgorithms::LegoFunc_tvoid (TPainter3dAlgorithms::*LegoFunc_t)(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t&,Double_t*,Double_t*,Double_t*);
- TPainter3dAlgorithms::SurfaceFunc_tvoid (TPainter3dAlgorithms::*SurfaceFunc_t)(Int_t,Int_t,Double_t*,Double_t*);
- TProof_tTVirtualProof *(*TProof_t)(const char *, const char *, const char *,
- TSlave_tTSlave *(*TSlave_t)(const char *url, const char *ord, Int_t perf,
- TThread::VoidFunc_tvoid (*VoidFunc_t)(void *);
- TThread::VoidRtnFunc_tvoid *(*VoidRtnFunc_t)(void *);
- TVirtualBranchBrowsable::MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_tInt_t (*MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t)
- TVirtualProofMgr_tTVirtualProofMgr
UChar_tUnsigned Character 1 byte (unsigned char)
- UInt_tUnsigned integer 4 bytes (unsigned int)
- ULong64_tPortable unsigned long integer 8 bytes
- ULong_tUnsigned long integer 4 bytes (unsigned long)
- unsignedBuiltin basic type
- unsigned charBuiltin basic type
- unsigned intBuiltin basic type
- unsigned longBuiltin basic type
- unsigned long longBuiltin basic type
- unsigned shortBuiltin basic type
UShort_tUnsigned Short integer 2 bytes (unsigned short)
- Version_tClass version identifier (short)
- Visual_tVisual handle
- voidBuiltin basic type
- VoidFuncPtr_tpointer to void function
- Width_tLine width (short)
- Window_tWindow handle
Last update: Tue Jul 11 12:48:11 2006
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